Results for 'A. Yer’Omenko'

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  1.  9
    Ethics in a secularized culture.A. Yer’Omenko & T. Schyrytsya - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:80-85.
    The main message of the authors is directed to the actualization of the question: is it possible for religious ethics as a deontology of praxis to be adequate to the modern man in the society of "risks and threats". If we compare the socio-economic tendencies towards modernization and globalization and the socio-humanitarian related to the universalization of values, and to identify within the various social projects - liberalism and neo-conservatism - the mechanisms of their interpenetration and mutual determination, then the (...)
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  2. Ecophilosophy and the contemporary environmental debate.Karl Georg Høyer - 2012 - In Roy Bhaskar, Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  3. From ecophilosophy to degrowth.Karl Georg Høyer & Petter Næss - 2012 - In Roy Bhaskar, Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  4. Introductory perspectives.Karl Georg Høyer & Petter Næss - 2012 - In Roy Bhaskar, Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  5. Precautionary science : the ecophilosophical foundation.Karl Georg Høyer - 2012 - In Roy Bhaskar, Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Interdisciplinarity, Ecology and Scientific Theory: The Case of Sustainable Urban Development.Karl Høyer & Petter Naess - 2008 - Journal of Critical Realism 7 (2):179-207.
    Interdisciplinarity has been a key term in the ecological debate ever since its advent in the early 1960s. The paper addresses these historical links and how the two terms ‘interdisciplinary’ and ‘ecology’ have influenced each other. The later concept ‘sustainable development’ is also truly interdisciplinary, including physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural, as well as normative, mechanisms, contexts and effects operating at scales ranging from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Policies to promote sustainable development need to be based on the type (...)
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    The Ayn-Dayn Distinction in Ḥanafī Legal Thought and Its Effect on Legal Arrangements -The Example of Labor Contract and Contract of Construction -.Ünal Yerli̇kaya - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):289-319.
    The ayn-dayn distinction in Ḥanafī legal thought shapes directly many regulations related to the law of obligations, from the legitimacy conditions of the contracts to the principles of compensation obligation. Three aspects are important in understanding the formative function of this distinction. The first of them is what is the conceptual content of ayn and dayn in Ḥanafī terminology. The second of them is what kind of relationship there is between the qualities of goods and ayn and dayn. The third (...)
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    The Legal Nature of The Ta‘ātī Took Place After The Void/Bāṭil and Invalid/Fāsid Sales Contract in Ḥanafī Legal Thought.Ünal Yerli̇kaya - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1095-1121.
    In Ḥanafī legal thought, ta‘ātī (mutual delivery of goods and price) has been seen as a sales contract without the need for an additional legal transaction. This situation raises the question of whether the delivery transaction took place after a void (bāṭil) or invalid (fāsid) sales contract can be considered as a new contract that is revealed through ta‘ātī. In this study, which we aim to answer the aforementioned question, first of all, the issue of what kind of relationship is (...)
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  9.  37
    Teaching Business Ethics to Critical Students—Adopting the Stance of Political CSR.Kristian Høyer Toft - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 12:77-92.
    This paper provides ways of responding to critical students when teaching business ethics and corporate social responsibility. A common premise of teaching pedagogy is to approach students from their “zone of proximal development”. To get an understanding of students’ critical prior conceptions, the ideal type of the “liberal communist” is invoked as suggestive of how students might think about business ethics and CSR. Two pedagogical approaches are suggested to address students’ a priori scepticism of business ethics and CSR. First, a (...)
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  10.  55
    Are Land Deals Unethical? The Ethics of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Developing Countries.Kristian Høyer Toft - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (6):1181-1198.
    Proponents of large-scale land acquisitions (LaSLA) argue that poor countries could benefit from foreign direct investment in land (World Bank 2011), while opponents argue that LaSLA is nothing more than neo-colonial theft of poor peasants’ livelihoods, i.e., land grabbing (Borras and Franco in Yale Hum Rights Dev L J, 13: 507–523, 2010a). To ensure responsible agricultural investments (RAI), a voluntary “code of conduct” for land acquisitions has been proposed by the World Bank (2011) and the FAO (2012). A critical reaction (...)
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  11. GMOs and Global Justice: Applying Global Justice Theory to the Case of Genetically Modified Crops and Food. [REVIEW]Kristian Høyer Toft - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2):223-237.
    Proponents of using genetically modified (GM) crops and food in the developing world often claim that it is unjust not to use GMOs (genetically modified organisms) to alleviate hunger and malnutrition in developing countries. In reply, the critics of GMOs claim that while GMOs may be useful as a technological means to increase yields and crop quality, stable and efficient institutions are required in order to provide the benefits from GMO technology. In this debate, the GMO proponents tend to rely (...)
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  12.  82
    The Human Rights Approach to Climate Change: An Overview.Kristian Høyer Toft - 2013 - Environmental Ethics 35 (2):209-225.
    It is often argued that concerns about the equity of a global climate agreement might appropriately be addressed in the language of human rights. The human rights approach has been promoted by a number of international political actors, including the UN Human Rights Council. As such, human rights are instrumentally applied as a solution to what could be called the “justice problem” in climate negotiations. In order to assess the degree to which human rights could be a useful approach to (...)
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  13.  43
    Ungovernable: reassessing Foucault’s ethics in light of Agamben’s Pauline conception of use.Morten Sørensen Thaning, Marius Gudmand-Høyer & Sverre Raffnsøe - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (3):191-218.
    In the final volume of his Homo Sacer series, The use of bodies, Agamben claims that for Foucault ethics never escapes the horizon of governmentality and therefore his conception of ethics is ‘strategic.’ In light of this criticism, motivated by Agamben’s Pauline conception of ‘use,’ we reassess the status and function of ethics in Foucault’s late lectures. We investigate how Foucault’s approach to ethics develops from his treatment of liberal governmentality and also how its methodological foundation is developed in an (...)
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  14.  54
    Philosophical Practice as Self-modification: An Essay on Michel Foucault’s Critical Engagement with Philosophy.Sverre Raffnsøe, Morten Thaning & Marius Gudmand-Høyer - 2018 - Foucault Studies 25:8-54.
    This essay argues that what makes Michel Foucault’s oeuvre not only stand apart but also cohere is an assiduous philosophical practice taking the form of an ongoing yet concrete self-modification in the medium of thought. Part I gives an account of three essential aspects of Foucault’s conception of philosophical activity. Beginning with his famous characterization of philosophy in terms of ascēsis, it moves on to articulate his characterization of philosophical practice as a distinct form of meditation, differing from both Cartesian (...)
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    The Kierkegaardian Concept of Conscience as an Implication of the External World: A Critique to the Cartesian Approach.Yerlis Guardo González - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 30:211-237.
    Resumen: Este artículo pretende mostrar cómo el filósofo danés Søren Kierkegaard, mediante su concepto de conciencia, establece una crítica al escepticismo cartesiano al afirmar la imposibilidad de la duda del mundo exterior, puesto que la misma posibilidad de la duda supone de antemano la existencia de una conciencia que produce y es producida por la relación tricotómica entre idealidad y realidad, o, con otras palabras, mediatez e inmediatez. Para ello se realizará en primer lugar la explicación del planteamiento cartesiano, a (...)
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  16. Though This Be Merhod, Yer There Is Madness in It: Paranoia and Liberal Episremology.Catherine Clement - 1997 - In Diana Tietjens Meyers, Feminist social thought: a reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 342.
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    Make yer spuds and whatever. [REVIEW]Jean Kazez - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 53 (53):116-117.
    Clearly some parental aims get the parent-child relationship started on the wrong foot. It’s not OK to have a child so you’ll later have a tennis partner. It is OK to want responsibility, focus, bonding with a partner, and the pleasures of daily life with children.
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    Nûriyye Mel'mîleri Divanlarında Yer Alan Bestelenmiş İl'hîler.Elif Sena Avlar & Serbülend Arpa - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:339-368.
    IX. yüzyılda Horasan bölgesinde ortaya çıkan Melâmiyye, XXI. yüzyıla kadar varlığını sürdürmüştür. Hamdûn el-Kassâr’ın (ö. 884) temsil ettiği Melâmetiyye-i Kassâriyye, Hacı Bayram-ı Velî’nin (ö. 1430) halifesi Ömer Dede Sikkînî’nin (ö. 1475) temsil ettiği Melâmetiyye-i Bayramîyye ve Muhammed Nûrü’l-Arabî’nin (ö. 1888) temsil ettiği Melâmetiyye-i Nûriyye olarak 3 dönemde incelenmektedir. Melâmîliğin bu devrelerine dair akademik düzeyde çalışmalar yapılmış olsa da mûsikî yönüne dair çalışmaların çok az olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın evreni Nûriyye Melâmîleri, örneklemi ise Nûriyye Melâmîlerine dair mûsikî ile ilgili çalışmaları kapsamaktadır. (...)
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  19. GMOs and global justice: Applying global justice theory to the case of genetically modified crops and foods.K. Høyer Toft - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2):223-237.
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  20.  24
    Devlet Ve Özel Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Umutsuzluk Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi Ve Çeşitli Değişkenlerle İl.İbrahim Yerli̇kaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):865-865.
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  21. Marianne baudin.Kucak Açan Yer - 2006 - Cogito 49:75.
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  22. Miranda Fricker, 'epistemic injustice – power and the ethics of knowing'. [REVIEW]Kristian Høyer Toft - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (1):117-119.
  23.  22
    I begynnelsen var Trump.Eirik Høyer Leivestad - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 41 (2-3):11-32.
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    Long-term Effect of Aesthetic Education on Visual Awareness.Bjarne Sode Funch, Louise Lidang Krøyer, Tone Roald & Elisabeth Wildt - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (4):96-108.
    The psychological effects of aesthetic education have often been discussed, and major studies such as Michael Parsons’s inquiry into art understanding show that the development of understanding works of visual art is influenced by education.1 His findings show that the way people talk about art can be structured in five stages of development according to the model of Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. He believes that the understanding of art, just like general cognition, is based on mental maturation but (...)
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    Historiens underjordiske strøm HannahArendtTotalitarismens opprinnelse.Oslo: Vidarforlaget 2024.Eirik Høyer Leivestad - 2025 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (3-4):256-278.
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    Styr og bli styrt.Eirik Høyer Leivestad - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (3-4):275-294.
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  27. Responsibility for climate change-the human rights approach.Kristian Høyer Toft - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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  28.  79
    Michel Foucault , The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978-1979 . Edited by Michel Senellart. Translated by Graham Burchell (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ISBN: 978-1403986542. [REVIEW]Marius Gudmand-Høyer & Thomas Lopdrup Hjorth - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:99-130.
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    Reclaiming the System: Moral Responsibility, Divided Labour, and the Role of Organisations in Society L. Herzog, 2018 Oxford, Oxford University Press. xi 312 pp. [REVIEW]Kristian Høyer Toft - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):335-337.
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    Yer Adları Terimleri Sözlüğü.Serdar Yavuz - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):2239-2239.
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  31. J^ yer Company Publishers, Inc. PO Box 958• Salem, NH 03079 or call (603) 898-1200 Archaeology catalog# 4720free upon request. [REVIEW]Gallery Appointment - 1991 - Minerva 2.
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  32. yers's History as Past Ethics. [REVIEW]Randolph S. Bourne - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy 10 (23):641.
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    yers's An Introduction to Experimental Psychology. [REVIEW]W. B. Pillsbury - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):54.
  34.  31
    Türkiye Göçmeni Ve Yerli Kıbrıslılarda Dindarlık: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Örneği.Asım Yapıcı & Yusuf Emre - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 18 (47).
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    Tanzimat Döneminde Sarıyerli Hoca Sadık Efendi Vakası.Ahmet Şamil Gürer - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):41-41.
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  36.  14
    İlkokul Programında Yer Alan Serbest Etkinlik Uygulamalarının İyileştirilmesi: Ö.Yusuf Ay - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):371-371.
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    Buhârî’ni̇n si̇yer ve meğâzî ri̇vâyetleri̇ne yaklaşimi.Osman Bilgen - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (30):1-1.
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    Atasözü ve Deyimlerdeki Yer Adları.Hatice EMİNOĞLU - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):119-119.
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    Kur’an’da Yer Alan ‘Şeytan’ın Adımlarını İzlemeyin’ İfadesinin Anlam ve Yorumu Üzerine.Muhammed Ersöz - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):639-639.
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    Sosyal Bilgiler Programlarında Yer Alan Beceriler Hakkında Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Görüşleri (İzmir.Celal Mutluer - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):355-355.
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    Eğitim Denetmenlerinin Zorunlu Yer Değiştirme Uygulamasına İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme.Salih Paşa Memi̇şoğlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):1585-1585.
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    Öğretmenlerin Zorunlu Yer Değiştirmesi Uygulamasına Yönelik Lise Öğretmenlerinin Görüşleri.Salih Paşa Memi̇şoğlu - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):1121-1121.
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  43. Beden İçi Başka Bir Yer ve Başka Bir Zaman.Maryse Pervanchon - 2000 - Cogito: Otomobil Özel Sayısı 24:141-150.
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    Yayınlarda Yer Alan Okul Yöneticilerinin Yeterliklerinin Analizi (ULAKBİM 2004-2.Şefika Şule ERÇETİN - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 14):239-239.
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    Türkçe Ders Kitaplarında Yer Alan Masalların Öğretim Programları ve.Derya Özcan - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):1781-1781.
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    Divanü Lûgat-it-Türk'te Yer Şekillerine İlişkin Terimler.Özlem Akbulak - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):17-17.
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  47.  23
    “Li̇mler, peygamberleri̇n vri̇sleri̇di̇r” i̇baresi̇ni̇n yer aldiği bi̇r hadi̇si̇n mutbaat ve şevhi̇d açisindan değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇.Akyüz Hüseyin - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):93-93.
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  48.  18
    Epiktetos'un Stoik Ontolojide İrade ve Özgürlüğe Yer Açma Çabası.Rıza Bakiş - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 10):167-167.
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    2011 Yılı Yönetici Atama ve Yer Değiştir.Beşir Demi̇r Selçuk - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):123-143.
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    Bilinmeyen Bir Şair Sel'mî, Tasavvufî Risalesi ve Bu Risalede de Yer Alan "Sult.Fatma Büyükkarci Yilmaz - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):85-85.
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