Results for ' multiple educational aims and authorities'

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  1.  7
    Education.Amy Gutmann - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman, A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 498–511.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Multiple Educational Aims and Authorities Vouchers, Parental Choice, and Public Voice Curricular Controversies in a Multicultural Society Educating Cosmopolitans or Patriots? Affirmative Action, Academic Freedom, and Higher Education Democracy, Democratic Education, and Deliberation Acknowldgements.
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    Reconceptualizing the Aims in Philosophy for Children.Robert Karaba - 2012 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (1-2):50-54.
    Both Walter Kohan (2002) and Nancy Vansieleghem (2005) have questioned the aims of Philosophy for Children (P4C). It is the intention of this current paper to pursue the line of inquiry opened up by these authors, but from the standpoint of John Dewey’s pragmatism. Dewey’s philosophy shifts the focus from discovering the aim of P4C to aims in the particular contexts in which P4C operates. As such, aims in education (including P4C) are seen as: required for intelligent (...)
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    Confronting Orientalism: A Self-Study of Educating Through Hindu Dance.Sabrina D. MisirHiralall - 2017 - Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
    The author aims to use Kuchipudi Indian classical Hindu dance to educate non-Hindus about Hinduism with postcolonialism in mind. This goal arises from her dance experiences and the historical era of imperialism. Colonization occurs when those in power believe there is a need to dominate in a manner that subjugates people. Colonizers created colonies as they moved into territory because they felt there was a need to “civilize” the so-called savages of the land. Postcolonialism is an intellectual discourse that (...)
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    Education for a Flourishing Life.Boyd White - 2025 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 59 (1):108-124.
    This slim text (184 pages, including endnotes, references, and an index) makes a useful addition to the literature on K–12 curricular matters, specifically on the place of the arts and aesthetics in the curriculum. The book is, as the author proclaims, a manifesto that advocates for the teaching of the arts to “all school-aged students” (p. 1), more specifically, “aesthetic education... ought to be a compulsory part of education for all students” (p. 2). That is, for Dr. D'Olimpio, aesthetic education (...)
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    The Effect of Funding on the Results of the Pre-University Education System.Alina Căldăraru - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):273-293.
    In the context of the new paradigms of the knowledge-based economy, education and the quality of the educational system is becoming one of the strongest factors of influence. Decisions regarding the financing of education have a particular impact on the level of expenditure in the pre-university system and on the organization of the system of study courses. Furthermore, they are closely linked to the economics and accounting of pre-university education institutions. The existence or lack of material resources can greatly (...)
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    How Does the Entrepreneurship Education Influence the Students’ Innovation? Testing on the Multiple Mediation Model.Xingjian Wei, Xiaolang Liu & Jian Sha - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:448091.
    This study aims to explore the multiple mediating effects of political skills and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition between perceived entrepreneurship education and innovation. Structural equation is used to analyze data collected from 269 Chinese student entrepreneurs. Results showed that (1) There is a positive relationship between perceptions of entrepreneurship education and perceptions of innovation, (2) political skills and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition separately play a mediating role between perceived entrepreneurship education and innovation, and (3) political skills and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition (...)
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    Happiness as an aim of education.Nikola Kallová - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (2):165-174.
    This paper explores happiness as an aim of education, particularly schooling. What role does happiness play in philosophy of education? How do critics view the aims of public schooling today and its relation to happiness? Is happiness embedded in the concept of education as an aim of education? The paper explores happiness—understood inclusively as a positive mental state—by examining the relevant literature from various disciplines. It looks briefly at critical views of current trends in public school practice and concludes (...)
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    Arts-based research across textual media in education: expanding visual epistemology.Jason Dehart & Peaches Hash (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    In company with its sister volume, Arts-Based Research Across Textual Media in Education explores arts-based approaches to research across media, including film and comics-related material, from a variety of geographic locations and across a range of sub-disciplines within the field of education. This first volume takes a textual focus, capturing process, poetic, and dramaturgical approaches. The authors aim to highlight some of the approaches that are not always centered in arts-based research. The contributors represent a variety of arts-based practices and (...)
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    Reflecting on Teacher’s Authority through Hannah Arendt’s “The Crisis in Education”.Nopparat Ruankool - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (1):1-18.
    Child-centered education has become pervasive due to its emphasis on freedom, which is highly valued in modern society. This progressive approach has brought an inquiry into the teacher’s authority which is viewed as traditional and irrelevant for students today. This essay aims to step back and to explore the concept of the teacher’s ‘authority’ more deeply through Hannah Arendt’s writing entitled “The Crisis in Education”. It begins by analyzing what Arendt means by the ‘crisis’ in education, particularly in the (...)
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    Flourishing as the aim of education: a neo-Aristotelian view.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book develops a conception of student flourishing as the overarching aim of education. Taking as its basis the Aristotelian concept of eudaimonia, it provides a theoretical study of the foundations of flourishing that goes well beyond Aristotle's approach. Flourishing as the Aim of Education argues that the 'good life' of the student, to which education should contribute, must involve engagement with self-transcendent ideals and ignite awe-filled enchantment. It allows for social, individual and educational variance within the concept of (...)
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  11.  64
    The teacher is a learner: Dewey on aims in education.Atli Harðarson - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (5):538-547.
    In Chapter VIII of Democracy and Education, Dewey objects to all three of the following propositions: (1) education serves predefined aims; (2) Education serves aims that are external to the process of education; and (3) Education serves aims that are imposed by authority. From the vantage point of policy-makers and authors of curriculum guides, these three propositions seem plausible, even self-evident. In this paper, I set forth a critical interpretation and evaluation of Dewey’s objections to them and (...)
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    Accumulating academic freedom for intellectual leadership: Women professors’ experiences in Hong Kong.Nian Ruan - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1097-1107.
    Intellectual leadership indicates the informal leadership of professors based on aspects such as knowledge production and dissemination, institutional services, and public engagement. Academic freedom is considered as the overarching condition for individual academics to develop intellectual leadership. Against the backdrop of internationalisation and globalisation of higher education, academics face enormous pressures to produce measurable research outputs, deliver high-quality teaching and meet all kinds of institutional requirements. In modern universities, women scholars, as the non-traditional participants in academia, must tackle with (...) obstacles and bias brought by gender intertwined with academic discipline features, higher education institutions, and sociocultural characteristics. How do women professors protect, negotiate, or strive for academic freedom? Situated in higher education in Hong Kong, this article aims to explore how epistemological norms, institutional management, and gender influence women scholars’ academic freedom. The author has analysed how sixteen established women professors in humanities and social sciences (HSS) augmented freedom using the cumulative advantage theory. The study finds that women scholars in different sub-groups within HSS had mixed views about freedom and developed diverse patterns to seek freedom for intellectual leadership. (shrink)
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  13.  74
    The Proximate Aim of Education. [REVIEW]Peter Birch - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:236-237.
    On the whole this is a useful contribution to an understanding of the meaning and aims of Catholic Education. It analyses the meaning of ends and applies the analysis to the matter of education, examining the implications of this in practice. It is based frankly on scholastic ideas, definitions and divisions applied to the statements of Catholic educational authorities. It assumes acquaintance with scholastic philosophy; consequently those who lack a knowledge of it may find the more abstract (...)
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  14.  20
    The normativity of multiple social identity: from motivation to legitimacy.Z. V. Shevchenko & N. A. Fialko - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 22:58-66.
    _Purpose._ The authors of this article aim to reveal how motivation and legitimacy ensure the normativity of the structuring and genesis of multiple social identity. _Theoretical basis._ Social constructivism was chosen as a research methodology. It reveals social identity as an identity constructed by its bearer on the basis of ready-made versions of social identity proposed by social groups and society. Social circles, identified by Georg Simmel, unite representatives of different social groups into a wider oneness, which can be (...)
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    Professional Identity Formation in Medical Education: The Convergence of Multiple Domains. [REVIEW]Mark Holden, Era Buck, Mark Clark, Karen Szauter & Julie Trumble - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (4):245-255.
    There has been increasing emphasis on professionalism in medical education over the past several decades, initially focusing on bioethical principles, communication skills, and behaviors of medical students and practitioners. Authors have begun to discuss professional identity formation (PIF), distinguishing it as the foundational process one experiences during the transformation from lay person to physician. This integrative developmental process involves the establishment of core values, moral principles, and self-awareness. The literature has approached PIF from various paradigms—professionalism, psychological ego development, social interactions, (...)
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    Linguocultural potential of education.L. G. Sayahova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (2):108.
    An attempt to reveal the linguistic and cultural potential of education in the process of learning Russian as a means of communication, of cognition of the linguistic picture of the world and the phenomenon of culture is made in the article. The stages of development of linguocultural concept of teaching Russian language in the Republic of Bashkortostan are presented. New approaches to teaching Russian language are considered. The author shows that in the process of education, elementary literacy of students should (...)
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    A Theory of Moral Education.Michael Hand - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    Children must be taught morality. They must be taught to recognise the authority of moral standards and to understand what makes them authoritative. But there’s a problem: the content and justification of morality are matters of reasonable disagreement among reasonable people. This makes it hard to see how educators can secure children’s commitment to moral standards without indoctrinating them. -/- In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand tackles this problem head on. He sets out to show that moral education (...)
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  18. Making Peace Education Everyone’s Business.Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton - 2017 - In Lin Ching-Ching & Sequeira Levina, Inclusion, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in Young People's Philosophical Inquiry. Springer. pp. 55-65.
    We argue for peace education as a process of improving the quality of everyday relationships. This is vital, as children bring their habits formed largely by social and political institutions such as the family, religion, law, cultural mores, to the classroom (Splitter, 1993; Furlong & Morrison, 2000) and vice versa. It is inevitable that the classroom habitat, as a microcosm of the community in which it is situated, will perpetuate the epistemic practices and injustices of that community, manifested in attitudes, (...)
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  19.  50
    Handbook of philosophy of education.Randall R. Curren (ed.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Handbook of Philosophy of Education is a comprehensive guide to the most important questions about education that are being addressed by philosophers today. Authored by an international team of distinguished philosophers, its thirty-five chapters address fundamental, timely, and controversial questions about educational aims, justice, policy, and practices. Section I (Fundamental Questions) addresses the aims of education, authority to educate, the roles of values and evidence in guiding educational choices, and fundamental questions about human cognition, learning, (...)
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  20.  22
    The Educator in the Face of Reform.Enrique Gómez León & James Alison - 1999 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 6 (1):96-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE EDUCATOR IN THE FACE OF REFORM Enrique Gómez León It might be claimed that all the reforms ofthe educational systems of the wealthy nations of the West aim to accomplish the motto of the French Revolution: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. The principle goal of school today is the formation ofcitizens. Laws enshrine this sacred purpose, and politicians repeat it in every conceivable declaration oftheir programs. Public schools are (...)
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  21.  29
    Religious Education for Mentally Disabled Inclusive Students: Semi-Experimental Study-Support Education Room.Teceli Karasu & Eyup Şi̇mşek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1579-1606.
    In our country, mildly mentally disabled students are being educated in general education classes by means of integration. An individualized education program (IEP) is being prepared for these students when needed. However, the impact of BEP on students with intellectual disabilities in religious education has not yet been sufficiently discussed. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the IEP on the achievement of religious education of mentally disabled students and the level of religious learning of these (...)
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  22.  15
    Knowing Students' Characteristics: Opportunities to Adapt Physical Education Teaching.Alina Kirch, Melina Schnitzius, Sarah Spengler, Simon Blaschke & Filip Mess - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:619944.
    Physical Education (PE) aims to convey the joy of exercise and by this educate students to lifelong physical activeness. Student motivation in PE decreases during the school career. This study therefore comprehensively analyzes student characteristics determining motivation in PE:General Personality Traits, Physical Self-Concept, Achievement Motive, Motives to be physically active, andSports Interest. This contribution aims to describe students' prerequisites in the PE context by using an aggregated assessment of the abovementioned general plus sport specific characteristics and to detect (...)
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  23.  93
    Towards a specific approach to education in dental ethics: a proposal for organising the topics of biomedical ethics for dental education: Table 1.Sefik Gorkey, Tolga Guven & Gurkan Sert - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):60-63.
    Understanding dental ethics as a field separate from its much better known counterpart, medical ethics, is a relatively new, but necessary approach in bioethics. This need is particularly felt in dental education and establishing a curriculum specifically for dental ethics is a challenging task. Although certain topics such as informed consent and patient rights can be considered to be of equal importance in both fields, a number of ethical issues in dental practice are only remotely—if at all—relevant for medical practice. (...)
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  24. Authoring Selves in Language Teaching: A Dialogic Approach to Language Teacher Psychology.Shan Chen, Lawrence Jun Zhang & Judy M. Parr - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The teacher self is a composite psychological construct which encompasses the cognitive, affective, emotional, and social dimensions of teaching. This qualitative study draws on Bakhtin’s concepts of dialogism, answerability, and addressivity to discuss how English language teachers negotiated the shifting and conflictive context to construct selves in relation to the promoted communicative language teaching approach. Based on narrative interviews and classroom observations with five tertiary English teachers in China, we found that these teachers were actively engaged in the dialog with (...)
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  25.  19
    The Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory.Christopher Martin - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "Is higher education a right, or a privilege? This author argues that all citizens in a free and open society should have an unconditional right to higher education. Such an education should be costless for the individual and open to everyone regardless of talent. A readiness and willingness to learn should be the only qualification. It should offer opportunities that benefit citizens with different interests and goals in life. And it should aim, as its foundational moral purpose, to help citizens (...)
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  26.  61
    Theories of education: studies of significant innovation in western educational thought.James Bowen - 1987 - New York: J. Wiley. Edited by Peter R. Hobson.
    This book provides an analysis of the major educational theories of European culture. It covers the spectrum of educational thought from the traditional positions of Plato and Aristotle, through the opposed progressive positions of Rousseau and Dewey, to recent and contemporary variations and reactions to these viewpoints in the work of the Russian communist educator Makarenko, the behaviourist and social theorist B F Skinner, the apostle of freedom in education A S Neill, the British analytic philosopher R S (...)
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    Educational aspirations in inner city schools.Steve Strand & Joe Winston - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (4):249-267.
    This research aimed to assess the nature and level of pupils? educational aspirations and to elucidate the factors that influence these aspirations. A sample of five inner city comprehensive secondary schools were selected by their local authority because of poor pupil attendance, below?average examination results and low rates of continuing in full?time education after the age of 16. Schools were all ethnically mixed and coeducational. Over 800 pupils aged 12?14 completed a questionnaire assessing pupils? experience of home, school and (...)
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  28.  57
    Three Naive Questions: Addressed to the Modern Educational Optimism.Predrag Krstić - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (2):129-144.
    This paper aims to question anew the popular and supposedly self-evident affirmation of education, in its modern incarnation as in its historical notion. The “naive” questions suggest that we have recently taken for granted that education ought to be for the masses, that it ought to be upbringing, and that it is better than ignorance. Drawing on the tradition that calls such an understanding of education into question, the author shows that the hidden costs of disregarding such reflection end (...)
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    Landscapes of aesthetic education.Stuart Richmond - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. Edited by Celeste Snowber.
    This book brings together two experienced educators from the fields of teacher education and arts education. The authors Richmond, a photographer, and Snowber, a dancer and poet, see aesthetic education as aiming to extend creativity, appreciation of the arts and nature, and the sensuous qualities of everyday life, to gain a more intimate understanding of the self and the world. They include poetic, narrative, philosophical, and artistic ways of writing to support a more embodied and holistic aesthetics. Landscapes of Aesthetic (...)
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    Educating for Democracy.Philip Cam - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (4):37-48.
    The author, a specialist in philosophy for children who is recognized worldwide, presents the conceptual and philosophical framework within which the idea of early education in philosophical discussion is situated. A theory of education and its place in social and cultural development is the precondition to any practice aimed at doing philosophy with children.
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    Encouraging moral outrage in education: a pedagogical goal for social justice or not?Michalinos Zembylas - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (4):424-439.
    ABSTRACT Should educators encourage students to learn moral outrage in teaching about social (in)justice? If moral outrage is a catalyst for social change, to what extent can educators nurture this moral and political emotion in the classroom? These questions are at the heart of this essay. The aim is not to take sides for or against using moral outrage in education to motivate students towards change for the better, but rather to engage in an analysis and sorting through of various (...)
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  32.  16
    The Philosophy of Religious Education: An Introduction.Eugene O. Iheoma - 1997 - Fourth Dimension.
    The author is an academic educationist, and this book clearly distinguishes between religious education and religious indoctrination. It is concerned with the philosophy of religious education and is designed to acquaint the reader with the main issues involved in the debate that surrounds the place of religious education in the curriculum of the public school system in Nigeria. His contention is that religious educators, as with other disciplines, should present the subject matter as a legitimate object of enquiry capable of (...)
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  33. Philosophy of Education: An Introduction.T. W. Moore - 1982 - Boston: Routledge.
    This volume provides an introduction to the philosophy of education, which will enable students meeting the subject for the first time to find their way among the many specialized volumes. It deals in a non-technical way with the more important issues raised in a philosophical approach to education, and gives a clear idea of the scope of the subject. After discussing different theories of the aims of education, whether mechanistic or organic, the author addresses practical issues - for example, (...)
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    Higher Education in Turkey: Responding to Sustainable Development Agenda.Cihat Atar & Shukran Abdul Rahman - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):335-351.
    The study aims to review the literature that analyses the history andcurrent situation of Higher Education, henceforth known as HE, in Turkeyand to review HE agenda of the Government of Turkey in order to identify theextent to which it has responded to the sustainable development agenda. Thispaper recommends ways to improve and develop HE in Turkey so as to makeit a significant sector which prepares its stakeholders to achieve sustainabledevelopment goals. Multiple sources of information: documents onthe agenda of (...)
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  35. The (Un)bearable Educational Lightness of Common Practices: On the Use of Urban Spaces by Schoolchildren.Elisabete Xavier Gomes - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):289-302.
    The present paper is about the author’s current research on children’s education in urban contexts. It departs from the rising offer of programmes for school children in out-of-school contexts (e.g. museums, libraries, science centres). It asks what makes these practices educational (and not just interesting, entertaining and/or audience building). Based on Biesta ( 2006a , 2010 ) theory of education, the author frames and analyses the educational characteristics of, and possibilities of articulating, in and out-of-school educational practices. (...)
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  36. Free Progress Education.Marco Masi - 2017 - Indy Edition.
    Schools, colleges, and universities have become homogenizing systems that are almost exclusively focused on imposing a pre-ordered curricula through exams and grades or tight research lines. In the process, they are killing passion, creativity, and individuals’ potential and skills. Ultimately, schools and academia make up a system that serves a collective machinery but suffocates individual growth. This state of affairs is not a necessary evil. Learning, discovering and teaching can be a natural, spontaneous and luminous expressions of a free and (...)
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    Cambridge Essays in Education.A. C. Benson (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1917, this collection of essays deals with the underlying aims and principles of education, particularly in a time of social and educational upheaval. The authors, all experienced teachers and administrators, examine a wide range of topics pertaining to teaching, including athletics, the use of leisure, religion at school and the role of science. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the history of education.
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    Educational Philosophy for the Anthropocene: Zak Stein's Inquiry.R. M. Fisher - unknown
    Reimagining “humanity” is a powerful aim of the educational philosophy of Zak Stein. A relative new-comer to the field of Education and philosophy, Stein has in the last decade or so shown himself to be a potent “developmentalist,” and visionary of a “metamodern metaphysics” for reconfiguring how societies understand learning, new forms of education, and most interestingly he situates his work within a metaphysics of Love. Stein poignantly calls for a “return” to important past wisdom in transforming learning but (...)
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    Religious education in social concepts of Christian churches of Ukraine.Mykola Mykhailovych Zakovych - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:282-293.
    In their social concepts, Christian Churches attach particular importance to education. Secular education is considered in the context of modern science and culture. The Church recognizes the authority and achievements of modern science, but believes that the rational picture of the world formed by scientific research is not complete and inclusive. The religious worldview cannot be dismissed as a source of insight into the truth and understanding of history, ethics, and many other humanities that have a basis and right to (...)
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    Youth in Education: The Necessity of Valuing Ethnocultural Diversity.Christiane Timmerman, Noel Clycq, Marie Mc Andrew, Alhassane Balde, Luc Braeckmans & Sara Mels (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Youth in Education_ explores the multiple, interrelated social contexts that young people inhabit and navigate, and how educational institutions cope with increasing ethnic, cultural and ideological diversity. Schools, families and communities represent important settings in which young people must make successful transitions to adulthood, and the classroom often becomes a battleground in which these contexts and values interact. With contributions from the UK, Belgium, Germany and Canada, the chapters in this book explore rich examples from Europe and North (...)
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  41. Educating Jouy.Shelley Tremain - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):801-817.
    The feminist charge that Michel Foucault's work in general and his history of sexuality in particular are masculinist, sexist, and reflect male biases vexes feminist philosophers of disability who believe his claims about (for instance) the constitution of subjects, genealogy, governmentality, discipline, and regimes of truths imbue their feminist analyses of disability and ableism with complexity and richness, as well as inspire theoretical sophistication and intellectual rigor in the fields of philosophy of disability and disability studies more generally. No aspect (...)
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    Epistemic injustice in education: exploring structural approaches, envisioning structural remedies.A. C. Nikolaidis - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (4-5):842-861.
    Since the publication of Miranda Fricker’s seminal book Epistemic Injustice, philosophy of education scholarship has been mostly limited to analyses of culprit-based epistemic injustice in education. This has left structural manifestations relatively underexplored with great detriment to those who are most vulnerable to experience such injustice. This paper aims to address this oversight and open avenues for further research by exploring approaches to theorizing structural epistemic injustice in education and envisioning efficacious remedies. The author identifies three approaches: one that (...)
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    Equality in multiplicity: Reassessing Irigaray's multicultural feminism.Monica Mookherjee - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (3):297-323.
    Luce Irigaray classically challenges what she takes to be the masculine foundations of knowledge in Western liberal culture. The present article contends not only that this epistemological challenge implicates a radical feminist politics, but that it is also more helpful in formulating a multicultural feminist theory than is often acknowledged by her readers. This is because her account responds to the false neutrality of liberal feminist approaches to multiculturalism. It does so by supporting, at the socio-political level, transformative genealogical practices (...)
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    Clinicians' perspectives on the duty of candour: Implications for medical ethics education.George E. Fowler & Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidt - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (4):167-173.
    ContentTruth-telling is an integral part of medical practice in many parts of the world. However, recent public inquiries, including the Francis Inquiry reveal that a duty of candour in practise, are at times compromised. Consequently, the duty of candour became a statutory requirement in England. This study aimed to explore clinicians’ perspectives of the implications of the legislation for medical ethics education, as raising standards to improve patient safety remains an international concern.MethodsOne-to-one interviews with clinical educators from various specialties who (...)
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    Liberal Education: The United States Example.K. Anthony Appiah - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg, Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    Anthony Appiah’s essay on liberal education in the United States begins by identifying a distinctive feature of classical liberalism – namely, that the state must respect substantial limits with respect to its authority to impose restrictions on individuals, even for their own good. Nevertheless, Appiah points out, the primary aim of liberal education is to ‘maximize autonomy not to minimize government involvement’. Most of the essays in this volume, including Appiah’s, are attempts to address the question of what the liberal (...)
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    The Art of Humane Education.Donald Phillip Verene - 2002 - Cornell University Press.
    In The Art of Humane Education, Donald Phillip Verene presents a new statement of the classical and humanist ideals that he believes should guide education in the liberal arts and sciences. These ideals are lost, he contends, in the corporate atmosphere of the contemporary university, with its emphasis on administration, faculty careerism, and student performance. Verene addresses questions of how and what to teach and offers practical suggestions for the conduct of class sessions, the relationship between teacher and student, the (...)
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  47.  18
    How Does the Social Support Influence Junior College Students’ Occupational Identity in Pre-school Education?Jie Huang, Tianqi Qiao, Zhanmei Song & Jingfeng Yan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the multiple mediating effects of achievement motivation and subjective wellbeing between social support and individual occupational identity.MethodsQuestionnaire method was used in this study. 565 junior college students majoring in pre-school education were tested by social support scale, achievement motivation scale, subjective wellbeing scale, and occupational identity scale.Results There isn’t significant relationship between perceptions of social support and individual occupational identity. Achievement motivation and subjective wellbeing individually play a mediating role between social support and individual (...)
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    Contextualising religious education – Different understandings of teaching in Sami confirmation courses.Johan Runemark Brydsten - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):8.
    For the last 30 years, the Church of Sweden, along with other institutions, has offered special confirmation courses for the church’s young Sami members. The organisers and teachers involved with these Sami confirmation courses all stress the necessity of adapting their teaching to fit Sami contexts. Their views are supported by various steering documents, but the wording of these documents leaves room for differing interpretations, which has resulted in multiple understandings of what concrete adjustments should be implemented in the (...)
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    A Case Study of Teaching Social Responsibility to Doctoral Students in the Climate Sciences.Tom Børsen, Avan N. Antia & Mirjam Sophia Glessmer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1491-1504.
    The need to make young scientists aware of their social responsibilities is widely acknowledged, although the question of how to actually do it has so far gained limited attention. A 2-day workshop entitled “Prepared for social responsibility?” attended by doctoral students from multiple disciplines in climate science, was targeted at the perceived needs of the participants and employed a format that took them through three stages of ethics education: sensitization, information and empowerment. The workshop aimed at preparing doctoral students (...)
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    Transformational diaconia as educative praxis in care within the present poverty-stricken South African context.Smith F. K. Tettey & Malan Nel - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):11.
    This article explores how ministerial and leadership formation could be enabled to adopt transformational diaconia in addressing poverty in South Africa, engaging in ways in which pastoral care and leadership formation can respond to the addressing of poverty. The fact that transformation aims at changing the worldviews, paradigms and approaches to life and problem solving informs the author’s concept of transformational diaconia, which was proposed as an aspect of spiritual leadership capital (SLC), defined as, ‘The inner virtues afforded individuals (...)
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