Results for 'Aditya Nain'

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  1. On the continuum fallacy: is temperature a continuous function?Aditya Jha, Douglas Campbell, Clemency Montelle & Phillip L. Wilson - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (69):1-29.
    It is often argued that the indispensability of continuum models comes from their empirical adequacy despite their decoupling from the microscopic details of the modelled physical system. There is thus a commonly held misconception that temperature varying across a region of space or time can always be accurately represented as a continuous function. We discuss three inter-related cases of temperature modelling — in phase transitions, thermal boundary resistance and slip flows — and show that the continuum view is fallacious on (...)
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    Creativity is motivated by novelty. Curiosity is triggered by uncertainty.Aditya Singh & Kou Murayama - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e115.
    Although creativity and curiosity can be similarly construed as knowledge-building processes, their underlying motivation is fundamentally different. Specifically, curiosity drives organisms to seek information that reduces uncertainty so that they can make a better prediction about the world. On the contrary, creative processes aim to connect distant pieces of information, maximizing novelty and utility.
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  3. (1 other version)Not so distinctively mathematical explanations: topology and dynamical systems.Aditya Jha, Douglas Campbell, Clemency Montelle & Phillip L. Wilson - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-40.
    So-called ‘distinctively mathematical explanations’ (DMEs) are said to explain physical phenomena, not in terms of contingent causal laws, but rather in terms of mathematical necessities that constrain the physical system in question. Lange argues that the existence of four or more equilibrium positions of any double pendulum has a DME. Here we refute both Lange’s claim itself and a strengthened and extended version of the claim that would pertain to any n-tuple pendulum system on the ground that such explanations are (...)
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    Black Women, Sexism and Racism: Black or Antiracist Feminism?Gemma Tang Nain - 1991 - Feminist Review 37 (1):1-22.
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    Inequitable Community Reciprocity in the Kalomba Tradition in Indonesia.Umar Nain - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:691-705.
    This research aims to analyze and describe the unequal social reciprocity in the kalomba tradition, the implications and sustainability of the kalomba tradition. This research was conducted in Tanah Towa Village, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Tanah Towa Village was chosen because the kalomba tradition is still strongly maintained and implemented as a traditional obligation and this tradition is specifically found in Kajang District. This research uses a qualitative approach with an ethnographic strategy. Data collection techniques through interviews, (...)
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    La teoría de las generaciones en la crítica de la poesía chilena.Naín Nómez - 2023 - Otrosiglo 7:148-161.
    Texto presentado en el Congreso Internacional “Recepciones de Ortega y Gasset en Chile” celebrado en el Centro Cultural de España en Santiago durante los días 30 y 31 de mayo de 2018, en Santiago de Chile. Forma parte de la compilación recogida en número especial de la Revista de Filosofía Otrosiglo, en junio del 2023.
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    Pablo de rokha Y José Angel Cuevas: De la nostalgia Del mundo rural al sujeto de la ciudad marginal.Naín Nómez - 2010 - Alpha (Osorno) 31:175-194.
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    Utopías de la memoria: búsqueda de la trascendencia en la poesía de David Rosenmann-Taub.Naín Nómez - 2011 - Aisthesis 50:172-188.
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  9. Três gerações.Naine Terena - 2014 - In Maria Pankararu & Edson Kayapó, Memória da Mãe Terra. [Olivença, Bahia, Brazil]: Thydêwá.
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    Trust, ethical climate and nurses’ turnover intention.Aditya Simha & Jatin Pandey - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics:096973302096485.
    Background: Nursing turnover is a very serious problem, and nursing managers need to be aware of how ethical climates are associated with turnover intention. Objectives: The article explored the effects of ethical climates on nurses’ turnover intention, mediated through trust in their organization. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 285 nurses from three Indian hospitals was conducted to test the research model. Various established Likert-type scales were used to measure ethical climates, turnover intention and trust in organization. Hierarchical regression analysis and (...)
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  11. Attitudes and Behaviors of Academic Dishonesty and Cheating—Do Ethics Education and Ethics Training Affect Either Attitudes or Behaviors?Aditya Simha, Josh P. Armstrong & Joseph F. Albert - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:129-144.
    Academic dishonesty and cheating by students has become endemic in higher education. In this article, we conducted a study on undergraduate business students (n = 162) to examine the impact of business ethics education and ethics training on student attitudes towards academic dishonesty as well as their cheating behaviors. We found that business ethics education in conjunction with business ethics training had a positive impact on students’ attitudes towardsacademic dishonesty and cheating; however there was no significant impact of either business (...)
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    The Big 5 Personality Traits and Willingness to Justify Unethical Behavior—A Cross-National Examination.Aditya Simha & Praveen K. Parboteeah - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):451-471.
    In this paper, we examine the relationships between three of the Big 5 personality traits and willingness to justify unethical behavior. We also consider the moderating relationship of four of the GLOBE cultural dimensions on the above relationship. We tested our propositions on a sample of 38,655 individuals from 23 different countries obtained from the latest data available from the World Values Survey Group’s survey. We found that conscientiousness and agreeableness were both negatively associated with willingness to justify unethical behavior. (...)
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  13.  58
    A Comprehensive Literature Review on Cheating.Aditya Simha & John B. Cullen - 2012 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 2 (4):24-44.
    This article provides a comprehensive review of the literature on academic dishonesty and cheating. The different kinds of cheating behaviors and the factors associated with them are delineated and described. Suggestions are provided on how to take corrective and proactive decisions to control and thereby reduce academic dishonesty and cheating.
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    Correction to: The Big 5 Personality Traits and Willingness to Justify Unethical Behavior—A Cross-National Examination.Aditya Simha & K. Praveen Parboteeah - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):473-473.
    The name of the second author was incorrect in the initial online publication. The original article has been corrected.
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  15. A Mathematical Model of Dignāga’s Hetu-cakra.Aditya Kumar Jha - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (3):471-479.
    A reasoned argument or tarka is essential for a wholesome vāda that aims at establishing the truth. A strong tarka constitutes of a number of elements including an anumāna based on a valid hetu. Several scholars, such as Dharmakīrti, Vasubandhu and Dignāga, have worked on theories for the establishment of a valid hetu to distinguish it from an invalid one. This paper aims to interpret Dignāga’s hetu-cakra, called the wheel of grounds, from a modern philosophical perspective by deconstructing it into (...)
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    V for Volunteer(ing)—The Journeys of Undergraduate Volunteers.Aditya Simha, Lazarina N. Topuzova & Joseph F. Albert - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (2):107-126.
    This article studies undergraduate students journeys in volunteering, and details the motivations of and challenges that these volunteers face during the journey. We conducted five focus groups on a total of 38 undergraduate volunteers, and obtained seven themes as we undertook an investigation of our three research questions. Our findings revolved around these seven themes, which ranged from motivations to experiences to challenges. Our findings have helped us understand the motivations and challenges that undergraduate volunteers have and face during the (...)
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    Global Perspectives on Stem Cell Technologies.Aditya Bharadwaj (ed.) - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This book takes as its point of departure a humble cell lying on the intersection of ideas as diverse and yet interlaced as life, knowledge, commerce, governance, and ethics. It seeks to deepen the understanding of stem cell entities and the concerns, hopes, and aspirations that shape and make them viable therapeutic entities in the context of rapid globalization. Several key intersections between individual, group, and institutional relationships have become central to locating and debating the production of stem cells today. (...)
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    Expectation adaptation for rare cadences in music: Item order matters in repetition priming.Aditya Chander & Richard N. Aslin - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105601.
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    Diri yang Pra-Deskriptif.Refan Aditya - 2021 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 7 (1):1-44.
    Kajian ini mengangkat pemikiran dua filsuf besar yaitu Martin Heidegger dan Mullā Şadrā dalam suatu kajian Filsafat Manusia dengan topik pembahasan ‘Struktur Fundamental Manusia’. Problem yang diangkat adalah bagaimana kesejalanan atau paralelisme gagasan keduanya mengenai struktur fundamental manusia. Penelitian ini berusaha mencari hakikat manusia menurut pandangan Martin Heidegger dan Mullā Şadrā kemudian mensintesiskannya dengan metode paralelisme. Penelitian ini penulis rasa penting, di samping untuk memperkaya dialog pemikiran antar peradaban, juga karena kedua filsuf ini memiliki kesamaan prinsip ontologis dalam fondasi filsafatnya (...)
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    Indonesian students’ religiousness, comfort, and anger toward God during the COVID-19 pandemic.Yonathan Aditya, Ihan Martoyo, Firmanto Adi Nurcahyo, Jessica Ariela, Yulmaida Amir & Rudy Pramono - 2022 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 44 (2):91-110.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many religious college students have found comfort in God, while others may have developed anger toward God; however, no studies have systematically compared the multidimensional effects of religiousness on how Muslim and Christian students react to stressors such as COVID-19. This study addressed this gap in the literature by investigating which of the Four Basic Dimensions of Religiousness Scale were significant predictors for both taking comfort in and feeling anger toward God among Muslim and Christian college (...)
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  21.  31
    Amanitvam: a concept from the Bhagavad Gita applicable in medical ethics.Aditya Simha - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):723-724.
    The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most ancient, venerated and popular religious texts originating from India.1 It provides an excellent insight into the tenets of Hinduism. The Bhagavad Gita was originally a part of the Mahabharata,2 and was essentially a dialogue about ethical dilemmas and moral philosophies between a teacher (Krishna) and a disciple (Arjuna). It is considered one of the foundational and most important books in Hinduism. The text provides a synthesis of spiritualism and dharmic ideas, and this (...)
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    On the Precipice of Life: A Contractarian Analysis of Suspended Animation.Christian Aditya, Megan Centafont, Nathan Engel-Hawbecker, Zane Gray, Hassan Omar & Jaskeerat Singh - 2015 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 6 (1-2):27-36.
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    The untested Dharma is not worth living.Aditya Adarkar - 2005 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 9 (1-3):117-130.
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    Aparigraha - is it good for organisations.Aditya Bali, Tohid Kachwala & Sreeram Sivaramakrishnan - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (3):360.
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    Aparigraha- Is it good for organisations.Aditya Bali, Tohid Kachwala & Sreeram Sivaramakrishnan - 2018 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (1):1.
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    The Saṃdeśarāsaka of Abdul RahmanThe Samdesarasaka of Abdul Rahman.Aditya Behl & C. M. Mayrhofer - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):468.
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    Strategy-proof belief merging.Aditya Ghose & Thomas Meyer - unknown
    herent and rational way. Several proposals have been made for information merging in which it is possible to encode the preferences of sources (Benferhat, Dubois, Prade, & Williams, 1999; Benferhat, Dubois, Kaci, & Prade, 2000; Lafage & Lang, 2000; Meyer, 2000, 2001; Andreka, Ryan, & Schobbens, 2001). Information merging has much in common with social choice theory, which aims to define operations reflecting the preferences of a society from the individual preferences of the members of the society. Given this connection, (...)
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    Hedonism and Indian philosophy of peace: An examination.Aditya Kumar Gupta & Kanika Saraf - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (1):349-356.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Psychosocial Risk Management in Europe.Aditya Jain, Stavroula Leka & Gerard Zwetsloot - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (4):619-633.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a comprehensive concept that aims at the promotion of responsible business practices closely linked to the strategy of enterprises. Although there is no single accepted definition of CSR, it remains an inspiring, challenging and strategic development that is becoming an increasingly important priority for companies of all sizes and types, particularly in Europe. Promotion of well-being at work is an essential component of CSR; however, the link between CSR, working conditions and work organisation is still (...)
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  30. Bhāratīya darśanoṃ kā samanvaya.Aditya Nath Jha - 1969
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    Questionnaire surveys in medical research.Aditya Mandal, Jayne Eaden, Margaret K. Mayberry & John F. Mayberry - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (4):395-403.
  32. Decolonising method : where do we stand in political studies?Aditya Nigam - 2022 - In Gita Chadha & Renny Thomas, Mapping scientific method: disciplinary narrations. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Scientific commodities, imperial dreams.Aditya Ramesh - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 60:88-91.
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    Volunteers Versus Non-Volunteers—Which Group Cheats More, and Holds More lax Attitudes About Cheating?Aditya Simha, Josh P. Armstrong & Joseph F. Albert - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (3):205-215.
    Academic dishonesty has been a frequent topic of research and discussion. In this article, we examine the differences between student volunteers and student non-volunteers in terms of their attitudes towards academic dishonesty as well as their cheating behaviors. We found that student volunteers held more serious attitudes towards cheating and academic dishonesty than did student non-volunteers; however there were not many significant differences between student volunteers and student non-volunteers when it came to cheating behaviors. We finally provide some suggestions for (...)
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  35. N-policy for finite queueing models with unreliable server and working vacation.Aditya Pratap Singh & Amita Bhagat - 2022 - In Bhagwati Prasad Chamola, Pato Kumari & Lakhveer Kaur, Emerging advancements in mathematical sciences. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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  36. N-policy for finite queueing models with unreliable server and working vacation.Aditya Pratap Singh & Amita Bhagat - 2022 - In Bhagwati Prasad Chamola, Pato Kumari & Lakhveer Kaur, Emerging advancements in mathematical sciences. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    A model that adopts human fixations explains individual differences in multiple object tracking.Aditya Upadhyayula & Jonathan Flombaum - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104418.
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    The Link Between Ethical Climates and Managerial Success: A Study in a Polish Context. [REVIEW]Aditya Simha & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):55-59.
    This study examines perceptions of ethical climate and ethical practices in a sample of Polish organizations and the relationship between ethical climate and behaviors believed to be associated with successful managers. A survey of Polish managerial employees (N = 200) indicated that “efficiency” was the most reported, and “professionalism” was the least reported ethical climate type. A majority of the respondents (61.5 %) perceived successful managers as being ethical, and in particular, those that believed that their organization had a “professionalism” (...)
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  39. Non-prioritized ranked belief change.Samir Chopra, Aditya Ghose & Thomas Meyer - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (4):417-443.
    Traditional accounts of belief change have been criticized for placing undue emphasis on the new belief provided as input. A recent proposal to address such issues is a framework for non-prioritized belief change based on default theories (Ghose and Goebel, 1998). A novel feature of this approach is the introduction of disbeliefs alongside beliefs which allows for a view of belief contraction as independently useful, instead of just being seen as an intermediate step in the process of belief revision. This (...)
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    On plants and principles: Invited commentary on Birch, Ginsburg and Jablonka’s target article Unlimited Associative Learning and the Origins of Consciousness: A Primer and Some Predictions.Adam Linson, Aditya Ponkshe & Paco Calvo - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-4.
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    Iterated Belief Change and the Recovery Axiom.Samir Chopra, Aditya Ghose, Thomas Meyer & Ka-Shu Wong - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (5):501-520.
    The axiom of recovery, while capturing a central intuition regarding belief change, has been the source of much controversy. We argue briefly against putative counterexamples to the axiom—while agreeing that some of their insight deserves to be preserved—and present additional recovery-like axioms in a framework that uses epistemic states, which encode preferences, as the object of revisions. This makes iterated revision possible and renders explicit the connection between iterated belief change and the axiom of recovery. We provide a representation theorem (...)
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    Presence and absence in bhakti : An afterword. [REVIEW]Aditya Behl - 2007 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 11 (3):319-324.
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    Book review: Mimi white and James schwoch (eds), questions of method in cultural studies. Malden, ma: Blackwell, 2006, XII + 322 pp., usd 36.95. [REVIEW]Aditya Keshari Mishra - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (3):430-432.
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    Re-conceptualizing the villain: Todd Phillips’s Joker through the lens of Vedic hermeneutics.Lalit Aditya Kaushal & Nipun Kalia - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):135-145.
    This article attempts to examine the portrayal of the character of Arthur Fleck in Todd Phillips’s Joker (2019). In the initial part of the film, Arthur exhibits signs that reveal he is headed towards committing a violent crime. Arthur displays signs of psychopathy and a lack of empathy. This article links criminal behaviour analysis to the Bible of the Arya Samaj, an Indian text, to find out how ancient Indian literature’s empirical theories, which are intertwined with philosophical and religious content, (...)
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    Batik Dermayon: Expression of Femininity in North Coast of Java.Nanang Ganda Prawira & Aditya Aditama Putri Hk - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):131-146.
    To date, Javanese-Indonesian coastal women have only been part of the batik craft industry, but their strategic roles and expressions have never been disclosed or cared. Whereas the feminine side and the aesthetic symbolic adaptation of Batik-crafter women are very important issues in the creation of the Indonesian cultural repertoire. This study succeeded in explaining the visual identity signs and aesthetic structures described by the community of the crafter woman in the Paoman Village, as well as revealing the meaning of (...)
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    Collectivist Foundations for Bayesian Statistics.Conor Mayo-Wilson & Aditya Saraf - unknown
    What justifies the use of Bayesian statistics in science? The traditional answer is that Bayesian statistics is simply an instance of orthodox expected utility theory. Thus, Bayesian statistical methods, like principles of utility theory, are justified by norms of individual rationality. In particular, most Bayesians argue that a scientist's credences must satisfy the probability axioms if she adheres to norms of practical and epistemic rationality. We argue that, to justify Bayesian statistics as a tool for science, it is necessary that (...)
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    Acoustics of Emotional Prosody Produced by Prelingually Deaf Children With Cochlear Implants.Monita Chatterjee, Aditya M. Kulkarni, Rizwan M. Siddiqui, Julie A. Christensen, Mohsen Hozan, Jenni L. Sis & Sara A. Damm - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Medical Students' Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience and Recommendations from Five Countries.Mandeep Guragai, Aditya Achanta, Arianna Ysabelle Ong Gopez, Jonathan Niyotwambaza, Luis Guilherme Cardoso, Nathaniel Ladera Estavillo & Michael Dykstra - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (4):623-631.
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    The West Divided? A Snapshot of Human Rights and Transatlantic Relations at the United Nations.Volker Heins, Aditya Badami & Andrei S. Markovits - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (1):1-16.
    Based mostly on extensive interviews with diplomats and human rights activists, this article questions the claim advanced by the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas that current transatlantic relations can be described in terms of a “Divided West.” We examine the scope and depth of shared understandings between key actors in the United States, Germany, and Canada with regard to the definition, monitoring, and implementation of international human rights and to the reform of human rights-related mechanisms within the broader context of current (...)
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    Investigating the Evolution of Technological Integration on Teaching Effectiveness and Staff Development.Lalit Khanna, Dr Aditya Yadav, B. N. Krishna Reddy, Girish Kalele, Dr Bijal Zaveri, Shitij Goyal & Ameya Ambulkar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:940-951.
    Technology Integration (TI) has been incorporated into education and how it has affected both the efficacy of coaching and the development of teams. The research used a blended-techniques approach, integrating qualitative interviews, consciousness businesses, and quantitative surveys to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role that generations play in schooling. As part of the inquiry, 150 educators and administrators participated in awareness seminars and surveys. The findings demonstrate significant gains in instructional efficacy due to technology-enabled tools like interactive software and (...)
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