Results for '전-도덕성 (Premorality)'

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  1. A natural law theory of marriage.Don S. Browning - 2011 - Zygon 46 (3):733-760.
    Abstract. For the past two decades, I have been developing an integrative Christian marriage theory, based in part on a grounding concept of natural law and an overarching theory of covenant. The natural law part of this theory starts with an account of the natural facts, conditions, interests, needs, and qualities of human life, interaction, and generation—what I call the “premoral” goods or realities of life. It then identifies the natural inclinations of humans to form enduring and exclusive monogamous marriages (...)
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  2. Prawdziwie darwinowska etyka.Andrzej Elzanowski - 2010 - Lectiones Et Acroases Philosophicae 3:13-57.
    True Darwinian Ethics -/- Darwin’s model for the evolution of morality as presented in Descent of Man (1871) is shown to comprise three major stages that are here referred to as empathic premorality, tribal morality, and universalizing morality. Empathy, the key component of Darwin’s “social instincts” that started moral evolution, is here recognized as the principal cognitive device that conveys epistemic credibility to moral agency. The two constitutive elements of the tribal morality are conscience that Darwin conceived of as (...)
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    Rejoinder to Tibor R. Machan, "Rand and Choice" (Spring 2006): Regarding Choice and the Foundation of Morality: Reflections on Rand's Ethics.Douglas B. Rasmussen - 2006 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 7 (2):309 - 328.
    This essay examines the relationship between human choice and Rand's ethical standard for moral goodness and obligation. It shows that the neo-Aristotclian interpretation of Rand's ethics—an interpretation that does not accept the doctrine of "premoral choice" but instead claims that flourishing as a rational animal is the telos of human life and choice—is crucial to the viability of her ethical theory. The defenders of premoral choice confuse the conceptual order with the real and, despite their intentions, make Rand's ethics into (...)
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    Talion and the Golden Rule.R. G. Apresian - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (1):46-64.
    Talion and the Golden Rule are usually considered expressions of successive historical stages in the development of morality. The conventional wisdom is that talion-lex talionis-is a form of social control corresponding to a fairly early stage of the development of human communities. From a purely historical point of view, talion is a rule of punishment for crime according to which the retribution should strictly correspond to the harm inflicted. The rule goes back to the archaic custom of blood vengeance which (...)
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    Menschenwürde, Rationalität und Gefühl.Johannes Fischer - 2006 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 50 (1):29-42.
    What is the concept of human dignity derived from? Does it have its foundation in the emotions or in reason? By dint of a differentiation between a premoral, sittliche orientation in acting and a moral orientation, which is due to an external evaluating moral community, the author comes to the conclusion that human dignity finds its foundation in both the emotions and rationality. This has important implications for the task of a theological ethics insofar it is concerned with the concept (...)
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    The Good Life: The Moral Individual in an Antimoral World.Cheryl Mendelson - 2012 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    A moral geography -- Democracy, the moral psychology, and the moral individual -- Premoral and moral culture -- Two forms of antimoralism -- Love and money: the contracting role of the family -- Moral reform and pseudo-moralism -- Cool -- Vengeance and the erosion of law -- The academy -- Science and morality.
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    Ontologie, philosophie et politique: la critique de la tradition épistémologique chez Charles Taylor.Geneviève Nootens - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (3):553-570.
    La philosophie de Charles Taylor a récemment fait l'objet de plusieurs critiques mettant en question tant l'ontologie morale proposée par Taylor que le modèle politique qu'elle soutient. Par exemple, O. Flanagan a souligné les difficultés posées par le fait de concevoir les agents moraux comme devant nécessairement procéder à des évaluations fortes. D. Weinstock a défendu l'idée que les institutions politiques libérales que critique Taylor sont en réalité plus propices au développement de cette capacité d'évaluation forte que la poursuite d'un (...)
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    Schiller meets “Grand Theft Auto”: Perspectives of Video Game Ethics.Ralf Beuthan - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 148:113-138.
    ‘비디오게임 하는 것’은 어떤 윤리적 모델을 통해 새로운 방식으로 게임행위를 평가할 수 있는지에 대한 질문을 제기하도록 만들었다. 이러한 맥락 속에서 고전적인 윤리학적 모델 (덕 윤리, 의무론, 공리주의)은 궁극적으로 오직 ‘현실적 행위’에만 적용되고, 비디오 게임의 ‘가상적 행위’에 적용되지 않는다는 논증은 “놀이 무도덕주의” (Ostritsch 2018) 테제로 귀결된다. 이는 특히 노골적인 ‘폭력의 행위’의 경우의 게임 행위가 도덕적으로 판단될 수 있고 그래야만 한다는 공적 토론의 크게 우세한 직감(直感)에 의해 반박되어 왔다. 이러한 양자의 논의 속에 프리드리히 실러 (Friedrich Schiller)의 고전적 놀이 이론에 따른 중간적 입장이 (...)
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    Proportionalism and the Natural Law Tradition. [REVIEW]Leo J. Elders - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (4):885-885.
    Modern versions of utilitarianism have been called consequentialism: in order to evaluate the goodness or badness of human actions one must consider—in one way or in another—their consequences. This consequentialism appears to be opposed on many counts to traditional natural law ethics: norms such as one should never kill innocent persons and never commit adultery stand in conflict with a view which holds that in some cases good results may outweigh the bad consequences of such and other actions. In the (...)
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    Greater Good: The Case for Proportionalism. [REVIEW]Christopher Kaczor - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (4):898-898.
    In this book, Garth L. Hallett offers the best book of its kind available today. Unlike many other apologiae for proportionalism, Hallet fully engages numerous contemporary moral philosophers, among them Robert Merrihew Adams, Alan Donagan, Judith Thomson, and Alan Gewirth, in addition to engaging Catholic theorists including Aquinas, Germain Grisez, and John Finnis. Hallet also merits commendation for breaking ranks with other proportionalists, particularly Peter Knauer, about not a few matters, most significantly the extent to which proportionalism governs the moral (...)
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