Results for 'Adriano Dell'Asta'

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    La creatività a partire da Berdjaev.Adriano Dell'Asta - 1977 - Milano : Jaca book,:
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    Realism and antirealism in metaphysics, science and language. Festschrift for Mario Alai.Adriano Angelucci, Vincenzo Fano, Gabriele Ferretti, Giovanni Galli, Pierluigi Graziani, Gino Tarozzi, Mario Alai, Matteo Morganti, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Dennis Dieks, Michel Ghins, Evandro Agazzi, Fabio Minazzi, Allen Stairs, Flavia Marcacci, Alberto Cordero, Marco Buzzoni, Massimo Dell'Utri, Giorgio Volpe, Francesco Orilia, Ernesto Napoli & Stephen Stich - 2024 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
    Great scholars in philosophy possess a keen analytical mind, excel in logical reasoning, and exhibit meticulous attention to detail. They rigorously define terms, avoiding ambiguities and errors. Originality and the willingness to challenge conventions are their hallmarks. They make significant contributions across various philosophical fields. They transparently address the exact aim of their research, and what it is not. Finally, they anticipate the impact of their theories on the current literature, and how such an impact should blossom across the future (...)
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  3. Aporie dell'etica della comunicazione.Adriano Fabris - 2004 - Giornale di Metafisica 26 (2):249-270.
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    Filosofia delle religioni: come orientarsi nell'epoca dell'indifferenza e dei fondamentalismi.Adriano Fabris - 2012 - Roma: Carocci.
    Com'è possibile pensare oggi l'esperienza religiosa? Come la si è concepita nel passato? E soprattutto quale utilità può avere questa riflessione per evitare le conseguenze, spesso difficili da gestire, sia degli atteggiamenti fondamentalistici, sia dell'indifferenza verso un possibile interesse religioso? La filosofia delle religioni risponde a tali domande in maniera rigorosa e non ideologicamente prevenuta: come accade in questo libro. Dopo una presentazione dell'attuale, complessa situazione, vengono qui esaminati i modi in cui il pensiero filosofico, nel corso della sua storia, (...)
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    Filosofia dell'amicizia: linguaggio, individuazione, piacere.Adriano Bertollini - 2021 - Roma: DeriveApprodi.
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  6. Filosofia delle morali.Adriano Tilgher - 1944 - Roma,: G. Bardi.
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    Natura e progetto dell'uomo: riflessioni sul dibattito contemporaneo.Adriano Bausola - 1977 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Il tempo dell'uomo e il tempo di Dio: filosofie del tempo in una prospettiva interdisciplinare.Adriano Fabris & Maria Cristina Bartolomei (eds.) - 2001 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
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    Il coraggio dell'intelligenza: Mazzino Montinari.Adriano Montinari (ed.) - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  10. Il diritto come prodotto dell' autocoscienza.Adriano Tilgher - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (3):16-16.
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  11. Le Orecchie dell' Aquila.Adriano Tilgher - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):541-541.
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    L’agire del pensiero, il sapere dell’etica, il potere della filosofia.Adriano Fabris - forthcoming - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Philosophie.
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    L'essere altrove: l'esperienza umana nell'epoca dell'intellligenza artificiale.Adriano Pessina - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Critica dell’apparente e critica apparente. Simplicio interprete di Parmenide nel Commentario al de Caelo di Aristotele, Saggio introduttivo, raccolta dei testi, traduzione e commentario (Symbolon 44).Ivan Adriano Licciardi - 2017 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    La questione dell’alia lectura di Tommaso d’Aquino. A proposito dell’edizione delle note marginali del ms. Oxford, Lincoln College Lat. 95. [REVIEW]Adriano Oliva - 2006 - Quaestio 6 (1):516-521.
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    Post-verità e fantasie di complotto. Coordinate concettuali e tracce storico-politiche.Adriano Vinale - 2022 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 34 (66):125-142.
    Quest’articolo prova ad offrire una ricostruzione storica e un’analisi teorica di due concetti che hanno pervaso il dibattito politico contemporaneo: post-verità e complottismo. Nel farlo, il principale obiettivo di chi scrive è quello di smentire la presunta filiazione tra post-strutturalismo e post-truismo. Questo tentativo si fonda sull’ipotesi che il passaggio da una società del segreto ad una società della trasparenza abbia prodotto di fatto una invisibilizzazione del reale attraverso la sua sovra-esposizione documediale.
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  17. Il valore della vita: l'uomo di fronte al problema del dolore, della vecchiaia, dell'eutanasia: atti del 54o Corso di aggiornamento culturale dell'Università cattolica, Roma, 2-7 settembre 1984.Adriano Bausola (ed.) - 1985 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    L'uomo di fronte all'arte: valori estetici e valori etico-religiosi: atti del 55o Corso di aggiornamento culturale dell'Università cattolica, La Spezia, 8-13 settembre 1985.Adriano Bausola (ed.) - 1986 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Filosofia delle Morali. Studio Sulle Forze, le Forme, Gli Stili Della Vita Morale.Moralita. Punti di Vista Sulla Vita e Sull'uomo. [REVIEW]H. W. S. & Adriano Tilgher - 1939 - Journal of Philosophy 36 (6):162.
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  20. L'utopia alla prova dell'umorismo: per una prassi e una poetica del discorso universitario: atti delle Giornate di studi utopici, Università degli studi di Milano, 1-2 dicembre 2016.Francesco Adriano Clerici, Sara Di Alessandro & Rosalba Maletta (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  21. Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.).Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté - 1996 - Novara: De Agostini.
    One 1120 pages volume, with 4000 entries covering - Western philosophy: authors, schools, concepts and terminology; - religions, cultural anthropology, eastern philosophies; - Psychology and psychoanalysis; - linguistics and semiotics; - sociology and political theory.
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    «Une des figures les plus originales de Milan»: l’antiquario Giuseppe Baslini (1817-1887).Martina Colombi - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):95-121.
    L’articolo si propone di indagare le numerose sfaccettature di un personaggio cruciale per il mercato dell’arte europeo del XIX secolo, a cui gli studi non hanno ancora rivolto la dovuta attenzione: l’antiquario Giuseppe Baslini. Ricordato dai contemporanei per l’eccezionale talento da connoisseur e la spregiudicata astuzia negli affari, Baslini fu probabilmente il più importante mercante milanese del secondo Ottocento. La sua bottega in via Montenapoleone 11 divenne riferimento e luogo di richiamo per restauratori, collezionisti e travelling agents di tutta Europa. (...)
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    Un catalogo per la collezione di Francesco Molinari.Lorenzo Napodano - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (1):153-173.
    Dopo aver svelato parte della storia e dell’attività di Giulio Sambon (1837-1921) con la sua «Impresa di Vendite in Italia» a Milano, Firenze, Roma e Napoli,1 si propone un approfondimento sul suo incontro con il mercante d’arte Francesco Molinari (1813-1866). Quest’ultimo, attivo in Italia e probabilmente anche in Europa, si colloca nel panorama del collezionismo milanese della seconda metà dell’Ottocento con una particolare attenzione alle opere d’arte lombarda, configurandosi un crocevia ancora non indagato del secolo dei conoscitori. L’occasione che ha (...)
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    Senocrate successore di Speusippo.Margherita Parente - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
    L’articolo passa in rassegna le diverse tradizioni che trattano del passaggio, nell’Accademia del 339 a. C., dello scolarcato da Speusippo all’homo novus Senocrate. La nostra tradizione in proposito è alquanto tardiva: essa prende la sua origine da Filodemo, che dipenderebbe da fonti relativamente vicine a Platone ed ai suoi immediati discepoli, del III o II secolo. Pur essendo autore di età augustea, Filodemo non sembra conoscere certe vicissitudini subite dalla tradizione platonico-accademica. La tradizione seguente è notevolmente più tardiva: scendiamo all’età (...)
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    Norberto Bobbio: rigore intellettuale e impegno civile.Michele Saporiti (ed.) - 2016 - Torino: G. Giappichelli editore.
    Aperto dai saggi di Alfonso Ruiz Miguel e Patrizia Borsellino, questo volume raccoglie contributi di giovani studiosi, intorno a temi caratterizzanti del pensiero filosofico-giuridico e filosofico-politico di Norberto Bobbio, dalla riflessione sul rigore analitico e sulla filosofia quale militanza, all'analisi sulla forma democratica, che in molte parti anticipò ed intuì i suoi successivi sviluppi. La riattualizzazione dei temi centrali e fondanti dei diritti umani e del pacifismo, si accompagna nei saggi alla rilettura di alcuni importanti contributi bobbiani alla teoria della (...)
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  26. Note e recensioni.Autori Vari - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    Adriano Ardovino, Raccogliere il mondo. Per una fenomenologia della rete [Angela Maiello] • Clive Bell, L’Arte [Filippo Focosi] • Alessandro Bertinetto, Il pensiero dei suoni. Temi di filosofia della musica [Domenica Lentini] • Terrence Deacon, Incomplete Nature. How Mind Emerged From Matter [Mariagrazia Portera] • Roger Scruton, La bellezza. Ragione ed esperienza estetica [Filippo Focosi] • Miriam Bratu Hansen, Cinema and Experience. Sigfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin and Theoder W. Adorno [Domenico Spinosa] • Lawrence Barsalou, scritti sulla “Grounded Cognition” [Gialuca (...)
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  27. Categories We Live By: Reply to Alcoff, Butler, and Roth. Ásta - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):310-318.
    The author of Categories We Live By replies to critics Linda Martín Alcoff, Judith Butler, and Abraham Sesshu Roth.
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    Epikureismus in der späten Republik und der Kaiserzeit: Akten der 2. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 30. September-3. Oktober 1999 in Würzburg.Michael Erler & Robert Bees (eds.) - 2000 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    Epikurs Lehre erfreut sich wachsender Aufmerksamkeit. Doch verdient auch die Geschichte des Epikureismus, insbesondere der Kaiserzeit, Interesse. Keineswegs verschwindet die diesseits orientierte Lehre Epikurs trotz wachsendem Streben der Philosophie nach Transzendenz in der Spatantike. Eine Analyse paganer wie auch christlicher Autoren zeigt, dass insbesondere Epikurs Ethik und ihr Angebot praktischer Lebenshilfe als Teil einer "praeparatio philosophica" uberlebt, ins Mittelalter vermittelt wurde und in der Renaissance Auferstehung feierte. Die Vortrage dieses Bandes begeben sich deshalb auf Spurensuche. Unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten gehen sie (...)
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    Epikureismus in der späten Republik und der Kaiserzeit: Akten der 2. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 30. September - 3. Oktober 1998 in Würzburg.Michael Karl-Und-Gertrud-Abel Stiftung, Robert Erler & Bees (eds.) - 2000 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Epikurs Lehre erfreut sich wachsender Aufmerksamkeit. Doch verdient auch die Geschichte des Epikureismus, insbesondere der Kaiserzeit, Interesse. Keineswegs verschwindet die diesseits orientierte Lehre Epikurs trotz wachsendem Streben der Philosophie nach Transzendenz in der Spatantike. Eine Analyse paganer wie auch christlicher Autoren zeigt, dass insbesondere Epikurs Ethik und ihr Angebot praktischer Lebenshilfe als Teil einer "praeparatio philosophica" uberlebt, ins Mittelalter vermittelt wurde und in der Renaissance Auferstehung feierte. Die Vortrage dieses Bandes begeben sich deshalb auf Spurensuche. Unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten gehen sie (...)
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  30. The Social Construction of Human Kinds.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):716-732.
    Social construction theorists face a certain challenge to the effect that they confuse the epistemic and the metaphysical: surely our conceptions of something are influenced by social practices, but that doesn't show that the nature of the thing in question is so influenced. In this paper I take up this challenge and offer a general framework to support the claim that a human kind is socially constructed, when this is understood as a metaphysical claim and as a part of a (...)
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  31. The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 47--65.
    In this chapter I offer an interpretation of Judith Butler’s metaphysics of sex and gender and situate it in the ontological landscape alongside what has long been the received view of sex and gender in the English speaking world, which owes its inspiration to the works of Simone de Beauvoir. I then offer a critique of Butler’s view, as interpreted, and subsequently an original account of sex and gender, according to which both are constructed—or conferred, as I would put it— (...)
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    Miscellanea Adriano Gazzana.Adriano Gazzana (ed.) - 1960 - Milano,: C. Marzorati.
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    Vanitas: poética de Adriano Corrales.Adriano Corrales Arias - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (31):263-265.
    La sección de literatura de esta edición N.° 31, nos brinda un paisaje poético dibujado por el escritor Adriano (de San Martín) Corrales Arias, oriundo de Costa Rica, territorio cuyo relieve y herencia mesoamericana recorre a través de palabras sinuosas, vertidas en los poemas 12, 29 y 34 de su libro Vanitas, publicado en la capital costarricense por la Editorial Arlekín, en 2021.
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  34. Social Construction.Ásta Sveinsdóttir - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (12):884-892.
    What is social construction? This essay offers a survey of the various ways in which something could be socially constructed and then addresses briefly the questions whether social constructionism involves an untenable anti-realism and what, if anything, unifies all social construction claims.
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    Can Conferralism Account for Systemic Racism? Ásta - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (S1):21-36.
    Conferralism about race is a version of social constructivism about race, where the agents of construction seem to be individual agents. However, an important aspect of racism is systemic or structural, and seemingly not about the behavior of individual agents. Can conferralism account for that? In this paper, I begin to address that question by focusing on recent criticism of conferralism by Linda Martín Alcoff and Aaron Griffith.
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  36. Categorical Injustice. Ásta - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 50 (4):392-406.
  37. Essentiality conferred.Ásta Sveinsdóttir - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 140 (1):135 - 148.
    In this article I introduce a certain kind of anti-realist account of what makes a property essential to an object and defend it against likely objections. This account, which I call a ‘conferralist’ account, shares some of the attractive features of other anti-realist accounts, such as conventionalism and expressivism, but I believe, not their respective drawbacks.
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  38. What are Sex and Gender and what Do We Want them to Be?Ásta Ásta - 2023 - Metaphysics 6 (1):37.
    We are living in times where there is considerable debate over what sex and gender are and who gets to be of what sex and what gender. These are questions that impact people’s lives greatly, some more than others. They are metaphysical questions, but they also concern what principles we should be guided by when allocating resources, services, and protections to people with potentially different needs. There are also methodological questions in the vicinity. In this essay, I draw on my (...)
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  39. Knowledge of essence: the conferralist story.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (1):21-32.
    Realist essentialists face a prima facie challenge in accounting for our knowledge of the essences of things, and in particular, in justifying our engaging in thought experiments to gain such knowledge. In contrast, conferralist essentialism has an attractive story to tell about how we gain knowledge of the essences of things, and how thought experiments are a justified method for gaining such knowledge. The conferralist story is told in this essay.
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    Interstitial Injustice. Ásta - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Social construction is involved in various forms of injustice that have been in focus in recent years, such as testimonial and discursive injustice. There is also injustice that is distinctly metaphysical and involves acting and being, and recent work has identified various forms of it, including categorical injustice, ontic injustice and ontological oppression. Less attention has been paid to cases that fall betwixt and between, to the unintelligible and interstitial. In this paper, I discuss how conferralism can account for certain (...)
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    Social Ontology: Where Now? Ásta - 2024 - Journal of Social Ontology 10 (3):7-10.
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    Ontology and Oppression: Race, Gender, and Social Reality, by Katharine Jenkins. Ásta - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Ideological Absorption and Countertechniques: Comments on Lindemann. Asta - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 17 (3).
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    Response to Critics. Ásta - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):273-283.
    This is a response to the critical comments by Åsa Burman, Esa Díaz-León, Aaron Griffith, and Katharine Jenkins.
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    Children's Laughter and Emotion Sharing With Peers and Adults in Preschool.Asta Cekaite & Mats Andrén - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The present study investigates how laughter features in the everyday lives of 3-5-year old children in Swedish preschools. It examines and discusses typical laughter patterns and their functions with a particular focus on children’s and intergenerational (child-adult/educator) laughter in early education context. The research questions concern: who laughs with whom; how do adults respond to children’s laughter, and what characterizes the social situations in which laughter is used and reciprocated. Theoretically, the study answers the call for sociocultural approaches that contextualize (...)
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  46. Précis: Categories We Live By. Ásta - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):229-233.
    The project of Categories We Live By is to offer a metaphysics of social categories. The strategy is to give a theory of social properties of individuals. The main components of the theory are a conferralist framework for properties; an account of social meaning; and an account of social construction; accompanying is also an account of social identity. This theory can be applies to offer concrete conferralist proposals of categories such as sex, gender, race, disability, religion, and LGBTQ categories. This (...)
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  47. Siding with euthyphro: Response-dependence and conferred properties.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):108-125.
    : I argue that a response‐dependence account of a concept can yield metaphysical results, and not merely epistemological or semantical results, which has been a prevalent view in the literature on response‐dependence. In particular, I show how one can argue for a conferralist account of a certain property by arguing that the concept of the property is response‐dependent, if certain assumptions are made.
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    Inteligencia y planificación en el Ejército. Una aproximación prospectiva.Antonio Arregui Asta - 2000 - Arbor 165 (651):445-474.
    La Planificación en los Ejércitos abarca múltiples facetas, desde la determinación de su entidad, composición y misiones, al establecimiento de los posibles escenarios de intervención. En esta planificación han de tenerse en cuenta no sólo datos conocidos o predeterminados, sino también factores inciertos referidos especialmente a los riesgos o amenazas que presumiblemente tendrán que afrontar o evitar En este artículo se consideran los parámetros conocidos y se pasa a analizar qué es, cómo se elabora y qué productos puede proporcionar la (...)
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    Arbitrary Decision-making and the Rule of Law.Francesca Asta - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:107-136.
    Many studies have highlighted a substantial "bureaucracy domination" in procedures relating to migrants’ access to territory. This form of domination is marked by highly discretionary and arbitrary practices, enacted by the administrative authorities of the state. Only minor attention, however, has been devoted to the arbitrariness of judicial decisions and to the judicial role in general in the numerous proceedings that increasingly affect the path of migrants. This path is the main object of this paper. The study focuses on Italian (...)
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    Emotion Socialization in Teacher-Child Interaction: Teachers’ Responses to Children’s Negative Emotions.Asta Cekaite & Anna Ekström - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The present study examines 1- to 5-year-old children’s emotion socialization in an early childhood educational setting (a preschool) in Sweden. Specifically, it examines social situations where teachers respond to children’s negative emotional expressions and negatively emotionally charged social acts, characterized by anger, irritation and distress. Data consist of 14 hours of video observations of daily activities, recorded in a public Swedish preschool, located in a suburban middle-class area and include 35 children and five preschool teachers. By adopting a sociocultural perspective (...)
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