Results for ' normative authority'

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  1.  75
    On the Normative Authority of Others.Yonatan Shemmer - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (2):517-521.
    Gibbard argues that we have to accord others a certain fundamental epistemic normative authority. To avoid skepticism we must accept some of our normative principles; since the influence of others was a major factor in the process that led us to adopt them, we must accord others fundamental normative authority. The argument ought to be of interest to a wide range of philosophers, since while compatible with expressivism, it does not assume expressivism. It has rarely (...)
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  2. A coherentist theory of normative authority.Linda Radzik - 2002 - The Journal of Ethics 6 (1):21-42.
    What makes an ``ought'''' claim authoritative? What makes aparticular norm genuinely reason-giving for an agent? This paper arguesthat normative authority can best be accounted for in terms of thejustification of norms. The main obstacle to such a theory, however, isa regress problem. The worry is that every attempt to offer ajustification for an ``ought'''' claim must appeal to another ``ought''''claim, ad infinitum. The paper argues that vicious regress canbe avoided in practical reasoning in the same way coherentists avoid (...)
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    Normative authority for empirical science.Wim de Muijnck - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (3):263-275.
    In this article I explore the hypothesis of normative authority by epistemic authority. This is the idea that scientifically warranted claims in psychology, in being claims about human needs, interests, and concerns, can acquire authority on which values do or do not merit endorsement. The hypothesis is applied to attachment research: it seems that on the basis of what is now known about attachment, specific normative conclusions seem warranted. I argue that although attachment research and (...)
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    Normative Authority and the Foundations of Ethics.Matthew E. Silverstein - unknown
    My dissertation explores the foundations of ethics—the question of whether and where practical justification comes to an end. What reason do we have to be moral? Is the fact that something is pleasurable at least a defeasible reason to pursue it, and if so, why? I argue that the only way to answer such questions is to look at what is constitutive of action. Nonnormative facts about the nature of agency can ground the normative authority of reasons for (...)
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  5. Justice, Legitimacy, and (Normative) Authority for Political Realists.Enzo Rossi - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (2):149-164.
    One of the main challenges faced by realists in political philosophy is that of offering an account of authority that is genuinely normative and yet does not consist of a moralistic application of general, abstract ethical principles to the practice of politics. Political moralists typically start by devising a conception of justice based on their pre-political moral commitments; authority would then be legitimate only if political power is exercised in accordance with justice. As an alternative to that (...)
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  6. Gibbard on normative logic.Review author[S.]: Simon Blackburn - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (4):947-952.
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  7. Incorrigible Norms: Foundationalist Theories of Normative Authority.Linda Radzik - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38 (4):633-649.
    What makes a norm a genuinely authoritative guide to action? For many theorists, the answer takes a foundationalist form, analogous to foundationalism in epistemology. They say that there is at least one norm that is justified in itself. On most versions, the norm is said to be incorrigibly authoritative. All other norms are justified in virtue of their connection with it. This essay argues that all such foundationalist theories of normative authority fail because they cannot give an account (...)
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    Practice, Ethical Life and Normative Authority: The Problem of Alienation in Steven Vogel's Environmental Philosophy.Simon Lumsden - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (6):719-737.
    In Thinking like a Mall Steven Vogel argues that there is no authoritative nature independent of human standards to which one can appeal to correct damaging environmental practices. Human practices are the only basis for interpreting the environment and our ecologically destructive practices have made our environment into the degraded thing that it is. Revising these flawed practices requires becoming alienated from them; only then can we be responsible for them. Alienation is overcome by a democratic community who chooses the (...)
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  9. Relational autonomy, normative authority and perfectionism.Catriona Mackenzie - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (4):512-533.
  10.  25
    The Normative Authority of Social Practices: A Critical Theoretical Reading of Hegel’s Introduction to the Philosophy of Right.Erick Lima - 2020 - Hegel Bulletin 41 (2):271-293.
    What follows is an attempt to interpret Hegel’s Introduction to thePhilosophy of Rightin a way that explores the thesis of reason’s social character in light of the recent debate on Hegel’s theory of practical normativity. The discussion aims to highlight Hegel’s commitment to a ‘reconstructive’ version of the ‘immanent transcendence’ motive of Critical Theory and, more generally, to a programmatic critique of ‘deficient’ rationality and its effects on practice.
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    Authenticity and Normative Authority: Addressing the Agency Dilemma with Values of One’s Own.Kathryn MacKay - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (3):349-370.
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    Nonfactualism about normative discourse.Review author[S.]: Peter Railton - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (4):961-968.
  13. The Problem of Normative Authority in Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche.Paul Katsafanas - 2017 - In D. Owen & A. Ridley (eds.), Nietzsche, Morality, and the Ethical Tradition.
    Kant and Hegel share a common foundational idea: they believe that the authority of normative claims can be justified only by showing that these norms are self-imposed or autonomous. Yet they develop this idea in strikingly different ways: Kant argues that we can derive specific normative claims from the formal idea of autonomy, whereas Hegel contends that we use the idea of freedom not to derive, but to assess, the specific normative claims ensconced in our social (...)
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    Author Biographies.Norm Friesen - 2014 - Phenomenology and Practice 8 (2):62-63.
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    Science and normative authority.Jeanette Kennett - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (3):229-235.
    Philosophical Explorations, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 229-235, September 2011.
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  16. Mere formalities: fictional normativity and normative authority.Daniel Wodak - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (6):1-23.
    It is commonly said that some standards, such as morality, are ‘normatively authoritative’ in a way that other standards, such as etiquette, are not; standards like etiquette are said to be ‘not really normative’. Skeptics deny the very possibility of normative authority, and take claims like ‘etiquette is not really normative’ to be either empty or confused. I offer a different route to defeat skeptics about authority: instead of focusing on what makes standards like morality (...)
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  17. Handout #7: Normative authority and Korsgaardian rationalism.David O. Brink - unknown
    In The Sources of Normativity (1996) Christine Korsgaard provides a dialectical examination of different conceptions of the sources of normativity or reasons -- conceptions that appeal to voluntarism, realism, and reflective endorsement -- that culminates in her own Kantian or neo- Kantian conception of normativity that is grounded in autonomy. Her method is dialectical (Dialectical) inasmuch as her neo-Kantian conception is supposed to reveal the truth or grain of truth in each of the three prior conceptions. Korsgaard begins Lecture 1 (...)
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  18. Handout #6: Normative authority and Nagelian rationalism.David O. Brink - unknown
    Thomas Nagel's The Possibility of Altruism (1970) is one of the few sustained attempts to reject instrumental and prudential conceptions of practical reason and to defend the possibility of practical reason that is impartial or altruistic. Nagel makes claims about both moral motivation and practical reason, and each claim has both negative and positive constituents.
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  19. Handout #8: Normative authority and metaphysical egoism.David O. Brink - unknown
    Doubts about the adequacy of appeals to impartial practical reason give those with rationalist sympathies reason to explore the metaphysical, and not merely strategic, reconciliation of prudence and altruism contained in metaphysical egoism. Even if we recognize impartial practical reason, the supremacy of moral demands may depend upon the plausibility of metaphysical egoism. For as long as we recognize the demands of prudence, the conflict between altruism and prudence will threaten altruism's supremacy. We might consider one version of metaphysical egoism (...)
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    Legal responsibility adjudication and the normative authority of the mind sciences.Nicole A. Vincent - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (3):315-331.
    In the field of ?neurolaw?, reformists claim that recent scientific discoveries from the mind sciences have serious ramifications for how legal responsibility should be adjudicated, but conservatives deny that this is so. In contrast, I criticise both of these polar opposite positions by arguing that although scientific findings can have often-weighty normative significance, they lack the normative authority with which reformists often imbue them. After explaining why conservatives and reformists are both wrong, I then offer my own (...)
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  21. Natural Normativity and the Authority-of-Nature Challenge.Jessy Jordan - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):23-36.
    Proponents of natural normativity maintain that the moral evaluation of human beings shares a certain common conceptual pattern with the evaluation of other living things. The adequacy of this analogy has been challenged, with opponents arguing that because humans are rational, there is a gap between what is natural and what is normative for humans. Rational creatures, the argument goes, are importantly different from non-rational living things in that reason includes the ability to step back from what is natural (...)
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  22.  44
    Why should I be moral? : toward a defence of the categoricity and normative authority of moral considerations.Kent Hurtig - 2004 - Dissertation, St. Andrews
    Can we ever be fully practically justified in acting contrary to moral demands? My contention is that the answer is 'no'. I argue that by adopting a 'buck-passing' account of wrongness we can provide a philosophically satisfying answer to the familiar 'why should I be moral?'. In working my way toward the buck-passing account of wrongness, I outline the metaethical and 'metanormative' assumptions on which my theory stands. I also consider and reject the 'internalist' answer to 'why should I be (...)
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    What Is Pedagogy? Discovering the Hidden Pedagogical Dimension.Norm Friesen & Hanno Su - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (1):6-28.
    What is pedagogy, exactly? Merriam-Webster defines it simply as “the art, science, or profession of teaching.” In contemporary academic discourse, however, pedagogy is generally left undefined — with its apparent implicit meanings ranging anywhere from a specific “model for teaching” (e.g., behaviorist or progressivist instruction) to a broadly political philosophy of education in general (most famously, a “pedagogy of the oppressed”). In this paper, Norm Friesen and Hanno Su follow the Continental pedagogical tradition in giving pedagogy a general but explicit (...)
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  24.  59
    Search, Seizure, and Immunity: Second-Order Normative Authority and Rights.Stephen E. Henderson & Kelly Sorensen - 2013 - Criminal Justice Ethics 32 (2):108-125.
    A paradigmatic aspect of a paradigmatic kind of right is that the rights holder is the only one who can alienate it. When individuals waive rights, the normative source of that waiving is normally taken to be the individual herself. This moral feature?immunity?is usually in the background of discussions about rights. We bring it into the foreground here, with specific attention to a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Kentucky v. King (2011), concerning search and seizure rights. An entailment of (...)
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  25.  86
    Beyond Authority: Hinge Constitutivism about Epistemic Normativity.Luca Zanetti - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):2261-2283.
    According to constitutivism, we can justify the authority of aims and norms on the ground that they are inescapable. Constitutivist views divide between ambitious and modest ones. According to ambitious constitutivism, the inescapability of aims grounds their unconditional authority, whereas according to modest constitutivism, the inescapability of aims only grounds their conditional authority. Either way, both forms of constitutivism share the assumption that inescapability grounds authority, which in turn presupposes that at the foundation of normativity we (...)
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  26.  30
    Thèses de doctorat soutenues.No Author - 2005 - Methodos 5.
    LEGRAND Stéphane, Le normal et l'anormal (une archéologie du concept de norme dans l'oeuvre de Michel Foucault). Thèse soutenue à l’Université de Lille III, le lundi 8 décembre 2003. Composition du jury : M. Etienne Balibar, Professeur émérite à l'Université de Paris X-Nanterre M. Didier Deleule, Professeur à l'Université de Paris X-Nanterre M. Frédéric Worms, Professeur à l'Université de Lille III M. Pierre Macherey, Professeur à l'Université de Lille III, Directeur de thèse. Nous nous effo..
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  27. (1 other version)Hume on Practical Reason: Against the Normative Authority of Reason.Karl Schafer - forthcoming - In Oxford Handbook of David Hume. Oxford University Press.
    In broad outlines, the first of these claims that beliefs and other cognitive states, on their own, can never motivate a new desire, intention, or action. Rather, on this view, what motivates us to desire, intend, or act is always the cooperation of some desire (or other conative state) with such cognitive states. Thus, on HTM, practical motivation is always the product of two fundamentally distinct categories of mental states operating in conjunction with one another.
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  28. Katharina Nieswandt, Concordia University.Authority & Interest in the Theory Of Right - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott (eds.), Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  29. (1 other version)Prospects for a naturalization of practical reason: Humean instrumentalism and the normative authority of desire.Robert Audi - 2002 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10 (3):235 – 263.
    This is an age of naturalization projects. Much epistemological work has been done toward naturalizing theoretical reason. One might view Hume as seeking to naturalize reason in both the theoretical (roughly, epistemological) and the practical realms. I suggest that whatever else underlies the vitality of Hume's instrumentalism - encapsulated in his view that 'reason is and ought only to be the slave of the passions' - one incentive is the hope of naturalizing practical reason. This paper explores some broadly Humean (...)
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  30. The authority of social norms.Nicholas Southwood - 2010 - In Michael S. Brady (ed.), New Waves in Metaethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  31.  39
    Legal Authority and the Dead Hand of the Past. Dworkin's Law's Empire and Plato's Laws on Legal Normativity.Andrés Rosler - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy Today 4 (Supplement):45-65.
    According to Ronald Dworkin's mature views on jurisprudence, legal normativity depends on judges’ views about political morality. Plato's own mature views on this subject seem to take the contrary position as he claims that the law is expected to be authoritative in order to preserve a given state of affairs. Therefore, in Plato's view judges are not expected to interpret the law ubiquitously according to their own standards of political morality. In what follows, the discussion starts off by offering a (...)
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  32. Normative Consent and Authority.Daniel Koltonski - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (3):255-275.
    In his recent book Democratic Authority, David Estlund defends a strikingly new and interesting account of political authority, one that makes use of a distinctive kind of hypothetical consent that he calls ‘normative consent’: a person can come to have a duty to obey another when it is the case that, were she given the chance to consent to the duty, she would have a duty to consent to it. If successful, Estlund’s account promises to provide what (...)
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  33. Demystifying Normativity: Morality, Error Theory, and the Authority of Norms.Eline Gerritsen - 2022 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews, University of Stirling & University of Groningen
    We are subject to many different norms telling us how to act, from moral norms to etiquette rules and the law. While some norms may simply be ignored, we live under the impression that others matter for what we ought to do. How can we make sense of this normative authority some norms have? Does it fit into our naturalist worldview? Many philosophers claim it does not. Normativity is conceived to be distinct from ordinary natural properties, making it (...)
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    The Authority of Norms.Bruno Verbeek - 2007 - American Philosophical Quarterly 44 (3):245 - 258.
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  35. XV—Normative Non-Naturalism and the Problem of Authority.Shamik Dasgupta - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (3):297-319.
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  36. Normative Consent and Epistemic Conceptions of Democratic Authority.James Hall - 2024 - Dissertation, Arizona State University
    This work has two major goals. The first is to reframe the problem of political authority from its Conservative framing to a Reformist framing. This change creates a new benchmark for the success of a theory. Rather than justifying a pre-existing intuition, a theory can be successful if it could establish political authority whenever the state itself or an individual’s relationship to it changes. This change also shifts the focus from the state’s right to rule to moral housekeeping. (...)
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    Law, norms, and authority.George C. Christie - 1982 - London: Duckworth.
    "To what extent can legal decisions be objective and fair, and how far does government depend on the law for its legitimacy? This concise analytical book examines the theory of both individual and political justice, concluding that many modern legal philosophers have undermined the prestige of the law by exaggerated claims in its defence. This is a basic book in jurisprudence"--Jacket.
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  38. Deliberative Authority and Representational Determinacy: A Challenge for the Normative Realist.Tristram McPherson - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6.
    Controversy about the credibility of normative realism is endemic to contemporary metaethics. Some take realism to be “obviously, the default position,” while others, to put it mildly, do not., In the face of such persistent controversy, it can be valuable to step back from the myriad arguments for and against realism, and seek to understand the challenges that face this view in their deepest and most general form. This paper aims to achieve this deeper understanding with respect to a (...)
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  39.  41
    Normative Theory and the COVID Pandemic: Author’s Response to Miriam Solomon and Inmaculada de Melo-Martín.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):116-130.
    It is a thrill to have two scholars whom I admire greatly commenting on my own work. I want to thank Professors Miriam Solomon and Inmaculada de Melo-Martin for their careful reading and attention to the book. I found their positive evaluation of the research very encouraging and still both commentaries offer critical challenges that warrant attention. This response will address two points of discussion: normative theorizing on trust; whether the conceptual resources, specifically the crisis of trust framework, can (...)
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  40. Autonomy and the authority of personal commitments: From internal coherence to social normativity.Joel Anderson - 2003 - Philosophical Explorations 6 (2):90 – 108.
    It has been argued - most prominently in Harry Frankfurt's recent work - that the normative authority of personal commitments derives not from their intrinsic worth but from the way in which one's will is invested in what one cares about. In this essay, I argue that even if this approach is construed broadly and supplemented in various ways, its intrasubjective character leaves it ill-prepared to explain the normative grip of commitments in cases of purported self-betrayal. As (...)
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    The Authority of Teachers : From the Nature of Knowledge and Moral Norms.Jong-Gwan Hwang - 2001 - Journal of Moral Education 13 (2):47.
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    Justification and the authority of norms.Linda Radzik - 2000 - Journal of Value Inquiry 34 (4):451-461.
    What features does a norm have to have such that we really ought to follow it? This paper argues that norms are authoritative when they are justified in a particular sense. However, this brand of justification is not any of those with which we are currently familiar. The authority of norms is not a matter of moral, epistemic or prudential justification. It depends instead on what I call "justification simpliciter." The concept of justification simpliciter is defined and defended in (...)
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  43. Author’s Reply: Negligence and Normative Import.Katrina L. Sifferd & Tyler K. Fagan - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (2):353-371.
    In this paper we attempt to reply to the thoughtful comments made on our book, Responsible Brains, by a stellar group of scholars. Our reply focuses on two topics discussed in the commenting papers: first, the issue of responsibility for negligent behavior; and second, the broad claim that facts about brain function are normatively inert. In response to worries that our theory lacks normative implications, we will concentrate on an area where our theory has clear relevance to law and (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Authoritatively Normative Concepts.Tristram McPherson - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This paper offers an analysis of the authoritatively normative concept PRACTICAL OUGHT that appeals to the constitutive norms for the activity of non-arbitrary selection. I argue that this analysis permits an attractive and substantive explanation of what the distinctive normative authority of this concept amounts to. I contrast my account with more familiar constitutivist theories, and briefly show how it answers ‘schmagency’-style objections to constitutivist explanations of normativity. Finally, I explain how the account offered here can be (...)
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  45.  71
    The Authority and Content of Morality: A Dilemma for Constitutivism and a Coherentist Approach to Normativity.Byeong D. Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-18.
  46. Legal positivism and 'explaining' normativity and authority.Brian Bix - 2006 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter 5 (2 (Spring 2006)):5-9.
    It has become increasingly common for legal positivist theorists to claim that the primary objective of legal theory in general, and legal positivism in particular, is "explaining normativity." The phrase "explaining normativity" can be understood either ambitiously or more modestly. The more modest meaning is an analytical exploration of what is meant by legal or moral obligation, or by the authority claims of legal officials. When the term is understood ambitiously - as meaning an explanation of how conventional and (...)
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  47. First-personal authority and the normativity of rationality.Christian Coons & David Faraci - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (4):733-740.
    In “Vindicating the Normativity of Rationality,” Nicholas Southwood proposes that rational requirements are best understood as demands of one’s “first-personal standpoint.” Southwood argues that this view can “explain the normativity or reason-giving force” of rationality by showing that they “are the kinds of thing that are, by their very nature, normative.” We argue that the proposal fails on three counts: First, we explain why demands of one’s first-personal standpoint cannot be both reason-giving and resemble requirements of rationality. Second, the (...)
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  48. Epistemic Authority, Preemption and Normative Power.Benjamin McMyler - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (4):101--119.
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    Author meets critics: Matti Eklund’s choosing normative concepts.Kris McDaniel - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (5):475-488.
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    Normative Isolation: The Dynamics of Power and Authority in Gaslighting.Carla Bagnoli - 2023 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 97 (1):146-171.
    Gaslighting is a form of domination which builds upon multiple and mutually reinforcing strategies that induce rational acquiescence. Such abusive strategies progressively insulate the victims and inflict a loss in self-respect, with powerful alienating effects. In arguing for these claims, I reject the views that gaslighting is an epistemic or structural wrong, or a moral wrong of instrumentalization. In contrast, I refocus on personal addresses that use, affect, and distort the very practice of rational justification. Further, I argue that the (...)
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