Results for 'Ahmad Salim'

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  1. Moderasi Beragama: Implementasi dalam Pendidikan, Agama dan Budaya Lokal.Arhanuddin Salim, Wawan Hermawan, Rosdalina Bukido, Mardan Umar, Nuraliah Ali, Muh Idris, Evra Willya, Acep Zoni Saeful Mubarok, Ari Farizal Rasyid, Nasruddin Yusuf, Reza Adeputra Tohis, Adlan Ryan Habibie, Rohit Mahatir Manese, Ahmad Bustomi, Siti Inayatul Faizah, Rafiud Ilmudinulloh, Telsy F. D. Samad, Mokh Iman Firmansyah, Maulidya Nisa, Ainur Alam Budi Utomo, Abdurrahman Wahid Abdullah, Abdullah Botma, Edi Gunawan, Syahrul Mubarak Subeitan, Mulida Hayati, Usup Romli, Salma Nafisah, Rohmatul Faizah & Nur Azizah (eds.) - 2023 - Malang: Penerbit Selaras Media Kreasindo.
  2.  15
    Eurasian oystercatcher optimiser: New meta-heuristic algorithm.Mohammed Yousif, Farah Maath Jasim, Wisam K. Jummar & Ahmad Salim - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):332-344.
    Modern optimisation is increasingly relying on meta-heuristic methods. This study presents a new meta-heuristic optimisation algorithm called Eurasian oystercatcher optimiser (EOO). The EOO algorithm mimics food behaviour of Eurasian oystercatcher (EO) in searching for mussels. In EOO, each bird (solution) in the population acts as a search agent. The EO changes the candidate mussel according to the best solutions to finally eat the best mussel (optimal result). A balance must be achieved among the size, calories, and energy of mussels. The (...)
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    Advance medical directives: a proposed new approach and terminology from an Islamic perspective. [REVIEW]Hamdan Al-Jahdali, Salim Baharoon, Abdullah Al Sayyari & Ghiath Al-Ahmad - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):163-169.
    Advance directives are specific competent consumers’ wishes about future medical plans in the event that they become incompetent. Awareness of a patient’s autonomy particularly, in relation to their right to refuse or withdraw treatment, a right for the patient to die from natural causes and interest in end of life issues were among the main reasons for developing and legalizing advance medical directives in developed countries. However, in many circumstances cultural and religious aspects are among many factors that can hamper (...)
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    Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: A Malaysian Neo-Conservative?Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid & Muhamad Takiyuddin Ismail - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 13 (3):379-399.
    This article proposes an analysis of changes implemented during Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's administration (20032003), which displayed bias against changes and introduced schemes to justify the systems it upheld. Transmutations wrought during Abdullah's tenure may have been neither substantial nor totalizing, but within the conservative paradigm which had long gripped national politics, Abdullah's deviations were significant nevertheless.
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  5. Dr. Ahmad Aliakbar Mesgari.Ahmad Ali Akbar Mesgari & Hamid Gaesmi - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 5 (8):191-235.
    The aim of present paper is to introduce the concept of ‘expressive perception’ in Ernst Cassirer’s philosophical mythology. Having Cited Dorothy Emmet’s methodological objection, the author, by recalling Kantian aspect of Cassirer’s thought and referring to the concept of ‘expressive perception’, would make an attempt to reply on his part: according to Cassirer, this level of perceptive experience is the origin of the mythical form of thinking as a whole and, at the same time, is the original and irreducible altogether. (...)
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  6. Living with Eqbal Ahmad, 1932-1999: a homage to academician, intellectual & revolutionary.Eqbal Ahmad - 1999 - Lahore: Democratic Commission for Human Development.
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  7. Relativized Essentialism about Modalities.Salim Hirèche - 2022 - Argumenta 7 (2):463-484.
    On what I call absolutist essentialism about modality (AE), the metaphysical necessities are the propositions that are true in virtue of the essence (i.e. Aristotelian, absolute essence) of some entities. Other kinds of necessity can then be defined by restriction – e.g. the conceptual necessities are the propositions that are true in virtue of the essence of conceptual entities specifically. As an account of metaphysical modality and some other kinds (e.g. logical, conceptual), AE may have important virtues. However, when it (...)
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    An Islamic Response to Greek Astronomy: Kitāb Ta‘Dīl Hay’at Al-Aflāk of Sadr Al-Sharī‘A. Edited with Translation and Commentary.Ahmad Dallal - 1995 - Brill.
    This study provides a detailed description of ways in which Muslim astronomers handled the Greek astronomical legacy, reassessed its cultural and philosophical implications in light of their religiously-inspired world view, and proposed to modify it.
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    Edebiyatla Tarihin Mutlu İzdivacı: Tarihî Roman Türü Ve Osmancık'tan Osman Gazi Han'a Bir Olgunlaşma.Salim Durukoğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):137-137.
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    Religion und Ästhetik: Zur filmisch-seriellen Narration des Religiösen.Ahmad Milad Karimi (ed.) - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Religionen sind ästhetisch vermittelt. Nicht nur die religiöse Praxis, sondern der religiöse Habitus überhaupt vollzieht sich in ästhetischen Akten. In diesem Band wird dem komplexen Feld der ästhetischen Inszenierung des Religiösen multidisziplinär Rechnung getragen, und zwar mit besonderem Augenmerk auf filmisch-serielle Narration.
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    Explanation and Value in the Arts.Salim Kemal & Ivan Gaskell (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Explanation and Value in the Arts offers penetrating studies by art historians, literary theorists and philosophers, of issues central to explaining works of literature and painting. The first chapters look at the sources of interest in the fine arts and point to the intimate relation between aesthetic and other values. The following contributions develop the interaction between value and explanation by examining the construction of value in the study of the arts, including considerations of the nature of creativity and the (...)
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    Feeling and Judgment.Salim Kemal - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 1:803-809.
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    Kant and the Production of Fine Art.Salim Kemal - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (2):333-343.
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  14. Landscape, Natural Beauty and the Arts.Salim Kemal & Ivan Gaskell - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (1):88-89.
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  15. (1 other version)The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna.Salim KEMAL - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (1):153-153.
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    Derleme Sözlüğü'nde Çocuk Diline Ait Adlandırmalar.Salim KÜÇÜK - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):423-423.
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    Underdetermination, Multiplicity, and Mathematical Logic.Salim Rashid - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (2).
    Whether a collection of scientific data can be explained only by a unique theory or whether such data can be equally explained by multiple theories is one of the more contested issues in the history and philosophy of science. This paper argues that the case for multiple explanations is strengthened by the widespread failure of models in mathematical logic to be unique, i.e., categorical. Science is taken to require replicable and explicit public knowledge; this necessitates an unambiguous language for its (...)
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  18.  36
    Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: The Hermeneutical Import of the Critique of Judgment.Salim Kemal - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (4):388-390.
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  19.  25
    Facilitators and barriers to creating a culture of academic integrity at secondary schools: an exploratory case study.Salim Razı & Özgür Çelik - 2023 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 19 (1).
    Academic integrity is a vital pedagogical responsibility that educational institutions should explicitly address. One of the best ways to uphold academic integrity is to create a culture of academic integrity throughout the school. This is especially imperative at high schools where students develop their moral identity because students who act dishonestly at high school will likely behave accordingly in post-secondary education and ultimately be dishonest in familial and professional settings. Creating a culture of academic integrity is a challenging, long and (...)
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  20.  57
    Adam Smith's acknowledgments: Neo-plagiarism and the wealth of nations.Salim Rashid - 1990 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 9 (2):1-24.
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    The Ethnic Identity of Palestinian Arab Christian Adolescents in Israel.Salim J. Munayer - 2001 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 18 (1):57-58.
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    Ästhetik des Bösen: Religiöse und filmisch-serielle Zugänge.Ahmad Milad Karimi (ed.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    This volume offers interreligious and interdisciplinary insight into the cinematic-serial and literary narration of evil. Evil is an important motif in literature, film and series. We encounter it in the most diverse forms - be it the Joker from The Dark Knight, Goethe's Mephisto or in the Shiite theatre ritual of the Taʿziya. This volume attempts a closer exploration of what we know as evil, and yet find difficult to comprehend. In addition to Christian and Islamic perspectives, philosophical and mystical (...)
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  23.  83
    An ounce of prevention or a pound of cure? Multi-level modelling on the antecedents of mobile-wallet adoption and the moderating role of e-WoM during COVID-19.Ahmad M. A. Zamil, Saqib Ali, Petra Poulova & Minhas Akbar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the COVID-19 epidemic, personal safety has received increasing attention, leading to behavioral changes. Mobile-wallet makes it easier for people to keep social distance, which helps stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Evolving Internet technology has brought about changes in consumer lifestyle. The current situation of COVID-19 has created a business environment to shift from traditional ways and adopt e-commerce solutions worldwide. Grounded in technology acceptance model theory, this study’s objective is two-fold: First, this study intends to examine perceived (...)
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  24.  39
    Kvanvig on Reducing Personal to Doxastic Justification.Emil Salim - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (2):699-702.
    In his book The Intellectual Virtues and the Life of the Mind: On the Place of the Virtues in Contemporary Epistemology, Jonathan Kvanvig argues that there is an interchangeability of personal and doxastic justification, which ‘blocks the quick route to virtue epistemology’. To prove that personal justification is reducible to doxastic justification, he utilizes λ-calculus expressions that aim to show the logical equivalence of the two notions of justification. In this paper, I argue that he has made an illegitimate move (...)
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    Linguistic Responses of Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi: His Responses to Grammatical Issues as a Case Study.Hussein Ali Abd Salim & Dr Kyan Ahmed Hazem Yahya - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1419-1433.
    This research focuses on the contributions of a non-Arab scholar who has significantly impacted the study of the language of the Qur'an, the most revered and miraculous of texts. Despite its eternal wonders and the mysteries of its miraculous nature remaining untapped, the language of the Qur'an continues to be a subject of intense study. After reviewing the works of al-Farahi, I was impressed by the boldness of this non-Arab scholar in critiquing many established theories of Arabic lexicographers, morphologists, and (...)
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  26. Adam Smith and neo-plagiarism: a reply.Salim Rashid - 1992 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 10 (2):81-87.
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    İnsan Atatürk.Salim Cöhce - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):225-225.
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    A New Quantum Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment.Salim Chikhi, Abdesslem Layeb & Widad Kartous - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (3):261-275.
    Multiple sequence alignment is one of the major problems that can be encountered in the bioinformatics field. MSA consists in aligning a set of biological sequences to extract the similarities between them. Unfortunately, this problem has been shown to be NP-hard. In this article, a new algorithm was proposed to deal with this problem; it is based on a quantum-inspired cuckoo search algorithm. The other feature of the proposed approach is the use of a randomized progressive alignment method based on (...)
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    "Cihanda Türk" Ve "Şarkımız" Şiirlerinin Varlıkbilim Açısından / Ontolojik Açıdan Karşılaştırılması.Salim Durukoğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):551-551.
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    Exploring the Benefits of Doll Play Through Neuroscience.Salim Hashmi, Ross E. Vanderwert, Hope A. Price & Sarah A. Gerson - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:560176.
    It has long been hypothesized that pretend play is beneficial to social and cognitive development. However, there is little evidence regarding the neural regions that are active while children engage in pretend play. We examined activation of prefrontal and posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) regions using near-infrared spectroscopy while 42 four- to eight-year-old children freely played with dolls or tablet games with a social partner or by themselves. Social play activated right prefrontal regions more than solo play. Children engaged the (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Kant's aesthetic theory: an introduction.Salim Kemal - 1992 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan.
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    From Orientalism to neo-Orientalism: Early and contemporary constructions of Islam and the Muslim world.Salim Kerboua - 2016 - Intellectual Discourse 24 (1).
    The concept of Orientalism has been widely dealt with in the humanities and social sciences. It helps explain a peculiar construction of the Arab-Muslim world. Orientalism has operated in various historical paradigms but has always emphasised specific Western constructions of the Orient. Nowadays, the concept has metamorphosed to refer to new constructions of the Orient. New representations of Islam and the Muslim world are dominating the Western public space. The aim of this paper is twofold. It explores the historical development (...)
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    Color Namings Referred To The Historical Turkish Dialects.Salim KÜÇÜK - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:556-577.
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    The Names And Markings Gıven To The Horses According Their Coat Colors In Turkish Culture.Salim KÜÇÜK - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1830-1855.
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    The Return To Folklore In Turkish Poetry With Fruit.Salim Çonoğlu - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:455-474.
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    Books in Review.Salim Rashid - 1987 - Political Theory 15 (1):145-149.
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    Richard Whately and Christian Political Economy at Oxford and Dublin.Salim Rashid - 1977 - Journal of the History of Ideas 38 (1):147.
  38.  44
    John von Neumann and Scientific Method.Salim Rashid - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (3):501-527.
    This paper interprets John von Neumann's views on the proper role of mathematics in science, with attention to its implications for economics. The evolution of von Neumann's thought over his lifespan, an examination of which is greatly aided by some self-conscious appraisals of von Neumann himself, suggests that von Neumann ended by taking a very pragmatic approach to the use of mathematics. One can almost characterize it as an engineering approach to the philosophy of mathematics since von Neumann takes mathematics (...)
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  39. The strong arm of the law: a unified account of necessary and contingent laws of nature.Salim Hirèche, Niels Linnemann, Robert Michels & Lisa Vogt - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10211-10252.
    A common feature of all standard theories of the laws of nature is that they are "absolutist": They take laws to be either all metaphysically necessary or all contingent. Science, however, gives us reason to think that there are laws of both kinds, suggesting that standard theories should make way for "non-absolutist" alternatives: theories which accommodate laws of both modal statuses. In this paper, we set out three explanatory challenges for any candidate non-absolutist theory and discuss the prospects of the (...)
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  40.  10
    Performance and Authenticity in the Arts.Salim Kemal & Ivan Gaskell (eds.) - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book brings together a distinguished group of scholars from music, drama, poetry, performance art, religion, classics and philosophy to investigate the complex and developing interaction between performance and authenticity in the arts. The volume begins with a perspective on traditional understandings of that relation, examining the crucial role of performance in the Poetics, the marriage of art with religion, the experiences of religious and aesthetic authenticity, and modernist conceptions of authenticity. Several essays then consider music as a performative art. (...)
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  41. The modal status of the laws of nature. Tahko’s hybrid view and the kinematical/dynamical distinction.Salim Hireche, Niels Linnemann, Robert Michels & Lisa Vogt - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-15.
    In a recent paper, Tuomas Tahko has argued for a hybrid view of the laws of nature, according to which some physical laws are metaphysically necessary, while others are metaphysically contingent. In this paper, we show that his criterion for distinguishing between these two kinds of laws — which crucially relies on the essences of natural kinds — is on its own unsatisfactory. We then propose an alternative way of drawing the metaphysically necessary/contingent distinction for laws of physics based on (...)
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    Matching cognitively sympathetic individual styles to develop collective intelligence in digital communities.Salim Chujfi & Christoph Meinel - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):5-15.
    Creation, collection and retention of knowledge in digital communities is an activity that currently requires being explicitly targeted as a secure method of keeping intellectual capital growing in the digital era. In particular, we consider it relevant to analyze and evaluate the empathetic cognitive personalities and behaviors that individuals now have with the change from face-to-face communication to computer-mediated communication online. This document proposes a cyber-humanistic approach to enhance the traditional SECI knowledge management model. A cognitive perception is added to (...)
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    Derin Anlatı Yapısı Olarak Romanın Var O.Salim Durukoğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):727-748.
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    Folklorun Çağdaş Şiire Bürünen ve Yeniden Görünen Ruhu: Şair Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu.Salim Durukoğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):1271-1271.
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    Kadının ve Kaderin "Tırpan"ı.Salim Durukoğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):145-156.
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  46. (2 other versions)Nietzsche, Philosophy and the Arts.Salim Kemal, Ivan Gaskell & Daniel W. Conway - 1999 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 17:82-84.
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  47. Systematic ideas in aesthetics: (II) (expression and idealism in Kant's aesthetics).Salim Kemal - 1976 - British Journal of Aesthetics 16 (1):68-80.
  48.  15
    The Language of Art History.Salim Kemal & Ivan Gaskell (eds.) - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    The first volume in the series Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and the Arts offers a range of responses by distinguished philosophers and art historians to some crucial issues generated by the relationship between the art object and language in art history. Each of the chapters in this volume is a searching response to theoretical and practical questions in terms accessible to readers of all human science disciplines. The editors, one a philosopher and one an art historian, provide an introductory chapter (...)
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  49.  85
    The significance of natural beauty.Salim Kemal - 1979 - British Journal of Aesthetics 19 (2):147-166.
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    Impact of employees’ perceived threat of market competition on unethical marketing and selling practices: Moral disengagement and ethical leadership.Salim Khan, Abdul Karim Khan, Adnan Muhammad Shah, Liaqat Ali & Rizwan Ullah - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):758-771.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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