Results for ' temporal variations'

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  1.  27
    Effects of temporal variations between contingent and probabilistic noncontingent reinforcement.Victor A. Benassi, Jeffrey Weil & Robert N. Lanson - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (3):345-348.
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    Regional and Temporal Variations in Comorbidity Among US Dialysis Patients: A Longitudinal Study of Medicare Claims Data.Yi Mu, Andrew I. Chin, Abhijit V. Kshirsagar, Yi Zhang & Heejung Bang - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801877116.
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    Perspective: causes and functional significance of temporal variations in attention control.Agatha Lenartowicz, Gregory V. Simpson & Mark S. Cohen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Variations in item availability and distinctiveness and the role of temporal constancy cues in serial anticipation.Douglas L. Nelson, Joseph Wheeler & Steven Bercov - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (3):463.
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    Variation of temporal intervals among critical events in five studies of knowledge of results.Edward A. Bilodeau & Ina Mcd Bilodeau - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (6):603.
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    Temporality and Rhythmanalysis in Brussels. Exploring variations in the spatio-temporal appropriation of a multicultural metropolis.Koen De Wandeler - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This paper is an updated version of a paper that was first presented at the Creative Adjacencies - New Challenges for Architecture, Design and Urbanism Conference, held 3-6 June 2014 at the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Gent. It has already been published in Žindžiuvienė IE., Spatiality and Temporality : An Interdisciplinary Approach. Poland : IRF Press. ISBN : 978-83-943632-1-5. We thank Koen De Wandeler for the permission to republish it here.- Urbanisme – Nouvel article.
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  7. Temporal learning in pigeons-the effects of transitional variations in interfood interval duration.Jj Higa - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):470-470.
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  8. Disciplinary Variations on the Anthropocene: Temporality and Epistemic Authority: Response to Kyle Nichols and Bina Gogineni.Nikolas Kompridis - 2019 - In Akeel Bilgrami (ed.), Nature and Value. New York: Columbia University Press.
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  9. Variations of narrative temporalities in John Farrow's 1948 film The big clock.Raphaëlle Costa de Beauregard - 2021 - In Arkadiusz Misztal, Paul Harris & Jo Alyson Parker (eds.), Time in variance. Boston: Brill.
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    The Temporal Structure of Olfactory Experience.Keith A. Wilson - 2022 - In Benjamin D. Young & Andreas Keller (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Smell. Routledge. pp. 111-130.
    Visual experience is often characterised as being essentially spatial, and auditory experience essentially temporal. But this contrast, which is based upon the temporal structure of the objects of sensory experience rather than the experiences to which they give rise, is somewhat superficial. By carefully examining the various sources of temporal variation in the chemical senses we can more clearly identify the temporal profile of the resulting smell and taste (aka flavour) experiences. This in turn suggests that (...)
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    Determinants of Variation in Rapid Temporal Processing Ability: How do Behaviour, Function, and Structure Relate?Bourke Jesse & Todd Juanita - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Delboeuf-type circle illusions: Interactions among luminance, temporal characteristics, and inducing-figure variations.Lynn A. Cooper & Daniel J. Weintraub - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (1):75.
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    Temporal reference in Paraguayan Guaraní, a tenseless language.Judith Tonhauser - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (3):257-303.
    This paper contributes data from Paraguayan Guaraní (Tupí-Guaraní) to the discussion of how temporal reference is determined in tenseless languages. The empirical focus of this study is on finite clauses headed by verbs inflected only for person/number information, which are compatible only with non-future temporal reference in most matrix clause contexts. The paper first explores the possibility of accounting for the temporal reference of such clauses with a phonologically empty non-future tense morpheme, along the lines of Matthewson’s (...)
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  14. The temporal dimension of thought: Cortical foundations of predicative representation.Markus Werning - 2005 - Synthese 146 (1-2):203-224.
    The paper argues that cognitive states of biological systems are inherently temporal. Three adequacy conditions for neuronal models of representation are vindicated: the compositionality of meaning, the compositionality of content, and the co-variation with content. Classicist and connectionist approaches are discussed and rejected. Based on recent neurobiological data, oscillatory networks are introduced as a third alternative. A mathematical description in a Hilbert space framework is developed. The states of this structure can be regarded as conceptual representations satisfying the three (...)
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  15.  29
    Managing variation in the investigation of organismal development: problems and opportunities.James W. E. Lowe - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (4):449-473.
    This paper aims to clarify the consequences of new scientific and philosophical approaches for the practical-theoretical framework of modern developmental biology. I highlight normal development, and the instructive-permissive distinction, as key parts of this framework which shape how variation is conceptualised and managed. Furthermore, I establish the different dimensions of biological variation: the units, temporality and mode of variation. Using the analytical frame established by this, I interpret a selection of examples as challenges to the instructive-permissive distinction. These examples include (...)
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    A computer model of the temporal course of agrammatic sentence understanding: The effects of variation in severity and sentence complexity.Henk J. Haarmann & Herman H. J. Kolk - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (1):49-87.
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  17.  17
    Ecological Location of a Water Source and Spatial Dynamics of Behavior Under Temporally Scheduled Water Deliveries in a Modified Open-Field System: An Integrative Approach.Alejandro León, Varsovia Hernández, Ursula Huerta, Carlos Alberto Hernández-Linares, Porfirio Toledo, Martha Lorena Avendaño Garrido, Esteban Escamilla Navarro & Isiris Guzmán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been reported in non-contingent schedules that the variety of patterns of behavior is affected by the temporal variation of water deliveries. While temporal variation is accomplished by delivering water at fixed or variable times, spatial variation is usually accomplished by varying the number of dispensers and distance among them. Such criteria do not consider the possible ecological relevance of the location of water dispensers. Nevertheless, it is plausible to suppose that the intersection of the programed contingencies, (...)
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  18.  11
    Cognition and temporality: the genesis of historical thought in perception and reasoning.Mark E. Blum - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang ;.
    Cognition and Temporality argues that both verbal grammar and figural grammar have their cognitive basis in twelve characteristic forms of judgment, distributed among individuals in human populations throughout history. These twelve logical forms are context-free and language-free foundations in our attentional awareness, and shape all verbal and figural statements. Moreover, these types of historical judgment are psychogenetic inheritances in a population, and each serves a distinct problem-solving function in the human species. Through analysis of verbal and figural statements, the author (...)
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  19. Circadian Variation of Migraine Attack Onset Affects fMRI Brain Response to Fearful Faces.Daniel Baksa, Edina Szabo, Natalia Kocsel, Attila Galambos, Andrea Edit Edes, Dorottya Pap, Terezia Zsombok, Mate Magyar, Kinga Gecse, Dora Dobos, Lajos Rudolf Kozak, Gyorgy Bagdy, Gyongyi Kokonyei & Gabriella Juhasz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:842426.
    BackgroundPrevious studies suggested a circadian variation of migraine attack onset, although, with contradictory results – possibly because of the existence of migraine subgroups with different circadian attack onset peaks. Migraine is primarily a brain disorder, and if the diversity in daily distribution of migraine attack onset reflects an important aspect of migraine, it may also associate with interictal brain activity. Our goal was to assess brain activity differences in episodic migraine subgroups who were classified according to their typical circadian peak (...)
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  20. Temporality and Truth.Daniel W. Smith - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (3):377-389.
    This paper examines the intersecting of the themes of temporality and truth in Deleuze's philosophy. For the ancients, truth was something eternal: what was true was true in all times and in all places. Temporality (coming to be and passing away) was the realm of the mutable, not the eternal. In the seventeenth century, change began to be seen in a positive light (progress, evolution, and so on), but this change was seen to be possible only because of the immutable (...)
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  21.  29
    Temporal sociomedical approaches to intersex* bodies.Limor Meoded Danon - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-28.
    The history of the field of intersex bodies/bodies with variations of sex development reflects the ongoing tension between sociomedical attempts to control uncertainty and reduce the duration of corporeal uncertainty by means of early diagnosis and treatment, and the embodied subjects who resist or challenge these attempts, which ultimately increase uncertainty. Based on various qualitative studies in the field of intersex, this article describes three temporal sociomedical approaches that have evolved over the last decade and aims to address (...)
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  22. Temporal semantics in a superficially tenseless language.Lisa Matthewson - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (6):673 - 713.
    This paper contributes to the debate about ‘tenseless languages’ by defending a tensed analysis of a superficially tenseless language. The language investigated is St’át’imcets (Lillooet Salish). I argue that although St’át’imcets lacks overt tense morphology, every finite clause in the language possesses a phonologically covert tense morpheme; this tense morpheme restricts the reference time to being non-future. Future interpretations, as well as ‘past future’ would-readings, are obtained by the combination of covert tense with an operator analogous to Abusch’s (1985) WOLL. (...)
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  23. Temporal phase pluralism.David Braddon-Mitchell & Caroline West - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):59–83.
    Some theories of personal identity allow some variation in what it takes for a person to survive from context to context; and sometimes this is determined by the desires of person-stages or the practices of communities.This leads to problems for decision making in contexts where what is chosen will affect personal identity.‘Temporal Phase Pluralism’ solves such problems by allowing that there can be a plurality of persons constituted by a sequence of person stages. This illuminates difficult decision making problems (...)
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  24.  21
    A New Temporality of Religion.Lenart Škof - 2020 - Contemporary Pragmatism 17 (2-3):193-204.
    In his insightful essay »Prophetic Religion and the Future of Capitalist Civilization« Cornel West fervently addressed a question of our abilities to imagine a more empathetic, more compassionate, and also more hospitable world, in which we could foresee, or perhaps already lay ground for a future community where the word religion would simply mean that we live our lives in the consciousness of our finitude and thus in an existential and cognitive humility. This kind of religion would enable us to (...)
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  25. The Role of Subjective Temporality in Future-Oriented Mental Time Travel.Stan Klein & Chloe Steindam - 2016 - In Kourken Michaelian, Stanley B. Klein & Karl K. Szpunar (eds.), Seeing the Future: Theoretical Perspectives on Future-Oriented Mental Time Travel. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 135-152.
    In this chapter we examine the tendency to view future-oriented mental time travel as a unitary faculty that, despite task-driven surface variation, ultimately reduces to a common phenomenological state. We review evidence that FMTT is neither unitary nor beholden to episodic memory: Rather, it is varied both in its memorial underpinnings and experiential realization. We conclude that the phenomenological diversity characterizing FMTT is dependent not on the type of memory activated during task performance, but on the kind of subjective temporality (...)
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  26.  71
    (1 other version)Enigma variations: An interpretation of Heidegger's sein und zeit.Simon Critchley - 2002 - Ratio 15 (2):154–175.
    There are two phrases in Heidegger's Sein und Zeit that provide a clue to what is going on in that book: Dasein ist geworfener Entwurf and Dasein existiert faktisch . I begin by trying to show how an interpretation of these phrases can help clarify Heidegger's philosophical claim about what it means to be human. I then try and explain why it is that, in a couple of important passages in Sein und Zeit, Heidegger describes thrown projection as an enigma (...)
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  27. Agentive Explanations of Temporal Passage Experiences and Beliefs.Anthony Bigg, Andrew J. Latham, Kristie Miller & Shira Yechimovitz - manuscript
    Several philosophers have suggested that certain aspects of people’s experience of agency partly explains why people tend to report that it seems to them, in perceptual experience, as though time robustly passes. In turn, it has been suggested that people come to believe that time robustly passes on the basis of its seeming to them in experience that it does. We argue that what require explaining is not just that people report that it seems to them as though time robustly (...)
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    Temporal gradient of release from proactive inhibition.J. Peter Kincaid & Delos D. Wickens - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):313.
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    Temporality in Musical Meaning: A Peircean/Deweyan Semiotic Approach.Felicia E. Kruse - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (3):50-63.
    Imagine a single musical tone—for instance, the A above middle C that the oboe plays to tune an orchestra. Now imagine this tone, with no variation in dynamics, pitch, or timbre, extended over the course of “an hour or a day,” existing, as Peirce describes in “How to Make Our Ideas Clear” (W3:262),1 “as perfectly in each second of that time as in the whole taken together; so that, as long as it is sounding, it might be present to a (...)
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    Adaptive social learning strategies in temporally and spatially varying environments.Wataru Nakahashi, Joe Yuichiro Wakano & Joseph Henrich - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (4):386-418.
    Long before the origins of agriculture human ancestors had expanded across the globe into an immense variety of environments, from Australian deserts to Siberian tundra. Survival in these environments did not principally depend on genetic adaptations, but instead on evolved learning strategies that permitted the assembly of locally adaptive behavioral repertoires. To develop hypotheses about these learning strategies, we have modeled the evolution of learning strategies to assess what conditions and constraints favor which kinds of strategies. To build on prior (...)
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  31. Aspects of Reductive Explanation in Biological Science: Intrinsicality, Fundamentality, and Temporality.Andreas Hüttemann & Alan C. Love - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (3):519-549.
    The inapplicability of variations on theory reduction in the context of genetics and their irrelevance to ongoing research has led to an anti-reductionist consensus in philosophy of biology. One response to this situation is to focus on forms of reductive explanation that better correspond to actual scientific reasoning (e.g. part–whole relations). Working from this perspective, we explore three different aspects (intrinsicality, fundamentality, and temporality) that arise from distinct facets of reductive explanation: composition and causation. Concentrating on these aspects generates (...)
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  32. The Times of Deleuze: An Analysis of Deleuze's Concept of Temporality Through Reference to Ontology, Aesthetics, and Political Philosophy.Robert Luzecky - 2021 - Dissertation, Purdue University
    I analyze Deleuze’s concept of temporality in terms of its ontology and axiological (political and aesthetic) aspects. For Deleuze, the concept of temporality is non-monolithic, in the senses that it is modified throughout his works — the monographs, lectures, and those works that were co-authored with Félix Guattari — and that it is developed through reference to a dizzying array of concepts, thinkers, artistic works, and social phenomena. -/- I observe that Deleuze’s concept of temporality involves a complex ontology of (...)
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    Toward a Radical Female Imaginary: Temporality and Embodiment in Irigaray's Ethics.Ewa Plonowska Ziarek - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):60-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Toward a Radical Female Imaginary: Temporality and Embodiment in Irigaray’s EthicsEwa Plonowska Ziarek* (bio)An important intervention of Irigaray’s work on sexual difference into the postmodern debates on ethics is the mediation between two different lines of ethical inquiry: one represented by the work of Nietzsche, Deleuze, Foucault, and, to a certain degree, Castoriadis, and the other by the work of Levinas, Derrida, and Lyotard. Although the two trajectories both (...)
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  34.  42
    About chronos and kairos. On Agamben’s interpretation of Pauline temporality through Heidegger.Ezra Delahaye - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (3):85-101.
    One of the key concepts in Giorgio Agamben’s reading of Paul is temporality. In this article, Delahaye examines this concept. Delahaye shows that Agamben’s understanding of messianic temporality hinges on the opposition between kairos and chronos, which Agamben takes for granted. He consequently traces this opposition back to Heidegger’s influence on Agamben. This leads Delahaye to conclude that messianic temporality can be understood as a variation on Heidegger’s idea of ecstatic temporality.
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    Priming as a Motivating Factor in Sociophonetic Variation and Change.Lynn Clark - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):729-744.
    Clark reports on a variationist analysis of intervocalic word‐medial /t/ from recorded spontaneous speech monologues. The results provide evidence that tokens are more likely to be realized as voiced if the preceding token was voiced, an effect which is weaker with increased temporal distance between the prime and target.
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  36. Neural Correlates of Temporality?Michał Klincewicz - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):704-706.
  37.  20
    Words with Consistent Diachronic Usage Patterns are Learned Earlier: A Computational Analysis Using Temporally Aligned Word Embeddings.Giovanni Cassani, Federico Bianchi & Marco Marelli - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12963.
    In this study, we use temporally aligned word embeddings and a large diachronic corpus of English to quantify language change in a data-driven, scalable way, which is grounded in language use. We show a unique and reliable relation between measures of language change and age of acquisition (AoA) while controlling for frequency, contextual diversity, concreteness, length, dominant part of speech, orthographic neighborhood density, and diachronic frequency variation. We analyze measures of language change tackling both the change in lexical representations and (...)
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  38.  40
    Identity, Narrative, Language, Culture, and the Problem of Variation in Life Stories.Dan P. McAdams - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (1):77-84.
    An integrative psychological concept that bridges the sciences and humanities, narrative identity is the internalized and evolving story a person invents to explain how he or she has become the person he or she is becoming. Combining the selective reconstruction of the past with an imagined anticipated future, narrative identity provides human lives with a sense of unity, moral purpose, and temporal coherence. In this article, I discuss how the evolution of human storytelling provides the basic tools for constructing (...)
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    Teleological Time: A Variation on a Kantian Theme.Amihud Gilead - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (3):529 - 562.
    IN this paper I would like to suggest that by reconstructing the relationship between time and teleology --as this relationship might be implied by Kant's theory--one of the most complicated problems of this theory may be solved. This problem concerns a construction of time suitable to the particular needs of Kant's doctrines of the history of reason and philosophy, or of the history of mankind, which proceeds according to the total imperative of morality. Teleological time, a concept which I shall (...)
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  40. Measuring time and other spatio-temporal quantities.Hartmut Traunmüller - 1998 - Apeiron 5 (3-4):213-218.
    Ordinary clocks do not measure time in the common and Newtonian sense, and there is a similar problem for spatial measurements due to effects of motion and gravitation. Einstein’s theories of relativity are based on the denial of the possibility of the ‘absolute’ measurements that would be required. Nevertheless, here it is shown how such measurements can be performed. For this purpose, a “light clock” (or equivalent) is linked with a “space-time odometer” that counts the zero crossings in the field (...)
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  41.  8
    Racial and Temporal Differences in Fertility–Education Trade-Offs Reveal the Effect of Economic Opportunities on Optimum Family Size in the United States.Sally Li - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (2):134-152.
    Contemporary trends in low fertility can in part be explained by increasing incentives to invest in offspring’s embodied capital over offspring quantity in environments where education is a salient source of social mobility. However, studies on this subject have often neglected to empirically examine heterogeneity, missing out on the opportunity to investigate how this relationship is impacted when individuals are excluded from meaningful participation in economic spheres. Using General Social Survey data from the United States, I examine changes in the (...)
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  42.  16
    Case Report: Aperiodic Fluctuations of Neural Activity in the Ictal MEG of a Child With Drug-Resistant Fronto-Temporal Epilepsy.Saskia van Heumen, Jeremy T. Moreau, Elisabeth Simard-Tremblay, Steffen Albrecht, Roy W. R. Dudley & Sylvain Baillet - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Successful surgical treatment of patients with focal drug-resistant epilepsy remains challenging, especially in cases for which it is difficult to define the area of cortex from which seizures originate, the seizure onset zone. Various diagnostic methods are needed to select surgical candidates and determine the extent of resection. Interictal magnetoencephalography with source imaging has proven to be useful for presurgical evaluation, but the use of ictal MEG data remains limited. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether pre-ictal (...)
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  43. Philosophical Research in Brazil: A Structural Topic Modeling Approach with a Focus on Temporal and Gender Trends.Marcos Fanton, Hugo Mota, Carolina de Melo Bomfim Araújo, Mitieli Seixas da Silva & Raquel Canuto - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    [This is a pre-print; please cite the published version] This paper employs structural topic modeling (STM) to describe the academic philosophy landscape in Brazil. Based on a public national database, a corpus consisting of 12,515 abstracts of monographs defended in philosophy graduate programs between 1991 and 2021 was compiled. The final STM model identified 74 meaningful research topics, clustered into 7 thematic categories. This study discusses the prevalence of the most significant topics and categories, their trends across three decades, and (...)
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  44.  14
    A Qualitative Phenomenological Philosophy Analysis of Affectivity and Temporality in Experiences of COVID-19 and Remaining Symptoms after COVID-19 in Sweden. [REVIEW]Kristin Zeiler, Sofia Morberg Jämterud, Anna Bredström, Anestis Divanoglou & Richard Levi - 2025 - Journal of Medical Humanities 46 (1):37-57.
    This article explores affectivity, temporality, and their interrelation in patients who contracted COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic in Sweden and with symptoms indicative of post-COVID-19 Condition (PCC) that remained one year after the infection. It offers a qualitative phenomenological philosophy analysis, showing how being ill with acute COVID-19 and with symptoms indicative of PCC can entail a radically altered self-world relation. We identify two examples of pre-intentional (existential) feelings: that of listlessness and that of not being able (...)
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    The direct and indirect effect of neuroticism on work engagement of nurses during COVID-19: A temporal analysis.Mit Vachhrajani, Sushanta Kumar Mishra, Himanshu Rai & Amit Paliwal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Healthcare professionals such as nurses faced a tough time during the pandemic. Despite the personal and professional challenges, they contributed immensely during the pandemic. However, there were variations in nurses’ work engagement during the pandemic. One reason could be their personality, especially neuroticism. Neuroticism represents individuals’ proneness to distress in stressful situations, such as COVID-19. Hence, understanding how and in which conditions neuroticism influences work engagement is crucial. We used the Job Demand-Resource model to test the association between neuroticism (...)
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  46. Change without change, and how to observe it in general relativity.Richard Healey - 2004 - Synthese 141 (3):381 - 415.
    All change involves temporal variation of properties. There is change in the physical world only if genuine physical magnitudes take on different values at different times. I defend the possibility of change in a general relativistic world against two skeptical arguments recently presented by John Earman. Each argument imposes severe restrictions on what may count as a genuine physical magnitude in general relativity. These restrictions seem justified only as long as one ignores the fact that genuine change in a (...)
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  47. Fundamental Dimensions of Environmental Risk.Bruce J. Ellis, Aurelio José Figueredo, Barbara H. Brumbach & Gabriel L. Schlomer - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (2):204-268.
    The current paper synthesizes theory and data from the field of life history (LH) evolution to advance a new developmental theory of variation in human LH strategies. The theory posits that clusters of correlated LH traits (e.g., timing of puberty, age at sexual debut and first birth, parental investment strategies) lie on a slow-to-fast continuum; that harshness (externally caused levels of morbidity-mortality) and unpredictability (spatial-temporal variation in harshness) are the most fundamental environmental influences on the evolution and development of (...)
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    An integrative model of the self-sustained oscillating contractions of cardiac myocytes.Audrey Pustoc'H., Jacques Ohayon, Yves Usson, Alain Kamgoue & Philippe Tracqui - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):277-293.
    Computational cell models appear as necessary tools for handling the complexity of intracellular cell dynamics, especially calcium dynamics. However, while oscillating intracellular calcium oscillations are well documented and modelled, a simple enough virtual cell taking into account the mechano-chemical coupling between calcium oscillations and cell mechanical properties is still lacking. Considering the spontaneous periodic contraction of isolated cardiac myocytes, we propose here a virtual cardiac cell model in which the cellular contraction is modelled using an hyperelastic description of the cell (...)
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    Living on the edge: A complexity-informed exploration of the human-water relationship.Bruce Simmons, Robert Woog & Vladimir Dimitrov - 2007 - World Futures 63 (3 & 4):275 – 285.
    Humanity and water represent an intersection of two natural cycles: the human economy and the earth's hydrological system. Although water is vital for human survival and growth, the point where human endeavor intersects is the most variable and uncertain in the hydrological system. Significant spatial and temporal variation of evaporation and rainfall has led to a number of responses aimed at increasing certainty of access to water. However, many of the world's civilizations can attest that the very act of (...)
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    The Impact of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on U.S. Opioid Prescriptions.Ian Ayres & Amen Jalal - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):387-403.
    This paper seeks to understand the treatment effect of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on opioid prescription rates. Using county-level panel data on all opioid prescriptions in the U.S. between 2006 and 2015, we investigate whether state interventions like PDMPs have heterogeneous treatment effects at the sub-state level, based on regional and temporal variations in policy design, extent of urbanization, race, and income. Our models comprehensively control for a set of county and time fixed effects, countyspecific and time-varying demographic (...)
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