Results for ' paradigmes pronominaux'

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  1.  43
    La Grammaire dialectale de l’espagnol à travers le Corpus oral et sonore de l’espagnol rural (coser, Corpus oral y sonoro del español rural).Inés Fernández-Ordóñez - 2010 - Corpus 9:81-114.
    Le Corpus oral et sonore de l’espagnol rural(COSER) est un corpus d’enquêtes orales qui a pour but l’étude de la grammaire dialectale dans la péninsule ibérique. Dans cet article, les caractéristiques du COSER et la méthodologie suivie sont décrites et comparées à celles des atlas pour ce qui concerne la recherche sur la grammaire dialectale. Grâce au COSER, de nombreux aspects syntaxiques peu connus ou totalement ignorés des dialectes espagnols ont pu être étudiés, tels que plusieurs paradigmes pronominaux, (...)
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    Critical Issues.Paradigms Refound - 1999 - In E. L. Cerroni-Long (ed.), Anthropological theory in North America. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey. pp. 19.
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  3. Susan Bordo.Postmodern Paradigm - 2006 - In Elizabeth Hackett & Sally Anne Haslanger (eds.), Theorizing feminisms: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 385.
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    Discours philosophique des paradigmes: monothéismatique.Reza Rokoee - 2023 - Paris: Éditions du Cygne.
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    Années vingt, années soixante--réseau du sens, réseaux des sens: quels paradigmes pour une analyse de l'histoire culturelle dans les pays de langue allemande?Françoise Lartillot & Axel Gellhaus (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Peter Lang.
    La métaphore du réseau s'est imposée durant les années quatre vingt dix à l'occasion de ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler le « topical turn », pour décrire les logiques de développement de la vie culturelle et leur analyse en termes spatiaux plutôt que temporels. Simultanément, il arrive que la constitution de réseaux soit bel et bien déterminée historiquement notamment de manière générationnelle ou sociopolitique. Les contributeurs de cet ouvrage s'inspirent de cette réflexion pour traiter d'un phénomène de réverbération dans l'histoire (...)
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    Les nouveaux paradigmes de la médecine personnalisée ou médecine de précision: enjeux juridiques, médicaux et éthiques.Christian Hervé & Michèle Santon-Jean (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Dalloz.
    La médecine personnalisée expérimente dans le cadre du cancer, ou thérapies ciblées, ou encore médecine prédictive, voire médecine de précision. toutes ces appellations sous-entendent un domaine qui s'ébauche tant au niveau de la recherche qu'à celui de la clinique. Ce domaine se constitue de pratiques, de normes qui s'élaborent et de règles qui établissent de véritables limites. Ce volume présente ce que les disciplines du droit, de la biologie, de la médecine et de la philosophie ont à dire conjointement sur (...)
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    Réflexions sur les paradigmes de l'acte philosophique.Liubava Moreva - 2002 - Diogène 197 (1):96-114.
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    Les nouveaux paradigmes éducatifs : quelles nécessités et quelles possibilités? Mise en oeuvre et évaluation d’une pédagogie intégrative et implicative (P2i).Florent Pasquier - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (1):70-79.
    From the observation that global education systems are failing to produce beaming adults, this article questions the meaning of the words generally used to discuss education and new teaching methods. Sidestepping the panacea of technology as the holy grail, it suggests ideas for exploring other possible educational forms, such as those guided by the renewal of humanism or neurosciences. Then, this article presents a model of understanding of man and his activities, leading to the conception of a work system that (...)
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    Hip hop heresies: queer aesthetics in New York City.Shanté Paradigm Smalls - 2022 - New York: New York University Press.
    This is the first book-length project to examine the relationship between blackness, queerness, and hip hop. Using aesthetics as its organizing lens, Hip Hop Heresies attends to the ways that hip hop cultural production in New York City from the 1970s through the first fifteen years of the 21st century produced hip hop cultural products (film, visual art, and music) that offer "queer articulations" of race, gender, and sexuality that are contrary to hegemonic ideas and representations of those categories in (...)
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  10. Hu Xinhe.On Relational Paradigm in Bioethics 89 - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Le crépuscule de l'universel: l'Occident postmoderne et ses adversaires, un conflit mondial des paradigmes.Chantal Delsol - 2020 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la chute du mur de Berlin, nous avons cru à la victoire définitive de notre vision du monde, caractérisée par l'individualisme libéral, le cosmopolitisme et la démocratie des droits de l'homme. Mais depuis le tournant du siècle, plusieurs cultures mondiales s'opposent clairement et fermement aux principes occidentaux considérés jusque-là comme universels. La démocratie est décriée ou dégradée, et l'autocratie nommément défendue, en Chine et à Singapour, dans certains pays musulmans, en Russie. En outre, apparaissent (...)
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  12. Le livre de Qohéleth les «paradigmes» de l'histoire de son interprétation chrétienne.Eberhard Bons - 1999 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 131 (2):199-215.
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  13. Rationalité et souveraineté du législateur, paradigmes de la dogmatique juridique?François Ost & Michel Van de Kerchove - 1985 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 62 (2):227-251.
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    Le management de l'éthique et de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises: problématique societale et culturelle: paradigmes et paradoxes africains, idées et débats, approches de solutions.D. Daniel Dossou - 2007 - Libreville, Gabon: Éditions OBA.
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    De la protection de l'emploi à la protection des transitions professionnelles : les changements de paradigmes du droit du travail.Jean-Yves Kerbourc’H. - 2008 - Cahiers Philosophiques 4:25-40.
    Les trente dernières années du XX e siècle ont été marquées par une très forte inflation des règles du droit du travail visant à protéger l’emploi. Ces règles encadrent notamment le licenciement et tentent d’endiguer le recours aux contrats précaires. Mais on s’aperçoit aujourd’hui qu’il n’existe pas de rapport mécanique entre les objectifs poursuivis (protéger l’emploi), leur traduction législative et les résultats produits qui sont décevants. Prenant acte de son impuissance le législateur entend désormais changer de paradigme en concentrant ses (...)
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    Individu et Communauté : repenser quelques paradigmes des Lumières, à partir de la réception de Rousseau dans la Chine moderne.Dandan Jiang - 2015 - Rue Descartes 1 (1):36-51.
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    Diarmuid O'Murchu, La vie religieuse revue et corrigée. Des paradigmes en mutation. Ottawa, Les Éditions Novalis, 2008, 239 p.Diarmuid O'Murchu, La vie religieuse revue et corrigée. Des paradigmes en mutation. Ottawa, Les Éditions Novalis, 2008, 239 p. [REVIEW]Rick van Lier - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (3):629-631.
  18.  10
    Paradigme universale: ediție integrală.Solomon Marcus - 2011 - Pitești: Paralela 45. Edited by Solomon Marcus.
    Paradigme universale -- Pornind de la un zâmbet -- Jocul -- Timpul -- Întâlnirea extremelor.
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    The paradigm‐case argument and 'possible doubt'1.Laurence D. Houlgate - 1962 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 5 (1-4):318-324.
    This article is primarily a defense of the Paradigm Case Argument (PCA). It is secondarily a comment on a recent controversy over the validity of its use in philosophy. I argue that the controversy rests on a misinterpretation. By extending the analysis of the objections (and here I invoke Descartes' famous method of possible doubt) I show that the occurrence of a paradigm and the fact that a concept is normally used to describe that paradigm logically entails not that the (...)
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    Shifting Paradigms: From Technocrat to Planetary Person1.Alan Drengson - 2011 - Anthropology of Consciousness 22 (1):9-32.
    This essay examines and compares two paradigms of technology, nature, and social life, and their associated environmental impacts. I explore moving from technocratic paradigms to the emerging ecological paradigms of planetary person ecosophies. The dominant technocratic philosophy's guiding policy and technological power is mechanistic. It conceptualizes nature as a resource to be controlled for human ends. Its global practices are drastically altering the integrity of the planet's ecosystems. In contrast, the organic, planetary person approaches respect the intrinsic values of all (...)
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    Le paradigme dans la dialectique platonicienne.Victor Goldschmidt - 1947 - Paris,: Vrin.
    Cet ouvrage de Victor Goldschmidt, pour la premiere fois en edition de poche, est le seul consacre a une notion centrale de la philosophie platonicienne, le paradigme, a la fois exemple, comparaison et modele.En prenant comme fil conducteur la definition donnee dans le Politique, l'auteur commence par etudier le role joue par ce procede privilegie dans la methode dialectique des derniers Dialogues. S'exercer sur une realite banale permet de decouvrir la structure d'un grand sujet, plus difficile a definir, comme le (...)
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  22.  71
    Paradigms and personhood: A deepening of the dilemmas in ethics and medical ethics.Edmund L. Erde - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (2):141-160.
    There are many calls for a definitions personhood, but also many logical and Wittgensteinian reasons to think fulfilling this is unimportant or impossible. I argue that we can consider many contexts as language-games and consider the person as the key player in each. We can then examine the attributes, presuppositions and implications of personhood in those contexts. I use law and therapeutic psychology as two examples of such contexts or language-games. Each correlates with one of the classic “theories” of ethics-deontology (...)
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    Paradigm, Logos, and Myth in Plato's Sophist and Statesman.Conor Barry - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the uses of the term “paradigm” with respect to both logos and myth in Plato, with a focus on Sophist and Statesman. In so doing, Conor Barry argues for a unitary as opposed to a developmental conception of Plato's dialogues.
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    Paradigms in theory construction.Luciano L'Abate (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Springer.
    Introductory background -- Paradigms in the arts and social sciences -- General-integrative paradigms in psychology -- Particular-specific paradigms in psychology -- Operational paradigms in psychology -- Conclusion.
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    Queering paradigms IVa: insurgências queer ao sul do equador.Elizabeth Sara Lewis, Rodrigo Borba, Branca Falabella Fabrício & Diana de Souza Pinto (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Queering Paradigms IVa: Insurgências queer ao Sul do equador, junto com o volume Queering Paradigms IV: South-North Dialogues on Queer Epistemologies, Embodiments and Activisms (Lewis et al. 2014), divulga de forma multilíngue pesquisas apresentadas no 4° Congresso Internacional Queering Paradigms (QP4), sediado no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Ambos os volumes compartilham o objetivo de analisar o status quo e os desafios para o futuro dos Estudos Queer a partir de uma perspectiva inter/multidisciplinar, concentrando-se sobre as relações entre os eixos Sul-Norte. (...)
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    The paradigm of a living universe.Duane Elgin - 2000 - World Futures 55 (1):15-36.
    A new perceptual paradigm is emerging that views the universe as a living system that is being regenerated in its totality moment by moment. Scientific evidence for this view is presented as well as complementary insights from the world's spiritual traditions. The implications of this view of reality for our sense of identity, way of living, and evolutionary purpose are considered.
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    Shifting paradigms: from technocrat to planetary person.Alan R. Drengson - 1983 - Victoria, B.C., Canada: LightStar Press.
    This essay examines and compares two paradigms of technology, nature, and social life, and their associated environmental impacts. I explore moving from technocratic paradigms to the emerging ecological paradigms of planetary person ecosophies. The dominant technocratic philosophy's guiding policy and technological power is mechanistic. It conceptualizes nature as a resource to be controlled for human ends. Its global practices are drastically altering the integrity of the planet's ecosystems. In contrast, the organic, planetary person approaches respect the intrinsic values of all (...)
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  28.  17
    Behavioral paradigm for a psychological resolution of the free will issue.E. Rae Harcum - 1991 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 93 (1):93-114.
    This study provides data for a behavioral paradigm to resolve the free will issue in psychological terms. As predicted, college students selecting among many alternative responses consistently selected according to experimental set, environmental conditions, past experiences and other unknown factors. These explained and unexplained causal factors supplement one another and make varying relative contributions to different behaviors - the Principle of Behavioral Supplementarity. The more psychologically remote the causal factors, the greater proportion of unexplained ones relative to explained ones - (...)
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    A paradigm for research in education.Börje Holmberg - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 16 (1):19–33.
    Börje Holmberg; A Paradigm for Research in Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 16, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 19–33,
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    Paradigmes pour une philosophie des imaginaires.Pierre-Adrien Marciset - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    "L'imagination comme faculté et les imaginaires comme accumulation des produits de cette faculté dans la culture constituent un chantier en philosophie. L'étude de l'imagination a été intégrée dans le criticisme par Kant, mais non approfondie du fait des "chimères" que l'imagination engendre pour lui. La faculté logico-formelle a ainsi pris le dessus, au point de devenir le paradigme de notre société. En 1929, pour régler le sort des néokantiens de Marbourg, Heidegger interdit tout droit de cité à une quelconque légitimité (...)
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    Paradigms explained: rethinking Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science.Erich Von Dietze - 2001 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Thomas Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions, which examines paradigm theory as it relates to philosophy of science, is among the most widely read--and debated--books in the history and philosophy of science. In Paradigms Explained, the author examines both the contributions and limitations of Kuhn's work on paradigm theory. Von Dietze's accessible writing style and thought-provoking exploration of Kuhn's impact on scientific, philosophical, and social thought engage the reader and offer new insights into the problematic yet influential ideas of one of (...)
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    Paradigm structure: Evidence from Russian suffix shift.Tore Nesset & Laura A. Janda - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (4):699-725.
    In this article we apply one of the key concepts in cognitive linguistics, the radial category, to inflectional morphology. We advance the Paradigm Structure Hypothesis, arguing that inflectional paradigms are radial categories with internal structure primarily motivated by semantic relationships of markedness and prototypicality. It is possible to construct an expected structure for a verbal paradigm, facilitating an empirical test for our hypothesis. Data tracking an on-going morphological change in Russian documents the distribution of conservative vs. innovative forms across the (...)
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  33.  22
    Ecological Paradigm within the Context of the International Policy-Development Study.Slobodan Nešković & Žaklina Jovanović - 2016 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):71-78.
    The protection and improvement of the environment represents the most essential field of engagement among all the issues of international policy. An ecological paradigm in the traditional and postmodern context refers to a strategic approach to solving the outstanding controversies of human society in different stages of its existence. Globalization of the environment is the oldest example of this process, which in the contemporary world has gained a special significance. Negative trends in addressing ecological problems at all levels of organization (...)
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    Research paradigms and the politics of nursing knowledge: A reflective discussion.Stuart Nairn - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (4):e12260.
    A standard view would suggest that research is a neutral apolitical activity. It neutralizes external pressures by its fidelity to robust scientific methods. However, politics is an inevitable part of human knowledge. Our knowledge of the world is always mediated by human priorities. What matters is therefore a contested and political debate rather a neutral accumulation of factual data. How researchers manage this varies. Research paradigms are one way in which research engages with knowledge. They frame knowledge within epistemological and (...)
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    The paradigm of expressive freedom: Its limits and paradoxes.Koula Mellos - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (3):515-522.
    (1997). The paradigm of expressive freedom: Its limits and paradoxes. The European Legacy: Vol. 2, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, pp. 515-522.
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    Queering paradigms IV: south-north dialogues on queer epistemologies, embodiments and activisms.Elizabeth Sara Lewis, Rodrigo Borba, Branca Falabella Fabrício & Diana de Souza Pinto (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book is composed of research presented at the fourth international Queering Paradigms Conference (QP4), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It intends to contribute to building a queer postcolonial critique of the current politics of queer activism and of queer knowledge production and circulation.
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  37. Paradigm Case Arguments.Gilbert Fulmer - 1978 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 3.
    The paradigm case argument is a widely employed, yet controversial, weapon in the armory of contemporary analytical philosophers. It has been hailed as a philosophical panacea, resolving paradoxes from perception to ethics; and it has been scorned as both unsound and useless. I hope in this paper to help determine its proper use: I will try to show that it can be helpful, particularly at the initial stage of clearing up linguistic misunderstandings. But I must conclude that it is unequal (...)
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  38. Conjectural paradigm and Empathy as Embodied Mechanism.Noemi De Haro García & María G. Navarro - 2012 - Purlieu. A Philosophical Journal 1 (4):83-96.
    In this paper art history and visual studies, the disciplines that study visual culture, are presented as a field whose conjectural paradigm can be used to understand the epistemic problems associated with abduction. In order to do so, significant statements, concepts and arguments from the work of several specialists in this field have been highlighted. Their analysis shows the fruitfulness and potential for understanding the study of visual culture as a field that is interwoven with the assumptions of abductive cognition.
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    The paradigm case argument: Abusing and not using the PCA.Antony Flew - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 16 (1):115–121.
    Antony Flew; The Paradigm Case Argument: abusing and not using the PCA, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 16, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 115–121, http.
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  40. The Paradigm Paradigm and Related Notions.Harold I. Brown - 1980 - Diogenes 28 (112):111-136.
    “There is, in addition, a second reason for doubting that scientists reject paradigms because confronted with anomalies or counterinstances. In developing it my argument will itself foreshadow another of this essay's main theses. The reasons for doubt sketched above were purely factual; they were, that is, themselves counterinstances to a prevalent epistemological theory. As such, if my present point is correct, they can at best help to create a crisis or, more accurately, to reinforce one that is already very much (...)
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  41. From Paradigm-Based Explanation to Pragmatic Genealogy.Matthieu Queloz - 2020 - Mind 129 (515):683-714.
    Why would philosophers interested in the points or functions of our conceptual practices bother with genealogical explanations if they can focus directly on paradigmatic examples of the practices we now have?? To answer this question, I compare the method of pragmatic genealogy advocated by Edward Craig, Bernard Williams, and Miranda Fricker—a method whose singular combination of fictionalising and historicising has met with suspicion—with the simpler method of paradigm-based explanation. Fricker herself has recently moved towards paradigm-based explanation, arguing that it is (...)
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    (1 other version)Paradigms, rationality, and partial communication.William H. Austin - 1972 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 3 (2):203-218.
    Summary Critics have said that Kuhn's account of scientific revolutions represents them as subjective and irrational processes, in which mystical conversions and community pressures rather than good reasons determine choices between theories. Kuhn rejects the charge, insisting that there is partial communication among proponents of competing paradigm candidates and their arguments are rational though not coercive. The critics reply that in fact Kuhn's position entails total non-communication and irrationality. A Kuhnian account of partial communication is thus necessary. Kuhn's attempt to (...)
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    The Paradigm of Unity in Prenatal Education and Pedagogy.Dorota Kornas-Biela - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):193-206.
    The traditional approach to the relation between parents and their prenatal child presents the child as a fetus, a mainly passive recipient of the mother’s vital biological resources. Contemporary prenatal psychology and pedagogy recognizes this relationship in a quite different perspective: the prenatal child is a member of the family and may be seen as an active member of the wider family as a community, extended to grandparents and other relatives. Between parents and their child in the womb exists a (...)
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    Philosophical “Paradigms” of Education.Dakmara Georgescu - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:43-55.
    The paper explores the links between philosophy and learning with a view to highlight some of the today’s most influential philosophical “paradigms” of education. The concepts of “paradigm” and “philosophical paradigm of education” are discussed – and nuanced - based on some explicit references to them in the current philosophical and pedagogical literature. While taking into account all the different ways in which philosophy may be inquired with regard to its influence on education, the paper focuses merely on philosophical contributions (...)
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    Basic Paradigm Change The Conception of Communicative Rationality.R. M. Nugaev - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (2):23-36.
    The problem of the theoretical reconstruction of the process of scientific paradigm change is by no means a new one in the philosophy and sociology of science. Nevertheless, one cannot say that its investigation has reached the point at which an overwhelming majority of specialists would agree at least about exactly how and in what directions it is necessary to move forward. Notwithstanding this circumstance, one can specify a certain set of basic questions that are recognized as such by the (...)
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    Naturalism, Paradigms, and Ideology.Amelie Oksenberg Rorty - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):637 - 667.
    A close and sympathetic reading of the tensions between naturalism and non-naturalism in Hume's theory shows us something of the ideological issues involved, issues rooted in the differences between the political and social conditions which make naturalism and non-naturalism seem plausible analyses of normative discourse. If we read Hume as a transitional figure, who documented and analyzed a shift in the paradigms of moral situations and problems, we see that the naturalistic controversy is not the sort of disagreement that forces (...)
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  47. Two paradigms for clinical science.William L. Hathaway - 2004 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 25 (3):167-186.
    The concept of psychologist as clinical scientist has found increasing support in recent years from diverse corners of professional psychology. Yet differences in how these advocates understand the nature of clinical scientific practice persist, fueled by philosophical differences over the nature of knowledge. Two epistemological paradigms that are the center of much discussion in contemporary philosophy are briefly explained: internalism vs. externalism. Modern clinical psychology has emerged largely within an internalist theory of knowledge. While psychologists have discerned important features of (...)
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    Paradigms of Justice: Redistribution, Recognition, and Beyond.Denise Celentano & Luigi Caranti - 2020 - Routledge India.
    "This book explores the relation between two key paradigms in the contemporary discourse on justice. Partly inspired by the debate between Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, it investigates whether the two paradigms, redistribution and recognition, are complementary, mutually exclusive, insufficient or essentially inadequate accounts of justice. Combining insights from the traditions of critical social theory and analytical political philosophy, the volume offers a multifaceted exploration of this incredibly inspiring conceptual couple from a plurality of perspectives. The chapters engage with concepts (...)
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    Lost Paradigm: The Fate of Work in Post-War French Philosophy.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2016 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 278 (4):491-511.
    For a brief period, between the years immediately preceding the Second World War and for about a decade thereafter, the most important authors in French philosophy (Weil, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre) conducted their reflections within a “work paradigm”, that is, within theoretical frameworks in which the concept of work played the central, organising role. The first three sections of the paper identify the different meanings of work, which, brought together under the umbrella concept of “praxis”, underpinned this paradigm. The central claim advanced (...)
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    ASEAN Paradigm Shift from a State to People-Oriented Organization: A Neo-Communitarian Perspective.Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani & Abubakar Eby Hara - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (3):379-394.
    This paper attempts to examine the paradigm shift in ASEAN from a state-based to a people-based organization. We argue that by adopting a people-based organization, ASEAN now enters an era of Neo-Communitarianism replacing the Old Communitarianism of the old generation of ASEAN. By using communitarian perspectives, we look at the continuities and changes in ASEAN with regard to how it deals with issues involving their members. Three important issues namely the debates on intervention principle; the adoption of the three pillars (...)
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