Results for ' word-usage'

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  1.  84
    Colour word usage within languages follows the Berlin and Kay ordering.I. C. McManus - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):724-724.
    Colour word usage within languages follows the same ordering as that proposed by Berlin and Kay between languages. This provides additional validation and support for Berlin and Kay's schema.
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    Changing word usage predicts changing word durations in New Zealand English.Márton Sóskuthy & Jennifer Hay - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):298-313.
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    Exploring Patterns of Stability and Change in Caregivers' Word Usage Across Early Childhood.Hang Jiang, Michael C. Frank, Vivek Kulkarni & Abdellah Fourtassi - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (7):e13177.
    The linguistic input children receive across early childhood plays a crucial role in shaping their knowledge about the world. To study this input, researchers have begun applying distributional semantic models to large corpora of child‐directed speech, extracting various patterns of word use/co‐occurrence. Previous work using these models has not measured how these patterns may change throughout development, however. In this work, we leverage natural language processing methods—originally developed to study historical language change—to compare caregivers' use of words when talking (...)
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    (1 other version)Modalities of Word Usage in Intentionality and Causality.Herbert Gintis - 2010 - Brain and Behavioral Sciences 33 (4):336-337.
    Moral judgments often affect scientific judgments in real-world contexts, but Knobe's examples in the target article do not capture this phenomenon.
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    ‘Sesame Street’, English Vocabulary and Word Usage of Hungarian ESL Students.Rita M. Csapó-Sweet - 1997 - Communications 22 (2):175-190.
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    Early Word Order Usage in Preschool Mandarin-Speaking Typical Children and Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Influences of Caregiver Input?Ying Alice Xu, Letitia R. Naigles & Yi Esther Su - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study explores the emergence and productivity of word order usage in Mandarin-speaking typically-developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder, and examines how this emergence relates to frequency of use in caregiver input. Forty-two caregiver-child dyads participated in video-recorded 30-min semi-structured play sessions. Eleven children with ASD were matched with 10 20-month-old TD children and another 11 children with ASD were matched with 10 26-month-old TD children, on expressive language. We report four major findings: Preschool Mandarin-speaking children (...)
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    Words with Consistent Diachronic Usage Patterns are Learned Earlier: A Computational Analysis Using Temporally Aligned Word Embeddings.Giovanni Cassani, Federico Bianchi & Marco Marelli - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12963.
    In this study, we use temporally aligned word embeddings and a large diachronic corpus of English to quantify language change in a data-driven, scalable way, which is grounded in language use. We show a unique and reliable relation between measures of language change and age of acquisition (AoA) while controlling for frequency, contextual diversity, concreteness, length, dominant part of speech, orthographic neighborhood density, and diachronic frequency variation. We analyze measures of language change tackling both the change in lexical representations (...)
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    Frequency of usage as a determinant of recognition thresholds for words.Richard L. Solomon & Leo Postman - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (3):195.
  9.  52
    An Update of Tarski: Two Usages of the Word “True”.Zhen Zhao - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):505-523.
    This paper is based on Tarski’s theory of truth. The purpose of this paper is to solve the liar paradox (and its cousins) and keep both of the deductive power of classical logic and the expressive power of the word “true” in natural language. The key of this paper lies in the distinction between the predicate usage and the operator usage of the word “true”. The truth operator is primarily used for characterizing the semantics of the (...)
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    Word Forms Are Structured for Efficient Use.Kyle Mahowald, Isabelle Dautriche, Edward Gibson & Steven T. Piantadosi - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):3116-3134.
    Zipf famously stated that, if natural language lexicons are structured for efficient communication, the words that are used the most frequently should require the least effort. This observation explains the famous finding that the most frequent words in a language tend to be short. A related prediction is that, even within words of the same length, the most frequent word forms should be the ones that are easiest to produce and understand. Using orthographics as a proxy for phonetics, we (...)
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    (1 other version)L’usage des réseaux socionumériques : une intériorisation douce et progressive du contrôle social.Serge Proulx & Mary Jane Kwok Choon - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 59 (1):, [ p.].
    Nous formulons et illustrons l’hypothèse que les sites de réseaux socionumériques constituent un mécanisme emblématique de la « société de contrôle » prophétisée par Gilles Deleuze. Au centre de ce dispositif, se retrouve en effet un double mouvement contradictoire : d’une part, le processus de captation capitalistique des informations déposées par les usagers contributeurs − nous pourrions décrire ce premier mouvement comme étant celui d’une surveillance institutionnelle se réalisant par le contrôle centralisé de l’information ; d’autre part, et de manière (...)
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    Language Usage and Second Language Morphosyntax: Effects of Availability, Reliability, and Formulaicity.Rundi Guo & Nick C. Ellis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:582259.
    A large body of psycholinguistic research demonstrates that both language processing and language acquisition are sensitive to the distributions of linguistic constructions in usage. Here we investigate how statistical distributions at different linguistic levels – morphological and lexical (Experiments 1 and 2), and phrasal (Experiment 2) – contribute to the ease with which morphosyntax is processed and produced by second language learners. We analyze Chinese ESL learners’ knowledge of four English inflectional morphemes:-ed,-ing, and third-person-son verbs, and plural-son nouns. In (...)
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    LOOKing for multi-word expressions in American Sign Language.Lynn Hou - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (2):291-337.
    Usage-based linguistics postulates that multi-word expressions constitute a substantial part of language structure and use, and are formed through repeated chunking and stored as exemplar wholes. They are also re-used to produce new sequences by means of schematization. While there is extensive research on multi-word expressions in many spoken languages, little is known about the status of multi-word expressions in the mainstream U.S. variety of American Sign Language. This paper investigates recurring multi-word expressions, or sequences (...)
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  14.  21
    Usage Patterns of Telepsychology and Face-to-Face Psychotherapy: Clients’ Profiles and Perceptions.Beatriz Sora, Rubén Nieto, Adrian Montesano & Manuel Armayones - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundCurrently, most people who might need mental health care services do not receive them due to a number of reasons. Many of these reasons can be overcome by telepsychology, in other words, the use of ICT technologies for therapy ; given that it facilitates access to specialized interventions. In fact, telepsychology is currently offered as an active service in many psychotherapy centers. However, its usage, how it is perceived, and who uses it are still largely unknown.ObjectiveThe aim of this (...)
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    Adjacent and Non‐Adjacent Word Contexts Both Predict Age of Acquisition of English Words: A Distributional Corpus Analysis of Child‐Directed Speech.Lucas M. Chang & Gedeon O. Deák - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12899.
    Children show a remarkable degree of consistency in learning some words earlier than others. What patterns of word usage predict variations among words in age of acquisition? We use distributional analysis of a naturalistic corpus of child‐directed speech to create quantitative features representing natural variability in word contexts. We evaluate two sets of features: One set is generated from the distribution of words into frames defined by the two adjacent words. These features primarily encode syntactic aspects of (...)
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  16.  10
    The Emergence of Word-Meaning in Early China: Normative Models for Words.Jane Geaney - 2022 - SUNY Press.
    The Emergence of Word-Meaning in Early China makes an innovative contribution to studies of language by historicizing the Chinese notion that words have "meaning" (content independent of instances of use). Rather than presuming that the concept of word-meaning had always existed, Jane Geaney explains how and why it arose in China. To account for why a normative term (yi, "duty, morality, appropriateness") came to be used for "meanings" found in dictionaries, Geaney examines interrelated patterns of word (...) threading through and across a wide range of genres. These patterns show that by the first millennium, as textual production exploded—and as radically different writing forms (in Buddhist sutras) were encountered—yi already functioned as an externally accessible "model" for semantic interpretation of texts and sayings. The book has far-reaching implications. Because the idea of word-meaning is fundamental to theorizing, the book illuminates not only semantic ideas and the normativity of language in Early China, but also aspects of early Chinese philosophy and intellectual history. As the internet supplants one form of media (print), thereby reducing knowledge to vast digital databases, so too, this book explains, two thousand years ago a culture that prized oral and visual balance became an "empire of the text.". (shrink)
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    Just Words: Moralism and Metalanguage in Twentieth-Century French Fiction.Robert W. Greene - 1993 - Penn State Press.
    Are the words that a novelist uses adequate to his or her elusive subject&—the human condition? Are they pertinent, accurate, invariably fair, unflinchingly honest? Or do the novelist's words execute essentially formal maneuvers, engaging our interest through their patterns rather than their reach? And what about a possible third, synthesizing option? Robert W. Greene discovers that the two apparently divergent intentions in question (metalinguistic vs. moralistic) often paradoxically coexist in French fiction. Also, no doubt because it is more consistently self-conscious (...)
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    The Words that Abū al-Ṭayyib al-Lughawı̄ does not Accept as Aḍdād (Contronym) in the Context of Kitāb al-Aḍdād.Ayşe Meydanoğlu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):969-988.
    In this study, the words that Abū al-Ṭayyib al-Lughawī did not consider as aḍdādwhile his predecessors accepted the same words as aḍdād(contronym), are examined. These words are examined with the purpose of determining his approach towards contronmy words (aḍdād). There is disagreement about the definition and the number of aḍdāds, which can shortly be defined as the word which has two opposite meanings. In this study, brief information about the definition and limitation of aḍdādand the reasons that produce aḍdādare (...)
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    Investigating Word Order Emergence: Constraints From Cognition and Communication.Marieke Schouwstra, Danielle Naegeli & Simon Kirby - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    How do cognitive biases and mechanisms from learning and use interact when a system of language conventions emerges? We investigate this question by focusing on how transitive events are conveyed in silent gesture production and interaction. Silent gesture experiments have been used to investigate cognitive biases that shape utterances produced in the absence of a conventional language system. In this mode of communication, participants do not follow the dominant order of their native language, and instead condition the structure on the (...)
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  20. Les usages déférentiels.Philippe de Brabanter, David Nicolas, Isidora Stojanovic & Neftali Villanueva Fernandez - 2005 - In Philippe de Brabanter, David Nicolas, Isidora Stojanovic & Neftali Villanueva Fernandez (eds.), Les usages déférentiels.
    Our aim in this paper is to clarify the distinctions and the relationships among several phenomena, each of which has certain characteristics of what is generally called “deference”. We distinguish linguistic deference, which concerns the use of language and the meaning of the words we use, from epistemic deference, which concerns our reasons and evidence for making the claims we make. In our in-depth study of linguistic deference, we distinguish two subcategories: default deference, and deliberate deference. We also discuss the (...)
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  21.  38
    Le mythe de l'usage.Jocelyn Benoist - 2010 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 94 (3):417.
    À première vue, on peut trouver des similarités frappantes entre les vues de Heidegger et Wittgenstein sur la signification. Les deux auteurs soulignent la connexion entre signification et contexte d’usage. Pourtant, il n’est pas si clair qu’ils partagent le même concept d’usage. Wittgenstein s’intéresse primairement à l’usage des signes. Il lui arrive de considérer des usages non linguistiques, mais il n’y voit jamais un principe de « signification ». En général il semble plutôt réservé quant à tout (...)
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  22.  17
    The Problems in Ḥadīth Usage in Kur’an Yolu Tafsīr within the Context of Qurʾān-Sunnah Unity.Mehmet Ali Çalgan - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1277-1298.
    The Sunnah has an important role in the correct understanding and the protection from wrong interpretations of the Qurʾān. Accordingly, ḥadīth played a crucial role in shaping the opinions of the mufassirs. In this article, the tafsir titled Kur’an Yolu written by a group of scholars and first published by the Presidency of the Religious Affairs in 2003 which is widely read in Tur-key is examined from ḥadīth usage point of view. The problems in ḥadīth usage are classified (...)
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    Acceptability of Dative Argument Structure in Spanish: Assessing Semantic and Usage‐Based Factors.Florencia Reali - 2017 - Cognitive Science:2170-2190.
    Multiple constraints, including semantic, lexical, and usage-based factors, have been shown to influence dative alternation across different languages. This work explores whether fine-grained statistics and semantic properties of the verb affect the acceptability of dative constructions in Spanish. First, a corpus analysis reveals that verbs of different semantic classes occur naturally in alternative dative constructions, a pattern quite different from English. The fact that dative alternation appears independent of semantic classes challenges traditional semantic-based approaches. Second, acceptability rating tasks reveal (...)
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    Deep Learning- and Word Embedding-Based Heterogeneous Classifier Ensembles for Text Classification.Zeynep H. Kilimci & Selim Akyokus - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    The use of ensemble learning, deep learning, and effective document representation methods is currently some of the most common trends to improve the overall accuracy of a text classification/categorization system. Ensemble learning is an approach to raise the overall accuracy of a classification system by utilizing multiple classifiers. Deep learning-based methods provide better results in many applications when compared with the other conventional machine learning algorithms. Word embeddings enable representation of words learned from a corpus as vectors that provide (...)
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  25.  5
    Words of Wisdom: A Philosophical Dictionary for the Perennial Tradition.John W. Carlson - 2012 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Like their predecessors throughout the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have emphasized the importance of philosophy in the Catholic intellectual tradition. In his encyclical _Fides et ratio _, John Paul II called on philosophers “to have the courage to recover, in the flow of an enduringly valid philosophical tradition, the range of authentic wisdom and truth.” Where the late pope spoke of an “enduringly valid tradition,” Jacques Maritain and other Thomists often have referred (...)
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    Research Patterns in the Usage of E-Cigarette and their Health Risks: Bibliometric and Scientometric Review from 2009 – 2023.Bambang Prasetya, Biatna Dulbert Tampubolon, Ellia Kristiningrum, Teguh Pribadi Adinugroho, Widia Citra Anggundari, Ary Budi Mulyono, Daryono Restu Wahono, Arif Nurhakim & Budhy Basuki - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:607-623.
    In the past decade, electronic cigarettes emerged as a possible harm-reduction instrument in nicotine consumption, sparking extensive research interest. While comparisons between e-cigarettes and traditional tobacco products have been conducted, the long-term health consequences of e-cigarette utilization remain unclear. This research conducted a study analyzing publications to investigate patterns of research in the domain of e-cigarettes and e-liquids usage and its health risk by utilizing the Scopus database, Biblioshiny, and VOS viewer to identify the trends in this subject and (...)
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    The Words Of History.Anton Froeyman - 2014 - History and Theory 53 (2):244-252.
    In From History to Theory, Kerwin Lee Klein writes a history of the central terms of the discipline of theory of history, such as “historiography,” “philosophy of history,” “theory of history,” and “memory.” Klein tells us when and how these terms were used, how the usage of some declined during the twentieth century, and how other terms became increasingly popular. More important, Klein also shows that the use of these words is not innocent. Using words such as “theory” or (...)
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    Metaphor in usage.Gerard J. Steen, Aletta G. Dorst, J. Berenike Herrmann, Anna A. Kaal & Tina Krennmayr - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (4):765–796.
    This paper examines patterns of metaphor in usage. Four samples of text excerpts of on average 47,000 words each were taken from the British National Corpus and annotated for metaphor. The linguistic metaphor data were collected by five analysts on the basis of a highly explicit identification procedure that is a variant of the approach developed by the Pragglejaz Group (Metaphor and Symbol 22: 1–39, 2007). Part of this paper is a report of the protocol and the reliability of (...)
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  29. The Reference of Proper Names: Testing Usage and Intuitions.Michael Devitt & Nicolas Porot - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (5):1552-1585.
    Experiments on theories of reference have mostly tested referential intuitions. We think that experiments should rather be testing linguistic usage. Substantive Aim (I): to test classical description theories of proper names against usage by “elicited production.” Our results count decisively against those theories. Methodological Aim (I): Machery, Olivola, and de Blanc (2009) claim that truth-value judgment experiments test usage. Martí (2012) disagrees. We argue that Machery et al. are right and offer some results that are consistent with (...)
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    Usages of the term 'social'.Barbara K. Bowdery - 1942 - Philosophy of Science 9 (4):356-361.
    The word ‘social’ is used in many different contexts, in each of which the word has a general root meaning, common to all contexts in which it is found. But in addition, there are other specific meanings, peculiar to each context, which are intended by the user of the term. Frequently, these other meanings of the term are not made explicit, and hence ambiguities arise.The root meaning of the term involves some sort of relationship among two or more (...)
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    A Word of the Empirics: The Ancient Concept of Observation and its Recovery in Early Modern Medicine.Gianna Pomata - 2011 - Annals of Science 68 (1):1-25.
    Summary The genealogy of observation as a philosophical term goes back to the ancient Greek astronomical and medical traditions, and the revival of the concept in the Renaissance also happened in the astronomical and medical context. This essay focuses primarily on the medical genealogy of the concept of observation. In ancient Greek culture, an elaboration of the concept of observation (tērēsis) first emerged in the Hellenistic age with the medical sect of the Empirics, to be further developed by the ancient (...)
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    Is 'Moral' a Dirty Word?Mary Midgley - 1972 - Philosophy 47 (181):206 - 228.
    The word moral and its derivatives are showing signs of strain. Like a small carpet, designed to fit a room which has been enlarged, they are wrenched this way and that to cover the bare spaces. Perhaps in the end we shall be forced to abandon them altogether, as Nietzsche suggested. But this would be wasteful, and it seems a good idea to examine first the various spaces they can cover, and try to fix them to the one where (...)
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  33.  18
    Phonological similarity in multi-word units.Stefan Th Gries - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (3):491-510.
    In this paper, I investigate the phonological similarity of different elements of the phonological pole of multi-word units. I discuss two case studies on slightly different levels of abstractness. The first case study investigates lexically fully-specified V-NPDirObj idioms such as kick the bucket and lose one's cool; the idioms investigated are taken from the Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms (Harper Collins, 2002). The second case study investigates the lexically less specified way-construction, which is exemplified by He fought his way (...)
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    The Word of God in One’s Hand: Touching and Holding Pendant Koran Manuscripts.Cornelius Berthold - 2020 - Das Mittelalter 25 (2):338-357.
    Koran manuscripts that fit comfortably within the palm of one’s hand are known as early as the 10th century CE.For the sake of convenience, all dates will be given in the common era (CE) without further mention, and not in the Islamic or Hijra calendar. Their minute and sometimes barely legible script is clearly not intended for comfortable reading. Instead, recent scholarship suggests that the manuscripts were designed to be worn on the body like pendants or fastened to military flag (...)
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  35. “Bamboozled by Our Own Words”: Semantic Blindness and Some Arguments Against Contextualism.Keith Derose - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2):316 - 338.
    The best grounds for accepting contextualism concerning knowledge attributions are to be found in how knowledge-attributing (and knowledge-denying) sentences are used in ordinary, nonphilosophical talk: What ordinary speakers will count as “knowledge” in some non-philosophical contexts they will deny is such in others. Contextualists typically appeal to pairs of cases that forcefully display the variability in the epistemic standards that govern ordinary usage: A “low standards” case (henceforth, “LOW”) in which a speaker seems quite appropriately and truthfully to ascribe (...)
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    Tacitus's Dangerous Word.Holly Haynes - 2004 - Classical Antiquity 23 (1):33-61.
    The fact that vocabulum appears with far more frequency in Tacitus' texts than in any other author except for the encyclopaedists argues for his idiosyncratic usage of the term. This article argues that imperial discourse, nearly identical in structure and expression to that of the Republic but divorced from Republican connotations, provided an empty site where Roman fantasies of self-definition took strong hold, and that Tacitus uses vocabulum to indicate words and concepts that illustrate this process, particularly with reference (...)
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    Prose Usages of κογειν 'To Read'.Dirk M. Schenkeveld - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (01):129-.
    When we encounter the following words: ‘A few moments ago, I think, you heard Plato saying that there is no specific name for the art which deals with the body’, it is easy to put these into a literary context. We may imagine some kind of fictional dialogue, in which out of two or more partners one reminds another of what a few minutes ago Plato had said to them about a particular subject. Whether Plato is still present or has (...)
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    Phonotactically probable word shapes represent attractors in the cultural evolution of sound patterns.Nikolaus Ritt & Theresa Matzinger - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (2):415-446.
    Words are processed more easily when they have canonical phonotactic shapes, i.e., shapes that are frequent both in the lexicon and in usage. We explore whether this cognitively grounded constraint or preference implies testable predictions about the implementation of sound change. Specifically, we hypothesise that words with canonical shapes favour, or ‘select for’, sound changes that produce words with the same shapes. To test this, we investigate a Middle English sound change known as Open Syllable Lengthening. OSL lengthened vowels (...)
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    Some Types of Abnormal Word-Order in Attic Comedy.K. J. Dover - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):324-.
    On the analogy of the colloquial register in some modern languages, where narrative and argument may be punctuated by oaths and exclamations in order to maintain a high affective level and compel the hearer's attention, it is reasonable to postulate that Attic conversation also was punctuated by oaths, that this ingredient in comic language was drawn from life, and that the comparative frequency of ║ M M Δ in comedy is sufficiently explained thereby. There are obvious affinities between some passages (...)
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    Address inversion in Swahili: Usage patterns, cognitive motivation and cultural factors.Iwona Kraska-Szlenk - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (3):545-583.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    An Evaluation on the Word of Fu'd in the Qur'an.Hatice Avci - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):349-371.
    The words in the Quran can have different meanings depending on the verse and its context. However, giving different meanings to any word of Quran in tafsirs and translation make it difficult to understand the verses and may cause confusion. One of the words that we think causes such a problem is fuâd. In this study, it is aimed to reach the meaning of the word by examining the usage of the word fuâd in the verses. (...)
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    The Strategic and Paradoxical Usage of Phenomenology in Foucault’s Archaeology.Kwok-Ying Lau - 2022 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 53 (2):121-143.
    It is well-known that the mature Foucault, while recognizing the influence of phenomenology on him during his youth, declared his anti-phenomenological position since his archeological breakthrough. This paper tries to argue and show that though phenomenology is an object of criticism of Foucault’s archaeology, it nonetheless plays a paradoxical and strategic role in the construction of the archaeological project. Though Foucault undertakes in The Birth of the Clinic a critical deconstruction of phenomenology as positivism, against the open anti-positivist declaration of (...)
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    Intelligibility as a function of frequency of usage.Mark R. Rosenzweig & Leo Postman - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (6):412.
  44.  18
    The Relevance of the principle of Relevance for Word Order Variation in Complex Referring Expressions in Mandarin Chinese.Xiangyu Jiang, Tao Ming & Liang Chen - 2015 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 11 (1):77-104.
    Word order variation in Mandarin Chinese results in two constructions consisting of a noun phrase, a cluster of a demonstrative and a classifier, and a relative clause : the OMN with the RC+DM+NP order and the IMN with DM+RC+NP order. This study used corpus data to show correlational patterns of constructional choices. Specifically, OMN is associated with new and inanimate NPs serving the grammatical role of object in the relative clause that serves the discourse function of identification. By contrast, (...)
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    Derivational morphology in flux: a case study of word-formation change in German.Stefan Hartmann - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (1):77-119.
    The diachronic change of word-formation patterns is currently gaining increasing interest in cognitive-linguistic and constructionist approaches. This paper contributes to this line of research with a corpus-based investigation of nominalization with the suffix -ung in German. In doing so, it puts forward both theoretical and methodological considerations on morphology and morphological change from a usage-based perspective. Regarding methodology, the long-standing topic of how to measure the productivity of a morphological pattern is discussed, and it is shown how statistical (...)
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    The Relationship of the Repetitions in the Qur’ān with the Language Usage Traditions and Literary Tastes of the 7th Century Arabs.Emrah DİNDİ - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):576-591.
    Repetitions (takrārs), which in the dictionary means ‘the repetition of something one after the other and its renewal in terms of wording and meaning’, are one of the most basic stylistic, address and textual structure features of the Qur’ān and at the same time one of the structural problems that have troubled the commentators. Repetitive nouns, verbs and letters in many verses, as well as sentences and phrases that sound like rhymes are of this kind. Although some of the benefits (...)
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    Émigrés: French Words That Turned English.David Bellos - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):459-460.
    Etymologies are often entertaining, but it is not always obvious what they mean. Take the case of Old Frankish *sal, meaning a single-roomed dwelling. The word was taken over by speakers of Vulgar Latin as sala, and by 1100 CE it had become a word of Anglo-Norman French, since in The Song of Roland it crops up as sale, meaning the living area of a castle. Some time later, it wandered into Italian. Renaissance architects wanted to make a (...)
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    Similarity-based Word Sense Disambiguation.Shimon Edelman - unknown
    We describe a method for automatic word sense disambiguation using a text corpus and a machine- readable dictionary (MRD). The method is based on word similarity and context similarity measures. Words are considered similar if they appear in similar contexts; contexts are similar if they contain similar words. The circularity of this definition is resolved by an iterative, converging process, in which the system learns from the corpus a set of typical usages for each of the senses of (...)
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    The revenge of the words: On language’s historical and autonomous being and its effects on ‘secularisation’.Kristof K. P. Vanhoutte - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):9.
    What if language was an autonomous historical being? What if language’s use was not solely dependent on the intentions of the one who speaks? In this text I will test these provocative statements. Specifically, I will investigate whether language’s proclaimed historical independence can be traced in the usage of the concept of ‘secularisation’, and I will try to unveil the consequences of this operation.Contribution: Has Christianity abandoned the public stage in the ‘secularised’ and industrialised world? In this article I (...)
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    Effects of previous experience and information on performance on a word-formation problem.William F. Battig - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (3):282.
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