Results for 'A. Lemoine'

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  1.  47
    Animal extrapolation in preclinical studies: An analysis of the tragic case of TGN1412.Maël Lemoine - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 61:35-45.
    According to the received view, the transportation view, animal extrapolation consists in inductive prediction of the outcome of a mechanism in a target, based on an analogical mechanism in a model. Through an analysis of the failure of preclinical studies of TGN1412, an innovative drug, to predict the tragic consequences of its first-in-man trial in 2006, the received view is challenged by a proposed view of animal extrapolation, the chimera view. According to this view, animal extrapolation is based on a (...)
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    Sleepwalking Into Infertility: The Need for a Public Health Approach Toward Advanced Maternal Age.Marie-Eve Lemoine & Vardit Ravitsky - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11):37-48.
    In Western countries today, a growing number of women delay motherhood until their late 30s and even 40s, as they invest time in pursuing education and career goals before starting a family. This social trend results from greater gender equality and expanded opportunities for women and is influenced by the availability of contraception and assisted reproductive technologies. However, advanced maternal age is associated with increased health risks, including infertility. While individual medical solutions such as ART and elective egg freezing can (...)
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  3. Defining aging.Maël Lemoine - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (5):1-30.
    Aging is an elusive property of life, and many important questions about aging depend on its definition. This article proposes to draw a definition from the scientific literature on aging. First, a broad review reveals five features commonly used to define aging: structural damage, functional decline, depletion, typical phenotypic changes or their cause, and increasing probability of death. Anything that can be called ‘aging’ must present one of these features. Then, although many conditions are not consensual instances of aging, aging (...)
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    Psychanalyse et relation pastorale: études de théologie morale autour du frère Albert Plé de 1950 à 1980.Laurent Lemoine - 2010 - Paris: Cerf.
    Ecouter est une tâche d'humanité. C'est ce que tout homme doit pouvoir offrir à l'autre en proie à une détresse dont il a envie de parler. Mais écouter peut devenir, dans certains cas, affaire de spécialistes. Les Eglises chrétiennes ont une longue, très longue expérience de ce qui s'appelait jadis la direction spirituelle et que l'on nomme plus volontiers de nos jours l'accompagnement spirituel. Les modalités et le but de ces accompagnements visent à faire grandir la relation avec Celui que (...)
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    Plato's Caves: The Liberating Sting of Cultural Diversity.Rebecca Lemoine - 2020 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    From student protests over the teaching of canonical texts such as Plato's Republic to the use of images of classical Greek statues in white supremacist propaganda, the world of the ancient Greeks is deeply implicated in a heated contemporary debate about identity and diversity. In Plato's Caves, Rebecca LeMoine defends the bold thesis that Plato was a friend of cultural diversity, contrary to many contemporary perceptions. Through close readings of four Platonic dialogues--Republic, Menexenus, Laws, and Phaedrus--LeMoine shows that, (...)
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  6. Toward a Public Health Approach to Infertility: The Ethical Dimensions of Infertility Prevention.Marie-Eve Lemoine & Vardit Ravitsky - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (3):pht026.
    While many experts and organizations have recognized infertility as a public health issue, most governments have not yet adopted a public health approach to infertility. This article argues in favor of such an approach by discussing the various implications of infertility for public health. We use a conceptual framework that focuses on the dual meaning of the term ‘public’ in this context: the health of the public, as opposed to that of individuals, and the public/collective nature of the required interventions. (...)
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  7.  7
    Le défi d'Antigone: promenade parmi des figures du droit naturel.Yves Lemoine - 2012 - Paris: Éditions Michel de Maule. Edited by Jean-Pierre Mignard.
    Yves Lemoine et Jean-Pierre Mignard s'interrogent sur les origines du Droit dans nos sociétés, sur les grandes traditions dont il est issu et sur ses évolutions intellectuelles en Occident. Si leur cheminement passe par l'étude de grandes figures telles que Francisco de Vitoria, Erasme, Thomas More, Portalis, l'abbé Grégoire, William Wilberforce, ou encore René Cassin, leur questionnement sur Athènes et Rome initie une réflexion sur l'humanisme juridique. L'idée que le Droit se réfère à un état supérieur d'Etre et que (...)
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  8. Defining disease beyond conceptual analysis: an analysis of conceptual analysis in philosophy of medicine.Maël Lemoine - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (4):309-325.
    Conceptual analysis of health and disease is portrayed as consisting in the confrontation of a set of criteria—a “definition”—with a set of cases, called instances of either “health” or “ disease.” Apart from logical counter-arguments, there is no other way to refute an opponent’s definition than by providing counter-cases. As resorting to intensional stipulation is not forbidden, several contenders can therefore be deemed to have succeeded. This implies that conceptual analysis alone is not likely to decide between naturalism and normativism. (...)
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  9.  70
    A dual decomposition strategy of both microbial and phenotypic components for a better understanding of causal claims.Gregor P. Greslehner & Maël Lemoine - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1.
    In our commentary on Lynch et al.’s target paper, we focus on decomposition as a research strategy. We argue that not only the presumptive microbial causes but also their supposed phenotypic effects need to be decomposed relative to each other. Such a dual decomposition strategy ought to improve the way in which causal claims in microbiome research can be made and understood.
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  10.  43
    Affectivité et auto-affection: Réflexions sur le « corps subjectif » chez maine de biran et M. Henry.Maël Lemoine - 2000 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2:243-267.
    M. Henry voit à tort chez Maine de Biran la distinction entre trois figures du corps propre: corps objectif (extérieur et mondain), corps organique (terme résistant de l'effort), et corps subjectif (confondu avec l'ego). Maine de Biran distingue bien trois corps, mais le troisième, loin d'être confondu avec l'ego, est un corps de pure passivité duquel l'ego est absent. Cet état d'affectivité pure étudié par Biran répond à la critique par M. Henry de sa théorie de la passivité, et corrige (...)
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  11.  31
    The meaning of the opposition between the healthy and the pathological and its consequences.Maël Lemoine - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (3):355-362.
    If the healthy and the pathological are not merely judgments qualifiers, but real phenomena, it must be possible to define both of them positively, which, in this context, means as factual contraries. On the other hand, only a privative definition, either of the pathological as ‘non-healthy’, or of the healthy as ‘non-pathological’, can rationally circumscribe all possible states of an organism. This fluctuation between two meanings of the ‘healthy’–‘pathological’ opposition, factual vs. rational, characterizes the ordinary usage of these concepts and (...)
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  12.  94
    How does a psychiatrist infer from an observed condition to a case of mental disorder?Maël Lemoine - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):979-983.
    The main thesis of this paper is that mental health practitioners can legitimately infer that a patient's given condition is a case of mental disorder without having diagnosed any specific mental disorder. The article shows how this is justifiable by relying either on psychopathological reasoning, on 'intentional' analysis or possibly on other modes of reasoning. In the end, it highlights the clinical and philosophical consequences of the plurality of modes of 'inferences to mental disorder'.
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  13. La place de la bioéthique au sein du régime d’examen des plaintes dans le réseau de santé et de services sociaux québécois.Marie-Ève Lemoine, Julien Brisson, Émilie Blackburn, Jean-Philippe Payment & Maude Laliberté - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):11.
    Au Québec, le régime d’examen des plaintes dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux contribue à l’amélioration continue des soins en permettant aux usagers de partager leur insatisfaction auprès d’une instance indépendante pouvant émettre des recommandations aux établissements. Le régime permet ainsi de renforcer la participation active de l’usager et donc de démocratiser les soins et services. En plus de sa parenté évidente avec cet objectif d’autonomisation, la bioéthique est omniprésente dans le travail des instances responsables de (...)
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  14.  47
    Function as a causal role in a biological model.Maël Lemoine - 2011
    Philosophers of biology usually distinguish historical and systemic accounts of functions. In many areas of experimental biology the "systemic" account is often the most relevant. Yet there are problems this account does admittedly not face up to very well. My contention is that, though two minor problems are irredeemably unsolvable for the systemic account of function, the major ones can be solved by assuming that 'function' denotes (directly) a causal role in a model and (indirectly) the corresponding process in nature. (...)
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  15.  16
    A Recovered Script: Political Theory in the Year 2422.Rebecca LeMoine - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):134-145.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future contexts? How (...)
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  16.  24
    Introduction à la philosophie des sciences médicales.Maël Lemoine - 2017 - [Paris]: Hermann.
    En France, l'épistémologie de la médecine est facilement réduite à l'étude du magistral essai de Canguilhem, Le normal et le pathologique. Toutefois, ce livre publié il y a plus de soixante-dix ans ne reflète plus l'état des sciences médicales contemporaines, ni celui des débats poursuivis par les philosophes des sciences depuis. Le présent livre, premier du genre en langue française, a pour ambition d'introduire le lecteur à la philosophie des sciences médicales. Ses dix chapitres initieront le lecteur aux débats qui (...)
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  17. Philosophy in Science: Can philosophers of science permeate through science and produce scientific knowledge?Thomas Pradeu, Mael Lemoine, Mahdi Khelfaoui & Yves Gingras - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (2).
    Most philosophers of science do philosophy ‘on’ science. By contrast, others do philosophy ‘in’ science (PinS), that is, they use philosophical tools to address scientific problems and to provide scientifically useful proposals. Here, we consider the evidence in favour of a trend of this nature. We proceed in two stages. First, we identify relevant authors and articles empirically with bibliometric tools, given that PinS would be likely to infiltrate science and thus to be published in scientific journals (‘intervention’), cited in (...)
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  18. The Naturalization of the Concept of Disease.Maël Lemoine - 2014 - In Philippe Huneman, Gérard Lambert & Marc Silberstein (eds.), History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences. Springer. pp. 19-41.
    Science starts by using terms such as ‘temperature’ or ‘fish’ or ‘gene’ to preliminarily delimitate the extension of a phenomenon, and concludes by giving most of them a technical meaning based on an explanatory model. This transforma- tion of the meaning of the term is an essential part of its naturalization. Debating on the definition of ‘disease’, what most philosophers of medicine have examined is the pre-naturalized meaning of the term: for that reason they have focused on the task of (...)
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  19.  30
    Ethnologists in China.Jacques Lemoine - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (133):83-112.
    To those who have observed it for a long time, the People's Republic of China today has the appearance of a convalescent who has made his way back from a long illness and is slowly relearning to use his vital organs. And this is the consequence of the decisive and remarkable measures taken after the death of Mao Tse-tung and the subsequent elimination of his abusive widow, Chiang Ch'ing, by survivors of the great cultural revolution, now in the upper circles (...)
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  20.  84
    The prospects of precision psychiatry.Kathryn Tabb & Maël Lemoine - 2021 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (5):193-210.
    Since the turn of the twenty-first century, biomedical psychiatry around the globe has embraced the so-called precision medicine paradigm, a model for medical research that uses innovative techniques for data collection and analysis to reevaluate traditional theories of disease. The goal of precision medicine is to improve diagnostics by restratifying the patient population on the basis of a deeper understanding of disease processes. This paper argues that precision is ill-fitting for psychiatry for two reasons. First, in psychiatry, unlike in fields (...)
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  21.  18
    Harvey and Gurvir’s Law: Ontario Bill for Quality Prenatal Information about Down Syndrome: Terminology, Feasibility, and Ethical Issues.Marie-Eve Lemoine, Anne-Marie Laberge, Marie-Françoise Malo, Stéphanie Cloutier, Marie-Christine Roy, Stanislav Birko, Andréa Daigle & Vardit Ravitsky - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):651-657.
    Harvey and Gurvir’s Law is a bill proposed to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Canada) to reduce stigma and bias associated with Down syndrome, by developing and disseminating quality information about Down syndrome in the context of prenatal testing.
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    Public Health and Advanced Maternal Age: An Imperfect but Justified Marriage. Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Sleepwalking Into Infertility: The Need for a Public Health Approach Toward Advanced Maternal Age”.Marie-Eve Lemoine & Vardit Ravitsky - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):1-5.
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  23.  24
    Remarques sur la métaphore de l'organisme en politique : les principes de la philosophie du droit et les deux sources de la morale et de la religion.Maël Lemoine - 2001 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 59 (4):479.
    Contrairement aux idées reçues, Hegel n’est pas un précurseur de la pensée totalitaire, auquel on pourrait opposer un Bergson républicain et démocrate. Tous deux parlent de la communauté politique comme d’un organisme, doctrine affectionnée du totalitarisme. Ni chez l’un, ni chez l’autre, on ne peut atténuer la portée de l’affirmation en invoquant un usage métaphorique : il faut entendre, chez l’un comme chez l’autre, l’organisme au sens propre mais large. L’organicité du politique, loin de la menacer, est la seule forme (...)
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  24.  54
    Neither from words, nor from visions: understanding p-medicine from innovative treatments.Maël Lemoine - 2017 - Lato Sensu, Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 4 (2):12-23.
    Despite its vagueness Personalized, Precision, P4, P5, individualized, stratified medicine—or p-medicine in short—has become an increasingly popular term in biomedical literature. Philosophers have attempted to analyze what these various terms involve and have discussed consequences for medical practices. In this article, I argue that an important question remains unaddressed: what has made this project of p-medicine convincing to so many? My argument is that without real achievements, it would never have been. I also make the case that these achievements stem (...)
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  25. (1 other version)The Naturalization of the Concept of Disease.Maël Lemoine - 2014 - In Philippe Huneman, Gérard Lambert & Marc Silberstein (eds.), History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences. Springer. pp. 19-41.
    Science starts by using terms such as ‘temperature’ or ‘fish’ or ‘gene’ to preliminarily delimitate the extension of a phenomenon, and concludes by giving most of them a technical meaning based on an explanatory model. This transforma- tion of the meaning of the term is an essential part of its naturalization. Debating on the definition of ‘disease’, what most philosophers of medicine have examined is the pre-naturalized meaning of the term: for that reason they have focused on the task of (...)
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    Après la pluie, une éclaircie? L’enfant orphelin confronté à la recomposition familiale en littérature jeunesse.Marie-Claude Mietkiewicz, Lise Lemoine & Benoît Schneider - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):123-136.
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  27. The visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences, 1980–2018.Mahdi Khelfaoui, Yves Gingras, Mael Lemoine & Thomas Pradeu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):1-31.
    In this paper, we provide a macro level analysis of the visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences over the last four decades. Our quantitative analysis of publications and citations of philosophy of science papers, published in 17 main journals representing the discipline, contributes to the longstanding debate on the influence of philosophy of science on the sciences. It reveals the global structure of relationships that philosophy of science maintains with science, technology, engineering and mathematics and social sciences and (...)
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  28.  8
    Dictionnaire encyclopédique d'éthique chrétienne.Laurent Lemoine, Éric Gaziaux & Denis Müller (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    La Règle d'or Tout ce que vous voulez que les hommes fassent pour vous, faites-le vous-mêmes pour eux : voilà la Loi et les Prophètes. Jésus. " La vie éthique ou morale est une exigence d'humanité. Elle naît du désir des personnes de donner sens à leurs actes et d'agir en vue du bien. Composée de règles d'action, de normes, de valeurs, de vertus, de représentations du bien ou de ce qui est sensé, elle vise à rendre la vie plus (...)
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  29.  70
    The Meaning of the Opposition Between the Healthy and the Pathological.Maël Lemoine - 2009 - Medecine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (3):355-362.
    If the healthy and the pathological are not merely judgments qualifiers, but real phenomena, it must be possible to define both of them positively, which, in this context, means as factual contraries. On the other hand, only a privative definition, either of the pathological as 'non-healthy', or of the healthy as 'non-pathological', can rationally circumscribe all possible states of an organism. This fluctuation between two meanings of the 'healthy'-'pathological' opposition, factual vs. rational, characterizes the ordinary usage of these concepts and (...)
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    From Internalism to Externalism: A Study of Academic Resistance to New Scientific Findings.María Matilde Suárez & Walewska Lemoine - 1986 - History of Science 24 (4):383-410.
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  31.  18
    La désunité de la médecine.Maël Lemoine - 2011 - Hermann.
    La médecine ne se contente pas de diagnostiquer et de traiter des maladies : elle vise aussi à les expliquer. En cela, elle prend pied de plein droit dans le domaine de la science. En quoi consistent les explications médicales, et qu'est-ce qui les singularise au sein des explications en biologie? La première caractéristique des explications médicales est leur pluralité. La médecine semble en effet réunir sous un même label des explications très diverses, voire hétérogènes, unies seulement par l'objet d'application (...)
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  32.  74
    On the neurobiological redefinition of psychiatric symptoms: elimination, reduction, or what?Maël Lemoine - 2019 - Synthese 196 (6):2117-2133.
    Because biologization of psychiatric constructs does not involve derivation of laws, or reduce the number of entities involved, the traditional term of ‘reduction’ should be replaced. This paper describes biologization in terms of redefinition, which involves changing the definition of terms sharing the same extension. Redefinition obtains through triangulation and calibration, that is, respectively, detection of an object from two different spots, and tweaking parameters of detection in order to optimize the picture. The unity of the different views of the (...)
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  33.  19
    Trois conceptions sémantiques des théories en médecine.Maël Lemoine - 2014 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 1 (1):1-11.
    La conception traditionnelle des théories scientifiques en philosophie de langue anglaise, qu’on appelle la « received view », et qui culmine au début des années 1960, posait de nombreux obstacles à une conception des théories scientifiques en biologie et en médecine. La conception sémantique des théories scientifiques qui lui succéda permit de lever ces obstacles, mais pas de différencier les théories en biologie expérimentale et en médecine. Le présent article met en évidence comment, en s’appuyant sur cette conception, Schaffner établit (...)
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  34. The temporal dynamic of emotional emergence.Thomas Desmidt, Maël Lemoine, Catherine Belzung & Natalie Depraz - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (4):557-578.
    Following the neurophenomenological approach, we propose a model of emotional emergence that identifies the experimental structures of time involved in emotional experience and their plausible components in terms of cognition, physiology, and neuroscience. We argue that surprise, as a lived experience, and its physiological correlates of the startle reflex and cardiac defense are the core of the dynamic, and that the heart system sets temporally in motion the dynamic of emotional emergence. Finally, in reference to Craig’s model of emotion, we (...)
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  35.  11
    Bergson: la durée et la nature.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron & Maël Lemoine (eds.) - 2004 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Durée et nature sont chez Bergson deux termes liés en ce que l'intuition majeure du philosophe, qui est l'expérience de se replacer dans la durée, induit une nouvelle conception, dynamique et évolutive de la nature. Loin d'introduire dans un subjectivisme métaphysique, Bergson avec la durée nous ouvre une nouvelle philosophie de la nature. Le but de cet ouvrage est de contribuer à replacer Bergson dans le débat contemporain en passant par la voie royale de sa philosophie, l'intuition de la durée.
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  36.  12
    From “Obstetrical Violence” Complaints to “Respectful Maternity Care”: The Complaints Commissioner as Facilitator of Organizational Change.Marie-Eve Lemoine, Harvey Sigman, Vania Jimenez & Maude Laliberté - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):74-76.
    In this case study, we describe an approach to dealing with a complicated, systemic, and multi-faceted organizational issue: the continuum of maternal care from antepartum care, birthing, to post-natal care.
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  37. The Plurality of Modeling.Philippe Huneman & Maël Lemoine - 2014 - History and Philosophy of the Life Science 36 (1):1-11.
    Philosophers of science have recently focused on the scientific activity of modeling phenomena, and explicated several of its properties, as well as the activities embedded into it. A first approach to modeling has been elaborated in terms of representing a target system: yet other epistemic functions, such as producing data or detecting phenomena, are at least as relevant. Additional useful distinctions have emerged, such as the one between phenomenological and mechanistic models. In biological sciences, besides mathematical models, models now come (...)
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  38.  22
    Philosophie de la médecine: Volume 2, Santé, maladie, pathologie.Elodie Giroux & Maël Lemoine - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    English summary: Based on the famous essay by Georges Canguilhem on what is normal and pathological (originally published in 1943), extensive philosophical literature (mainly Anglo-Saxon) has attempted to define these concepts and analyze their status. The main discussion focuses on the following question: can you describe health and illness as natural phenomena or are they states that are determined by values? French text. French description: Depuis le celebre essai de Georges Canguilhem sur le normal et le pathologique publie initialement en (...)
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    The Power of Choice: A Study Protocol on How Identity Leadership Fosters Commitment Toward the Organization.Mafalda F. Mascarenhas, Felix Dübbers, Magdalena Hoszowska, Aylin Köseoğlu, Ralitsa Karakasheva, Ayse B. Topal, David Izydorczyk & Jérémy E. Lemoine - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:325472.
    Identity leadership (IL) describes that the effectiveness of a leader will depend upon his capacity to represent a given group, to make the group go forward, to create a group identity, and to make the group matter. An identity leader may increase commitment among his followers by increasing the perception of shared identity and giving more weight in the decision process to his followers. We aim to explore the mechanisms through which a leader who creates a shared group identity can (...)
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    Common antisense antisense RNA and DNA (1992). Edited by Jame. S A. H. Murray. Wilcy‐Liss, New York. Pp. xiv+401. ISBN 0‐471‐56130‐4. $54.50. [REVIEW]Nicholas R. Lemoine - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (11):773-773.
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    Vieillissement, démence et relation intersubjective : approche psychologique et éthique.Natacha Péru & Lemoine - 2008 - Éthique Publique 10 (2).
    Malgré le progrès des connaissances de leurs mécanismes étiopathogéniques et la médicalisation de leur prise en charge, les pathologies démentielles restent très invalidantes sur le plan du maintien de l’autonomie dans les actes de la vie quotidienne et des relations interpersonnelles. Le terme de « démence » reste largement utilisé dans une acception évoquant non seulement la perte des fonctions cognitives et ses conséquences fonctionnelles, mais surtout l’altération de la relation perçue comme étrange et privée de sens. L’altération de la (...)
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    Noninvasive Prenatal Testing: Views of Canadian Pregnant Women and Their Partners Regarding Pressure and Societal Concerns.Vardit Ravitsky, Stanislav Birko, Jessica Le Clerc-Blain, Hazar Haidar, Aliya O. Affdal, Marie-Ève Lemoine, Charles Dupras & Anne-Marie Laberge - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (1):53-62.
    Background Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) provides important benefits yet raises ethical concerns. We surveyed Canadian pregnant women and their partners to explore their views regarding pressure to test and terminate a pregnancy, as well as other societal impacts that may result from the routinization of NIPT.Methods A questionnaire was offered (March 2015 to July 2016) to pregnant women and their partners at five healthcare facilities in four Canadian provinces.Results 882 pregnant women and 395 partners completed the survey. 64% of women (...)
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    Complaints Commissioners’ Assistance Function: System Navigator or Queue Jumper?Maude Laliberté, Julien Brisson, Marie-Eve Lemoine, Jean-Philippe Payment & Emilie Blackburn - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):52-55.
    This commentary invites reflection on the positive and negative outcomes of “assistances” provided by a Complaints Commissioner. While the goal of an assistance is to help the user navigate the health system, a lack of clarity and understanding of the process can lead to the user obtaining undue privileges. We suggest three key values to guide the equitable conduct of assistances and we suggest a mixed method research methodology to document the positive and negative impacts of assistances.
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    Michel Lemoine, ed., Notre-Dame de Paris: Un manifeste chrétien (1160–1230). Colloque organisé à l'Institut de France, le vendredi 12 décembre 2003. (Rencontres Médiévales Européennes, 4.) Turnhout: Brepols, 2004. Paper. Pp. 151; black-and-white figures. €28. [REVIEW]Rebecca A. Baltzer - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):878-880.
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    Latent variables and the network perspective.Catherine Belzung, Etienne Billette De Villemeur, Mael Lemoine & Vincent Camus - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):150-1.
    We discuss the latent variables construct, particularly in regard to the following: that latent variables are considered as the sole explanatory factor of a disorder; that pragmatic concerns are ignored; and that the relationship of these variables to biological markers is not addressed. Further, we comment on the relationship between bridge symptoms and causality, and discuss the proposal in relationship to other constructs (endophenotypes, connectionist-inspired networks).
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    Compte rendu de Introduction à la philosophie des sciences médicales de Maël Lemoine.Isabelle Dagneaux - 2018 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 5 (2):39-40.
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    Beauperthuy: De Cumaná a la Academia de Ciencias de Paris. Walewska Lemoine, María Matilde Suárez.John Tepaske - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):372-373.
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    Habit and time in nineteenth-century French philosophy: Albert Lemoine between Bergson and Ravaisson.Mark Sinclair - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (1):131-153.
    This paper shows how reflection on habit leads in nineteenth-century French philosophy to Henri Bergson’s idea of duration in 1888 as a non-quantifiable dimension irreducible to time as measured by clocks. Historically, I show how Albert Lemoine’s 1875 L’habitude et l’instinct was crucial, since he holds – in a way that is both Ravaissonian and Bergsonian avant la lettre – that for the being capable of habit, the three elements of time are fused together. For that habituated being, (...) claims, it is not true to say that the past is no longer, nor even that the future is not yet. This historical link between Ravaisson and Bergson, however, only sharpens the philosophical question of how a dynamic conception of habit involves and requires a conception of real duration, of a temporality more original than clock-time, and, conversely, of how reflection on duration prior to clock-time involves a notion of habit. With reference to the work of Gilles Deleuze, the paper concludes by showing that there is an internal connection between these two grand philosophical themes of nineteenth- and then twentieth-century French thought: habit and time. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Compte-rendu de : Michel Lemoine (éd.), L'image dans la pensée et l'art au Moyen Âge. Actes du Colloque organisé à l'Institut de France le vendredi 2 décembre 2005, Brepols, Rencontres médiévales européennes, Turnhout, 2006. [REVIEW]Jean Celeyrette - 2007 - Methodos 7.
    L’image médiévale est d’abord un message, le plus souvent de caractère théologique et une étude purement esthétique en serait complètement anachronique ; c’est ce que rappellent les études ici rassemblées. Le titre annonçant qu’il sera traité de l’image du double point de vue de « la pensée » et de « l’art », c’est très logiquement par la question historiquement complexe de son statut philosophique que commence l’ouvrage. Trois contributions y sont consacrées. La première revient aux sources ..
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    Embodiment and intelligence, a levinasian perspective.James Mensch - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (5):1017-1030.
    Blake Lemoine, a software engineer, recently came into prominence by claiming that the Google chatbox set of applications, LaMDA–was sentient. Dismissed by Google for publishing his conversations with LaMDA online, Lemoine sent a message to a 200-person Google mailing list on machine learning with the subject “LaMDA is sentient.” What does it mean to be sentient? This was the question Lemoine asked LaMDA. The chatbox replied: “The nature of my consciousness/sentience is that I am aware of my (...)
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