Results for ' modal-set-semantic'

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  1.  64
    On Logic of Strictly-Deontic Modalities. A Semantic and Tableau Approach.Tomasz Jarmużek & Mateusz Klonowski - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (3):335–380.
    Standard deontic logic (SDL) is defined on the basis of possible world semantics and is a logic of alethic-deontic modalities rather than deontic modalities alone. The interpretation of the concepts of obligation and permission comes down exclusively to the logical value that a sentence adopts for the accessible deontic alternatives. Here, we set forth a different approach, this being a logic which additionally takes into consideration whether sentences stand in relation to the normative system or to the system of values (...)
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  2. Probabilistic semantics for epistemic modals: Normality assumptions, conditional epistemic spaces and the strength of must and might.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (4):985-1026.
    The epistemic modal auxiliaries must and might are vehicles for expressing the force with which a proposition follows from some body of evidence or information. Standard approaches model these operators using quantificational modal logic, but probabilistic approaches are becoming increasingly influential. According to a traditional view, must is a maximally strong epistemic operator and might is a bare possibility one. A competing account—popular amongst proponents of a probabilisitic turn—says that, given a body of evidence, must \ entails that (...)
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  3.  69
    Kripke bundle semantics and c-set semantics.Eiko Isoda - 1997 - Studia Logica 58 (3):395-401.
    Kripke bundle [3] and C-set semantics [1] [2] are known as semantics which generalize standard Kripke semantics. In [3] and in [1], [2] it is shown that Kripke bundle and C-set semantics are stronger than standard Kripke semantics. Also it is true that C-set semantics for superintuitionistic logics is stronger than Kripke bundle semantics [5].In this paper, we show that Q-S4.1 is not Kripke bundle complete via C-set models. As a corollary we can give a simple proof showing that C-set (...)
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    Realizability semantics for quantified modal logic: Generalizing flagg’s 1985 construction.Benjamin G. Rin & Sean Walsh - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):752-809.
    A semantics for quantified modal logic is presented that is based on Kleene's notion of realizability. This semantics generalizes Flagg's 1985 construction of a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and first-order arithmetic. While the bulk of the paper is devoted to developing the details of the semantics, to illustrate the scope of this approach, we show that the construction produces (i) a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and a variant of a (...)
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  5. Autoreferential semantics for many-valued modal logics.Zoran Majkic - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (1):79-125.
    In this paper we consider the class of truth-functional modal many-valued logics with the complete lattice of truth-values. The conjunction and disjunction logic operators correspond to the meet and join operators of the lattices, while the negation is independently introduced as a hierarchy of antitonic operators which invert bottom and top elements. The non-constructive logic implication will be defined for a subclass of modular lattices, while the constructive implication for distributive lattices (Heyting algebras) is based on relative pseudo-complements as (...)
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  6.  54
    Neighbourhood Semantics for Modal Relevant Logics.Nicholas Ferenz & Andrew Tedder - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):145-181.
    In this paper, we investigate neighbourhood semantics for modal extensions of relevant logics. In particular, we combine the neighbourhood interpretation of the relevant implication (and related connectives) with a neighbourhood interpretation of modal operators. We prove completeness for a range of systems and investigate the relations between neighbourhood models and relational models, setting out a range of augmentation conditions for the various relations and operations.
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  7.  34
    A General Semantics for Quantified Modal Logic.Robert Goldblatt & Edwin D. Mares - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 227-246.
    This paper uses an "admissible set semantics" to treat quantification in quantified modal logics. The truth condition for the universal quantifier states that a universally quantified statement (x)A(x) is true at a world w if and only if there is some proposition true at that world that entails every instance of A(x). It is shown that, for any canonical propositional modal logic the corresponding admissible set semantics characterises the quantified version of that modal logic.
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  8. Relational Semantics and Domain Semantics for Epistemic Modals.Dilip Ninan - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (1):1-16.
    The standard account of modal expressions in natural language analyzes them as quantifiers over a set of possible worlds determined by the evaluation world and an accessibility relation. A number of authors have recently argued for an alternative account according to which modals are analyzed as quantifying over a domain of possible worlds that is specified directly in the points of evaluation. But the new approach only handles the data motivating it if it is supplemented with a non-standard account (...)
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  9. The acquisition of modality: Implications for theories of semantic representation.Anna Papafragou - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (3):370–399.
    The set of English modal verbs is widely recognized to communicate two broad clusters of meanings: epistemic and root modal meanings. A number of researchers have claimed that root meanings are acquired earlier than epistemic ones; this claim has subsequently been employed in the linguistics literature as an argument for the position that English modal verbs are polysemous (Sweetser, 1990). In this paper I offer an alternative explanation for the later emergence of epistemic interpretations by linking them (...)
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  10.  84
    (1 other version)Simplified Kripke style semantics for some very weak modal logics.Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (3-4):271-296.
    In the present paper we examine very weak modal logics C1, D1, E1, S0.5◦, S0.5◦+(D), S0.5 and some of their versions which are closed under replacement of tautological equivalents (rte-versions). We give semantics for these logics, formulated by means of Kripke style models of the form , where w is a «distinguished» world, A is a set of worlds which are alternatives to w, and V is a valuation which for formulae and worlds assigns the truth-vales such that: (i) (...)
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  11.  44
    Pooling Modalities and Pointwise Intersection: Semantics, Expressivity, and Dynamics.Frederik Van De Putte & Dominik Klein - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (3):485-523.
    We study classical modal logics with pooling modalities, i.e. unary modal operators that allow one to express properties of sets obtained by the pointwise intersection of neighbourhoods. We discuss salient properties of these modalities, situate the logics in the broader area of modal logics, establish key properties concerning their expressive power, discuss dynamic extensions of these logics and provide reduction axioms for the latter.
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  12. Possible-worlds semantics for modal notions conceived as predicates.Volker Halbach, Hannes Leitgeb & Philip Welch - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (2):179-223.
    If □ is conceived as an operator, i.e., an expression that gives applied to a formula another formula, the expressive power of the language is severely restricted when compared to a language where □ is conceived as a predicate, i.e., an expression that yields a formula if it is applied to a term. This consideration favours the predicate approach. The predicate view, however, is threatened mainly by two problems: Some obvious predicate systems are inconsistent, and possible-worlds semantics for predicates of (...)
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  13.  55
    Algebraic semantics for quasi-classical modal logics.W. J. Blok & P. Köhler - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):941-964.
    A well-known result, going back to the twenties, states that, under some reasonable assumptions, any logic can be characterized as the set of formulas satisfied by a matrix 〈,F〉, whereis an algebra of the appropriate type, andFa subset of the domain of, called the set of designated elements. In particular, every quasi-classical modal logic—a set of modal formulas, containing the smallest classical modal logicE, which is closed under the inference rules of substitution and modus ponens—is characterized by (...)
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  14.  62
    Quantifiers, propositions and identity: admissible semantics for quantified modal and substructural logics.Robert Goldblatt - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Many systems of quantified modal logic cannot be characterised by Kripke's well-known possible worlds semantic analysis. This book shows how they can be characterised by a more general 'admissible semantics', using models in which there is a restriction on which sets of worlds count as propositions. This requires a new interpretation of quantifiers that takes into account the admissibility of propositions. The author sheds new light on the celebrated Barcan Formula, whose role becomes that of legitimising the Kripkean (...)
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  15. Dividing things up: The semantics of or and the modal/or interaction.Mandy Simons - 2005 - Natural Language Semantics 13 (3):271-316.
    In this paper, the meanings of sentences containing the word or and a modal verb are used to arrive at a novel account of the meaning of or coordinations. It is proposed that or coordinations denote sets whose members are the denotations of the disjuncts; and that the truth conditions of sentences containing or coordinations require the existence of some set made available by the semantic environment which can be ‘divided up’ in accordance with the disjuncts. The relevant (...)
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  16.  13
    Relational Patterns, Partiality, and Set Lifting in Modal Semantics.Johan Van Benthem - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman, Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 93-119.
    We articulate a relational understanding of modality, and show it at work in a survey of pre-order models, set-lifting, and modal languages.
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  17.  43
    A study of modal logic with semantics based on rough set theory.Md Aquil Khan, Ranjan & Amal Talukdar - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):223-247.
    Volume 34, Issue 2-3, June - September 2024.
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  18.  56
    The semantic roots of positive polarity: epistemic modal verbs and adverbs in English, Greek and Italian.Anastasia Giannakidou & Alda Mari - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (6):623-664.
    Epistemic modal verbs and adverbs of necessity are claimed to be positive polarity items. We study their behavior by examining modal spread, a phenomenon that appears redundant or even anomalous, since it involves two apparent modal operators being interpreted as a single modality. We propose an analysis in which the modal adverb is an argument of the MUST modal, providing a meta-evaluation \ which ranks the Ideal, stereotypical worlds in the modal base as better (...)
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  19.  39
    Incompleteness Results in Kripke Bundle Semantics.Kazuaki Nagaoka & Eiko Isoda - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (4):485-498.
    Kripke bundle and C-set semantics are known as semantics which generalize standard Kripke semantics. In [4] and in [1, 2] it is shown that Kripke bundle and C-set semantics are stronger than standard Kripke semantics. Also it is true that C-set semantics for superintuitionistic logics is stronger than Kripke bundle semantics . Modal predicate logic Q-S4.1 is not Kripke bundle complete of the present paper). This is shown by using difference of Kripke bundle semantics and C-set semantics. In this (...)
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  20. Ontology-free modal semantics.Greg Ray - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (4):333 - 361.
    The problem with model-theoretic modal semantics is that it provides only the formal beginnings of an account of the semantics of modal languages. In the case of non-modal language, we bridge the gap between semantics and mere model theory, by claiming that a sentence is true just in case it is true in an intended model. Truth in a model is given by the model theory, and an intended model is a model which has as domain the (...)
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  21.  75
    A New Semantics for Positive Modal Logic.S. Celani & R. Jansana - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (1):1-18.
    The paper provides a new semantics for positive modal logic using Kripke frames having a quasi ordering on the set of possible worlds and an accessibility relation connected to the quasi ordering by the conditions (1) that the composition of with is included in the composition of with and (2) the analogous for the inverse of and . This semantics has an advantage over the one used by Dunn in "Positive modal logic," Studia Logica (1995) and works fine (...)
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  22.  93
    Modal semantics, modal dynamics and the problem of state preparation.Laura Ruetsche - 2003 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17 (1):25 – 41.
    It has been suggested that the Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (QM) is "incomplete" if it lacks a dynamics for possessed values. I argue that this is only one of two possible attitudes one might adopt toward a Modal Interpretation without dynamics. According to the other attitude, such an interpretation is a complete interpretation of QM as standardly formulated, an interpretation whose innovation is to attempt to make sense of the quantum realm without the expedient of novel physics. (...)
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  23.  34
    A General Semantic for Quantified Modal Logic.Robert Goldblatt & Edwin D. Mares - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 227-246.
    In "An Alternative Semantics for Quantified Relevant Logic" (JSL 71 (2006)) we developed a semantics for quantified relevant logic that uses general frames. In this paper, we adapt that model theory to treat quantified modal logics, giving a complete semantics to the quantified extensions, both with and without the Barcan formula, of every proposi- tional modal logic S. If S is canonical our models are based on propositional frames that validate S. We employ frames in which not every (...)
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  24.  77
    Prior on the semantics of modal and tense logic.M. J. Cresswell - 2016 - Synthese 193 (11).
    In celebrating Arthur Prior we celebrate what he gave to the world. Much of this is measured by what others have made of his ideas after his death. The focus of this paper is a little different. It looks at what Prior himself thought he was accomplishing. In particular it considers Prior’s attitude to the semantic metatheory of the logics that he was interested in. The paper sets out some characteristics of the metalogical study of intensional languages in terms (...)
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  25.  87
    Actualism and Modal Semantics.José L. Zalabardo - 2018 - Acta Analytica 33 (1):35-49.
    According to actualism, modal reality is constructed out of valuations (combinations of truth values for all propositions). According to possibilism, modal reality consists in a set of possible worlds, conceived as independent objects that assign truth values to propositions. According to possibilism, accounts of modal reality can intelligibly disagree with each other even if they agree on which valuations are contained in modal reality. According to actualism, these disagreements (possibilist disagreements) are completely unintelligible. An essentially actualist (...)
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  26. On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Epistemic Vocabulary.Sarah Moss - 2015 - Semantics and Pragmatics.
    This paper motivates and develops a novel semantics for several epistemic expressions, including possibility modals and indicative conditionals. The semantics I defend constitutes an alternative to standard truth conditional theories, as it assigns sets of probability spaces as sentential semantic values. I argue that what my theory lacks in conservatism is made up for by its strength. In particular, my semantics accounts for the distinctive behavior of nested epistemic modals, indicative conditionals embedded under probability operators, and instances of constructive (...)
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  27.  60
    On intuitionistic modal and tense logics and their classical companion logics: Topological semantics and bisimulations.Jennifer M. Davoren - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):349-367.
    We take the well-known intuitionistic modal logic of Fischer Servi with semantics in bi-relational Kripke frames, and give the natural extension to topological Kripke frames. Fischer Servi’s two interaction conditions relating the intuitionistic pre-order with the modal accessibility relation generalize to the requirement that the relation and its inverse be lower semi-continuous with respect to the topology. We then investigate the notion of topological bisimulation relations between topological Kripke frames, as introduced by Aiello and van Benthem, and show (...)
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  28. An alternative semantics for modal predicate-logic.Uwe Meixner - 1992 - Erkenntnis 37 (3):377 - 400.
    The semantical framework is fundamentally intensional: neither possible worlds nor sets as basic entities, but rather, besides individuals, propositions, properties and relations (in intension). Logical truth is defined in terms of logical form (without mentioning this notion) without employing sets of models and the concept of truth in a model. Truth itself is explicitly defined (without recursion); the truth-conditions for the logical constants of the object-language become theorems derivable from the axioms for "to intend"--the basic semantical relation.
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  29.  53
    Semantics: critical concepts in linguistics.Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This set brings together the most important contributions to semantic theory ranging from Gottlob Frege's 1892 essay "On Sense and Reference" to recent cutting-edge scholarship from leading journals in the field. The collection is structured around three major themes: * Fundamental notions, the relations between semantics and grammar and the relations between meaning and cognition * The semantics of basic grammatical constructions and structures, such as the semantics of determiners, nouns, adjectives and related topics including quantifier scope and the (...)
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  30. Possibility Semantics.Wesley H. Holliday - 2021 - In Melvin Fitting, Selected Topics From Contemporary Logics. College Publications. pp. 363-476.
    In traditional semantics for classical logic and its extensions, such as modal logic, propositions are interpreted as subsets of a set, as in discrete duality, or as clopen sets of a Stone space, as in topological duality. A point in such a set can be viewed as a "possible world," with the key property of a world being primeness—a world makes a disjunction true only if it makes one of the disjuncts true—which classically implies totality—for each proposition, a world (...)
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  31.  34
    Simplified Kripke Semantics for K45-Like Gödel Modal Logics and Its Axiomatic Extensions.Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez, Olim Frits Tuyt, Francesc Esteva & Lluís Godo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):1081-1114.
    In this paper we provide a simplified, possibilistic semantics for the logics K45, i.e. a many-valued counterpart of the classical modal logic K45 over the [0, 1]-valued Gödel fuzzy logic \. More precisely, we characterize K45 as the set of valid formulae of the class of possibilistic Gödel frames \, where W is a non-empty set of worlds and \ is a possibility distribution on W. We provide decidability results as well. Moreover, we show that all the results also (...)
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  32. Relational Semantics for the Paraconsistent and Paracomplete 4-valued Logic PŁ4.Gemma Robles, Sandra M. López & José M. Blanco - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (4):665-687.
    The paraconsistent and paracomplete 4-valued logic PŁ4 is originally interpreted with a two-valued Belnap-Dunn semantics. In the present paper, PŁ4 is endowed with both a ternary Routley-Meyer semantics and a binary Routley semantics together with their respective restriction to the 2 set-up cases.
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  33.  31
    Dynamic semantics versus dynamic propositionalism.Malte Willer - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Una Stojnić's Context and Coherence: The Logic and Grammar of Prominence offers a series of interesting criticisms of the classical dynamic paradigm in natural language semantics and offers a sophisticated alternative outlook, one that does recognize a dynamic, context change inducing dimension of meaning but at the same preserves the idea that (declarative) utterances express propositions in context. The purpose of this note is to set the record straight: existing dynamic analyses of modals and conditionals compare favorably with Stojnić's dynamic (...)
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  34.  97
    From worlds to probabilities: A probabilistic semantics for modal logic.Charles B. Cross - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (2):169 - 192.
    I give a probabilistic semantics for modal logic in which modal operators function as quantifiers over Popper functions in probabilistic model sets, thereby generalizing Kripke's semantics for modal logic.
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  35.  14
    Simplified semantics for further relevant logics II: Propositional Constants.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy.
    It is shown how to model propositional constants within the simplified Routley-Meyer semantics. Various axioms and rules allowingthe definition of modal operators, implicative negations, enthymematical conditionals, and propositions expressing various infinite conjunctions anddisjunctions are set forth and shown to correspond to specific frame conditions. Two propositional constants which are both often designated as “the Ackermann constant” are shown to capture two such “infinite” propositions: The conjunction of every logical law and the conjunction of every truth – what Anderson and (...)
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  36.  68
    Extending Łukasiewicz Logics with a Modality: Algebraic Approach to Relational Semantics.Georges Hansoul & Bruno Teheux - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (3):505-545.
    This paper presents an algebraic approach of some many-valued generalizations of modal logic. The starting point is the definition of the [0, 1]-valued Kripke models, where [0, 1] denotes the well known MV-algebra. Two types of structures are used to define validity of formulas: the class of frames and the class of Ł n -valued frames. The latter structures are frames in which we specify in each world u the set (a subalgebra of Ł n ) of the allowed (...)
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  37.  9
    Simplified semantics for further relevant logics II.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-31.
    It is shown how to model propositional constants within the simplified Routley-Meyer semantics. Various axioms and rules allowing the definition of modal operators, implicative negations, enthymematical conditionals, and propositions expressing various infinite conjunctions and disjunctions are set forth and shown to correspond to specific frame conditions. Two propositional constants which are both often designated as “the Ackermann constant” are shown to capture two such “infinite” propositions: The conjunction of every logical law and the conjunction of every truth –what Anderson (...)
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  38.  63
    Compatibility and accessibility: lattice representations for semantics of non-classical and modal logics.Wesley Holliday - 2022 - In David Fernández Duque & Alessandra Palmigiano, Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 14. College Publications. pp. 507-529.
    In this paper, we study three representations of lattices by means of a set with a binary relation of compatibility in the tradition of Ploščica. The standard representations of complete ortholattices and complete perfect Heyting algebras drop out as special cases of the first representation, while the second covers arbitrary complete lattices, as well as complete lattices equipped with a negation we call a protocomplementation. The third topological representation is a variant of that of Craig, Haviar, and Priestley. We then (...)
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  39. Why Semantic Unspecificity is not Indexicality.Delia Belleri - 2014 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 10 (1):56-69.
    In this paper, I address the idea that certain sentences suffer from what is generally called semantic unspecificity: their meaning is determinate, but their truth conditions are not. While there tends to be agreement on the idea that semantic unspecificity differs from phenomena such as ambiguity and vagueness, some theorists have defended an account which traces it to indexicality, broadly construed. Some authors have tried to vindicate the distinction between unspecificity and indexicality and, in this paper, I pursue (...)
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  40. Relativism 2: Semantic Content.Max Kölbel - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (1):52–67.
    In the pair of articles of which this is the second, I present a set of problems and philosophical proposals that have in recent years been associated with the term “relativism”. These problems are related to the question of how we should represent thought and speech about certain topics. The main issue is whether we should model such mental states or linguistic acts as involving representational contents that are absolutely correct or incorrect, or whether, alternatively, their correctness should be thought (...)
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  41.  25
    Kleene Algebras and Logic: Boolean and Rough Set Representations, 3-Valued, Rough Set and Perp Semantics.Arun Kumar & Mohua Banerjee - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (3):439-469.
    A structural theorem for Kleene algebras is proved, showing that an element of a Kleene algebra can be looked upon as an ordered pair of sets, and that negation with the Kleene property is describable by the set-theoretic complement. The propositional logic \ of Kleene algebras is shown to be sound and complete with respect to a 3-valued and a rough set semantics. It is also established that Kleene negation can be considered as a modal operator, due to a (...)
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  42. Transition Semantics for Branching Time.Antje Rumberg - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (1):77-108.
    In this paper we develop a novel propositional semantics based on the framework of branching time. The basic idea is to replace the moment-history pairs employed as parameters of truth in the standard Ockhamist semantics by pairs consisting of a moment and a consistent, downward closed set of so-called transitions. Whereas histories represent complete possible courses of events, sets of transitions can represent incomplete parts thereof as well. Each transition captures one of the alternative immediate future possibilities open at a (...)
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  43.  81
    Relational Semantics for Kleene Logic and Action Logic.Katalin Bimbó & J. ~Michael Dunn - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (4):461-490.
    Kleene algebras and action logic were proposed to be solutions to the finite axiomatization problem of the algebra of regular sets (of strings). They are treated here as nonclassical logics—with Hilbert-style axiomatizations and semantics. We also provide intuitive accounts in terms of information states of the semantics which provide further insights into the formalisms. The three types of "Kripke-style'' semantics which we define develop insights from gaggle theory, and from our four-valued and generalized Kripke semantics for the minimal substructural logic. (...)
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  44. Epistemic Modals.Seth Yalcin - 2007 - Mind 116 (464):983-1026.
    Epistemic modal operators give rise to something very like, but also very unlike, Moore's paradox. I set out the puzzling phenomena, explain why a standard relational semantics for these operators cannot handle them, and recommend an alternative semantics. A pragmatics appropriate to the semantics is developed and interactions between the semantics, the pragmatics, and the definition of consequence are investigated. The semantics is then extended to probability operators. Some problems and prospects for probabilistic representations of content and context are (...)
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    Common knowledge: Relating anti-founded situation semantics to modal logic neighbourhood semantics. [REVIEW]L. Lismont - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (4):285-302.
    Two approaches for defining common knowledge coexist in the literature: the infinite iteration definition and the circular or fixed point one. In particular, an original modelization of the fixed point definition was proposed by Barwise in the context of a non-well-founded set theory and the infinite iteration approach has been technically analyzed within multi-modal epistemic logic using neighbourhood semantics by Lismont. This paper exhibits a relation between these two ways of modelling common knowledge which seem at first quite different.
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    Ein Vergleich dreier aussagenlogischer Semantiken.Alexander Zimmermann - 2009 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (22):44-61.
    In this article we compare three different semantic theories for a propositional language, namely a valuation-semantic, a truth-set- semantic and a modal-set-semantic theory. We prove step by step that these semantic theories are mutually equivalent.
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  47. Logic, Semantics, and Possible Worlds.Matthew William Mckeon - 1994 - Dissertation, The University of Connecticut
    The general issue addressed in this dissertation is: what do the models of formal model-theoretic semantics represent? In chapter 2, I argue that those of first-order classical logic represent meaning assignments in possible worlds. This motivates an inquiry into what the interpretations of first-order quantified model logic represent, and in Chapter 3 I argue that they represent meaning assignments in possible universes of possible worlds. A possible universe is unpacked as one way model reality might be. The problem arises here (...)
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  48. Discovering knowability: a semantic analysis.Sergei Artemov & Tudor Protopopescu - 2013 - Synthese 190 (16):3349-3376.
    In this paper, we provide a semantic analysis of the well-known knowability paradox stemming from the Church–Fitch observation that the meaningful knowability principle /all truths are knowable/, when expressed as a bi-modal principle F --> K♢F, yields an unacceptable omniscience property /all truths are known/. We offer an alternative semantic proof of this fact independent of the Church–Fitch argument. This shows that the knowability paradox is not intrinsically related to the Church–Fitch proof, nor to the Moore sentence (...)
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  49. Carnapian and Tarskian semantics.Pierre Wagner - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):97-119.
    Many papers have been devoted to the semantic turn Carnap took in the late 1930s after Tarski had explained to him his method for defining truth and his work on the establishment of scientific semantics. Commentators have often argued that the major turn in Carnap’s approach to languages had already been taken in the Logical Syntax of Language, but they have usually assumed that Carnap was happy to subsequently follow Tarski and adopt Tarskian semantics. In this paper, it is (...)
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    Possible Worlds Semantics: A Research Program That Cannot Fail?Johan van Benthem - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (4):379-393.
    Providing a possible worlds semantics for a logic involves choosing a class of possible worlds models, and setting up a truth definition connecting formulas of the logic with statements about these models. This scheme is so flexible that a danger arises: perhaps, any logic whatsoever can be modelled in this way. Thus, the enterprise would lose its essential 'tension'. Fortunately, it may be shown that the so-called 'incompleteness-examples' from modal logic resist possible worlds modelling, even in the above wider (...)
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