Results for ' parliamentary procedure'

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  1. Parliamentary procedure as an inventory of disputes: a comparison between Jeremy Bentham and Thomas Erskine May.Kari Palonen - 2012 - Res Publica. Murcia 27:13-24.
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    Against instinctual reason: Alain Badiou on the disinterested interest of truth procedures in the post-truth era.Nusret Sinan Evcan - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):567-587.
    According to Alain Badiou, truth’s existence is not dependent upon philosophy because philosophy itself is not a creator of truth. Badiouan thought submits philosophy to the universe of truth through the mediation of truth procedures. Badiou names these procedures love, politics, art and science. In contrast, the instinctual reason of democratic materialism, which Badiou defines as the partnership between parliamentary democracy and neo-liberal pragmatism, replaces love with physical beauty, politics with technical power, art with a marketable talent and science (...)
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    Bentham, Brissot and the challenge of revolution.James Burns - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (2):217-226.
    Jeremy Bentham came to know Jacques-Pierre Brissot when he was in London between midwinter 1782–3 and summer 1784. They shared some opinions: Brissot indeed saw Bentham to some extent as his mentor. There was never complete accord, however; and Brissot's increasingly radical political views were not at that stage shared by Bentham. In any case, their ways parted with Bentham's prolonged sojourn with his brother in Russia between 1785 and 1788. It was revolution in France that brought renewed contact, though (...)
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    Argumentative Representation and Democracy: A Critique of Alexy's Defense of Judicial Review of Legislation.Esteban Buriticá-Arango & Julián Gaviria-Mira - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (2):160-177.
    Robert Alexy has argued that the democratic objection to judicial review of legislation can be successfully addressed by assuming that judges exercise a special form of argumentative representation. In this article we argue that Alexy does not explain (as he should) under what circumstances judicial review tends to produce better decisions than parliamentary procedure, nor does he explain how judicial review can have a greater intrinsic value than parliamentary procedure. Subsequently, we argue that the intrinsic value (...)
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    The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Political Tactics.Jeremy Bentham - 1999 - Clarendon Press.
    Political Tactics, composed for the Estates General just before the French Revolution, is one of Bentham's most original works. It contains the earliest and perhaps most important theoretical analysis of parliamentary procedure ever written. It was subsequently translated into many languages and has had a far-reaching influence -- as recently as the early 1990s it was reprinted by the Spanish Cortes.
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    (1 other version)Rationality in politics.Bruce B. Wavell - 1982 - Zygon 17 (2):151-162.
    Abstract.This essay examines current decision‐making procedures in politics, especially those employed in parliamentary procedure, with a view to determining the extent to which they contribute to the making of rational political decisions. It concludes that political decision‐making procedures are, on the whole, inferior to court‐trial procedures, and proceeds to exploit this conclusion by describing a new method of political decision‐making based on the concept of a political jury. This method, it is claimed, is more likely than present methods (...)
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    Joseph Barthélémy et les Commissions permanentes de la Chambre des Représentants de Belgique.Claude Courtoy - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (4):587-601.
    Some French infiuences have to be found to explain how the two functions of the Standing Committees of the Belgian House of Representatives have evolved. In 1920, when the first Standing Committees system was introduced in the Belgian House of Representatives, a direct French contribution can already be noticed. As a matter of fact, the Speaker of the Committee of Parliamentary Procedures derives his report directly from one made a few months earlier by Joseph Barthélémy for the French House (...)
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  8. Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice.Todd Davies & Seeta Peña Gangadharan (eds.) - 2009 - CSLI Publications/University of Chicago Press.
    Can new technology enhance purpose-driven, democratic dialogue in groups, governments, and societies? Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice is the first book that attempts to sample the full range of work on online deliberation, forging new connections between academic research, technology designers, and practitioners. Since some of the most exciting innovations have occurred outside of traditional institutions, and those involved have often worked in relative isolation from each other, work in this growing field has often failed to reflect the full (...)
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    Changing the rules of play.Marc Pauly - 2005 - Topoi 24 (2):209-220.
    Social processes like voting procedures, debates, etc. depend crucially on the precise rules which define them. This rule sensitivity is illustrated by two examples, in the case of preference aggregation by the parliamentary debate concerning the German capital, and in the case of judgement aggregation by the doctrinal paradox or discursive dilemma. Using social choice functions and the theory of mechanism design, one can formulate what it means for a particular set of rules to be correct under a given (...)
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    Ecology and democracy.Freya Mathews (ed.) - 1995 - Portland, OR: Frank Cass.
    What is the optimal political framework for environmental reform reform on a scale commensurate with the global ecological crisis? In particular, how adequate are liberal forms of parliamentary democracy to the challenge posed by this crisis? These are the questions pondered by the contributors to this volume. Exploration of the possibilities of democracy gives rise to certain common themes. These are the relation between ecological morality and political structures or procedures and the question of the structure of decision-making and (...)
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  11. The dual nature of law.Robert Alexy - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (2):167-182.
    The argument of this article is that the dual-nature thesis is not only capable of solving the problem of legal positivism, but also addresses all fundamental questions of law. Examples are the relation between deliberative democracy and democracy qua decision-making procedure along the lines of the majority principle, the connection between human rights as moral rights and constitutional rights as positive rights, the relation between constitutional review qua ideal representation of the people and parliamentary legislation, the commitment of (...)
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    Visual Empire.Susan Buck-Morss - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):171-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Visual EmpireSusan Buck-Morss (bio)1 The Sovereign IconThe Question of SovereigntyJust when the nation-state appeared to be waning in significance, national sovereignty is back in the spotlight. The issue takes on special urgency in the United States, where sovereign right has been proclaimed persistently by the president in an attempt to justify policies of military aggression and violations of international and domestic law, executing these policies with disregard for traditional (...)
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    Youth representation in the European Parliament: The limited effect of political party characteristics.Aksel Sundström & Daniel Stockemer - 2018 - Intergenerational Justice Review 4 (2).
    Which party characteristics contribute to the representation of young legislators? We examine this question quantitatively, focusing on the European Parliament, and gauge the influence of the age of the party leader, the age of the party, the size of its support, party ideology and party nomination procedures on the age of politicians, based on data of all members who have served in the EP. We find that none of these characteristics matter substantively in explaining young representatives’ presence and discuss ways (...)
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    The Regime Politics Origins of Class Action Regulation.Agustín Barroilhet - 2018 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 19 (1):363-394.
    This Article highlights that when procedural rules are legislated and there is substantial coordination between the executive and legislative branches, procedures with potential structural impact are weighted against alternative means of policymaking and implementation. This makes many Continental law countries, parliamentary countries, and countries governed by solid national majorities with substantial control over elected branches, and in general places where power is less fragmented, less likely to encourage American-style class actions. This is manifested in legislative choices of a private (...)
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    A Theory of Legitimate Expectations for Public Administration.Alexander Brown - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    It is an unfortunate but unavoidable feature of even well-ordered democratic societies that governmental administrative agencies often create legitimate expectations (procedural or substantive) on the part of non-governmental agents (individual citizens, groups, businesses, organizations, institutions, and instrumentalities) but find themselves unable to fulfil those expectations for reasons of justice, the public interest, severe financial constraints, and sometimes harsh political realities. How governmental administrative agencies, operating on behalf of society, handle the creation and frustration of legitimate expectations implicates a whole host (...)
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    De lijstensamenstelling in de Belgische Socialistische Partij.Jan Ceuleers - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (3):411-421.
    Until 1971 the Belgian Socialist Party was the only Belgian party that consulted its members on the composition of candidate-lists for the parliamentary elections. Internal pre-elections were organized for this purpose.Since 1971 however there is a clear trend to abandon this procedure and to make a party-congres the deciding factor.In 1971 and 1974 this trend became predominant in Flanders; it is now also clearly noticeable in Wallonia. Only one out of seventeen Dutch-speaking federations, and seven of the thirteen (...)
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    In Search for Conceptual Comprehension of the Institute of Impeachment.Egidijus Šileikis - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):955-985.
    It is important that from a wider scientific perspective the basics of the conceptual comprehension of impeachment entrenched in the 1992 Lithuanian Constitution be related not only to (a) the nine explicit provisions whereby impeachment relations are regulated directly (Item 5 of Article 63, Article 74, Paragraph 2 of Article 86, Item 5 of Article 88, the first sentence of Paragraph 1 of Article 89, Item 4 of Paragraph 3 of Article 105, Paragraph 3 of Article 107, Item 5 of (...)
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  18. Constitutionalism in Pakistan: The changing patterns of dyarchy.Mohammad Waseem - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (4):102 - 115.
    This paper deals with the nature and direction of constitutional thinking and practice in Pakistan. It is argued that the country reflects a general malaise of post-colonial societies characterized by tension between the locus of power in the politico-administrative machinery and the source of legitimacy in the constitution. In the post-independence period, the State increasingly absorbed pressures from the newly enfranchised public, which sought to reshape politics in pursuit of nationalist goals. The institutional-constitutional framework of the post-colonial state was ill-equipped (...)
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    De-presentation rights as a response to extremism.Anthoula Malkopoulou - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (3):301-319.
    Due to the persistent rise of extremism, democrats in recent years have been exploring old and new possibilities of democratic self-defence. This article explores an unconventional and little known alternative to militant democracy that places the demos at the centre stage of the struggle against extremism. Through a neo-procedural reinterpretation of ancient ostracism and modern-day recall, I suggest that citizens should have rights of democratic de-selection of elected parties and candidates. I argue that, if properly designed, such a mechanism of (...)
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    Popular Sovereignty, Populism and Deliberative Democracy.Kolja Möller - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (1-2):14-36.
    This article investigates the relationship between popular sovereignty, populism, and deliberative democracy. My main thesis is that populisms resurrect the polemical dimension of popular sovereignty by turning “the people” against the “powerbloc” or the “elite”, and that it is crucial thatthis terrain not be ceded to authoritarian distortions of this basic contestatory grammar. Furthermore, I contend that populist forms of politics are compatible with a procedural and deliberative conception of democracy. Ifirst engage with the assumption that populism and a procedural (...)
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  21.  10
    Le Parlement Européen et l'environnement.Jean-Pierre Hannequart - 1979 - Res Publica 21 (1):127-143.
    It is unquestionable that the European Parliament has contributed to the creation of a community policy in environmental matters and has given all its support to the first initiatives of the Community in thisrespect. Furthermore, it has adopted a series of specific resolutions. The European Parliament has not had a decisive infiuence, however, in the implementation of the Action Programme of the Community by the adoption of directives. Although the Commission generally approved suggestions made by parliamentarians, the Council hardly ever (...)
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    Justifying types of representative democracy: a response.Steffen Ganghof - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (2):282-293.
    This article responds to critical reflections on my Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism by Sarah Birch, Kevin J. Elliott, Claudia Landwehr and James L. Wilson. It discusses how different types of representative democracy, especially different forms of government (presidential, parliamentary or hybrid), can be justified. It clarifies, among other things, the distinction between procedural and process equality, the strengths of semi-parliamentary government, the potential instability of constitutional designs, and the difference that theories can make in actual processes of constitutional (...)
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    La composition des listes électorales aux Partis Socialistes.Jan Ceuleers - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (1):63-71.
    The splitting of the Belgian Socialist Party into two autonomous parties for Flanders and Wallonia in 1978 stressed the earlier observed trend to abandon the procedure of internal pre-elections for the purpose of composing the parliamentary candidate-lists.The technique of the so-called party-polls is welt respected in the French speaking socialist party, but almost completely abandoned in Flanders, where it has been replaced by arrondissemental congresses. Besides, members' participation in these polls, if organised, is rather low.
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    Ideowe zmagania Stefana Kisielewskiego z polskim komunizmem.Miłowit Kuniński - 2018 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 8 (`1):9-26.
    Stefan Kisielewski’s intellectual struggle with Polish communism: Stefan Kisielewski a Polish novelist, composer, music critic, essayist, feature writer and a politician, was an exceptional personage in post‑World War II Poland. In his features, published in Tygodnik Powszechny since 1945, in a light, ironic and allusive way to prevent censorship, he described the Polish reality that his readers were acquainted with, in a way that revealed the real causes of the phenomena he observed. The truth was simple: the communist reality was (...)
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    Działalność parlamentarna i sejmikowa Marcjana Ścibora Chełmskiego.Marcin Sokalski - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 25 (1):71-98.
    The paper describes the state and local parliamentary activity of Marcjan Ścibor Chełmski, one of the most interesting parliamentarians in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 17th century. The text is based on archival research including the Parliament manuscript diaries, private correspondence describing the debates; published sources: instructions, parliamentary resolutions, memoirs; and studies of the history of parliamentarism, on top of the functioning of the political elite and the circulation of information. M.S. Chełmski came from a family with a (...)
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    Justice in energy transition scenarios: Perspectives from Swedish energy politics.Patrik Baard, Anders Melin & Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir - 2023 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:23-39.
    _In this article we justify why justice ought to be considered in scenarios of energy transitions, stipulate what dimensions should reasonably be considered, and investigate whether such considerations are taken in Swedish parliamentary debates on energy policies. Through interviews we investigated how Swedish parliamentary politicians think through justice in energy transitions, providing a practical perspective. We conclude that while there is some overlap between minimal conditions for energy justice and the issues brought forward by Swedish politicians, several issues (...)
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    Marxism and radical democracy.Joseph V. Femia - 1985 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 28 (1-4):293 – 319.
    Whether or not Marxism leads straight to authoritarianism and the destruction of individual liberty is a question which has long exercised both theorists and politicians. This paper deals with a narrower, though related issue: Is Marxism actually reconcilable with radical democracy, the type of democracy advocated by those, including Marxists, who berate the iniquities and hypocrisy of parliamentary liberalism? The answer, according to my paper, is no. The Marxist tradition contains four characteristic features which tend to contradict the participatory (...)
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    The Constitutional State and its Reform Requirements.Peter Häberle - 2000 - Ratio Juris 13 (1):77-94.
    In the first part, the author characterizes the fundamental contents (principles) of the constitutional state. In the second part, he describes the necessary reforms both at the level of the national constitutional state and at the global and humanity level. In the third part, he examines the methods and procedures of reform in the constitutional state, analysing: a) constitutional formation or complete revision; b) constitutional amendments or partial revision; c) parliamentary constitutional legislation; d) constitutional interpretation; e) government and non‐governmental (...)
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    Quality of consent form completion in orthopaedics: are we just going through the motions?L. Jeyaseelan, J. Ward, M. Papanna & S. Sundararajan - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):407-408.
    Consent plays a vital role in every aspect of medicine and surgery, facilitating the patient in making informed decisions about their treatment. The recently published Reference Guide to Consent, by the Department of Health (DH), notes that, although not a legal requirement, the completion of consent forms is good practice, particularly in interventions such as surgery. In addition, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman noted that a significant number of complaints about consent involved the complainant feeling that they did (...)
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    The Politics of Hate Speech Laws.Alexander Brown & Adriana Sinclair - 2019 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    This book examines the complex relationship between politics and hate speech laws, domestic and international. How do political contexts shape understandings of what hate speech is and how to deal with it? Why do particular states enact hate speech laws and then apply, extend or reform them in the ways they do? What part does hate speech play in international affairs? Why do some but not all states negotiate, agree and ratify international hate speech frameworks or instruments? What are some (...)
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    Lnformatiestromen en gegevensbanken inde parlementaire werkzaamheden.Louis Vanvelthoven - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (2):181-188.
    Opening up as many sources of information as possible is particularly conducive to the development of workable policy plans and to efficient decision-making in a democratic political system. It follows that MPs can greatly benefit from using computerized information systems.As far as the parliamentary activities are concerned, we can distinguish between internal and external information flow. The contents of the parliamentary documents, the procedure for processing them and the information on the parliamentary control are part of (...)
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    Audit als functie van het Rekenhof.Jos Beckers - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (2):205-225.
    The Belgian Auditor's Office is not competent to judge good management. Parliamentary initiatives have been taken to extend its competence towards an efficiency, effectiveness and economy control. Up till 1985 the Belgian budget was drawn up according toa classification system with insufficient regard for the application ofmanagement objectives to budgetary allocation. Based on notions originating from the P.P.B.S. system the budget is drawn up now by programmes assigned to organisation divisions. In the future the parliamentary budget procedure (...)
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    L'absentéisme parlementaire : Diagnostic et remèdes.Françoise Drion - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (1-2):79-100.
    Various causes are responsible for the important absenteeism which prevails in the public sessions and committees of the legislative assemblies: the various activities to be accomplished by Representatives andSenators outside Parliament are more and more numerous and time-consuming.However, they cannot afford to neglect these since they favour the contacts indispensable for re-election. Additionally, absenteeism can be explained by the M.P.s' lack of interest for debates which they consider insignificant, either because these are too specialized, or because they concern matters largely (...)
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    Discourse theory’s sociological claim.Daniel Gaus - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (6):503-525.
    In the quest for a workable ideal of democracy, the systems approach has recently shifted its perspective on deliberative democratic theory. Instead of enquiring how institutionalized decision-making might mirror an ‘ideal deliberative procedure’, it asks how democracy might be construed as a ‘deliberative system’. This leads it to recommend de-emphasizing the role of parliament and focusing instead on non-institutionalized actors and communications. Though this increased emphasis is undoubtedly warranted, the importance of parliament must not be downplayed. In the debate (...)
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    Legislative sovereignty: moving from jurisprudence towards metaphysics.Marc R. Johnson - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (3):360-386.
    ABSTRACT Legislative sovereignty is often discussed with one eye on the past and one eye on the procedural functions of law-making in the present. This limits the scope for a conceptual understanding of legislative sovereignty and hinders its theoretical progress. This article argues that legislative sovereignty contains within it the concept of an idol and that understanding the scope and impact of the idol of sovereignty is necessary for future development in this field. Theories from Kant, Nietzsche, von Mises and (...)
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    The Upcycling and Reappropriation – On Art-Specific Circular Economy in the Age of Climate Change.Janez Strehovec - 2023 - Cultura 20 (1):27-41.
    Whereas mainstream theories of environmental art and sustainable development consider art as a domain suitable for the application of environmentally friendly procedures, such as the circular economy, trash management and digitization, this research article focuses on the internal development of the autopoetic and self-referential art machine, which generates an art-specific sustainability. The circular environmental economy coexists with the circular art economy, which implies changes in the aesthetics and poetics of the artwork; it deploys upcycling to use art trash in creating (...)
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    Toying with the law: Deleuze, Lacan and the promise of perversion.Kai Heron - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (4):738-758.
    This article proposes that Deleuze’s psychoanalytically inspired theory of humour and irony provides an underappreciated way to theorize acts of resistance that adopt a structurally perverse position towards a law or authority. In his books Coldness and Cruelty and Difference and Repetition, Deleuze explains that the law is susceptible to two kinds of subversive procedure. The first, which he calls irony and which he aligns with sadism, reveals a gap between the law and its principles. The second, which he (...)
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  38. Advance Requests for Medically-Assisted Dying.L. W. Sumner - manuscript
    When medical assistance in dying (MAiD) was legalized in Canada in June 2016, the question of allowing decisionally capable persons to make advance requests in anticipation of later incapacity was reserved for further consideration during the mandatory parliamentary review originally scheduled to begin in June 2020 (but since delayed by COVID-19). In its current form the legislation does not permit such requests, since it stipulates that at the time at which the procedure is to be administered the patient (...)
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    De kans van het parlementair wetgevend initiatief inzake verkiezingsorganisatie.Louis Masureel - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (1-2):213-222.
    In the period 1950-1975 many proposals were introduced in the Belgian parliament by members of parliament as welt as by the cabinet, concerning the electoral system : proposals in relation to the electorate, concerning the eligibility, the electoral procedures, and the proportional system.Very few of these proposals came through : half of them starting from an initiative of a MP and half of them coming from the cabinet, mostly preceded by a parliamentary initiative. The amount of change introduced in (...)
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  40. Implications of assisted dying for nursing practice.Mark Wareing - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (2):373-384.
    This conceptual paper considers the practice implications of assisted dying for contemporary nursing practice within the United Kingdom in response to the publication of a parliamentary report leading to a private members’ bill that will form the basis of a debate and possible change in legislation. A recurring theme within the nursing research is how nurses should respond to patients expressing an interest or making a request for assisted dying. This paper explores contemporary evidence and argues that the (...) of assisted dying is a complex (manifold) and puzzling (paradoxical) practice. The UK nursing profession may replicate recent healthcare catastrophes if the response to a proposal for assisted dying is based on a technical-rational stance, or if nurses merely coalesce around a single determinant such as patient autonomy. The paper presents two nursing communicative interventions that seek to address how to respond to a patient request for an assisted death that foregrounds the preferences and personhood of the patient whilst providing opportunities for enquiry-based approaches to enhance nursing responses to intractable suffering. (shrink)
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    How to ‘decaffeinate’ a legislative report: emerging discourses on the climate change-migration nexus within the European Parliament.Mert Söyler, Martín Torino Zavaleta & Olivia Jane Whelan - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This paper examines the different discourses adopted concerning the climate change-migration nexus within the European Parliament (EP). It uses a critical discourse analysis approach to analyse a specific motion for resolution report, its amendments, and plenary debates, as well as an expert interview with the rapporteur to gain further insights into the political dynamics and challenges involved in the process. An own-initiative report is chosen for the analysis to reveal conflicting discourse-making processes between various political groups within the EP and (...)
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    Het voorzitterschap van Kamer en Senaat in België (1918-1974) : Van parlementaire autonomie naar partijdige afhankelijkheid. [REVIEW]Emmanuel Gerard - 1999 - Res Publica 41 (1):121-155.
    This article analyses the election of the Speakers of both houses of the Belgian parliament, the House of Representatives and the Senate, in the period 1918-1974. According to the Belgian constitution, the election of the Speaker is a competence of each house. As can be expected in a system of parliamentary government, the Speakers belong to the government majority, as they did already before 1914. But with the disappearance of a homogeneous majority and the need for cabinet coalitions after (...)
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  43. trans. David Ames Curtis.Cornelius Castoriadis, Democracy as Procedure & Democracy as Regime - 1997 - Constellations 4 (1):2-3.
    In the intellectual confusion prevailing since the demise of Marxism and “marxism”, the attempt is made to define democracy as a matter of pure procedure, explicitly avoiding and condemning any reference to substantive objectives. It can easily be shown, however, that the idea of a purely procedural “democracy” is incoherent and self-contradictory. No legal system whatsoever and no government can exist in the absence of substantive conditions which cannot be left to chance or to the workings of the “market” (...)
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  44. Sw-846.Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure - 1992 - Method 1 (3):1.
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  45. A critique of the practical contradiction procedure for testing maxims.Shawn D. Kaplan - 2005 - Kantian Review 10:112-127.
    Emerging from the growing swell of recent literature concerning Kant's practical philosophy, one interpretation of his procedure for testing maxims has crested above others. The influential interpretation to which I refer believes that the categorical imperative guides a procedure that finds maxims impermissible when they cannot be universalized without producing a 'practical' contradiction. As a major proponent of the practical contradiction interpretation, Christine Korsgaard claims that, while there is textual support for this point of view, she is more (...)
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  46. Outline of a decision procedure for ethics.John Rawls - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (2):177-197.
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    Investigating Everyday Musical Interaction During COVID-19: An Experimental Procedure for Exploring Collaborative Playlist Engagement.Ilana Harris & Ian Cross - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Musical Group Interaction (MGI) has been found to promote prosocial tendencies, including empathy, across various populations. However, experimental study is lacking in respect of effects of everyday forms of musical engagement on prosocial tendencies, as well as whether key aspects—such as physical co-presence of MGI participants—are necessary to enhance prosocial tendencies. We developed an experimental procedure in order to study online engagement with collaborative playlists and to investigate socio-cognitive components of prosocial tendencies expected to increase as a consequence of (...)
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    A new multiobjective procedure for solving nonconvex environmental/economic power dispatch.Roozbeh Morsali, Mohsen Mohammadi, Iman Maleksaeedi & Noradin Ghadimi - 2014 - Complexity 20 (2):47-62.
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    The Four Feet of Legal Procedure and the Origins of Jurisprudence in Ancient India.Patrick Olivelle & Mark McClish - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (1):33.
    The well-known classification of legal procedure into “four feet” presents certain conceptual problems for the Indian legal tradition that various Smṛtikāras and commentators have attempted to resolve in different and sometimes contradictory ways. These difficulties arise because the four feet originally referred in Indian legal theory to four distinct, hierarchical legal domains rather than procedural means for reaching a verdict. The earliest attested discussion of the four feet, found in Kauṭilya’s Arthaśāstra, indicates that early legal theorists understood the greater (...)
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    On Dummett’s Pragmatist Justification Procedure.Hermógenes Oliveira - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (2):429-455.
    I show that propositional intuitionistic logic is complete with respect to an adaptation of Dummett’s pragmatist justification procedure. In particular, given a pragmatist justification of an argument, I show how to obtain a natural deduction derivation of the conclusion of the argument from, at most, the same assumptions.
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