Results for 'Adriana Pop'

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  1. (1 other version)Children with autism social engagement in interaction with Nao, an imitative robot: A series of single case experiments.Adriana Tapus, Andreea Peca, Amir Aly, Cristina Pop, Lavinia Jisa, Sebastian Pintea, Alina S. Rusu & Daniel O. David - 2012 - Interaction Studies 13 (3):315-347.
    This paper presents a series of 4 single subject experiments aimed to investigate whether children with autism show more social engagement when interacting with the Nao robot, compared to a human partner in a motor imitation task. The Nao robot imitates gross arm movements of the child in real-time. Different behavioral criteria (i.e. eye gaze, gaze shifting, free initiations and prompted initiations of arm movements, and smile/laughter) were analyzed based on the video data of the interaction. The results are mixed (...)
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    Children with autism social engagement in interaction with Nao, an imitative robot.Adriana Tapus, Andreea Peca, Amir Aly, Cristina A. Pop, Lavinia Jisa, Sebastian Pintea, Alina S. Rusu & Daniel O. David - 2012 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 13 (3):315-347.
    This paper presents a series of 4 single subject experiments aimed to investigate whether children with autism show more social engagement when interacting with the Nao robot, compared to a human partner in a motor imitation task. The Nao robot imitates gross arm movements of the child in real-time. Different behavioral criteria were analyzed based on the video data of the interaction. The results are mixed and suggest a high variability in reactions to the Nao robot. The results are as (...)
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    Introducere în opera lui Ioan Petru Culianu: sistemul de gândire.Listeș Pop & Adriana Dana - 2015 - Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință.
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  4. Reverberações do c'none valorativo na crítica musical: experiências com Sgt. Pepper´s Lonely Hearts Club Band em 1967 e 2017.Jorge Cardoso Filho & Celina Adriana Brandão Pereira - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (3):194.
    O presente artigo analisa como funcionam os processos de avaliação da crítica musical em função de um distanciamento estético-temporal, seus modos de construir ou reverberar valores de obras artísticas e/ou objetos culturais. Assim, nos debruçamos sobre críticas musicais do álbum Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, da banda The Beatles, produzidas em 1967 e 2017. O disco é considerado icônico tanto para a cultura pop quanto para o gênero rock, de modo que interpretamos as transformações nos valores culturais associados à (...)
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    From Man to Ape: Darwinism in Argentina, 1870-1920.Adriana Novoa - 2010 - University of Chicago Press. Edited by Alex Levine.
    Adriana Novoa and Alex Levine offer here a history and interpretation of the reception of Darwinism in Argentina, illuminating the ways culture shapes ...
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    Inclining Mimesis: Continuing the Dialogue with Adriana Cavarero.Nidesh Lawtoo & Adriana Cavarero - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (2):195-213.
    In this article, Adriana Cavarero and Nidesh Lawtoo resume a dialogue on mimetic inclinations in view of furthering a relational, embodied and affective conception of subjectivity that challenges homo erectus from the immanent perspective of homo mimeticus. If a dominant philosophical tradition tends to restrict mimesis to an illusory representation of reality, Plato was the first to know that mimesis also operates as an affective force, or pathos, that dispossesses the subject. While Plato tended to emphasize the pathological implications (...)
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  7. Relating Narratives: Storytelling and Selfhood.Adriana Cavarero - 1997 - Routledge.
    Relating Narratives is a major new work by the philosopher and feminist thinker Adriana Cavarero. First published in Italian to widespread acclaim, Relating Narratives is a fascinating and challenging new account of the relationship between selfhood and narration. Drawing a diverse array of thinkers from both the philosophical and the literary tradition, from Sophocles and Homer to Hannah Arendt, Karen Blixen, Walter Benjamin and Borges, Adriana Cadarero's theory of the `narratable self' shows how narrative models in philosophy and (...)
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  8. On Nature and Language.Adriana Belletti & Luigi Rizzi (eds.) - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    In On Nature and Language Noam Chomsky develops his thinking on the relation between language, mind and brain, integrating current research in linguistics into the burgeoning field of neuroscience. This 2002 volume begins with a lucid introduction by the editors Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi. This is followed by some of Chomsky's writings on these themes, together with a penetrating interview in which Chomsky provides the clearest and most elegant introduction to current theory available. It should make his Minimalist (...)
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  9.  27
    Surging democracy: notes on Hannah Arendt's political thought.Adriana Cavarero - 2021 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Matthew Gervase.
    What does a truly democratic experience of political action look like today? In this provocative new work, Adriana Cavarero weighs in on contemporary debates about the relationship between democracy, happiness, and dissent. Drawing upon Arendt's understanding of politics as a participatory experience, but also discussing texts by Émile Zola, Elias Canetti, Boris Pasternak, and Roland Barthes, along with engaging Judith Butler, Cavarero proposes a new view of democracy, based not on violence, but rather on the spontaneous experience of a (...)
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    The Philosophical Café.Adriana Vlaicu - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 10 (1):19-32.
    Through a number of various factors and circumstances, I have come to hold my own philosophical café in the city I currently live in: Timișoara, România. What I had planned to be a monthly occurrence, turned into a bi-monthly one at the request of the public. Thus, since the first edition we have had twenty-two such meetings, with a brief vacation during the summer months. What I have in mind with this article is to make an analysis of the development (...)
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    The logic of equilibrium and abelian lattice ordered groups.Adriana Galli, Renato A. Lewin & Marta Sagastume - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (2):141-158.
    We introduce a deductive system Bal which models the logic of balance of opposing forces or of balance between conflicting evidence or influences. ‘‘Truth values’’ are interpreted as deviations from a state of equilibrium, so in this sense, the theorems of Bal are to be interpreted as balanced statements, for which reason there is only one distinguished truth value, namely the one that represents equilibrium. The main results are that the system Bal is algebraizable in the sense of [5] and (...)
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  12.  43
    Horrorism: Naming Contemporary Violence.Adriana Cavarero - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Words like "terrorism" and "war" no longer encompass the scope of contemporary violence. With this explosive book, Adriana Cavarero, one of the world's most provocative feminist theorists and political philosophers, effectively renders such terms obsolete. She introduces a new word—"horrorism"—to capture the experience of violence. Unlike terror, horrorism is a form of violation grounded in the offense of disfiguration and massacre. Numerous outbursts of violence fall within Cavarero's category of horrorism, especially when the phenomenology of violence is considered from (...)
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  13.  24
    Los usos de Hegel. A propósito de la necesaria ampliación metodológica en Los inicios de la fiLosofía latinoamericana de la liberación.Adriana María Arpini - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (1).
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    Dialettica e politica in Platone.Adriana Cavarero - 1976 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Emplotting Difference.Marcel Cornis-Pop - 1987 - Semiotics:274-286.
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    "Inside a Stratified Whale.Marcel Cornis-Pop - 1985 - Semiotics:286-301.
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  17. Literaturas europeas de vanguardia, de Guillermo de Torre: maniobras de posicionamiento en la aventura estética de los años veinte.Adriana Abalo Gómez - 2024 - Arbor 200 (812):2704.
    En las páginas que siguen se realiza una lectura sociológica de Literaturas europeas de vanguardia, obra publicada por Guillermo de Torre en 1925, a fin de examinar sus tomas de posición en la nueva aventura estética que se abría en el campo literario español de los años veinte. Esta obra pone de manifiesto la destreza de Torre para construir una identidad propia y autolegitimarse en la nueva era estética mediante varias maniobras de posicionamiento. Primero, con una contundente respuesta a la (...)
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    Perspectivas ontosemánticas en la concepción estructuralista de la ciencia.Adriana Gonzalo - 2011 - Arbor 187 (747):33-41.
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    * Referência e Denotação: Duas Funções Sem'nticas Irredutíveis.Adriana Silva Graça - 2002 - Disputatio (12):3-21.
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    A Study on the First Generation of Romanian Women- Painters and the Continuity of Their Modernity.Pop Mihaela - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 65 (2).
    This work intends to discuss about the first generation of Romanian womenpainters within the wider context of the condition of woman within the Romanian society during the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. We will develop the following path: a) the movement of women’s emancipation in Romania – characteristics and phases; b) the Romanian art-world and this movement of women-painters.
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    Textual Anastomosis: About the Vanishing Body and the Resurrection of a Character. A Transversal Reading of Black Water (1992) and Mudwoman (2012) by Joyce Carol Oates.Andreea Pop - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (3):77-92.
    In 1992, the much acclaimed prolific American writer Joyce Carol Oates publishes Black Water – a very harsh and condensed literary reenactment of a gruesome event having taken place more than twenty years before and known as the “Chappaquiddick incident”. Another twenty years later, through her 2012 novel Mudwoman, the author seems to revisit the topic that had haunted her for decades. This paper aims at establishing a certain narrative pattern connecting the two novels not only thematically, but also phantasmatically: (...)
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  22. Paisagem: natureza perdida, natureza reencontrada?Adriana Veríssimo Serrão - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 1 (2):07-27.
    Em vez de considerarem o problema da distinção entre Natureza e Paisagem, posição típica das teorias de Georg Simmel e de Joachim Ritter, os debates contemporâneos incidem sobretudo na questão da naturalidade do natural, e em particular na possibilidade de restituir à paisagem a naturalidade perdida.
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  23. Commentario al De anima, libro III.Adriana Thomas & Caparello - 1971 - Bergamo,: Minerva italica. Edited by Adriana Caparello.
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  24. Exploration of Contentless Awareness During Sleep: An Online Survey (Supplementary Materials).Adriana Alcaraz - 2024 - Dreaming.
    These are the supplementary materials of the article "Exploration of Contentless Awareness During Sleep: An Online Survey".
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    O impacto dos arquivos pessoais na historiografia: um estudo de caso sobre o legado de Allan Kardec na era digital.Adriana Gomes & Adair Ribeiro Jr - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):226705-226705.
    Este artigo investiga o impacto dos arquivos pessoais na reconfiguração da historiografia, destacando a relevância desses acervos em um contexto de transformações digitais. Baseando-se em reflexões de Derrida e Foucault, questiona a objetividade tradicional. Utilizando o arquivo pessoal de Allan Kardec, o da Sociedade Parisiense de Estudos Espíritas e a _Revista Espírita_ como exemplos, o artigo explora a importância de documentos acessíveis por meio do Projeto Allan Kardec e do Museu Allan Kardec. Online (AKOL). Inicia com discussão teórico-metodológica, analisando a (...)
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  26. Birth, love, politics.Adriana Cavarero - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 86:19-23.
  27. Escravidão, reprodução endógena e crioulização: o caso do Espírito Santo no Oitocentos.Adriana Pereira Campos - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (23):84-96.
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  28. Otros marcos de representación de la guerra, que no hemos escuchado: de la «vida fungible» a la vida biográfica de un excombatiente en proceso de reintegración.Adriana María Ruiz Gutiérrez & Conrado de Jesús Giraldo Zuluaga - 2024 - Perseitas 12:401-424.
    La vulnerabilidad narrativa, producto de la exclusión de los marcos de representación del contexto, que priva a algunos de ser vistos, escuchados y sentidos por la mayoría, implica la precariedad de amplias generaciones transformadas en “vidas fungibles”, esto es, en instrumentos vivos y animados de las máquinas de la guerra. Estos hombres y mujeres, empero, no son engranajes de la destrucción, sino seres con un nombre y una historia singular. Su capacidad de traducir narrativamente la realidad ofrece otro encuadre de (...)
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    Social Ontology: Butler via Arendt via Loidolt.Adriana Zaharijevic - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):146-154.
    This short contribution is written on the occasion of the book discussion of Sophie Loidolt’s Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. It presents an attempt to read the two key notions Loidolt elaborates in her book – spaces of meaning and spaces of the public and private – from a critical perspective offered by Judith Butler’s taking up of Arendt’s work. Offering Butler’s conception of social ontology through several major points (...)
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  30. Minimal states of awareness across sleep and wakefulness: A multidimensional framework to guide scientific research.Adriana Alcaraz - forthcoming - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences.
    I introduce a novel multidimensional framework tailored to investigate a set of phenomena that might appear intractable and render them amenable to scientific inquiry. In particular, I focus on examining altered states of consciousness that appear to the experiencing subject as “contentless” or “objectless” states in some form, either by having disrupted or reduced content of awareness, or content that appears as missing altogether. By drawing on empirical research, I propose a cluster of phenomenological dimensions aimed at enhancing our understanding (...)
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    Science, Politics/Policy and the Cold War in Argentina: From Concepts to Institutional Models in the 1950s and ’60s.Adriana Feld - 2019 - Minerva 57 (4):523-547.
    This paper analyses how the Cold War influenced the discourses on basic research and on Science and Technology Policies of some leaders of the Argentine research community. It explores two key intersections to study the Cold War: the first between politics and policies; the second between the global and the regional/national. The basic assumption is that, just as there was no one Cold War, specific regional and national traits lent specific meanings to basic research. In dialogue with the literature on (...)
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    For More Than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression.Adriana Cavarero - 2005 - Stanford University Press.
    The human voice does not deceive. The one who is speaking is inevitably revealed by the singular sound of her voice, no matter “what” she says. We take this fact for granted—for example, every time someone asks, over the telephone, “Who is speaking?” and receives as a reply the familiar utterance, “It’s me.” Starting from the given uniqueness of every voice, Cavarero rereads the history of philosophy through its peculiar evasion of this embodied uniqueness. She shows how this history—along with (...)
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    Spinozjańskie ujęcie afektywności w świetle zagadnienia świadomości nierefleksyjnej i problemu samopoznania.Adriana Warmbier - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (2):145-158.
    W artykule rozważana jest Spinozjańska koncepcja afektywności w kontekście pytania o pierwotne przedrefleksyjne formy świadomości siebie oraz problemu samopoznania. Autorka przedstawia ideę _conatus _oraz jej związek z emocjami, ukazując potencjał heurystyczny Spinozjańskiego ujęcia sfery bierności. Rozważania skupione są wokół problematycznej kwestii, czy bierność daje nam jedynie niejasną wiedzę o nas samych, będąc niepożądanym stanem, czy też sposób, w jaki afekt zostaje przeżyty i postrzeżony może mieć znaczenie dla samoświadomości, stanowiąc jej pierwotną przedrefleksyjną formę. Nawiązując do hermeneutyki podmiotowości, autorka wskazuje, że (...)
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    Maksymilian Del Mar’s Artefacts of Legal Inquiry.Adriana Alfaro Altamirano - 2022 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 51 (2):179-186.
    Maksymilian Del Mar’s Artefacts of Legal Inquiry. Some reflections This contribution explores Maksymilian Del Mar’s Artefacts of Legal Inquiry by posing several questions and an objection. First, I celebrate the role that Del Mar awards for hesitation and experimentation in adjudication, but I question, at the same time, whether it can backfire regarding the accountability to which judges and legislators are subjected. Next, I wonder about the author’s position with regards to the dangers of affective participation in the law, as (...)
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    Para la construcción del diálogo intercultural con mirada de género en bioética. Aportes desde la Ética Social Latinoamericana.Adriana María Arpini - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 51:030-030.
    We contribute to the complex and problematic relationship between interculturality, gender and bioethics from the perspective of Latin American Social Ethics. We first review moments of the constitution and development of Latin American Social Ethics and identify categories that open possibilities to articulate with the critique of intercultural philosophy and decolonial feminist epistemologies. We also consider the criticisms of the notion of recognition from proposals of Latin American intercultural philosophy and we move towards the proposals of gender diversity and the (...)
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    A Matter of Telling Stories.Marcel Cornis-Pop - 1986 - Semiotics:125-139.
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  37. John Dewey I unifikacja kategorii opozycyjnych.Adriana Schetz - 2004 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 32 (3).
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  38. El dolor social.Adriana Gil Juárez - 2005 - Ludus Vitalis 13 (24):211-222.
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    Reflexões Sobre a Pedagogia Franciscana e a Formação de Educadores.Adriana Dal Molin, Carla Camargo da Fonseca, Éderson Perera Coitinho, Gilvanete de Castro de Soares, Letícia Cavalheiro Borges & Maria Helena Rodrigues de Figueirôa - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):85-91.
    The formative experiences carried out throughout the Franciscan Itinerary reveal that reflection on Franciscan Pedagogy and the respective role of educators in Franciscan institutions must be constant and in dialogue with practice, aiming for actions that characterize education based on principles, values, and attitudes. Therefore, it is necessary to know and delve into the life of Saint Francis of Assisi beyond the knowledge of Franciscan humanism, so that its values are intertwined with personal values, becoming foundations for pedagogical practice.
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  40. El humanismo como fundamento de la responsabilidad social universitaria Y desarrollo humano integral.Adriana María Zuluaga Monsalve - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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    Potência da razão e Liberdade humana: uma análise do prefácio, axiomas e das quatro primeiras proposições da Parte V da Ética.Adriana Belmonte Moreira - 2010 - Cadernos Espinosanos 22:141.
    Este artigo apresenta o sentido da sinonímia entre potência da razão e liberdade humana na Parte V da Ética, a partir de uma análise de seu prefácio, axiomas e quatro primeiras proposições. No decorrer de nossa análise mostramos porque a potência da qual trata Espinosa não é a de uma vontade livre, mas se identifica à potência da razão ou intelecto em realizar um império sobre os afetos, sendo precisamente o exercício deste governo o que oferece sentido à idéia de (...)
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    Goya and the Paradox of Tolerance.Andrei Pop - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 44 (2):242-274.
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    Mots et images animées.Mihaela Pop - 2011 - Philotheos 11:141-151.
    This work applies the meaning of empsychia (animation) to the domain of graphe empsychos (animated word or image) using some funerary orations written by Gregory of Naziansus (IV-th century) and Michael Psellos (XI-th century). In our opinion, a certain continuity of this Byzantine tradition could be traced in the Romanian culture of the XVI-th century.
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    Medicinska etika.Nada Pop-Jordanova - 2003 - Skopje: Kultura.
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    Normal and abnormal and the body-soul relationship in some ancient medical texts.Mihaela Pop - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):185-196.
    This essay intends to reveal the contribution of some Aristotelian concepts – such as “just measure” (metron, meson) and “lack of measure” (alloiosis) as well as some other connected pathological affections (pathe) of the human volitive part of the soul (thymos), caused by certain changes of the humoral mixtures, especially the ones of the black bile, a humoral substance that was considered largely responsible for the severe alterations of the normal rational activity of the human soul (logismos). – to the (...)
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    Simona Nicoarã, Istorie si imaginar – eseuri de antropologie istoricã/ History and Imaginary - Essays in Historical Anthropology.Liviu Pop - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):225-226.
    Simona Nicoarã, Istorie si imaginar – eseuri de antropologie istoricã (History and Imaginary - Essays in Historical Anthropology) Editura Presa Universitarã Clujeanã, Cluj-Napoca, 2000.
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  47. Jornadinhas Nacionais de Literatura de Passo Fundo formando leitores: em foco a 4ª Jornadinha.Adriana Röhrig & Fabiane Verardi Burlamaque - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
    Resumo: Palavras-chave: : Keywords : Reading. Jornadinha Nacional de Literatura. Reception. Experience.Representation. This article makes an analysis on the role of Jornadinhas Nacionais de Literatura de Passo Fundo, with emphasis on representations of its 4th edition, built by children of 10 years, from the middle class of RS – Ijuí, students of a private school in same municipality. Testimonies of these children are examined at four different times in the light of the Aesthetics of Reception and the Sociology of Reading. (...)
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    Index.Adriana Serban & Larisa Cercel - 2015 - In Adriana Serban & Larisa Cercel (eds.), Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 259-266.
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  49. Responsabilidade Socioambiental Coletiva: Um Olhar Sobre o Papel da Educação Ambiental No Enfrentamento Das Mudanças Climáticas.Adriana dos Santos Souza & Ana Alice De Carli - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):1-16.
    This academic essay aims to bring to light important reflections on the responsibility of all members of society, in relation to the protection of the natural environment. Furthermore, highlight the importance of environmental education as a tool for combating climate change. This is an exploratory research, with a bibliographic review.
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  50. Scenes of inclination.Adriana Cavarero - 2021 - In Toward a feminist ethics of nonviolence. New York: Fordham University Press.
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