Results for ' perfomance'

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  1. A perfomance do professor coordenador na escola burguesa.Marcia Mello & Jose de Almeida - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (3):141-154.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo examinar a alienação que envolve a atividade do professor coordenador, relacionando esse profissional às expectativas do ideário neoliberal, reproduzido pela escola burguesa e comparar as atribuições destinadas a esse profissional com o seu fazer efetivo. O universo da pesquisa engloba a escola pública do Estado de São Paulo e a atividade do professor coordenador, especialmente as de Ciclo II. O referencial usado é o materialismo histórico dialético, e a categoria de análise é a teoria (...)
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  2. A perfomance do professor coordenador na escola burguesa.Márcia Natália Motta Mello & José Luis Vieira de Almeida - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (3).
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo examinar a alienação que envolve a atividade do professor coordenador, relacionando esse profissional às expectativas do ideário neoliberal, reproduzido pela escola burguesa e comparar as atribuições destinadas a esse profissional com o seu fazer efetivo. O universo da pesquisa engloba a escola pública do Estado de São Paulo e a atividade do professor coordenador, especialmente as de Ciclo II. O referencial usado é o materialismo histórico dialético, e a categoria de análise é a teoria (...)
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  3. Perfomance.Term Planning - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17.
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  4. Tracking Early Differences in Tetris Perfomance Using Eye Aspect Ratio Extracted Blinks.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in 'T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2023 - IEEE Transactions on Games 1:1-8.
    This study aimed to evaluate if eye blinks can be used to discriminate players with different performance in a session of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Tetris. To that end, we developed a state-of-the-art method for blink extraction from EAR measures, which is robust enough to be used with data collected by a low-grade webcam such as the ones widely available on laptop computers. Our results show a significant decrease in blink rate per minute (blinks/m) during the first minute of playing (...)
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    Theorien des Performativen: Sprache - Wissen - Praxis.Jörg Volbers & Klaus W. Hempfer - 2011 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Das »Performative« ist in den vergangenen Jahren zu einer festen Größe im Theorierepertoire der Geisteswissenschaften geworden. Seine nachgerade ubiquitäre Verwendung verdankt sich dabei vielfach einem wenig präzisen Verständnis, das – teilweise gegenstrebige – Aspekte von Performanz, Wirklichkeitskonstitution, Emergenz und Präsenzeffekten verbindet. Dieser Band zieht eine kritische Bilanz, ohne dabei ein bestimmtes Verständnis zu verabsolutieren. Die Beiträge bereiten das aktuelle Theoriefeld erstmals so auf, dass es einem breiteren, interdisziplinären Leserkreis zugänglich wird.
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    Forward to Aristotle: The case for a hybrid ontology.Rom Harré - 1997 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 27 (2&3):173–191.
    It behooves a science to pay careful attention to its ontological assumptions, especially in cases where they are likely to be complex. Psychology seems to require both material states of humans as organisms, and symbolic productions. But we must be careful not to think that the grammars of the latter are some sort of superscience. The duality shows up strongly in the difference between skilled perfomances and their material enabling conditions. I argue that the dual ontology appears in a science (...)
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    Educación física: disminución del estrés y el perfeccionismo en educación primaria.Reina Castellanos Vega & Elena Raluca Dinu - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-8.
    El perfeccionismo es la exigencia personal, evaluando su propio valor en términos de productividad y logro. Se utiliza una metodología experimental y tiene como objetivo principal conocer si los niños/as de dos cursos de cuarto de primaria son perfeccionistas y proponer actividades utilizando el método REAPSES en la asignatura de Educación física. En conclusión, gracias a las actividades planteadas los alumnos/as afirman encontrarse más relajados y con una idea más clara del significado del estrés y cómo éste les afecta. Sin (...)
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  8. Logic, Reasoning and the Logical Constants.Pascal Engel - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):219-235.
    What is the relationship between logic and reasoning? How do logical norms guide inferential performance? This paper agrees with Gilbert Harman and most of the psychologists that logic is not directly relevant to reasoning. It argues, however, that the mental model theory of logical reasoning allows us to harmonise the basic principles of deductive reasoning and inferential perfomances, and that there is a strong connexion between our inferential norms and actual reasoning, along the lines of Peacocke’s conception of inferential role.
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    The Power of Purity: Preliminary Notes for an Archaeology of Modern Jurisprudence.Francesco Forzani - forthcoming - Law and Critique:1-34.
    In this paper I will try to subsume what Carl Schmitt referred to as the three types of juristic thought – positivism, decisionism and institutionalism – under the same 'signature of power’. With this expression I refer here to a general enunciative function that informs (legal) thought, forcing it to perform an (ex-ceptional) articulation of (form of) law and (force of) life. My suggestion is thus that it is possible to interpret the different approach to the law question of two (...)
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  10. O performatywach i generowaniu.Zuzanna Kasprzyk - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    The conception of performative utterances proposed by John Langshaw Austin is unclear and provokes many fundamental questions. We compare this proposal with Jacek Juliusz Jadacki's conception of performatives, being much more precise one. We develop Jadacki's intuitions and propose to characterize performatives as expressions fulfilling a specific semantic function: A type-expression W is a performative generating an intentional state of affairs S iff there is a convention K and circumstances C such that the convention K says: if somebody utters a (...)
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    La indiscreta presencia de sí. La génesis de las habitualidades y el problema de la reflexión en Husserl.Roberto C. F. Menéndez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:193.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar la cuestión de las habitualidades en la fenomenología de Husserl para pensar la génesis de la reflexión en nuestro mundo actual. En un primer momento, y principalmente a partir de libros primero y segundo de las Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica, se revisarán el concepto de yo en Husserl en dos de sus dimensiones principa-les: el yo como polo idéntico de las vivencias y el yo como substrato de las (...)
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    Es Un Ergon Aristotélico " Multiplemente Realizable"?Jorge Mittelmann - 2009 - Elenchos 30 (2):255-292.
    This paper aims to show that the distinction between two types of body, which is sometimes appealed to in order to clear up the Aristotelian definition of soul, sheds some light on the ontological status of prostheses and on the issue of the “multiple realizability” of life-functions. After discussing the strain that the definition of soul imposes upon the basic hylomorphic categories, the paper turns to the idea of a “functionally defined body”, whose organs are defined by the power to (...)
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    Religion and Folklore or About the Syncretism of Faith and Beliefs.Gabriela Rusu-Pasarin - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):117-139.
    The rituals practiced by the initiated and learned by the “chosen ones” so that they can be perpetuated, have generated the existence of two worlds. The first is that of immediate impact, on the first level of perception, amendable in its circumstantial data. The second world is the treasurer of recognizable factors in many similar situations, in stages different from manifestation and elements of the unique, the unusual. The second level has established itself as a human need to periodically immerse (...)
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    The meaning of life between the self and the normative process of self-realisation.Giovanna Caruso - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (4):489-496.
    Self-research becomes a starting point for the question about the human being in contemporary anthropological approaches. Accordingly, human life is not viewed anymore as the theoretical object of philosophical investigation, but as the concrete performative execution of the individual’s life. Following this existential paradigm, this paper shows, on the basis of Heidegger’s ‘analytic of Dasein’ and Angehrn’s ‘hermeneutic of the self,’ that the meaning of life can be identified with the process of self-realization much more than with any possible meaningful (...)
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    Math Performance and Sex: The Predictive Capacity of Self-Efficacy, Interest and Motivation for Learning Mathematics.Ascensión Palomares-Ruiz & Ramón García-Perales - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Differences between the sexes in education is something of particular interest in much research. This study sought to investigate the possible differences between the sexes in math performance, and to deeply examine the causal factors for those differences. Beginning from the administration of the BECOMA-On (Online Evaluation Battery of Mathematics Skills) to 3,795 5th year primary students aged 10-11, in 16 Spanish autonomous communities and the 2 autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The results for each sex were compared to (...)
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    L'écriture dramatique d'Arthur Schnitzler, Paul Claudel et Marguerite Duras : trois incarnations du temps bergsonien ?Aude Crétien - 2013 - Temporalités 18.
    Trois auteurs dramatiques, Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) dans Au Grand Guignol, Paul Claudel (1868-1955) dans Le Soulier de Satin, et Marguerite Duras (1914-1996) dans Savannah Bay, nous placent au cœur même du processus de la représentation théâtrale, fait d’imprévus, d’incertitudes et d’accidents. Cette écriture rend sensible un temps dynamique, vivant et jaillissant, qui n’est pas sans rappeler la conception bergsonienne du temps comme « création continue d’imprévisible nouveauté ». Ces œuvres, dans leur mouvement de dépassement du caractère construit et fini du (...)
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