Results for '03B20'

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  1.  99
    Predicativism as a Form of Potentialism.Øystein Linnebo & Stewart Shapiro - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):1-32.
    In the literature, predicativism is connected not only with the Vicious Circle Principle but also with the idea that certain totalities are inherently potential. To explain the connection between these two aspects of predicativism, we explore some approaches to predicativity within the modal framework for potentiality developed in Linnebo (2013) and Linnebo and Shapiro (2019). This puts predicativism into a more general framework and helps to sharpen some of its key theses.
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  2.  39
    (1 other version)Subject-Matter and Intensional Operators III: State-Sensitive Subject-Matter and Topic Sufficiency.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1070-1096.
    Logical frameworks that are sensitive to features of sentences’ subject-matter—like Berto’s topic-sensitive intentional modals (TSIMs)—demand a maximally faithful model of the topics of sentences. This is an especially difficult task in the case in which topics are assigned to intensional formulae. In two previous papers, a framework was developed whose model of intensional subject-matter could accommodate a wider range of intuitions about particular intensional conditionals. Although resolving a number of counterintuitive features, the work made an implicit assumption that the subject-matter (...)
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  3.  48
    Strong Homomorphisms, Category Theory, and Semantic Paradox.Jonathan Wolfgram & Roy T. Cook - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):1070-1093.
    In this essay we introduce a new tool for studying the patterns of sentential reference within the framework introduced in [2] and known as the language of paradox $\mathcal {L}_{\mathsf {P}}$ : strong $\mathcal {L}_{\mathsf {P}}$ -homomorphisms. In particular, we show that (i) strong $\mathcal {L}_{\mathsf {P}}$ -homomorphisms between $\mathcal {L}_{\mathsf {P}}$ constructions preserve paradoxicality, (ii) many (but not all) earlier results regarding the paradoxicality of $\mathcal {L}_{\mathsf {P}}$ constructions can be recast as special cases of our central result regarding (...)
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  4. What is a Rule of Inference?Neil Tennant - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):307-346.
    We explore the problems that confront any attempt to explain or explicate exactly what a primitive logical rule of inferenceis, orconsists in. We arrive at a proposed solution that places a surprisingly heavy load on the prospect of being able to understand and deal with specifications of rules that are essentiallyself-referring. That is, any rule$\rho $is to be understood via a specification that involves, embedded within it, reference to rule$\rho $itself. Just how we arrive at this position is explained by (...)
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  5.  12
    Dividing Lines Between Positive Theories.Anna Dmitrieva, Francesco Gallinaro & Mark Kamsma - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-25.
    We generalise the properties$\mathsf {OP}$,$\mathsf {IP}$,k-$\mathsf {TP}$,$\mathsf {TP}_{1}$,k-$\mathsf {TP}_{2}$,$\mathsf {SOP}_{1}$,$\mathsf {SOP}_{2}$, and$\mathsf {SOP}_{3}$to positive logic, and prove various implications and equivalences between them. We also provide a characterisation of stability in positive logic in analogy with the one in full first-order logic, both on the level of formulas and on the level of theories. For simple theories there are the classically equivalent definitions of not having$\mathsf {TP}$and dividing having local character, which we prove to be equivalent in positive logic as (...)
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  6.  13
    Degree of Satisfiability in Heyting Algebras.Benjamin Merlin Bumpus & Zoltan A. Kocsis - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-19.
    We investigate degree of satisfiability questions in the context of Heyting algebras and intuitionistic logic. We classify all equations in one free variable with respect to finite satisfiability gap, and determine which common principles of classical logic in multiple free variables have finite satisfiability gap. In particular we prove that, in a finite non-Boolean Heyting algebra, the probability that a randomly chosen element satisfies $x \vee \neg x = \top $ is no larger than $\frac {2}{3}$. Finally, we generalize our (...)
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  7.  16
    Intuitionistic Sahlqvist Theory for Deductive Systems.Damiano Fornasiere & Tommaso Moraschini - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1522-1580.
    Sahlqvist theory is extended to the fragments of the intuitionistic propositional calculus that include the conjunction connective. This allows us to introduce a Sahlqvist theory of intuitionistic character amenable to arbitrary protoalgebraic deductive systems. As an application, we obtain a Sahlqvist theorem for the fragments of the intuitionistic propositional calculus that include the implication connective and for the extensions of the intuitionistic linear logic.
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  8.  58
    Hilbert’s varepsilon -operator in intuitionistic type theories.John L. Bell - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):323--337.
    We investigate Hilbert’s varepsilon -calculus in the context of intuitionistic type theories, that is, within certain systems of intuitionistic higher-order logic. We determine the additional deductive strength conferred on an intuitionistic type theory by the adjunction of closed varepsilon -terms. We extend the usual topos semantics for type theories to the varepsilon -operator and prove a completeness theorem. The paper also contains a discussion of the concept of “partially defined‘ varepsilon -term. MSC: 03B15, 03B20, 03G30.
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  9.  22
    Intermediate logics preserving admissible inference rules of heyting calculus.Vladimir V. Rybakov - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):403-415.
    The aim of this paper is to look from the point of view of admissibility of inference rules at intermediate logics having the finite model property which extend Heyting's intuitionistic propositional logic H. A semantic description for logics with the finite model property preserving all admissible inference rules for H is given. It is shown that there are continuously many logics of this kind. Three special tabular intermediate logics λ, 1 ≥ i ≥ 3, are given which describe all tabular (...)
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  10.  55
    AE (Aristotle-Euler) Diagrams: An Alternative Complete Method for the Categorical Syllogism.Mario Savio - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (4):581-599.
    Mario Savio is widely known as the first spokesman for the Free Speech Movement. Having spent the summer of 1964 as a civil rights worker in segregationist Mississippi, Savio returned to the University of California at a time when students throughout the country were beginning to mobilize in support of racial justice and against the deepening American involvement in Vietnam. His moral clairty, his eloquence, and his democratic style of leadership inspired thousands of fellow Berkeley students to protest university regulations (...)
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  11.  44
    Syllogistic Logic with Cardinality Comparisons, on Infinite Sets.Lawrence S. Moss & Selçuk Topal - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (1):1-22.
    This article enlarges classical syllogistic logic with assertions having to do with comparisons between the sizes of sets. So it concerns a logical system whose sentences are of the following forms: Allxareyand Somexarey, There are at least as manyxasy, and There are morexthany. Herexandyrange over subsets (not elements) of a giveninfiniteset. Moreover,xandymay appear complemented (i.e., as$\bar{x}$and$\bar{y}$), with the natural meaning. We formulate a logic for our language that is based on the classical syllogistic. The main result is a soundness/completeness theorem. (...)
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  12.  40
    Algebraic semantics for the (↔,¬¬)‐fragment of IPC.Katarzyna Słomczyńska - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (1-2):29-37.
    We show that the variety of equivalential algebras with regularization gives the algebraic semantics for the -fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic. We also prove that this fragment is hereditarily structurally complete.
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  13.  26
    An Analysis of the Rules of Gentzen’s _Nj and Lj_.Mirjana Borisavljević - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):347-370.
    The connection between the rules and derivations of Gentzen’s calculiNJandLJwill be explained by several steps (i.e., systems), and an analysis of the well-known problems of the connection between reduction steps of normalization and cut elimination, from Zucker (1974) and Urban (2014), will be given.
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  14.  26
    Monotone Subintuitionistic Logic: Duality and Transfer Results.Jim de Groot & Dirk Pattinson - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (2):213-242.
    We consider subintuitionistic logics as an extension of positive propositional logic with a binary modality, interpreted over ordered and unordered monotone neighborhood frames, with a range of frame conditions. This change in perspective allows us to apply tools and techniques from the modal setting to subintuitionistic logics. We provide a Priestley-style duality, and transfer results from the (classical) logic of monotone neighborhood frames to obtain completeness, conservativity, and a finite model property for the basic logic, extended with a number of (...)
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  15.  43
    Note on Deduction Theorems in contraction‐free logics.Karel Chvalovský & Petr Cintula - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):236-243.
    This paper provides a finer analysis of the well-known form of the Local Deduction Theorem in contraction-free logics . An infinite hierarchy of its natural strengthenings is introduced and studied. The main results are the separation of its initial four members and the subsequent collapse of the hierarchy.
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  16.  23
    Conservation Theorems on Semi-Classical Arithmetic.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1469-1496.
    We systematically study conservation theorems on theories of semi-classical arithmetic, which lie in-between classical arithmetic $\mathsf {PA}$ and intuitionistic arithmetic $\mathsf {HA}$. Using a generalized negative translation, we first provide a structured proof of the fact that $\mathsf {PA}$ is $\Pi _{k+2}$ -conservative over $\mathsf {HA} + {\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ where ${\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ is the axiom scheme of the law-of-excluded-middle restricted to formulas in $\Sigma _k$. In addition, we show that this conservation theorem is optimal in the (...)
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  17.  26
    Improving Strong Negation.Satoru Niki - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):951-977.
    Strong negation is a well-known alternative to the standard negation in intuitionistic logic. It is defined virtually by giving falsity conditions to each of the connectives. Among these, the falsity condition for implication appears to unnecessarily deviate from the standard negation. In this paper, we introduce a slight modification to strong negation, and observe its comparative advantages over the original notion. In addition, we consider the paraconsistent variants of our modification, and study their relationship with non-constructive principles and connexivity.
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  18.  22
    Definability of Boolean Functions in Kripke Semantics.Naosuke Matsuda - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (3):363-376.
    A set F of Boolean functions is said to be functionally complete if every Boolean function is definable by combining functions in F. Post clarified when a set of Boolean functions is functionally complete (with respect to classical semantics). In this paper, by extending Post’s theorem, we clarify when a set of Boolean functions is functionally complete with respect to Kripke semantics.
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  19.  27
    Decidability of admissibility: On a problem by Friedman and its solution by Rybakov.Jeroen P. Goudsmit - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):1-38.
    Rybakov proved that the admissible rules of $\mathsf {IPC}$ are decidable. We give a proof of the same theorem, using the same core idea, but couched in the many notions that have been developed in the mean time. In particular, we illustrate how the argument can be interpreted as using refinements of the notions of exactness and extendibility.
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  20.  94
    On Gabbay's Proof of the Craig Interpolation Theorem for Intuitionistic Predicate Logic.Michael Makkai - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (3):364-381.
    Using the framework of categorical logic, this paper analyzes and streamlines Gabbay's semantical proof of the Craig interpolation theorem for intuitionistic predicate logic. In the process, an apparently new and interesting fact about the relation of coherent and intuitionistic logic is found.
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  21.  8
    Simple Tableaus for Simple Logics.Melvin Fitting - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (3):275-309.
    Consider those many-valued logic models in which the truth values are a lattice that supplies interpretations for the logical connectives of conjunction and disjunction, and which has a De Morgan involution supplying an interpretation for negation. Assume that the set of designated truth values is a prime filter in the lattice. Each of these structures determines a simple many-valued logic. We show that there is a single Smullyan-style signed tableau system appropriate for all of the logics these structures determine. Differences (...)
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  22.  23
    Investigations into intuitionistic and other negations.Satoru Niki - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):532-532.
    Intuitionistic logic formalises the foundational ideas of L.E.J. Brouwer’s mathematical programme of intuitionism. It is one of the earliest non-classical logics, and the difference between classical and intuitionistic logic may be interpreted to lie in the law of the excluded middle, which asserts that either a proposition is true or its negation is true. This principle is deemed unacceptable from the constructive point of view, in whose understanding the law means that there is an effective procedure to determine the truth (...)
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