Results for 'A. T. Luttrell'

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  1. Recalling the 'Goulburn Strike': An interview with Brian Keating.John Luttrell - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (3):349.
    Luttrell, John It is now fifty years since the 'Goulburn Strike' when six Catholic schools in Goulburn New South Wales were closed by their bishops on Friday 13 July 1962 as a protest against the failure of the state government to fund the upkeep of the schools. On the following Monday 1500 pupils from these Catholic schools applied for enrolment in the government schools of Goulburn. There were places for only 640 applicants and these were selected mainly by ballot. (...)
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    Decisions Relating to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: commentary 2: Some concerns.Steven Luttrell - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (5):319-320.
    In March of this year the British Medical Association , the Resuscitation Council and the Royal College of Nursing published guidelines outlining the legal and ethical standards for decision making in relation to cardiopulmonary resuscitation .1 The guidance follows a year of increasing public awareness and concern about the issue and builds upon joint guidance issued by these institutions in June 1999.In April 2000 Age Concern issued a press release stating that “some doctors are ignoring national guidelines on the resuscitation (...)
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    Demanding Apology, Demanding Forgiveness.Johanna C. Luttrell - 2023 - Social Philosophy Today 39:165-182.
    American media is very quick to ask victims of anti-Black violence if they forgive their victimizers. The media’s nearly reflexive framing is a symptom of the broader, cultural demand that Black victims grant forgiveness for racist violence. Reading Juliet Hooker and Myisha Cherry, this paper links the current preponderance of such demand for forgiveness to a demand for apology in America’s lynching tradition. Drawing from Sonya Renee Taylor, Ida B. Wells, and Frederick Douglass, I give a history to both kinds (...)
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    Alienation and global poverty: Arendt on the loss of the world.Johanna C. Luttrell - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (9):869-884.
    The language that global justice theorists use to characterize global poverty, the terms of duty and charity, are detached discourses that fail to capture the reality of poverty as most people currently experience it, as slum dwellers living on the outskirts of the world’s megacities. In contrast, the language of alienation better captures the experience of global, urban poverty. This article’s aim is to draw from Hannah Arendt to form a new idea of alienation that responds to the specific conditions (...)
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    Giovanni contarini, a venetian at oxford: 1392-1399.Anthony Luttrell - 1966 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 29 (1):424-432.
  6.  33
    Genetics and geography in Tinos. A study of the influence of geographical barriers.D. F. Roberts, V. Luttrell & C. Pasternak Slater - 1965 - The Eugenics Review 56 (4):185.
  7.  30
    Women’s Work and Assets: Considering Property Ownership from a Transnational Feminist Perspective.Johanna C. Luttrell - 2020 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6 (1).
    Development literature on global gender empowerment devotes much attention to employment, a code word for the inclusion of women’s labor in the global market. Recent work in transnational feminisms shows that the emphasis on employment over assets may not prevent exploitation of labor and perpetuity of poverty. This paper first highlights research on how women are increasingly taking on too much responsibility, working in a confluence of survival-oriented activities that undermine their own well-being. I also address how women are increasingly (...)
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  8. Theme isssue,“Contributions to a Feminist Psychological Anthropology,”.Katherine Frank, Wendy Luttrell, Ernestine McHugh, Naomi Quinn, Susan Seymour & Claudia Strauss - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (4).
  9. t Disability justice, bioenhancement and the escatological imagination.T. Devan Stahl - 2023 - In Devan Stahl, Bioenhancement technologies and the vulnerable body: a theological engagement. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
  10.  74
    The grammar of the essential indexical.T. Martin & W. Hinzen - unknown
    Like proper names, demonstratives, and definite descriptions, pronouns have referential uses. These can be 'essentially indexical' in the sense that they cannot be replaced by non-pronominal forms of reference. Here we show that the grammar of pronouns in such occurrences is systematically different from that of other referential expressions, in a way that illuminates the differences in reference in question. We specifically illustrate, in the domain of Romance clitics and pronouns, a hierarchy of referentiality, as related to the topology of (...)
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  11. Thinking harder about nudges.T. M. Wilkinson - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (8):486-486.
    According to much modern social psychology, behavioural economics and common sense, people's actions and beliefs are frequently the result of rapid intuitive thought rather than careful deliberation. Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, in their influential book, Nudge, synthesised the literature and used it as the basis for numerous policy ideas.1 Not least, they gave the word ‘nudge’ as a handy term to apply to all sorts of ways of taking advantage of people's psychological quirks without coercing or bribing them. But (...)
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  12. In Defense of Thrasymachus.T. Y. Henderson - 1970 - American Philosophical Quarterly 7 (3):218 - 228.
    An interpretation is offered of Thrasymachus' account of the nature of justice and just action in book I of the 'Republic' which is internally consistent throughout on all important points. Just action is not defined in terms of its practical consequences, as many commentators assume, but rather in terms of its logical consequences 'vis-a-vis' just agents. When one man acts justly towards another, the performance of the just act renders the just agent vulnerable to unfair or unjust exploitation by those (...)
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    Rethinking practices and structures.T. J. Berard - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (2):196-230.
    Social theory remains puzzled by the relation between practices and structures, or the link between ‘micro’ and ‘macro’. Grand theorists including Giddens and Bourdieu have gained distinction for their writings on these questions, trying to marry insights and concerns of a ‘micro’ sociological nature with traditional ‘macro’ structural questions including inequality, power relations, and social reproduction. These theorists arguably fail, however, in their attempts to move social theory beyond traditional dualisms. Relevant but neglected contributions from ethnomethodology are introduced and compared (...)
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  14. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (367-323 BC).T. H. Irwin - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Gregory M. Reichberg & Bernard N. Schumacher, The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 56.
  15. Utilitarianism and Respect for Human Life.T. L. S. Sprigge - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (1):1.
    Bentham and Mill and probably most utilitarians have a good deal in common with Hobbes and Spinoza as moral thinkers. For they share a commitment to deriving ethics from the actual and normal motivitations of human beings as creatures of the natural world rather than, like Kant and many religious moralists, from some transcendent realm to the requirements of which natural man has a duty to submit without expecting any help therefrom in the satisfaction of his natural inclinations. In the (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Santayana.T. L. S. Sprigge (ed.) - 1974 - New York: Routledge.
    This classic study of Santayana was the first book to appear in the _Arguments of the Philosophers_ series. Growing interest in the work of this important American philosopher has prompted this new edition of the book complete with a new preface by the author reassessing his own ideas about Santayana and reflecting the new interest in the philosopher's work. A select bibliography of works published about Santayana since the book's first appearance is also included.
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  17. Sadanuṣṭhānadarpaṇaviśodhanam.T. E. Veeraraghavacharya - 1978 - Śrīraṅgam: Śrīvāṇīvilāsamudraṇālayaḥ.
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    Sphere Pluralism and Critical Individuality.T. Puolimatka - 2004 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 23 (1):21-39.
    While discussing critical individuality as oneof the main goals of liberal education, theemphasis has usually been on direct educationalmeasures. Much less attention has been given tothe social preconditions for its development.This paper discusses the societal aspect of thequestion by employing the notion of spherepluralism. The attempt is to point out someways in which the diversified nature of societycan be employed in its full potential for thedevelopment of critical individuality. Thearticle aims to outline a form of spherepluralism, which is based on (...)
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  19. (1 other version)IT. M. Scanlon.T. M. Scanlon - 2000 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 74 (1):301-317.
    [T. M. Scanlon] It is clearly impermissible to kill one person because his organs can be used to save five others who are in need of transplants. It has seemed to many that the explanation for this lies in the fact that in such cases we would be intending the death of the person whom we killed, or failed to save. What makes these actions impermissible, however, is not the agent's intention but rather the fact that the benefit envisaged does (...)
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  20.  21
    You don’t have to believe everything you read: background knowledge permits fast and efficient validation of information.T. Richter, S. Schroeder & B. Wöhrmann - 2009 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 96 (3):538–58.
    In social cognition, knowledge-based validation of information is usually regarded as relying on strategic and resource-demanding processes. Research on language comprehension, in contrast, suggests that validation processes are involved in the construction of a referential representation of the communicated information. This view implies that individuals can use their knowledge to validate incoming information in a routine and efficient manner. Consistent with this idea, Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that individuals are able to reject false assertions efficiently when they have validity-relevant (...)
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  21.  11
    T. H. Green and the Eternal Consciousness.T. L. S. Sprigge - 2006 - In The God of Metaphysics. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    This chapter examines the philosophy of T. H. Green, the initial leading figure among the absolute idealists who dominated British philosophy in the late 19th century. Green sought to establish that the existence and nature of human beings, especially of the human mind, was not susceptible of a purely empirical or scientific explanation. He claimed that the only possible explanation involved reference to the existence of an Eternal Consciousness, which was gradually realizing itself in the temporal world, more especially in (...)
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  22.  38
    Stephen Frederick T. Antig II Photographs.Stephen Frederick T. Antig Ii - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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    Reflexive paradoxes.T. S. Champlin - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction At some point in your life you will have told a lie and have been believed. You will have deceived the person to whom you lied. ...
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    Introduction.T. David & S. Powell - unknown
    In this book we provide a collection of writing by eminent scholars in our field, in which we asked them to engage with the thoughts of many of the philosophers and theorists who have influenced thinking and practice about young children and their care and education. Some readers may feel their favourite philosopher or theorist has been omitted or been given little space but we do not claim the Handbook is comprehensive – there is always more to say, more to (...)
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    Reason in the ZEITGEIST.T. D. Stokes - 1986 - History of Science 24 (2):111-123.
    The pages of the history of science record thousands of instances of similar discoveries having been made by scientists working independently of one another. Sometimes the discoveries are simultaneous or almost so; sometimes a scientist will make anew a discovery which, unknown to him, somebody else had made years before.
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    Futility, communicating bad news and burnout in doctors and other health practitioners.T. Carmichael & L. Gower - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e1930.
    Futile medical interventions have virtually no chance of success. Doctors might perform such procedures because of pressure from families or patients. The doctor might also have an ulterior motive of gain or prefer to do it rather than take time to communicate with the patient about a poor prognosis. Established ways to communicate bad news to patients are not always used by managing physicians with time constraints. The SPIKES protocol method is outlined to assist in sensitive communication where further intervention (...)
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    Physicians and obligatory social activism.T. Forcht Dagi - 1988 - Journal of Medical Humanities 9 (1):50-59.
    This essay examines the claim that physicians have a special obligation to engage in social and political activism. Four ethical paradigms are considered. Two paradigms, the preventive medicine and the social medicine models, embody a limited professional obligation to advocate the priority of health in society; the justification for a more aggressive stance is limited by the failings of paternalism. The radical model and the heroic model speak to issues of personal virtue rather than professional obligation; they are not strictly (...)
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    Perceiving the sacred feminine: Some thoughts on the cycladic figurines and Jungian archetypes.T. V. Danylova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:88-97.
    Purpose. Without claiming to explain the meaning and purpose of the Cycladic figurines of the canonical type in the context of the culture that created them, the author attempts to investigate the phenomenon of these ancient images and their impact on contemporary humans through the lens of Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious and the archetypes. Theoretical basis. The primary meanings and purposes of the Cycladic figurines are ambiguous and incomprehensible to us. We cannot understand them in the (...)
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    Neurotrophic factors, neuronal selectionism, and neuronal proliferation.T. Elliott & N. R. Shadbolt - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):561-562.
    Quartz & Sejnowski (Q&S) disregard evidence that suggests that their view of dendrites is inadequate and they ignore recent results concerning the role of neurotrophic factors in synaptic remodelling. They misrepresent neuronal selectionism and thus erect a straw-man argument. Finally, the results discussed in section 4.2 require neuronal proliferation, but this does not occur during the period of neuronal development of relevance here. Footnotes1 Address correspondence to TE at
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    Event Mining Through Clustering.T. V. Geetha & E. Umamaheswari - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (1):59-73.
    Traditional document clustering algorithms consider text-based features such as unique word count, concept count, etc. to cluster documents. Meanwhile, event mining is the extraction of specific events, their related sub-events, and the associated semantic relations from documents. This work discusses an approach to event mining through clustering. The Universal Networking Language -based subgraph, a semantic representation of the document, is used as the input for clustering. Our research focuses on exploring the use of three different feature sets for event clustering (...)
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    Suggested roles of endosymbiosis and encephalitis in the evolution of sexual behavior.T. Halabi - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (1):145-147.
    We group encephalitic behaviors as shown in Table 1. It is striking that the majority of these behaviors, namely groups 1 and 2, help spread viral and bacterial infections underlying encephalitis, a situation similar to Ophiocordyceps unilateralis .Could some of the behaviors in Table 1 be of utility to the host as well? Note that the behavioral symptoms may not coincide with impaired intellect . Furthermore, these symptoms may be vestigial in the sense of having been of utility to the (...)
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    The Text of the Bellvm Gallicvm and the Work of H. Meusel.T. Rice Holmes - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (03):156-.
    Every one who has used Dr. Meusel's excellent edition of Caesar's Bellum Ciuile will welcome the first volume, comprising Commentaries I.–IV., of his final edition of the Bellum Gallicum. Nominally, each of the two books is a revision of the work of other men,–in the former case of Kraner and Hofmann, in the latter of Kraner and Dittenberger; really each, especially the latter, contains the fruit of so much independent research that the personalities of the older editors are obscured. That (...)
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    Metaphorical Meaning and its Interpretations.T. Kulka - 2006 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics 42 (1-3):64-79.
    The author continues the preceding exchange of views on the nature of metaphor with the American philosopher Nelson Goodman that has been published in 'Poetics Today'. He offers his own theory of metaphor, which assumes a middle ground between Goodman's semantic theory and Davidson's pragmatic conception. The article also presents another argument in support of the thesis that there are only true metaphors, and that the logical space assumed by Goodman for the metaphorical falsehood is already reserved for the category (...)
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    Understanding Teaching and Learning: Classic Texts on Education by Augustine, Aquinas, Newman and Mill.T. Brian Mooney & Mark Nowacki - unknown
    Generous selections from these four seminal texts on the theory and practice of education have never before appeared together in a single volume. The Introductions that precede the texts provide brief biographical sketches of each author, situating him within his broader historical, cultural and intellectual context. The editors also provide a brief outline of key themes that emerge within the selection as a helpful guide to the reader. The final chapter engages the reflections of the classic authors with contemporary issues (...)
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  35. History and the movement of ideas in Slovak political thinking.T. Pichler - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (10):684-689.
    The paper examines that aspect of Slovak political thinking, which contributed to the building of the Slovak nation and the Slovak civil society. The memories of the past, the constituting of national memory were the crucial elements of the thinking, which contributed to the creation of Slovak nation. They initiated the project of constituting of national subjectivity. The historical speculations were only protopolitical. The political journalism of Slovak writer Dominik Tatarka serves as an example of deviation from the politics justified (...)
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  36. Slovak political thought in the 20th century-Essential issues.T. Pichler - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (1):15-20.
    The Slovak political thought of the 19th century mingles with the nation-building efforts. According to the author the nationalists were one of the intellectual elites of Central Europe, which based their nation-building on ethnic ideology. This ideology embodied various elements, such as passive historicism, "prilepenectvo" and the will to become a historical subject. They made use of a non-political concept of nation as a language an cultural community, which gradually became politicized. The ultimate objective was the institutionalization of the nation, (...)
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  37. The concept of indoctrination.T. Puolimatka - 1996 - Philosophia Reformata 61 (2):109-134.
    Although the word “indoctrination” in the English language originally had a neutral meaning almost equivalent to educative teaching, it gradually assumed the connotations of coercive teaching and became disassociated from the emerging concepts of democratic education. During this century it finally acquired a derogatory connotation similar to propaganda and brainwashing and came to be regarded as the antithesis of education for life in a democracy. McClellan regards indoctrination as a counterfeit of teaching in two crucial senses: While the counterfeit and (...)
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  38.  25
    Extrapolated lifelines.T. E. Rowell - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):903-903.
    Extending lifelines still further, beyond determinism leads to doubt about females' ability to select mates with “good genes,” and to a scenario for troop selection and to a link with questions of scale in ecology.
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    (1 other version)Selected Correspondence (1872–1904).T. L. S. Sprigge - 2001 - Bradley Studies 7 (1):78-100.
    Everyone interested in Bradley will be delighted at this excellently edited edition of his correspondence. My remit as a reviewer is to comment on the first of the two volumes of correspondence, which covers the years June 1872 to December 1904. My only complaint is that it would have been convenient to have a list of the letters, each with dates and correspondent, in the prefatory material.
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    Entering the Archive: “Il faut défendre la société” and Michel Foucault’s Critical Archeological Inquiry into the History and Method of Genealogy.Michiel T'Jampens & Jelle Versieren - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (3):240-263.
    ABSTRACT In “Il faut défendre la société”, Foucault attempted to historicize and criticize Nietzsche’s equating of the social with struggle. In order to do so, Foucault produced a descriptive discursive history of his genealogical project by deploying the method of the critical archaeology. Foucault realized thereinafter that his archaeological exposition of the genealogical discourse in fact laid bare a close historical and conceptual bond between genealogy and modern racial discourses. In the first lectures, Foucault, unearthed the genealogical discourse hidden in (...)
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    Charisma and Democracy: Max Weber on the Riddle of Political Change in Modern Societies.Pedro T. Magalhães - 2021 - Topoi 41 (1):69-78.
    The elite theory of Max Weber has recently been rediscovered by political scientists and political theorists who have sought to explore both the heuristic and the normative potential of plebiscitary leader democracy. Notwithstanding the merits of this wave of studies, this paper argues that attention should be shifted from Weber's context-specific defence of plebiscitary leadership in post-WWI Germany to his broader conception of charisma as an attempt to grasp the enigma of significant social and political change. Contemporary democratic theory, this (...)
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    Spinoza and the Theory of Active Tolerance.Lars Tønder - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):687-709.
    This paper considers the politics of tolerance through the lens of Spinoza’s philosophy of immanence. The contention is that Spinoza’s philosophy of immanence provides us with a better conceptualization of the relationship between tolerance and power, and that it in so doing reinvigorates a theory of active tolerance that, for the most part, has been lost in contemporary democratic theory. Spinoza’s philosophy of immanence does so because it animates a sensorial orientation to politics, one that heightens our attention to the (...)
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    De Wereld En De Ziel.Ineke Van'T. Spijker - 1997 - Bijdragen 58 (1):56-78.
    Hugh of Saint-Victor's De Sacramentis is usually regarded as an early summa of theology. As such it has been regarded as not totally satisfying, lacking a clearness of its conceptual system when compared with the work of e.g. Peter the Lombard. What may make up for this lack of system and even confer coherence, be it on a different level, is Hugh's pedagogical view of creation and salvation history, as it shows most clearly in his tropological digressions. In his exposition (...)
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    Christian social doctrine: dialogue with the modern world.T. V. Yevdokymova - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 15:13-22.
    Constant changes in the economic, social and political life of the people of the nations force the Church to enter into a dialogue with the world. The object of her attention is culture, politics, science, dealing with human problems. Church leadership of various Christian denominations sees the possibility of applying their socio-political guides in a wide socio-cultural space - personal and family circles, political and public activities, social life in general.
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    God and the meanings of life: what God could and couldn't do to make our lives more meaningful.T. J. Mawson - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Some philosophers have thought that life could only be meaningful if there is no God. For Sartre and Nagel, for example, a God of the traditional classical theistic sort would constrain our powers of self-creative autonomy in ways that would severely detract from the meaning of our lives, possibly even evacuate our lives of all meaning. Some philosophers, by contrast, have thought that life could only be meaningful if there is a God. God and the Meanings of Life is interested (...)
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  46. The Greatest Happiness Principle*: T. L. S. Sprigge.T. L. S. Sprigge - 1991 - Utilitas 3 (1):37-51.
    My purpose in what follows is not so much to defend the basic principle of utilitarianism as to indicate the form of it which seems most promising as a basic moral and political position. I shall take the principle of utility as offering a criterion for two different sorts of evaluation: first, the merits of acts of government, social policies, and social institutions, and secondly, the ultimate moral evaluation of the actions of individuals. I do not take it as implying (...)
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    Locating Consciousness: Why Experience Can't Be Objectified.T. W. Clark - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (11-12):60-85.
    The world appears to conscious creatures in terms of experienced sensory qualities, but science doesn't find sensory experience in that world, only physical objects and properties. I argue that the failure to locate consciousness in the world is a function of our necessarily representational relation to reality as knowers: we won't discover the terms in which reality is represented by us in the world as it appears in those terms. Qualia -- arguably a type of representational content -- will therefore (...)
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    T.H. Green's Theory of Punishment.T. Brooks - 2003 - History of Political Thought 24 (4):685-702.
    Green agrees with Kant on the abstract character of moral law as categorical imperatives and that intentional dispositions are central to a moral justification of punishment. The central problem with Kant's account is that we are unable to know these dispositions beyond a reasonable estimate. Green offers a practical alternative, positing moral law as an ideal to be achieved, but not immediately enforceable through positive law. Moral and positive law are bridged by Green's theory of the common good through the (...)
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    The therapy of desire in early Confucianism: Xunzi.T. C. Kline - 2006 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 5 (2):235-246.
  50. The disease of masturbation: value and the concept of disease.T. Engelhardt - 1999 - In James Lindemann Nelson & JHilde Lindemann Nelson, Meaning and medicine: a reader in the philosophy of health care. New York: Routledge. pp. 5--15.
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