Results for 'Ángel Elías Ortega'

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  1.  8
    Exploring Young People’s Attitudes Towards Basic Income.Julen Bollain, Itziar Guerendiain-Gabás, Maitane Arnoso-Martínez & Ángel Elías Ortega - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (2):253-286.
    Today’s youth find it extremely difficult to look beyond the present, in large part due to the precariousness of the labour market. Unconditional basic income, meanwhile, is emerging as the economic and social policy that is attracting most interest as an alternative not only to the conditional minimum income programmes, but also to the increasing unemployment and precarious conditions of employment. This survey study, conducted among students at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2021 (n = 709), explores (...)
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  2. A consciousness-based quantum objective collapse model.Elias Okon & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3947-3967.
    Ever since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been suggested that consciousness could be linked to the collapse of the wave function. However, no detailed account of such an interplay is usually provided. In this paper we present an objective collapse model where the collapse operator depends on integrated information, which has been argued to measure consciousness. By doing so, we construct an empirically adequate scheme in which superpositions of conscious states are dynamically suppressed. Unlike other proposals in (...)
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    Mixed Methods Approach to Describe Social Interaction During a Group Intervention for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Carlota Alcover, Ma Ángeles Mairena, Marcela Mezzatesta, Neus Elias, María Díez-Juan, Gemma Balañá, Mireia González-Rodríguez, Jairo Rodríguez-Medina, M. Teresa Anguera & Eulàlia Arias-Pujol - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4. Derecho y ley en José Ortega y Gasset / Right and Law in José Ortega y Gasset.Francisco Elías de Tejada - 1965-1966 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez (5-6):109-127.
    Contents: 1. Razón del presente estudio -- 2. La formación del Derecho -- 3. Ortega y el Derecho natural -- 4. Ortega y el espíritu popular o "Volksgeist" -- 5. El Derecho y la Moral -- 6. Derecho y ley positiva -- 7. Colofón.
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    Morada Del Λόγος Helénico.Ángel Martínez Ortega - 2021 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 10:199-209.
    El siguiente ensayo tiene como objetivo principal la investigación sobre la génesis y conformación del término «λόγος» en el inicio de la tradición de la metafísica occidental. La amplitud, evolución y varianza del uso del término en la literatura y el pensamiento griego en sus orígenes, muestran la conexión y el enraizamiento del proyecto metafísico griego con la cosmovisión helénica, la visión teogónica y el pensar poético.
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    The Metaphor of Patina.Manuel Ortega-Calvo, José Manuel Santos-Lozano, José Lapetra, Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Miguel Angel Martínez-González, Rosa Lamuela-Raventós & Ramón Estruch - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):623-627.
    Patina is the word used for the green or brown film formed on the surface of old bronze, an excess of which can mask the true characteristics of the original masterpiece. Filippo Baldinucci used the word patina in a modern sense for first time in his book “Tuscan Vocabulary of the Art of Design”. Metaphors have been part of philosophical speech since the time of Plato. This figure of speech is used to attempt to provide a sensitive presence of an (...)
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  7. Discusión sobre la ponencia del profesor López Calera.Antonio Ruiz Manero, Luis Legaz Lacambra, Angel Sánchez de la Torre, Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez Cortés, Mariano Hurtado Bautista, Francisco de Paula Puy Muñoz, José Delgado Pinto, Terenciano Alvarez Pérez & Elías Díaz García - 1976 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 16:53-90.
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    Themes of Islamic Civilization (review). [REVIEW]Robert Elias Abu Shanab - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):117-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 117 of both. He is free to turn from things to their ideas, from objects to concepts. This turn is the soul's movement towards itself and the noetic. It is free from empirical reality; its reflections start from hypotheses making use of the sensible as symbol only. In this way it links the sensible to the intelligible and forces, so to speak, their relation to each other. (...)
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  9. Parapsicología y programas de debate.Ernesto Quiroga Romero, Juan Bautista Fuentes Ortega, Alfonso García Baquero & Angel González García - 1995 - El Basilisco 18:92-96.
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  10. Elías Díaz: una vida al servicio del Derecho.Angeles Mateos García & Luis María Cifuentes Pérez - 2010 - Paideia: Revista de Filosofía y Didáctica Filosófica 31 (88):199-227.
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    Derecho, Filosofía y Política: La lección de Elías Díaz.Ramón Vargas-Machuca Ortega - 2008 - Isegoría 39:367-372.
    Elías Díaz es uno de los más relevantes intelectuales españoles de los últimos cincuenta años que ha abierto nuevas sendas en los campos de su plural investigación. Primeramente, en la recuperación del reciente pasado intelectual de España su obra es pionera y distintiva: subraya el vínculo entre liberalismo y democracia, secularización y reformismo al tiempo que rastrea ciertas líneas de continuidad en una historia fragmentada. En segundo lugar, como tesis central de su aportación a la Teoría del Derecho defiende (...)
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    Design and Validation of an Observational Instrument for the Technical-Tactical Actions in Singles Tennis.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, David Cabello-Manrique, José María Giménez-Egido & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    O clamor dos pobres: uma interpelação à consciência religiosa e à fé cristã.João Luiz Correia Júnior & Drance Elias da Silva - forthcoming - Horizonte:1503-1503.
    The cry of the poor, the theme of this work, challenges the humanitarian consciousness of the people and is a strong questioning of the religious conscience and the Christian faith. Nevertheless, the preferential option for the poor, consecrated in the Final Document of the Episcopal Conference held in Puebla of Los Angeles, is still the cause of much controversy inside and outside the Church. Bearing in mind this context, this article aims to present the resonance of the cry of the (...)
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    Sobre Repensar los derechos humanos, de Ángeles Ródenas.Ilsse Carolina Torres Ortega - 2019 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 51:143-158.
    Esta reseña analiza una serie de reflexiones, elaboradas por doce diferentes autoras, acerca de algunos aspectos sustantivos de las teorías tradicionales de derechos humanos. Estos aspectos son sistematizados en torno a los siguientes apartados: La relevancia de la perspectiva iusfilosófica en la revisión crítica de las concepciones sobre derechos humanos; el problema de la fundamentación de los derechos humanos; el problema del carácter absoluto como propiedad esencial de estos derechos; el temor de que los derechos fundamentales pierdan su papel de (...)
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  15. Ortega : Action and Ontology.Angel de L. Medina - 1973 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 1 (1):177-205.
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    Esteban Ortega, Joaquín: El escorzo melancólico de lo real, comares, Granada, 2020, 181p.Angel Enrique Carretero Pasin - 2021 - Agora 41 (1).
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    Action, Interaction and Reflection in the Ontology of Ortega y Gasset.Angel Medina - 1978 - In Ronald Bruzina & Bruce W. Wilshire, Crosscurrents in phenomenology. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 66--106.
    The ontology of Ortega y Gasset crystallized slowly between the years of 1934 and 1945. These were years of exile, years of war and financial insecurity that forced him to move from country to country. His health too was sorely tested on various occasions during this period. Remoteness from intellectual resources, familiar libraries, co-laborers, were doubtlessly disturbing obstacles to his progress. Ortega was fifty in 1933; yet for all these hindrances the next decade of his life was his (...)
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    Pluralism and Soft Rationality in the Philosophy of Ortega and Wittgenstein.Ángeles J. Perona - 2016 - In José María Ariso & Astrid Wagner, Rationality Reconsidered: Ortega y Gasset and Wittgenstein on Knowledge, Belief, and Practice. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 75-88.
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    La religiosidad en el espacio público a partir de Ortega y Gasset.Ángel Peris - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (1):83-107.
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    Poéticas del testimonio: resistencia, verdad y afectos en marcos del agravio. Caso Inés Fernández Ortega.Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (8):e230123.
    Este trabajo indaga la dimensión poética del testimonio en situaciones donde el agravio se encuentra tejido entre discursos impulsados por aspiraciones democráticas y dinámicas destructivas de la diversidad lingüística y cultural. A partir de la documentación del caso de Inés Fernández Ortega y etnografías en La Casa de los Saberes, Gúwa Kúma, se abordarán las prácticas de cuidado, los discursos de verdad y resistencia ante los mecanismos de reproducción social, política y cultural generados por la transición partidista en México (...)
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    El socialismo en el pensamiento político de Ortega y Gasset.Ángel L. Peris Suay - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (1).
    Este artículo expone el desarrollo del pensamiento político de Ortega en torno a dos aspectos íntimamente relacionados como son sus consideraciones propiamente sociales y sus planteamientos y reflexiones políticas de liberalismo y socialismo a través de algunas de sus propuestas políticas. Defendemos que para Ortega la economía y la política no son un fin en sí mismo, deben estar siempre al servicio del hombre, a la vez, que deben buscar como objetivo la reforma del hombre.
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  22. ESTUDIOS, NOTAS, TEXTOS Y COMENTARIOS-La educación de ciudadanos en Ortega y Gasset.Ángel Peris Suay - 2010 - Pensamiento 66 (245):463.
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    Propuestas para la reforma de la democracia en el pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset.Ángel Peris Suay - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 61.
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    Hybrid systems in electrical distribution design with genetic algorithm.Angel Nunez - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):32-42.
    The incorporation of hybrid systems based on renewable sources for the optimization of electricity distribution systems and planning of power supply strategies using genetic algorithms is studied. A series of characteristics of electrical sub-stations was chosen and through simulations, data were obtained for the optimization of the existing infrastructure, which provides reliability, security, economic supply and quality of service. An algorithm was obtained with the optimal configuration of various components: photovoltaic panels, batteries, AC generator, fuel cell and inverter, which in (...)
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    Paredes Martín, Mª del Carmen (Ed.): Ortega y Gasset: Pensamiento y conciencia de crisis. [REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Hernández Saavedra - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 29:237.
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    Los principales referentes intelectuales de Ángel Álvarez de Miranda, historiador de las religiones.Francisco Díez de Velasco - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:97-144.
    Revision of the main intellectual referents of Ángel Álvarez de Miranda who was professor of History of Religions at the University of Madrid from 1954 until his death in 1957. A more detailed study is made of Mircea Eliade and Raffaele Pettazzoni, but also are revised Santiago Montero Díaz, Pedro Laín Entralgo, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, José Ortega y Gasset, Karl Kerenyi, Angelo Brelich, Xavier Zubiri, José Luis López Aranguren, Julio Caro Baroja, Wilhelm Schmidt and Gerardus van der Leeuw.
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  27. “El cántaro” o la creatividad de lo vacuo en la poesía de José Ángel Valente.José Andrés Calvo Rodríguez - 2007 - Arbor 183 (726):511-522.
    A través del comentario de “El cántaro”, uno de los poemas más importantes del Valente de Poemas a Lázaro (1960), se estudia la importancia de la androginia en la poesía y en la poética valentianas. Tomando el símbolo del cántaro-canto, Valente desarrolla una teoría poética sustentada en dos conceptos fundamentales: negación e inmanencia. Ambos conceptos conducen a una poesía caracterizada por la fusión de contrarios semánticos como paso necesario en la búsqueda del centro poético. Por todo esto, se analiza el (...)
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  28. Становлення великих груп: Від натовпу та публіки до владно-видовищних масових рухів.Тaras Lyuty - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:3-16.
    In this article, the author examines different theories and approaches to mass movements in the historical process and their impact on the condition of Western culture. In the short introduction, the main historical, cultural and philosophical origins of the mass movements from antiquity to present time are described. This paper examines the question why the social and cultural influence of the man of mass is difficult to predict. To answer this question, the author demonstrates the continuing transition from the psychology (...)
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    Harold Pinter - "Urodziny Stanleya": kiedy dotknięcie staje się wyrokiem.Anna Wolska - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:405-423.
    Die Verfasserin des Beitrags u.d.T. - Harold Pinter - „Stanleys Geburtstag": wenn die Berührung zum Urteil wird bietet eine neue Lesart des Dramas von Pinter an. Im Gegensatz zu den bisherigen Interpretationen, vor allen Dingen der von Herta Schmidt, die die Erörterung des Textes mit der Theorie der Redearien von John Langshaw Austin fundieren, stützt sich die Autorin des Beitrags auf die Kulturtheorie von Ortega y Gasset sowie die Auschauungen von Elias Canetti. Die Theorie der Redearten erweist sich dabei (...)
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  30. The Spatial Dynamics of National Minority Categories in Czechia– a Discourse Historical Perspective.Sylva Reznikova - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-16.
    The absence of a universally recognized definition of national minority is perceived as problematic by legal scholars on the international level as well as in domestic jurisdictions [Kymlicka, Will. 2015. Solidarity in diverse societies: Beyond neoliberal multiculturalism and welfare chauvinism. _Comparative Migration Studies_., Ringelheim, Julie. 2010. Minority Rights in a Time of Multiculturalism-The Evolving Scope of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. _Human rights law review_., Velázquez, Elisa Ortega. 2017. Minority rights for immigrants: From (...)
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    El diálogo como imagen de la actividad filosófica.Juan José García Norro - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:443-456.
    ¿Cuál es la mejor imagen para representar la actividad filosófica? García Morente analiza tres esculturas: Le penseur de Rodin, Il pensieroso de Miguel Ángel y la escultura de El doncel de Sigüenza que se encuentra en la catedral de esta ciudad. Esta última, afirma Morente, refleja mejor que ninguna otra la naturaleza de la filosofía. En este ensayo se rechaza esta opinión de Morente y se proponen otras dos representaciones de la actividad filosófica, en este caso pinturas, que simbolizan (...)
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    Legacy Lecture: Elias Baumgarten.Elias Baumgarten - unknown
    Elias Baumgarten taught philosophy at the University of Michigan-Dearborn from 1972 to 2018. He was born in Brooklyn, grew up in California, and went to schools in Boston and Chicago. He was one of the first recipients of the campus’s “Distinguished Teaching Award.” He taught a wide variety of courses including Medical Ethics, Ethics of War and Peace, Ethics of Nationalism, and Darwinism and Philosophy. Most of his publications are in ethics, including “Zionism, Nationalism, and Morality” and “Curiosity as a (...)
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    Pinker and progress.Ronald Aronson - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (2):246-264.
    Condorcet's classical Enlightenment statement of human progress became an essential element of nineteenth- and twentieth-century consciousness, but by the millennium grand narratives had fallen victim to a disillusioned cultural climate. Now Steven Pinker, like Condorcet drawing on a wide range of contemporary “knowledges,” has reasserted a sweeping narrative of human progress in The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. Mapping a spectacular long-term decline in person-on-person violence and reduction in deaths due to war, Pinker celebrates the spread (...)
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  34. Truth without contra(di)ction.Elia Zardini - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):498-535.
    The concept of truth arguably plays a central role in many areas of philosophical theorizing. Yet, what seems to be one of the most fundamental principles governing that concept, i.e. the equivalence between P and , is inconsistent in full classical logic, as shown by the semantic paradoxes. I propose a new solution to those paradoxes, based on a principled revision of classical logic. Technically, the key idea consists in the rejection of the unrestricted validity of the structural principle of (...)
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    The collected works of Norbert Elias.Norbert Elias - 2006 - Dublin: University College Dublin Press.
    Elias wrote in both English and German, and in all his work runs to 14 books and around 90 other essays, along with poems and numerous interviews. The 18 volumes of the collected works contain many writings not previously published in English, and a small number never published before. All of the texts have thoroughly checked and revised, by editors who have a deep knowledge of Elia's thinking; they have inserted many clarifications, cross-references and explanatory notes.
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  36. A model of tolerance.Elia Zardini - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (3):337-368.
    According to the naive theory of vagueness, the vagueness of an expression consists in the existence of both positive and negative cases of application of the expression and in the non- existence of a sharp cut-off point between them. The sorites paradox shows the naive theory to be inconsistent in most logics proposed for a vague language. The paper explores the prospects of saving the naive theory by revising the logic in a novel way, placing principled restrictions on the transitivity (...)
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  37. Naive Modus Ponens.Elia Zardini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (4):575-593.
    The paper is concerned with a logical difficulty which Lionel Shapiro’s deflationist theory of logical consequence (as well as the author’s favoured, non-deflationist theory) gives rise to. It is argued that Shapiro’s non-contractive approach to solving the difficulty, although correct in its broad outlines, is nevertheless extremely problematic in some of its specifics, in particular in its failure to validate certain intuitive rules and laws associated with the principle of modus ponens. An alternative non-contractive theory is offered which does not (...)
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  38. Higher-Order Sorites Paradox.Elia Zardini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (1):25-48.
    The naive theory of vagueness holds that the vagueness of an expression consists in its failure to draw a sharp boundary between positive and negative cases. The naive theory is contrasted with the nowadays dominant approach to vagueness, holding that the vagueness of an expression consists in its presenting borderline cases of application. The two approaches are briefly compared in their respective explanations of a paramount phenomenon of vagueness: our ignorance of any sharp boundary between positive and negative cases. These (...)
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    Report.Robert Elias - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (1):141-142.
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    Rage of the Long-Distance Mother.Karen Elias-Button - 1978 - Feminist Studies 4 (2):45.
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    Substructural approaches to paradox: an introduction to the special issue.Elia Zardini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3):493-525.
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    Instability and Contraction: Méditations hégéliennes I.Elia Zardini - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (1):155-188.
    In other works, I’ve proposed a solution to the semantic paradoxes which, at the technical level, basically relies on failure of contraction. I’ve also suggested that, at the philosophical level, contraction fails because of the instability of certain states of affairs. In this paper, I try to make good on that suggestion.
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    What is Sociology?Norbert Elias - 1978 - University College Dublin Press.
    What is Sociology? presents in concise and provocative form the major ideas of a seminal thinker whose work--spanning more than four decades--is only now gaining the recognition here it has long had in Germany and France. Unlike other post-war sociologists, Norbert Elias has always held the concept of historical development among his central concerns; his dynamic theories of the evolution of modern man have remedied the historical and epistemological shortcomings of structualism and ethno-methodology. What is Sociology? refines the arguments that (...)
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  44. Polysemy and Co-predication.Marina Ortega AndrÉs & Agustin Vicente - forthcoming - Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics.
    Many word forms in natural language are polysemous, but only some of them allow for co-predication, that is, they allow for simultaneous predications selecting for two different meanings or senses of a nominal in a sentence. In this paper, we try to explain (i) why some groups of senses allow co-predication and others do not, and (ii) how we interpret co-predicative sentences. The paper focuses on those groups of senses that allow co-predication in an especially robust and stable way. We (...)
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    Post-truth, scepticism & power: by Stuart Sim, Cham (Switzerland), Palgrave Macmillan (Springer), 2019, 175 pp, £54.99 (hbk), ISBN 978-3-030-15875-0.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (2):309-315.
    In our turbulent and fast-changing days, is there anyone who still cares about truth? If this were, fortunately, the case, what leeway would those tenacious people have at disposal in order to find...
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    On quantum event structures. III. Object of truth values.Elias Zafiris - 2004 - Foundations Of Physics Letters 17 (5):403-432.
    In this work we expand the foundational perspective of category theory on quantum event structures by showing the existence of an object of truth values in the category of quantum event algebras, characterized as subobject classifier. This object plays the corresponking role that the two-valued Boolean truth values object plays in a classical event structure. We construct the object of quantum truth values explicitly and argue that it constitutes the appropriate choice for the valuation of propositions describing the behavior of (...)
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    Meditaciones del Quijote.José Ortega Y. Gasset & Julián Marías, ed - 2012 - Madrid: Editorial Gredos. Edited by José Lasaga Medina.
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  48. Truth and what is said.Elia Zardini - 2008 - Philosophical Perspectives 22 (1):545-574.
    A notion of truth as applicable to events of assertoric use ( utterances ) of a sentence token is arguably presupposed and required by our evaluative practices of the use of language. The truth of an utterance seems clearly to depend on what the utterance says . This fundamental dependence seems in turn to be captured by the schema that, if an utterance u says that P , then u is true iff P . Such a schema may thus be (...)
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    Closed without boundaries.Elia Zardini - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):641-679.
    The paper critically discusses two prominent arguments against closure principles for knowledge. The first one is the “argument from aggregation”, claiming that closure under conjunction has the consequence that, if one individually knows i premises, one also knows their i-fold conjunction—yet, every one of the premises might exhibit interesting positive epistemic properties while the i-fold conjunction might fail to do so. The second one is the “argument from concatenation”, claiming that closure under entailment has the consequence that, if one knows (...)
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  50. Luminosity and vagueness.Elia Zardini - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (3):375-410.
    The paper discusses some ways in which vagueness and its phenomena may be thought to impose certain limits on our knowledge and, more specifically, may be thought to bear on the traditional philosophical idea that certain domains of facts are luminous, i.e., roughly, fully open to our view. The discussion focuses on a very influential argument to the effect that almost no such interesting domains exist. Many commentators have felt that the vagueness unavoidably inherent in the description of the facts (...)
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