Results for 'Adaptability of culture'

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  1. Children as agents of cultural adaptation.Sheina Lew-Levy & Dorsa Amir - forthcoming - Behavioral and Brain Sciences:1-68.
    The human capacity for culture is a key determinant of our success as a species. While much work has examined adults’ abilities to create and transmit cultural knowledge, relatively less work has focused on the role of children (approx. 3-17 years) in this important process. In the cases where children are acknowledged, they are largely portrayed as acquirers of cultural knowledge from adults, rather than cultural producers in their own right. In this paper, we bring attention to the important (...)
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    Cultural Adaptation of the Modified Version of the Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS) in Mexican Adolescents.Rosa Carolina Ronzón-Tirado, Marina Julia Muñoz-Rivas, María Dolores Zamarrón Cassinello & Natalia Redondo Rodríguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Adaptation of the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure to Turkish Culture.Ali Baltaci & Mehmet Kamil Coşkun - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):415-439.
    The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for determining students' spiritual health and life orientation. For this purpose, the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure (SHALOM) inventory developed by Fisher (2010) is adapted to Turkish. The adaptation study was carried out on 1591 high school students in three study groups studying in Ankara and Muş. The original English measure consisting of four dimensions and twenty items was translated into Turkish, factor analysis, validity and reliability (...)
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  4. Adaptation and cultural sustainability of the winter-seining community in the archipelago of southwestern Finland.Kirsi Sonck-Rautio - 2018 - In Inger J. Birkeland (ed.), Cultural sustainability and the nature-culture interface: livelihoods, policies, and methodologies. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, earthscan from Routledge.
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    "Phronesis" on tour: cultural adaptability of Aristotelian ethical notions.R. R. Polansky - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (4):323.
    How might bioethics take account of cultural diversity? Can practical wisdom of an Aristotelian sort be applied across cultures? Afte.
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    The adaptiveness of imaginatively eliminating behaviors: Stripping the cultural varnish from the natural evolutionary woodwork.James Silverberg - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):304-305.
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    Blaga’s philosophy of culture: More than a spenglerian adaptation.Michael Jones - 2003 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Seria Philosophia (1-2):167-174.
    Lucian Blaga, probably the greatest Romanian philosopher to date, is the author of a philosophy of culture that is creative, broad, and integrated into a comprehensive philosophical system. However, Blaga''s philosophy of culture has not received the recognition that might be expected. One of the reasons for this is that it is widely perceived as being a mere adoption or adaptation of Oswald Spengler''s philosophy of culture. This article endeavors to restore Blaga''s philosophy to its rightful place (...)
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  8. "Phronesis" on tour: Cultural adaptability of aristotelian ethical notions.Ronald M. Polansky - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (4):323-336.
    : How might bioethics take account of cultural diversity? Can practical wisdom of an Aristotelian sort be applied across cultures? After showing that practical wisdom involves both intellectual cleverness and moral virtue, it is argued that both these components have universality. Hence practical wisdom must be universal as well. Hellenic ethical thought neither depended on outdated theoretical notions nor limited itself to the Greek world, but was in fact developed with constant awareness of cultural differences, so it arguably works as (...)
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    A formal investigation of Cultural Selection Theory: acoustic adaptation in bird song.G. K. D. Crozier - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (5):781-801.
    The greatest challenge for Cultural Selection Theory lies is the paucity of evidence for structural mechanisms in cultural systems that are sufficient for adaptation by natural selection. In part, clarification is required with respect to the interaction between cultural systems and their purported selective environments. Edmonds et al. have argued that Cultural Selection Theory requires simple, conclusive, unambiguous case studies in order to meet this challenge. To that end, this paper examines the songs of the Rufous-collared Sparrow, which seem to (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Inter-Semiotic Adaptation of Chinese Classics in the West.Jinghua Guo - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):9-17.
    This paper explores cross-cultural semiotics in adaptation in order to rethink the relationships between China and the West. The multi-dimensional model of cross-cultural research presented defends a temporal semiotic orientation, rather than a purely spatial approach for intercultural interpretation. The paper insists that in the age of globalization, cultural identity is unavoidably a very sharp question, and that multiple layers of meanings are involved in cultural identity. Thus, it explores differences and parallelisms between Western and Chinese semiotics, conservative and as (...)
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    Adaptations of Shakespeare to Chinese Theatre.Jinghua Guo - 2016 - Cultura 13 (2):27-42.
    In the 20th century, the adaptation of William Shakespeare's classic dramas onto the Chinese stage have attracted great interest. The study of such cross-cultural adaptations has positive significance not only for development of literary theory, literary criticism and literary history, but also in that it promotes unusual forms of innovation with regards to the study of performance in general. Chinese adaptations to performance and opera have allowed Chinese people to understand the essence of Shakespeare's plays, presented in a more forms, (...)
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  12. The Adaptation of the Roman Catholic Tradition of Christianity to White Australian Culture: The Australasian Catholic Congresses of 1900, 1904 and 1909. [REVIEW]Sophie McGrath - 2008 - The Australasian Catholic Record 85 (1):37.
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    Adaptation of Scientific Knowledge to an Intellectual Environment. Paul Forman's "Weimar Culture, Causality, and Quantum Theory, 1918?1927": Analysis and Criticism. [REVIEW]P. Kraft & P. Kroes - 1984 - Centaurus 27 (1):76-99.
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    The Effects of Cultural Adaptation in Fundraising Letters: The Case of Help-Self and Help-Others Appeals in a Feminine Culture.Denise Thijzen, Berna Hendriks & Jos Hornikx - 2010 - Communications 35 (1):93-110.
    Gender has been shown to affect the persuasiveness of help-self and help-others appeals in fundraising: men prefer help-self appeals, and women help-others appeals. This gender difference has been attributed to world-view differences. Women have a care-oriented world-view and men a justice-oriented world-view – at least in masculine cultures. In feminine cultures, however, both men and women have a care-oriented world-view. The present study investigated whether in the feminine, Dutch culture the culturally adapted help-others appeal was more persuasive than the (...)
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    Can Sociobiology Adapt to Cultural Selection?Sandra D. Mitchell - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:87 - 96.
    Sociobiologists explain human social behavior as genetically adapative. The intervention of cultural learning into the processes of the acquisition and transmission of human behavior makes such explanation prima facie unjustified. William Durham has developed a theory of coevolution which claims that although the processes of genetic evolution and cultural evolution are independent, the results of the two processes are "functionally complementary." In this paper I characterize the conditions necessary for giving an explanation by adaptation of human behavior and argue that (...)
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    The Adaptation of Man as a Socio-Natural Problem.Ekaterina V. Petrova - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (11-12):151-162.
    Man is a biosocial entity, so, in the study of his adaptive peculiarities two directions, that is, biologic and social, can be determined. Within the biological framework it is possible to combine evolutionary, genetic, medical-biological and ecological investigations. Recently, the problem of man’s adaptation to profound changes taking place in the environment, under the impact of man’s activity, becomes of growing importance. The second direction of the man adaptation research may be called social or socio-cultural. In the course of social (...)
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    The Swedish translation and cultural adaptation of the Measure of Moral Distress for Healthcare Professionals (MMD-HP).Margareta Brännström & Catarina Fischer-Grönlund - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundMoral distress has been described as an emotionally draining condition caused by being prevented from providing care according to one’s convictions. Studies have described the impact of moral distress on healthcare professionals, their situations and experiences. The Measure of Moral Distress for Healthcare Professionals (MMD-HP) is a questionnaire that measures moral distress experienced by healthcare professionals at three levels: patient, system and team. The aim of this project was to translate and make a cultural adaption of the MMD -HP to (...)
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  18. The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture.Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby - 1992 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby.
    Second, this collection of cognitive programs evolved in the Pleistocene to solve the adaptive problems regularly faced by our hunter-gatherer ancestors-...
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    Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of a family booklet on comfort care in dementia: sensitive topics revised before implementation.Jenny T. van der Steen, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh, Tjomme de Graas, Miharu Nakanishi, Franco Toscani & Marcel Arcand - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (2):104-109.
    Introduction Families of patients with dementia may need support in difficult end-of-life decision making. Such guidance may be culturally sensitive. Methods To support families in Canada, a booklet was developed to aid decision making on palliative care issues. For reasons of cost effectiveness and promising effects, we prepared for its implementation in Italy, the Netherlands and Japan. Local teams translated and adapted the booklet to local ethical, legal and medical standards where needed, retaining guidance on palliative care. Using qualitative content (...)
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  20. Rapid cultural adaptation can facilitate the evolution of large-scale cooperation.Robert Boyd & Peter J. Richerson - unknown
    Over the past several decades, we have argued that cultural evolution can facilitate the evolution of largescale cooperation because it often leads to more rapid adaptation than genetic evolution, and, when multiple stable equilibria exist, rapid adaptation leads to variation among groups. Recently, Lehmann, Feldman, and colleagues have published several papers questioning this argument. They analyze models showing that cultural evolution can actually reduce the range of conditions under which cooperation can evolve and interpret these models as indicating that we (...)
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  21. Cognitive adaptations of social bonding in birds.Nathan J. Emery, Amanda M. Seed, Auguste M. P. Von Bayern & Clayton & S. Nicola - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith (eds.), Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
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    The role of culture in the technological advancement process.Danila Bertasio - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (3):248-252.
    The role of cultural models in the process of adaptation to the new technologies is very different according to different civilizations. Some basic cultural items seem to be particularly crucial, such as, for example, the levels of pragmatism or rationalism which characterize a civilization or some periods of its history. This paper presents a sketch aimed at setting up a comparison between Western and Eastern cultures facing the problem of adapting to new technologies. The concept ofcold utilitarianism is introduced. It (...)
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    Examining cross-cultural transferability of self-regulated learning model: an adaptation of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire for Chinese adult learners.Fuhui Tong, Haitao Guo, Zhuoying Wang, Yue Min, Wenhong Guo & Myeongsun Yoon - 2019 - Educational Studies 46 (4):422-439.
    This study investigated the psychometric properties of an adapted Chinese version of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor...
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    Is the biological adaptiveness of delusions doomed?Eugenia Lancellotta - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (1):47-63.
    Delusions are usually considered as harmful and dysfunctional beliefs, one of the primary symptoms of a psychiatric illness and the mark of madness in popular culture. However, in recent times a much more positive role has been advocated for delusions. More specifically, it has been argued that delusions might be an answer to a problem rather than problems in themselves. By delivering psychological and epistemic benefits, delusions would allow people who face severe biological or psychological difficulties to survive in (...)
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  25. The Evolution and Evolvability of Culture.Kim Sterelny - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (2):137-165.
    In this paper I argue, first, that human lifeways depend on cognitive capital that has typically been built over many generations. This process of gradual accumulation produces an adaptive fit between human agents and their environments; an adaptive fit that is the result of hidden‐hand, evolutionary mechanisms. To explain distinctive features of human life, we need to understand how cultures evolve. Second, I distinguish a range of different evolutionary models of culture. Third, I argue that none of meme‐based models, (...)
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    Linguistic Adaptation as Cultural Adjustment: Treatment of Celtic, Iberian, and Latin Terminology in Arrian's Tactica.Anna Busetto - forthcoming - Journal of Ancient History 1 (2):230-241.
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  27. Career adaptability of interpreting students: A case study of its development and interactions with interpreter competences in three Chinese universities.Sha Tian, Zhining Zhang & Lingxiao Jia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The issue of employability has already become a well-delineated topic of study among interpreting educators. However, the current literature still lacks descriptive research on interpreting students' employability development and ignores the developmental effects of interpreter competences in this process. Moreover, the advantage of using career adaptability for measurement is also under-researched. This exploratory case study aims at taking an initial step forward, surveying interpreting students' career adaptability development and the developmental effects of different interpreter competences on major (...) resources, and ultimately diagnosing curriculum problems and making modifications accordingly. Thirty grade 2019 interpreting students from three Chinese universities contributed to data collection, through six questionnaires in a two-wave survey. The results highlight that, throughout the Chinese MTI program, interpreting students could become more concerned and well prepared for their future, more curious to explore themselves and their surroundings, and more capable of solving problems. The results also indicate that students' knowledge and language competence serve as the major facilitators in this process, and that other interpreter competences, such as psychological competence, transfer competence, professionalism, and cross-cultural competence, are also instrumental. In order to further boost their adaptability constructs, the results suggest that students' language and knowledge competence, professionalism, and cross-cultural and mental agility still need to be improved. Five suggestions for curriculum revision have been raised accordingly. As an initial effort, the current study will hopefully inspire further studies on interpreting students' career adaptability and add more knowledge to the curriculum design from this viewpoint. (shrink)
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    Network Connectivity Dynamics, Cognitive Biases, and the Evolution of Cultural Diversity in Round‐Robin Interactive Micro‐Societies.José Segovia-Martín, Bradley Walker, Nicolas Fay & Monica Tamariz - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12852.
    The distribution of cultural variants in a population is shaped by both neutral evolutionary dynamics and by selection pressures. The temporal dynamics of social network connectivity, that is, the order in which individuals in a population interact with each other, has been largely unexplored. In this paper, we investigate how, in a fully connected social network, connectivity dynamics, alone and in interaction with different cognitive biases, affect the evolution of cultural variants. Using agent‐based computer simulations, we manipulate population connectivity dynamics (...)
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    The Role of Wisdom in the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Chinese Visiting Scholars to Canada: A Mediation Model.Dan Bao, Liqing Zhou, Michel Ferrari, Zhe Feng & Yahua Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examines the role of wisdom in the cross-cultural adaptation of Chinese visiting scholars in Canada, as mediated by different coping styles. Path analysis was used to for hypotheses testing. The findings suggest that wisdom measured by 3D-WS and Adult Self-Transcendence Inventory, independently had direct correlation with social and psychological adaptation, and positively associated with engaged coping ; the independent effects of 3D-WS and ASTI on social adaptation, psychological adaptation, and life satisfaction were mediated by proactive–reflective coping; wisdom, when (...)
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    Patient-centered care and cultural practices: Process and criteria for evaluating adaptations of norms and standards in health care institutions. [REVIEW]Matthew R. Hunt - 2009 - HEC Forum 21 (4):327-339.
    Patient-Centered Care and Cultural Practices: Process and Criteria for Evaluating Adaptations of Norms and Standards in Health Care Institutions Content Type Journal Article Pages 327-339 DOI 10.1007/s10730-009-9115-8 Authors Matthew R. Hunt, McMaster University Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Montreal Canada Journal HEC Forum Online ISSN 1572-8498 Print ISSN 0956-2737 Journal Volume Volume 21 Journal Issue Volume 21, Number 4.
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    Sinography: The Borrowing and Adaptation of the Chinese Script. By Zev Handel.Peter Kornicki - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (2).
    Sinography: The Borrowing and Adaptation of the Chinese Script. By Zev Handel. Language, Writing and Literary Culture in the Sinographic Cosmopolis, vol. 1. Leiden: Brill, 2019. Pp. xiv + 369. $59.
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    Psychometric evaluation of the polish students adaptation of the aggression questionnaire.Maciej Oziembłowski, Danuta Kornafel & Maciej Krukowski - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (3):183-190.
    The four-factor structure and psychometric properties of the Polish students adaptation of the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire were investigated. The exploratory factor analyses of the responses of 604 Polish participants generally supported the four-factor model. The factors included Physical Aggression, Verbal Aggression, Anger and Hostility. The correlations between subscales, internal consistency and stability over time were evaluated and proved to be satisfactory. Apart from gender differences, 48 prison inmates and 48 students were interviewed to determine the validity of the (...)
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    White, gray, and black domains of cultural adaptations to climato-economic conditions.Evert Van de Vliert - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):503-521.
    Forty-nine commentators have reviewed the theory that needs-based stresses and freedoms are shaped differently in threatening, comforting, and challenging climato-economic habitats. Their commentaries cover the white domain, where the theory does apply (e.g., happiness, collectivism, and democracy), the gray domain, where it may or may not apply (e.g., personality traits and creativity), and the black domain, where it does not apply (e.g., human intelligence and gendered culture). This response article provides clarifications, recommendations, and expectations.
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    Toward a Hermeneutic Model of Cultural Globalization: Four Lessons from Translation Studies.Isabel Jijon - 2019 - Sociological Theory 37 (2):142-161.
    Many scholars study the global diffusion of culture, looking at how institutions spread culture around the world or at how intermediaries adapt foreign culture in the local context. This research can tell us much about brokers’ “cultural-matching” or “congruence-building” strategies. To date, however, few scholars have examined brokers’ interpretive work. In this article, the author argues that globalization research needs to pay more attention to interpretation. Building on translation studies, the author shows that brokers’ work is shaped (...)
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    Theodicy of Culture and the Jewish Ethos: David Koigen's Contribution to the Sociology of Religion.Martina Urban - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    This volume presents the theory of culture of the Russian‑born German Jewish social philosopher David Koigen (1879-1933). Heir to Hermann Cohen's neo‑Kantian interpretation of Judaism, he transforms the religion of reason into an ethical Intimitätsreligion. He draws upon a great variety of intellectual currents, among them, Max Scheler's philosophy of values, the historical sociology of Max Weber, the sociology of religion of Émile Durkheim, Ernst Troeltsch and Georg Simmel and American pragmatism. Influenced by his personal experience of marginality in (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of a Brazilian of Short Version of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale.Cláudia de Faria Cardoso, Natalia Tiemi Ohe, Vera Lúcia Taba, Tamyres Tomaz Paiva, Ovidiu Constantin Baltatu & Luciana Aparecida Campos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: A short version of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale comprising only re-experiencing symptom items has been recently validated on Japanese adults. This short-version-PDS had good psychometric properties among Japanese adults with and without posttraumatic stress disorder. The aim of this study was to translate and culturally validate the short-version-PDS for the Brazilian sociolinguistic context.Methods: A translation of the short-version-PDS was performed based on established guidelines. We enrolled 53 patients with PTSD as a potential comorbidity. The translation and cross-cultural adaptation of (...)
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    Is cultural evolution always fast? Challenging the idea that cognitive gadgets would be capable of rapid and adaptive evolution.Rachael L. Brown - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8965-8989.
    Against the background of “arms race” style competitive explanations for complex human cognition, such as the Social Intelligence Hypothesis Growing points in ethology, Cambridge University Press, pp 303–317, 1976; Jolly in Science, 10.1126/science.153.3735.501, 1966), and theories that tie complex cognition with environmental variability more broadly The evolution of intelligence, Lawrence Earlbaum and Associates, 2001), the idea that culturally inherited mechanisms for social cognition would be more capable of responding to the labile social environment is a compelling one. Whilst it is (...)
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    Rewriting Caucasian History: The Medieval Armenian Adaptation of the Georgian Chronicles.Robert W. Thomson - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    After the invention of a national script, c.400 AD, Armenians rapidly developed their own literary forms, drawing on foreign texts as well as their own traditions. Historical writing is the most original genre in classical and medieval Armenian literature. Greek works constituted the major part of translated histories. But in the thirteenth century the extensice Chronicle of the Syrian Patriarch Michael and the first part of the Georgian chronicles were adapted for an Armenian readership. The collection known as the `Georgian (...)
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  39. The fundamental constraint on the evolution of culture.Grant Ramsey - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (3):401-414.
    This paper argues that there is a general constraint on the evolution of culture. This constraint – what I am calling the Fundamental Constraint – must be satisfied in order for a cultural system to be adaptive. The Fundamental Constraint is this: for culture to be adaptive there must be a positive correlation between the fitness of cultural variants and their fitness impact on the organisms adopting those variants. Two ways of satisfying the Fundamental Constraint are introduced, structural (...)
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    The Potential Cost of Cultural Fit: Frame Switching Undermines Perceptions of Authenticity in Western Contexts.Alexandria L. West, Rui Zhang, Maya A. Yampolsky & Joni Y. Sasaki - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Behaving consistently across situations is fundamental to a person’s authenticity in Western societies. This can pose a problem for biculturals who often frame switch, or adapt their behavior across cultural contexts, as a way of maintaining fit with each of their cultures. In particular, the behavioral inconsistency entailed in frame switching may undermine biculturals’ sense of authenticity, as well as Westerners’ impressions of biculturals’ authenticity. Study 1 had a diverse sample of biculturals (N = 127) living in the US and (...)
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    Cultural Visions: Essays in the History of Culture.Penny Schine Gold & Benjamin C. Sax - 2000 - Rodopi.
    This collection opens with an inquiry into the assumptions and methods of the historical study of culture, comparing the new cultural history with the old. Thirteen essays follow, each defining a problem within a particular culture. In the first section, Biography and Autobiography, three scholars explore historically changing types of self-conception, each reflecting larger cultural meanings; essays included examine Italian Renaissance biographers and the autobiographies of Benjamin Franklin and Mohandas Gandhi. A second group of contributors explore problems raised (...)
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    Book Review: The Location of Culture[REVIEW]Juniper Ellis - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):196-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Location of CultureJuniper EllisThe Location of Culture, by Homi K. Bhabha; 285 pp. New York: Routledge, 1994, $49.95.This book assembles several of Homi Bhabha’s most significant essays, allowing for an examination of his contribution to contemporary literary theory. As a self-described postcolonial critic, often compared with Edward Said or Gayatri Spivak, Bhabha is perhaps most well-known for his theory of cultural hybridity, which he develops in (...)
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    The Influencing Mechanism of Social and Cultural Adaptation for Chinese Migrant Children: A Longitudinal Intervention Study.Bingbing Yu & Enguo Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the increasing urbanization in China, the mental health problems of migrant children have attracted widespread attention. From the perspective of social cognition, psychological capital, self-esteem, and other factors are closely related to the social and cultural adaptation of the group. In order to explore the relationship among the psychological capital, self-esteem and socio-cultural adaptations of migrant children, a total of 245 Chinese migrant children were investigated with the psychological capital scale, self-esteem scale, and socio-cultural adaptation scale. At the same (...)
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    Adaptation and the Importance of Local Culture: Creating a Research School at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.Ronald Rainger - 2003 - Journal of the History of Biology 36 (3):461 - 500.
    In the 1930s and 1940s a research school developed among scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California. Although that was due in large part to Harald U. Sverdrup, a prominent Norwegian oceanographer who served as Scripps director from 1936 to 1948, this paper emphasizes the adaptive, evolving character of that research school. Conditions at Scripps prior to Sverdrup's arrival influenced his efforts in successfully organizing a group of scientists. Once at Scripps Sverdrup proved to be an (...)
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    We Are Very Similar but Not Really: The Moderating Role of Cultural Identification for Refugee Resettlement of Venezuelans in Colombia.Yarid Ayala, Jaime Andrés Bayona, Aysegul Karaeminogullari, Jesús Perdomo-Ortíz & Mónica Ramos-Mejía - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study aims to test the theoretical model of career adaptability of refugees to investigate the dynamics of successful resettlement. The theoretical model is grounded on career construction and social network theory. We employ quantitative and qualitative methodologies to test the model in a sample of Venezuelans living and working in Colombia. The quantitative results provide partial support for Campion’s model. However, we test an alternative model and find that career adaptability has a direct relationship with subjective resettlement. (...)
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    Optimism and Mental Health of Minority Students: Moderating Effects of Cultural Adaptability.Yongyong Chen, Jing Su, Zirong Ren & Yongquan Huo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Trans-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the “Teacher Job Satisfaction Scale” in Arabic Language Among Sports and Physical Education Teachers (“Teacher of Physical Education Job Satisfaction Inventory”—TPEJSI): Insights for Sports, Educational, and Occupational Psychology.Nasr Chalghaf, Noomen Guelmami, Tania Simona Re, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Sergio Garbarino, Fairouz Azaiez & Nicola L. Bragazzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Job satisfaction is largely associated with organizational aspects, including improved working environments, worker’s well-being and more effective performance. There are many definitions regarding job satisfaction in the existing scholarly literature: it can be expressed as a positive emotional state, a positive impact of job-related experiences on individuals, and employees’ perceptions regarding their jobs. Aims: No reliable scales in Arabic language to assess job satisfaction in the sports and physical education field exist.This study aimed to trans-culturally adapt and validate the (...)
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    Cultural success and the study of adaptive design.Monique Borgerhoff Mulder - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):286-287.
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    Adaptation Policies of Betawi Traditional Art Performers in Preserving ASEAN Intangible Cultural Heritage in A Digital and New Normal Era.Iwan Henry Wardhana, Cecep Eka Permana, Maria Puspitasari & Chotib Hasan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:144-167.
    This research explores the adaptation strategies employed by Betawi traditional art performers in Jakarta amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition to the "New Normal Era." Through direct observations, comprehensive literature reviews, and structured questionnaires disseminated to 211 Betawi traditional art performers, this study investigates how performers have adjusted their practices to adhere to health protocols while continuing to preserve and promote ASEAN's intangible cultural heritage. Statistical analysis, including Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), was employed to assess (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Physical Disability Resiliency Scale in a Sample of Chinese With Physical Disability.Wenjie Duan, Wenlong Mu & Hongxia Xiong - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study adapted the Physical Disability Resilience Scale to Chinese conditions and evaluated the psychometric characteristics of the Chinese version in individuals with physical disability. A total of 438 individuals with physical disability were included in this study. The PDRS was translated to Chinese using a backward translation method. Construct validity, internal consistency reliability, and convergent validity were examined. Confirmatory factor analysis failed to replicate the original five-factor structure of the PDRS. After removing the Spirituality factor and an underperformed item, (...)
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