Results for ' temporal contradictions'

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  1.  11
    The Temporality of Political Obligation.Justin Chandler Mueller - 2015 - Routledge.
    _The Temporality of Political Obligation _offers a critique and reconceptualization of the ways in which our political obligations – what we owe to political authorities and communities, and the reasons why we ought to obey their rules – have been traditionally conceptualized, justified, and contested. Drawing from theories of time and temporality, Justin Mueller demonstrates some of the unacknowledged assumptions and theoretical blind spots shared among these ostensibly opposed positions, and the problems and contradictions that this neglect of time (...)
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  2. Temporal Parity and the Problem of Change.Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson - 2001 - SATS 2 (2):60-79.
    I discuss the general form of arguments that profess to prove that the view that things endure in tensed time through causally produced change (the dynamic view) must be false because it involves contradictions. I argue that these arguments implicitly presuppose what has been called the temporal parity thesis, i.e. that all moments of time are equally existent and real, and that this thesis must be understood as the denial of the dynamic view. When this implicit premise is (...)
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    Back to the Future? Temporality and Society in Indian Constitutional Law: A Closer Look at Section 377 and Sabarimala Decisions and the Genealogy of Legal Reasoning.Jean-Philippe Dequen - 2020 - Journal of Human Values 26 (1):17-29.
    ‘On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality’. B. R. Ambedkar’s famous last speech to the Constituent Assembly on 25 November 1949 still resonates within contemporary Indian constitutional law, and even more so his following interrogation: ‘how long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions?’ Prima facie societal, the contradiction is however also (...)
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    The Temporal Asymmetry of Influence is Not Statistical.Emily Adlam - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-18.
    We argue that the temporal asymmetry of influence is not merely the result of thermodynamics: it is a consequence of the fact that modal structure of the universe must admit only processes which cannot give rise to contradictions. We appeal to the process matrix formalism developed in the field of quantum foundations to characterise processes which are compatible with local free will whilst ruling out contradictions, and argue that this gives rise to ‘consistent chaining’ requirements that explain (...)
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    The Temporality of Freedom: Retrogressive vs. Progressive Conceptions of Freedom between Schelling and Sartre.Rafael Holmberg - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (4):429-445.
    Not only is freedom a shared concern of Sartre and Schelling, which would not be anything particularly unique, but for both philosophers, freedom must be articulated out of an ontological ground, or within the confines of an ontological system. A contradiction nevertheless appears to arise regarding the “orientation” of Sartre and Schelling’s respective “ontologies of freedom”: the freedom of Sartre, reflecting a contemporary stoic-inspired doctrine, is directed toward the future, while for Schelling, with affinities to the temporal logic of (...)
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    Temporal Truth and Bivalence: an Anachronistic Formal Approach to Aristotle’s De Interpretatione 9.Luiz Henrique Lopes dos Santos - 2023 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):59-79.
    Regarding the famous Sea Battle Argument, which Aristotle presents in De Interpretatione 9, there has never been a general agreement not only about its correctness but also, and mainly, about what the argument really is. According to the most natural reading of the chapter, the argument appeals to a temporal concept of truth and concludes that not every statement is always either true or false. However, many of Aristotle’s followers and commentators have not adopted this reading. I believe that (...)
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    Gérer l’urgence de la disparition du vivant : les contradictions temporelles de l’action publique.Clémence Guimont - 2018 - Temporalités 28.
    Les temporalités de l’action publique n’intègrent pas actuellement les temporalités propres au vivant, dans un contexte préoccupant de crise écologique. Au travers de l’étude des politiques territoriales de biodiversité du Nord-Pas-de-Calais, nous analysons ici ces contradictions temporelles. L’action publique demeure en effet dans une perspective anthropocentrée qui détermine la finalité et les moyens des politiques de biodiversité à partir de contraintes politiques et économiques propres aux sociétés. Elle reflète ainsi une perspective linéaire du temps avec des objectifs de résultats (...)
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    Change and Contradiction in Henry of Ghent.Simo Knuuttila - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):22-35.
    Hugh of Novocastro, Landolfo Caracciolo, John Baconthorpe, and some other medieval authors argued that there are real contradictions in nature. The background of this early fourteenth-century theory was the Aristotelian question of how to determine the instant of change between p and ~p. The argument was that these are simultaneously true at the temporal instant of change if it is an instant of changing. The author’s aim is to discuss the background of this view in Henry of Ghent’s (...)
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    The temporalization of critique and the open riddle of history.Rodrigo Cordero - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 137 (1):55-71.
    The main goal of this paper is to offer a reading of Reinhart Koselleck’s work as an ally of critical theory. My contention is that, despite customary accusations of Koselleck being an anti-Enlightenment historian detrimental to social criticism and emancipatory politics, his investigations on the semantic fabric of modern society may actually expand our resources for the critique of domination. In order to make this argument plausible, I reconstruct some antinomies that are at the basis of Koselleck’s work (state/society, language/reality, (...)
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  10.  35
    Locating the contradiction in our understanding of time.Simon Prosser - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e272.
    I offer some clarification concerning the kind of contradiction that Hoerl & McCormack's account could help explain and the scope of the metaphysical intuitions that could be explained by such a theory. I conclude that we need to know more about the sense in which the temporal reasoning system would represent time as a dimension.
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  11.  42
    Contradictions of emotion in schizophrenia.Louis Sass - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (2):351-390.
    This paper considers contradictory features of emotional or affective experience and expression in schizophrenia in light of the “Kretschmerian paradox”—the fact that schizophrenia-spectrum patients can simultaneously experience both exaggerated and diminished levels of affective response. An attempt is made to explain the paradox and explore its implications. Recent research on emotion in schizophrenia is reviewed, including subjective reports, psychophysiological measures of arousal or activation, and behavioural measures, focusing on flat-affect and negative-symptom patients. After discussing relevant concepts and vocabulary of emotion (...)
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  12.  40
    Les contradictions de l'autobiographie comme temporalisation de l'identité personnelle.Claude Dubar - 2013 - Temporalités 17.
    Cet article tente de répondre à la question suivante : en quoi et comment une autobiographie, en tant que récit de vie (life story) écrit par un auteur en vue de raconter son histoire (life history), peut-elle livrer à ses lecteurs une définition de l’identité personnelle de son rédacteur ? Partant d’une conception des temporalités comme modes de temporalisation, l’article distingue le temps (présent) de la narration, le temps (passé) de l’expérience vécue et remémorée et le « tiers-temps » (futur) (...)
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  13. A Humean Temporal Logic.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 6 (Analytic Philosophy and Logic):209-216.
    Hume argues that the idea of duration is just the idea of the manner in which several things in succession are arrayed. In other words, the idea of duration is the idea of successiveness. He concludes that all and only successions have duration. Hume also argues that there is such a thing as a steadfast object—something which co-exists with many things in succession, but which is not itself a succession. Thus, it seems that Hume has committed himself to a contradiction: (...)
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    A Contradiction in Saint Thomas’s Teaching on Creation.Theodore J. Kondoleon - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):51-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A CONTRADICTION IN SAINT THOMAS'S TEACHING ON CREATION THEODORE J. KONDOLEON Villanova University Villanova, Pennsylvania 0 THOSE FAMILIAR with Saint Thomas's writings is generally known that the Angelic Doctor changed his position on a number of philosophical issues during the course of his relatively short professional career. For instance, there is his opinion concerning the instrumental role of higher creatures in the creation of the universe-something he allowed as (...)
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    The dual systems in temporal cognition: A spatial analogy.Andrea Roselli - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The model presented by the authors can explain an inherent contradiction in people's naïve theory of time. In this commentary I suggest a way in which another paradox of our phenomenal temporality may be addressed along these lines. In the final section, I also discuss some concerns that may arise about the clear-cut distinction between humans and non-human animals.
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  16. “Οὐκ ἔστιν” (141e8): The Performative Contradiction of the First Hypothesis.Mateo Duque - 2022 - In Luc Brisson, Macé Arnaud & Olivier Renaut (eds.), Plato’s Parmenides: Selected Papers from the Twelfth Symposium Platonicum. Academia Verlag. pp. 347-354.
    At the end of the first hypothesis, Parmenides gets Aristotle to agree that being [οὐσίας] must be in time; that is, that being must partake in at least one of the temporal modes: either to have been in the past, to be in the present, or it will be in the future (140e-142a). If this is true, then “the one does not partake in being” (141e7-8), meaning temporal being—to which Aristotle agrees, saying “Apparently not” (141e9). Parmenides then gets (...)
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  17.  51
    Socially and temporally extended end-of-life decision-making process for dementia patients.Osamu Muramoto - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (6):339-343.
    There are two contrasting views on the decision-making for life-sustaining treatment in advanced stages of dementia when the patient is deemed incompetent. One is to respect the patient's precedent autonomy by adhering to advance directives or using the substituted judgement standard. The other is to use the best-interests standard, particularly if the current judgement on what is best for the incapacitated patient contradicts the instructions from the patient's precedent autonomy. In this paper, I argue that the protracted clinical course of (...)
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  18.  20
    On Reversal of Temporality of Human Cognition and Dialectical Self.Suchoon Mo - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (1):37-46.
    In terms of temporality of logic, the relation between "before" and "after" is an inverse relation, as is the relation between intension and extension. Reversal of temporality of human cognition is accompanied by corresponding reversal between intension and extension. Such reversal is based on lateral reversal of brain hemisphere locus of time information. A similar inverse relation exists between self as subject and self as object. Extreme objectification of self is associated with brain hemisphere lateral reversal of time information, indicating (...)
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  19.  53
    Temporally localised facts and the problem of intrinsic change.Frank Hofmann - 2005 - Ratio 18 (1):39–47.
    Hugh Mellor has proposed what appears to be a new solution to the problem of intrinsic change (Mellor 1998). Assuming endurantism and a B‐theoretic, nonpresentist view of time, facts are supposed to have only enduring things and atemporal properties (or relations) as constituents, but no times. The having of properties and relations is not relativised to times. Instead, the whole of a fact is conceived of as temporally localised. It will be argued that this interesting and novel proposal does not (...)
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  20.  85
    Negation and Temporal Ontology.Tero Tulenheimo - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (1):101-114.
    G. H. von Wright proposed that a temporal interval exemplifies a real contradiction if at least one part of any division of this interval involves the presence of contradictorily related (though non-simultaneous) states. In connection with intervals, two negations must be discerned: 'does not hold at an interval' and 'fails throughout an interval'. Von Wright did not distinguish the two. As a consequence, he made a mistake in indicating how to use his logical symbolism to express the notion of (...)
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  21.  96
    Zeno's paradoxes and temporal becoming in dialectical atomism.Hristo Smolenov - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):169 - 180.
    The homogeneity of time (i.e. the fact that there are no privileged moments) underlies a fundamental symmetry relating to the energy conservation law. On the other hand the obvious asymmetry between past and future, expressed by the metaphor of the arrow of time or flow of time accounts for the irreversibility of what happens. One takes this for granted but the conceptual tension it creates against the background of time''s presumed homogeneity calls for an explanation of temporal becoming. Here, (...)
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  22. The impossibility of temporal relations between non-identical times: new arguments for presentism.Jeffrey Grupp - 2005 - Disputatio 1 (18):1-35.
    I argue that relations between non-identical times, such as the relations, earlier than, later than, or 10 seconds apart, involve contradiction, and only co-temporal relations are non-contradictory, which would leave presentism the only non-contradictory theory of time. The arguments I present are arguments that I have not seen in the literature.
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  23.  28
    Real-time? Reframing temporal consciousness in time-based and interactive media.Andrew Buchanan - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):53-62.
    The experience of time and temporally extended events is a fundamental property of mind, and of time-based media arts. In dealing with properties of time, does the operational logic of contemporary media production tools cohere with philosophical views on the experience of time? This article considers a range of views on the phenomenal experience of time as they relate to the production of time-based media. Embedded within our production technologies, the artist is faced with a new philosophical instrument: the production (...)
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  24. An infinite temporal regress is compatible with the Doctrine of Creatio Originans.Paul Kabay - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 57 (2):123-138.
    In this paper I show that the existence of an infinite temporal regress does not undermine the soundness of Craigs version of the Kalam Cosmological Argument. To this end I shall focus on a particular complication that Craig raises against one of his arguments in support of a finite temporal regress. I will show that this complication can be made innocuous by extending the notion of A-theoretic time, which is presupposed by Craigs argument, to include a notion of (...)
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  25.  55
    Does Becoming Entail a Contradiction?John Knox Jr - 1970 - American Philosophical Quarterly 7 (4):357-363.
    In this paper I suggest that becoming, Or passage, Is not merely paradoxical, But positively contradictory. On the assumption that events become, We are entitled to say that at certain times, Certain events are earlier or later, As the case may be, Than such temporal events as the characterization of events by presentness. But since temporal relations are permanent, They cannot be said without contradiction to obtain at any one time as opposed to another.
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  26.  41
    Temporal presentness and the dynamics of spacetime.Kent Peacock - manuscript
    The purpose of this paper is to pick up the threads of a debate about the ontology of becoming in spacetime that was triggered by a provocative article published by Nicholas Maxwell in 1985. This debate is itself merely a recent episode in a long dialogue that goes back at least as far as the time of Parmenides and Heraclitus. Here is the question around which this debate centres: is change or becoming the distinguishing feature of the natural or physical (...)
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  27. Transcendence and Non-Contradiction.Simon Skempton - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Research 41:17-42.
    This article is an inquiry into how the relationship between the principle of non-contradiction and the limits of thought has been understood by thinkers as diverse as Hegel, Heidegger, Levinas, and Graham Priest. While Heidegger and Levinas focus on the question of temporality and Priest takes a formal approach, all these philosophers effectively maintain that the principle of non-contradiction imposes a restriction on thought that disables it from adequately accounting for its own limits and thus what lies beyond those limits, (...)
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  28.  26
    Semiotic Interpretation of the Sign ‘Ecclesiastical Court’ Within the Framework of Legal Precepts in Terms of Temporality and Spatiality.Yulia Erokhina - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (3):783-802.
    The article aims to provide a semiotic interpretation of the sign of the Ecclesiastical Court within the legal framework from temporal and spatial perspectives. The starting point of the research is the idea that the history of the Russian Ecclesiastical Court is inextricably linked to the history of Russian society and secular court. Consideration of the pre-revolutionary ecclesiastical and secular law helps us explore principles of the ecclesiastical proceedings and organization, identify contradictions in understanding modern Ecclesiastical Court. Its (...)
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  29. ‘Risk in a Simple Temporal Framework for Expected Utility Theory and for SKAT, the Stages of Knowledge Ahead Theory’, Risk and Decision Analysis, 2(1), 5-32. selten co-author.Robin Pope & Reinhard Selten - 2010/2011 - Risk and Decision Analysis 2 (1).
    The paper re-expresses arguments against the normative validity of expected utility theory in Robin Pope (1983, 1991a, 1991b, 1985, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007). These concern the neglect of the evolving stages of knowledge ahead (stages of what the future will bring). Such evolution is fundamental to an experience of risk, yet not consistently incorporated even in axiomatised temporal versions of expected utility. Its neglect entails a disregard of emotional and financial effects on well-being before a particular risk (...)
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  30. B-series temporal order in dōgen's theory of time.Dirck Vorenkamp - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (3):387-408.
    Dōgen's views of time are descriptively compared to the modern western philosophical view called "B-theory" and found to contain elements of each of the four main tenets of the B-theory. Furthermore, a fundamental incongruency is discovered. Even accounting for traditional Buddhist approaches to apparent contradictions, Dōgen's problems in this regard call into question the assumption of consistency that has characterized modern interpretations of his views on time.
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    Democratic impatience: Martin Luther King, Jr. on democratic temporality.Mario Feit - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (3):363-386.
    The intensifying speed-up of contemporary economic, social and political life troubles democratic theorists because they assume that democracy depends on patience. This article turns to Martin Luther King, Jr. to challenge democratic theory’s temporal bias. I argue that King demonstrates that impatience, too, is a democratic virtue. Building on impatient knowledge, democratic impatience aides in overcoming undemocratic legacies, fosters democratic subjectivity and agency, ensures political accountability, and creates a more inclusive practice of democratic belonging. I furthermore show that King (...)
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  32.  20
    A Hobbesian Method for Establishing the Absurdity of Injustice Without Reliance on Hobbes’s Temporal Arguments.S. A. Lloyd - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (2):141-155.
    The paper investigates Hobbes’s arguments that injustice is a kind of absurdity involving a “contradiction properly so called,” concluding that although those arguments are undermined by their reliance on a mistaken temporality assumption, Hobbes’s philosophy provides other means for establishing his desired conclusion.
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  33. Prudence and the Temporal Structure of Practical Reasons.Duncan MacIntosh - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet (eds.), Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 230--250.
    I reject three theories of practical reason according to which a rational agent's ultimate reasons for acting must be unchanging: that one is rationally obliged in each choice (1) to be prudent--to advance all the desires one foresees ever having (the self-interest theory), rather than just those one has at the time of choice, or (2) to cause states of affairs that are good by some timeless, impersonal measure (Thomas Nagel), or (3) to obey permanent, universalizable deontic principles (Kant). Whether (...)
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  34. Where in the (world wide) web of belief is the law of non-contradiction?Jack Arnold & Stewart Shapiro - 2007 - Noûs 41 (2):276–297.
    It is sometimes said that there are two, competing versions of W. V. O. Quine’s unrelenting empiricism, perhaps divided according to temporal periods of his career. According to one, logic is exempt from, or lies outside the scope of, the attack on the analytic-synthetic distinction. This logic-friendly Quine holds that logical truths and, presumably, logical inferences are analytic in the traditional sense. Logical truths are knowable a priori, and, importantly, they are incorrigible, and so immune from revision. The other, (...)
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  35.  19
    Back from the Future. Remarks on Temporality and Totality in the Birth of Classical German Philosophy.Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (4):469-484.
    In this paper I propose to study the different combinations between temporality and the idea of totality in the beginning of Classical German Philosophy. In order to do that I will analyze the image of liberation in the philosophical and practical articulation of a new mythology in the manuscript “The Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism”, and the outlines of a theory of the Spirit in the documents written by Hegel in the first part of his Jena stage, more specifically, (...)
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  36. G. H. von Wright, "Time, Change, and Contradiction".Val Dusek - 1971 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8:152.
    Discussion of von Wright's account of logic and time in relation to Marxist dialectics.
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  37. The conceptual basis of a biological dispute about the temporal order of evolutionary events.Ulrich Krohs - 2005 - In Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stölzner (eds.), Time and History. Papers of the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Österr. Ludwig-Wittgenstein-Gesellschaft.
    occurs first. The biological debate is conducted largely on a theoretical level. In this paper, I undertake to locate
    the reason for the difference in temporal ordering. The question is whether the difference depends on alternative
    interpretations of empirical data, on differing views about evolutionary mechanisms, or on different conceptual
    frameworks. It will turn out that the latter is the case and that discerning two different notions of novelty solves
    the apparent contradiction. Both concepts may apply to different cases in evolution. To settle (...)
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    Time, Change and Contradiction. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):569-569.
    In this Eddington Memorial lecture, Von Wright distinguishes two points of view from which a logician may study time. The one focuses interest on the order of temporal events and the macro-aspect of time, its flow from an indefinitely remote past through the present to an indefinitely remote future. The other focuses attention on the micro-aspect of time, the nature of the time medium, on questions of whether time is discrete or infinitely divisible or the internal structure of limited (...)
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    SNOMED CT and Basic Formal Ontology – convergence or contradiction between standards? The case of “clinical finding”.Stefan Schulz, James T. Case, Peter Hendler, Daniel Karlsson, Michael Lawley, Ronald Cornet, Robert Hausam, Harold Solbrig, Karim Nashar, Catalina Martínez-Costa & Yongsheng Gao - 2023 - Applied ontology 18 (3):207-237.
    Background: SNOMED CT is a large terminology system designed to represent all aspects of healthcare. Its current form and content result from decades of bottom-up evolution. Due to SNOMED CT’s formal descriptions, it can be considered an ontology. The Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is a foundational ontology that proposes a small set of disjoint, hierarchically ordered classes, supported by relations and axioms. In contrast, as a typical top-down endeavor, BFO was designed as a foundational framework for domain ontologies in the (...)
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  40. Competing narratives of time in the managerial university : the contradiction of fast-time and slow- time.Carolina Guzman & Roberto Di Napoli - 2015 - In Paul Gibbs (ed.), Universities in the flux of time: an exploration of time and temporality in university life. New York: Routledge.
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    Is Christ really contradictory? Some methodological concerns from the philosophy of science.María Del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (4):313-339.
    Two of the most important outcomes of The Contradictory Christ include: identifying Christ as an unproblematically contradictory being as well as laying the foundations of an investigation of the logical consequences of the existence of Christ, qua contradictory, within a particular 'theory'. In light of the enormous reluevance of Beall’s The contradictory Christ for the study of inconsistency, my main concern here is to explore the effect of some methodological choices behind Beall’s proposal -this in order to recognize in more (...)
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    The Catastrophe to Come.Anthony Curtis Adler - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (2):365-383.
    Taking its departure from The Differend’s analysis of Auschwitz as a sign for the evental character of history, I argue that the looming ecological disaster we now face reveals both the continuing relevance and limits of Lyotard’s thought. While the form of political agency of the catastrophe to come involves a differend, this differend cannot be attached to a proper name, however problematic its mode of signification. This, however, suggests the even greater relevance of Lyotard’s treatment, in the conclusion of (...)
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    Expressions of passage.Gilbert Plumer - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (149):341-354.
    It seems a contradiction to hold of something both that it took a while and that no time elapsed or passed between its start and finish; there is a connection between the ideas of temporal extendedness and passage. The article develops this connection into a defense of the passage view of time and shows how without this sort of defense, conclusions of arguments putatively in support of the passage view may be reinterpreted as not in fact being expressions of (...)
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  44. Awareness without Time.Akiko Frischhut - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Recently, philosophers with an interest in consciousness have turned their attention towards “fringe states of consciousness”. Examples include dreams, trances, and meditative states. Teetering between wakefulness and non-consciousness, fringe states illuminate the limits and boundaries of consciousness. This paper aims to give a coherent conceptualisation of deep meditative states, focussing in particular on phenomenal temporality during meditation. Advanced meditators overwhelmingly describe deep states of meditation as atemporal and timeless; however, they also report being continuously alert while meditating. I intend to (...)
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  45. On believing that time does not flow, but thinking that it seems to.Kristie Miller, Alex Holcombe & Andrew J. Latham - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Hoerl & McCormack posit two systems – the temporal updating system and the temporal reasoning system – and suggest that they explain an inherent contradiction in people's naïve theory of time. We suggest there is no contradiction. Something does, however, require explanation: the tension between certain sophisticated beliefs about time, and certain phenomenological states or beliefs about those phenomenological states. The temporal updating mechanism posited by H&M may contribute to this tension.
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    (1 other version)Dialectic: The Pulse of Freedom.Roy Bhaskar - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    _Dialectic_ is now widely regarded as a classic of contemporary philosophy. This book, first published in 1993, sets itself three main aims: the development of a general theory of dialectic, of which Hegelian dialectic can be seen to be a special case; the dialectical enrichment and deepening of critical realism, viz. into the system of dialectical critical realism; and the outline of the elements of a totalizing critique of Western philosophy. The first chapter clarifies the rational core of Hegelian dialectic. (...)
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    Syncopation as Probabilistic Expectation: Conceptual, Computational, and Experimental Evidence.Noah R. Fram & Jonathan Berger - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13390.
    Definitions of syncopation share two characteristics: the presence of a meter or analogous hierarchical rhythmic structure and a displacement or contradiction of that structure. These attributes are translated in terms of a Bayesian theory of syncopation, where the syncopation of a rhythm is inferred based on a hierarchical structure that is, in turn, learned from the ongoing musical stimulus. Several experiments tested its simplest possible implementation, with equally weighted priors associated with different meters and independence of auditory events, which can (...)
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  48. The false promise of quantum mechanics.Timothy Sansbury - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):111-122.
    The causal indeterminacy suggested by quantum mechanics has led to its being the centerpiece of several proposals for divine action that does not contradict natural laws. However, even if the theoretical concerns about the reality of causal indeterminacy are ignored, quantum-level divine action fails to resolve the problem of ongoing, responsive divine activity. This is because most quantum-level actions require a significant period of time in order to reach macroscopic levels whether via chaotic amplification or complete divine control of quantum (...)
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  49. A Process Ontology.Haines Brown - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (3):291-312.
    The paper assumes that to be of practical interest process must be understood as physical action that takes place in the world rather than being an idea in the mind. It argues that if an ontology of process is to accommodate actuality, it must be represented in terms of relative probabilities. Folk physics cannot accommodate this, and so the paper appeals to scientific culture because it is an emergent knowledge of the world derived from action in it. Process is represented (...)
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  50. Farewell to McTaggart’s Argument?Michael Tooley - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2):243-255.
    Philosophers have responded to McTaggart’s famous argument for the unreality of time in a variety of ways. Some of those responses are not easy to evaluate, since they involve, for example, sometimes murky questions concerning whether a certain infinite regress is or is not vicious. In this paper I set out a response that has not, I think, been advanced by any other author, and which, if successful, is absolutely clear-cut. The basic idea is simply that a tensed approach to (...)
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