Results for ' li 理(reason)'

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  1.  19
    Pairwise symmetry reasoning for multi-agent path finding search.Jiaoyang Li, Daniel Harabor, Peter J. Stuckey, Hang Ma, Graeme Gange & Sven Koenig - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 301 (C):103574.
  2.  20
    Public Reason as the Way for Dialogue.Hon-Lam Li - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):29-31.
    McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier (2020) state that the Christian bioethical categories, namely sin, human dignity, and the common good, can shed light on bioethical issues, whereas secular bioethics may...
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    Spatial Reasoning in Tenejapan Mayans.Anna Papafragou Peggy Li, Linda Abarbanell, Lila Gleitman - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):33.
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    Argument schemes for reasoning about trust.Simon Parsons, Katie Atkinson, Zimi Li, Peter McBurney, Elizabeth Sklar, Munindar Singh, Karen Haigh, Karl Levitt & Jeff Rowe - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (2-3):160-190.
    Trust is a natural mechanism by which an autonomous party, an agent, can deal with the inherent uncertainty regarding the behaviours of other parties and the uncertainty in the information it shares with those parties. Trust is thus crucial in any decentralised system. This paper builds on recent efforts to use argumentation to reason about trust. Specifically, a set of schemes is provided, and abstract patterns of reasoning that apply in multiple situations geared towards trust. Schemes are described in (...)
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    Should the Confucian Family-Determination Model Be Rejected? A Case Study.E. -C. Li & C. -F. Wen - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (5):587-599.
    This essay explores a tragic event that happened in China, which garnered much attention, the Li case: a young woman who was nine months pregnant and her baby died as a result of the failure to receive a medically necessary c-section due to the hospital having failed to secure her family's consent for the c-section. Differing from some critiques, this essay argues that the Li case should not be used to blame the Confucian family-determination model that has been applied in (...)
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    Turning the tables: language and spatial reasoning.Peggy Li & Lila Gleitman - 2002 - Cognition 83 (3):265-294.
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    Epistemic Reasonableness and Respect for Persons.Zhuoyao Li - 2019 - Theoria 66 (161):66-90.
    Recent discussions by Martha Nussbaum and Steven Wall shed new light on the concept of reasonableness in political liberalism and whether the inclusion of epistemic elements in the concept necessarily makes political liberalism lose its antiperfectionist appeal. This article argues that Nussbaum’s radical solution to eliminate the epistemic component of reasonableness is neither helpful nor necessary. Instead, adopting a revised understanding of epistemic reasonableness in terms of a weak view of rationality that is procedural, external and second-order rather than a (...)
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    Public Reason and Bioethics: Three Perspectives.Hon-Lam Li & Michael Campbell (eds.) - 2021 - London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores and elaborates three theories of public reason, drawn from Rawlsian political liberalism, natural law theory, and Confucianism. Drawing together academics from these separate approaches, the volume explores how the three theories critique each other, as well as how each one brings its theoretical arsenal to bear on the urgent contemporary debate of medical assistance in dying. The volume is structured in two parts: an exploration of the three traditions, followed by an in-depth overview of the conceptual (...)
  9.  5
    Moral, conventional, personal: reasons for action as dimensions of normativity.Leon Li & Sebastian Grueneisen - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Human life is infused with different kinds of normativity (e.g. instrumental, epistemic, conventional, moral). Different theorists have proposed vastly differing views on how to conceptualize the different kinds of normativity. Whereas social domain theorists have asserted that moral, conventional, and personal kinds of normativity constitute distinct thematic domains and are viewed as such even by young children, other theorists have denied that moral and nonmoral kinds of normativity are thematically distinguishable. The current paper proposes a third approach that may show (...)
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  10.  23
    Reasoning with inconsistencies in hybrid MKNF knowledge bases.S. Huang, Q. Li & P. Hitzler - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (2):263-290.
  11. Asymmetries of Value-Based Reasons.Philip Li - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Many have offered accounts of the procreative asymmetry, the claim that one has no moral reason to create a life just because it would be happy, but one has moral reason not to create a life just because it would be miserable. I suggest a new approach. Instead of looking at the procreative asymmetry on its own, we can situate it within a broader landscape of asymmetries. Specifically, there are two other analogous asymmetries in the prudential and epistemic (...)
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  12.  20
    A dynamic epistemic framework for reasoning about conformant probabilistic plans.Yanjun Li, Barteld Kooi & Yanjing Wang - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 268 (C):54-84.
  13.  21
    An interdisciplinary realist take on moral agency.Li Li - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):195-221.
    This paper reports an empirical study on moral reasoning. It seeks to answer two questions: in the moral framing of tourism matters, what does this reasoning consist of? How are these elements mobilized by actors to reach moral pronouncement(s)? Through the means of group interviews, abduction and retroduction, this study finds that moral muteness (i.e. silence to socially unacceptable conduct) seems to be the moral pronouncement that the participants are likely to conduct in a condition whereby the social and cultural (...)
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    Possible world semantics and autoepistemic reasoning.Liwu Li - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 71 (2):281-320.
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    Reasoning about cardinal directions between extended objects: The NP-hardness result.Weiming Liu & Sanjiang Li - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (18):2155-2169.
  16.  37
    Grand Family-tending, Wonderland-exploring, and Human Realization: A Comparison and Contrast between Zhang Zai’s “Western Inscription” and Kant’s “Conclusion” of the Critique of Practical Reason.Puqun Li - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (1):81-105.
    Zhang Zai’s 張載 “Western Inscription ” and Kant’s “Conclusion” of the Critique of Practical Reason are two profound pieces. As of yet, no comparative study has been made of the two. I argue that a comparative and contrasting study provides us a window into the central and powerful ideas within these two pieces. Section 2 of this article contrasts Zhang Zai’s “Heaven-Earth” with Kant’s starry heavens, his external “wonderland.” Section 3 contrasts Zhang Zai’s teaching of morality by personal commitment (...)
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    (1 other version)Optimized Gamma Synchronization Enhances Functional Binding of Fronto-Parietal Cortices in Mathematically Gifted Adolescents during Deductive Reasoning.Li Zhang, John Q. Gan & Haixian Wang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  18.  2
    Social media and digital politics: networked reason in an age of digital emotion.Li Wei - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    Instead of engaging directly with politics, citizens predominantly rely on mainstream and social media to shape their beliefs about the political landscape (Perloff, 2022, p. 108). Consequently, so...
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  19. Language and spatial reasoning.P. Li & L. Gleitman - 2002 - Cognition 3:265-294.
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  20.  14
    Bring Back Harmony in Philosophical Discourse: a Confucian Perspective.Chenyang Li - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 2 (2):163-173.
    As both Chinese philosophy and Indian philosophy have been largely marginalized on the world stage of philosophy in contemporary times, there is a pressing need to bring these voices into the discourse of world philosophy. This essay explores the value of taking into account the Confucian idea of harmony for postcolonial solitary and for a more equitable polycentric global academy. I explicate the concept and the value of harmony as exemplified in Confucian philosophy. I examine reasons of the disappearance of (...)
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  21.  5
    Shi yong li xing yu le gan wen hua =.Zehou Li - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian.
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    Rawlsian Political Liberalism, Public Reason, and Bioethics.Hon-Lam Li - 2021 - In Hon-Lam Li & Michael Campbell (eds.), Public Reason and Bioethics: Three Perspectives. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 3-57.
    This chapter is divided into two parts. In the first part, I explain the foundational differences between A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism, despite the fact that Rawls maintains the Two Principles of Justice in both works. Moreover, I expound why, in view of the fact that reasonable people would subscribe to different comprehensive religious, philosophical, and moral doctrines, Rawls needs a new foundation for social stability in a constitutional liberal democracy. I explain the connection between Rawls’ ideas of (...)
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  23.  18
    Moving at the Speed of Life: How Life Pace Influences Temporal Reasoning.Heng Li & Yu Cao - 2019 - Metaphor and Symbol 34 (3):158-166.
    ABSTRACTThe Moving Time metaphor and the Moving Ego metaphor are common in English speakers’ conceptualization of time. Previous research has suggested a broad range of factors influencing people’s...
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  24. Engelhardt on the Family.Hon-Lam Li - 2013 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine (153-160).
    Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. offers erudite and compelling arguments for the view that all families should try to realize the traditional family. Although I tend to agree with him from my personal standpoint, I doubt that this view can be justified to those with whom we are in reasonable disagreement about the family. I make three critical points. First, though Engelhardt stops short of saying that the state should encourage people to form traditonal families, or discourage those who do not, some (...)
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    A Supplementary Explanation of Subjectivity.Li Zehou - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (2):26-31.
    It came as a complete surprise to me that my paper "An Outline of a Theory Concerning the Philosophy of Kant and the Establishment of Subjectivity" [henceforth called "Outline"], written in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the publication of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and published in a relatively unknown location, gave rise to so much response. This seems to suggest that our younger generation longs to make a contribution to the fields of philosophy, and that they are (...)
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    Reopening Economies during the COIVD-19 Pandemic: Reasoning about Value Tradeoffs.Hon-Lam Li, Nancy S. Jecker & Roger Yat-Nork Chung - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):136-138.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 136-138.
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    Dar barābar-i mitāfīzīk =.Nādir Khalīlī - 2015 - Kista, Sverige: Khānah-i Farhang-i Shāmlū/Ālfābit Mākzīmā.
    Tow Philosophical book in one. written in Persian(Farsi) language. this book is describing the faces of Metaphysics like Idealism with all branches like Religions, Rationalism, Platoon, Rene Descartes and all other philosophers in group of Rationalism like Alexander Koere, Kant, Socrates, Kierkegaard, Wilhelm Leibniz etc... and their philosophy systems. Writer strongly believe that, the Metaphysics in different ways act against Humanity and all existence, so this book is telling the reader what is Metaphysics and why it's updating itself every minutes (...)
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  28.  20
    (1 other version)Lifestyle and Women's Morality.Li Jiqin & Hou Shujia - 1995 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 26 (3):75-96.
    Women's ethics are expressed in all aspects of women's thought and activity and behavior; they permeate all kinds of relationships in the sphere of social life; therefore, they are bound to be epitomized and reflected in a relatively concentrated way in women's lifestyles. For this reason, to study the kind of lifestyle women should establish for themselves, and to study the kind of relationship that exists between lifestyle and women's morality or ethics becomes an important part of the discipline (...)
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  29.  12
    Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost: Dynamic Epistemic Reasoning in Navigation.Yanjing Wang & Yanjun Li - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 559-580.
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    The Confucian Conception of Freedom.Chenyang Li - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (4):902-919.
    Freedom is intrinsic to a good life. An account of the Confucian conception of the good life must include a reasonable conception of freedom. Studies in Chinese ideas of freedom, however, have been focused mostly on Daoism. A quick survey of some fine books on Chinese philosophy shows little result on Confucian freedom.1 In this essay, I argue that attributing a notion of “free will” to Confucian philosophy has serious limitations; it will be more fruitful to draw on contemporary feminist (...)
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  31.  53
    Aesthetic Cognitive Module Theory: A Core Structure.Zhihong Li, Yanhui Wang & Fanjun Meng - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 52 (2):71.
    The purpose of aesthetic research is to uncover the internal method in human aesthetic behaviors and to answer the following questions: Where do beautiful things come from? Why are things beautiful? What is the reason that some things are beautiful while others are not? How can people derive aesthetic pleasure? Until those fundamental problems are solved, further questions cannot be answered, such as “Why do some people like certain things, while other people like other things?” and “How does human (...)
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  32.  17
    Reasoning about cardinal directions between extended objects.Weiming Liu, Xiaotong Zhang, Sanjiang Li & Mingsheng Ying - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (12-13):951-983.
  33.  68
    Idealization and Abstraction in Models of Injustice.Leif Hancox-Li - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (2):329-346.
    Charles Mills has argued against ideal theory in political philosophy on the basis that it contains idealizations. He calls for political philosophers to do more nonideal theory, namely political theory that pays more attention to the most visible oppressions in society, such as those based on race, gender, and class. Mills's argument relies on a distinction between idealization and abstraction. Idealizations involve adding false assumptions to one's model, which is unacceptable, whereas abstractions merely leave out details without undermining descriptive power. (...)
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    Decomposition and tractability in qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning.Jinbo Huang, Jason Jingshi Li & Jochen Renz - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):140-164.
  35. The confucian ideal of harmony.Chenyang Li - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):583-603.
    : This is a study of the Confucian ideal of harmony and harmonization (he 和). First, through an investigation of the early development of he in ancient China, the meaning of this concept is explored. Second, a philosophical analysis of he and a discussion of the relation between harmony, sameness, and strife are offered. Also offered are reasons why this notion is so important to Confucian philosophy. Finally, on the basis of value pluralism, a case is made for the Confucian (...)
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    Children’s Moral Reasoning: Influence of Culture and Collaborative Discussion.Xin Zhang, Yuan Li, Kim Nguyen-Jahiel, Tzu-Jung Lin, Brian Miller, Richard C. Anderson & Ting Dong - 2013 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (5):503-522.
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    The relation between semantic memory structure, associative abilities, and verbal and figural creativity.Li He, Yoed N. Kenett, Kaixiang Zhuang, Cheng Liu, Rongcan Zeng, Tingrui Yan, Tengbin Huo & Jiang Qiu - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (2):268-293.
    Research has independently highlighted the roles of semantic memory and associative abilities in creative thinking. However, it remains unclear how these two capacities relate to each other, nor ho...
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  38. Open towards the metaphysics of faith - Pope John Paul II on "faith and reason," General Theory of some soul-searching.Jieshi Sang, Hualun Kang & Zhen Li - 1999 - Philosophy and Culture 26 (12):1109-1115.
    "Reason and faith," the encyclical the starting point and focus on that grid has a bit of basic human dignity, which raise the status of the people there are things on top of everything else, and make absolutely privileged, that is, beyond the freedom to pursue of the privilege. Hella Cleveland Meadows said: "I have tried to know myself."敎were the interpretation of this motto and there is a coincidence site lattice theory: "" You should be aware of their own, (...)
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  39. The law of large numbers in children's diversity-based reasoning.Gedeon Deák, Hong Li, Yiyuan Li, Bihua Cao & Fuhong Li - 2009 - Thinking and Reasoning 15 (4):388-404.
    Adults increase the certainty of their inductive inferences by observing more diverse instances. However, most young children fail to do so. The present study tested the hypothesis that children's sensitivity to instance diversity is determined by three variables: ability to discriminate among instances ( Discrimination ); an intuition that large numbers of instances increase the strength of conclusion ( Monotonicity ); ability to detect subcategories and evaluate numerical differences between the subcategories, or Extraction . A total of 219 Chinese children (...)
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    Interpretive strategies for deductively insecure theories: The case of early quantum electrodynamics.Bihui Li - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (4):395-403.
    I describe some interpretive strategies used by physicists in the development of quantum electrodynamics in the 1930s and 1940s, using Wimsatt's account of how to reason with false models as a guide. I call these “interpretive” strategies because they were used not just to derive empirical predictions, but also to derive information about the world besides the aforementioned predictions. These strategies were regarded as mathematically unrigorous, yet they were crucial to the development of a better theory of quantum electrodynamics. (...)
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  41.  51
    A Confucian Solution to the Fungibility Problem of Friendship: Friends like Family with Particularized Virtues.Chenyang Li - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (4):493-508.
    When asked why we are friends with someone, we often point to her good virtues as reasons. If these are the reasons, we have equal reasons to be friends with anyone with such virtues, and we can even replace current friends with anyone with the same or better virtues without substantive loss in friendship. However, it does not seem right that a particular friend is replaceable by just any other person with the same or better virtues. This is the fungibility (...)
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  42.  58
    Problems with “Friendly AI”.Oliver Li - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):543-550.
    On virtue ethical grounds, Barbro Fröding and Martin Peterson recently recommended that near-future AIs should be developed as ‘Friendly AI’. AI in social interaction with humans should be programmed such that they mimic aspects of human friendship. While it is a reasonable goal to implement AI systems interacting with humans as Friendly AI, I identify four issues that need to be addressed concerning Friendly AI with Fröding’s and Peterson’s understanding of Friendly AI as a starting point. In a first step, (...)
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  43.  44
    Coincidence and Modality.Li Kang - 2012 - Dissertation, University of St Andrews
    How should we understand de re modal features of objects, if there are such features? Any answer to the question is connected to how we should think about coincident objects, objects which occupy the same spatio-temporal region and share the same underlying matter. This thesis is mainly about the connections between de re modality and coincidence. My interest in the connections is twofold: First, how do theories of de re modality interact with theories about coincidence? Details of interactions are discussed (...)
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  44.  13
    Numerical Simulation of Thrombolysis in Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation.Shunlei Li, Jiawen Pan, Juan Ji, Guanghang Wang & Baobao Qi - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    Robot-assisted retinal cannulation is an eye surgical procedure which can dissolve the obstruction by using robot to inject anticoagulant into occluded vessel. The current research on the critical parameters of cannulation for human is scarce because of the immature technology. Considering the influence of microneedle, this work investigated the effects of drug concentration, injection velocity, injection position, and size of clot on cannulation by theoretical analysis and finite element analysis. For finite element analysis, the multiphysics continuum model was established to (...)
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  45. Some Reflections on Metaphysics.Zhen Li - 2003 - Philosophy and Culture 30 (2):19-28.
    In any culture, and ultimately, philosophy, and in any kind of philosophy, metaphysics seems to always be hotly discussed subjects. Because philosophy itself is an argumentative knowledge, the most in line with human needs, and in the vast field of philosophy, metaphysics is fundamental to explore the ultimate question of the root or principle. In this reflection, only briefly on three issues: One, what is metaphysics? II, the core concept of metaphysics - there are problems with the nothingness. Parameters, and (...)
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  46.  23
    When Supervisor Support Backfires: The Link Between Perceived Supervisor Support and Unethical Pro-supervisor Behavior.Shike Li, Kriti Jain & Konstantina Tzini - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):133-151.
    Perceived supervisor support is widely studied in terms of its positive outcomes. This paper, in contrast, investigates employees’ unethical pro-supervisor behavior as a negative consequence of perceived supervisor support. Drawing upon the multifoci approach of social exchange theory and the reciprocity principle, we hypothesized that perceived supervisor support can engender unethical pro-supervisor behavior via employees’ feelings of reciprocity towards the supervisor. Building on the instrumental reasons that underlie social exchanges, we further hypothesized that this mediation relationship is stronger for employees (...)
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    Both Wittgenstein and Kant Beg the Question.Jing Li - 2018 - Philosophical Investigations 42 (1):61-65.
    I shall show that the main argument forms of Wittgenstein's Tractatus and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason are Modus Tollens. I shall then argue that the main arguments of both books beg the question by addressing only one sub-argument in each, although it is still in controversy whether begging the question is a genuine fallacy.
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    Elucidating Existenz by Reason in Karl Jaspers' Philosophy.Li Jian - 2006 - Philosophy 12:006.
  49.  32
    论积极的中庸——进取互利.Li-Jing Wang & Xin Xie - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:601-612.
    Active reciprocity is a process of human harmonious development, which is based on reciprocity. Reciprocity is the result of trichotomy and the expression of golden mean; Active reciprocity is the expression of active golden mean, which discards the passive part of reciprocity. Active reciprocity is a form of rational collectivism which, generally speaking, has two rules for individual communication behavior, namely mutually benefiting and mutually tolerating. It also has three rules for individual behavior, namely benefiting the others without harming oneself, (...)
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    Medically assisted dying in Canada and unjust social conditions: a response to Wiebe and Mullin.Timothy Christie & Madeline Li - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):423-424.
    In the paper, titled ‘Choosing death in unjust conditions: hope, autonomy and harm reduction,’ Wiebe and Mullin argue that people living in unjust social conditions are sufficiently autonomous to request medical assistance in dying (MAiD). The ethical issue is that some people may request MAiD primarily because of unjust social conditions, not their illness, disease, disability or decline in capability. It is easily agreed that people living in unjust social conditions can be autonomous. Nevertheless, Wiebe and Mullin fail to appreciate (...)
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