Results for 'Afrikaans language Political aspects.'

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  1.  13
    Indeterminacy and explanation in linguistic inquiry: contentious papers 2012-2018.Jon Orman - 2022 - [Hong Kong]: The International Association for the Integrational Study of Language and Communication. Edited by David W. Bade, Joshua Nash & Adrian Pablé.
    Collected papers on philosophy of linguistics, sociolinguistics and language planning, including papers on the languages of African immigrants, language policy and planning in post-apartheid South Africa.
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    "Azikwelwa" : Politics and Value in Black South African Poetry.Anne McClintock - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):597-623.
    On the winter morning of 16 June 1976, fifteen thousand black children marched on Orlando Stadium in Soweto, carrying slogans dashed on the backs of exercise books. The children were stopped by armed police who opened fire, and thirteen-year-old Hector Peterson became the first of hundreds of schoolchildren to be shot down by police in the months that followed. If, a decade later, the meaning of Soweto’s “year of fire” is still contested,1 it began in this way with a symbolic (...)
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    Contesting Gender Concepts, Language and Norms: Three Critical Articles on Ethical and Political Aspects of Gender Non-conformity.Stephanie Julia Kapusta - 2015 - Dissertation, Western University
    In chapter one I firstly critique some contemporary family-resemblance approaches to the category woman, and claim that they do not take sufficient account of dis-semblance, that is, resemblances that people have in common with members of the contrast category man. Second, I analyze how the concept of woman is semantically contestable: resemblance/dissemblance structures give rise to vagueness and to borderline cases. Borderline cases can either be included in the category or excluded from it. The factors which incline parties in a (...)
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    The Limits of Language: ethical aspects of strike action from a New Zealand Perspective.Joy Bickley - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (4):303-312.
    Over the last decade, successive New Zealand governments have instituted social, political and economic changes that have fundamentally challenged nurses’ sense of themselves and their position in society. Major upheavals in the health service have occurred as a result of reforms promoting competition and contestability. This paper deals with the impact of one aspect of the reforms, that of the deregulation of the labour market through the Employment Contracts Act 1991. More specifically, the way in which discussions and decisions (...)
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    Constitutional Status of Lithuanian as the Official Language: Basic Aspects (text only in Lithuanian).Milda Vainiutė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):25-41.
    Article 14 Chapter I ‘The State of Lithuania’ of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania of 1992 reads as follows: ‘Lithuanian shall be the State language’. This principle is not new in the Lithuanian history of constitutionalization, as Lithuanian was the official language of the State in the interwar period but lost this status during the Soviet occupation. After 1988, when many political, economic and social changes crucial for further development of the State took place in (...)
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    Politeness as a Cultural Aspect in Japanese and Turkish Languages.Ayşe Nur Tekmen - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (3-4):103-110.
    Various studies have been made on different aspects of the Turkish and Japanese languages, but comparative studies between the two languages are still limited. The aim of this study is to describe the politeness strategy of these two languages from a cultural perspective within the paradigm of cognitive linguistics. Both Turkish and Japanese are agglutinative languages, and speakers of both languages prefer the subjective construal. So, if the typology of a language might be related to its perception, the conceptualization (...)
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    The Materiality of Language: Gender, Politics, and the University.David Bleich - 2013 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    David Bleich sees the human body, its affective life, social life, and political functions as belonging to the study of language. In The Materiality of Language, Bleich addresses the need to end centuries of limiting access to language and its many contexts of use. To recognize language as material and treat it as such, argues Bleich, is to remove restrictions to language access due to historic patterns of academic censorship and unfair gender practices. (...) is understood as a key path in the formation of all social and political relations, and becomes available for study by all speakers, who may regulate it, change it, and make it flexible like other material things. (shrink)
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    The politics of language in a deeply divided society.Neil Southern - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (2):158-176.
    Language plays an important role in fashioning the identity of ethnic groups. This article explores a minority language – Irish – in Northern Ireland. Given the society’s longstanding ethnic divisions, matters revolving around the Irish language are capable of generating heated debate. However, unlike some other minority languages, Irish is somewhat peculiar in that it is not used as a form of linguistic communication between speakers on a daily basis. Hence it lacks instrumental (but not symbolic) relevance (...)
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    Philosophy, Language and the Political -- Poststructuralism in Perspective.Franson D. Manjali & Marc Crépon - 2018 - New Delhi: Aakar Books.
    The book is based on the proceedings of the conference on 'Philosophy, Language and the Political - Reevaluating Poststructuralism' held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, on the 10th, 11th and 12th December 2014. Several scholars from India and abroad participated in it. The book comprises 17 papers that were presented at the event, besides three additional papers, plus a Preface by Marc Crepon, as well as a description of the conference and a thematic introduction, both by Franson (...)
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    Three Aspects of Political Maturity.Friedrich Baerwald - 1952 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 27 (3):325-340.
  11.  12
    Pragmalinguistic aspect of the political discourse as means of formation values of the nation.L. S. Chikileva - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (1):82-94.
    The political media discourse and its pragmalinguistic peculiarities are analyzed in the paper. The choice of the subject matter for the analysis is determined by the interest to media communication. It is noted that the political discourse is one of the effective means of influence on the collective consciousness. Various definitions of the concept ‘discourse‘ are given; special attention is paid to the presidential discourse. Discourse as a communicative event taking place in a social context is based on (...)
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    Language and power.Lewis A. Froman - 1992 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    v. 1. Books I and II -- v. 2. Books III, IV, and V -- v. 3. Books VI and VII -- v. 4. Books VIII and IX.
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    Aspects of Political Theology in the Spiritual Autobiography of Nicolae Steinhardt.Iuliu Marius Morariu - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):548-560.
    Important personality of the Romanian space, the Jew Nicolae Steinhardt that will discover the Christianity in prison and will be baptised in Jilava prison, will be not only an intellectual with ecumenical vocation, but also a writer that offers a rich testimony about the way how Communism from the Romanian space can not only ruin a life, but also make one to come closer to God and arrive to a deeper consciousness of the real values of life and spirituality that (...)
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    Gramsci and languages: unification, diversity, hegemony.Alessandro Carlucci - 2013 - Leiden: Brill.
    In Gramsci and Languages Alessandro Carlucci explores the origins and significance of Antonio Gramsci's interest in language, showing in particular how his experience of linguistic and cultural diversity contributed to the shaping of his intellectual and political profile.
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    Traditional wisdom and political expression: international conference, Brussels, 29 January 2016.Bart Dessein & Christian Sturtewagen (eds.) - 2019 - Bruxelles: Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer.
    C. Sturtewagen. ' Welcome Address' -- M. Lehnert. ' Practical Wisdom as a Measure of Recognition' -- A.P. Rots. ' Reclaiming Public Space: Shinto and Politics in Japan Today' -- P. Schwieger. ' Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern Tibet' -- E. Francis. ' Une autre conception de la royauté: de deux dynasties hindoues du sud de l'Inde' -- C.K. Neumann. ' Ḳadīmden: A Notion of Truth Turning into Legal Claims in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire' -- B. Martel-Thoumian. ' Itinéraires (...)
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    Aspects of National Defense Economic, Political, Ethical.Friedrich Baerwald - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (4):607-622.
  17.  36
    Moses Mendelssohn and Formation of Jewish Culture in the Time of Enlightenment: Political and Language Aspects.Igor Kaufman - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):165-182.
    The review demonstrates that there are four main historiographical approaches to explanation of the role of Mendelssohn’s philosophy in the emergence of the Haskalah project: (1) traditional approach (created by the Jewish historiography in the second half of the 19th century; it stressed secular and culture-centered character of Haskalah, making it closer to German intellectual tradition); (2) social historiography (it treated Haskalah as a consequence of and reaction to the processes of global social and political modernization); (3) the approach (...)
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  18.  27
    Real politics: at the center of everyday life.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 1997 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    One of America's foremost public intellectuals, Jean Bethke Elshtain has been on the frontlines in the most hotly contested and deeply divisive issues of our time. Now in Real Politics , Elshtain gives further proof of her willingness to speak her mind, courting disagreement and even censure from those who prefer their ideologies neat. At the center of Elshtain's work is a passionate concern with the relationship between political rhetoric and political action. For Elshtain, politics is a sphere (...)
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  19.  17
    Conceptual Explorations around “Politics”.Kari Palonen - 2021 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 16 (1):16-39.
    This article discusses the ways of conceptualizing politics in parliamentary debates. When the politics-vocabulary is ubiquitous in them, which kind of speech act lies in emphasizing the political aspect? Focusing on thematized uses allows us to identify conceptual revisions in the politics-vocabulary in digitalized plenary debates of the German Bundestag from 1949 to 2017. My fourfold scheme for conceptualizing politics provides the analytical apparatus. The units of analysis in this study are compound words around politics written as single words, (...)
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  20.  40
    Imaginal Politics: Images Beyond Imagination and the Imaginary.Chiara Bottici - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Between the radical, creative capacity of our imagination and the social imaginary we are immersed in is an intermediate space philosophers have termed the imaginal, populated by images or (re)presentations that are presences in themselves. Offering a new, systematic understanding of the imaginal and its nexus with the political, Chiara Bottici brings fresh perspective to the formation of political and power relationships and the paradox of a world rich in imagery yet seemingly devoid of imagination. Bottici begins by (...)
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  21.  26
    (1 other version)The Political Philosophy of Zionism: Trading Jewish Words for an Hebraic Land.Eyal Chowers - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Jews and the temporal imaginations of modernity -- The Zionist temporal revolution -- The End of building -- Hebrew and politics.
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    Language and critique: some anticipations of critical discourse studies in Marx.Bob Jessop & Ngai-Ling Sum - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (4):325-337.
    ABSTRACTWe examine Marx's critiques of language, politics, and capitalist political economy and show how these anticipated critical discourse and argumentation analysis and ‘cultural political economy’. Marx studied philology and rhetoric at university and applied their lessons critically. We illustrate this from three texts. The German Ideology critically explores language as practical consciousness, the division of manual and mental labor, the state, hegemony, intellectuals, and specific ideologies. The Eighteenth Brumaire studies the semantics and pragmatics of political (...)
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  23. Lacan and the Political.Yannis Stavrakakis - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    The work of Jacques Lacan is second only to Freud in its impact on psychoanalysis. Yannis Stavrakakis clearly examines Lacan's challenging views on time, history, language, alterity, desire and sexuality from a political standpoint. It is the first book to provide an overview of the social and political implications of Lacan's work as a whole for students coming to Lacan for the first time. The first part of _Lacan and the Political_ offers a straightforward and systematic assessment (...)
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  24.  15
    Psycho-politics and cultural desires.Jan Campbell & Janet Harbord (eds.) - 1998 - Bristol, Pa.: UCL Press.
    A cultural studies textbook that deals with issues of methodology, as well as mapping out the history and theories and ideas in cultural studies. The book examines the work of Raymond Williams, Lacan and Hoggart, among others, and explores notions of subculture, psychoanalysis, Marxist thought, narrative, autobiography, fiction, subjectivity, language, history and representation. The book focuses on the past, present and future of cultural studies, with the aim of providing readers with a clear overview of the central ideas within (...)
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  25.  11
    Political aesthetics: culture, critique and the everyday.Arundhati Virmani (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This work seeks to highlight that an understanding of aesthetic practices is essential to the analysis of politics and political processes. If today, aesthetics has become a rather overused term, referring to a variety of historical periods and groups, even states of being (love, melancholy...), nonetheless its relevance as a connecting agent between individual, state and society remains strong. Placing it as a central theme for understanding processes of domination, contestation and transversal links highlights the mobilization of spaces, bodies (...)
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  26.  8
    Just sayin': euphemistic political and personal expressions in American English.Godfrey Harris - 2015 - Los Angeles, CA: The Americas Group.
    We call it "The essential tool for uncovering what politicians want to hide." Here are what some readers have already said about it: GH "This is a fun book to read. Easy to pick up and set down when you have only a few minutes to spare. I particularly liked the background speculation on how each euphemism arose." MH: "I am so impressed with the invitation to give appropriate credit and a free book to anyone contributing a favoUrite political (...)
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    Aesthetics and world politics.Roland Bleiker - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book presents one of the first systematic assessments of aesthetic insights into world politics. It examines the nature of aesthetic approaches and outlines how they differ from traditional analysis of politics. The book explores the potential and limits of aesthetics through a series of case studies on language and poetics"--Provided by publisher.
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  28.  10
    The darkness of this time: ethics, politics, and religion in Wittgenstein.Luigi Perissinotto (ed.) - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
    The present book is a collection of 9 essays, focusing on the ethical, religious, and political aspects of Wittgenstein's thought, illustrated and investigated with reference to their complex interaction with Wittgenstein's philosophical method and with his conception of language and human agency.
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    Razão e democracia: uso público da razão e política deliberativa em Habermas[ign] [title language="en"]Reason and democracy[ign]: [subtitle]Public use of reason and deliberative politics in Habermas.Denilson Luis Werle - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (s1):149-176.
    O objetivo do artigo é examinar como Habermas, orientado pela intuição normativa do uso público da razão, reconstrói uma concepção procedimental de democracia deliberativa, que, sem desconsiderar da dimensão estratégica e instrumental da esfera pública e da política, reformula a dimensão epistêmica da democracia: a aceitabilidade racional dos acordos políticos. Inicialmente, apresento brevemente a análise sociológica e histórica do conceito de esfera pública crítica, realizada em Mudança Estrutural da Esfera Pública (1962), para, em seguida, expor duas linhas de argumentação sobre (...)
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  30. Political philosophy from an intercultural perspective: power relations in a global world.Sarhan Dhouib & Jim Garrison (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    The objective of the following collected volume is to encourage a critical reflection on the relationship between "power" and "non-power" in our contemporary "world" and, proceeding from various philosophical traditions, to investigate the multi-faceted aspects of this relationship. The authors' respective investigations proceed from an intercultural perspective and fall predominantly in the domain of political theory and philosophy. This volume takes an intercultural political perspective, which means, on the one hand, involving non-European philosophies in a global debate about (...)
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    The political theory of political thinking: the anatomy of a practice.Michael Freeden - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Theorizing about political thinking -- Language, emotion, and political thought -- The arrogance of politics -- Ranking and the distribution of significance -- The scramble for acceptance : mobilizing and withholding support -- Stability, order, and disruption : discourses of balance and contention -- Visions and prescriptions : temptations and failures of political thinking -- Power patterns and power surges : organizing and intensifying speech acts.
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    Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present (review). [REVIEW]Ann Wehmeyer - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):191-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the PresentAnn WehmeyerKeigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present. By Patricia J. Wetzel. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004. Pp. 206.In Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present, Patricia Wetzel delves deeply into social and analytical aspects of honorific and polite language from historical and contemporary perspectives. (...)
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  33. Empire and politics in the Eastern and Western civilizations: searching for a Respublica Romanosinica.Andrea Balbo, Jaewon Ahn & Kihoon Kim (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The volume includes the proceedings of the 2nd Roma Sinica project conference held in Seoul in September 2019 and aims to compare some features of the ancient political thought in the Western classical tradition and in the Eastern ancient thought. The contributors, coming from Korea, Europe, USA, China, Japan, propose new patterns of interpretation of the mutual interactions and proximities between these two cultural worlds and offer also a perspective of continuity between contemporary and ancient political thought. Therefore, (...)
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    Untimely politics.Samuel Allen Chambers - 2003 - New York: New York University Press.
    "[T]he richness of his analysis, [...] his poststrucuralist emphasis on genealogy, historicity, temporality, and discourse can supplement the sometimes arid terms of the agency/structure debate. [...] An invitation to readers who might not normally turn to Continental theory for methodological inspiration, to learn from Chamber's splendid, and, yesy, timely volume." -Diana Coole, Queen Mary University of London , from a book review in the June 04 Perspectives The standard, linear view of history is founded on the belief that political (...)
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  35. Political Poetry: A Few Notes. Poetics for N30.Jeroen Mettes - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):29-35.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 29–35. Translated by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei from Jeroen Mettes. "Politieke Poëzie: Enige aantekeningen, Poëtica bij N30 (versie 2006)." In Weerstandbeleid: Nieuwe kritiek . Amsterdam: De wereldbibliotheek, 2011. Published with permission of Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam. L’égalité veut d’autres lois . —Eugène Pottier The modern poem does not have form but consistency (that is sensed), no content but a problem (that is developed). Consistency + problem = composition. The problem of modern poetry is capitalism. Capitalism—which has no (...)
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  36. Semantic contestations and the meaning of politically significant terms.Deborah Mühlebach - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (8):788-817.
    In recent discussions on the meaning of derogatory terms, most theorists base their investigations on the assumption that slurring terms could in principle have some neutral, i.e. purely descriptive, counterpart. Lauren Ashwell has recently shown that this assumption does not generalize to gendered slurs. This paper aims to challenge the point and benefit of approaching the meaning of derogatory terms in contrast to their allegedly purely descriptive counterparts. I argue that different discursive practices among different communities of practice sometimes change (...)
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    Hobbes, Language and Philip Pettit.Hannah Dawson - 2009 - Hobbes Studies 22 (2):219-230.
    In this article I explore two aspects of Pettit's thesis about Hobbes' innovation with regard to the transformative and central role of language in thought and politics. First, I argue that while Hobbes had many debts to both traditionalists and innovators, he did break new ground in characterising language as in some ways constitutive of thought - a conclusion he came to as a consequence not only of his extreme nominalism, but also of his views on the exceptional (...)
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  38. Language and Understanding(1970).Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (1):13-27.
    Understanding is a ‘language event’ founded upon a ‘silent agreement’ between participants in a conversation. This silent agreement, built up of conversational aspects held in common, is what makes social solidarity possible and shows that the methods of science are an inappropriate starting point for our self-understanding. However, with the advent of industrial technical civilization, the question arises whether understanding has come under the control of a centrally steered communication system where language is a consciously wielded instrument of (...)
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  39. The Politics of Meaning – A Non-Ideal Approach to Verbal Derogation.Deborah Mühlebach - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Basel
    Language can be used as an instrument to exert power over people, as in issuing an order or a ban, or when it exercises an intrinsic power by virtue of its semantic or pragmatic content. The Politics of Meaning focuses on this latter aspect and answers the following question: what does it mean for linguistic meaning to be embedded in social structures and practices if we have good reasons to assume that these practices rest on asymmetrical power relations and (...)
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  40. Hearer's aspect in politeness: The case of requests.Saeko Fukushima - 2009 - In Dingfang Shu & Ken Turner, Contrasting Meanings in Languages of the East and West. Peter Lang.
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    Plato and Saussure Deconstructed: Language and Philosophy through Derrida’s Lens.Julia Bouchut - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):820-834.
    Jacques Derrida’s philosophy greatly disrupted traditional Western metaphysics by questioning our understanding of the relationship between language and reality. This paper examines how Derrida deconstructs logocentric and phonocentric perspectives that have influenced Western thought, focusing on his analyses of Plato’s Cratylus and Phaedrus, as well as Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics. For Derrida, the meaning in language is always shifting, suggesting that absolute truths, as traditionally conceived in Platonic metaphysics, are inherently unstable. His concept of différance (...)
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    German Political Thought and the Discourse of Platonism: Finding the Way Out of the Cave.Paul Bishop - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Taking Plato’s allegory of the cave as its starting-point, this book demonstrates how later European thinkers can be read as a reaction and a response to key aspects of this allegory and its discourse of enchainment and liberation. Focusing on key thinkers in the tradition of European political thought including Kant, Marx, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Frankfurt School, it relates them back to such foundational figures as Rousseau, Aristotle, and in particular Plato. All these thinkers are considered in (...)
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    Pragmemes and theories of language use.Keith Allan, Alessandro Capone & Istvan Kecskes (eds.) - 2016 - Springer International Publishing.
    This volume offers recent developments in pragmatics and adjacent territories of investigation, including important new concepts such as the pragmatic act and the pragmeme, and combines developments in neighboring disciplines in an integrative holistic pragmatic approach. The young science of pragmatics has, from its inception, differentiated itself from neighboring fields in the humanities, especially the disciplines dealing with language and those focusing on the social and anthropological aspects of human behavior, by focusing on the language user in his (...)
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    Time for politics: How a conceptual history of forests can help us politicize the long term.Julia Nordblad - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):164-182.
    In a recent scholarly debate, the Anthropocene concept has been criticized for diverting attention from the political aspects of contemporary environmental crises, not least by way of the long timescales it implies. This article therefore takes on the matter of long-termism as an historical and political phenomenon, by applying a conceptual historical perspective. Examples are drawn from historical studies of forest politics. It is argued that conceptions of the long term, as in all concepts in political (...), are historical and therefore problematic to legitimately define conclusively. However, many of the environmental crises looming in our time do indeed call for long-term perspectives. As a solution in accordance with its historical and democratic conceptual character, it is suggested that political long-termism paradoxically can and should be constantly deliberated upon and renewed in the short term. Its conceptual history can then serve two purposes: First, history can offer exempla of how long-termism can be conceptualized and institutionalized in ways that encourage continuous deliberation and reconceptualization. Second, historical conceptualizations of the long term can be drawn upon, both negatively and positively, in this continuous deliberation. (shrink)
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    Politeness and reputation in cultural evolution.Roland Mühlenbernd, Sławomir Wacewicz & Przemysław Żywiczyński - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (6):1181-1213.
    Politeness in conversation is a fascinating aspect of human interaction that directly interfaces language use and human social behavior more generally. We show how game theory, as a higher-order theory of behavior, can provide the tools to understand and model polite behavior. The recently proposed responsibility exchange theory :313–344, 2019) describes how the polite communications of thanking and apologizing impact two different types of an agent’s social image: warmth and competence. Here, we extend this approach in several ways, most (...)
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    Language, Truth and Democracy: Essays in Honour of Jesús Padilla Gálvez.Margit Gaffal (ed.) - 2020 - Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
    The aim of this volume is to investigate three fundamental issues of the new millennium: language, truth and democracy. The authors approach the themes from different philosophical perspectives. One group of authors examines the use of language and the meaning of concepts from an analytic point of view, the ontology of scientific terms and explores the nature of knowledge in general. Another group examines truth and types of relation. A third group of authors focuses on the current factors (...)
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    Grammatical profiles and the interaction of the lexicon with aspect, tense, and mood in Russian.Laura A. Janda & Olga Lyashevskaya - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (4):719-763.
    We propose the “grammatical profile” as a means of probing the aspectual behavior of verbs. A grammatical profile is the relative frequency distribution of the inflected forms of a word in a corpus. The grammatical profiles of Russian verbs provide data on two crucial issues: a) the overall relationship between perfective and imperfective verbs and b) the identification of verbs that characterize various intersections of aspect, tense and mood (TAM) with lexical classes. There is a long-standing debate over whether Russian (...)
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  48.  55
    Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations.Jérôme Jacquin, Thierry Herman & Steve Oswald (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume focuses on the role language plays at all levels of the argumentation process. It explores the effects that specific linguistic choices may have in the production and the reception of arguments and in doing so, it moves beyond the first, necessary, descriptive stance provided by current literature on the topic. Each chapter provides an original take illuminating one or more of the following three issues: the range of linguistic resources language users draw on as they argue; (...)
  49.  29
    Online gaming and language aggression in a Tunisian Arabic context.Khouloud Boukhris - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):255-278.
    This paper intends to examine the development of conflictual interactions, how they might be resolved, and the socio-cultural norms involved, by adopting an analytical framework in an online gaming context. The current paper was inspired by Kádár and Haugh’s framework as it enables me to investigate both the macro and micro aspects of (im)politeness. The study’s aim is to further examine how impoliteness, language aggression and conflict are realised in two online gaming platforms, namely Fortnite and PUBG Mobile. Thus, (...)
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    Dramatizing the political: Deleuze and Guattari.Iain Mackenzie - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Robert Porter.
    Introduction -- Deleuze and Guattari and political theory -- Dramatization as critical method -- Dramatization : the ontological claims -- Language and the method of dramatization -- Cinema and the method of dramatization -- Events and the method of dramatization -- Conclusion.
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