Results for ' visual organization'

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  1. Visual receptive field organisation and spatial reference transformation in macaque posterior parietal cortex.V. Prevosto, F. Klam & W. Graf - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 166-166.
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    Different modes of visual organization for perception and for action.Tzvi Ganel & Melvyn A. Goodale - 2015 - In Johan Wagemans (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization. Oxford University Press.
    The visual control of action is a critical ability for interacting with the visual environment. Visual perception, however, is necessary for recognizing and memorizing different aspects of this environment. According to an influential proposal by Goodale and Milner, these two distinct visual functions are mediated by different cortical areas. The ventral visual stream mediates perception and the dorsal stream mediates the visual control of action. In this review, we focus on behavioral evidence looking at (...)
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    The electrical phosphene threshold as a measure of retinal induction and visual organization.Richard M. Michaels - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (1):21.
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    Deleuze and the Diagram: Aesthetic Threads in Visual Organization.Jakub Zdebik - 2012 - Continuum.
    System -- Black line, white surface -- Gilles Deleuze's diagram (complicated by a comparison to Immanuel Kant's schema) -- The extraordinary contraction -- Skin, aesthetics, incarnation : Deleuze's diagram of Francis Bacon : an epilogue.
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    Visual and semantic organization in picture recall.Elizabeth Lotz Stine, Angeline E. Benham & Anderson D. Smith - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (2):89-91.
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  6. Functional Organization of the Human Visual Cortex.B. Gulyas, D. Ottoson & P. Rol (eds.) - 1993 - Pergamon Press.
  7.  14
    Visuality, text and talk, and the systematic organization of interaction in Periscope live video streams.Julien Morel & Christian Licoppe - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (5):637-665.
    In this study, we use a conversation analysis framework to understand the systematic organization of interactions in Periscope live video streams, and its crucial features: the talking heads orientation for the video stream, in common with video-mediated communication; the expectation that the streamer should attend to all messages as much as possible; the ‘loose’ organization of viewers’ responses to streamers’ turn-at-talk, as in multi-party chats. We also identify a distinctive design for streamers’ responses to messages, the ‘read-aloud and (...)
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    Organization principles in visual working memory: Evidence from sequential stimulus display.Zaifeng Gao, Qiyang Gao, Ning Tang, Rende Shui & Mowei Shen - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):277-288.
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    Perceptual organization of line configurations: Is visual awareness necessary?Dina Devyatko, Shahar Sabary & Ruth Kimchi - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:101-115.
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    Hierarchical organization in visual working memory: From global ensemble to individual object structure.Qi-Yang Nie, Hermann J. Müller & Markus Conci - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):85-96.
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    Arturo Carsetti • seeing, thinking and knowing: Meaning and self-organisation in visual cognition and thought • dordrecht, the netherlands: Kluwer academic publishers, • 2004 • hardback £97.00 • isbn: 1402020805. [REVIEW]Valeria Giardino - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (3):623-625.
  12. The visual system and levels of perception: Properties of neuromental organization.Petra Stoerig & Stephan Brandt - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (2).
    To see whether the mental and the neural have common attributes that could resolve some of the traditional dichotomies, we review neuroscientific data on the visual system. The results show that neuronal and perceptual function share a parallel and hierarchical architecture which is manifest not only in the anatomy and physiology of the visual system, but also in normal perception and in the deficits caused by lesions in different parts of the system. Based on the description of parallel (...)
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    The organization of component response error events in two-dimensional visual tracking.Jack A. Adams & Carl E. Webber - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (3):200.
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    Functional organization and visual representations of human ventral lateral prefrontal cortex.Annie W.-Y. Chan - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  15. Self-organization in the dreaming brain.Stanley Krippner & Allan Combs - 2000 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 21 (4):399-412.
    This paper approaches dreaming consciousness through an examination of the self-organizing properties of the sleeping brain. This view offers a step toward reconciliation between brain-based and content-based attempts to understand the nature of dreaming. Here it is argued that the brain can be understood as a complex self-organizing system that in dreaming responds to subtle influences such as residual feelings and memories. The hyper-responsiveness of the brain during dreaming is viewed in terms of the tendency of complex chaotic-like systems to (...)
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    Spatial Organization in Self-Initiated Visual Working Memory.Hagit Magen & Tatiana Aloi Emmanouil - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Changes in visual spatial organization: Response frequency equalization versus adaptation level.William Steinberg & Robert Sekuler - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (2):246.
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    The role of visual awareness in processing of global structure: Evidence from the perceptual organization of hierarchical patterns.Shahar Sabary, Dina Devyatko & Ruth Kimchi - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104442.
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    Figure–ground organization and the emergence of proto-objects in the visual cortex.Rüdiger von der Heydt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    What goes up may come down: perceptual process and knowledge access in the organization of complex visual patterns by young infants.Paul C. Quinn & Philippe G. Schyns - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (6):923-935.
    The relationship between perceptual categorization and organization processes in 3‐ to 4‐month‐old infants was explored. The question was whether an invariant part abstracted during category learning could interfere with Gestalt organizational processes. Experiment 1 showed that the infants could parse a circle in accord with good continuation from visual patterns consisting of a circle and a complex polygon. In Experiments 2 and 3, however, this parsing was interfered with by a prior category familiarization experience in which infants were (...)
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  21.  21
    The Organization of a Foreign Language Distance Learning in Quarantine During the Postmodern Era.Roksolana Povoroznyuk, Nataliia Tonkonoh, Iryna Berezneva, Yuriy Sobkov, Olha Trebyk & Alla Gembaruk - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):494-508.
    The article addresses organization of distance learning of foreign languages in quarantine during the postmodern era. It is noted that organization of distance learning in the educational process is very important. It was clarified that distance learning is based on synchronous and asynchronous modes. The essence of the concepts of “distance learning”, “asynchronous learning”, “synchronous learning”, “quarantine” is explained. Articles of domestic and foreign teachers and scientists analysing the broached subject were reviewed. The article highlights advantages and disadvantages (...)
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  22. Monitoring order: Visual desire, the organization of web pages, and teaching the rules of design.Anne Frances Wysocki - 1998 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 3 (2).
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  23. Activity-dependent self-organization of the mammalian visual cortex.W. Singer - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley. pp. 123--136.
  24. Inferring cortical organization from subjective visual patterns.M. A. Georgeson - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley. pp. 223--232.
  25. Meta-representation, self-organization and self-reference in the visual arts.Wolfgang Wildgen - 2009 - In Wolfgang Wildgen & Barend van Heusden (eds.), Metarepresentation, self-organization and art. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Suppression of perceptual organization in the auditory mode by the presence of visual stimuli.James O. Spencer - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (1):31-32.
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  27. Attention and perceptual organization.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (5):1265-1278.
    How does attention contribute to perceptual experience? Within cognitive science, attention is known to contribute to the organization of sensory features into perceptual objects, or “object-based organization.” The current paper tackles a different type of organization and thus suggests a different role for attention in conscious perception. Within every perceptual experience we find that more subjectively interesting percepts stand out in the foreground, whereas less subjectively interesting percepts are relegated to the background. The sight of a sycamore (...)
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    A Supplement to Self-Organization Theory of Dreaming.Wei Zhang - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:179852.
    Dreaming: a process of self-organizationKahn and Hobson (1993) proposed that dreams are a product of self-organization of brain during sleep. As a complex system far from equilibrium state, the dreaming brain may form a new pattern by the interaction between components within this system. At REM sleep stage, signals from neuronal clusters self-organize and form image fragments, then the image fragments interact and produce images, and finally these materials are associated into a relatively continuous narrative (i.e., dreams). This process (...)
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    Spatial Organization and the Appearances Thereof in Early Vision.Austen Clark - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred (eds.), Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press. pp. 135.
    The perception of the lightness of surfaces has been shown to be affected by information about the spatial configuration of those surfaces and their illuminants. For example, two surfaces of equal luminance can appear to be of very different lightness if one of the two appears to lie in a shadow. How are we to understand the character of the processes that integrate such spatial configuration information so as to yield the eventual appearance of lightness? This paper makes some simple (...)
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  30. Color for the perceptual organization of the pictorial plane: Victor Vasarely's legacy to Gestalt psychology.Birgitta Dresp-Langley & Adam Reeves - 2020 - Heliyon 6 (6):e04375.
    Victor Vasarely's (1906–1997) important legacy to the study of human perception is brought to the forefront and discussed. A large part of his impressive work conveys the appearance of striking three-dimensional shapes and structures in a large-scale pictorial plane. Current perception science explains such effects by invoking brain mechanisms for the processing of monocular (2D) depth cues. Here in this study, we illustrate and explain local effects of 2D color and contrast cues on the perceptual organization in terms of (...)
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  31. Neural mechanisms of perceptual organization.N. Leopold Logothetis & Sheinberg A. - 2003 - In Naoyuki Osaka (ed.), Neural Basis of Consciousness. John Benjamins.
  32. Effects of saturation and contrast polarity on the figure-ground organization of color on gray.Birgitta Dresp-Langley & Adam Reeves - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:1-9.
    Poorly saturated colors are closer to a pure grey than strongly saturated ones and, therefore, appear less “colorful”. Color saturation is effectively manipulated in the visual arts for balancing conflicting sensations and moods and for inducing the perception of relative distance in the pictorial plane. While perceptual science has proven quite clearly that the luminance contrast of any hue acts as a self-sufficient cue to relative depth in visual images, the role of color saturation in such figure-ground (...) has remained unclear. We presented configurations of colored inducers on grey ‘test’ backgrounds to human observers. Luminance and saturation of the inducers was uniform on each trial, but varied across trials. We ran two separate experimental tasks. In the relative background brightness task, perceptual judgments indicated whether the apparent brightness of the grey test background contrasted with, assimilated to, or appeared equal (no effect) to that of a comparison background with the same luminance contrast. Contrast polarity and its interaction with color saturation affected response proportions for contrast, assimilation and no effect. In the figure-ground task, perceptual judgments indicated whether the inducers appeared to lie in front of, behind, or in the same depth with the background. Strongly saturated inducers produced significantly larger proportions of foreground effects indicating that these inducers stand out as figure against the background. Weakly saturated inducers produced significantly larger proportions of background effects, indicating that these inducers are perceived as lying behind the backgrounds. We infer that color saturation modulates figure-ground organization, both directly by determining relative inducer depth, and indirectly, and in interaction with contrast polarity, by affecting apparent background brightness. The results point towards a hitherto undocumented functional role of color saturation in the genesis of form, and in particular figure-ground percepts in the absence of chromatostereopsis. (shrink)
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    A probabilistic clustering theory of the organization of visual short-term memory.A. Emin Orhan & Robert A. Jacobs - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (2):297-328.
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    Mutual interplay between perceptual organization and attention.Glyn W. Humphreys & Céline R. Gillebert - 2015 - In Johan Wagemans (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization. Oxford University Press.
    An efficient representation of the environment requires both the selection of a fraction of the information that reaches our senses and the organization of this information into coherent and meaningful elements. Here we discuss the dynamic interplay between selective attention and perceptual organization, important processes that allow us to perceive a seamless, integrated world. Based on evidence from behavioral and neuroimaging studies with normal observers and neuropsychological patients, we examine whether: perceptual grouping constrains visual attention, determining which (...)
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  35. Receptive field organization of simple and complex cells.Paul Heggelund - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley.
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    Visualizing the Phronetic Organization: The Case of Photographs in CSR Reports. [REVIEW]Hans Rämö - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (3):371-387.
    Aspects of phronetic social science and phronetic organization research have been much debated over the recent years. So far, the visual aspects of communicating phronesis have gained little attention. Still organizations try to convey a desirable image of respectability and success, both internally and externally to the public. A channel for such information is corporate reporting, and particularly CSR reporting embrace values like fairness, goodness, and sustainability. This study explores how visual portrayals of supposedly wise and discerning (...)
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  37.  20
    Design Innovation and Entrepreneurship Organization Based on Psychological Cognitiveness of the Space Narrative.Jieming Hu & Xin Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The high-quality workspace can be used as a physical carrier for design innovation and entrepreneurial organizational culture to continuously change the psychological cognition and behavior of employees in community of practice. The spatial narrative of the culture of design innovation and entrepreneurial organizations means to integrate entrepreneurship and organizational culture into the space through visual presentation. Whether the spatial narrative is successful or not needs to be judged by whether the change of people’s psychological cognition achieves the expected effect. (...)
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    The temporal organization of perception.Alex Holcombe - 2015 - In Johan Wagemans (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization. Oxford University Press.
    Does perceptual experience consist of a single, well-ordered timeline? Many seem to assume that it does, so that for each event, we can report whether it was before, after, or simultaneous with any other event. Few have addressed the issue head on. In addition to reviewing the little available literature on this foundational topic, this chapter goes on to discuss various findings in temporal order judgments and related tasks. From these findings, some have concluded that the brain actively reconstructs the (...)
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    Pictorialist Poetics: Poetry and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-Century France.David H. T. Scott - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a comprehensive description of how writers, in particular poets in nineteenth-century France, became increasingly aware of the visual element in writing from the point of view both of content and of the formal organisation of the words in the text. This interest encouraged writers such as Baudelaire, Mallarme and Rimbaud to recreate in language some of the vivid, sensual impact of the graphic or painterly image. This was to be achieved by organising texts according to aesthetic (...)
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    Multimedia spatial organization: Towards a different type of cultural economy.Giorgos A. Papakonstantinou - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):315-320.
    This article attempts to establish analogies between the recent introduction into architectural thought of notions such as the human body movement, events and scenarios, and the development of navigation and interaction principles and conventions in the computer world. The study of the human–computer interface contributes to an understanding of the major role of the computer screen as a point of convergence of different representational forms, and the emergence of new ones belonging to the digital culture. The compositional structure of interactive (...)
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  41. Visual Agnosia: Disorders of Object Recognition and What They Tell Us About Normal Vision.Martha J. Farah - 1990 - MIT Press.
    Visual Agnosia is a comprehensive and up-to-date review of disorders of higher vision that relates these disorders to current conceptions of higher vision from cognitive science, illuminating both the neuropsychological disorders and the nature of normal visual object recognition.Brain damage can lead to selective problems with visual perception, including visual agnosia the inability to recognize objects even though elementary visual functions remain unimpaired. Such disorders are relatively rare, yet they provide a window onto how the (...)
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    Growth activity and structure at various organization levels in plants.Roger Buis - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (3):231-247.
    The growth activity of an organ (variable y) is defined simultaneously by the instantaneous absolute ratedy/dt and its variationd 2y/dt2. The use of these two descriptors allows a sigmoidal (i.e. continuous and non periodical, as observed for the logistic function) growth curve to be discretized into a series of 5 growth states or phases which are delimited by the following singular values: max, Vmax (=0), max, adult stage. The (V, ) plot, termedgrowth trajectory, visualizes, e.g. in the case of Richards-Nelder's (...)
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    Architecture of a traditional school and its implementation into the didactic-methodical organization of teaching.Snježana Dubovicki & Emerik Munjiza - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):127-151.
    The paper investigates the connection between the school architecture and didactic-methodical organization of teaching in the conditions of traditional (old) schools. School architecture was analysed regarding school premises (classrooms and equipment) and the school environment (playgrounds with special emphasis on school gardens). The traditional (old) school in Croatian conditions is situated in the period from the introduction of the state public education (General School Order 1774) to the 1930s. The research was based on the analysis of archival and published (...)
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    Low-level and high-level contributions to figure-ground organization.Mary A. Peterson - 2015 - In Johan Wagemans (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization. Oxford University Press.
    One hundred years after Gestalt views first took hold our understanding of how perceptual processes organize the visual field into objects and their local backgrounds has progressed substantially. We now know that in addition to the image-based properties that the Gestalt psychologists identified as relevant, a myriad of other image-based factors influence figure–ground organization, as do subjective factors such as past experience, attention, and intentions. Moreover, properties of grounds as well as properties of figures play a role. The (...)
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  45. Formation of retinotopy and columnar microstructures by self-organization: A mathematical model.Shun-Ichi Amari - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley. pp. 157--163.
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  46. Why isn't consciousness empirically observable? Emotion, self-organization, and nonreductive physicalism.Ralph D. Ellis - 1999 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 20 (4):391-402.
    Most versions of the knowledge argument say that, since scientists observing my brain wouldn't know what my consciousness "is like," consciousness isn't describable as a physical process. Although this argument unwarrantedly equates the physical with the empirically observable, we can conclude, not that consciousness is nonphysical but that consciousness isn't identical with anything empirically observable. But what kind of mind&endash;body relation would render possible this empirical inaccessibility of consciousness? Even if multiple realizability may allow a distinction between consciousness and its (...)
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    The Taxonomy of the Mind: An African Visual.Anthony Chidozie Dimkpa - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):624-643.
    The image of Africa in the world at the moment does not fit into that of a dignifying and adequately humanised and humanising unit of mankind. The situation beats and challenges the philosophical and anthropological aphorisms that seem to commune all men in general. This philosophical reflection investigates the deep roots of the extant situation. It focuses more on inherent factors to the exclusion of all exterior sources and causes of the problems, which it considers as secondary even if important. (...)
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    Visual Grouping in Accordance With Utterance Planning Facilitates Speech Production.Liming Zhao, Kevin B. Paterson & Xuejun Bai - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:334401.
    Research on language production has focused on the process of utterance planning and involved studying the synchronization between visual gaze and the production of sentences that refer to objects in the immediate visual environment. However, it remains unclear how the visual grouping of these objects might influence this process. To shed light on this issue, the present research examined the effects of the visual grouping of objects in a visual display on utterance planning in two (...)
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    Two Types of Visual Objects.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2015 - Studia Humana 4 (2):26-38.
    While it is widely accepted that human vision represents objects, it is less clear which of the various philosophical notions of ‘object’ adequately characterizes visual objects. In this paper, I show that within contemporary cognitive psychology visual objects are characterized in two distinct, incompatible ways. On the one hand, models of visual organization describe visual objects in terms of combinations of features, in accordance with the philosophical bundle theories of objects. However, models of visual (...)
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    The Visual Turn in Academic Research and University Study Programs in Lithuania.Agnieška Juzefovič - 2016 - Cultura 13 (1):125-136.
    Visual turn and replacement of linear sequential communication with visual analogues cause growing variety of scopic regimes and interest in the topic of visuality. This interest is particularly apparent in Lithuanian academic magazines Santalka and Creativity Studies, which are devoted to the topics of philosophy, creative industries and communication within the creative society. The role of images in mass medias, creative industries, advertisement, urban planning, social mapping, various scopic regimes are often analyzed in Lithuanian academic discourse. Traditional university (...)
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