Results for ' phenomenon of education in Heideggerian terms and practices of teaching'

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  1.  13
    The Potentiality of Authenticity in Becoming a Teacher.Angus Brook - 2010-02-19 - In Gloria Dall'Alba (ed.), Exploring Education through Phenomenology. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 53–65.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction 1. Heidegger's Phenomenology 2. Heidegger on Teaching/Learning 3. Authenticity and the Phenomenon of Teaching Conclusion Notes References.
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    Media Literacy Education in Art: Motion Expression and the New Vision of Art Education.Kenta Motomura - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (4):58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.4 (2003) 58-64 [Access article in PDF] Media Literacy Education in Art:Motion Expression and the New Vision of Art EducationThe Bauhaus, which established the foundation of modern design, has greatly influenced Japanese design and art education. It is a historical fact that the movement views "synthetic art" as an integration of the various fields and the integration of the art and (...)
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    Teacher Cognition and Practice of Educational Equity in English as a Foreign Language Teaching.Feifei Chen & Rohaya Binti Abdullah - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:820042.
    Teachers involved in English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching play a significant role in the process of moving toward educational equity. Teacher cognition is very influential in shaping teacher practice and thus affects students’ academic performance. However, although the role of EFL teachers as equity agents has been recognized, few studies have explored EFL teachers in-depth in terms of their cognition and practice. Moreover, no review studies have given sufficient attention to the task of elucidating the interrelations (...)
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  4. Teacher Education as a Form of Public Discourse: The Public and the Private in Conversations About Teaching.David G. Smith - 1991 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 12 (1).
    One of the great contributions of postmodern thinkers like Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida to the human sciences generally, in which Education is situated, has been the concept of "discourse." To call a particular way of thinking and acting a discourse is to reference the way meaning is achieved amongst actors by a mutual agreement, direct or tacit, about key terms and actions. A discourse is a kind of self-enclosed semantic and practical universe within which people operate "as (...)
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    Instrumental Music Educators in a COVID Landscape: A Reassertion of Relationality and Connection in Teaching Practice.Leon R. de Bruin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    For many countries instrumental music tuition in secondary schools is a ubiquitous event that provides situated and personalized instruction in the learning of an instrument. Opportunities and methods through which teachers operate during the COVID-19 outbreak challenged music educators as to how they taught, engaged, and interacted with students across online platforms, with alarm over aerosol dispersement a major factor in maintaining online instrumental music tuition even as students returned to “normal” face to face classes. This qualitative study investigated the (...)
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    Reducing Irrationality of Legal Methodology by Realistic Description of Interpretative Tools and Teaching the Causes of Irrationality in Legal Education.Hans Paul Prümm - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):199-219.
    Lawyers pretend as if the process of application of laws, as well as its outcome, could be an analytic-deductive derivation; especially law students learn that legal decision-making is primarily a logic process. But we know that application of laws depends on analytic-logical as well as on voluntaristic (wilful) elements. Exact relations between these components are unknown and will be unknown. At most German law schools students as the most important imperative tool learn the so called “Auslegung” through the use of (...)
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    Educating Idiots: Utopian Ideals and Practical Organization Regarding Idiocy inside Nineteenth-Century French Asylums.Sofie Lachapelle - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (4):627-648.
    ArgumentThroughout the nineteenth century, French alienists reflected on the nature of idiocy, on its causes and possible treatments. Central to this reflection was the question of education. Was it possible to teach a child idiot to develop physically, intellectually, and morally? Schools were established, wards were rearranged, and educational methods were suggested. The extent to which all of this succeeded is hard to assess. The optimistic tone of educational treatises was never reflected in the life in the asylum. By (...)
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    Pedagogies of Hauntology in History Education: Learning to Live with the Ghosts of Disappeared Victims of War and Dictatorship.Michalinos Zembylas - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (1):69-86.
    Michalinos Zembylas examines how history education can be reconceived in terms of Jacques Derrida's notion of “hauntology,” that is, as an ongoing conversation with the “ghost” — in the case of this essay, the ghosts of disappeared victims of war and dictatorship. Here, Zembylas uses hauntology as both metaphor and pedagogical methodology for deconstructing the orthodoxies of academic history thinking and learning about “the disappeared.” As metaphor, hauntology evokes the figure of the ghost in order both to trouble (...)
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  9.  52
    What is the Significance of Research for Music Education in Practice? On Relations between the Practice of and the Scientific Approach to Music Education.Frede V. Nielsen - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1):22-40.
    The relation between music pedagogy as a field of research and the practice of music education is characterized as a continuum ranging from remoteness through cooperation to full integration. A typology is drawn up (the where the relation is separate, co-operative, integrated,or parallel). All these types of relationship are considered necessary. The distinctive task of music pedagogical research is to question, explore, and develop issues, conditions, and potentialities within the practice of music education by rendering them accessible to (...)
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  10.  18
    “Knowledge” and “Action”: al-Ghazali and Arab Muslim Philosophical Tradition in Context of Interrelationship with Philosophical Culture of Byzantium.Nur S. Kirabaev & Кирабаев Нур Серикович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):201-215.
    “Knowledge” in Islam, Muslim culture and philosophy is considered as the key to understanding Muslim civilization, the formation of which took place in interaction with the cultures of peoples of the eastern and western parts of the former Roman Empire. The Byzantine theology and philosophy were of great importance for the points of contact and mutual enrichment of Muslim and Christian cultures in the Middle Ages, influencing the formation of Christian orthodox doctrine and the worldview of the ethnically diverse peoples (...)
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  11.  57
    The Meaning of "Aristotelianism" in Medieval Moral and Political Thought.Cary J. Nederman - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (4):563-585.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Meaning of “Aristotelianism” in Medieval Moral and Political ThoughtCary J. NedermanI. “Aristotelian” and “Aristotelianism” are words that students of medieval ideas use constantly and almost inescapably. 1 The widespread usage of these terms by scholars in turn reflects the popularity of Aristotle’s thought itself during the Latin Middle Ages: Aristotle provided many of the raw materials with which educated Christians of the Middle Ages built up the (...)
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  12.  20
    Autonomous Learners and the Learning Society: systematic perspectives on the practice of teaching in Higher Education.Connie Marsh, Kelvyn Richards & Paul Smith - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (3-4):381-395.
    (2001). Autonomous Learners and the Learning Society: systematic perspectives on the practice of teaching in Higher Education. Educational Philosophy and Theory: Vol. 33, No. 3-4, pp. 381-395.
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  13.  6
    Teaching Secondary Science: Theory and Practice.Geoff Woolcott & Robert Whannell (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Teaching Secondary Science: Theory and Practice provides a dynamic approach to preparing preservice science teachers for practice. Divided into two parts - theory and practice - the text allows students to first become confident in the theory of teaching science before showing how this theory can be applied to practice through ideas for implementation, such as sample lesson plans. These examples span a variety of age levels and subject areas, allowing preservice teachers to adapt each exercise to suit (...)
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  14.  46
    Practices of self-knowledge in Buddhism and modern philosophical education.Natalia Dyadyk - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:71-81.
    Introduction. The article is focused on studying the self-knowledge techniques used in Buddhism and their application in teaching philosophy. The relevance of the study is due to the search for new approaches to studying philosophy, including approaches related to philosophical practice, as well as the interest of modern scientists in the problem of consciousness. The problem of consciousness is interdisciplinary and its study is of practical importance for philosophers, psychologists, linguists, specialists in artificial intelligence. Buddhism as a philosophical doctrine (...)
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  15.  29
    Pietism and Education in the Life and Work of Fritz Jahr.Amir Muzur & Iva Rinčić - 2019 - Філософія Освіти 24 (1):224-230.
    A little bit more than twenty years ago, the attention of bioethics community was attracted by the discovery of the work of Fritz Jahr (1895-1953), a theologian and teacher from Halle (Germany), who had conceived both the term and the discipline of bioethics (Bio-Ethik, 1926) by broadening Kant’s categorical imperative onto animals and plants. Today, dozens of papers deal with Jahr’s bioethics ideas, but his work related to other topics remains almost unknown. In the present paper, we address Jahr’s article (...)
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  16.  42
    Sense of place in the practice and assessment of place‐based science teaching.Steven Semken & Carol Butler Freeman - 2008 - Science Education 92 (6):1042-1057.
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    Virtue and the Art of Teaching Art.John Haldane - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (4):425-440.
    Discussions of the aims and efficacy of teachers tend to focus on an extended present pre supposing a more or less common profile across subjects and recent times. Given the concern with contemporary schooling this is unsurprising, but it limits what might be learned about the character of good and bad teaching, about the particularities of certain fields, and about the ways teachers conceive themselves in relation to their subjects, students and society. This essay considers the teaching of (...)
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  18.  25
    Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Expert Perspectives on Pedagogy and Practice.Sarah Lewthwaite & Melanie Nind - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (4):413-430.
    Capacity building in social science research methods is positioned by research councils as crucial to global competitiveness. The pedagogies involved, however, remain under-researched and the pedagogical culture under-developed. This paper builds upon recent thematic reviews of the literature to report new research that shifts the focus from individual experiences of research methods teaching to empirical evidence from a study crossing research methods, disciplines and nations. A dialogic, expert panel method was used, engaging international experts to examine teaching and (...)
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  19.  22
    Examining and improving inclusive practice in institutional academic integrity policies, procedures, teaching and support.Mary Davis - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    This research aimed to analyse inclusive practice in academic integrity in the teaching, support, policies and procedures involved at one UK HE institution. Data was collected through two sets of stakeholder interviews: three students from disadvantaged groups who had experienced academic conduct investigations; eleven staff with key roles in academic integrity. A third set of data comprised four institutional academic integrity documents which were analysed in terms of meeting Universal Design for Learning principles for inclusion. The four main (...)
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  20. A Still Life Is Really a Moving Life: The Role of Mirror Neurons and Empathy in Animating Aesthetic Response.Carol S. Jeffers - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (2):31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Still Life Is Really a Moving LifeThe Role of Mirror Neurons and Empathy in Animating Aesthetic ResponseCarol S. Jeffers (bio)IntroductionIn the Western aesthetic canon, the still life enjoys a certain prestige; its place in the museum and on the pages of the art history text is secure. Art aficionados who appreciate the character of Cezanne's apples help to ensure the lofty standing of the still life, as do (...)
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  21.  80
    Development of Ethics Education in Science and Technology in Technical Universities in China: Commentary on “Ethics ‘upfront’: Generating an Organizational Framework for a New University of Technology”.Qian Wang & Ping Yan - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1721-1733.
    In order to solve a series of problems brought about by rapid development of science and technology, it is necessary not only to conduct in-depth research on science and technology ethics, but also to strengthen ethics education in science and technology. China’s five technical universities exemplify the specific situation and characteristics of ethics at Chinese technical universities, and can be compared to the situation in South Africa. China’s ethics education in the 5TU emphasizes the use of traditional ideological (...)
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  22.  20
    Theory and Practice in the Interdisciplinary Production and Reproduction of Scientific Knowledge: ID in the XXI Century.Olga Pombo, Klaus Gärtner & Jorge Jesuíno (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses the urgent need for a large and systematic analysis of current interdisciplinary (ID) research and practice. It demonstrates how ID is essentially a cognitive phenomenon, something different from the frivolous and inconsequential attempt of trying to overcome the disciplinary competencies and exigencies. By ID, the authors show that it is a manifestation of the transversal rationality that underlies current scientific activity. It is the very progress of specialized disciplines that requires interdisciplinary new research practices and (...)
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  23.  3
    Shaping New Aims and Practices of Teaching Controversial Issues in Response to Conservative Critics.Sarah M. Stitzlein - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-23.
    While the teaching of controversial issues has generally been supported by schools and education scholars, new laws and public outcry have impacted whether and how controversial issues are taught. Calls to ban or limit teaching of controversial issues have largely been spurred by conservative parents, policymakers, and political groups. Some teachers and many education scholars are deeply concerned and want to preserve teaching about controversial issues. This situation suggests that inquiry is needed into changes in (...)
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  24.  52
    Estelle R. Jorgensen, The Art of Teaching Music (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2008).Betty Anne Younker - 2008 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 16 (1):109-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Art of Teaching MusicBetty Anne YounkerEstelle R. Jorgensen, The Art of Teaching Music(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2008)I have had the pleasure of reading the book manuscript, The Art of Teaching Music, by Estelle Jorgensen. The content explores a variety of ideas that are covered in the myriad of courses experienced by undergraduate students and introduces new ones that are critical to the development (...)
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    Rembrandt and collections of his art in America: An NEH curriculum project.Joseph M. Piro - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rembrandt and Collections of His Art in America: An NEH Curriculum ProjectJoseph M. Piro (bio)IntroductionI have asked myself whether the short time given us would be better used in an attempt to understand the whole of the universe or to assimilate what is within our reach.—Paul CézanneThis issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education features an arts education curriculum project that was designed to use the oeuvre (...)
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  26.  13
    Paul Woodford, Music Education in an Age of Virtuality and Post-Truth (New York: Routledge, 2018).Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (1):108-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Music Education in an Age of Virtuality and Post-Truth by Paul WoodfordPanagiotis A. KanellopoulosPaul Woodford, Music Education in an Age of Virtuality and Post-Truth (New York, Routledge, 2018)This book is provocative. And challenging. It is written with passion, aiming to induce controversy. And with good reason. For we live in times when populism professes an illusionary sense of community, invoking a seemingly 'anti-systemic' but highly hypocritical, (...)
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    Liberatory Practices of Teaching in Difference and Repetition.Cheri Carr - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (1):136-151.
    Progressive educators must find ways of addressing the unconscious investments of desire that subvert free actions if they want to inspire just practices. This essay takes up that challenge, describing what a Deleuzian pedagogy might look like and what it can do by combining an exploration of learning, ethics and autonomy in Difference and Repetition with the activation of Deleuzo-Guattarian thought in contemporary Communities of Philosophical Inquiry.
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    In the Wake of Cultural Studies: Globalization, Theory, and the University.Tilottama Rajan - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (3):67-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.3 (2001) 67-88 [Access article in PDF] In the Wake of Cultural StudiesGlobalization, Theory, and the University Tilottama Rajan 1 Theory today has become an endangered species, as evidenced by the resistance to difficult language. This is not to deny that it leads a quasi-life as the domesticated ground for what has replaced it, or as a form of prestige: a signifier for "cutting-edge" discourses. But in using (...)
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  29.  15
    Teaching ethics in schools: a new approach to moral education.Philip Cam - 2012 - Camberwell, Vic.: ACER Press.
    Teaching Ethics in Schools provides a fresh approach to moral education. Far from prescribing a rigid set of mandated values, codes of conduct, behaviour management plans, or religious instruction, Philip Cam skilfully presents ethical thinking and reasoning as a dynamic and essential aspect of school life. The first section of the book provides a clear introduction to the theoretical premise of reflection and collaborative enquiry. It draws on the history of philosophy in succinct terms, and relates this (...)
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  30.  26
    Higher education in bulgarian context: Peculiarities and challenges.Svetlana D. Hristova & Valentina Milenkova - 2017 - Seeu Review 12 (2):135-172.
    The objective of this article is to illustrate the issues and challenges which the higher education system in Bulgaria faces, with a particular accent on the phenomenoneducation per kilogram”. The latter describes, in a popular language, the up-scaling of the university graduation, related to the mass proliferation of the higher education institutions, the facilitated access to enrolment through paid tuitions, etc. The big quantity of HEIs in the country is in a mismatch with the low (...)
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  31.  10
    The Phenomenon of False Assumption in Historical and Educational Texts.Jiří Přibyl, Petr Eisenmann & Ján Gunčaga - 2018 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 27 (7-8):737-767.
    This article describes two heuristic strategies for problem solving: the use of false assumption strategy and the use of double false assumption strategy. Both of these strategies have their roots deep in history. In this article, we define these two strategies and illustrate their use in a problem developed by Frances Pellos. The article provides an overview of occurrences of these two strategies in various mathematical and educational texts. The texts show clearly that both of these strategies played a significant (...)
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    Liberalism in practice: the psychology and pedagogy of public reason.Olivia Newman - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An argument that draws on empirical findings in psychology to offer a blueprint for cultivating a widespread commitment to public reason. At the core of liberal theory is the idea—found in thinkers from Hobbes to Rawls—that the consent of the governed is key to establishing political legitimacy. But in a diverse liberal polity like the United States, disagreement runs deep, and a segment of the population will simply regard the regime as illegitimate. In Liberalism in Practice, Olivia Newman argues that (...)
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    Breaking the Rule of Discipline in Interdisciplinarity: Redefining Professors, Students, and Staff as Faculty.Alison Cook-Sather & Elliott Shore - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (2):Article M15.
    In this article we attempt to complicate traditional--and, we argue, limited and exclusionary--definitions of interdisciplinarity as the bringing into dialogue of established disciplines without questioning the parameters and practices of those disciplines. We propose that interdisciplinarity instead might mean teaching and learning among, between, and in the midst of those of innate or learned capacities--not only college faculty but also students and staff. To illustrate this more radical iteration of interdisciplinarity, we draw on a range of definitions of (...)
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    (1 other version)Inventions of teaching: a genealogy.Brent Davis - 2004 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. Edited by Angus McMurtry.
    Inventions of Teaching: A Genealogy is a powerful examination of current metaphors for and synonyms of teaching. It offers an account of the varied and conflicting influences and conceptual commitments that have contributed to contemporary vocabularies--and that are in some ways maintained by those vocabularies, in spite of inconsistencies and incompatibilities among popular terms. The concern that frames the book is how speakers of English invented (in the original sense of the word, "came upon") our current vocabularies (...)
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  35.  69
    Cultural Foundations of the Idea and Practice of the Teaching Profession in Africa: Indigenous roots, colonial intrusion, and post‐colonial reality.N'dri T. Assie-Lumumba - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (s2):21-36.
    In this article I analyze some of the cultural factors that have determined and influenced the teaching profession and its evolution in African countries. Firstly, I use an historical approach to review conceptual issues on teachers, teaching and learning; secondly, I examine salient features of the idea and practices of teachers and teaching in the pre-colonial and less Westernized contemporary African contexts and elements of Quranic schools; thirdly, I offer an account of how teachers were introduced (...)
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    The Concept of Freedom in Art Education in Japan.Takuya Kaneda - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (4):12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.4 (2003) 12-19 [Access article in PDF] The Concept of Freedom in Art Education in Japan The concept of freedom has played a very important role in art education in Japan. Needless to say, freedom has been regarded as an essential principle of education in the West. Writers from Jean Jacques Rousseau to John Dewey stressed the significance of freedom (...)
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    Philosophy of Education in the Digital Age: Transformation of Knowledge and Learning.Марина ШУЛЬГА, Інна КУЗНЄЦОВА & Наталія ПОЛІЩУК - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):115-123.
    The article examines the transformational process in the philosophy of education driven by digitalization, which necessitates a critical re-evaluation of traditional epistemological and ontological categories. The study addresses the dichotomy between classical educational paradigms and emerging approaches that respond to digital innovations. This research aims to analyze the impact of digital technologies on the structure of knowledge, educational institutions, and cognitive interaction methods. It applies poststructuralist and relational analysis methods to conceptualize knowledge as a contingent and variable phenomenon. (...)
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    Deliberate Ignorance and Myopic Intellectualist Understandings of Expertise: Are Philosophers of Education Epistemic Trespassers in Initial Teacher Education Programmes?Gerry Dunne - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-18.
    This paper considers in conceptual terms the extent to which pre-service teachers’ disengagement with philosophy of education might usefully be explained in terms of the mistaken charge of (1) ‘epistemic trespassing’ frequently levelled against philosophers of education. This cohort charge philosophers of education with being ultracrepidarians—those who proffer opinions on subjects that they know nothing about. Contra this view, I argue that casting philosophers as epistemic trespassers—lofty theorists with nothing meaningful to contribute to professional practice—is (...)
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  39. Teachers and challenges of teaching in elementary schools of the Italian national minority in Rijeka.Marinko Lazzarich - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (2):159-183.
    The educational system in multi‑ethnic environments plays an important role in the socialization and preservation of the cultural and linguistic identity of minorities. Due to socio‑historical events, the Italian component represents a significant identity segment of the city of Rijeka. There are four elementary schools of the Italian national minority operating in Rijeka. In this paper, we examine the attitudes of teachers working in these schools, the challenges they face in their teaching practice, and the level of satisfaction with (...)
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    Diversified Talent Cultivation Mechanism of Early Childhood Physical Education Under the Full-Practice Concept – Oriented by Preschooler Mental Health and Intelligent Teaching.Nina Wang & Mohd Nazri Bin Abdul Rahman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:593063.
    In order to improve early childhood physical education, in this study, the talent cultivation mechanism for undergraduates was explored under the “full-practice” concept, oriented by preschooler mental health. First, from the perspective of preschooler psychology, the mechanisms of ability training and talent cultivation for undergraduates majoring in early childhood education were explored under the “full-practice” concept. Considering that the physical, psychological, and intellectual development of preschoolers shall follow the rules of physical education, and current early childhood (...) mainly focuses on intelligence education in China, early childhood physical education was analyzed further in this study. By investigating the undergraduate majors of early childhood education in Henan University, this study first summarized the current problems in early childhood education systems in universities. Secondly, combined with the form of physical education in kindergartens, strategies for talent cultivation and curriculum setting of early childhood physical education majors in colleges and universities were proposed. Finally, from the perspective of innovation and diversification of training forms, the cultivation of early childhood educators’ physical education ability was analyzed at multiple levels and multiple objectives, and the integrated training system of early childhood education talents was constructed. The results show that, among all the courses for early childhood education major, compulsory courses account for 81.2% and optional courses account for 18.8%. In addition, a survey on undergraduates’ attitudes toward the curriculum of their major demonstrates that 81.2% of the undergraduates thought that the range and content of practical courses should be increased, indicating that undergraduates majoring in early childhood education are dissatisfied with the current curriculum system, and they have an increased demand for practical courses. Correspondingly, it is vital to build and improve on the early childhood physical education. In terms of its talent cultivation, the “full-practice” concept helps combine theory with practice to improve the effectiveness of education and teaching, pushing forward the reform of the education system. Meanwhile, data- and intelligence-oriented teaching will become the new direction of modern sports development, as well as an important link for tracking and monitoring children’s sports teaching in China. Through the continuous introduction of wearable artificial intelligence products, real-time monitoring of children’s physical conditions can be realized, which helps improve the effectiveness of early childhood physical education. (shrink)
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    Rancière, music, and the musicality of teaching.Johannes Rytzler - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (3):678-694.
    While the aesthetics of Rancière is a well-explored topic, there has been something missing from the reception of his works, and that is the relation between Rancière’s aesthetics and music. However, in recent years an interest in this relation has resulted in several academic contributions, which is sign enough that there is in fact a musical element in his works. Rancière himself, in response to this reception, has acknowledged as much. Music is a human form of expression that uses the (...)
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    Linguistic Rights in the Education System in Light of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.Anna Doliwa-Klepacka - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 58 (1):59-76.
    One of the fields of protecting human rights within the framework of standards of the Council of Europe is the protection of national minorities – with the special issue of their linguistic rights. An intensification of actions aimed at adopting legal measures in this field happened in the 1960s. The concern for a proper range and level of regulation was expressed at the level of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Committee of Ministers. National experts formulated detailed resolutions to include the (...)
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    Citizenship Under Fire: Democratic Education in Times of Conflict.Sigal R. Ben-Porath - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Citizenship under Fire examines the relationship among civic education, the culture of war, and the quest for peace. Drawing on examples from Israel and the United States, Sigal Ben-Porath seeks to understand how ideas about citizenship change when a country is at war, and what educators can do to prevent some of the most harmful of these changes.Perhaps the most worrisome one, Ben-Porath contends, is a growing emphasis in schools and elsewhere on social conformity, on tendentious teaching of (...)
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    Elizabeth Mackinlay.Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women's Music and Dance(Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).Sarah H. Watts - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1):90-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women’s Music and DanceSarah H. WattsElizabeth Mackinlay. Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women’s Music and Dance (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).Elizabeth Mackinlay, a lecturer in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland, documents her unique pedagogical approaches and ways of thinking about the (...) and learning of music and dance in her book, Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women’s Music and Dance. A university-level anthropology course dealing with the music and dance traditions of Australia’s Yanyuwa women was the setting for this “ethnographic case study” (p. 17). Through this course, Mackinlay sought to help students connect Indigenous Australian performance practices to social and political issues while fostering awareness of gender issues and learning processes within Indigenous Australian music and dance performance contexts. These objectives were met through a distinctive approach—by disposing of the strict lecture class format and bringing the field into the classroom. Disturbances and Dislocations documents the experiences of Mackinlay, her students, and several Yanyuwa women who come together as part of the course to engage in hands-on, authentic music and dance exchanges that bring the Yanyuwa women’s voices to the fore. [End Page 90]From the very beginning of the book, Mackinlay highlights her unique point of view as author of this work. She is a “white, middle class, educated woman” (p. 15) researching the experiences of and teaching university-level courses relating to Indigenous Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples, a cultural background that is not her own. She is a political, educational, and ethnic outsider to the groups of peoples she studies. The wife of an Aboriginal man and mother to Aboriginal children, she is afforded links to the Yanyuwa people that provide her with a measure of status as a family member within the community. The dichotomy of being at once an insider and an outsider in the Yanyuwa community lends a fascinating level of complexity to Mackinlay’s exploration and analysis of the presence and impact of Yanyuwa culture-bearers in her classroom. The warmth, honesty, and openness with which she addresses her unique role in this learning exchange is engaging to the reader, and allows her personal situation to add humanity and life to the words on the page.The eight-chapter book commences with an introductory section that reflects upon her personal experiences in engaging in scholarship relating to Indigenous Australian issues. Additionally, the reader is introduced to the site of the ethnography, her classroom, in which her personal and professional lives intertwine. The next chapter further establishes the context of the ethnography by discussing a pilot project that laid foundations for the main study presented in the book. In this 1999 pilot project, a group of Mackinlay’s students, largely white women, participated in hands-on music and dance workshops under the guidance of Mackinlay and several Yanyuwa women. Student responses from this pilot project indicated that they felt awkward at times, but valued the time spent with the Yanyuwa guests and wished for more of these types of class sessions. Mackinlay determined that this cultural exchange could be even richer if more class time could be dedicated to it, an important observation for her own work, and also for others who seek to furnish cultural encounters for students.The fourth chapter delves into a theoretical discussion of the meanings of the inclusion of the study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in contemporary classroom settings. Issues of political positioning, representation of Indigenous voices, identity, and “speaking from and of in-between spaces” (p. 64) as one with a foothold in both white and Indigenous worlds are all addressed, engaging the reader in Mackinaly’s own complex journey of coming to terms with her own teaching and scholarly pursuits. It is refreshing to the reader that Mackinlay acknowledges her unique viewpoint as facilitator of this course and this research study. While she is an authority in this realm, she highlights her own backgrounds and biases, her individual lens... (shrink)
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    The institutionalization of global strategies for the transformation of society and education in the context of critical theory.Viktor V. Zinchenko - 2015 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 7:50-66.
    The purpose. Critical social philosophy of education strives to provide a radical critique of existing models of education in the so-called Western models of democracy, creating progressive alternative models. In this context, the proposed integrative metatheory, which is based on classical and modern sources, concepts, aims for a comprehensive understanding and reconstruction of the phenomenon of education. One of the main tasks in the sphere of education’s democratization today, therefore, is to bring to education (...)
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    Science, power, and subjectivity: Vaccine (mandate) resistance and ‘truth telling’ in times of right-wing populism.Jesse Bazzul - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (12):1387-1399.
    This paper employs Michel Foucault’s History of Sexuaity: Confessions of the Flesh to shed light on the perplexing phenomenon of vaccine (mandate) resistance. It argues that vaccine (mandate) resistance, while seemingly irresponsible and selfish, is entangled with the same modes of ‘truth-telling’ that have been part of the basic structure of modern Western governance for centuries. The paper begins by introducing the problem of vaccinate (mandate) resistance as a pedagogical problem for educators who want to teach social responsibility as (...)
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    In Defense of Observational Practice in Art and Design Education.Howard Cannatella - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (1):65.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.1 (2004) 65-77 [Access article in PDF] In Defense of Observational Practice in Art and Design Education Howard Cannatella Introduction It is increasingly debatable whether observational drawing and making in nature are still regarded as principal activities of art and design learning. Against this, the aim of this article is to strengthen sympathetically a teacher'sunderstanding of observational creative work from nature and (...)
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    The datafication of higher education: examining universities’ conceptions and articulations of ‘teaching quality’.Feng Su - forthcoming - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education:1-8.
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    Autonomous Learners and the Learning Society: systematic perspectives on the practice of teaching in Higher Education.Kelvyn Richards Marsh - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (3-4):381-395.
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    The educational philosophy of “Learning-Oriented Teaching” in the analects and its insights for contemporary times.Zhaoli Shi & Tao Kang - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe2):157-168.
    : In the study of ancient Chinese educational philosophy, some scholars believe that the main reason why traditional Chinese educational philosophy attaches importance to teaching rather than learning lies in Confucianism. This statement is unacceptable. If we take a careful and further study of the educational philosophy and practices of Confucianism, especially Confucius, the master of Confucianism, we will come to an opposite conclusion that Confucius attaches great importance to learning. It can be said that the characteristic of (...)
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