Results for '*Ocular Dominance'

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    Ocular dominance and the range of visual apprehension.M. Keller - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 21 (5):545.
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    Ocular dominance demonstrated by unconscious sighting.W. R. Miles - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (2):113.
  3.  13
    Ocular dominance in young children.R. Updegraff - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (6):758.
  4. Non-linear Analysis of Models for Biological Pattern Formation: Application to Ocular Dominance Stripes.Michael Lyons & Lionel G. Harrison - 1992 - In Frank Eeckman (ed.), Neural Systems: Analysis and Modeling. Springer. pp. 39-46.
    We present a technique for the analysis of pattern formation by a class of models for the formation of ocular dominance stripes in the striate cortex of some mammals. The method, which employs the adiabatic approximation to derive a set of ordinary differential equations for patterning modes, has been successfully applied to reaction-diffusion models for striped patterns [1]. Models of ocular dominance stripes have been studied [2,3] by computation, or by linearization of the model equations. These techniques do (...)
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    A note on an attempt at judging ocular dominance from photographs.June E. Downey - 1930 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 13 (3):286.
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    Lateral Connections In The Visual Cortex Can Self-Organize Cooperatively With Multisize RFs Just As With Ocular Dominance and Orientation Columns.Joseph Sirosh & Risto Miikkulainen - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--430.
  7. Neural mechanisms of perceptual organization.N. Leopold Logothetis & Sheinberg A. - 2003 - In Naoyuki Osaka (ed.), Neural Basis of Consciousness. John Benjamins.
  8.  54
    Selfless cinema?: ethics and French documentary.Sarah Cooper - 2006 - London, U.K.: Legenda.
    In Selfless Cinema?, Sarah Cooper maps out the power relations of making, and viewing, documentaries in ethical terms. The ethics of filmmaking are often examined in largely legalistic terms, dominated by issues of consent, responsibility, and participantse(tm) or film-makerse(tm) rights, but Cooper approaches four representative French film-makers e" Jean Rouch, Chris Marker, Raymond Depardon, and Agns Varda e" in a far less juridical way, drawing on the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. She argues that, in spite of Levinase(tm)s iconoclastic, anti-ocular (...)
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    Alhazen, Leonardo, and late-medieval speculation on the inversion of images in the eye.Bruce Eastwood - 1986 - Annals of Science 43 (5):413-446.
    No one before Platter and Kepler proposed retinal reception of an inverted visual image. The dominant tradition in visual theory, especially that of Alhazen and his Western followers, subordinated the intra-ocular geometry of visual rays to the requirement for an upright image and to preconceptions about the precise nature of the visual spirit and its part in vision. Henry of Langenstein and an anonymous glossator in the late Middle Ages proposed alternatives to Alhazen, including the suggestion of double inversion of (...)
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  10. Signs Taken for Wonders: Questions of Ambivalence and Authority under a Tree outside Delhi, May 1817.Homi K. Bhabha - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):144-165.
    How can the question of authority, the power and presence of the English, be posed in the interstices of a double inscription? I have no wish to replace an idealist myth—the metaphoric English book—with a historicist one—the colonialist project of English civility. Such a reductive reading would deny what is obvious, that the representation of colonial authority depends less on a universal symbol of English identity than on its productivity as a sign of difference. Yet in my use of “English” (...)
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  11. Binocular rivalry: A time dependence of eye and stimulus contributions.Andreas Bartels - unknown
    Nikos K. Logothetis University of Manchester, Manchester, UK In binocular rivalry, the visual percept alternates stochastically between two dichoptically presented stimuli. It is established that both processes related to the eye of origin and binocular, stimulus-related processes account for these fluctuations in conscious perception. Here we studied how their relative contributions vary over time. We applied brief disruptions to rivalry displays, concurrent with an optional eye swap, at varying time intervals after one stimulus became visible (dominant). We found that early (...)
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    Showing, Sensing, and Seeming: Distinctively Sensory Representations and Their Contents.Dominic Gregory - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Certain representations are bound in special ways to our sensory capacities; consider, for instance, pictures, sound recordings, and the various forms of mental sensory imagery. What do these representations have in common, and what makes them different from representations of other kinds? Dominic Gregory employs novel ideas on perceptual states and sensory perspectives to explain the special nature of the contents of distinctively sensory representations. The book contains extensive discussions of e.g. perceptual imagination, pictorial representation, and memories.
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    Levels of Argument: A Comparative Study of Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.Dominic Scott - 2015 - New York, NY.: Oxford University Press.
    Dominic Scott compares the Republic and Nicomachean Ethics from a methodological perspective. He argues that Plato and Aristotle distinguish similar levels of argument in the defence of justice, and that they both follow the same approach: Plato because he thinks it will suffice, Aristotle because he thinks there is no need to go beyond it.
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    IIDominic Scott: Primary and Secondary Eudaimonia.Dominic Scott - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):225-242.
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  15. Les Arts et les images: Dialogues avec Dominic McIver Lopes.Dominic McIver Lopes & Laure Blanc-Benon - 2019 - Paris, France: Sorbonne Université Presses.
    Les Arts et les Images se veut une introduction aux principaux terrains d’investigation de Dominic McIver Lopes, philosophe canadien contemporain, figure incontournable de l’esthétique et de la philosophie de l’art en langue anglaise au cours des vingt dernières années. Il ouvre une réflexion sur les méthodes employées en esthétique et philosophie de l’art aujourd’hui, qu’on soit un philosophe dit « analytique » ou bien « continental », Lopes cherchant à penser le lien entre les deux traditions. -/- À travers leur (...)
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    The Prospects of a Paraconsistent Response to Vagueness.Dominic Hyde - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Paraconsistent responses to vagueness are often thought to represent a revision of logical theory that is too radical to be defensible. The paracomplete logic of supervaluationism, SpV, is not only taken to be more conservative but is also commonly said to 'preserve classical logic'. This chapter argues that this is wrong on both counts. The paraconsistent logic SbV, or subvaluationism, is no less conservative than SpV nor more so. In the end both logics offer equally compelling theoretical approaches to vagueness. (...)
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    Ocular gene transfer in the spotlight: implications of newspaper content for clinical communications.Shelly Benjaminy & Tania Bubela - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):58.
    Ocular gene transfer clinical trials are raising hopes for blindness treatments and attracting media attention. News media provide an accessible health information source for patients and the public, but are often criticized for overemphasizing benefits and underplaying risks of novel biomedical interventions. Overly optimistic portrayals of unproven interventions may influence public and patient expectations; the latter may cause patients to downplay risks and over-emphasize benefits, with implications for informed consent for clinical trials. We analyze the news media communications landscape about (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Aristotle on well-being and intellectual contemplation: Dominic Scott.Dominic Scott - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):225–242.
    [David Charles] Aristotle, it appears, sometimes identifies well-being with one activity, sometimes with several, including ethical virtue. I argue that this appearance is misleading. In the Nicomachean Ethics, intellectual contemplation is the central case of human well-being, but is not identical with it. Ethically virtuous activity is included in human well-being because it is an analogue of intellectual contemplation. This structure allows Aristotle to hold that while ethically virtuous activity is valuable in its own right, the best life available for (...)
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  19. What Is It Like to See with Your Ears?: The Representational Theory of Mind.Dominic M. McIver Lopes - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (2):439-453.
    Representational theories of mind cannot individuate the sense modalities in a principled manner. According to representationalism, the phenomenal character of experiences is determined by their contents. The usual objection is that inverted qualia are possible, so the phenomenal character of experiences may vary independently of their contents. But the objection is inconclusive. It raises difficult questions about the metaphysics of secondary qualities and it is difficult to see whether or not inverted qualia are possible. This paper proposes an alternative test (...)
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  20.  13
    Love and other technologies: retrofitting eros for the information age.Dominic Pettman - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Can love really be considered another form of technology? Dominic Pettman says it can - although not before carefully redefining technology as a cultural challenge to what we mean by the "human" in the information age. Using the writings of such important thinkers as Giorgio Agamben, Jean-LucNancy, and Bernard Stiegler as a springboard, Pettman explores the "techtonic" movements of contemporary culture, specifically in relation to the language of eros. Highly ritualized expressions of desire - love, in other words - always (...)
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  21.  21
    Ocular movements and the perception of time.J. P. Guilford - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (4):259.
  22.  25
    Primary ocular nystagmus as a function of intensity and duration of acceleration.G. T. Hauty - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (3):162.
  23. Disputing Taste.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2017 - In James O. Young (ed.), The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 61-81.
    Philosophers have championed contextualist and relativist semantics for aesthetic discourse that attempt to explain faultless disagreement. However, both types of semantics do a good job explaining faultless disagreement. As a rule, more explananda assist in theory choice. This chapter proposes that three more facts need explaining. Aesthetic disputes revolve around objects, even as they express attitudes. They also extend into lengthy exchanges wherein reasons are offered and withdrawn. Finally, they play a role in the formation and regulation of aesthetic practices. (...)
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  24. Concepts of disease and health.Dominic Murphy - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  25. Aesthetic Acquaintance.Dominic Mciver Lopes - 2009 - Modern Schoolman 86 (3-4):267-281.
  26.  29
    La réception et la réinvention du taoïsme en Occident : Une réflexion autour de deux outils pour analyser les innovations religieuses.Dominic LaRochelle - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (3):419-436.
    Dominic LaRochelle | : Les religions ne constituent pas des monolithes immuables et inchangés dans le temps. Elles évoluent au fil de l’histoire humaine, changent au gré des transformations culturelles et sociales des communautés dans lesquelles elles s’implantent, négocient avec les instances séculières et religieuses leur pertinence et leur droit d’exister ; bref, elles innovent constamment pour s’assurer une place dans un monde lui aussi en constant changement. Cet article propose deux outils pour analyser les innovations au sein des traditions (...)
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  27. Picture This: Image-Based Demonstratives.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2010 - In Catharine Abell & Katerina Bantinaki (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 52-80.
    Settling down after the big meal at the family reunion brings on a little nostalgia. Out come the photo albums. As the pages turn, you see familiar faces as they looked long ago. One photo shows a surprisingly sexy young woman, and you exclaim, "That's Aunt Jane!" What you say is true. The explanation is this: what you say is true in part because the picture puts you in the same kind of position with respect to Aunt Jane as the (...)
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  28. The Emmanuel community.Dominic Cudmore - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (2):186.
    Cudmore, Dominic Ecclesial movements, inspired by a desire to live the Gospel more intensively and to announce it to others, have always been manifest in the midst of the People of God. ... In our day and particularly during recent decades, new movements have appeared that are more independent of the structures and style of the religious life than in the past.
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    Aristotle on posthumous fortune.Dominic Scott - 2000 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 18:211-29.
  30.  46
    Autonomy, Experience, and Therapy.Dominic Murphy - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):303-307.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Autonomy, Experience, and TherapyDominic Murphy (bio)The contemporary philosophical idea of autonomy has a psychological implication, to wit, that there exists a comprehensive set of ideal competences, realized in our mind/brain, that enable a person to be self-governing. Autonomy is normally accorded individuals who enjoy a certain kind of psychological functioning and, perhaps, a certain sort of psychological history (Christman 1991). We think that autonomous individuals critically evaluate their life (...)
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  31. Conceptual analysis versus scientific understanding: An assessment of Wakefield's folk psychiatry.Dominic Murphy & Robert L. Woolfolk - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (4):271-293.
    Wakefield's (2000) responses to our paper herein (Murphy and Woolfolk 2000) are not only unsuccessful, they force him into a position that leaves him unable to preserve any distinction between disorders and other problems. They also conflate distinct scientific concepts of function. Further, Wakefield fails to show that ascriptions of human dysfunction do not ineliminably involve values. -/- We suggest Wakefield is analyzing a concept that plays a role in commonsense thought and arguing that the task of science is to (...)
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  32. An Empathic Eye.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie (eds.), Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 118-133.
    What you see can shape how you feel, and the route from seeing to feeling sometimes involves empathy – as you might empathize with a woman you see grieving the death of her child. But empathy also comes from what you see in pictures. Bellini's Pieta? is one among many paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs that evoke empathy – and are designed to do so. Going further, it seems that episodes of empathy triggered by pictures can help build up a (...)
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  33. Justice and persuasion in the Republic.Dominic Scott - 2018 - In David Owen Brink, Susan Sauvé Meyer & Christopher John Shields (eds.), Virtue, happiness, knowledge: themes from the work of Gail Fine and Terence Irwin. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  34. Conceptual Art Is Not What It Seems.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2007 - In Peter Goldie & Elisabeth Schellekens (eds.), Philosophy and conceptual art. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hypotheses in aesthetics should explain appreciative failure as well as appreciative success. They should state the general conditions under which people fail to understand and value works as works of art. This stricture is all the more important when the typical response to conceptual art is one of resistance. Some philosophers explain this by claiming that conceptual art violates traditional theories of art. Others say that it violates folk ontologies of art. In fact, the appreciative failure to which conceptual art (...)
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  35. NJJ Smith, Vagueness and degrees of truth.Dominic Hyde - 2010 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 16 (4).
  36. The concept of disease.Dominic Sisti & Arthur L. Caplan - 2016 - In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon & Harold Kincaid (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine. New York, NY: Routledge.
  37.  77
    Being for Beauty: Aesthetic Agency and Value.Dominic Lopes - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    For centuries, philosophers have identified beauty with what brings pleasure. Dominic McIver Lopes challenges this interpretation by offering an entirely new theory of beauty - that beauty engages us in action, in concert with others, in the context of social networks - and sheds light on why aesthetic engagement is crucial for quality of life.
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    Physician Aid-in-Dying for Individuals With Serious Mental Illness: Clarifying Decision-Making Capacity and Psychiatric Futility.Dominic A. Sisti, Maria A. Oquendo, Yingcheng Xu & Rocksheng Zhong - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):61-63.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 61-63.
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  39. Exceptional technologies: a continental philosophy of technology.Dominic Smith - 2018 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction : Picturing technology -- A sense of the transcendental -- The blank page -- Embodiment conditions -- Three exceptional technologies -- Which way to turn? -- Conclusion : Exceptional technologies, not technological exceptionalism.
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  40. Eros, philosophy, and tyranny.Dominic Scott - 2007 - In Maieusis: Essays in Ancient Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 136--153.
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    Listening to Reason in Plato and Aristotle.Dominic Scott - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    Plato and Aristotle used moral philosophy to influence the way people actually live. Focusing on the Republic and the Nicomachean Ethics, this book examines how far they thought it could succeed in this.
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    A Special Aspect of Athanasian Soteriology: Part II.Dominic Unger - 1946 - Franciscan Studies 6 (2):171-194.
  43. Sarkozy's law: the institutionalization of xenophobia in the New Europe.Dominic Thomas - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 153:7-12.
  44.  87
    Semantic prosody: a critical evaluation.Dominic Stewart - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Features of semantic prosody -- The evaluative and the hidden -- The diachronic and the synchronic -- Semantic prosody and lexical environment -- Semantic prosody and corpus data -- Semantic prosody and the concordance -- Intuition, introspection, and corpus data -- Semantic prosody and lexical priming.
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  45. True Appreciation.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2010 - In Scott Walden (ed.), Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 210–231.
    Aesthetic appreciation involves background belief. While some appreciations are adequate when these beliefs are false, there is an important class of beliefs -- beliefs about the nature art work kinds -- whose truth is required for adequate appreciation. Photography is an interesting case, since many of our beliefs about it are false.
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  46. Ubiquitous Vagueness without Embarrassment.Dominic Hyde & R. Sylvan - 1995 - Acta Analytica 10:7--29.
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    Natural Teleology and Human Dignity: Reading the Second Vatican Council in the Light of Aquinas.Dominic Farrell - 2014 - Alpha Omega 17 (3):543-567.
    In Gaudium et Spes and Dignitatis Humanae the Second Vatican Council not only presents the dignity of the human person as the parting point for its moral teaching but also grounds human dignity in natural teleology. Natural teleology is the view that the good of any thing corresponds to, and so can be discerned from, the ends to which it is directed by its nature, both that end which is proper to it and those ends that it has as part (...)
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    Death or Disability? The 'Carmentis Machine' and Decision-Making for Critically Ill Children.Dominic Wilkinson - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Death and grief in the ancient world -- Predictions and disability in Rome.
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  49. Does Sport Build Character? A Progress Report on a Victorian Idea.Dominic Erdozain - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (1):35-48.
    This paper discusses the Victorian idea that sport builds character, which was one of the inspirations for the modern Olympic movement and remains central to policy debates on sport. The argument is that sport, even in the highly moralised context of ‘muscular Christianity’, failed in this character-forming role, and should not be seen as a source of moral regeneration. The paper argues that the tendency to over-moralise sport, like the commercialisation of sport, has the effect of diminishing the ‘play element’. (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Perception and Art.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2015 - In Mohan Matthen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 871-884.
    Pictures are valuable partly because they engage perception in distinctive ways. This chapter surveys recent accounts of depiction, of the distinctive content and phenomenology of our experiences of images, and of the artistic or aesthetic value that these experiences afford. Particular attention is paid to recent research on the relationship between seeing a flat image surface and having an experience as of the scene it represents.
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