Results for 'Adelheid Müller-Lissner'

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  1.  43
    A Communication From professor Mueller.Gustav E. Mueller - 1951 - Educational Theory 1 (2):139-142.
  2.  26
    A paternal environmental legacy: Evidence for epigenetic inheritance through the male germ line.Adelheid Soubry, Cathrine Hoyo, Randy L. Jirtle & Susan K. Murphy - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (4):359-371.
    Literature on maternal exposures and the risk of epigenetic changes or diseases in the offspring is growing. Paternal contributions are often not considered. However, some animal and epidemiologic studies on various contaminants, nutrition, and lifestyle‐related conditions suggest a paternal influence on the offspring's future health. The phenotypic outcomes may have been attributed to DNA damage or mutations, but increasing evidence shows that the inheritance of environmentally induced functional changes of the genome, and related disorders, are (also) driven by epigenetic components. (...)
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    Hopeless practical deliberation – reply to Bobier.Andy Mueller - 2019 - Analysis 79 (4):629-631.
    Bobier argued that hope is necessary for practical deliberation. I will demonstrate that Bobier’s argument for this thesis fails. The problem is that one of its main premisses rests on a sufficient condition for hoping that is subject to counterexamples. I consider two ways to save the argument, but show that they are unsuccessful in doing so.
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    Can Ethical Ideologies Predict Prejudice?Adelheid A. M. Nicol & Kevin Rounding - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (8):662-679.
    Idealism and relativism were designed to assess different ethical ideological views. Their relation with attitudes toward a variety of outgroups has not been previously studied. Understanding how concerns over ethical principles and consequences are related to prejudiced attitudes could provide some insight into these constructs and into the nature of prejudice. In two studies totaling 311 participants, participants completed measures on ethical ideologies, right-wing authoritarianism, and attitudes toward various outgroups. The differential predictive validities of ethical ideologies, in comparison to right-wing (...)
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    Le topos du phénomène dans l’allégoriede la caverne.Alexandre Lissner - 2015 - Philosophique 18.
    Les innombrables interprétations de l’allégorie de la caverne, aussi réduc­trices ou spéculatives, aussi fidèles à la lettre ou à l'esprit du texte soient-elles, paraissent s'effacer les unes les autres, comme balayées par la souplesse d'un texte qui autorise les lectures les plus élémentaires comme les plus raffinées. Cet "étrange tableau" qu'expose Socrate s'insère immé­dia­tement entre deux pôles d'intelligibilité censés en assurer la compréhension : l'image de la ligne au...
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  6. Trinitas creator mundi.Adelheid Heimann - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (1):42-52.
  7.  8
    La puissance d’être et le besoin de métaphysique.Alexandre Lissner - 2021 - Philosophique 24.
    La métaphysique est l’affirmation de la priorité de l’Être sur la puissance. En toutes ses variations stratégiques, elle retient la pensée dans la prison de l’égalité à soi. Après la physique qui n’a pu arrêter la pensée à la seule évidence sensible, la métaphysique produit les catégories réflexives d’une présence désormais reconnue jusque dans les fondements mêmes de sa représentation rationnelle. Un même désir, une même sève irrigue tout l’arbre de l’Être. Sous le tronc de la physique, les...
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    Fichte als Redner.Adelheid Ehrlich - 1977 - München: Tuduv-Verlagsgesellschaft [in Komm.].
  9. The World as Spectacle.Gustav E. Mueller - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:630.
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  10.  66
    The capital frieze and pilasters of the portail Royal, chartres.Adelheid Heimann - 1968 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 31 (1):73-102.
  11. Und das Licht scheinet in der Finsternis und die Finsternis hat's nicht begriffen".Adelheid Homann - 2003 - In Wolfgang Erich Müller (ed.), Hans Jonas - von der Gnosisforschung zur Verantwortungsethik. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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  12.  18
    How does noncoding transcription regulate Hox genes?Adelheid Lempradl & Leonie Ringrose - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (2):110-121.
    Noncoding RNA has arrived at centre stage in recent years with the discovery of “hidden transcriptomes” in many higher organisms. Over two decades ago, noncoding transcripts were discovered in Drosophila Hox complexes, but their function has remained elusive. Recent studies1-3 have examined the role of these noncoding RNAs in Hox gene regulation, and have generated a fierce debate as to whether the noncoding transcripts are important for silencing or activation. Here we review the evidence, and show that, by taking developmental (...)
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  13.  23
    L’intériorité de la forme.Alexandre Lissner - 2013 - Philosophique 16.
    Nous nous plaisons à faire varier nos représentations. Nous jouissons en elles du dépôt stupéfiant de notre activité consciente de délimitation. Toujours nous croyons, comme le réalisme spontané nous y enjoint, que la pensée ne s’éprouve qu’en dehors d’elle-même, absorbée par l’œuvre de re­connaissance de ce qui la précède, de ce qui lui est « donné ». En cette pseudo-évidence, la forme est d’emblée présentée comme ce qui, traçant le contour, fait apparaître du fini, conformément aux conditio...
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  14.  13
    Puissances de l'abstraction: études sur L'excès du représentatif.Alexandre Lissner & Frédéric Berland (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    L'idealisme radical de Jean-Michel Le Lannou conteste l'identification de la pensee et de la representation. Loin de soumettre a la vacuite et la mort, l'abstraction manifeste ses puissances d'exces. Plus rien ne nous oblige a persister dans notre amour du fini. Pourtant, la philosophie s'est longtemps meprise sur elle-meme. D'ou provient une telle mesentente sur le desir du penser? Montrer comment la pensee a pu ainsi se fourvoyer sur elle-meme doit permettre d'entreprendre sa liberation definitive. Les etudes reunies ici s'attachent (...)
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  15.  12
    Waste Disposal (paritthavana-vihi) in Ancient India. Some Regulations for Protection of Life from the Rules of the Order of Jain Monks.Adelheid Mette - 2003 - In Piotr Balcerowicz (ed.), Essays in Jaina philosophy and religion. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. pp. 20--213.
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  16.  4
    John Stuart Mill and French thought.Iris Wessel Mueller - 1968 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
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  17.  7
    Junge Künstler im Sozialismus.Adelheid Pevestorf - 1978 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag. Edited by Günter Blutke & Ingrid Beyer.
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  18.  20
    Economic Law as an Economic Good: Reflections of a European Judge.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
  19.  8
    The Competition of Systems in the Market for Listings.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    The Notion of Economic Law and Regulatory Competition.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  21.  14
    The Territorial Dimension of Intellectual Property Law.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Epigenetics as a Driver of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: Did We Forget the Fathers?Adelheid Soubry - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700113.
    What are the effects of our environment on human development and the next generation? Numerous studies have provided ample evidence that a healthy environment and lifestyle of the mother is important for her offspring. Biological mechanisms underlying these environmental influences have been proposed to involve alterations in the epigenome. Is there enough evidence to suggest a similar contribution from the part of the father? Animal models provide proof of a transgenerational epigenetic effect through the paternal germ line, but can this (...)
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  23.  47
    The knowledge norm of apt practical reasoning.Andy Mueller - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):5395-5414.
    I will argue for a novel variant of the knowledge norm for practical reasoning. In Sect. 2, I will look at current variations of a knowledge norm for practical reasoning and I will provide reasons to doubt these proposals. In Sects. 3 and 4, I develop my own proposal according to which knowledge is the norm of apt practical reasoning. Section 5 considers objections. Finally, Sect. 6 concerns the normativity of my proposed knowledge norm and its significance.
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  24.  49
    The Mastery of Decorum: Politics as Poetry in Milton's Sonnets.Janel Mueller - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):475-508.
    If we supply a missing connection in the master text of English Renaissance poetic theory, we can bring the dilemma posed by political poetry into sharp relief. Sidney’s Defence of Poesie seeks to confirm the supremacy of the poet’s power over human minds by invoking the celebrated three-way distinction between poetry, philosophy, and history in the Poetics. According to Sidney, the proper question to ask of poetry is not “whether it were better to have a particular act truly or falsely (...)
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  25.  34
    Rufinus of Aquileia . His Life and Works By Francis X. Murphy, C.SS.R., Ph.D.Urban Mueller - 1946 - Franciscan Studies 6 (2):247-248.
  26.  17
    Le désir de la réflexion.Alexandre Lissner - 2016 - Philosophique 19:13-28.
    Dans le temps même où elle transforme le donné en reflet, la pensée tend à se représenter sous ses actes la présence silencieuse d’un irréfléchi qui résiste à son activité de séparation. Dans sa protestation contre l’emprison­ne­ment de l’évidence, la réflexion peine à se départir de la croyance que son écart n’est que provisoire et qu’il précède une ferme appropriation. Nous ne réfléchirions que pour mieux nous attacher au monde, à la vie et à nous-mêmes. Mais le désir de la (...)
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  27.  12
    Creation, Evolution and Emanation.Gustav E. Mueller - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 9:153-169.
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  28.  18
    Herder Today: Contributions From the International Herder Conference, November 5–8, 1987, Stanford, California.Kurt Mueller-Vollmer (ed.) - 1990 - New York: De Gruyter.
  29.  36
    Involvement and (Potential) Influence of Care Providers in the Enlistment Phase of the Informed Consent Process: the case of aids clinical trials.Mary-Rose Mueller - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (1):42-52.
    This article draws on ethnographic field data collected during an investigation of the informed consent process and AIDS clinical trials. It describes the involvement of care providers (physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants) during the enlistment, or recruitment, phase of the informed consent process. It shows that sometimes care providers are involved in the receipt, evaluation and distribution of information on clinical trials through their interactions with research professionals and patients. It suggests that the involvement of care providers has the potential (...)
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  30.  5
    Mill and French Thought: Being a Study of the Influence of French Thoughton the Development of John Stuart Mill's Political and Social Philosophy.Iris Wessel Mueller - 1954 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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    Philosophie - politische Ökonomie - Naturwissenschaften Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht der politischen Ökonomie.Klaus Mueller-bülow - 1981 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (1-6).
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  32. Sur les principes des mathématiques chez Aristote et Euclide.Ian Mueller - 1991 - In Jules Vuillemin & Rushdī Rāshid (eds.), Mathématiques et philosophie de l'antiquité à l'age classique: hommage à Jules Vuillemin. Paris: Diffusion, Presses du CNRS.
  33.  15
    Sorting the World: On the Relevance of the Kind/Object-Distinction to Referential Semantics.Olav Mueller-Reichau - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    The basic hypothesis of this book is that linguistic reference to kinds should be seen as reference to sortal concepts, i.e. cognitive categories for identifying and classifying objects. Viewed that way, kinds serve as the interface between the conceptual system and the grammatical system. Kind-level predicates differ as to whether they presuppose (e.g. to be extinct) or entail (e.g. to invent) the existence of objects, with crucial consequences for the interpretation of indefinite argument noun phrases. Moreover, object reference always involves (...)
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    The politics of gesture in sophocles' antigone.Melissa Mueller - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):412-425.
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  35.  13
    Exporting Competition Policy: From Soft Pressures to Shared Values.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Economic Constitution, the Constitution of Politics and Interjurisdictional Competition.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Economic Law Between Harmonization and Competition: The Law & Economics Approach.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
  38.  10
    Intra-EU Systems Competition.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Leniency in the ECN Framework of Parallel Competences.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  40.  19
    Public Economic Law as the Law of Market Regulation.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  41.  13
    Selecting Locations for Investment: A Practioner’s View.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  42.  5
    The Fallacy of Cultivating the Home Turf: A Business Perspective.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  43.  7
    The Impact of Amicus Curiae Briefs in the Settlement of Trade and Investment Disputes.Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen - 2009 - In Adelheid Puttler, Marc Bungenberg & Karl M. Meessen (eds.), Economic Law as an Economic Good: Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  44.  28
    The Social Roots of Suicide: Theorizing How the External Social World Matters to Suicide and Suicide Prevention.Anna S. Mueller, Seth Abrutyn, Bernice Pescosolido & Sarah Diefendorf - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:621569.
    The past 20 years have seen dramatic rises in suicide rates in the United States and other countries around the world. These trends have been identified as a public health crisis in urgent need of new solutions and have spurred significant research efforts to improve our understanding of suicide and strategies to prevent it. Unfortunately, despite making significant contributions to the founding of suicidology – through Emile Durkheim’s classic Suicide (1897/1951) – sociology’s role has been less prominent in contemporary efforts (...)
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  45.  39
    Domestication, crop breeding, and genetic modification are fundamentally different processes: implications for seed sovereignty and agrobiodiversity.Natalie G. Mueller & Andrew Flachs - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):455-472.
    Genetic modification of crop plants is frequently described by its proponents as a continuation of the ancient process of domestication. While domestication, crop breeding, and GM all modify the genomes and phenotypes of plants, GM fundamentally differs from domestication in terms of the biological and sociopolitical processes by which change occurs, and the subsequent impacts on agrobiodiversity and seed sovereignty. We review the history of domestication, crop breeding, and GM, and show that crop breeding and GM are continuous with each (...)
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  46.  94
    Knowledge Dethroned.Andy Mueller & Jacob Ross - 2017 - Analytic Philosophy 58 (4):283-296.
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  47. Emotion as Position-Taking.Jean Moritz Mueller - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):525-540.
    It is a popular thought that emotions play an important epistemic role. Thus, a considerable number of philosophers find it compelling to suppose that emotions apprehend the value of objects and events in our surroundings. I refer to this view as the Epistemic View of emotion. In this paper, my concern is with a rivaling picture of emotion, which has so far received much less attention. On this account, emotions do not constitute a form of epistemic access to specific axiological (...)
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  48.  44
    A twelfth-century manuscript from winchcombe and its illustrations. Dublin, trinity college, MS. 53.Adelheid Heimann - 1965 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 28 (1):86-109.
  49.  32
    Jeremiah and his girdle.Adelheid Heimann - 1962 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 25 (1/2):1-8.
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  50.  44
    Three illustrations from the Bury st. Edmunds psalter and their prototypes. Notes on the iconography of some Anglo-Saxon drawings.Adelheid Heimann - 1966 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 29 (1):39-59.
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