Results for 'Adam Shmidt'

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  1.  70
    Discussion Note: Selim Berker’s Combinatorial Argument against Practical Reasons for Belief.Adam Shmidt - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (2):763-776.
    In a recent paper, Selim Berker develops an abductive argument against practical reasons for belief that exploits an alleged difference between epistemic and practical reasons. According to Berker, epistemic reasons for belief balance to suspension. If I have equally strong epistemic reasons to believe and disbelieve some proposition, I lack sufficient reason either to believe or disbelieve it. Rather, I have decisive reason to suspend judgment. In contrast, practical reasons balance to permission. If I have equally strong practical reasons to (...)
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    Determined by Reasons: A Competence Account of Acting for a Normative Reason, written by Susanne Mantel.Adam Shmidt - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (2):249-252.
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  3. Everyday Attitudes About Euthanasia and the Slippery Slope Argument.Adam Feltz - 2015 - In Jukka Varelius & Michael Cholbi (eds.), New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 145-165.
    This chapter provides empirical evidence about everyday attitudes concerning euthanasia. These attitudes have important implications for some ethical arguments about euthanasia. Two experiments suggested that some different descriptions of euthanasia have modest effects on people’s moral permissibility judgments regarding euthanasia. Experiment 1 (N = 422) used two different types of materials (scenarios and scales) and found that describing euthanasia differently (‘euthanasia’, ‘aid in dying’, and ‘physician assisted suicide’) had modest effects (≈3 % of the total variance) on permissibility judgments. These (...)
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  4. The changing significance of chance experiments in technological development.Matthias Adam - manuscript
    Industrial drug design methodology has undergone remarkable changes in the recent history. Up to the 1970s, the screening of large numbers of randomly selected substances in biological test system was often a crucial step in the development of novel drugs. From the early 1980s, such ‘blind’ screening was increasingly rejected by many pharmaceutical researchers and gave way to ‘rational drug design’, a method that grounds the design of new drugs on a detailed mechanistic understanding of the drug action. Surprisingly, however, (...)
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    Identifying roles for neurotransmission in circuit assembly: insights gained from multiple model systems and experimental approaches.Adam Bleckert & Rachel Ol Wong - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (1):61-72.
  6. Wielość relatywizmów? [J. Majcherek, Źródła relatywizmu w nauce i kulturze XX wieku, Kraków 2004].Adam Chmielewski - 2006 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:184-189.
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    Strategy as enough: Statesmanship as the peacemaker in Hobbes's behemoth.Adam Yoksas - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (2):226-251.
    Behemoth is traditionally read as supporting Hobbes's science from the treatises, but it also goes beyond the strict limitations of Hobbes's science. Understanding how Hobbes expands his approach requires that we examine how A's confidence in institutional reform is met by B's cynicism. Hobbes shifts from an analysis of general inclinations to an analysis of the particular strategies that skilful sovereigns use to acquire and maintain peace. The result is a theory of the state that relies less on> institutional arrangement, (...)
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    Conference Report: ASSC 8.Adam Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (9):70-75.
    language="EN"> The eighth annual meeting of the ASSC took place between June 25th and 28th in Antwerp, an extremely beautiful Belgian city, a major European port and the home of the Peter Paul Rubens, 'the prince of painters and painter of princes'. The meeting was held in a University building at the edge of the old town. This part of the city is remarkable both for the elegance of its architecture and for its innumerable short, interlocking, streets with oddly indistinguishable (...)
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    The Lattice of Super-Belnap Logics.Adam Přenosil - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):114-163.
    We study the lattice of extensions of four-valued Belnap–Dunn logic, called super-Belnap logics by analogy with superintuitionistic logics. We describe the global structure of this lattice by splitting it into several subintervals, and prove some new completeness theorems for super-Belnap logics. The crucial technical tool for this purpose will be the so-called antiaxiomatic (or explosive) part operator. The antiaxiomatic (or explosive) extensions of Belnap–Dunn logic turn out to be of particular interest owing to their connection to graph theory: the lattice (...)
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  10. Sextus.Adam Krokiewicz - 1930 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 8 (4):384-436.
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    Whatever Happened to Happiness?Adam Potkay - 2000 - Philosophy Now 27:24-27.
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    Filozofia Poppera: analiza krytyczna.Adam Chmielewski - 1995 - Wrocław: Wdawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego.
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    Multi-level complexities in technological development: Competing strategies for drug discovery.Matthias Adam - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 67--83.
    Drug development regularly has to deal with complex circumstances on two levels: the local level of pharmacological intervention on specific target proteins, and the systems level of the effects of pharmacological intervention on the organism. Different development strategies in the recent history of early drug development can be understood as competing attempts at coming to grips with these multi-level complexities. Both rational drug design and high-throughput screening concentrate on the local level, while traditional empirical search strategies as well as recent (...)
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  14. Temporal otherness and the "gifted child" in fiction.Adam Barrows - 2021 - In Arkadiusz Misztal, Paul Harris & Jo Alyson Parker (eds.), Time in variance. Boston: Brill.
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    On the Original Meaning of the Qurʾanic Term al-shayṭān al-rajīm.Adam Silverstein - 2013 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (1):21.
    This article seeks to reconsider the meaning of the phrase al-shayṭān al-rajīm. It surveys the controversy surrounding the meaning of rajīm in this context and argues two points: first, that by the time the phrase was employed in the Qurʾan its original meaning had been forgotten, and second, that the original meaning of the term was related to Satan’s role as a heavenly accuser.
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    Fictions of emergence foucault/genealogy /nietzsche.Adam T. Smith - 1994 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 24 (1):41-54.
    Michel Foucault's genealogies, due to their reliance on Nietzschean accounts of the violent origins of human culture, present a problematic description of the emergence of patterns of resistance and domination. By creating a parallel fiction of emergence that replaces Nietzschean originary violence with Richard Dawkins's account of the centrality of cultural transmission in human survival we can release emergence from the unitary Foucauldian drama. It is then possible to reconstruct Foucault's genealogies, anchoring the will to knowledge in an active agent (...)
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  17. Theorie der ethischen gefuhle, Leipzig 1926.Adam Smith - 1928 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 6 (3):392-393.
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    The Problem of Trust.Adam B. Seligman - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    The problem of trust in social relationships was central to the emergence of the modern form of civil society and much discussed by social and political philosophers of the early modern period. Over the past few years, in response to the profound changes associated with postmodernity, trust has returned to the attention of political scientists, sociologists, economists, and public policy analysts. In this sequel to his widely admired book, The Idea of Civil Society, Adam Seligman analyzes trust as a (...)
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  19. Epistemology of education.Adam Carter & Ben Kotzee - 2015 - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
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    Theories of visual awareness.Adam Z. J. Zeman - 2004 - Progress in Brain Research 144:321-29.
  21. Sfery sprawiedliwości.Adam Chmielewski - 1999 - Nowa Krytyka 10.
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  22. Wolność, powinność, polityka [Jolanta Zdybel, Między wolnością a powinnością. Filozofia polityczna Isaiaha Berlina i Alasdaira MaIntyre'a, Lublin 2005].Adam Chmielewski - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:214-219.
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  23. Language and Reality.Adam Schaff - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (51):147-167.
  24. The Puzzle of Pure Moral Motivation.Adam Lerner - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 13:123-144.
    People engage in pure moral inquiry whenever they inquire into the moral features of some act, agent, or state of affairs without inquiring into the non-moral features of that act, agent, or state of affairs. This chapter argues that ordinary people act rationally when they engage in pure moral inquiry, and so any adequate view in metaethics ought to be able to explain this fact. The Puzzle of Pure Moral Motivation is how to provide such an explanation. This chapter argues (...)
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  25. Why History Is Constantly Rewritten.Adam Schaff - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (30):62-74.
    The slightest reflection shows that the conceptual material employed in writing history is that of the period in which a history is written. There is no material available for leading principles and hypotheses save that of the historic present. As culture changes, the conceptions that are dominant in a culture change. Of necessity new standpoints for viewing, appraising and ordering data arise. History is then rewritten.The problem referred to in this passage is well known both from the literature on the (...)
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  26. Refleksje filozoficzne dotyczące etyki życia gospodarczego w świetle rozważań myślicieli starożytnych.Adam Szpaderski - 1999 - Prakseologia 139 (139).
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    Ancient Greek Accentuation: Synchronic Patterns, Frequency Effects, and Prehistory (review).Adam I. Cooper - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 101 (2):258-259.
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  28. Florensky's proof of the existence of God.Adam Drozdek - 2009 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45 (2):235-248.
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    Here come the warm jets: Adventures in law, literature and feminism.Adam Gearey - 2004 - Res Publica 10 (3):275-283.
  30. Truth, autonomy, and the plurality of goods.Adam Kovach - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    The Semiotic Approach to Bacterial Chemotaxis.Adam Kłóś & Przemysław Mieszko Płonka - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (3):743-766.
    Bacterial chemotaxis is often considered to be a textbook example of the rudimentary semiotic process. As such, it gives an excellent opportunity to better understand both semiosis and biology. Our study reviews this phenomenon in the light of up-to-date scientific knowledge to answer the most basic semiotic questions: what is the sign? What types of signs are there? What is the meaning understood on the molecular level, and by what means can it grow with time? As a case study, the (...)
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    Modernizacja gospodarcza i przemoc w XX wieku.Adam Leszczyński - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 17:47-58.
    In the twentieth century, economic modernization projects were often part of a broader programme of social engineering, which did not avoid – and in many cases assumed – the use of violence. The author analyses the relationship between definitions of modernity developed by the classic authors of modernization theory during the 1950s and 1960s, tries to look for their roots in Marx’s writings on colonialism, and shows the consequences of the radical version of such projects, using the example of the (...)
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    Robert Sinnerbrink , New Philosophies of Film: Thinking Images . Reviewed by.Adam Melinn - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (5):428-430.
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    Complexity and its context in science and religion: Gary Ferngren : Science and religion: a historical introduction, 2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017, xiv+484pp, $32.95 PB.Adam Richter - 2017 - Metascience 26 (3):447-450.
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    Miejsce koncepcji ograniczonej wiedzy Boga w strukturze "teizmu otwartego".Adam Świeżyński - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (19).
    On Limited Divine Knowledge in the structure of Open Theism ‘Open Theism,’ also known as ‘open theology,’ ‘open view’ and ‘openness of God’ is not a new philosophical position, but it has not been presented and analyzed in detail in the Polish philosophy of religion. Open theism is a significant modification of the traditional Christian concept of God, some important aspects of God’s nature and God’s relationship with the world created by Him. Briefly speaking, ‘open theism’ is a philosophical model (...)
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    Scotomas and the visual field.Adam Morton - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):456.
  37.  21
    Correction referring to: Host under epigenetic control: A novel perspective on the interaction between microorganisms and corals.Adam R. Barno, Helena D. M. Villela, Manuel Aranda, Torsten Thomas & Raquel S. Peixoto - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (10):2170086.
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    Sogdian Epigraphy of Central Asia and Semirech’e. By Vladimir A. Livshits, translated by Tom Stableford and edited by Nicholas Sims-Williams.Adam Benkato - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3).
    Sogdian Epigraphy of Central Asia and Semirech’e. By Vladimir A. Livshits, translated by Tom Stableford and edited by Nicholas Sims-Williams. Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum, pt. II: Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian periods of Eastern Iran and Central Asia, vol. III: Sogdian IV. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 2015. Pp. 315. £60.
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    The missing consequences: A fourth flaw of experiments.Adam Thomas Biggs - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Decisions are affected by the potential consequences as much as any factor during the decision-making process. This prospective influence represents another flaw overlooked by most experiments that raises questions about the use of certain laboratory paradigms. Lethal force encounters are a prime example of this problem, where negative consequences of slow decisions and wrong decisions should be considered alongside behavior.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue.Adam Blair & Anne O'Byrne - 2021 - Puncta 4 (2):1-4.
    The Collegium Phaenomenologicum has met in Umbria, Italy every summer since 1976; only COVID made it pause, and hopefully only temporarily. It has been a forum for deep and broad discussion of the phenomenological tradition; it has also been a place where that tradition has itself been broadened and deepened by generations of thinkers who came to study the classical texts and to do phenomenology. In 2019, over the course of three weeks in July, in three lecture courses, several talks (...)
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  41. Uwagi różne.Adam Grobler - 2005 - Diametros:214-219.
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  42. Cognitive lag.Adam Haber - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  43. List of selected translational decisions.Adam Wiegner - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 87 (1):31-34.
  44. Katabaza w starożytności - próba interpretacji.Adam Winiarczyk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 286 (9).
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  45. Normal ist, verschieden zu sein: das Menschenbild in seiner Bedeutung für religionspädagogisches und sonderpädagogisches Handeln.Gottfried Adam, Roland Kollmann & Annebelle Pithan (eds.) - 1994 - Münster: Comenius-Institut.
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    Plato Moral and Political Ideals.Adela Marion Adam - 1913 - Philadelphia: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published during the early part of the twentieth century, the Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature were designed to provide concise introductions to a broad range of topics. They were written by experts for the general reader and combined a comprehensive approach to knowledge with an emphasis on accessibility. Plato: Moral and Political Ideals by Adela Marion Adam, first printed in 1913, deals with the main substance of Plato's philosophy of ethics and politics, set within the context of (...)
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    Presentation.Adam Andrzejewski - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 69:7-11.
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    Reid's Principle of Credulity as a Principle of Charity.Adam Weiler Gur Arye - 2016 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 14 (1):69-83.
    Reid's principle of credulity may be interpreted as equivalent to a principle of charity, due to the nature of three beliefs it implies concerning the interlocutors, which are held by the person who attempts to acquire their language: They are telling truth in the sense that they are saying what they really think, perceive, feel, believe; they are veracious in the sense that what they say is objectively true; they use language consistently. This interpretation relies on Reid's straightforward remarks on (...)
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    Grundzüge der Ethik.Adam Alles - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46 (2):222-223.
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    Sztuka jako język ubogacający homo oecumenicus w budowaniu jedności w wielości.Adam Palion - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (3):51-64.
    Rozumienie sztuki w chrześcijaństwie nie jest jednolite. Kościoły różnie podchodzą do tej kwestii, tłumacząc się przestrzeganiem II przykazania dekalogu (Wj 20, 3–4). Ważne tu jest jednak podejście do danego dzieła sztuki: czy patrzymy na nie jako na obraz Boży, czy raczej jako na okno do transcendencji. Spotkanie ze sztuką opiera się na trzech płaszczyznach: na intencji autora, intencji dzieła i intencji odbiorcy. W bogactwie różnorodności ekumenicznej sztuka jest jak symbol, który stał się narzędziem umożliwiającym dostęp do Boga i całej rzeczywistości (...)
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