Results for ' parabole'

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  1.  15
    Parabolic Life: Toward an Ethics of God’s Apocalypse.Philip G. Ziegler - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (4):426-438.
    Christian ethicist Nancy Duff has suggested that an apocalyptic hearing of the gospel elicits a parabolic understanding of the Christian moral life. How might the theological basis and rationale of this claim be elaborated? What is it about human life funded by the gospel of God’s apocalypse in Jesus Christ that makes ‘parable’ an apt description of the quality of its action? And how might these notions be elaborated to enrich our understanding of responsible moral action more generally? This article (...)
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    La poétique de la parabole chez Pier Paolo Pasolini : autour du film La Ricotta.Simon Kim - 2017 - ThéoRèmes 10 (1).
    La Ricotta est un moyen métrage pour lequel Pasolini fut condamné pour blasphème. Il met en scène le tournage de la Passion du Christ mais en s’attardant sur un pauvre figurant, Stracci, engagé pour tenir le rôle du bon larron. Affamé, Stracci se gave de ricotta juste avant le tournage de la scène où il doit figurer "crucifié". Pris d’indigestion, il meurt devant la caméra. À côté de la critique sociale, ce film, court par sa durée, n’en est pas moins (...)
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  3. La parabole du fils prodigue (Arras, 27-28 mars 2008).Jean-Pierre Delville - 2008 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 39 (3):447-450.
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    Parabolic Philosophies.Patricia MacCormack - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (6):179-187.
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    Parabole lucane della misericordia nel Commento di Origene alla lettera ai Romani.M. G. Mara - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (2):311-319.
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    Métaphores, paraboles et analogie: La référence à la théologie dans la pensée de Paul Ricœur.Gilbert Vincent - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (2):92-109.
    It is acknowledged that the study of metaphor is a key inflection in Ricœur’s heremeneutics. It is perhaps less well known that this study is concomittant with one of parables, which represents an equally noteworthy inflection in Ricœur’s contribution to Biblical hermeneutics. Some, however, use this concommitance to argue that the transfer of some theological presuppositions (as to the nature of language and the Truth) is facilitated by this and then do not hesitate to claim that the pages devoted to (...)
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  7. Paraboles et catastrophes.R. Thom, G. Giorello & S. Morini - 1985 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (1):126-127.
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  8. Parabole d'Evangile, parabole du Royaume.François Bovon - 1990 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 122 (1):33-41.
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  9. Une parabole cachée dans le quatrième évangile.”.C. H. Dodd - 1962 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 42:107-15.
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    La parabole des vignerons homicides : authenticité et visée première.Michel Hubaut - 1975 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 6 (1):51-61.
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  11. Le parabole di gesù sulla saggezza: Ricerca di Una cristologia sapienziale implicita nei vangeli sinottici.Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen - 2011 - Miscellanea Francescana 111 (1-2):208-235.
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  12. Parabole e Catastrofi.René Thom, Guilio Giorello & Simona Morini - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (4):488-495.
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  13. Paraboles et catastrophes. Entretiens sur les mathématiques, la science et la philosophie.R. Thom, G. Giorello & S. Morini - 1984 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (1):122-124.
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    Parabole and Parrhesia in Mark.Jonathan Bishop - 1986 - Interpretation 40 (1):39-52.
    Careful attention to the regular pattern of contrasting parable with explanation, mystery with interpretation, and crowd with disciples allows the careful reader to gain new insight into the scope and purpose of Mark's enterprise as a whole.
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    Les paraboles du Christ aveugle (C. Murray) sous les feux croisés de l’exégèse, la christologie de la libération et la philosophie de la déconstruction.Geneviève Fabry - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 14 (14).
    The starting point of this study is the observation of a new importance of philosophy « in the post-metaphysical era » (according to the expression of J.-L. Schlegel) in the analysis of the religious fact and the significance of the Bible in Western culture, including the most contemporary. The recent Chilean film El Cristo ciego/Blind Christ by director Christopher Murray (2016) offers an emblematic example of the problems posed by the interpretation of a work that questions the mystery of transcendence (...)
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  16. La parabole de l'ivraie, la parabole du semeur et les beatitudes: Études de syllabation.Jean Irigoin - 2005 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 85 (4):517-527.
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    Parabolic microstrain-like line broadening induced by random twin faulting.Andreas Leineweber - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (14):1844-1864.
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    La parabole, la métaphore et l'oxymore.Jean-Marie Valentin - 2009 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 249 (3):231-246.
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    Analysis of a pseudo-parabolic equation by potential wells.Jun Zhou, Guangyu Xu & Chunlai Mu - 2021 - Annali di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata 200 (6):2741-2766.
    In this paper, we consider a pseudo-parabolic equation, which was studied extensively in recent years. We generalize and extend the existing results in the following three aspects. First, we consider the vacuum isolating phenomenon with the initial energy \\) satisfying \\le 0\) and \ (...))
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    Le genre de la parabole démystifié sur les scènes de thé'tre : lectures renouvelées de L’Enfant prodigue (1707-1736).Béatrice Ferrier - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 14 (14).
    Starting from three theatrical rewritings of the parable of the prodigal son played on the stages of the Jesuits, the Fair and the Comédie-Française, the article focuses on analysing dramatic, dramaturgical and scenic choices that correspond to the narrative processes of the parable to renew its approach at the beginning of the eighteenth century, which is the turning point of a movement of secularization of biblical subjects. The open guidance of the word of Christ as reported by Luke is followed (...)
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  21. La parabole du juge malveillant (Luc 18, 1—8).R. Deschryver - 1968 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 48:355-366.
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    Remarks on parabolic De Giorgi classes.Naian Liao - 2021 - Annali di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata 200 (6):2361-2384.
    We make several remarks concerning properties of functions in parabolic De Giorgi classes of order p. There are new perspectives including a novel mechanism of propagating positivity in measure, the reservation of membership under convex composition, and a logarithmic type estimate. Based on them, we are able to give new proofs of known properties. In particular, we prove local boundedness and local Hölder continuity of these functions via Moser’s ideas, thus avoiding De Giorgi’s heavy machinery. We also seize this opportunity (...)
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    Paraboles et catastrophes: Entretiens sur les mathématiques, la science et la philosophie.René Thom, Giulio Giorello & Simona Morini - 2010 - Flammarion.
    René Thom (1923-2002) est l'un des plus grands mathématiciens français. Médaille Fields (équivalent du prix Nobel) en 1958 pour ses travaux de topologie différentielle, il élabore au début des années 1970 la " théorie des catastrophes ", ou comment " un phénomène discontinu peut émerger en quelque sorte spontanément à partir d'un milieu continu ", dont l'influence a largement excédé les sciences dures. Dans ces entretiens, qui vont de la mathématique à l'embryologie, de la linguistique à l'anthropologie et à l'histoire, (...)
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  24. Mark's parabolic aviary: reading Mark's parabolic birds ecologically with and against Mark's Jesus.Brian James Tipton - 2024 - In Arthur Walker-Jones & Suzanna R. Millar (eds.), Ask the animals: developing a biblical animal hermeneutic. Atlanta, GA: SBL Press.
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    Robust H ∞ Feedback Compensator Design for Linear Parabolic DPSs with Pointwise/Piecewise Control and Pointwise/Piecewise Measurement.Liu Yaqiang, Ren Zhigang & Jin Zengwang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    In this paper, a robust H ∞ control problem of a class of linear parabolic distributed parameter systems with pointwise/piecewise control and pointwise/piecewise measurement has been investigated via the robust H ∞ feedback compensator design approach. A unified Lyapunov direct approach is proposed in consideration of the pointwise/piecewise control and point/piecewise measurement based on the distributions of the actuators and sensors. A new type of Luenberger observer is developed on the continuous interval of space domain to track the state of (...)
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    Kritički osvrt na parabole o kvascu i gorušičinom sjemenu kao temelju za postmilenijalističku eshatologiju.Ervin Budiselić - 2010 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 4 (1):63-73.
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  27. Le vin de la nouvelle alliance. La parabole du vieux et du neuf (Lc 5, 36-39) dans son contexte.Roland Meynet - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (1):5-27.
    La parabole du vieux et du neuf selon Luc est pratiquement toujours considérée comme faisant partie de la controverse sur le jeûne ; ce qui limite fort son interprétation. En réalité c'estune péricope à part entière et son contexte est formé par l'ensemble des controverses avec les pharisiens : à propos du paralysé pardonné et guéri, puis chez Lévi à propos de la conduite de Jésus envers les pécheurs et le jeûne; puis, après la parabole, à propos des (...)
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    The Quadrature of Parabolic Segments 1635–1658: A Response to Herbert Breger.Madeline M. Muntersbjorn - 2000 - In Emily Grosholz & Herbert Breger (eds.), The growth of mathematical knowledge. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 231--256.
    When rare documents are collected and reprinted as Opere, Oeuvres, and Gesammelte Schriften, new diagrams are introduced. For the most part the new are faithful reproductions of the old. Sometimes, however, editors correct or simplify diagrams. Thus, before one writes, “so-and-so represents the area to be squared by seven parallelograms,” the more meticulous among us make a before-and-after comparison to insure that the “So-and-so” dividing the space is in fact the mathematician under scrutiny, and not some subsequent draftsman. This underlines (...)
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    DODD, Charles Harold, Les paraboles du royaume de Dieu. Déjà là ou pas encore ?Raymond Truchon - 1977 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 33 (3):328-328.
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    L'analyse structurale des paraboles. Deux essais : Luc 15, 1-32 et Matthieu 13, 44-46.Robert Waelkens - 1977 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 8 (2):160-178.
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  31. Classification of All Parabolic Subgroup-Schemes of a Semi-Simple Linear Algebraic Group over an Algebraically Closed Field.Christian Wenzel - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Usa
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    (1 other version)The Discovery of the Parabolic Shape of the Projectile Trajectory.Emil Wohlwill - 2000 - Science in Context 13 (3-4):645-680.
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    Singularity and Decay Estimates for a Degenerate Parabolic Equation.Dongyan Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-6.
    In this paper, a degenerate parabolic equation u t − div x θ ∇ u = x a u p with p > 1 and θ < 2, a ∈ ℝ, is considered. Based on rescaling arguments combined with a doubling property, the space-time singularity and decay estimates are established. Moreover, a universal and a priori bound of global nonnegative solutions for the corresponding initial boundary value problem is derived.
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    Les paradoxes de la parabole : Images et identités au Maghreb.Jean-Philippe Bras - 1999 - Hermes 23:235.
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  35. Classification of All Parabolic Subgroup Schemes of a Reductive Linear Algebraic Group over an Algebraically Closed Field.Christian Wenzel - 1993 - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 337 (1):211-218.
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    A Three-Dimensional Autonomous System with a Parabolic Equilibrium: Dynamical Analysis, Adaptive Synchronization via Relay Coupling, and Applications to Steganography and Chaos Encryption.Janarthanan Ramadoss, Romanic Kengne, Dianorré Tokoue Ngatcha, Victor Kamdoum Tamba, Karthikeyan Rajagopal & Marceline Motchongom Tingue - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    This paper is reporting on electronic implementation of a three-dimensional autonomous system with infinite equilibrium point belonging to a parabola. Performance analysis of an adaptive synchronization via relay coupling and a hybrid steganography chaos encryption application are provided. Besides striking parabolic equilibrium, the proposed three-dimensional autonomous system also exhibits hidden chaotic oscillations as well as hidden chaotic bursting oscillations. Electronic implementation of the hidden chaotic behaviors is done to confirm their physical existence. A good qualitative agreement is shown between numerical (...)
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    Galileo: the search for the parabolic trajectory.R. H. Naylor - 1976 - Annals of Science 33 (2):153-172.
    Recent study of Galileo's surviving manuscript notes on motion has revealed that by 1609 he had developed the major part of his theory of projectile motion. During the period of these theoretical advances Galileo was engaged in important related experimental investigations; this has become clear from the study of folios 114r and 116v of the manuscript on motion. This paper provides an interpretation of a manuscript not previously discussed—folio 81r. The analysis provided indicates that it is evidence of an important (...)
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    Reactive diffusion in the Ti–Si system and the significance of the parabolic growth constant.Soumitra Roy, Sergiy V. Divinski & Aloke Paul - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (7):683-699.
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    Anselmo d'Aosta nel ricordo dei discepoli: parabole, detti, miracoli.Inos Biffi (ed.) - 2008 - Milano: Jaca book.
  40. Periodic solutions op weakly nonlinear parabolic equations.V. Stastnova - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 4--269.
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  41. On the Structure of Non-Reduced Parabolic Subgroup-Schemes.Christian Wenzel - 1994 - Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 56 (1):291-297.
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    Compendio delle Parabole di Gesù, a cura di Ruben Zimmermann, in collaborazione con Detlev Dormeyer, Gabi Kern, Annette Merz,Christian Münch, Enno Edzard Popkes, edizione italiana a cura di Flavio dalla Vecchia. [REVIEW]Jessica Marcelli - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):487-495.
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    Agent‐based simulation of an N‐person game with parabolic payoff functions.Miklos N. Szilagyi & Iren Somogyi - 2009 - Complexity 15 (3):50-60.
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    Four Stations en Route to a Parabolic Homiletic.C. Clifton Black - 2000 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 54 (4):386-397.
    To preach the LORD'S word is to administer God's relief for this world's cardiac sclerosis with the shock of healing grace.
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    Dans l'ordre du coeur: du paradoxe à la parabole.Francis Jacques - 2019 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    On déplore le manque d'éducation du cœur. Qu'attend-on pour en préciser la logique et la rhétorique? Notre éducation est trop informative, pas assez transformative. Trop centrée sur l'acquisition et l'échange des informations, pas assez sur les valeurs de tendresse et de fraternité. On n'admire les marques de la présence du Christ que par les yeux du cœur. Mais faut-il vraiment en appeler au tiers d'un véritable Ordre du cœur, comme ordre de vérité? Pourquoi un ordre de vérité? Il y a (...)
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    GROUPE D'ENTREVERNES, Signes et paraboles. Sémiotique et texte évangélique.Paul-Émile Langevin - 1979 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 35 (2):220-222.
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    An Aspect of Galileo's Study of the Parabolic Trajectory.Ronald Naylor - 1975 - Isis 66 (3):394-396.
  48. Le blé et l'ivraie: Réception de la parabole dans la période de la Réforme.Pierre Buhler - 2005 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 85 (1):89-101.
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  49. La révélation du Christ sur Dieu dans les paraboles.J. Danten - 1955 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 77.
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    Le « mystère » révélé dans les paraboles.Michel Hubaut - 1974 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 5 (4):454-461.
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