Results for ' sociological thought'

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  1.  8
    Reason and freedom in sociological thought.Frank Hearn - 1985 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
    How has reason, believed since the Enlightenment to be the ally of freedom in the search for a better, more humanly satisfying world, been reduced to a technical rationality that has actually impoverished the bases of human freedom? What might be the options and obligations for sociologists who wish to restore reason to its proper status? -/- Working within the tradition of C. Wright Mills and Jurgen Habermas, Frank Hearn sets out to answer these questions. He surveys the treatment of (...)
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    Felski’s Literary Sociological Thought From the Perspective of Actor-Network Theory.Shang Qinghua & Ding Man - 2024 - Philosophy Study 14 (5).
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    Sociological thought: beyond Eurocentric theory.Nahla Abdo-Zubi (ed.) - 1996 - Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
    By confining itself to Western male founders alone, conventional sociology has managed to exclude the female half of Western Society as well as non-European societies and social scientists. This book moves beyond the Eurocentric male character of sociology to claim the objectivity that social science is required to exhibit.
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    Main Currents in Sociological Thought: Volume One: Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, de Tocqueville: The Sociologists and the Revolution of 1848.Raymond Aron & Pierre Manent - 2018 - Routledge.
    This is the first part of Raymond Aron's landmark two-volume study of the sociological tradition¿arguably the definitive work of its kind. More than a work of reconstruction, Aron's study is, at its deepest level, an engagement with the very question of modernity: How did the intellectual currents which emerged in the eighteenth century shape the modern political and philosophical order? With scrupulous fairness, Aron examines the thought and arguments of the major social thinkers to discern how they answered (...)
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    Humanity and Modern Sociological Thought.Edith W. King & R. P. Cuzzort - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (1):160.
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    Towards the sociology of knowledge: origin and development of a sociological thought style.Gunter W. Remmling - 1973 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    Etude de la conception des grands penseurs, de Saint Simon à Mannheim en ce qui concerne la sociologie de la connaissance.
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    Ontology Matters: Humans and Other Animals in Classical Sociological Thought.Barry Smart - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1):89-95.
    An overview and analysis of Salla Tuomivaara's comparison of the respective views of Emile Durkheim and Edward Westermarck on sociology, humans, and other animals.
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  8. Russian Sociology: A Contribution to the History of Sociological Thought and Theory.Julius F. Hecker - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (38):247-248.
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  9. History and Recent Development of Dutch sociological Thought.Anton C. Zijderveld - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  10. Lazarus, Moritz and Simmel, Georg and German sociological thought.A. Meschiari - 1996 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 16 (1):52-82.
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    Main Currents in Sociological Thought: Volume Two: Durkheim, Pareto, Weber.Raymond Aron & Daniel J. Mahoney - 2018 - Routledge.
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    Personalism and collectivism in Yugoslav philosophical and sociological thought (1960-1975).Nebojša D. Popov - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):127-133.
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    On Hybrids and Histories of SociologyA History of Sociological Analysis. Tom Bottomore, Robert NisbetHistory of Sociological Thought. Jerzy Szacki.Robert Alun Jones - 1980 - Isis 71 (3):470-473.
  14. Solidarity and attachment in Durkheim's sociological thought.Serge Paugam - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Politics, Sociology and Social Theory: Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Thought.Anthony Giddens - 2013 - Wiley.
    Built upon a series of critical encounters with major figures in classical and present-day social and political thought, this volume offers not only a challenging critique of major traditions of social and political analysis, but unique insights into the ideas which Giddens has developed over the past two decades.
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    Sociology Faces Pessimism, A Study of European Sociological Thought Amidst a Fading Optimism. [REVIEW]Witold Zdaniewicz - 1961 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 9 (2):124-128.
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  17. State, ethics and public morality in American sociological thought.Arthur J. Vidich & S. Lyman - 1986 - In Mark L. Wardell & Stephen P. Turner (eds.), Sociological theory in transition. Boston: Allen & Unwin. pp. 44--56.
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    Russian Sociology: A Contribution to the History of Sociological Thought and Theory. By Julius F. Hecker Ph.D. With a Foreword by Sidney Webb P.C., LL.B. (London: Chapman & Hall. 1934. Pp. xvi + 313. Price 8s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]John Laird - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (38):247-.
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    Sociological Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy: Random Thoughts On.K. B. Agrawal & Rajendra Kumar Raizada (eds.) - 1993 - University Book House.
  20.  42
    On the possibility of society: Classical sociological thought[REVIEW]Deena Weinstein & Michael A. Weinstein - 1982 - Human Studies 5 (1):1 - 12.
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    Sociological implications in the thought of teilhard de chardin.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 1970 - Zygon 5 (2):130-146.
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    Sociology of Religion Today: Practices of Thought and Learning.Ravi Nandan Singh, Anushka Goel, Nabanipa Bhattacharjee & Urmi Bhattacharyya - 2019 - Journal of Human Values 25 (3):190-201.
    This conversation attempts to critically map out the field of sociology/anthropology of religion as it is practised in select institutions of learning in India. The focus is not merely on the class...
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    Thoughts on Sociological Jurisprudence: Juristic Thought and Social Inquiry(Roger Cotterrell).Mauro Zamboni - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (4):487-497.
  24. Sociology in the absence of the social: The significance of Baudrillard for contemporary thought.William Bogard - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (3):227-242.
  25. The Sociology of Scientific Knowlege and Economics: Some Thoughts on the Possibilities.D. Wade Hands - 1994 - In Roger Backhouse (ed.), New Perspectives in Economic Methodology. Routledge. pp. 75-106.
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    Sociology of thought: ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary: or, Idea of ideas.Ved Prakash Verma - 1978 - New Delhi: D.K. Publishers' Distributors.
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    Thinking sociologically.Griselda Pollock - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (2):141-175.
    This article takes as its provocation Marx's intriguing statement about the disjunction between the flowering of Greek art and the underdeveloped stage of social and economic development made as an epilogue to the Introduction to the Grundrisse in order to ask what are the relations between that which has been considered art and what Marx calls `production as such'. In the elaborated conditions of contemporary capitalist societies, we can ask: Is art still being made? To examine this question I juxtapose (...)
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    Essays on sociology and philosophy: by Emile Durkheim et al., with appraisals of Durkheim's life and thought by Paul Bohannan and others.Emile Durkheim & Kurt H. Wolff - 1964 - Harper & Row.
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    Rights: sociological perspectives.Lydia Morris (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    This pioneering new book suggests how different traditions of sociological thought can contribute to an understanding of the theory and practice of rights. Rights: Sociological Perspectives provides a sociological treatment of a wide range of substantive issues but without losing sight of key theoretical questions. It considers some varied cases of public intervention, including welfare, caring, mental health provisions, pensions, justice and free speech, alongside the rights issues they raise. Similarly, it examines the question of rights (...)
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    The Many Faces of Sociological Interpretation: The Unity of Nyíri's Thought.Tamás Demeter - 2004 - In Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy: In Honour of J.C. Nyiri. Rodopi. pp. 38--1.
    J.C. Nyíri’s work is well-known for his interpretation of Wittgenstein as a conservative thinker. Nevertheless, his reading of Wittgenstein is only one strand, even if presumably the most influential one, in his general interpretation of Austro-Hungarian philosophy. Therefore his reading of Wittgenstein is best understood if viewed as part of a complex, sociologically inspired picture of Austrian philosophy. In this introductory essay I present Nyíri’s work as an exercise in the sociology of philosophical knowledge, broadly understood, and provide a unified (...)
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    Sociology After Postmodernism.David Owen (ed.) - 1997 - SAGE Publications.
    This is an examination of the effect that postmodernism has had upon sociological thought. Individual chapters address the topics of class, gender, race, criminology, deviance, law, culture, sexuality, emotion, medicine, science, and technology.
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    Antifoundational thought and the sociology of knowledge: The case of Karl Mannheim. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 1987 - Human Studies 10 (3-4):333 - 356.
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    Social Thought from Lore to Science. By Harry Elmer Barnes and Howard Becker , with the assistance of Émile Benolt-Smullyan and others. Vol. I: A History and Interpretation of Man's Ideas about Life with His Fellows, pp. xxiv + 790 + Ixxxiv. Vol. II: Sociological Trends Throughout the World, pp. viii + 387 (numbered 791–1178) + lxxvii. (Boston, New York, and London, 1938: D. C. Heath & Co. (Social Science Series). Price: Vol. I, 5 dollars; Vol. II, 4 dollars 50.). [REVIEW]O. de Selincourt - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (54):230-.
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  34. Phenomenological Sociology: Insight and Experience in Modern Society.Harvie Ferguson - 2006 - Sage Publications.
    What is phenomenological sociology? Why is it significant? This innovative and thought-provoking book argues that phenomenology was the most significant, wide-ranging and influential philosophy to emerge in the twentieth century. The social character of phenomenology is explored in its relation to the concern in twentieth century sociology with questions of modern experience. Phenomenology and sociology come together as 'ethnographies of the present'. As such, they break free of the self-imposed limitations of each to establish a new, critical understanding of (...)
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    Education and Ideology: A Sociological Study of Educational Thought in the American Radical Movement, 1900-1925.H. Svi Shapiro - 1979 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 6 (4):424-446.
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    Sociological theory in transition.Mark L. Wardell & Stephen P. Turner (eds.) - 1986 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
    Current sociological theories appear to have lost their general persuasiveness in part because, unlike the theories of the ‘classical era’, they fail to maintain an integrated stance toward society, and the practical role that sociology plays in society. The authors explore various facets of this failure and possibilities for reconstructing sociological theories as integrated wholes capable of conveying a moral and political immediacy. They discuss the evolution of several concepts (for example, the social, structure, and self) and address (...)
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    Existential Sociology.Jack D. Douglas & John M. Johnson - 1977 - Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of ten original essays was first published in 1977. It engages the 'crisis in sociology' at the most fundamental level of thought and experience. Existential sociology is defined as the study and understanding of all forms of human existence. Without seeking to erect a pristine philosophical sanctuary of its own, Existential Sociology examines and criticizes the underlying philosophical assumptions of previous theories of social science, while elaborating its own approach to human understanding. The contributors are concerned with (...)
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  38. Conjectures and Reputations:The Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and the History of Economic Thought.D. Wade Hands - 1997 - History of Political Economy 29:695-739.
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    The sociology of philosophies: a global theory of intellectual change.Randall Collins - 1998 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    Through network diagrams and sustained narrative, sociologist Randall Collins traces the development of philosophical thought from ancient Greece to modern ...
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    Georges Gurvitch and the sociology of knowledge.R. Martin Goodridge - 1973 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 16 (1-4):231-244.
    With the publication of The Social Frameworks of Knowledge? the English speaking world has at last been given a serious opportunity to approach the complex sociological thought of Georges Gurvitch. However, as the author himself admits in the Preface, this book appears ?abstract and schematic particularly to the uninitiated?.1 The aim of this paper will be to try to relate this translated work to the main body of Gurvitch's writing and particularly to his stance in the sociology of (...)
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    Dialectics of Psychology aind Sociology in the Social Thought of Edward Abramowski.Bohdan Urbankowski & Ewa Sadowska - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (1):161-186.
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  42. Education and ideology: A sociological study of educational thought in the american radical movement, 1900-1925.H. Svi Shapiro - 1979 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 6 (4):424-446.
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  43. The Sociology of Emotions: Basic Theoretical Arguments.Jonathan H. Turner - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (4):240-254.
    In this article, the basic sociological approaches to theorizing human emotions are reviewed. In broad strokes, theorizing can be grouped into several schools of thought: evolutionary, symbolic interactionist, symbolic interactionist with psychoanalytic elements, interaction ritual, power and status, stratification, and exchange. All of these approaches to theorizing emotions have generated useful insights into the dynamics of emotions. There remain, however, unresolved issues in sociological approaches to emotions, including: the nature of emotions, the degree to which emotions are (...)
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    Reflections on the Social Thought of Allama M.T. Jafari: Rediscovering the Sociological Relevance of the Primordial School of Social Theory.Seyed Javad Miri - 2010 - Upa.
    In this work, the author presents the work of Allama M.T. Jafari, an Iranian, contemporary social thinker who worked within the parameters of Primordial School of Social Theory. This work is an attempt to enrich the existing literature on comparative sociology and social philosophy.
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    The sociological ambition: elementary forms of social and moral life.Chris Shilling - 2001 - Thousand Oaks: SAGE. Edited by Philip A. Mellor.
    In a comprehensive and innovative reassessment of the discipline, this book argues that classical and contemporary social theories must be studied in relation to the ambition that shaped and established sociology: the ambition to comprehend the relationship between social and moral life. Surveying a range of sociological analyses from Comte to feminism, postmodernism and rational choice theory, this book examines the various attempts that have been made to reconstruct the discipline over the last century, and the challenges facing it (...)
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    The Social Thought of the Ancient Civilizations. By Joyce O. Hertzler, Professor of Sociology, University of Nebraska. (London: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. 1936. Pp. xv + 409. Price 24s.). [REVIEW]M. Kaye - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):378-.
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    Natural law as early social thought: The recovery of natural law for sociology.Angela Leahy - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (2):72-90.
    Natural law contains much social thought that predates sociology and related disciplines, and can be seen as part of the prehistory of the human sciences. Key concerns of natural law thinkers include the achievement of social life and society, and the individual’s place therein. However, there is an enduring tendency within sociology to dismiss the ahistoricism and universalism of natural law, and therefore to reject natural law thought in its entirety. This article proposes an approach that rescues the (...)
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  48.  21
    Sociological Theory Beyond the Canon.Syed Farid Alatas & Vineeta Sinha - 2017 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Vineeta Sinha.
    This book expands the sociological canon by introducing non-Western and female voices, and subjects the existing canon itself to critique. Including chapters on both the 'founding fathers' of sociology and neglected thinkers it highlights the biases of Eurocentrism and androcentrism, while also offering much-needed correctives to them. The authors challenge a dominant account of the development of sociological theory which would have us believe that it was only Western European and later North American white males in the nineteenth (...)
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    Black feminist sociology: perspectives and praxis.Zakiya Luna & Whitney Pirtle (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Black Feminist Sociology offers new writings by established and emerging scholars working in a Black feminist tradition. The book centers Black feminist sociology within the sociology canon and widens is to feature Black feminist sociologists both outside the U.S. and the academy. Inspired by a BFS lens, the essays are critical, personal, political and oriented toward social justice. Key themes include the origins of Black feminist sociology, expositions of BFS orientations to research that extend disciplinary norms, and contradictions of the (...)
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  50.  10
    The Sociology of Virtue: The Political and Social Theories of Georges Sorel.John L. Stanley - 1981 - University of California Press.
    Georges Sorel's reputation as a proponent of violence has helped to link his ideas to fascist and totalitarian thought. Much of the literature on Sorel as developed this theme, at the expense of what Sorel himself stated as his primary purpose, "the discovery of the historical genesis of morals." How, Sorel asked, in the light of the development of modern industry and the vast powers of the modern state the individual can possess a sense of self-worth and at the (...)
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