Results for ' justiça, Tucídides, nomos, physis, sofistas'

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  1.  29
    Justice, Law and Power in the History of the Peloponnesian War.Adriana Nogueira - 2012 - Cultura:89-99.
    Justiça, lei e poder são três conceitos que se interligam na História da Guerra do Peloponeso, de Tucídides. Este artigo desenvolve-se em torno do confronto que se pode estabelecer entre as noções de nomos (lei) e physis (natureza), tanto em Tucídides, como nos sofistas, nos pré-socráticos, em Platão e Aristóteles.
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    Nomos, Physis, and Ethnicity in the Emperor Julian’s Interpretation of the Tower of Babel Story.John Hilton - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):525-547.
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  3. Nomos und Physis.Felix Heinimann - 1945 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    The Enduring Enigma: Physis and Nomos in Castoriadis.Suzi Adams - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 65 (1):93-107.
    The physis and nomos controversy first emerged in ancient Greek thought. This article explores Castoriadis' reactivation of the issues concerned; in particular, his radicalization of Aristotle's conception of physis and nomos. It suggests that nomos appears as multifaceted in his work. However, three key variations may be identified: empirical nomos, normative nomos and generic nomos. Empirical nomos signifies the human creation of laws. It challenges the notion, long held in western philosophy, that Being = being determined. Although all laws are (...)
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    (1 other version)De Physis à Nomos … et retour.Louis Valcke - 1979 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 53:132-140.
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    Nomos und Physis.Friedrich Solmsen & Felix Heinimann - 1951 - American Journal of Philology 72 (2):191.
  7. Physis and Nomos in Aristotle's Ethics.Thornton Lockwood - 2005 - Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter 12.
    The relationship between nature and normativity in Aristotle’s practical philosophy is problematic. On the one hand, Aristotle insists that ethical virtue arises through the habitual repetition of ethically good actions, and thus no one is good or virtuous by nature. Phusikê aretê or “natural virtue” is more like cleverness (demotes) than prudence (phronêsis) and it can result in wrong actions. Yet on the other hand, at times Aristotle appears to use nature to justify normative claims. Thus the problem with Aristotle’s (...)
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  8. Nomos und Physis.Max Pohlenz - 1953 - Hermes 81 (4):418-438.
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    Physis versus Nomos. Platons politiktheoretische Auseinandersetzung mit Kallikles, Thrasymachos und Protagoras.Heinz-Gerd Schmitz - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (4):570 - 596.
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    The Antithesis between 'Nomos' and 'Physis' in Plato's Republic : The Starting Point of 'Metapractical Discourse'.Sang-Cheol Park - 2010 - The Journal of Moral Education 22 (1):55.
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    (1 other version)La antinomia" Physis-Nomos" en la" Política" de Aristóteles.Francisco Samaranch Kirner - 1995 - Endoxa 1 (6):281.
  12.  24
    Tucídides, pensador de lo político.Andrés Di Leo Razuk - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 78.
    Una de las tantas disputas en torno a la interpretación de la obra de Tucídides estriba en determinar el género de su escritura. En este trabajo se considera a Tucídides como un pensador de lo político —es decir, un autor que identifica algunos de los rasgos subyacentes a, y fundantes de, un orden político— más que como un historiador de una guerra antigua. La aproximación que aquí se desarrolla identifica cuatro conceptos claves en el texto del pensador griego: la noción (...)
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    Platon und die Physis.Dietmar Koch, Irmgard Männlein-Robert & Niels Weidtmann (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Der vorliegende Band umfasst Beitrage zu einem zentralen Thema bei Platon: 'Physis' kann bei Platon im naturwissenschaftlichen Sinne als physische, biologische, materielle Natur oder im ubertragenen Sinne als eigenes Wesen, etwa hinsichtlich Seele, Kosmos oder Gottlichem, verstanden werden. So werden in diesem Band medizinische, biologische und kosmologische Ansatze ebenso wie ontologische, epistemologische und padagogische Themen zu Platons 'Physis'-Konzept fokussiert. Die zeitgenossische Nomos-Physis-Diskussion Platons mit den Sophisten sowie seine sprach- und kulturphilosophischen Uberlegungen spielen hier eine wichtige Rolle. Die anspruchsvolle literarische Gestaltung (...)
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    Hippias von Elis und der Physis-Nomos-Gedanke.Horst-Theodor Johann - 1973 - Phronesis 18 (1):15-25.
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    Das Wesen des Golems: Zwischen physis, nomos und techne.Nadja Ben Khelifa - 2019 - Internationales Jahrbuch Für Medienphilosophie 5 (1):247-262.
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  16. La normatività della natura : Platone e il dibattito su nomos e physis.Linda M. Napolitano - 2013 - In Gabriela Rossi, Nature and the Best Life: Exploring the Natural Bases of Practical Normativity in Ancient Philosophy. Hildesheim - Zurich - New York: G. Olms.
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    Logos y Nomos. Platón y el reto político de la sofistica en el Gorgias y el Menón.Jochen Wagner - 1994 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 10:11-32.
    El reto de la sofística obligó a Platón a afirmar el juego recíproco de Nomos y Logos, de ley y medida, para poder sostener debidamente la ilustración de la comunidad política en su intercambio retórico constante. La sofística demostró que el Nomos absoluto no existe y que son los hombres quienes tienen que forjarlo. Sobre la racionalidad de la retórica se erigió la sofística, cuyo objetivo fue ganar ilustración para las decisiones públicas. Retórica y sofística ven correctamente que la acción (...)
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  18.  11
    Paideia e physis: os conceitos de “natureza” e “educação” nas obras platônicas.André Rodrigues Bertacchi - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (25):195-210.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo examinar o sentido de physis na discussão educacional das obras platônicas, contrapondo-a com o conceito de paideia. Um primeiro momento nessa discussão ocorre no Protágoras, quando o sofista epônimo propõe que todos os homens, por sua própria natureza, partilham da virtude política, afirmando, porém, que essa virtude é ensinável. Essas duas propostas aparentemente conflitantes são conciliadas na República, em que Sócrates determina a physis e a paideia como duas condições para ser integrado à cidade (...)
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    La Pensée Politique D'Hippias.Aldo Brancacci - 2013 - Méthexis 26 (1):23-38.
    This paper offers a detailed analysis of the first part of Hippias's speech in Plato's Protagoras (337 С 5-E 2). The aim of this analysis is to show the very richness of political notions and implications of Hippias's purpose, which one can be almost considered a sort of 5th century ВС philosophical hetairies's manifesto. Our analysis clarifies the meaning of Hippias's nomos/physis antithesis and it focuses on the philosophical value of these two terms. We try to reconstruct Hippias's conception of (...)
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  20.  10
    El concepto de justicia en la filosofía de Epicuro: naturaleza y convención.Jorge Fernando Navarro - 2021 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Miño y Dávila Editores.
    En palabras de la Dra. Ivana Costa, la argumentación que aquí se propone lleva a los lectores a descubrir en la teoría epicureísta de las pasiones el fundamento de la filosofía política epicúrea [...]. Pero el eje de esta teoría está, indudablemente, en la caracterización que hace Epicuro del placer; esto es, la determinación precisa de qué lugar le cabe [...] entre los bienes para la buena vida [y] qué credenciales tiene para ser considerado el bien supremo. Este fue uno (...)
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  21.  27
    Interpretations of Plato. [REVIEW]R. J. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (2):365-367.
    The occasion for this collection of four essays—by Vlastos, Ostwald, Callahan, and Solmsen—was Plato’s 2400th birthday in 1974. We note at once the book’s most disappointing and inexplicable flaw: it includes no example of North’s own fine classical scholarship and luminous understanding of the spirit of Platonic thought. Ostwald’s essay, ranging over much of the Platonic corpus, tills the well-plowed field of Plato’s contribution to the nomos-physis problem. His thesis is clear and familiar: Plato introduces new objects, eide, into nature, (...)
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  22.  74
    Sophistical wisdom:.Christopher Lyle Johnstone - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):265-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophistical Wisdom:Politikê Aretê and “Logosophia”Christopher Lyle JohnstoneThe pursuit of Wisdom is at the center of the Western intellectual tradition, its attainment the literal ideal and end of all philosophical inquiry. It is recognized by various religions and belief systems as the key to a meaningful, fulfilling, happy life. Yet for all this, its nature remains unclear and the means of its attainment uncertain. Is it one thing, or are (...)
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  23. Redemption Through Sin: Judaism and Heresy in Interwar Europe.Benjamin Lazier - 2002 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    This is a study of the encounter with the problem of heresy in Europe between the World Wars, in Germany and among Jews above all. It is first and foremost an intellectual history, though not exclusively so, and has four related aims. It argues, first, that the advent of a heretical ideal among Jews in the interwar period marked the definitive end of a chapter in German-Jewish history that began with Moses Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn's gambit and the liberal Judaism that arose (...)
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  24. Are there Natural Rights in Aristotle?Richard Kraut - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (4):755-774.
    Before going any further, something should be said about the word "natural" that appears in my title. Miller distinguishes two ways in which rights can be called natural, and holds that Aristotle recognizes natural rights in one sense but not the other. First, "natural" can be contrasted with "conventional," "legal," and "customary." This is the familiar distinction the Greeks made between physis and nomos. Aristotle makes use of the distinction when he contrasts natural and legal justice. According to Miller, Aristotle (...)
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  25.  31
    Socrates’s Laconic Wisdom.Brian Marrin - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):183-206.
    Plato’s Protagoras is famous for Protagoras’s defense of the public practice of sophistry and his great myth, which contains his account of the origins of political life, as well as for Hippias’s rejection of the tyranny of nomos in the name of the natural kinship of the wise. What is perplexing is that Socrates makes no explicit response to these arguments. This essay argues that Socrates’s indirect response is actually contained in his otherwise unmotivated interpretation of the poem of Simonides, (...)
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  26.  22
    A Insuficiência das Leis: uma Reflexão sobre o Pensamento de Antifonte.Cristiane A. De Azevedo - 2021 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77 (1):235-250.
    In the 5th century BC, in Athens, Antiphon reflects on the relationship between physis and nómos in a way quite different from most sophists. Indeed, one of the particularities of sophist thought is to minimize physis so that thinking focus itself on nómos, on what man can, through thinking and debate, establish in regard to the common good and justice in the pólis. However, Antiphon takes up this relationship between nature and law to direct it to another path. In an (...)
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    Antiphon : la nature avec la loi et sans l’ intérêt personnel.Catherine Darbo‑Peschanski - 2013 - Philosophie Antique 13:173-223.
    L’article adopte un point de vue unitaire selon lequel sont interrogés à la fois les témoignages sur la physique d’Antiphon, les fragments du Peri aletheias, ainsi que les plaidoyers et, parmi les œuvres qu’on a longtemps considérées comme « morales », le Peri homonoias. Une analyse détaillée d’Aristote, Physique II, 193a10‑27, et de ses commentateurs anciens, ainsi que du Peri Aletheias (F44a Pendrick, col. II, 23‑30) sert de point de départ à une mise à l’épreuve ultérieure de la thèse par (...)
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    Genealogy of Ancient Philosophy in View of the “Great Quarrel”: Towards an Expository Essay.Dagnachew Desta - 2023 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):83-100.
    This article attempts to offer a critical account of the genealogy of ancient Greek philosophy in its bid to transcend the old ruling mythopoeic culture. With this in mind, emphasis is given more to the speculative character of Greek thought rather than its technical and detailed aspects. In my account of the origin of Greek philosophy, I use Plato’s famous pronouncement (Plato, The Republic, Tenth Book) about the great quarrel between philosophy and poetry as a context to provide my analysis. (...)
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  29. Miarą Jest Każdy Z Nas: Projekt Zwolenników Zmienności Rzeczy W Platońskim Teajtecie Na Tle Myśli Sofistycznej (Each of us is a measure. The project of advocates of change in Plato’s Theaetetus as compared with sophistic thought).Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2009 - Toruń: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
    Each of us is a measure. The project of advocates of change in Plato’s Theaetetus as compared with sophistic thought -/- Summary -/- One of the most intriguing motives in Plato’s Theaetetus is its historical-based division of philosophy, which revolves around the concepts of rest (represented by Parmenides and his disciples) and change (represented by Protagoras, Homer, Empedocles, and Epicharmus). This unique approach gives an opportunity to reconstruct the views of marginalized trend of early Greek philosophy - so called „the (...)
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    Law, Genre and the Voice of the Friend.Elina Staikou - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (3):283-298.
    The article attempts to think friendship in its relation to law and justice and provides some arguments for the importance of this concept in Derrida’s ethical, legal and political philosophy. It draws on early texts such as Of grammatology and reads them in conjunction with later texts such as The animal that therefore I am. The relation of friendship to law and justice is explored by means of Derrida’s notion of “degenerescence” understood as the necessity or law of indeterminateness that (...)
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    Hume and Derrida on Language and Meaning.Fred Wilson - 1986 - Hume Studies 12 (2):99-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:99 HUME AND DERRIDA ON LANGUAGE AND MEANING "...Language itself is menaced in its very life, helpless, adrift in the threat of limitlessness, brought back to its own finitude at the very moment when its limits seem to disappear, when it ceases to be self-assured, contained, and guaranteed by the infinite signified which seemed to exceed it." Is this true? What does it mean? Derrida is making a contrast (...)
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    State and Nature: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.Peter Adamson & Christof Rapp (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    A much-maligned feature of ancient and medieval political thought is its tendency to appeal to nature to establish norms for human communities. From Aristotle's claim that humans are "political animals" to Aquinas' invocation of "natural law," it may seem that pre-modern philosophers were all too ready to assume that whatever is natural is good, and that just political arrangements must somehow be natural. The papers in this collection show that this assumption is, at best, too crude. From very early, for (...)
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  33.  13
    Castoriadis at the limits of autonomy? Ecological worldhood and the hermeneutic of modernity.Suzi Adams - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (3):313-329.
    This article critically engages with Castoriadis’s elucidation of autonomy. It does so by taking into account the implications of Castoriadis’s enduring interest in the ecological devastation of the natural world, on the one hand, and the changing configuration of his philosophical anthropology, on the other—especially in regard to his reconsideration of the creativity of nature in the 1980s and the reconfiguration of the nomos and physis problematic. It contextualizes these movements in his thought within a broader hermeneutic of modernity that, (...)
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  34. Greek Ethics. [REVIEW]L. H. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):371-371.
    This brief volume is the first in a series of monographs designed to introduce the main types of ethical theory from ancient Greece to the present. The series provides an historical purview for the beginner, brief but accurate, interspersed with critical evaluation from a modern analytic point of view. Huby's volume on Greek Ethics is more expository than evaluative in nature, with most attention directed toward Plato and Aristotle. Some of the virtues of the volume, in spite of the lack (...)
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  35.  8
    A disputa ideológica entre Isócrates e Platão: consequências para a Filosofia e a Retórica.Ticiano Curvelo Estrela de Lacerda - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    No contexto da restauração da democracia ateniense no séc. IV AEC, Isócrates e Platão instituíram duas das mais proeminentes escolas filosóficas da Antiguidade e certamente as duas mais importantes do Período Clássico. Em alguma medida influenciados pela moralidade socrática voltada para o debate das virtudes, ambos são radicais opositores dos sofistas de seu tempo e do século anterior, que promoviam, segundo eles, uma educação erística ora imoral ora lisonjeadora. Com o objetivo de oferecer novas alternativas pedagógicas para a formação (...)
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  36. Discurso fúnebre de Pericles. Tucidides - 2012 - In Emilio Crespo & Plato, Platón, "Menéxeno": discursos en honor de los caídos por Atenas. Madrid: Dykinson.
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  37. Uma teoria da justiça para um mundo globalizado A Theory of Justice for a Globalized World.Uma Teoria da Justiça Para Um - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (18):57-68.
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    The Nomos of the earth.Carl Schmitt - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
  39. Nomos and phusis in democritus and Plato.C. C. W. Taylor - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (2):1-20.
    This essay explores the treatment of the relation between nature (phusis) and norm or convention (nomos) in Democritus and in certain Platonic dialogues. In his physical theory Democritus draws a sharp contrast between the real nature of things and their representation via human conventions, but in his political and ethical theory he maintains that moral conventions are grounded in the reality of human nature. Plato builds on that insight in the account of the nature of morality in the myth in (...)
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  40. From Nomos to Hegung: Sovereignty and the Laws of War in Schmitt’s International Order.Johanna Jacques - 2015 - The Modern Law Review 78 (3):411-430.
    Carl Schmitt's notion of nomos is commonly regarded as the international equivalent to the national sovereign's decision on the exception. But can concrete spatial order alone turn a constellation of forces into an international order? This article looks at Schmitt's work The Nomos of the Earth and proposes that it is the process of bracketing war called Hegung which takes the place of the sovereign in the international order Schmitt describes. Beginning from an analysis of nomos, the ordering function of (...)
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    Physis: Grundlegung zu einer Geschichte des Wortes.Harald Patzer - 1993 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden.
    Der Begriff der Natur gehort zu den grundlegenden Kategorien des abendlandischen Weltverstandnisses. Das Wort, das ihn bezeichnet, Natur, ist ein unubersetzbares Fremdwort von paneuropaischem Gebrauchsumfang. Seine lateinische Form ist jedoch selbst eine Lehnubersetzung des griechischen physis. Die Griechen waren also die Schopfer des Wortes und damit der Idee, daa die uns umgebende Welt Natur ist. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, diesen ersten Schopferakt sprachlich-semantisch zu verstehen als unentbehrliche Voraussetzung einer eigentlichen Begriffsgeschichte. (Franz Steiner 1993).
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  42. Tucidide tra filosofia politica e scienza politica: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dicembre 2009.Elena Acuti - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (12).
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  43. El" Sofista" de Platón y la concepción aristotélica del ser.Javier Aguirre - 2010 - Laguna 26:53-62.
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    Nomos and Platonism in More's Utopia.Joshua Avery - 2021 - Moreana 58 (2):177-187.
    This essay, following an existing train of scholarship working to make sense of the Platonic connection to Utopia, argues for nomos as a useful angle in furthering this understanding. Raphael's approach to politics combines with the Utopian social system to suggest a highly Platonic vision of nomos, whereby social norms are absorbed into an essentialized nature, stripped of all arbitrariness and therefore, ostensibly, perfectly rational. The result is a sterile regime that fails to acknowledge the whimsical elements necessary to the (...)
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    Tucidide e Carl Schmitt: una nota sull'uomo e la guerra.Mauro Bonazzi - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    A phýsis no Corpus hippocraticum: proposta de dois temas para o mesmo objeto.Henrique F. Cairus & Julieta Alsina - 2015 - Classica - Revista Brasileira De Estudos Clássicos 28 (1):73–93.
    O conceito de phýsis no Corpus hippocraticum parece ter dois níveis: um mais e outro menos específico. Nas passagens em que o termo phýsis não apresenta qualquer determinante ou adendo, o conceito é menos específico. Ele é mais específico, no entanto, quando o termo leva consigo adjuntos como “do homem”, “da criança”, “da mulher”, etc. Apesar de parecer esta uma questão dicotômica, há razões para crer que ela possui maior complexidade. Isto nos motivou a apresentar algumas questões que expõem um (...)
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  47. The Nomos of War: historical evolution of Bellum Iustum.Toni Roger Campione - 2007 - Rechtstheorie 38 (4):537-554.
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    Tra Tucidide e Procopio: vecchie e nuove forme di "impegno" intellettuale.Michele Ciliberto - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia 88 (1):41-58.
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    Nomos.Richard Cole - 1979 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):7-21.
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    Sofistas: testemunhos e fragmentos.Levi Condinho, Maria José Vaz Pinto & Ana Alexandra Alves de Sousa (eds.) - 2005 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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