Results for 'Abraham Ascher'

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  1. National Bolshevism in Weimar Germany: Alliance of Political Extremes Against Democracy.Abraham Ascher & Guenter Lewy - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  2. PA Stolypin: The Search for Stability in Late Imperial Russia. By Abraham Ascher.F. S. Zuckerman - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:568-570.
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    Giorgio Agamben. Profanations. Translated by Jeff Fort (New York: Zone Books, 2007), 98 pp. $25.95 cloth. Abraham Ascher. A Community under Siege: The Jews of Breslau under Nazism. Studies in Jewish History and Culture (Palo Alta, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007), x+ 324 pp. $55.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Giovanni Cianci, Jason Harding & T. S. Eliot - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (6):797-800.
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    Nationalismus als Umkehr: Etwas zur jüdischen Meta-Politik der Moderne.Asher D. Biemann - 2022 - Naharaim 16 (1):3-27.
    “Metapolitics” is an ambiguous term. Recent philosophers have claimed the concept for neo-conservative, even right-wing agendas, while others have employed it to signal radical discontent with politics altogether. Beginning with Peter Viereck’s characterization of Nazi ideology as “Meta-Politics,” this essay works its way back from an “irrational,” “volkish,” and supposedly “conservative” concept to another use of “Metapolitics” as found in Martin Buber and Hermann Cohen that was rooted in a liberal tradition of the Enlightenment—especially in August Schlözer and Saul (...). Both, Buber and Cohen, linked “metapolitical politics” to prophetic and theopolitical sensibilities. As such, the prophetic motif of turning loomed large at the center of their respective philosophies of nationalism. But it was a theme that also connected a wide range of thinkers, including Hans Kohn and Leo Baeck, and which emerged as a Leitmotiv of cultural and spiritual Zionism as well as of the modern Renaissance of Jewish culture. Drawing on Moritz Lazarus, the essay argues that the recurring trope of turning helped establish a paradoxical nationalism founded not upon self-empowerment and political othering but on self-criticism. Concluding with a brief excursion on Abraham Joshua Heschel’s prophetic politics in the Civil Rights Movement, the essay gestures towards the possibility of nationalism as collective introspection and self-reformation. (shrink)
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    Ascher, Renouvier und der französische Neukritieismus.M. Ascher - 1901 - Kant Studien 5 (1-3).
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    There Is No Rawlsian Theory of Corporate Governance.Abraham Singer - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (1):65-92.
    ABSTRACT:The major aim of this article is to show that John Rawls’s theory of justice cannot be applied effectively to questions of business ethics and corporate governance. I begin with a reading of Rawls that emphasizes both the critical and pragmatic nature of his theory. In the second section I look more closely at the notion of society’s “basic structure” and its place within Rawls’s theory. In the third section, I argue that “the corporation” cannot be understood as part of (...)
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  7. The Human Microbiome: Ethical, Legal, and Social Concerns.Abraham Schwab, Rosamond Rhodes & Nada Nada - unknown
    The human microbiome is the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cover our skin, line our intestines, and flourish in our body cavities. Work on the human microbiome is new, but it is quickly becoming a leading area of biomedical research. What scientists are learning about humans and our microbiomes could change medical practice by introducing new treatment modalities. This new knowledge redefines us as superorganisms comprised of the human body and the collection of microbes that inhabit it and reveals how (...)
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    Creative thinking as orchestrated by semantic processing vs. cognitive control brain networks.Anna Abraham - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    A Δ22 well-order of the reals and incompactness of L.Uri Abraham & Saharon Shelah - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 59 (1):1-32.
    A forcing poset of size 221 which adds no new reals is described and shown to provide a Δ22 definable well-order of the reals . The encoding of this well-order is obtained by playing with products of Aronszajn trees: some products are special while other are Suslin trees. The paper also deals with the Magidor–Malitz logic: it is consistent that this logic is highly noncompact.
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  10. Information theory and esthetic perception.Abraham A. Moles - 1966 - Urbana,: University of Illinois Press.
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    Misunderstanding the Merton Thesis: A Boundary Dispute between History and Sociology.Gary Abraham - 1983 - Isis 74 (3):368-387.
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    Making a Case When Theory is Unfalsifiable.Abraham Hirsch & Neil de Marchi - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (1):1.
    Milton Friedman's famous methodological essay contains, along with much else, some strands that look as though they were taken from the “empirical-scientific” fabric described by Karl Popper. Think, for example, of Friedman's conviction that the way to test a hypothesis is to compare its implications with experience. Or of his more or less explicit espousal of the view that while no amount of facts can ever prove a hypothesis true, a single “fact” may refute it. Or of his assertion that (...)
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    The Place of Philosophy in Africa.Abraham Olivier - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):502-520.
    Recently there has been a strong movement towards reflections about the “geography of reason,” especially among philosophers who deal with postcolonial thinking. There is also a renewed interest among different schools of thought, both analytical and continental, in the ways our “life world,” or “embodiment,” or “situated cognition,” shape our minds and eventually the philosophy we do. As a result, we have seen some recent publications on the nature and import of the concept of “place” by authors such as Edward (...)
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    Heidegger in the township.Abraham Olivier - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (2):240-254.
  15. Coding with ladders a well ordering of the reals.Uri Abraham & Saharon Shelah - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):579-597.
    Any model of ZFC + GCH has a generic extension (made with a poset of size ℵ 2 ) in which the following hold: MA + 2 ℵ 0 = ℵ 2 +there exists a Δ 2 1 -well ordering of the reals. The proof consists in iterating posets designed to change at will the guessing properties of ladder systems on ω 1 . Therefore, the study of such ladders is a main concern of this article.
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    The new world of philosophy.Abraham Kaplan - 1961 - New York,: Random House.
    Eight lectures on contemporary world philosophies, first delivered at U.C.L.A. in 1959-1960.
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    The Problem of Defining Pain.Abraham Olivier - 2008 - Philosophy Today 52 (1):3-14.
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    Phenomenology of the human condition.Abraham Olivier - 2011 - South African Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):184-196.
    This paper addresses two issues. The first part deals with the classic question of human nature by focussing on the problem of human consciousness, in particular, the relationship between subjective and intentional consciousness. I argue for an essential link between subjectivity and intentionality by suggesting a phenomenological conception of the human condition. On this basis, the second part deals with what I call ‘humane’ ethics. This part shows that my conception of the human condition contains a humane approach to morality.
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    Self-evaluation.Abraham Tesser - 2003 - In Mark R. Leary & June Price Tangney, Handbook of Self and Identity. Guilford Press. pp. 275--290.
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    The importance of heritability in psychological research: The case of attitudes.Abraham Tesser - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (1):129-142.
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    Liminaire.Luc Abraham - 1997 - Horizons Philosophiques 8 (1):I.
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    Trans*versal animacies and the mattering of Black trans* political life.Abraham Weil - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):191-202.
    This article explores trans*versal connections between transness, blackness, and the animal. Drawn from the conceptual vocabulary of cultural theorist Félix Guattari, this article argues that the central purpose of transversality is to create linkages between previously unexplored singularities in a field, and then to create connections in other conceptual topographies at different levels of discursivity. The article advances an extension of Guattari’s “transversal” into a more capacious concept of the “trans*versal,” to analyze the #blacklivesmatter and #blacktranslivematter movements that draw on (...)
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    Ethnomathematics.Marcia Ascher & Robert Ascher - 1986 - History of Science 24 (2):125-144.
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  24. Was ist Schmerz?Abraham Olivier - 2007 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32 (1):7-30.
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  25. La création scientifique.Abraham A. Moles - 1957 - Genève: R. Kister.
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    A Poetics of Psychoanalysis: "The Lost Object: Me".Nicolas Abraham, Maria Torok & Nicholas Rand - 1984 - Substance 13 (2):3.
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    Complete Concepts and Leibniz's Distinction between Necessary and Contingent Propositions.William E. Abraham - 1969 - Studia Leibnitiana 1 (4):263 - 279.
  28. Cumulative Case Arguments for Christian Theism.William J. Abraham - 1987 - In Basil Mitchell, William J. Abraham & Steven W. Holtzer, The rationality of religious belief: essays in honour of Basil Mitchell. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 17--37.
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    Complex dynamics and the social sciences.Ralph Abraham - 1987 - World Futures 23 (1):1-10.
    Complex dynamical systems theory is an evolution of nonlinear dynamics, developed for modeling and simulation of biological systems. Here, we speculate on the potential of this strategy for the emerging theory of social systems, and the implications for the future of our own planetary society.
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  30. Divine Revelation and the Limits of Historical Criticism.William J. Abraham - 1982 - Religious Studies 19 (1):109-111.
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    Liminaire.Luc Abraham - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 10 (1):7-9.
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    Acquaintance, description, and empiricism.Leo Abraham - 1938 - Journal of Philosophy 35 (2):45-48.
  33. A Paradigm of African Society.W. Emmanuel Abraham - 1995 - In Safro Kwame, Readings in African Philosophy: An Akan Collection. University Press of America. pp. 39--65.
  34. A time for teaching.Willard Abraham - 1964 - New York,: Harper & Row.
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    A Theology of Evangelism: The Heart of the Matter.William J. Abraham - 1994 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 48 (2):117.
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  36. Business and Politics under the Persian Empire (2004)[63: 2]: JAOS 126 (2006) 123-125 (R. Da Riva).K. Abraham - 2006 - Topoi 14 (2):399-403.
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    Confessing Christ: A Quest for Renewal in Contemporary Christianity.William J. Abraham - 1997 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 51 (2):117-129.
    As mainline Protestantism increasingly accommodates to contemporary cultural forms, the confessing movement of the United Methodist Church (and other traditions) has a key role to play, lifting high the rich canonical heritage of the church universal.
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    Commentary: Creativity and Memory: Effects of an Episodic-Specificity Induction on Divergent Thinking.Anna Abraham - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Écritures et confessions.Luc Abraham - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 10 (1).
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    Checkpoint signaling: Epigenetic events sound the DNA strand‐breaks alarm to the ATM protein kinase.Robert T. Abraham - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (7):627-630.
    The ATM protein kinase is centrally involved in the cellular response to ionizing radiation (IR) and other DNA double‐strand‐break‐inducing insults. Although it has been well established that IR exposure activates the ATM kinase domain, the actual mechanism by which ATM responds to damaged DNA has remained enigmatic. Now, a landmark paper provides strong evidence that DNA‐strand breaks trigger widespread activation of ATM through changes in chromatin structure.1 This review discusses a checkpoint activation model in which chromatin perturbations lead to the (...)
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  41. Comps. Terminologie zur neueren Linguistik.W. Abraham - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (3):435-440.
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  42. Das Konzept der'projektiven Sprache'bei Ernst Jandl.Werner Abraham - 1982 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 56 (4):539-558.
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    Discrimination learning as a function of prior relevance of a partially reinforced dimension.Fred Abraham, Isidore Gormezano & Richard Wiehe - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (3):242.
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    Global Robustness with Respect to the Loss Function and the Prior.Christophe Abraham & Jean-Pierre Daures - 2000 - Theory and Decision 48 (4):359-381.
    We propose a class [I,S] of loss functions for modeling the imprecise preferences of the decision maker in Bayesian Decision Theory. This class is built upon two extreme loss functions I and S which reflect the limited information about the loss function. We give an approximation of the set of Bayes actions for every loss function in [I,S] and every prior in a mixture class; if the decision space is a subset of R, we obtain the exact set.
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  45. In general and in prospect: 'The psychology of science' (a sum-up).Abraham H. Maslow - 1980 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):39-49.
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    India's Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation. George Perkovich.Itty Abraham - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):423-424.
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    Legal Ethics and the Legal Services Ombudsman.Ann Abraham - 1998 - Legal Ethics 1 (1):23-24.
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    On forcing without the continuum hypothesis.Uri Abraham - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):658-661.
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    Le Talmud.Abraham Cohen - 1933 - Paris,: Payot.
    Nul n'était mieux qualifié que l'autour de ce livre - docteur en philosophie et rabbin de la synagogue de Birmingham - pour entreprendre le véritable tour de force qu'il a réussi en réalisant la synthèse de l'enseignement contenu dans le Talmud. La richesse de son information n'a d'égale que la maîtrise avec laquelle il répartit son savoir en une suite de chapitres aussi clairs que précis. Cet ouvrage, pendant longtemps encore, rendra d'inestimables services à ses lecteurs.
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    A Recent Volume in the Kohlhammer Tosefta SeriesDie Tosefta: Seder, II: Moed; Schekalim: Jom ha-kippurim.Abraham Goldberg, Frowald G. Huttenmeister & Goran Larsson - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (3):548.
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