Results for ' stalking the essence of hunting'

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  1.  10
    Hunting for Meaning.Brian Seitz - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Nathan Kowalsky, Hunting Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 67–79.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Weighing the Value of Meat Stalking the Essence of Hunting Same As It Ever Was The End of Hunting Notes.
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  2. Is (merely) stalking sentient animals morally wrong?Jason Kawall - 2000 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (2):195–204.
    Such activities as tracking, watching, and photographing animals are frequently presented as morally superior alternatives to hunting, but could they themselves be morally problematic? In this paper I argue that, despite certain differences from the stalking of humans, a strong case can be made for the prima facie wrongness of stalking sentient animals. The chief harm of stalking is the fear and altered patterns of behavior which it forces upon its victims.
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  3. Designing for Power, Agency, and Equity in Digital Literacies: New Tools, Same Problems.Katie Henry & Bud Hunt - 2019 - In Kristen Hawley Turner, The ethics of digital literacy: developing knowledge and skills across grade levels. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Self-Identity and Free Will are Beyond our Control.Ralph Hunt & Glenn A. Hartz - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):197-204.
  5. Freedom, foreknowledge, and Frankfurt.David Hunt - 2003 - In Michael S. McKenna & David Widerker, Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities: Essays on the Importance of Alternative Possibilities. Ashgate. pp. 159--183.
  6. Fatalism for Presentists.David P. Hunt - 2020 - In Per Hasle, David Jakobsen & Peter Ohstrom, The Metaphysics of Time: Themes on Prior. Aalborg University Press. pp. 299-316.
  7. An argument against a legal duty to rescue.Lester H. Hunt - 1995 - Journal of Social Philosophy 26 (1):16-38.
    Indeed, to a layperson reading the relevant case law, it almost seems that the courts sometimes try to make this principle seem as shocking as possible. In one decision that is often cited, a unanimous state supreme court held that, not only did an eight year old boy have no right to be rescued by the defendant from having his hand caught in a machine in the defendant's factory, but he (the boy, as a trespasser) would even have been liable (...)
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    Martin Luther King: resistance, nonviolence and community.C. Anthony Hunt - 2004 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 7 (4):227-251.
    Martin Luther King, Jr drew upon his early grounding in family and church to forge a praxis of egalitarian justice in the rigidly segregated American South of his youth. King?s ethical outlook was eclectic, reflecting the influence of such figures as Mays, Davis, Rauschenbusch, Niebuhr, Thurman and Gandhi, alongside such doctrines as personalism and liberalism, nationalism and realism. Yet King?s subsequent academic study more nearly enhanced than restructured his early, formative exposure to black church and community. King became committed to (...)
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  9. Theological Fatalism as an Aporetic Problem.David P. Hunt - 2016 - In Hugh J. McCann, Free Will and Classical Theism: The Significance of Freedom in Perfect Being Theology. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 23-41.
  10.  20
    Chapter VIII grading teachers:.Lester Hunt - manuscript
    I sometimes entertain my non-academic friends by telling them that, at the end of each course I teach, before I compute my students’ grades, I pause nervously while I wait to be graded by my students. This process can be described less paradoxically, but surely no more truthfully, as follows. In my department, and as far as I know all the departments at my university, each course ends with students anonymously filling out forms in which they evaluate the teacher and (...)
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    Against Presentism.Lynn Hunt - 2002 - Perspectives on History - the News Magazine of the American Historical Association.
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    Helge Kragh, Ludvig Lorenz: A Nineteenth-Century Theoretical Physicist. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2018. Pp. 280. ISBN 978-8-7730-4417-9. DKK 240,00. [REVIEW]Bruce J. Hunt - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (2):370-372.
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    Photo Essay.Richard H. Hunt - 1985 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 19 (1):79.
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  14. Humanitarian research : ethical considerations in conducting research during global health emergencies.Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra & Matthew Hunt - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie, The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Early Anglo-Norman receipts for colours.Tony Hunt - 1995 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 58 (1):203-209.
  16. Fragment completion and free-recall-concepts and data.Rr Hunt - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):327-327.
  17.  22
    Further evidence on coding in reading-disabled children.R. Reed Hunt & Isis Badawi - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):223-226.
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  18. Epistemic Dependence and Understanding: Reformulating through Symmetry.Josh Hunt - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (4):941-974.
    Science frequently gives us multiple, compatible ways of solving the same problem or formulating the same theory. These compatible formulations change our understanding of the world, despite providing the same explanations. According to what I call "conceptualism," reformulations change our understanding by clarifying the epistemic structure of theories. I illustrate conceptualism by analyzing a typical example of symmetry-based reformulation in chemical physics. This case study poses a problem for "explanationism," the rival thesis that differences in understanding require ontic explanatory differences. (...)
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  19. Individual difference in procedural and declarative learning.B. Kerr, Jj Feldman, E. Hunt, Hc Olson & Ap Streissguth - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):485-485.
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    Reading Dworkin critically.Alan Hunt (ed.) - 1992 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the US and Canada by St. Martin's Press.
    This volume offers a critical interrogation of the widely influential legal and political philosophy of Ronald Dworkin. As the central figure in contemporary Anglo-American legal theory, he has been involved in various debates, in the past mainly with critics on the right, who took issue with his "radical liberalism". In contrast, the authors of this text challenge Dworkin's radical credentials not only with regard to his general political philosophy, but also with reference to his legal theory, his interpretive method and (...)
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  21. Veganism and Children: Physical and Social Well-Being.Marcus William Hunt - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (2):269-291.
    I claim that there is pro tanto moral reason for parents to not raise their child on a vegan diet because a vegan diet bears a risk of harm to both the physical and the social well-being of children. After giving the empirical evidence from nutrition science and sociology that supports this claim, I turn to the question of how vegan parents should take this moral reason into account. Since many different moral frameworks have been used to argue for veganism, (...)
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  22. Libertarianism.Lester H. Hunt - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Billy Budd : Melville's Dilemma.Lester H. Hunt - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):273-295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 273-295 [Access article in PDF] Billy Budd:Melville's Dilemma Lester H. Hunt I THE CHAIN OF EVENTS NARRATED in Herman Melville's Billy Budd, Sailor (An Inside Narrative)—how Billy is falsely accused of plotting mutiny by his Master-at-Arms, John Claggart, how Billy accidentally kills Claggart and, finally, is executed at the urging of the Captain of the Ship, Edward Fairfax Vere, despite Vere's personal conviction that (...)
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  24. Enlightenment Studies.Lynn Hunt & Margaret Jacob - 2003 - In Alan Charles Kors, Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 418--9.
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    Witchcraft Series Maqlû. By Tzvi Abusch.Joel H. Hunt - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
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  26. Understanding and Equivalent Reformulations.Josh Hunt - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):810-823.
    Reformulating a scientific theory often leads to a significantly different way of understanding the world. Nevertheless, accounts of both theoretical equivalence and scientific understanding have neglected this important aspect of scientific theorizing. This essay provides a positive account of how reformulation changes our understanding. My account simultaneously addresses a serious challenge facing existing accounts of scientific understanding. These accounts have failed to characterize understanding in a way that goes beyond the epistemology of scientific explanation. By focusing on cases in which (...)
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  27. On Augustine’s Way Out.David P. Hunt - 1999 - Faith and Philosophy 16 (1):3-26.
    This paper seeks to rehabilitate St. Augustine’s widely dismissed response to the alleged incompatibility of divine foreknowledge and free will. This requires taking a fresh look at his analysis in On Free Choice of the Will, and arguing its relevance to the current debate. Along the way, mistaken interpretations of Augustine are rebutted, his real solution is developed and defended, a reason for his not anticipating Boethius’s a temporalist solution is suggested, a favorable comparison with Ockham is made, rival solutions (...)
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    Flourishing Objectivism. [REVIEW]Lester Hunt - 2000 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 2 (1):105 - 115.
    Lester Hunt reviews Tara Smith's Viable Values: A Study of the Root and Reward of Morality. He finds it an excellent contribution to the ongoing discussion of Objectivist ethics. Especially noteworthy, he says, are Smith's treatment of the concept of intrinsic value, her use of the concept of flourishing, and her treatment of the relations between the interests of different people. Though the book provides no sustained discussion of casuistical applications, epistemological assumptions, or potentially interesting side-issues, it raises many provocative (...)
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  29. Fitting prepositional gratitude to god is metaphysically impossible.Marcus William Hunt - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (2):1-18.
    It is argued that God cannot be a fitting target of prepositional gratitude. The first premise is that if someone cannot be benefited, then they cannot be a fitting target of prepositional gratitude. The second premise is that God cannot be benefited. Concerning the first premise, it is argued that a necessary component of prepositional gratitude is the desire to benefit one’s benefactor. Then it is argued that such a desire is fitting only if one’s benefactor can in fact be (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Expressivism about explanatory relevance.Josh Hunt - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (9):2063-2089.
    Accounts of scientific explanation disagree about what’s required for a cause, law, or other fact to be a reason why an event occurs. In short, they disagree about the conditions for explanatory relevance. Nonetheless, most accounts presuppose that claims about explanatory relevance play a descriptive role in tracking reality. By rejecting the need for this descriptivist assumption, I develop an expressivist account of explanatory relevance and explanation: to judge that an answer is explanatory is to express an attitude of _being (...)
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  31. What Grounds Special Treatment Between Siblings?Marcus William Hunt - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 14 (1):67-83.
    Siblings ought to treat one another specially – in other words, siblings qua siblings ought to treat one another in ways that they need not treat others. This paper offers a theory of why this is the case. The paper begins with some intuitive judgments about how siblings ought to treat one another and some other normative features of siblinghood. I then review three potential theories of why siblings ought to treat one another specially, adapted from the literature on filial (...)
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  32. If you let it get to you…’: moral distress, ego-depletion, and mental health among military health care providers in deployed service.Jill Horning, Lisa Schwartz, Mathew Hunt & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2017 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler, Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel: Dealing with Epidemics. Routledge. pp. 71-91.
    Health care providers (HCPs) are routinely placed into morally challenging situations that have the potential to cause moral distress. This is especially true for HCPs working in the military, whether they are on deployment outside their typical contexts of practice such as in disaster relief (e.g., Haiti and the Ebola missions in West Africa), or in more typically military settings such as peace keeping or armed conflicts (e.g., Afghanistan, Syria). Moral distress refers to “painful feelings and/or psychological disequilibrium” (Nilsson, Sjöberg, (...)
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    Designer Theology: A Feminist Perspective.Mary E. Hunt - 2001 - Zygon 36 (4):737-751.
    This is a critical look at the question of design from a feminist theological perspective. The author analyzes James Moore's 1995 Zygon article, “Cosmology and Theology: The Reemergence of Patriarchy.” Then she looks at the relationship between science and religion from a feminist perspective, focusing on the kyriarchal nature of theology itself in light of the myriad power issues at hand. Finally, she suggests that, instead of pondering the notion of design, scientists and theologians might more fruitfully look for new (...)
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    Situational constraints on normative reasoning.Earl Hunt - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):680-680.
    Stanovich & West claim that the positive correlation between reasoning tasks negates the view that errors in reasoning are due to failures in information processing. This is not correct. They conjecture that errors in reasoning are associated with conflicts between intentional and associative reasoning. This interesting proposition suggests studies relating situational characteristics to the quality of human reasoning.
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    Counterterrorism policies and practices: health and values at stake.Lisa Eckenwiler, Matthew Hunt, Ayesha Ahmad, Philippe Calain, Angus Dawson, Robert Goodin, Daniel Messelken, Leonard Rubenstein & Verina Wild - 2015 - WHO Bulletin 93:737–738.
    New mechanisms to ensure that counter ter ror ism ac t ivit ies do not contravene international law or ethical values and principles will require careful design. Apart from the ethical and legal grounds, there are good practical rea-sons to design more effective counterter-rorism measures. Preventable harms to population health contribute to mistrust and instability and undermine the stated objectives of the intelligence services.
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  36. Praiseworthiness and Motivational Enhancement: ‘No Pain, No Praise’?Hannah Maslen, Julian Savulescu & Carin Hunt - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (2):304-318.
    The view that exertion of effort determines praiseworthiness for an achievement is implicit in ‘no pain, no praise’-style objections to biomedical enhancement. On such views, if enhancements were t...
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  37. Against Chronogeometrical Fatalism.David P. Hunt - 2006 - Chronos 8:14-25.
    Can free agency exist within a Minkowskian "block universe"? A negative answer to this question has been labeled 'chronogeometrical fatalism'. I look at five theses associated with Minkowskian space-time which have been thought to entail chronogeometrical fatalism, and argue that none of them delivers the goods.
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  38. What We Talk About When We Talk About Dignity in Policing.Luke William Hunt - 2018 - Virginia Criminal Justice Bulletin 3 (2).
    This essay sketches various conceptions of dignity and how those conceptions might be relevant to police brutality and legal rights. It is an edited, draft excerpt from chapter 1 of my book, The Retrieval of Liberalism in Policing (Oxford, 2019).
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    Other tongues--other flesh.George Hunt Williamson - 1953 - London,: Spearman.
    ABOUT THE AUTHOR George Hunt Williamson served with the Army Air Corps during World War II as Radio Director for the Army Air Forces Technical Training..
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    Evil and Many Worlds: A Free-Will Theodicy.William Hunt - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    Evil and Many Worlds is a free-will theodicy based upon Huw Everett III's 1957 many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The theodicy argues for a balance of good and evil across an emergent multiverse where free will—a greater good valued by both persons and God— flourishes.
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    Liberal Socialism: An Alternative Social Ideal Grounded in Rawls and Marx.Ian Hunt - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Liberal Socialism exposes false ideas of justice behind neo-liberal capitalism and combines Rawls's ideas on justice and Marx's views on capitalism to make a plausible case for the alternative social ideal of liberal socialism. A fixed social structure gives equal weight to all competing claims for rights, liberties, and shares of the burdens and benefits of social cooperation, while allowing a democratic majority vote for liberal socialism.
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    Pure Complexity: Mary Daly’s Catholic Legacy.Mary E. Hunt - 2014 - Feminist Theology 22 (3):219-228.
    Mary Daly had a complicated relationship to the Catholic tradition. While it is commonly assumed that she rejected it thoroughly, this article offers a more nuanced look at the various ways in which it shaped her thinking. What is clear is that she had a decisive impact on the Catholic tradition, indeed on religion in general. Language about the divine, images of deities, human participation in things spiritual will never be the same after her thorough-going feminist critique. Her legacy is (...)
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    Philosophy and Politics.Dafydd Elis Thomas & G. M. K. Hunt - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):255.
    This 1990 collection explores one recurrent theme connecting philosophy and politics: the relation between the nature of man and the structure of society. It does so by concentrating on the topical issue of the market economy as an attempt to resolve the clash between individual autonomy and collective action. Beginning with a historical and personal recollection by Enoch Powell and a response by Robert Skidelsky, the volume then provides a forum for political theorists and philosophers to take issue on the (...)
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  44. Iohannes Blund: Tractatus de Anima.Daniel Callus & R. W. Hunt (eds.) - 1970 - London,: Oup/British Academy.
    This treatise was written c. 1200, and is the earliest known philosophical work by an Oxford master. Its great interest is that it demonstrates the way in which the first generation of scholars used the translations of Greek and Arabic philosophical scientific texts which had just become available in Western Europe.
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    Ultradian clocks in eukaryotic microbes: from behavioural observation to functional genomics.Fred Kippert & Paul Hunt - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (1):16-22.
    Period homeostasis is the defining characteristic of a biological clock. Strict period homeostasis is found for the ultradian clocks of eukaryotic microbes. In addition to being temperature-compensated, the period of these rhythms is unaffected by differences in nutrient composition or changes in other environmental variables. The best-studied examples of ultradian clocks are those of the ciliates Paramecium tetraurelia and Tetrahymena sp. and of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In these single cell eukaryotes, up to seven different parameters display ultradian rhythmicity (...)
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    Time to Revisit Classical Film Theory.Lester H. Hunt - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (1):42-51.
    Film audiences are no longer in a position to know for certain which images, or features of images they see on the screen were created by photography and which were created in a computer. Yet they are reacting to the advent of computer graphics as if it is merely a technical improvement, not a change in the nature of film itself. This would mean that one of the most influential early theories of film—realism—is wrong. It held that film is by (...)
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    Why Justice Matters.Ian Hunt - 2009 - Philosophical Papers 38 (2):157-181.
    This paper assesses Brian Barry's attempt in Why Social Justice Matters to argue the importance of social justice. Barry seeks to dismiss the ideological misunderstandings that have prevented recognition of the importance of social justice. He also suggests that a robust conception of social justice will be needed to guide policies that solve the problems of the modern world. I argue that the issue of social justice has suffered neglect because of the influence of different ideas of social justice than (...)
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    Procopius and the sixth century.E. D. Hunt - 1988 - History of European Ideas 9 (1):110-112.
  49. Informants, Police, and Unconscionability.Luke William Hunt - 2018 - Institute of Art and Ideas (IAI Online Magazine).
    Essay exploring the extent to which certain agreements between the police and informants are an affront (both procedurally and substantively) to basic tenets of the liberal tradition in legal and political philosophy.
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]G. M. K. Hunt - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (3):276-277.
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