Results for 'A. Panichas George'

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  1. Joseph Conrad: His Moral Vision.George A. Panichas - 2005
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  2. The Moral Sense in Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim.George A. Panichas - 2000 - Humanitas 13 (1):10-30.
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  3. Growing Wings to Overcome Gravity: Criticism as the Pursuit of Virtue.George A. Panichas - 1999
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    Dostoevsky's Spiritual Art: The Burden of Vision.George Panichas - 2017 - Routledge.
    Fyodor Dostoevsky's highest and most permanent achievement as a novelist lies in his exploration of man's religious complex, his world and his fate. His primary vision is to be found in his last five novels: Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Devils, A Raw Youth, and The Brothers Karamazov. This volume culminates twenty years of studying, teaching, and writing on Dostoevsky. Here George A. Panichas critically analyzes the religious themes and meanings of the author's major works. Focusing on (...)
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    Mill's Flirtation with Socialism and Communism.George E. Panichas - 1983 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):251-270.
    This paper evaluates Mill’s arguments favoring a society with an economy dominated by “a principle of individual property” over alternatives dominated by the common ownership of the conditions of life and wealth. Mill’s strategy for addressing the problem of property consists in conducting a comparison of competing systems of ownership (capitalism, socialism or communism) on the criterion of which best distributes wealth to the individual. Mill applies this criterion in the evaluation of these systems in light of three considerations: (1) (...)
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  6. Introduction.George E. Panichas - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (8):559 - 560.
    This Introduction to the Journal of Business Ethics 10: 559-560, 1991 provides a brief description of the proceedings of the Louise MacCraken Olmsted Symposium in Ethics that occurred on March 22 and 23, 1990 at Lafayette College, Easton, PA. This symposium gathered five scholars (Bruce Jennings, Kenneth Kipnis, Judith Swazey, Pat Woolf, and Patricia Werhane) each of whom presented a paper (with commentaries) concerning the moral evaluation of the conduct of persons acting in their capacities as working professionals. These papers (...)
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  7. Hobbes, prudence, and basic rights.George E. Panichas - 1988 - Noûs 22 (4):555-571.
    This paper provides a reconsideration of Hobbes’s conception of basic rights, specifically its denial of the doctrine that someone’s having a basic right always correlates with another or others having duties or obligations with respect to that right. Various arguments denying this doctrine are considered, including that basic rights are effectively moral exemptions from obligations or are subordinate components of a system of Hohfeldian liberty-rights to which no person-specific duty or obligation correlates. But these maneuvers side-step the full force of (...)
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  8. The basic right to liberty.George E. Panichas - 1990 - Journal of Social Philosophy 21 (1):55-76.
    This paper addresses the question of how the right to liberty, qua moral right, is best understood, and then how that right can serve as a basic human right of indispensable value. Section I argues that if the right to liberty is understood as a general right to license, then, as Ronald Dworkin argues, it cannot be a basic right in any morally meaningful sense. Sections II, III, and IV consider and reject the view that the right to liberty, as (...)
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  9. Kafka's Afflicted Vision: A Literary-Theological Critique.George Panichas - 2004 - Humanitas 17 (1-2):83-107.
  10. Prolegomenon to a Political Theory of Ownership.George E. Panichas - 1978 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 64 (3):333-355.
    If a political theory of ownership is to be acceptable, it must rationally prescribe one system or model of ownership as opposed to others. Such a prescription would be rational only if strong normative arguments could be mounted to show it more desirable than its competitors. Thus, the prefatory work for such a theory would consist in the construction of viable models of ownership from which a sound choice could be made. This project would, however, be successful only if originating (...)
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  11. Rape, Autonomy, and Consent.George E. Panichas - 2001 - Law and Society Review 35 (1):231-269.
    Stephen Schulhofer's book, Unwanted Sex: The Culture of Intimidation and the Failure of Law, provides a carefully constructed and powerful case for rape-law reform. His effort is distinctive in three ways: (1) it takes the basic question of reform to be the moral one of determining which sexual interactions ought to be the subject of the criminal law, (2) it takes the right of sexual autonomy to serve as the basis for any successful legal reform, and (3) it makes a (...)
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  12. Marx’s Theory of Revolutionary Change.George E. Panichas & Michael E. Hobart - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):383 - 401.
    G. A. Cohen’s pathbreaking book, Karl Marx‘s Theory of History: A Defence (1978), prompted extensive reconsideration of historical materialism. This effort recast ongoing debates about Marx‘s theory of history by defending the view that historical materialism embodies a set of substantive claims as appropriately subject to analytical scrutiny as those of any other viable theory. Specifically, Cohen advances one central substantive claim that summarizes his reading of the “Preface” to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. “History is, fundamentally, (...)
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  13. Hume's Theory of Property.George E. Panichas - 1983 - Archiv Fur Rechts - Und Sozialphilosphie 69 (3):391-405.
    This article starts by identifying the phenomena that Hume thought to explain the need, hence utility, of a rudimentary system of property. Then, and prominently, it considers Hume’s arguments for believing that only a system of private property is justifiable. Hume argues that only in a society with adequate but not absolute abundance and altruism does property have a point or purpose. Property’s basic job, then, is that of addressing conflict and disagreement among persons of limited altruism and means, and (...)
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    Rights, respect, and the decent society.George E. Panichas - 2000 - Journal of Social Philosophy 31 (1):51–67.
    In The Decent Society, Avishai Margalit’s contends that a good society is a decent society, a society whose institutions do not humiliate persons. However, Margalit affirms a stark distinction between the decent society and a just society. “[T]he concept of a decent society … is not necessarily connected with the concept of rights. Even a society without a concept of rights can develop concepts of honor and humiliation appropriate for a decent society.” This paper rejects this position by showing that (...)
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  15. The structure of basic human rights.George E. Panichas - 1985 - Law and Philosophy 4 (3):343 - 375.
    This paper offers a theory of the structure of basic human rights which is both compatible with and clarificatory of the traditional conception of such rights. A central contention of the theory is that basic rights are structurally different from other kinds of moral rights, such as special rights, because of differences both in the way in which basic rights have content and the model on which basic rights are correlative with duties. This contention is exploited to develop and defend (...)
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  16. An Intrusion Theory of Privacy.George E. Panichas - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (2):145-161.
    This paper offers a general theory of privacy, a theory that takes privacy to consist in being free from certain kinds of intrusions. On this understanding, privacy interests are distinct and distinguishable from those in solitude, anonymity, and property, for example, or from the fact that others possess, with neither consent nor permission, personal information about oneself. Privacy intrusions have both epistemic and psychological components, and can range in value from relatively trivial considerations to those of profound consequence for an (...)
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  17. Vampires, Werewolves, and Economic Exploitation.George E. Panichas - 1981 - Social Theory and Practice 7 (2):223-242.
    For Marx, capitalism depends upon and perpetuates a system of relationships whereby members of one class of persons, capitalists, enjoys extensive and pervasive social and economic advantages over others. But on Marx’s analysis, this system of being-taken-advantage-of—this system of economic exploitation—is not to be understood by appeal to discrete incidents of fraud, bad deals, theft, or under-remuneration. Rather, the central contention of Marx’s analysis, the contention analyzed, developed, and evaluated here, is that economic exploitation is class exploitation, a phenomenon that (...)
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  18. Simple rape and the risks of sex.George E. Panichas - 2006 - Law and Philosophy 25 (6):613 - 661.
    This paper addresses the question of whether rape-law reform should treat all cases of simple rape—nonconsensual sex that does not involve the use or credible threat of physical force—as a serious crime. Of primary concern here are those sexual interactions, often referred to as “date rape” or “acquaintance rape,” where the coercive element is not physical force as evidenced by reasonable resistance. Should, as some feminist reformers have urged, felony rape include sexual interactions that may not be fully consensual but (...)
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  19. A Review of: "Consent to Sexual Relations". [REVIEW]George E. Panichas - 2006 - Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 32:191-93.
    In this clearly written, impressively researched, and engaging book, Alan Wertheimer makes a distinctive and important contribution to the contemporary literature on the nature and value of consent to sexual relations. Wertheimer’s effort is two-fold. First, and as an informative yet logically distinct backdrop, he provides a specific theory of sexual desire and behavior, viz., evolutionary psychology. Second, he identifies and defends moral and legal principles of valid consent to sex. In chapter-length discussions, Wertheimer shows why matters of consent are (...)
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  20. The Rights-Ascription Problem.George E. Panichas - 1997 - Social Theory and Practice 23 (3):365-398.
    This paper addresses the rights-ascription problem—the problem of determining what properties or characteristics one must have to qualify for fundamental rights. As argued here, one traditional response to this problem—the “humanity standard”—fails because rather than recognizing the problem as one of moral predication regarding actual individuals, it accepts nominal membership in a vaguely defined class (e.g., “humanity”) as adequate grounds for ascribing these rights. This failure encourages the hypothesis pursued here, viz., that qualifying for fundamental rights is a matter of (...)
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  21. Being Unfree to and Being Unfree.George E. Panichas - 1979 - Analysis 39 (1):61 - 63.
    This paper provides a criticism of J. P. Day's analysis (in "Threats, Offers, Law, Opinion and Liberty," American Philosophical Quarterly, 14, 4 1977) of a person's being unfree to do or perform some act or other just in case that person is rendered retrievably unable to do so by the actions of another. Because Day contends that his analysis also applies to liberty, this criticism applies to that analysis as well.
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    Marx Analysed: Philosophical Essays on the Thought of Karl Marx.George E. Panichas - 1985 - University Press of America.
    This collection includes an Introduction and nine articles by contemporary scholars writing on essential topics in Marx’s thought. The topics include: Marx’s theory of history and historical development, his theories of alienation and economic exploitation, his views on ideology, and his critique of justice (including distributive justice) and rights. These essays emphasize the value—specifically with respect to issues in social, moral, and political philosophy—of textually self-conscious, scrupulously analytic investigations of Marx’s work. They afford clarification and elucidation of many of Marx’s (...)
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    Marx's Moral Skepticism.George E. Panichas - 1981 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (Marx and Morality):45-66.
    This paper considers the theoretical and methodological origins of Marx's beliefs and attitudes towards classical moral theories and then their implications for two basic questions: (1) In what way, if any, was Marx suspicious and dismissive of classical moral theories (e.g., utilitarianism or Kantianism), and (2) what sort of moral theory can a proponent of Marx's moral views support? Here it is argued that there is a clear sense in which Marx would not have been automatically suspicious of moral ideas, (...)
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    Sex, Morality, and the Law.Lori Gruen & George E. Panichas (eds.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    Sex, Morality, and the Law combines legal and philosophical arguments to focus on six controversial topics; homosexual sex, prostitution, pornography, abortion, sexual harassment, and rape. Suitable for use in several disciplines at both undergraduate and graduate levels, this anthology includes critical court decisions and essays representing a diversity of conservative, liberal, and feminist positions.
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    The critical legacy of Irving Babbitt: an appreciation.George Andrew Panichas - 1999 - Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books.
    "Babbitt's writings were uncompromising and controversial. His ideas revolved around the ultimate problems of life, literature, and thought and were rooted in and impelled by mural concerns and imperatives.
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    Irving Babbitt in our time.George Andrew Panichas & Claes G. Ryn (eds.) - 1986 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
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    The Simone Weil Reader.Simone Weil & George Andrew Panichas - 1977 - Wakefield, Rhode Island / London: Moyer Bell.
    The immediate and guiding aim of this book is to introduce the contemporary reader to the work and thought of Simone Weil.
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  28. A Treatise on the Principles of Human Knowledge.George Berkeley - 1710 - Aaron Rhames. Edited by G. J. Warnock.
  29. (1 other version)Powers: A Study in Metaphysics.George Molnar & Stephen Mumford - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (221):674-677.
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  30. (1 other version)The Works of George Berkeley. Vol. IV.A. A. Luce & George Berkeley - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (101):171-171.
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    Russell W. Stine.George A. Clark & George K. Strodach - 1959 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 33:120 -.
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  32. What makes a lottery fair?George Sher - 1980 - Noûs 14 (2):203-216.
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    The intelligibility of speech as a function of the context of the test materials.George A. Miller, George A. Heise & William Lichten - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (5):329.
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    Patterned Hippocampal Stimulation Facilitates Memory in Patients With a History of Head Impact and/or Brain Injury.Brent M. Roeder, Mitchell R. Riley, Xiwei She, Alexander S. Dakos, Brian S. Robinson, Bryan J. Moore, Daniel E. Couture, Adrian W. Laxton, Gautam Popli, Heidi M. Clary, Maria Sam, Christi Heck, George Nune, Brian Lee, Charles Liu, Susan Shaw, Hui Gong, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Theodore W. Berger, Sam A. Deadwyler, Dong Song & Robert E. Hampson - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:933401.
    Rationale: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the hippocampus is proposed for enhancement of memory impaired by injury or disease. Many pre-clinical DBS paradigms can be addressed in epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial monitoring for seizure localization, since they already have electrodes implanted in brain areas of interest. Even though epilepsy is usually not a memory disorder targeted by DBS, the studies can nevertheless model other memory-impacting disorders, such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Methods: Human patients undergoing Phase II invasive monitoring for (...)
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    Symbols in life and art: the Royal Society of Canada symposium in memory of George Whalley.James A. Leith & George Whalley (eds.) - 1987 - Kingston, Ont.: Published for the Royal Society of Canada by McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Printbegrænsninger: Der kan printes 10 sider ad gangen og max. 40 sider pr. session.
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    Animal, Vegetable, or Woman?: A Feminist Critique of Ethical Vegetarianism.Kathryn Paxton George - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    Challenges current claims that humans ought to be vegetarians because animals have moral standing.
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    A Materialist Theory of Justice: The One, the Many, the Not-Yet.George Sotiropoulos - 2019 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A Materialist Theory of Justice offers an innovative reading of justice that draws from diverse theoretical currents, tracing in the process an age-old tradition of critical thought.
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    Automatic Facial Coding Versus Electromyography of mimicked, passive, and inhibited facial response to emotional faces.T. Tim A. Höfling, Georg W. Alpers, Antje B. M. Gerdes & Ulrich Föhl - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-16.
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    Virgil. A Study in Civilized Poetry.George E. Duckworth & Brooks Otis - 1965 - American Journal of Philology 86 (4):409.
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  40. Great Religions of Modern Man: Buddhism,.Richard A. Gard, George Brantl, Louis Renou, John Alden Williams, Arthur Hertzberg & J. Leslie Dunstan - 1961
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    The Thing In Itself In Kantian Philosophy.George A. Schrader & George Schrader - 1949 - Review of Metaphysics 2 (3):30-44.
    So far as his critical employment of the concept is concerned, the thing in itself is not a second object. The thing in itself is given in its appearances; it is the object which appears. In other words, the object is taken in a twofold sense. There is no contradiction, Kant maintained, in supposing that one and the same will is, as an appearance, determined by the laws of nature and yet, as a thing in itself, is free. He never (...)
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  42. (1 other version)A Central Theistic Argument.George N. Schlesinger - 1994 - In Jeff Jordan (ed.), Gambling on God: Essays on Pascal’s Wager. Rowman & Littlefield.
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  43. Plato on knowing a tradition.George Rudebusch - 1988 - Philosophy East and West 38 (3):324-333.
    The success of relativism as a solution to skeptical problems depends upon the relativist's object of knowledge being invulnerable to the same skeptical doubts which we might have about the undiscovered world. Naturally, therefore, a traditional Platonic response is to argue that the relativist's selected object of knowledge cannot be known apart from knowledge of the undiscovered world. This indeed is the Platonic thesis of this article, as it applies to tradition. I begin by giving a philosophical analysis of tradition.
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    The ordinary and the mystical? Exploring the intersections of Spirituality and Public Theology.Dion A. Forster & George W. Marchinkowski - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    This article starts from the premise that the ordinary is the mystical. It does so by delving into the dynamic relationship between Spirituality and Public Theology against the backdrop of Christianity’s societal roles. It explores how Christian theology extends beyond private faith to address broad societal issues. Through a critical examination of Public Theology’s distinct contributions to contemporary discussions, the article emphasises the necessity of engaging Spirituality – with its focus on the divine-human relationship into this discourse.Contribution: This synthesis aims (...)
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    Disgust: Sensory affect or primary emotional system?Judith A. Toronchuk & George Fr Ellis - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (8):1799-1818.
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    A. Gerbi on La Disputa del Nuovo Mondo.George Boas - 1956 - Journal of the History of Ideas 17 (1/4):422.
  47. Dare the school build a new social order?George S. Counts - 2004 - In David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton (eds.), The Curriculum Studies Reader. Routledge.
    George S. Counts was a_ _major figure in American education for almost fifty years. Republication of this early work draws special attention to Counts’s role as a social and political activist. Three particular themes make the book noteworthy because of their importance in Counts’s plan for change as well as for their continuing contem­porary importance: _ _Counts’s crit­icism of child-centered progressives; _ _the role Counts assigns to teachers in achieving educational and social re­form; and Counts’s idea for the re­form (...)
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  48. A key to Heidegger's «Beiträge».George J. Seidel - 1995 - Gregorianum 76 (2):363-372.
    L'A. donne une interprétation radicalement nouvelle des «Beiträge zur Philosophie» de Heidegger en en faisant une «contribution» à une christologie. Il fait reposer son interprétation sur l'utilisation du terme ancien «seyn» et non «sein» qui, chez Fichte, désigne Dieu, tandis que «Daseyn» désigne Jésus-Christ. Dès lors se trouve reposée la question de l'ontothéologie selon Heidegger.
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  49. A theorem of diophantos.George Xeroudakis - forthcoming - Eleutheria.
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    A Short Course in the Philosophy of Religion.George Pattison - 2001 - SCM Press.
    Aimed at introductory students and general readers interested in thinking and God in the context of modern thought and experience. Discusses work by Kant, Dostoevsky and Heidegger amongst others.
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