Results for 'Agostino Pastorino'

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  1.  36
    Il De obitu sancti Paulini di Uranio.Agostino Pastorino - 1984 - Augustinianum 24 (1-2):115-141.
  2.  59
    Agostino Pastorino: Opere di Decimo Magno Ausonio. (Classici Latini, 24.) Pp. 927. Turin: Unione Tipografica Editrice, 1971. Cloth, L. 12,000.P. G. Walsh - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (1):141-141.
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    Firmicus Maternus Agostino Pastorino: Iuli Firmici Materni De errore profanarum religionum. Pp. lxxvi + 294. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1956. Paper, L. 3,000. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (3-4):233-234.
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    Agostino Nifo De intellectu.Agostino Nifo - 2011 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Leen Spruit.
    This books offers an annotated edition of Nifo’s De intellectu (1503), including an extensive analytical summary of the contents, as well as a chronology of Nifo’s life and works, and a full index of the chapters of this work.
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  5. S. Agostino Pubblicazione Commemorativa Del Xv Centenario Della Sua Morte.Agostino Gemelli - 1931 - Società Editrice "Vita E Pensiero".
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    P. Agostino Trapè.Agostino Trapè - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):11-17.
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  7. Agostino.Agostino S. Gemelli - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43:542.
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    Beyond recipes: The Baconian natural and experimental histories as an epistemic genre.Cesare Pastorino - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (3):447-464.
    In 1622, Francis Bacon published his Historia naturalis et experimentalis. Many of the features of Bacon's natural and experimental histories were entirely new. This paper studies this literary form as a new epistemic genre. In particular, it analyzes its origin and evolution in Bacon's work, focusing on how its basic template and features were influenced by his specific epistemic requirements. It shows that Bacon devised these features in the process of developing a Historia mechanica, or a history of the mechanical (...)
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    Escatologia e antiplatonismo di sant’Agostino.Agostino Trapè - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (1):237-244.
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    Un S. Agostino della storia?Agostino Trapè - 1972 - Augustinianum 12 (2):341-349.
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  11.  19
    S. Agostino.Agostino Gemelli - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (24):670-671.
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  12.  42
    Handbook of Tableau Methods.Marcello D'Agostino, Dov M. Gabbay, Reiner Hähnle & Joachim Posegga (eds.) - 1999 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Recent years have been blessed with an abundance of logical systems, arising from a multitude of applications. A logic can be characterised in many different ways. Traditionally, a logic is presented via the following three components: 1. an intuitive non-formal motivation, perhaps tie it in to some application area 2. a semantical interpretation 3. a proof theoretical formulation. There are several types of proof theoretical methodologies, Hilbert style, Gentzen style, goal directed style, labelled deductive system style, and so on. The (...)
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  13.  13
    Verità e metodo in giurisprudenza: scritti dedicati al Cardinale Agostino Vallini in occasione del 25o anniversario della consacrazione episcopale.Agostino Vallini, Giuseppe Dalla Torre & Cesare Mirabelli (eds.) - 2014 - Città del Vaticano: Libreria editrice vaticana.
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  14.  22
    Francis Bacon and the Institutions for the Promotion of Knowledge and Innovation.Cesare Pastorino - 2013 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 2 (1):9-32.
    This paper analyzes Francis Bacon’s observations on institutions for the advancement of knowledge and technical innovation. Early references to establishments for the promotion of knowledge can be found initial in Bacon’s early works, in the 1590s. Bacon’s journey to France in the second half of the1570s played a role in shaping these early conceptions. In particular, Bacon was likely acquainted with Jaques Gohory’s Lycium philosophal and Nicholas Houel’s Maison de Charité Chrétienne. In the period following the composition of The Advancement (...)
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  15. L'antigiuridismo di S. Agostino.F. D' Agostino - 1987 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 64 (1):30-51.
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    The Philosopher and the Craftsman: Francis Bacon’s Notion of Experiment and Its Debt to Early Stuart Inventors.Cesare Pastorino - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):749-768.
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  17. Kuhn's Risk-Spreading Argument and The Organization of Scientific Communities.Fred D'Agostino - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3):201-209.
    One of Thomas Kuhn's profoundest arguments is introduced in the 1970 “Postscript” to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions . Kuhn is discussing the idea of a “disciplinary matrix” as a more adequate articulation of the “paradigm” notion he'd introduced in the first, 1962, edition of his famous work . He notes that one “element” of disciplinary matrices is likely to be common to most or even all such matrices, unlike the other elements which serve to distinguish specific disciplines and sub-disciplines (...)
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  18. The Mine and the Furnace: Francis Bacon, Thomas Russell, and Early Stuart Mining Culture.Cesare Pastorino - 2009 - Early Science and Medicine 14 (6):630-660.
    "Notwithstanding Francis Bacon’s praise for the philosophical role of the mechanical arts, historians have often downplayed Bacon’s connections with actual artisans and entrepreneurs. Addressing the specific context of mining culture, this study proposes a rather different picture. The analysis of a famous mining metaphor in _The Advancement of Learning_ shows us how Bacon’s project of reform of knowledge could find an apt correspondence in civic and entrepreneurial values of his time. Also, Bacon had interesting and so far unexplored links with (...)
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  19.  15
    La lógica inimputable del misticismo burocrático.Agostino Molteni & Pamela Araya - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 21 (1):59-91.
    La filosofía ha reflexionado a menudo acerca de la naturaleza de la burocracia, de su lógica y método, de sus consecuencias. En este artículo se quiere presentar cómo la inimputable y, por ello, irrazonable lógica burocrática se fundamenta en una psicopatológica religiosa, “mística”. Para mostrar esta temática nos servimos de lo que han escrito Max Weber en su Economía y sociedad y Hannah Arendt en Los orígenes del totalitarismo, ya que nos parecen los autores que más han comprendido y señalado (...)
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  20.  43
    A “user“-designed mediation approach, fostering evolutionary consciousness and competence.Raymond Pastorino - 1993 - World Futures 36 (2):155-164.
    (1993). A “user“‐designed mediation approach, fostering evolutionary consciousness and competence. World Futures: Vol. 36, Evolutionary Consciousness, pp. 155-164.
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  21.  6
    Destino ed eternità: l'opera di Emanuele Severino.Nazareno Pastorino - 2020 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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  22. Libertà e necessità in Al di là di Bene e Male, VII Seminario permanente nierzscheano, Bologna 16-18 novembre 2010.Selena Pastorino - 2011 - Philosophical News 2.
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    Le parole, le cose, l'infinito: scritti sul saggio di Emanuele Severino Il linguaggio e il destino.Nazareno Pastorino, Gabriele Pulli, Marco Vasile & Emanuele Severino (eds.) - 2022 - Padova: Padova University Press.
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  24.  18
    Pietro Gori, Il pragmatismo di Nietzsche. Saggi sul pensiero prospettivistico.Selena Pastorino - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:203-205.
    Una lunga lettura filologica di Nietzsche allena all’attenzione per i testi, in ogni loro parola. Il volume di Pietro Gori dichiara nel titolo ciò che le sue pagine realizzano, donando un saggio del pensiero prospettivistico all’opera. Lungi dal limitarsi a fornire un ulteriore contributo alla già ricca riflessione sul prospettivismo nietzschiano, Gori intercetta il desiderio della comunità scientifica in merito al tema declinandolo secondo cinque diverse prospettive, atte a rendere conto del...
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  25. Soltanto un vedere prospettico. La sfida Del prospettivismo nietzschiano.Selena Pastorino - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):85-97.
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  26.  42
    Teorie e pratiche della verità in Nietzsche ed. by Pietro Gori and Paolo Stellino.Selena Pastorino - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (1):169-172.
    The matter of truth in Nietzsche’s thought is one of the most studied and debated topics in recent scholarship. It is a topic of great interest and has generated much scholarship, but rarely does such work offer anything new. The book, Teorie e pratiche della verità in Nietzsche, edited by Pietro Gori and Paolo Stellino, is an exception to this trend, as it offers important and original contributions to this area of study.The text—which is the result of a workshop by (...)
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  27. Vom Gesicht und Räthsel : die ewige Wiederkehr und die Schatten Gottes.Selena Pastorino - 2014 - In Murat Ates (ed.), Nietzsches Zarathustra auslegen: Thesen, Positionen und Entfaltungen zu "Also sprach Zarathustra" von Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Marburg: Tectum.
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  28.  8
    Instituzione d'ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane: and, Ricordi di Monsignor Agostino Valier Vescovo di Verona lasciati alle monache nella sua visitazione fatta l'anno del santissimo Giubileo 1575.Agostino Valier - 2015 - Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association. Edited by Francesco Lucioli.
    The first modern edition of the Instituzione d’ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane (1575), and the Ricordi di Monsignor Agostino Valier Vescovo di Verona lasciati alle monache nella sua visitazione fatta l’anno del santissimo Giubileo 1575 (1575) by Cardinal Agostino Valier (Venice, 7 April 1531 – Rome, 23 May 1606). The Instituzione includes three texts meant respectively for unmarried women, widows, and married women (Del modo di vivere delle vergini che si chiamano demesse; Della vera e perfetta viduità; (...)
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  29.  49
    The Ethics of Social Science Research.Fred D'agostino - 1995 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (1):65-76.
    ABSTRACT Ethical thinking about social science research is dominated by a biomedical model whose salient features are the assumption that only potential harms to subjects of research are relevant in the ethical evaluation of that research, and in the emphasis on securing informed consent in order to establish ethical probity. A number of counter‐examples are considered to the assumption, a number of defences against these counter‐examples are examined, and an alternative model is proposed for the ethical evaluation of social science (...)
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  30.  42
    Nota sul giudizio di S. Agostino su Origene.Agostino Trapè - 1986 - Augustinianum 26 (1-2):223-227.
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  31.  99
    Free public reason: making it up as we go.Fred D'Agostino - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Free Public Reason examines the idea of public justification, stressing its importance but also questioning the coherence of the concept itself. Although public justification is employed in the work of theorists such as John Rawls, Jeremy Waldron, Thomas Nagel, and others, it has received little attention on its own as a philosophical concept. In this book Fred D'Agostino shows that the concept is composed of various values, interests, and notions of the good, and that no ranking of these is (...)
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  32.  96
    From the organization to the division of cognitive labor.Fred D'Agostino - 2009 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 8 (1):101-129.
    Discussion of the cognitive division of labor has usually made very little contact with relevant materials from other disciplines, including theoretical biology, management science, and design theory. This article draws on these materials to consider some unavoidable conundrums faced by any attempt to present a particular way of dividing tasks among a labor team as the uniquely rational way of doing this, given the interdependence of the underlying evaluative standards by which the products of a system of division of labor (...)
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  33.  15
    Thought of Christ and greek idealism: for Laberthonnière rereading.Agostino Molteni - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 35:187-215.
    El realismo cristiano y el idealismo griego, obra de Laberthonnière, propone una cuestión que es actual justamente por el hecho que ha sido dada por obvia, censurada y olvidada en el contexto teológico de casi toda la historia de la Iglesia. Es decir, plantea preguntas acerca de la posibilidad y conveniencia del uso de la forma mentis del pensamiento griego en el ámbito de la fe cristiana y de su filosofía-teología. Para Laberthonnière, como muestra en esta obra, es imposible una (...)
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  34.  10
    El cuerpo meta-físico (vs. el zoológico de los cuerpos).Agostino Molteni - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 22 (1):175-181.
    Han intentado siempre hacernos vivir en un zoológico de cuerpos sin pensamiento, en una filosofía de la miseria del cuerpo que ha terminado siendo una miseria de filosofía del cuerpo. Hay que volver a pensar la ley de movimiento del cuerpo, puesto que no tiene - felizmente- leyes naturales, instintos predeterminados, animales. Es más, hay que volver a pensar cómo construir el cuerpo según un método, es decir, por medio de la relación con otros cuerpos pensados y pensantes. Finalmente, habitando (...)
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  35.  18
    The Situational Logic of Disciplinary Scholarship.Fred D’Agostino - 2018 - In Raphael Sassower & Nathaniel Laor (eds.), The Impact of Critical Rationalism: Expanding the Popperian Legacy Through the Works of Ian C. Jarvie. Springer Verlag. pp. 45-57.
    Ian C. Jarvie developed the idea of situational logic in a subtle and effective way. He was also interested in, as well as a contributor to, the institution of academic publication. This chapter provides a situational analysis of an important recurrent pattern in academic publishing, namely, the concentration of work around particular topics, despite the fact that most such work will be unrewarded in the economy of esteem that is meant to be in play.
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  36.  26
    Menti in (en)azione: Il fenomeno della cognizione da un punto di vista evolutivo ed ecologico.Agostino Marconi - 2021 - Nóema 12:14-44.
    This paper examines cognitive processes from an evolutionary, ecological and systemic perspective. Starting from Darwinian theory and the development of Extended Evolutionary Synthesis, the reference to evolutionary biology allows a rethinking of minds as complex phenomena "at the crossroads" between organisms and the environments they inhabit and contribute to build. It is proposed that this vision opens a space to overcome philosophical traditions that see in the minds "things" and in cognition a mirroring or representation of the world, to come (...)
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  37.  10
    Il male quotidiano: incursioni filosofiche nell'horror.Selena Pastorino & Davide Navarria (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Rogas edizioni.
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  38.  20
    Nietzsche nella Rivoluzione conservatrice ed. by Francesco Cattaneo, Carlo Gentili, and Stefano Marino.Selena Pastorino - 2017 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48 (2):304-308.
    Analyzing the reception of Nietzsche’s work in the years following World War I is a delicate and important task, one that Nietzsche nella Rivoluzione conservatrice seeks to accomplish by focusing on the so-called Conservative Revolutionary movement and the prominent intellectuals who orbited it. The book is a rich summary of the eponymous congress held in Bologna, promoted by the University of Bologna and the Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna, and it contains fifteen essays from both young and established scholars, including the editors (...)
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  39. News of Spinoza: Religion, hermeneutics and language.Selena Pastorino - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (4):755-757.
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    Prospettive dell'interpretazione: Nietzsche, l'ermeneutica e la scrittura in Al di là del bene e del male.Selena Pastorino - 2017 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  41.  88
    Grafting modalities onto substructural implication systems.Marcello D'agostino, Dov M. Gabbay & Alessandra Russo - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (1):65-102.
    We investigate the semantics of the logical systems obtained by introducing the modalities and into the family of substructural implication logics (including relevant, linear and intuitionistic implication). Then, in the spirit of the LDS (Labelled Deductive Systems) methodology, we "import" this semantics into the classical proof system KE. This leads to the formulation of a uniform labelled refutation system for the new logics which is a natural extension of a system for substructural implication developed by the first two authors in (...)
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  42. Epistemic Accuracy and Subjective Probability.Marcello D'Agostino & Corrado Sinigaglia - 2010 - In M. Dorato M. Suàrez (ed.), Epsa Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Springer. pp. 95--105.
  43.  61
    The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 73, No 3.F. B. D'agostino - 1975
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    Growth of knowledge: dual institutionalization of disciplines and brokerage.Fred D’Agostino - 2019 - Synthese 198 (5):4167-4190.
    Normal science involves persistent collective application of an agreed research agenda. Anomaly can threaten normal science, but so too can “undue persistence” in that agenda by a normal science peer group. We consider how “undue persistence” might be a collective effect of the common incentive structure that individual members of the peer group typically face in relation to their careers. To understand how “undue persistence” might be ameliorated, we consider the affordances of a peer’s membership of a departmental collegium, organized (...)
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  45.  93
    The Legacies of John Rawls.Fred D’Agostino - 2004 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 1 (3):349-365.
    To understand the continuing importance of John Rawls’s work, we need to understand the background, the object and the method of his fifty-year quest as a political thinker. The background to Rawls’s investigation was a (carefully circumscribed) acknowledgement of a certain kind of evaluative pluralism. The object of Rawls’s work was to develop a method of commensuration that would enable us, the free and equal citizens of a democratic society, to identify a common basis for our dealings, in search of (...)
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  46. Introduction.Fred D’Agostino & Gerald F. Gaus - forthcoming - Public Reason.
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    The Sinews of a Free Society: Autonomy, Democracy, and Education.Fred D'Agostino - unknown
    What is the relation between autonomy, education, and democracy?
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    El cuerpo pensado y pensante de Jesús según Tomás de Aquino. recursos para una filosofía del cuerpo.Agostino Molteni - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):502-520.
    La reflexión de Tomás de Aquino sobre el cuerpo de Jesús puede ser un recurso, es decir, puede ser investigada y aprovechada por el pensamiento filosófico que en los últimos decenios, a menudo, se ha dedicado a pensar la realidad del cuerpo del hombre. En este ensayo se quiere ante todo presentar la lógica con que Tomás de Aquino ha pensado el cuerpo terrenal de Jesús, la lógica, es decir, la conveniencia de ponerse en el cuerpo del hombre y hacerlo (...)
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  49.  18
    What Christ adds to God: the theo-christologicalpaths opened by Joseph Malegue.Agostino Molteni & David Solís-Nova - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 49:205-228.
    Resumen En su obra Pénombres: glanes et aproches théologiques el escritor francés Joseph Malegue ha incluido un original e importante ensayo: Ce que le Christ ajoute a Dieu. Después de elaborar unas premisas, nos hemos detenido sobre el contenido propiamente cristológico de este ensayo. No solo lo hemos presentado sintéticamente, sino que hemos querido identificar los núcleos de su discurso que podrían ofrecer unos caminos abiertos y novedosos para la reflexión teo-cristológica. En este sentido, hemos querido releer la herencia de (...)
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  50.  12
    Die Rolle der Interpretation bei psycho-physiologischen Prozessen im Nachlass (1885–1886).Selena Pastorino - 2013 - Nietzscheforschung 20 (1).
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