Results for 'Alejandro Martí'

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    Filosofía del derecho.Alejandro Martí - 1975 - [Buenos Aires]: Ediciones Crisol.
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  2. Logos histórico" y método de historización de los conceptos en el pensamiento de Ignacio Eliacuria : elementos para descolonizar el saber.Alejandro Rosillo Martínez - 2018 - In Martin E. Diaz, Carlos Pescader & Alejandro Rosillo Martínez (eds.), Geopolítica de los saberes hegemónicos: estudios críticos para desandar el eurocentrismo. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina: Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Comahue.
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    La postmodernidad ante el espejo.Alejandro Martínez Rodríguez (ed.) - 2012 - Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
    Los textos de este volumen ofrecen un enfoque menos frecuentado en torno a la cuestión postmoderna. Se trata de ir más allá del tópico general en las valoraciones de la postmodernidad, y conseguir así que ésta no consista, únicamente, en sus representaciones. Para ello, el volumen da cuenta de la dimensión estética del horizonte postmoderno, por un lado, y de su singular temporalidad, por otro. Desnuda ante el espejo, la postmodernidad descubre sus orígenes, lo mismo que sus carencias.
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    La paz y la memoria.Alejandro Martínez Rodríguez - 2011 - Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata.
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    La visión y la idea: origen y derivas de la paideia romántica.Alejandro Martín Navarro - 2012 - [Madrid, Spain]: Avirigani Editores.
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    Náufragos hacia sí mismos: la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset.Alejandro Martínez Carrasco - 2011 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Feminismos y derecho: diversas perspectivas del derecho, del género y la igualdad.Alejandro Rosillo Martínez, Navarro Sánchez, Urenda Queletzú & Guillermo Luévano Bustamante (eds.) - 2014 - San Luis Potosí: Maestría en Derechos Humanos, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.
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    Historizar la justicia: estudios sobre el pensamiento de Ignacio Ellacuría.Alejandro Rosillo Martínez & Manuel Pérez (eds.) - 2015 - San Luis Potosí: Maestría en Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.
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    Natural law: historical, systematic and juridical approaches.José María Torralba, Mario Šilar, García Martínez & Alejandro Néstor (eds.) - 2008 - Newscastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Modern moral and political philosophy is in debt with natural law theory, both in its ancient and mediaeval elaborations. While the very notion of a natural law has proved highly controversial among 20th Century scholars, the last decades have witnessed a renewed interest in it. Indeed, the threats and challenges as result of multiculturalism, plural societies and global changes have generated a renewed attention to natural law theory. Clearly, it offers solid basis as possible framework to a better understanding of (...)
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    Perspectivas y horizontes de la filosofía de la ciencia en México.Cárdenas Carrión, Blanca María, Martínez Ordaz, María del Rosario, López Retana & Erik Alejandro (eds.) - 2022 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Geopolítica de los saberes hegemónicos: estudios críticos para desandar el eurocentrismo.Martin E. Diaz, Carlos Pescader & Alejandro Rosillo Martínez (eds.) - 2018 - General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina: Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Comahue.
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  12. Dewey and Martí : culture in education.Alejandro Strong - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press.
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    A perspective of analysis of culture and cubanism in the philosophical thinking of Juan Marinello.Andria Torres Guerra, Alejandro Torres Gómez de Cádiz Hernández & Edilio Gabriel Reynaldo Aguilera - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (1):35-49.
    El resultado investigativo se centra en una de las prioridades de la línea del polo científico territorial y nacional: la necesidad de rescatar el papel de la intelectualidad cubana durante la República. Se analiza el papel de la cultura y la cubanía en la cosmovisión filosófica de Juan Marinello. El método empleado presupone un análisis dialéctico de la realidad, sustentado en una perspectiva crítica que permite interpretar y enriquecer la concepción sobre los hechos y procesos históricos. Desde una visión holística (...)
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  14. Behavioral strategies for reducing corruption: from regulation to choice architecture.Alejandro Hortal - 2024 - Behavioral Public Policy:1-18.
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    No Latinx Without Afro-Latinx: A Desideratum for Accounts of Latinidad.Alejandro Arango & Adam Burgos - forthcoming - APA Studies on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy.
    The purpose of this essay is to articulate a specific desideratum for any theory of Latinidad, namely, that there is no adequate conception of Latinx without an attendant conception of Afro-Latinx. In order to be reflective of those whom it purports to describe in the U.S. and elsewhere in the hemisphere, the term Latinx must be plastic enough to encompass the many internal differences, and even antagonisms, between its different constituent parts. Within it, we argue here in particular, it must (...)
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    Viewing Others as Equals: the Non-cognitive Roots of Shared Intentionality.Alejandro Rosas & Juan Pablo Bermúdez - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (3):485-502.
    We propose two adjustments to the classic view of shared intentionality as based on conceptual-level cognitive skills. The first one takes into account that infants and young children display this capacity, but lack conceptual-level cognitive skills. The second one seeks to integrate cognitive and non-cognitive skills into that capacity. This second adjustment is motivated by two facts. First, there is an enormous difference between human infants and our closest living primate relatives with respect to the range and scale of goal (...)
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    Efficient interactive decision-making framework for robotic applications.Alejandro Agostini, Carme Torras & Florentin Wörgötter - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247 (C):187-212.
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    Introduction: Identities Unfolding in the Social World.Alejandro Arango & Adam Burgos - 2024 - In Alejandro Arango & Adam Burgos (eds.), New Perspectives on the Ontology of Social Identities. New York: Routledge. pp. 1-8.
    This introduction to this collection of essays presents diverse perspectives on social identities, inviting readers to reconsider established notions and explore new approaches to understanding these complex social phenomena. The contributions challenge traditional philosophical boundaries, intersecting ontological, epistemological, ethical, and political considerations. // The authors situate different views on the ontology of social identities within some extant options. Thus, they contrast their "social identity affordance view" with two alternative approaches: the Cambridge Social Ontology group's positioning theory and Weichold & Thonhauser's (...)
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    Regeneration in the metazoans: why does it happen?Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (6):578-590.
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  20. Cartesian Dualism and the Intermediate State: A Reply to Turner Jr.Alejandro Pérez - 2019 - Forum: Supplement to Acta Philosophica 5 (1):269-281.
    In this paper, I propose to analyse two objections raised by Turner Jr in his paper “On Two Reasons Christian Theologians Should Reject The Intermediate State” in order to show that the intermediate state is an incoherent theory. As we shall see, the two untoward consequences that he mentions do not imply a metaphysical or logical contradiction. Consequently, I shall defend an Intermediate State and I shall propose briefly one metaphysical conception of the human being able to reply to Turner (...)
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    Aristotle: metaphysics and practical philosophy: essays in honour of Enrico Berti.Enrico Berti & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 2011 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    Enrico Berti has had a profound influence on the birth and development of Italian studies in ancient philosophy. His sizable work has shaped a great part of Italian studies on Aristotle and other ancient philosophers. To celebrate him and express their gratitude for his work, some of his disciples, under the impulse of the late Franco Volpi, have brought together a volume in his honour, requesting the participation of some foreign scholars particularly close to him. The volume comprises essays by (...)
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    Philosophizing the Americas.Jacoby Adeshei Carter & Hernando Arturo Estévez (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Philosophizing the Americas establishes the field of inter-American philosophy. Bringing together contributors who work in Africana Philosophy, Afro-Caribbean philosophy, Latin American philosophy, Afro-Latin philosophy, decolonial theory, and African American philosophy, the volume examines the full range of traditions that have, separately and in conversation with each other, worked through how philosophy in both establishes itself in the Americas and engages with the world from which it emerges. The book traces a range of questions, from the history of philosophy in the (...)
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    Genesis of the noema: A noematic analysis based on the constitution of the body in pain.Alejandro Escudero Morales - 2020 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 15:65-80.
    The objective of this work is to carry out a genetic study on the Husserlian concept of noema based in the givenness of the real body in the passive experience of pain. The development focuses, either, on the delimitation of the painful body given in its physical sphere in attention to its material properties, and in the eventual integration of this passively given body in the so-called noetic-noematic structure regarding the intentional revelation that pain implies. To do this, pain will (...)
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    Mentira, Engaño y Desorientación.Alejandro Tomasini Bassols - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:207-226.
    En este ensayo me ocupo de algunos conceptos que son parte de una misma familia, a saber, los conceptos de mentir, engañar y desorientar. Uno de mis objetivos es ofrecer un análisis que sea afín a la perspectiva wittgensteiniana del lenguaje. Argumento que estos conceptos están jerarquizados y que “engañar” es el más básico de todos, dado que mentir es algo que sólo los usuarios de un lenguaje pueden hacer y el fenómeno del engaño lo encontramos en el reino animal. (...)
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    The tree property at first and double successors of singular cardinals with an arbitrary gap.Alejandro Poveda - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (5):102778.
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    El antagonismo laclausiano ante Mouffe y Žižek: encuentros y desencuentros con el pensamiento posfundacional y la izquierda lacaniana.Alejandro Varas & Marcela Mandiola - 2020 - Isegoría 62:227-242.
    This article deals with the category of antagonism as proposed by Ernesto Laclau, delving into its basal philosophies and analyzing some of their tensional aspects. We being by identifying two fields, namely, post-foundational political thought and the Lacanian left, and link them to the category of antagonism. Second, the philosophical tensions between the category and these fields are examined through two concrete exponents: Chantal Mouffe and Slavoj Žižek, reporting certain incompatibilities and criticism regarding both authors’ proposals. Finally, a few open (...)
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    Metafísica y lenguaje.Alejandro Llano - 1984 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  28. Ignorance and Cultural Diversity: The Ethical Obligations of the Behavior Analyst.Alejandro Arango - 2023 - Behavior Analysis in Practice 16 (1):23-29.
    Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has featured an increasing concern for understanding and considering the cultural diversity of the populations behavior analysts serve in recent years. As an expression of that concern, the new BACB’s Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts is more explicit and comprehensive in its inclusion of ethical obligations concerning cultural diversity. The purpose of this paper is to offer a discussion on the limitations of both our capacity and willingness to know and overcome our ignorance about our own (...)
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    Making Sense of Racial Membership.Alejandro Naranjo Sandoval - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (4):555-582.
    Which individuals belong to a racial group, and what determines membership? I argue that questions about membership are importantly different from questions regarding the ontology of racial categories and invite a distinctive line of inquiry. But there's a formidable challenge to providing determinate and consistent answers to membership questions: Many phenomena documented in sociology and psychology generate reasonable and systematic disagreement about membership that cannot be adjudicated by an influential variety of social constructionism. While the puzzle of racial identity remains, (...)
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    Harm, Reciprocity and the Moral Domain.Alejandro Rosas - 2013 - In Vassilios Karakostas & Dennis Dieks (eds.), EPSA11 Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 493--502.
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    Expresión, intersubjetividad y mundo perceptual.Alejandro Arango - 2019 - In Luis Rabanaque (ed.), Acta Fenomenológica Latinoamericana: Vol. VI. Lima: Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología. pp. 279-193.
    Este artículo presenta y defiende una concepción expresiva del mundo perceptual que depende de la intersubjetividad. En un primer momento se muestra el desarrollo del concepto de expresión en Husserl y en Merleau-Ponty. El punto central de este desarrollo es que, en contraste con la concepción tradicional del concepto de expresión que es lingüística y consiste en el manifestarse exteriormente de algo interno, se propone ahora una idea de expresión que ya no separa radicalmente lo expresado de la expresión, no (...)
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  32. La Bible, l’homosexualité et les sciences cognitives: Vers une approche interdisciplinaire de l’homosexualité.Alejandro Pérez - 2020 - Theologica Xaveriana 70.
    Le titre de cette étude suggère de traiter trois termes, à premier vue, sans aucun lien. En effet, quel peut être le lien entre l’homosexualité et la Bible? Ou celui entre l’homosexualité et les sciences cognitives? Et finalement, quel lien peut-il y avoir entre ces trois termes à première vue juxtaposés? Il y a une réponse à chacune de ces trois questions et nous proposons d’explorer ces réponses dans le cadre de cette étude. Notre thèse consiste à défendre que les (...)
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  33. Zeit und Praxis bei Aristoteles. Die Nikomachische Ethik und die zeit-ontologische Voraussetzungen des vernunftgesteuerten Handelns.Alejandro G. Vigo - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (4):724-724.
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    La Filosofía de la Naturaleza En la Obra de Manuel Atria Ramírez.Alejandro Serani & Juan Eduardo Carreño - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):105.
    Manuel Atria Ramírez, filósofo chileno, elaboró durante décadas una propuesta epistemológica y filosófico natural consistente, en la que la físico-matemática y la cosmovisión científica moderna fueron objeto de especial atención. En su obra, el universo sensible es sometido a un análisis riguroso, en el que se emplean y proyectan con originalidad las categorías propias de la tradición aristotélico-tomista.
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    MVW-rigs and product MV-algebras.Alejandro Estrada & Yuri A. Poveda - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 29 (1):78-96.
    ABSTRACTWe introduce the variety of Many-Valued-Weak rigs. We provide an axiomatisation and establish, in this context, basic properties about ideals, homomorphisms, quotients and radicals. This new class contains the class of product MV-algebras presented by Di Nola and Dvurečenskij in 2001 and by Montagna in 2005. The main result is the compactness of the prime spectrum of this new class, endowed with the co-Zariski topology as defined by Dubuc and Poveda in 2010.
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    La Conducta Animal y Lo Transanimal En El Hombre En la Biología Filosófica de Hans Jonas.Alejandro Serani Merlo & Yván Lailhacar Formigo - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 8 (2):9.
    En este trabajo se expone y comenta esquemáticamente la biofilosofía de Hans Jonas, poniéndola en relación con su visión del ser humano. Para Jonas la vida se distingue de la materia inerte por la libertad ganada desde la aparición del metabolismo. Percepción y emoción generan un hiato o mediatez entre el interés animal y su satisfacción; la conducta animal sería, entonces, el segundo grado de libertad. Con el ser humano surge un nuevo grado de libertad, que implica un salto ontológico (...)
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    The Notion of Responsibility and the Poetic Revolution in Derrida’s Thought.Alejandro Orozco Hidalgo - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):144-155.
    This paper delves into the deconstruction of the notion of responsibility, drawing a correlation with the process of decomposition of the concept of sovereignty as discussed by Derrida in his last research works. We explore Derrida’s consideration of absolute responsibility as no longer passing through the figure of the sovereign. Derrida’s thought takes its distance from the philosophical and hegemonic determination of the notion of responsibility, for the conceptual system of its axiomatic defines responsibility based on the sovereign individual’s freedom (...)
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    An antidote for hawkmoths: a response to recent climate-skeptical arguments grounded in the topology of dynamical systems.Alejandro Navas, Lukas Nabergall & Eric Winsberg - unknown
    In a series of recent papers, two of which appeared in this journal, a group of philosophers, physicists, and climate scientists have argued that something they call the `hawkmoth effect' poses insurmountable difficulties for those who would use non-linear models, including climate simulation models, to make quantitative predictions or to produce `decision-relevant probabilites.' Such a claim, if it were true, would undermine much of climate science, among other things. Here, we examine the two lines of argument the group has used (...)
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  39. Moral clumsiness.Alejandro Arango - 2015 - Think 14 (40):93-99.
    What would happen if one morning you wake up clumsy, as if your sense of touch were unreliable, arbitrarily on and off? And what would this clumsiness look like if we could transfer it to the moral sense? The article expounds an interesting analogy between the sense of touch, loosely construed, and the moral sense: just as a sort of consistency is necessary for the sense of touch to do its job, so it is for the moral sense to play (...)
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  40. Einbahnstraße: la filosofía como obra de arte.Alejandro Emilio Wills - 2012 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 22:123-147.
    The literary genesis of Einbahnstraße by Walter Benjamin represents a very special case of the use of the procedures of surrealism in the philosophical-literary production of the author. The process of evolution of thinking that ended up in the writing of this piece is unveiled throughout the present analysis. This is a sign of both waiver and restart; the opening for a new productive dimension in the career of one of the most important —and misunderstood— philosophers of the 20th century. (...)
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    J. Szaif, Platons Begriff der Wahrheit, Freiburg-München 1996 (Verlag Karl Alber, 561 págs.).Alejandro G. Vigo - 1997 - Méthexis 10 (1):181-183.
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    Confirmación hipotético-deductiva y confirmación bayesiana.Alejandro Cassini - 2003 - Análisis Filosófico 23 (1):41-84.
    En este trabajo hago una comparación sistemática entre las dos teorías de la confirmación más populares en la actualidad: el método hipotético-deductivo y el bayesianismo. En primer lugar, enumero los cinco problemas fundamentales de la teoría hipotético-deductivista. Estos son el problema de las hipótesis estadísticas, el del grado de confirmación, el de la conjunción irrelevante, el del holismo epistemológico y el de las hipótesis alternativas. Luego, hago una presentación general de la epistemología bayesiana y muestro de qué manera estos problemas (...)
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    Occupation courts, jus ad bellum considerations, and non-state actors: Revisiting the ethics of military occupation.Alejandro Chehtman - 2015 - Legal Theory 21 (1):18-46.
    ABSTRACTThis article provides a normative appraisal of the law of military occupation by looking into occupation courts and their legitimacy. It focuses on two cornerstones of the current regulation of war: the principle of equality of belligerents, that is, the potential relevance ofjus ad bellumconsiderations on thein bellorights of occupants, and the normative force of the traditional distinction between states and non-state armed groups, specially in conflicts not of an international character. Against the currently predominant neoclassical position in just war (...)
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    The Different Meanings of 'Being' According to Aristotle and Aquinas.Alejandro Llano - 2001 - Acta Philosophica 10 (1).
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  45. Argumentos trascendentales y la refutación kantiana del idealismo.Alejandro Rosas - 1990 - Ideas Y Valores 39 (82):33-50.
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    Una reivindicación de los experimentos cruciales.Alejandro Cassini - 2015 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 40 (1):105-137.
    in this paper i assess Pierre Duhem’s criticism of crucial experiments, and argue that we have reasons to vindicate their existence. i then analize the experiments carried out by Fizeau and Foucault in 1850, and criticize Duhem’s interpretation of their results. i contend that the results of crucial experiences can be described in terms that are neutral with respect to the competing theories. For that reason an experimental result is relatively stable and open to different interpretations in the light of (...)
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    Old Havana / la Habana Vieja: Spirit of the Living City / El Espiritu de la Ciudad Viva.Chip Cooper, Nestor Marti, Eusebio Leal Spengler, Robert Olin, Philip D. Beidler & Magda Resik Aguirre - 2012 - University Alabama Press.
    Old Havana: Spirit of the Living City artistically captures the architecture, people, and daily life of La Habana Vieja through the lenses of two visionary photographers and colleagues, one American and the other Cuban. Chip Cooper and Néstor Martí began collaborating in 2008, documenting the picturesque features of the oldest and most historically rich quarter in Cuba's capital city at the behest of Eusebio Leal Spengler, the historian of the city of Havana and the director of the Habana Vieja restoration (...)
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    Estudios filosóficos.Ricaurte Soler & José de Jesús Martínez (eds.) - 1974 - Panamá: INCUDE.
    Soler, R. Sobre la dialéctica: Modelo mecanicista y método dialéctico. Causalidad en el mecanicismo y casualidad en la dialéctica. Dialéctica de universales e individuales.--Martínez, J. de J. Ensayos filosóficos: Sobre el humanismo en la Edad Media y en el Renacimiento. Sobre el problema de la muerte.
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    Incendiar el océano: Pensamiento crítico cincuenta años después.Sayonara Tamayo Arjona & Fernando Martínez Heredia (eds.) - 2019 - La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Caminos.
    Coloquio "Con Arreglo a Esta Opinión Trabajaremos. A 50 Años de la Revista Pensamiento Crítico" (Casa Cultural de ALBA, La Habana, 21 de febrero de 2017) -- La Rebeldia es la Adultez de la Cultura. Mesa Homenaje a Fernando Martínez Heredia (Centro de Investigación Cultural Juan Marinello, 22 de junio de 2017).
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    En la constitución de una filosofía de la vida y la enfermedad, el trabajo epistemológico y axiológico de sus conceptos y problemas fundamentales.Z. Alejandro Bilbao - 2023 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 80:15-33.
    En este artículo se establece un análisis histórico, axiológico y epistemológico de las condiciones de advenimiento de una filosofía médica abocada al estudio de la enfermedad. El examen de estas condiciones toma en cuenta los estudios clásicos y contemporáneos de la filosofía de la medicina, analizando sus distintas perspectivas y enunciados. La reflexión en torno de los supuestos y conceptos asociados a tal tipo de filosofía, localiza la enfermedad en sus distintas dimensiones: en el ámbito del acontecimiento biológico (disease), del (...)
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