Results for ' special forms of philosophy'

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  1.  31
    Curtis Bennett, "God as Form: Essays in Greek Theology with Special Reference to Christianity and the Contemporary Theological Predicament". [REVIEW]Richard Goulet - 1978 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 16 (4):468.
  2.  87
    Logical Form and Language.Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.) - 2002 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Seventeen specially written essays by eminent philosophers and linguists appear for the first time in this anthology, all with the central theme of logical form -- a fundamental issue in analytic philosophy and linguistic theory. Logical Form and Language brings together exciting new contributions from diverse points of view, which illuminate the lively current debate about this topic.
  3.  17
    Tampering with scholarly form.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (1):1-3.
    This editorial note introduces the second of three issues of Common Knowledge dedicated to experiments in scholarly form. The first appeared in Winter 1996 and was introduced by a dialogue between two editorial board members, Greil Marcus and Hugh Kenner, who differed over whether tampering with set scholarly forms should be regarded as a serious business or as a matter of fun. Philosophically, this note explains, the journal takes exception to distinctions of the form-versus-content variety — a resistance that (...)
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  4. Logical Forms.Oswaldo Chateaubriand - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 6:161-182.
    The standard view of logical form is that logical forms are synthetic structures which are the forms of sentences and of other linguistic entities. This is often associated with a more general linguistic view of logic which is articulated in different ways by various authors. This paper contains a critical discussion of such linguistic approaches to logical form, with special emphasis on Quine’s formulation of a logical grammar in Philosophy of Logic. An account of logical (...) as higher-order properties, which essentially builds on Frege’s analysis of quantification as higher-order predication, is suggested at the end. (shrink)
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    Form and Argument in Late Plato (review).Francisco J. González - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):311-313.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Form and Argument in Late Plato ed. by Christopher Gill and Mary Margaret McCabeFrancisco J. GonzalezChristopher Gill and Mary Margaret McCabe, editors. Form and Argument in Late Plato. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. xi + 345. Cloth, $65.00.This collection has the commendable aim of challenging the view that in Plato’s “late” works the dialogue form is a mere formality adding little to the argumentative content, a view (...)
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    Can we tell whether philosophy is special?Chad Gonnerman & Stephen Crowley - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.
    In “Is Philosophy Exceptional? A Corpus-Based, Quantitative Study” (2022), Moti Mizrahi and Michael Adam Dickinson use corpus methods to determine the kinds of arguments that turn up in philosophical writing. They use the results to contribute to debates on philosophy’s “specialness” or “exceptionality”. To what extent is philosophy interestingly unlike other knowledge-making disciplines? Specifically, does it deploy different forms of argument than the sciences or other disciplines? -/- These questions are interesting, and Mizrahi and Dickinson’s methodological (...)
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  7.  22
    694 Philosophical Abstracts.Can We Trust Logical Form - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (10):694-694.
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    Dramatic Form and Philosophical Content in Plato's Dialogues.Arthur A. Krentz - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):32-47.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Arthur A. Krentz DRAMATIC FORM AND PHILOSOPHICAL CONTENT IN PLATO'S DIALOGUES AN intriguing innovation in the history of philosophical discourse is Plato's employment ofdramatic dialogues as his deliberately chosen means ofcommunication. Throughout the history of philosophy scant attention has been focused on this feature of Plato's works. Recently, however, some students of Plato's writings contend that it is crucial for interpreters to give careful attention to the dialogue (...)
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  9. Scientistic Philosophy, No; Scientific Philosophy, Yes.Susan Haack - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 15 (36):4-35.
    If successful scientific inquiry is to be possible, there must be a world that is independent of how we believe it to be, and in which there are kinds and laws; and we must have the sensory apparatus to perceive particular things and events, and the capacity to represent them, to form generalized explanatory conjectures, and check how these conjectures stand up to further experience. Whether these preconditions are met is not a question the sciences can answer; it is specifically (...)
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  10.  24
    L’Âge de fer se termine : la forme catalogique chez Eunape de Sardes.Martin Steinrück - 2006 - Kernos 19:193-200.
    Le catalogue est une forme de base de la littérature grecque. Elle se trouve, pour nous, la première fois chez Hésiode , se recristallise, en prose, dans l’opposition à la forme sérielle qu’Aristote oppose aux formes bouclées des périodes en prose. Or, on peut suivre sa tradition jusque dans l’antiquité dite tardive. Les Vies de philosophes et de sophistes de l’historien Eunape de Sardes peuvent l’illustrer que cette continuité est toujours comprise comme un recours aux catalogues hésiodiques ou autres de (...)
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  11. When Do Some Things Form a Set?Simon Hewitt - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (3):311-337.
    This paper raises the question under what circumstances a plurality forms a set, parallel to the Special Composition Question for mereology. The range of answers that have been proposed in the literature are surveyed and criticised. I argue that there is good reason to reject both the view that pluralities never form sets and the view that pluralities always form sets. Instead, we need to affirm restricted set formation. Casting doubt on the availability of any informative principle which (...)
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    Practical Issues and Social Philosophy.C. Delisle Burns - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (3):354-365.
    “No man can see farther into a generalization than his knowledge of detail extends.” That saying of William James is true of all the branches of science; but it has a special value for students of social philosophy. Social life is so obviously a matter of personal experience that an academic Robinson Crusoe may easily be less competent in his knowledge of detail than a business man, if the business man thinks at all. This is not a compliment (...)
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  13.  79
    Form and Function in Aristotle.Boris Hennig - 2020 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 23 (2):317-337.
    On the one hand, Aristotle claims that the matter of a material thing is not part of its form. On the other hand, he suggests that the proper account of a natural thing must include a specification of the kind of matter in which it is realized. There are three possible strategies for dealing with this apparent tension. First, there may be two kinds of definition, so that the definition of the form of a thing does not include any specification (...)
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  14.  90
    Public Philosophy: Introduction.Jack Russell Weinstein - 2014 - Essays in Philosophy 15 (1):1-4.
    In this article, I examine the purpose of public philosophy, challenging the claim that its goal is to create better citizens. I define public philosophy narrowly as the act of professional philosophers engaging with nonprofessionals, in a non-academic setting, with the specific aim of exploring issues philosophically. The paper is divided into three sections. The first contrasts professional and public philosophy with special attention to the assessment mechanism in each. The second examines the relationship between public (...)
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  15.  66
    (META-PHILOSOPHY) PHILOSOPHY's GHOST Dead Discipline Walking.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    I have been working on meta-philosophy for quite some time and was pleasantly surprised to encounter, mid-May 2017, someone who shares this commitment (apart from his many other interests and specializations) for very similar reasons as my own. He is Dr Desh Ray Sirswal from India and one of his numerous websites, blogs, journals, etc is - I let him speak for himself. “My objective is to achieve an intellectual detachment from all philosophical systems, and not to solve (...)
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  16.  35
    Literature, philosophy and the social sciences.Maurice Alexander Natanson - 1962 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
    A collection of one man's essays in book form tends to be viewed today with some suspicion, if not hostility, by philosophical critics. It would seem that the author is guilty of an academic sin of pride: causing or helping to cause separately conceived articles to surpass their original station and assume a new life, a grander articulation. It can hardly be denied that the essays which follow must face this sullen charge, for they were composed at different times for (...)
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  17.  24
    Mattering: Per/forming nursing philosophy in the Chthulucene.Annie-Claude Laurin, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Jamie B. Smith, Brandon Brown, Patrick Martin & Emmanuel Christian Tedjasukmana - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12452.
    This paper presents an overview of the process of entanglement at the 25th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference (IPNC) at University of California at Irvine held on August 18, 2022. Representing collective work from the US, Canada, UK and Germany, our panel entitled ‘What can critical posthuman philosophies do for nursing?’ examined critical posthumanism and its operations and potential in nursing. Critical posthumanism offers an antifascist, feminist, material, affective, and ecologically entangled approach to nursing and healthcare. Rather than focusing (...)
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  18.  2
    Shpet, Humboldt, Kant: Forms, Concepts, Schemes. Terms and Ideas.Victor I. Molchanov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):23-46.
    The article examines the interpretation of the teaching of Wilhelm von Humboldt on language by Gustav Shpet together with Shpet’s perception of the influence of Kant’s philosophy on Humboldt. Special emphasis is laid on terminological analysis, the underlying thesis of this analysis being that words, terms and concepts are not the same thing: one and the same word or word combination can denote different terms, and the concept is a term in each particular doctrine. The object of critical (...)
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  19.  23
    Politische Philosophie des Judentums und Globalisierung.Micha Brumlik - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (5):743-761.
    Is rabbinic Judaism as a religious philosophy basically critical of the state as a form of human life? Does it contain an ethics of cohabitation with non-Jews? The paper argues that rabbinical Judaism is essentially in favor of states, but against a special Jewish state. The rabbinic principle “Dina de Malkhut Dina” (“The law of the Kingdom is valid and binding”) combined with the universalistic principles of the “noahidic covenant” is the adequate formula for statehood in the era (...)
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  20.  84
    Between Atoms and Forms: Natural Philosophy and Metaphysics in Kenelm Digby.Han Thomas Adriaenssen & Sander de Boer - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (1):57-80.
    although mostly known to specialists nowadays, Kenelm Digby was a remarkable figure on the intellectual scene of the early seventeenth century. He has been described as “one of the most influential natural philosophers” of his time,1 and corresponded with many of the great scholars of his days, including Descartes, and the French pioneer of atomism, Pierre Gassendi. In the later years of his life, Digby, alongside men like Robert Boyle, became one of the founding members of the Royal Society.2Digby authored (...)
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  21.  33
    Philosophy and Art. [REVIEW]Patricia M. Locke - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (4):849-850.
    This collection of essays has the advantages and disadvantages of having been given, for the most part, as lectures. At their best, the voices are lively and fresh. Ted Cohen's essay on the artistic merit of television, in particular, the effect of watching baseball on television, is quite good. He sets philosophers the task of describing television's transformation of character and of time and space. He cautions against looking at television shows as if we were seeing movies, for that looking (...)
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  22. Method in ancient philosophy.Jyl Gentzler (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Method in Ancient Philosophy brings together fifteen new, specially written essays by leading scholars on a broad subject of central importance. The ancient Greeks recognized that different forms of human activity are guided by different methods of reasoning; examination of how they reasoned, and how they thought about their own reasoning, helps us to see how they came to hold the views they did, and how our own methods of enquiry have developed under their influence. Contributors include Terence (...)
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  23.  16
    Inquiry, Forms, and Substances: A Study in Plato's Metaphysics and Epistemology.Thomas Blackson - 1995 - Springer.
    This book offers a sympathetic explanation of the origin of the Theory of Forms that is true both to the dialogues and to Plato's place in history. The author's explanation makes the development of Plato's thought part of an intellectual and philosophical history that begins in the pre-Socratic period, extends through Socrates and the Sophists, and continues into the twentieth century. The explanation provides a unified reading of three passages that scholars have long recognized as keys to Plato's thought (...)
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  24. What Does Public Philosophy Do?Jack Russell Weinstein - 2014 - Essays in Philosophy 15 (1):33-57.
    In this article, I examine the purpose of public philosophy, challenging the claim that its goal is to create better citizens. I define public philosophy narrowly as the act of professional philosophers engaging with non-professionals, in a non-academic setting, with the specific aim of exploring issues philosophically. The paper is divided into three sections. The first contrasts professional and public philosophy with special attention to the assessment mechanism in each. The second examines the relationship between public (...)
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  25.  69
    Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources (review).George Zografidis - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):413-414.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 413-414 [Access article in PDF] Katerina Ierodiakonou, editor. Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources. New York: Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, 2002. Pp. vii + 309. Cloth, $55.00.Talking about, let alone writing on "Byzantine Philosophy" within the English-speaking philosophical community could cause embarrassment. It is only recently that this field has gained a few notable entries in philosophical (...)
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  26.  12
    Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities ed. by Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph Weber (review).Douglas L. Berger - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities ed. by Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph WeberDouglas L. Berger (bio)Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities. Edited by Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph Weber. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Pp. vi + 272. Paperback $40.28, isbn 978-1-350-29704-3.The editors Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph Weber, who have all made important (...)
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  27. Plato on knowledge and forms: selected essays.Gail Fine - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plato on Knowledge and Forms brings together a set of connected essays by Gail Fine, in her main area of research since the late 1970s: Plato's metaphysics and epistemology. She discusses central issues in Plato's metaphysics and epistemology, issues concerning the nature and extent of knowledge, and its relation to perception, sensibles, and forms; and issues concerning the nature of forms, such as whether they are universals or particulars, separate or immanent, and whether they are causes. A (...)
  28. The Presidential Address: Armchair Philosophy, Metaphysical Modality and Counterfactual Thinking.Timothy Williamson - 2005 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 105 (1):1 - 23.
    A striking feature of the traditional armchair method of philosophy is the use of imaginary examples: for instance, of Gettier cases as counterexamples to the justified true belief analysis of knowledge. The use of such examples is often thought to involve some sort of a priori rational intuition, which crude rationalists regard as a virtue and crude empiricists as a vice. It is argued here that, on the contrary, what is involved is simply an application of our general cognitive (...)
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  29.  68
    Method in Ancient Greek Philosophy.J. Gentzler (ed.) - 1998 - Clarendon Press.
    Method in Ancient Philosophy brings together fifteen new, specially written essays by leading scholars on a broad subject of central importance. The ancient Greeks recognized that different forms of human activity are guided by different methods of reasoning; examination of how they reasoned, and how they thought about their own reasoning, helps us to see how they came to hold the views they did, and how our own methods of enquiry have developed under their influence. Contributors include Terence (...)
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  30.  37
    A Return to Moral and Religious Philosophy in Early America. [REVIEW]Andrew J. Reck - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (4):846-848.
    This dense, often brilliant, monograph offers a new interpretation of classic American philosophy, uncovering implicit relations with continental existentialism and indicating its practical relevance to the current malaise in American civilization. The body of the work is composed of single, compact chapters on Royce, Peirce, James, Dewey, and Santayana. The opening chapter presents American philosophy as a form of modern philosophy, which elevated the solitary individual for special attention, and explicates the symbolism contained in the book's (...)
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  31.  48
    Confucian philosophy and contemporary Chinese societal attitudes toward people with disabilities and inclusive education.Yuexin Zhang & Sandra Rosen - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (12):1113-1123.
    This article focuses on the Chinese traditional culture, specifically Confucian philosophy, and analyses four core concepts of Confucianism which include ‘ren’, ‘Jun zi’, ‘Tian ming’, and ‘Xiao ti’. Based on these core concepts, this study explores how social attitudes in China toward people with disabilities are formed and influenced by Confucian philosophy, and how they impact the education of people with disabilities. It suggests that the related social attitudes of sympathy, rights awareness, and criteria of success, especially school (...)
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  32. Rethinking Early Modern Philosophy.Graham Clay & Ruth Boeker - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (2):105-114.
    This introductory article outlines how this special issue contributes to existing scholarship that calls for a rethinking and re-evaluation of common assumptions about early modern philosophy. One way of challenging existing narratives is by questioning what role systems or systematicity play during this period. Another way of rethinking early modern philosophy is by considering assumptions about the role of philosophy itself and how philosophy can effect change in those who form philosophical beliefs or engage in (...)
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  33.  43
    Philosophy, Addiction and Inquiry.Olav Gjelsvik - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (5):417 - 427.
    ABSTRACT This introductory paper raises, partly as a preparation for the other papers in this issue, questions about how philosophy ought to proceed in the light of knowledge we have in surrounding disciplines, with a focus on the case of addiction. It also raises issues about how addiction research might be enlightened by philosophical work. In the background for the paper are two competing approaches to the evidential grounding of philosophical insight. According to a widespread view, philosophical knowledge rests (...)
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  34.  13
    Environmentalism in Modern Islamic Philosophy.Sofya A. Ragozina & Рагозина Софья Андреевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):233-250.
    Islamic environmentalism is an intellectual movement whose representatives discuss contemporary environmental problems in the language of Islamic theology. This field includes Shariah-based environmental law, environmental activism, and environmental philosophy. This article is an overview of the genealogy of this philosophical trend: key names will be listed and their contributions to the development of this movement will be analyzed. For example, the legacy of Sayyid Hossein Nasr, considered the founding father of Islamic environmentalism, will be examined in detail. The religious (...)
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  35. Form, substance, and mechanism.Robert Pasnau - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (1):31-88.
    Philosophers today have largely given up on the project of categorizing being. Aristotle’s ten categories now strike us as quaint, and no attempt to improve on that effort meets with much interest. Still, no one supposes that reality is smoothly distributed over space. The world at large comes in chunks, and there remains a widespread intuition, even among philosophers, that some of these chunks have a special sort of unity and persistence. These, we tend to suppose, are most truly (...)
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    Structure, Vital Form and the Cyborg.Dorothea Olkowski - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:183-197.
    In his 1997 book, Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again, Andy Clark advocates ‘embodied, active cognition,’ to discuss the manner in which an autonomous, embodied agent interacts with its environment. The implication is that since our minds as well as our bodies are matter, and otherwise nothing special, it is inevitable that we humans are natural born cyborgs and the human-machine interface will before long become completely transparent to the point of being invisible. In his critique (...)
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  37.  76
    :Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race.Leonard Harris - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2):432-434.
    Charles Mills makes visible in the world of mainstream philosophy some of the crucial issues of the black experience. Ralph Ellison's metaphor of black invisibility has special relevance to philosophy, whose demographic and conceptual "whiteness" has long been a source of wonder and complaint to racial minorities. Mills points out the absence of any philosophical narrative theorizing and detailing race's centrality to the recent history of the West, such as feminists have articulated for gender domination. European expansionism (...)
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  38.  80
    Painting and Philosophy.Michael Newall - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (4):225-237.
    This article is primarily concerned with the philosophical problems that arise out of a consideration of painting. By painting I mean of course not any kind of application of paint to a surface – house painting for instance – but painting as an art, to use Richard Wollheim's phrase. Since Plato, philosophy has intermittently been concerned with these problems, and over the past 30 years, painting has come under a new focus as philosophy of art has increasingly turned (...)
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    Virtual reality as a transformed form.С. А Смирнов - 2023 - Philosophy Journal 16 (1):21-38.
    The article provides an analysis of one problem related to the discussion of the ontologi­cal status of virtual reality. The author proposes to discuss the problem of the reality of virtual worlds in terms of transformed forms. In this regard, an analysis is given of how this concept was introduced by K. Marx and how it was discussed further in the scientific literature. It is proposed to perceive the transformed form not as a perverted or false real­ity, but as (...)
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    Special Pleading.Dan Yim - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce, Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 219–222.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy called 'special pleading (SP)'. One way to grasp the meaning of the special pleading fallacy is to focus on a general principle of fairness: We ought to treat individuals alike unless there is some relevant difference between them that merits the differential treatment. Avoiding SP can be very difficult for two reasons. First, the fallacy takes so many forms. Second, SP can be difficult to (...)
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  41. On Ecofeminist Philosophy.Chris J. Cuomo - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (2):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 7.2 (2002) 1-11 [Access article in PDF] On Ecofeminist Philosophy Chris Cuomo In the heat of a historical moment when the interwoven nature of imperialism, ecological degradation, exploitation of workers, racism, and women's oppression is painfully obvious to many, ecofeminism appears to be gaining in popularity. As Karen Warren's book Ecofeminist Philosophy (2000) illustrates, a key insight of ecological feminism is captured by (...)
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  42.  32
    Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity (review).Michael F. Wagner - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):205-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late AntiquityMichael F. WagnerDominic J. O'Meara. Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. xi + 249. Cloth, $55.00.Porphyry tells of Plotinus's failed petition to emperor Gallienus to (re)establish a "city of philosophers" conformed to Plato's laws, named Platonopolis (Vit. Plo.12). O'Meara here articulates primary themes and developments in philosophical political thought in the classical Neoplatonic period, (...)
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    (1 other version)Erotic Wisdom: Philosophy and Intermediacy in Plato's Symposium.Gary Alan Scott & William A. Welton - 2008 - Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. Edited by William A. Welton.
    Erotic Wisdom provides a careful reading of one of Plato's most beloved dialogues, the Symposium, which explores the nature and scope of human desire (erôs). Gary Alan Scott and William A. Welton engage all of the dialogue's major themes, devoting special attention to illuminating Plato's conception of philosophy. In the Symposium, Plato situates philosophy in an intermediate (metaxu) position--between need and resource, ignorance and knowledge--showing how the very lack of what one desires can become a guiding form (...)
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    Scientific Philosophy.Gustavo E. Romero - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This textbook presents the basics of philosophy that are necessary for the student and researcher in science in order to better understand scientific work. The approach is not historical but formative: tools for semantical analysis, ontology of science, epistemology, and scientific ethics are presented in a formal and direct way. The book has two parts: one with the general theory and a second part with application to some problems such as the interpretation of quantum mechanics, the nature of mathematics, (...)
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    Walter Benjamin’s First Philosophy: Experience, Ephemerality and Truth.Nathan Ross - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides a study of Walter Benjamin's first philosophy in two senses: it focuses on his early philosophy as a source of insight into his later works, and it explores his thinking about the nature of truth, method, experience, the relation of body and mind, and the limits of human knowledge. While most attention is paid to Benjamin's later works, his writings from roughly 1914-1925 explore philosophical themes and develop a critical method. This book argues that this (...)
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    Philosophy and Hip-Hop: ruminations on postmodern cultural form.Julius Bailey - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Philosophy and Hip-Hop: Ruminations on Postmodern Cultural Form opens up the philosophical life force that informs the construction of Hip-hop by turning the gaze of the philosopher upon those blind spots that exist within existing scholarship. Traditional Departments of Philosophy will find this book a solid companion in Contemporary Philosophy or Aesthetic Theory. Inside these pages is a project that parallels the themes of existential angst, corporate elitism, social consciousness, male privilege and masculinity. This book illustrates the (...)
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    Why Russian Philosophy Is So Important and So Dangerous.Mikhail Epstein - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (3):405-409.
    The academic community in the West tends to be suspicious of Russian philosophy, often relegating it to another category, such as “ideology” or “social thought.” But what is philosophy? There is no simple universal definition, and many thinkers consider it impossible to formulate one. The most credible attempt is nominalistic: philosophy is the practice in which Plato and Aristotle were involved. As Alfred North Whitehead wrote, “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it (...)
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    Why So Serious: On Philosophy and Comedy.Russell Ford (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    The Western philosophical tradition has shown a marked and perennial fondness for tragedy. From Plato and Aristotle, through the development of Christianity, to German idealism, and even to contemporary reflections on the murderous violence of the twentieth century, philosophy has repeatedly looked to tragedy for resources to make suffering, grief, and death thinkable. But what if by showing such a preference for tragedy, philosophical thought has unwittingly and unknowingly aligned itself with a form of thinking that accepts human suffering (...)
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  49.  44
    Doctrine and experience: essays in American philosophy.Vincent G. Potter (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This collection of thirteen essays, when viewed together, offers a unique perspective on the history of American philosophy. It illuminates for the first time in book form, how thirteen major American philosophical thinkers viewed a problem of special interest in the American philosophical tradition: the relationship between experience and reflection. Written by well-known authorities on the figure about which he or she writes, the essays are arranged chronologically to highlight the changes and developments in thought from Puritanism to (...)
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  50.  56
    Other Voices: Readings in Spanish Philosophy.John R. Welch (ed.) - 2010 - Notre Dame, USA: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Other Voices: Readings in Spanish Philosophy represents high points of nearly two millennia of Spanish philosophy, from first-century thinkers in Roman Hispania to those of the twentieth century. John R. Welch has selected, and in several cases translated, excerpts from the works of thirteen philosophers: Seneca, Quintilian, Isidore of Seville, Ibn Rushd (Averroës), Moses Maimonides, Ramón Llull, Juan Luis Vives, Francisco de Vitoria, Bartolomé de Las Casas, Francisco Suárez, Benito Jerónimo Feijóo, Miguel de Unamuno, and José Ortega y (...)
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