Results for ' process stream data'

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  1.  18
    Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving Based on Process Stream Data: A New Paradigm for Extracting Indicators and Modeling Dyad Data.Jianlin Yuan, Yue Xiao & Hongyun Liu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:422694.
    As one of the important 21st-century skills, collaborative problem solving (CPS) has caught much attention in the assessment area. Two initiative approaches have been created: the human-to-human and human-to-agent modes. Between the two modes, the human-to-human interaction is much closer to the real-world situation and its process stream data can reveal more detailed information about the cognitive processes. In order to measure CPS ability effectively by this mode, how to extract indicators from the data and model (...)
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  2. Workshop on Web-Based Massive Data Processing-Session 1-Streaming Data-Modelling and Guaranteeing Quality of Service over Data Streams.Shanshan Gu Wu & Yanfei Yu Lv - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 13-24.
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    Data streams classification using deep learning under different speeds and drifts.Pedro Lara-Benítez, Manuel Carranza-García, David Gutiérrez-Avilés & José C. Riquelme - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):688-700.
    Processing data streams arriving at high speed requires the development of models that can provide fast and accurate predictions. Although deep neural networks are the state-of-the-art for many machine learning tasks, their performance in real-time data streaming scenarios is a research area that has not yet been fully addressed. Nevertheless, much effort has been put into the adaption of complex deep learning (DL) models to streaming tasks by reducing the processing time. The design of the asynchronous dual-pipeline DL (...)
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    Data Stream Quality Evaluation for the Generation of Alarms in the Health Domain.Adriana Marotta, Joaquín Fleitas & Saúl Fagúndez - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (3):361-369.
    The use of sensors has had an enormous increment in the last years, becoming a valuable tool in many different areas. In this kind of scenario, the quality of data becomes an extremely important issue; however, not much attention has been paid to this specific topic, with only a few existing works that focus on it. In this paper, we present a proposal for managing data streams from sensors that are installed in patients’ homes in order to monitor (...)
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    Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance.Sungyong Ahn - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    It is now a common belief that the truths of our lives are hidden in the databases streamed from our interactions in smart environments. In this current hype of big data, the Internet of Things has been suggested as the idea to embed small sensors and actuators everywhere to unfold the truths beneath the surfaces of everything. However, remaining the technology that promises more than it can provide thus far, more important for the IoT’s actual expansion to various social (...)
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    Real-Time System Prediction for Heart Rate Using Deep Learning and Stream Processing Platforms.Abdullah Alharbi, Wael Alosaimi, Radhya Sahal & Hager Saleh - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    Low heart rate causes a risk of death, heart disease, and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, monitoring the heart rate is critical because of the heart’s function to discover its irregularity to detect the health problems early. Rapid technological advancement allows healthcare sectors to consolidate and analyze massive health-based data to discover risks by making more accurate predictions. Therefore, this work proposes a real-time prediction system for heart rate, which helps the medical care providers and patients avoid heart rate risk in (...)
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    Application of Normalized Compression Distance and Lempel-Ziv Jaccard Distance in Micro-electrode Signal Stream Classification for the Surgical Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.Kamil Ząbkiewicz - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 56 (1):45-57.
    Parkinson’s Disease can be treated with the use of microelectrode recording and stimulation. This paper presents a data stream classifier that analyses raw data from micro-electrodes and decides whether the measurements were taken from the subthalamic nucleus (STN) or not. The novelty of the proposed approach is based on the fact that distances based on raw data are used. Two distances are investigated in this paper, i.e. Normalized Compression Distance (NCD) and Lempel-Ziv Jaccard Distance (LZJD). No (...)
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  8. What do brain data really show?Valerie Gray Hardcastle & C. Matthew Stewart - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (3):572-582.
    There is a bias in neuroscience toward localizing and modularizing brain functions. Single cell recording, imaging studies, and the study of neurological deficits all feed into the Gallian view that different brain areas do different things and the things being done are confined to particular processing streams. At the same time, there is a growing sentiment that brains probably don’t work like that after all; it is better to conceive of them as fundamentally distributed units, multi‐tasking at every level. This (...)
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    Data ratcheting and data-driven organisational change in transport.Liam Heaphy - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    This article explores the process by which intelligent transport system technologies have further advanced a data-driven culture in public transport and traffic control. Based on 12 interviews with transport engineers and fieldwork visits to three control rooms, it follows the implementation of Real-Time Passenger Information in Dublin and the various technologies on which it is dependent. It uses the concept of ‘data ratcheting’ to describe how a new data-driven rational order supplants a gradualist, conservative ethos, creating (...)
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  10. Belief–logic conflict resolution in syllogistic reasoning: Inspection-time evidence for a parallel-process model.Linden J. Ball & Edward J. N. Stupple - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (2):168-181.
    An experiment is reported examining dual-process models of belief bias in syllogistic reasoning using a problem complexity manipulation and an inspection-time method to monitor processing latencies for premises and conclusions. Endorsement rates indicated increased belief bias on complex problems, a finding that runs counter to the “belief-first” selective scrutiny model, but which is consistent with other theories, including “reasoning-first” and “parallel-process” models. Inspection-time data revealed a number of effects that, again, arbitrated against the selective scrutiny model. The (...)
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  11.  26
    The Qualitative Face of Big Data.Alexander Nicolai Wendt - forthcoming - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making:3-1.
    The technological possibilities for new data sources in media psychology, such as online live recordings, called Live Streaming, are growing continuously. These sources do not only offer plentiful quantitative material but also a fairly new access to ecologically valid and unobtrusive observation of problem-solving and decision-making processes. However, to exploit these potentials, epistemological and methodological reflection should guide research. The availability of Big Data and naturally occurring data sets allows to revise the historical controversies on the eligibility (...)
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    Data that warms: Waste heat, infrastructural convergence and the computation traffic commodity.Julia Velkova - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    This article explores the ways in which data centre operators are currently reconfiguring the systems of energy and heat supply in European capitals, replacing conventional forms of heating with data-driven heat production, and becoming important energy suppliers. Taking as an empirical object the heat generated from server halls, the article traces the expanding phenomenon of ‘waste heat recycling’ and charts the ways in which data centre operators in Stockholm and Paris direct waste heat through metropolitan district heating (...)
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  13.  42
    Data Hiding Based on Improved Exploiting Modification Direction Method and Huffman Coding.Tanzila Saba, Mohammed Hazim Alkawaz, Amjad Rehman, Ghazali Sulong & Ali M. Ahmad - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (4):451-459.
    The rapid growth of covert activities via communications network brought about an increasing need to provide an efficient method for data hiding to protect secret information from malicious attacks. One of the options is to combine two approaches, namely steganography and compression. However, its performance heavily relies on three major factors, payload, imperceptibility, and robustness, which are always in trade-offs. Thus, this study aims to hide a large amount of secret message inside a grayscale host image without sacrificing its (...)
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  14.  28
    Tackling land’s ‘stubborn materiality’: the interplay of imaginaries, data and digital technologies within farmland assetization.Sarah Ruth Sippel - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):849-863.
    The nature of farming is – still – an essentially biological, and thus volatile, system, which poses substantial challenges to its integration into financialized capitalism. Financial investors often seek stability and predictability of returns that are hardly compatible with agriculture – but which are increasingly seen as achievable through data and digital farming technologies. This paper investigates how farmland investment brokers engage with, perceive, and produce farming data for their investors within a co-constructive process. Tackling land’s ‘stubborn (...)
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    Exploiting Multiple Sources of Information in Learning an Artificial Language: Human Data and Modeling.Pierre Perruchet & Barbara Tillmann - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (2):255-285.
    This study investigates the joint influences of three factors on the discovery of new word‐like units in a continuous artificial speech stream: the statistical structure of the ongoing input, the initial word‐likeness of parts of the speech flow, and the contextual information provided by the earlier emergence of other word‐like units. Results of an experiment conducted with adult participants show that these sources of information have strong and interactive influences on word discovery. The authors then examine the ability of (...)
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  16. The link between brain learning, attention, and consciousness.Stephen Grossberg - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (1):1-44.
    The processes whereby our brains continue to learn about a changing world in a stable fashion throughout life are proposed to lead to conscious experiences. These processes include the learning of top-down expectations, the matching of these expectations against bottom-up data, the focusing of attention upon the expected clusters of information, and the development of resonant states between bottom-up and top-down processes as they reach an attentive consensus between what is expected and what is there in the outside world. (...)
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  17. The Role of the Brain in Conscious Processes: A New Way of Looking at the Neural Correlates of Consciousness.Joachim Keppler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9 (Article 1346):1-8.
    This article presents a new interpretation of the consciousness-related neuroscientific findings using the framework of stochastic electrodynamics (SED), a branch of physics that sheds light on the basic principles underlying quantum systems. It is propounded that SED supplemented by two well-founded hypotheses leads to a satisfying explanation of the neural correlates of consciousness. The theoretical framework thus defined is based on the notion that all conceivable shades of phenomenal awareness are woven into the frequency spectrum of a universal background field, (...)
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  18.  34
    Exploring and Exploiting Uncertainty: Statistical Learning Ability Affects How We Learn to Process Language Along Multiple Dimensions of Experience.Dagmar Divjak & Petar Milin - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (5):e12835.
    While the effects of pattern learning on language processing are well known, the way in which pattern learning shapes exploratory behavior has long gone unnoticed. We report on the way in which individual differences in statistical pattern learning affect performance in the domain of language along multiple dimensions. Analyzing data from healthy monolingual adults' performance on a serial reaction time task and a self‐paced reading task, we show how individual differences in statistical pattern learning are reflected in readers' knowledge (...)
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    Learning Representations of Animated Motion Sequences—A Neural Model.Georg Layher, Martin A. Giese & Heiko Neumann - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):170-182.
    The detection and categorization of animate motions is a crucial task underlying social interaction and perceptual decision making. Neural representations of perceived animate objects are partially located in the primate cortical region STS, which is a region that receives convergent input from intermediate-level form and motion representations. Populations of STS cells exist which are selectively responsive to specific animated motion sequences, such as walkers. It is still unclear how and to what extent form and motion information contribute to the generation (...)
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  20.  33
    Developmental dyslexia and animal studies: at the interface between cognition and neurology.Albert M. Galaburda - 1994 - Cognition 50 (1-3):133-149.
    Recent findings in autopsy studies, neuroimaging, and neurophysiology indicate that dyslexia is accompanied by fundamental changes in brain anatomy and physiology, involving several anatomical and physiological stages in the processing stream, which can be attributed to anomalous prenatal and immediately postnatal brain development. Epidemiological evidence in dyslexic families led to the discovery of animal models with immune disease, comparable anatomical changes and learning disorders, which have added needed detail about mechanisms of injury and plasticity to indicate that substantial changes (...)
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  21.  42
    Filling-in the forms.Stephen Grossberg - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (6):758-759.
    Boundary completion and surface filling-in are computationally complementary processes whose multiple processing stages form processing streams that realize a hierarchical resolution of uncertainty. Such complementarity and uncertainty principles provide a new foundation for philosophical discussions about visual perception, and lead to neural explanations of difficult perceptual data.
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  22.  56
    Discovering the moment of consciousness? I: Bridging techniques at work.Valerie Gray Hardcastle - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (2):149 – 166.
    Connectionist views in psychology and neuroscience give the impression that there is no one place in the brain into which all information funnels. If these impression are accurate, then we will have great difficulty picking out a point in neuronal or psychological time at which phenomena become conscious. If so, pointing to one place in which we are conscious of a particular event and expecting a psychophysical correlation between qualitative and neural events seems hopeless. In response to this worry, I (...)
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    About saccade generation in reading.Françoise Vitu - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):702-703.
    In their model, Findlay & Walker propose that where and when the eyes move is determined by two relatively independent processing streams. Whereas both saccade direction and amplitude result from a low-level visual analysis of the peripheral visual stimulation, saccade latency results mainly from higher-level processes related to processing of the central information. In the present commentary, reading eye movement data are put forward as evidence against a strict autonomy of “Where” and “When” processing streams. First, saccade direction and (...)
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    Distinct Visual Evoked Potential Morphological Patterns for Apparent Motion Processing in School-Aged Children.Julia Campbell & Anu Sharma - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:177452.
    Measures of visual cortical development in children demonstrate high variability and inconsistency throughout the literature. This is partly due to the specificity of the visual system in processing certain features. It may then be advantageous to activate multiple cortical pathways in order to observe maturation of coinciding networks. Visual stimuli eliciting the percept of apparent motion and shape change is designed to simultaneously activate both dorsal and ventral visual streams. However, research has shown that such stimuli also elicit variable visual (...)
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    Believing is seeing in schizophrenia: The role of top-down processing.Duje Tadin, Peiyan Wong, Michael W. Mebane, Michael J. Berkowitz, Hollister Trott & Sohee Park - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):775-775.
    The etiology of visual hallucinations is largely undetermined in schizophrenia. Collerton et al.'s PAD model partly concurs with what we know about neurocognition in schizophrenia, but we need to specify the types of perceptual and attentional abnormalities that are implicated in recurrent complex visual hallucinations (RCVH). Available data suggest that abnormal attentional control and top-down processing play a larger role than the ventral stream deficits.
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  26. (1 other version)Learning a Generative Probabilistic Grammar of Experience: A Process‐Level Model of Language Acquisition.Oren Kolodny, Arnon Lotem & Shimon Edelman - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (4):227-267.
    We introduce a set of biologically and computationally motivated design choices for modeling the learning of language, or of other types of sequential, hierarchically structured experience and behavior, and describe an implemented system that conforms to these choices and is capable of unsupervised learning from raw natural-language corpora. Given a stream of linguistic input, our model incrementally learns a grammar that captures its statistical patterns, which can then be used to parse or generate new data. The grammar constructed (...)
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  27. The Role of Conscious Attention in Perception: Immanuel Kant, Alonzo Church, and Neuroscience.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (1):67-99.
    Impressions, energy radiated by phenomena in the momentary environmental scene, enter sensory neurons, creating in afferent nerves a data stream. Following Kant, by our inner sense the mind perceives its own thoughts as it ties together sense data into an internalized scene. The mind, residing in the brain, logically a Language Machine, processes and stores items as coded grammatical entities. Kantian synthetic unity in the linguistic brain is able to deliver our experience of the scene as we (...)
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  28.  22
    The Concept of the Plurality of Times as an Epistemological Vector in Relation to Interpretations of the Past and the Present.Vasilii Syrov & Elena Agafonova - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (1):95-123.
    In the article, we undertook an analysis of the prospects described in the research literature in connection with overcoming the linear interpretations of time and the transition to the concept of multiple times. We argue that it is possible to link two relatively autonomous objects on the basis of which they are discussed: the sphere of historical knowledge and the theme of memory. We argue that, overcome at the level of theories of the historical process, the linear idea of (...)
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    Evolutionary and intellectual antecedents of primate visual processing streams.Colin G. Ellard - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):104-105.
    The main function of vision in many animals is to control movement. In rodents, some visuomotor acts require the construction of models of the external world while others rely on Gibsonian invariants. Such findings support Norman's dual processing approach but it is not clear that the two types of processing rely on homologs of visual processing streams described in primates.
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  30. Social Philosophy: A Phenomenology and Critique of Philosophy Twitter.Martin Janello - 2022 - Https://Www.Philosophyofhappiness.Com/Materials.Html.
    This article derives from data collected over a six-month period between February and August 2022. Its sampling pertains to members of two general Twitter Lists of philosophy professionals: “Philosophers on Twitter”, limited to a maximum of 4500 active accounts, and “Philosophers”, restricted to accounts surpassing 1000 followers and currently including over 1,100 individuals. The totality of members of these two Lists is referenced in this article as “Philosophy Twitter”. -/- Data was collected in five principal ways from members (...)
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  31. Do They Mind the Gap? The Role of Founders in Organizational Pay Dispersion.Myrto Chliova, Gabriella Cacciotti & Teemu Kautonen - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (2):415-451.
    This study adds to the emergent stream of work examining the micro-level antecedents of pay dispersion by focusing on how business founders’ personal characteristics influence pay dispersion in their organizations. We leverage stakeholder theory and the motivated information processing perspective to predict pathways between founders’ self- versus other-oriented motivations, their perceptions of employee and shareholder salience, and pay dispersion in their organizations. We test our hypotheses on data from a two-wave survey of founders. We find that a high (...)
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  32.  10
    16 Auditory Cortex in Primates: Functional Subdivisions and Processing Streams.Troy A. Hackett & Jonh Kaas - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press. pp. 215.
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    Auditory, Visual and Audiovisual Speech Processing Streams in Superior Temporal Sulcus.Jonathan H. Venezia, Kenneth I. Vaden, Feng Rong, Dale Maddox, Kourosh Saberi & Gregory Hickok - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  34.  29
    Stream: social data and knowledge collective intelligence platform for TRaining Ethical AI Models.Yuwei Wang, Enmeng Lu, Zizhe Ruan, Yao Liang & Yi Zeng - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    This paper presents social data and knowledge collective intelligence platform for TRaining Ethical AI Models (STREAM) to address the challenge of aligning AI models with human moral values, and to provide ethics datasets and knowledge bases to help promote AI models “follow good advice as naturally as a stream follows its course”. By creating a comprehensive and representative platform that accurately mirrors the moral judgments of diverse groups including humans and AIs, we hope to effectively portray cultural (...)
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    What Determines Visual Statistical Learning Performance? Insights From Information Theory.Noam Siegelman, Louisa Bogaerts & Ram Frost - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (12):e12803.
    In order to extract the regularities underlying a continuous sensory input, the individual elements constituting the stream have to be encoded and their transitional probabilities (TPs) should be learned. This suggests that variance in statistical learning (SL) performance reflects efficiency in encoding representations as well as efficiency in detecting their statistical properties. These processes have been taken to be independent and temporally modular, where first, elements in the stream are encoded into internal representations, and then the co‐occurrences between (...)
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    Mavericks and lotteries.Shahar Avin - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 76:13-23.
    In 2013 the Health Research Council of New Zealand began a stream of funding titled 'Explorer Grants', and in 2017 changes were introduced to the funding mechanisms of the Volkswagen Foundation 'Experiment!' and the New Zealand Science for Technological Innovation challenge 'Seed Projects'. All three funding streams aim at encouraging novel scientific ideas, and all now employ random selection by lottery as part of the grant selection process. The idea of funding science by lottery has emerged independently in (...)
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  37. Binding in dreams: The bizarreness of dream images and the unity of consciousness.Antti Revonsuo & K. Tarkko - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (7):3-24.
    Binding can be described at three different levels: In neuroscience it refers to the integration of single-cell activities to form functional neural assemblies, especially in response to global stimulus properties; in cognitive science it refers to the integration of distributed modular input processing to form unified representations for memory and action, and in consciousness studies it refers to the unity of phenomenal consciousness . To describe and explain the unity of consciousness, detailed phenomenological descriptions of binding at the phenomenal level (...)
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    Foraging in Semantic Fields: How We Search Through Memory.Thomas T. Hills, Peter M. Todd & Michael N. Jones - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (3):513-534.
    When searching for concepts in memory—as in the verbal fluency task of naming all the animals one can think of—people appear to explore internal mental representations in much the same way that animals forage in physical space: searching locally within patches of information before transitioning globally between patches. However, the definition of the patches being searched in mental space is not well specified. Do we search by activating explicit predefined categories and recall items from within that category, or do we (...)
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    Suggestion overrides the Stroop effect in highly hypnotizable individuals.Amir Raz, Miguel Moreno-Íñiguez, Laura Martin & Hongtu Zhu - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):331-338.
    Cognitive scientists distinguish between automatic and controlled mental processes. Automatic processes are either innately involuntary or become automatized through extensive practice. For example, reading words is a purportedly automatic process for proficient readers and the Stroop effect is consequently considered the “gold standard” of automated performance. Although the question of whether it is possible to regain control over an automatic process is mostly unasked, we provide compelling data showing that posthypnotic suggestion reduced and even removed Stroop interference (...)
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  40. Thoughts, Processive Character and the Stream of Consciousness.Marta Jorba - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (5):730-753.
    This paper explores the relation of thought and the stream of consciousness in the light of an ontological argument raised against cognitive phenomenology views. I argue that the ontological argument relies on a notion of ‘processive character’ that does not stand up to scrutiny and therefore it is insufficient for the argument to go through. I then analyse two more views on what ‘processive character’ means and argue that the process-part account best captures the intuition behind the argument. (...)
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    The Importance of Corporate Reputation for Sustainable Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review, Bibliometric Mapping, and Research Agenda.David von Berlepsch, Fred Lemke & Matthew Gorton - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (1):9-34.
    Corporate Reputation (CR) is essential to value generation and is co-created between a company and its stakeholders, including supply chain actors. Consequently, CR is a critical and valuable resource that should be managed carefully along supply chains. However, the current CR literature is fragmented, and a general definition of CR is elusive. Besides, the academic CR debate largely lacks a supply chain perspective. This is not surprising, as it is very difficult to collect reliable data along supply chains. When (...)
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  42. Synergy Makes Direct Perception Inefficient.Miguel de Llanza Varona & Manolo Martínez - 2024 - Entropy 26 (8):1-22.
    A typical claim in anti-representationalist approaches to cognition such as ecological psychology or radical embodied cognitive science is that ecological information is sufficient for guiding behavior. According to this view, affordances are immediately perceptually available to the agent (in the so-called “ambient energy array”), so sensory data does not require much further inner processing. As a consequence, mental representations are explanatorily idle: perception is immediate and direct. Here we offer one way to formalize this direct-perception claim and identify some (...)
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    Ethical Responsibilities for Companies That Process Personal Data.Matthew S. McCoy, Anita L. Allen, Katharina Kopp, Michelle M. Mello, D. J. Patil, Pilar Ossorio, Steven Joffe & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):11-23.
    It has become increasingly difficult for individuals to exercise meaningful control over the personal data they disclose to companies or to understand and track the ways in which that data is exchanged and used. These developments have led to an emerging consensus that existing privacy and data protection laws offer individuals insufficient protections against harms stemming from current data practices. However, an effective and ethically justified way forward remains elusive. To inform policy in this area, we (...)
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    Bayesian merging of opinions and algorithmic randomness.Francesca Zaffora Blando - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We study the phenomenon of merging of opinions for computationally limited Bayesian agents from the perspective of algorithmic randomness. When they agree on which data streams are algorithmically random, two Bayesian agents beginning the learning process with different priors may be seen as having compatible beliefs about the global uniformity of nature. This is because the algorithmically random data streams are of necessity globally regular: they are precisely the sequences that satisfy certain important statistical laws. By virtue (...)
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    Flood Detection and Susceptibility Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series, Alternating Decision Trees, and Bag-ADTree Models.Ayub Mohammadi, Khalil Valizadeh Kamran, Sadra Karimzadeh, Himan Shahabi & Nadhir Al-Ansari - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-21.
    Flooding is one of the most damaging natural hazards globally. During the past three years, floods have claimed hundreds of lives and millions of dollars of damage in Iran. In this study, we detected flood locations and mapped areas susceptible to floods using time series satellite data analysis as well as a new model of bagging ensemble-based alternating decision trees, namely, bag-ADTree. We used Sentinel-1 data for flood detection and time series analysis. We employed twelve conditioning parameters of (...)
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    Cognitive mapping, flemish beef farmers’ perspectives and farm functioning: a critical methodological reflection.Louis Tessier, Jo Bijttebier, Fleur Marchand & Philippe V. Baret - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1003-1019.
    In this paper we reflect on the effectiveness of cognitive mapping as a method to study farm functioning in its complexity and its diverse forms in the framework of our own experiment with a diverse group of Flemish beef farmers. With a structured direct elicitation method we gathered 30 CMs. We analyzed the content of these maps both qualitatively and quantitatively. The central role of the concept “Income” in most maps indicated a shared concern for economic security. Further, the CMs (...)
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    Design of Life Expansion and the Human Mind.Natasha Vita-More - 2014 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick, Intelligence Unbound. Wiley. pp. 240–247.
    A goal of expanding life over time, space, and substrate requires that we look beneath the surface of technology and the universal norms placed on human nature to a vision of its future that could be realized. There is a visible fracturing of the personal and social behaviors of its hybrid users – a process that we might call data‐clatter. While life expansion seeks the continuation of persons over time and space and beyond the physical body, there is (...)
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  48.  20
    An Outlook for AI Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research.Alexander Henlein, Reetu Bhattacharjee & Jens Lemanski - 2024 - In Duffy Vincent G., Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management (HCII 2024). pp. 182–234.
    In the rapidly evolving landscape of multimodal communication research, this paper explores the transformative role of machine learning (ML), particularly using multimodal large language models, in tracking, augmenting, annotating, and analyzing multimodal data. Building upon the foundations laid in our previous work, we explore the capabilities that have emerged over the past years. The integration of ML allows researchers to gain richer insights from multimodal data, enabling a deeper understanding of human (and non-human) communication across modalities. In particular, (...)
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  49.  30
    Accountability as a service for robotics: Performance assessment of different accountability strategies for autonomous robots.Laura Fernández-Becerra, Ángel Manuel Guerrero-Higueras, Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Lera & Vicente Matellán - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):243-262.
    An essential requirement for increasing human confidence in computer systems is knowing an event’s origin. Therefore, it is necessary to have an efficient method to record such information. It is especially challenging in robotics, where unexpected behaviours can have unpredictable consequences, endangering the interests of people or even their safety. Furthermore, to analyse an incident’s cause or anticipate future behaviours, we must identify the events that cause a specific action. Although it is common to use logging systems for such purposes, (...)
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  50.  12
    Developing Surveys on Questionable Research Practices: Four Challenging Design Problems.Christian Berggren, Bengt Gerdin & Solmaz Filiz Karabag - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-22.
    The exposure of scientific scandals and the increase of dubious research practices have generated a stream of studies on Questionable Research Practices (QRPs), such as failure to acknowledge co-authors, selective presentation of findings, or removal of data not supporting desired outcomes. In contrast to high-profile fraud cases, QRPs can be investigated using quantitative, survey-based methods. However, several design issues remain to be solved. This paper starts with a review of four problems in the QRP research: the problem of (...)
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