Results for 'Alessandra Esther Castagnedi Ramírez'

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  1.  13
    Llano Alonso, Fernando H. Homo Ex Machina. Ética de la inteligencia artificial y Derecho digital ante el horizonte de la singularidad tecnológica, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2024.Alessandra Esther Castagnedi Ramirez - 2024 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 51:162-172.
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    Fernando H. Llano Alonso (dir.), Joaquín Garrido Martín y Ramón Valdivia Jiménez (coords.), Inteligencia artificial y Filosofía del Derecho. [REVIEW]Alessandra Esther Castagnedi Ramírez - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 49:327-334.
    Este artículo reseña: Fernando H. LLANO ALONSO (dir.), Joaquín GARRIDO MARTÍN y Ramón VALDIVIA JIMÉNEZ (coords.), Inteligencia artificial y Filosofía del derecho. Ediciones Laborum, Murcia, 2022, 558 pp.
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    LOI: el guía metodológico que mejora la eficiencia terminal.María Esther Alcántara Gutiérrez & Mireya Ramírez Martínez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-20.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo general fundamentar el mapa de funciones del docente de investigación -a quien las autoras han designado como LOI-, con el fin de que sirva de base a la generación del estándar de competencia en la enseñanza de la metodología para asegurar el aprendizaje significativo desde el enfoque constructivista. El estudio presenta los resultados alcanzados en dos conglomerados, uno que recibe la enseñanza tradicional de metodología y otro que considera el nuevo enfoque establecido en el Mapa (...)
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    Análisis crítico del uso de Rúbricas en metodología de la investigación.María Esther Alcántara Gutiérrez & Mireya Ramírez Martínez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (5):1-12.
    En este artículo se formula un análisis crítico sobre el uso de Rúbricas durante los ejercicios de coevaluación entre pares sobre su desempeño en la investigación desarrollada en los estudios de posgrado. Las entrevistas a estudiantes y docentes muestran cómo se profundiza y amplía la comprensión de la descripción académica sobre el resultado que se busca por la aplicación de la metodología, debido a la observación contrastada del trabajo propio con el desempeño de los demás, de acuerdo con el sistema (...)
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    8 Bridging Lexical Knowledge and Literacy.Daphne Meng-Ying Lin, Gloria Ramírez, Jennifer Shade Wilson & Esther Geva - 2012 - In Alister H. Cumming, Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context. Routledge. pp. 102.
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  6. On Symmetries and Springs.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    Imagine that we are on a train playing with some mechanical systems. Why can’t we detect any differences in their behavior when the train is parked versus when it is moving uniformly? The standard answer is that boosts are symmetries of Newtonian systems. In this paper, I use the case of a spring to argue that this answer is problematic because symmetries are neither sufficient nor necessary for preserving its behavior. I also develop a new answer according to which boosts (...)
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  7. Separating Einstein's separability.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:138-149.
    In this paper, I accomplish a conceptual task and a historical task. The conceptual task is to argue that (1) Einstein’s Principle of Separability (henceforth “separability”) is not a supervenience principle and that (2) separability and entanglement are compatible. I support (1) by showing that the conclusion of Einstein’s incompleteness argument would still follow even if one assumes that the state of a composite system does not supervene on the states of the subsystems, and by showing that what Einstein says (...)
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  8. Empathy and the Limits of Thought Experiments.Erick Ramirez - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (4):504-526.
    This article criticizes what it calls perspectival thought experiments, which require subjects to mentally simulate a perspective before making judgments from within it. Examples include Judith Thomson's violinist analogy, Philippa Foot's trolley problem, and Bernard Williams's Jim case. The article argues that advances in the philosophical and psychological study of empathy suggest that the simulative capacities required by perspectival thought experiments are all but impossible. These thought experiments require agents to consciously simulate necessarily unconscious features of subjectivity. To complete these (...)
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    Hispanic Utopian Studies and Activism as a Prompt.Julia Ramírez-Blanco - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):510-516.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hispanic Utopian Studies and Activism as a PromptJulia Ramírez-Blanco (bio)In the last few years I have come to the Utopian Studies Societýs yearly conference as part of a smaller group, one that has its own parallel history in the left corner of the South of Europe and is networked mostly with Latin America. I am referring to the interdisciplinary research group Histopia, which has its base in Madrid́s (...)
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  10. Autonomy and Dignity Triune.Olga Ramirez Calle - manuscript
    The paper is a metaethical reflection on basic concepts in bioethics. It focuses on the concepts of autonomy and dignity and distinguishes what I take to be three central meanings of each that allow paring with each other. I show how these are all necessary for reflection about bioethical questions and complementary. Further reflection abounds into the role they are to play in bioethical discussions and the different levels of epistemic thickness that reflection in each case requires. Kant, Rawls and (...)
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  11.  29
    What are the views of Quebec and Ontario citizens on the tiebreaker criteria for prioritizing access to adult critical care in the extreme context of a COVID-19 pandemic?Claudia Calderon Ramirez, Yanick Farmer, Andrea Frolic, Gina Bravo, Nathalie Orr Gaucher, Antoine Payot, Lucie Opatrny, Diane Poirier, Joseph Dahine, Audrey L’Espérance, James Downar, Peter Tanuseputro, Louis-Martin Rousseau, Vincent Dumez, Annie Descôteaux, Clara Dallaire, Karell Laporte & Marie-Eve Bouthillier - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background The prioritization protocols for accessing adult critical care in the extreme pandemic context contain tiebreaker criteria to facilitate decision-making in the allocation of resources between patients with a similar survival prognosis. Besides being controversial, little is known about the public acceptability of these tiebreakers. In order to better understand the public opinion, Quebec and Ontario’s protocols were presented to the public in a democratic deliberation during the summer of 2022. Objectives (1) To explore the perspectives of Quebec and Ontario (...)
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    La creatio ex nihilo Y sus implicaciones fenomenológicas en Levinas.Gustavo Víctor Ramírez - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 7 (13).
    Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and the transcendental method in (...)
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  13. The Promise of Manumission: Appropriations and Responses to the Notion of Emancipation in the Caribbean and South America in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2024 - In Kris F. Sealey & Benjamin P. Davis, Creolizing Critical Theory: New Voices in Caribbean Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 61-81.
    In this text, I consider two examples in the history of emancipation and manumission of enslaved, Black populations in the Caribbean and South America in order to theorize a colonial mode of conceiving of freedom at play in the first half of the nineteenth century. This mode is marked by the figure of the promise, enacting a notion of freedom as a constantly deferred, external compensation. Indeed, instead of an immediate decision deeming the practice of enslavement and trade of human (...)
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  14. Symmetries and Representation.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez & Geoffrey Hall - forthcoming - Philosophy Compass.
    It is often said in physics that if two models of a theory are related by a symmetry, then the two models provide (or could provide) two different representations of the very same situation, alike the case of two maps of different color for the very same city. It is also said that the situations represented by two models of a theory are indiscernible in some ways when the models in question are related by a symmetry of the theory, just (...)
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    A practical theology of liberation: Mimetic theory, liberation theology and practical theology.Joel D. Aguilar Ramírez & Stephan De Beer - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):9.
    In this article, the authors bring two personal journeys together: one author’s liberationist journey, sparked by a search for justice and liberation in the slums of Guatemala City, and the other’s lifelong commitment to practical theology and spatial justice in South Africa. A practical theology of liberation is the result of life experiences in countries of the Global South amidst the search for justice and liberation. The worlds that come together in this article are René Girard’s mimetic theory, liberation theology (...)
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  16. Beyond Witches, Angels and Unicorns. The Possibility of Expanding Russell´s Existential Analysis.Olga Ramirez - 2018 - E-Logos Electronic Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):4-15.
    This paper attempts to be a contribution to the epistemological project of explaining complex conceptual structures departing from more basic ones. The central thesis of the paper is that there are what I call “functionally structured concepts”, these are non-harmonic concepts in Dummett’s sense that might be legitimized if there is a function that justifies the tie between the inferential connection the concept allows us to trace. Proving this requires enhancing the russellian existential analysis of definite descriptions to apply to (...)
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  17.  22
    Fenomenología de la percepción y nuevo realismo. Merleau-Ponty, Meillassoux y Markus Gabriel.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2021 - Dianoia 66 (86):27-49.
    Resumen Este artículo plantea la tesis de que la filosofía fenomenológica de la percepción de Merleau-Ponty, en la medida en que es crítica tanto del empirismo como del idealismo, apunta hacia una forma de realismo. Para argumentar en favor de esta idea y mostrar la vigencia del pensador francés, se contrastan los planteamientos de éste con posturas del “realismo especulativo” de Meillassoux, del “nuevo realismo” de Gabriel y del “realismo plural” de Taylor y Dreyfus. Se propone el concepto de “realismo (...)
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  18. A Plea for Concrete Universals.Eduardo García-Ramírez & Ivan Mayerhofer - 2015 - Critica 47 (139):3-46.
    Este artículo trata el problema de los objetos creados que pueden ser repetidos, como las obras musicales y las literarias. En la sección 2 presentamos una serie de desiderata intuitivos que toda teoría debe satisfacer. En las secciones 3 y 4 presentamos un silogismo disyuntivo extendido. Los objetos en cuestión pueden ser o bien universales concretos, particulares concretos, universales abstractos o particulares abstractos. Mostramos cómo es que las teorías que consideran que son cualquiera de las tres últimas opciones fracasan. Por (...)
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  19. Transversality as Disruption and Connection: On the Possibilities and Limits of Using the Framework of Trauma in Glissant’s Philosophy of Caribbean History.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2019 - Philosophical Readings 11 (3):152-162.
    What do we mean when we describe the history of the Caribbean as traumatic? Is it possible to use the term ‘trauma’ here in a more technical sense, or should we give it the less strict connotation of an extreme form of an event in which the past no longer stays just in the past and the future never ceases to demand something from the present? In this paper I analyze the image of the abyss, used by Édouard Glissant to (...)
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  20. To ’stay where you are’ as a decolonial gesture: Glissant’s philosophy of Caribbean history in the context of Césaire and Fanon.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2020 - In Jack Webb, Memory, Migration and (De)colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London. pp. 133–151.
    The place of Glissant’s philosophy of decolonisation in relation to Fanon and Césaire has been theorised by some authors, but the emphasis has not been placed on the fact that Glissant refers to both his predecessors as examples of the absence of a link between the two tactics of resistance – un détour [a tactical diversion] and un retour [a return]. For Glissant, both Césaire and Fanon are still diverters and not properly producers of a new reality, of a real (...)
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  21. Estadios de la otredad en la reflexión filosófica de Luis Villoro [Stages of Otherness in the Philosophy of Luis Villoro].Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2007 - Dianoia 52 (58):143-175.
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  22. Social Welfare: An approach to the concept from a multidimensional perspective.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Hilario Medel-López - manuscript
    Winds of change, from the political perspective in Mexico, invite us to reformulate the methodological vision for the direction of public policy in the field of social development, directing their actions towards the construction of a methodological proposal that allows us to direct ourselves towards achieving higher levels of Well-being Social in our country, as a desirable objective of public policy and which is expected to be inclusive, participatory and democratic. -/- In this sense, it is important to recognize that (...)
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  23. Protestando contra todo lo que la belleza no es. O ¿por qué es tan bello el mundo?Miguel Gualdron Ramirez - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (9).
    En este texto reconstruyo una concepción decolonial de la belleza, a partir del pensamiento de Robin Wall Kimmerer y Édouard Glissant, de acuerdo con la cual la belleza constituye una condición del mundo que, no obstante, debemos cuidar. En estos dos pensamientos, provenientes de tradiciones diferentes, la belleza es tanto lo que se ve amenazado por el proyecto colonial occidental, como lo que permite su resistencia decolonial. Reconstruir la belleza del mundo es necesario y, sin embargo, imposible: su búsqueda implica (...)
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  24. Empowerment of Indigenous Women and Social Exclusion in Combating Poverty in the State of Veracruz Mexico.Carlos Medel-Ramírez, Hilario Medel-López & Juan Ruiz-Ramírez - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Research 5 (2): 2091-2106.
    In Mexico, the Productive Organization Program for Indigenous Women (POPMI) seeks the empowerment of productive capacities in indigenous women. Our study analyzes POPMI outreach, focusing our attention on women beneficiaries who present a high degree of social exclusion and multidimensional poverty in the State of Veracruz. In the study area, the 542 indigenous women benefited in POPMI, presented a condition of multidimensional poverty and a degree of social exclusion: very high, high and medium, they represent only 22.19% of the total (...)
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  25. Impact of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 on the five main indigenous language-speaking areas in Veracruz Mexico: The case of the Totonacapan area.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Hilario Medel-López - manuscript
    The importance of the working document is that it allows the analysis of the information and the status of cases associated with (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 as open data at the municipal, state and national level, with a daily record of patients, according to a age, sex, comorbidities, for the condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negative, c) Suspicious. Likewise, it presents information related to the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to (...)
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  26. Modern public finances as a proposal for an emerging country: The social approach in the fight against poverty in Mexico.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Medel-López Hilario - 2018 - Social Science Research Network:1-25.
    In Mexico, the management of public resources has been questioned by the State, and mainly the results that the public administration at its three levels (federal, state and municipal), by the lack of transparency in the application and verification of public resources. The experience that gives us the operation of different emerging programs that focused on reducing social and economic inequality in the country, we can locate them as the first attempts in the search for a solution that is complex. (...)
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  27. ANTICORRUPTION NATIONAL SYSTEM: Model Whistleblowers direct citizen action against corruption in Mexico.Carlos Medel-Ramírez - 2018 - Social Science Research Network:1-12.
    The phenomenon of corruption is a cancer that affects our country and that it is necessary to eradicate; This dilutes the opportunities for economic and social development, privileging the single conjunction of particular interests, political actors in non-legal agreements for their own benefit, which lead to acts of corruption. Recent studies indicate that the level of corruption present in a political system is directly related to the type of institutional structure that defines it (Boehm and Lambsdorff, 2009), as well as (...)
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  28. Impact of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 on the five main indigenous language-speaking areas in Veracruz Mexico: The case of the Otomi of the Ixhuatlan de Madero area.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Hilario Medel-López - manuscript
    The importance of the working document is that it allows the analysis of the information and the status of cases associated with (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 as open data at the municipal, state and national level, with a daily record of patients, according to a age, sex, comorbidities, for the condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negative, c) Suspicious. Likewise, it presents information related to the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to (...)
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  29. Vision of sustainability and justice in the town of Totonacapan: The philosophy of lightning children.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Hilario Medel-López - manuscript
    The present proposal is an approach to the vision, cosmogony and philosophy of the Totonacapan people, and particularly with the inhabitants of the Totonacapan region in Veracruz Mexico, a town whose wisdom is manifested to this day, in the conservation of customs and traditions , as well as the hierarchy of collective desire that seeks health, well-being and peace in the region, are guides in the evolution of their cultural processes, where a closeness, respectful and deep with Mother Nature stands (...)
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  30. Complementarity analysis of the Priority Areas Development Program and the Priority Attention Areas Program in the National Crusade Against Hunger Program in indigenous municipalities in the State of Veracruz Mexico.Carlos Medel-Ramírez & Medel López Hilario - 2018 - Social Science Research Network:1-32.
    Mexico, with the commissioning of the "National Crusade Against Hunger Program" in 2013, aimed at serving the population that presents both extreme poverty and food deprivation. The article aims to analyze whether the criterion of the selection of the municipalities of the State of Veracruz incorporated in the National Crusade Against Hunger Program (PNCH) show complementarity with the efforts in the fight against poverty in the social expenditure strategy applied in the Priority Attention Zones Program (ZAP) and the Priority Areas (...)
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    Optimizing a Biobjective Production-Distribution Planning Problem Using a GRASP.Martha-Selene Casas-Ramírez, José-Fernando Camacho-Vallejo, Rosa G. González-Ramírez, José-Antonio Marmolejo-Saucedo & José-Manuel Velarde-Cantú - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Towards Cognitive Moral Quasi-Realism.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (1):5.
    There is a long-standing discussion concerning the nature of moral discourse. Multiple views range from realism—according to which moral discourse is closer to scientific discourse than to fictional discourse—to anti-realism—according to which moral discourse is rather closer to fictional discourse. In this paper, I want to motivate a novel anti-realist account. On this view, there are no moral properties or truths, neither mind-independent nor mind-dependent ones (i.e., anti-realism). However, moral cognition results from the use of higher order cognitive abilities with (...)
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    Democracia, control político y rendición de cuentas. El antecedente griego.Alejandra Ríos Ramírez & Laura Fuentes Vélez - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (58):87-109.
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    Al-Ḏajīra al-saniyya: una fuente relevante para el siglo XII en la Península Ibérica.José Ramírez-del-Río - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (1):7-44.
    La obra al-Ḏajīra al-saniyya fī ta’rīj aldawla al-marīniyya, que aborda la historia de los Banū Marīn, incluye una serie de noticias referentes a otras tierras de la Dār al-Islam, como Egipto, Siria o al-Andalus. La autoría de la misma no ha sido determinada, por lo que señalaremos las noticias más destacadas sobre este asunto. De la información que ofrece esta obra acerca de al-Andalus, este artículo se centra en el análisis de los fragmentos relativos a los territorios conquistados por Castilla (...)
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  35. Between Non-Cognitivism and Realism in Ethics: A Three Fold Model.Olga Ramirez - 2011 - Prolegomena (Croatia) 10 (1):101-11202.
    Abstracts The aim of the paper is to propose an alternative model to realist and non-cognitive explanations of the rule-guided use of thick ethical concepts and to examine the implications that may be drawn from this and similar cases for our general understanding of rule-following and the relation between criteria of application, truth and correctness. It addresses McDowell’s non-cognitivism critique and challenges his defence of the entanglement thesis for thick ethical concepts. Contrary to non-cognitivists, however, I propose to view the (...)
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  36. Proposed methodology for estimating the index of social exclusion: the case of indigenous population in the state of Veracruz Mexico.Carlos Medel-Ramírez - 2017 - RINOE Journal 1 (1):1-15.
    Recent studies have shown that the indigenous population has been subject to social exclusion (Medel, 2016; Tetreault,2012; Rionda,2010; Del Popolo et al.,2009; World Bank,2004; Uquillas et al.,2003; Appasamy,1996). However, in the case of Mexico, there is no indicator to measure the degree of social exclusion. This article presents a methodology for estimating social exclusion index (IES) by estimating main components. Our proposal is to incorporate the index of social exclusion as a factor that can explain the current status of poverty (...)
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    La práctica del lenguaje, el contenido y la racionalidad sin garantías.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (1):141-156.
    Faria (2021) presenta una extraordinaria discusión sobre temas que rara vez suelen entrelazarse en la tradición analítica: el cambio en el contenido mental, su relevancia para la validez inferencial y las consecuencias que esto tiene para la responsabilidad (tanto en la acción como en el pensamiento). La meta de Faria (2021) es defender que la impermanencia del contenido, la vulnerabilidad de nuestras inferencias, el azar y la falta de control en nuestros pensamientos y acciones forman parte ineludible de nuestra forma (...)
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    A Decolonial Critique to the Spheres of Morality in the Medical Profession.Gabriela Arguedas-Ramirez - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (12):62-65.
    This commentary has three parts. The first one is based on fundamental questions in the field of philosophy of medicine, linked to relevant epistemological and ethical considerations in the analysi...
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    Is Semantics Possible? Moretti facing Klimovsky.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):75-85.
    Klimovsky (1984) and (1982) presents a dilemma against any semantics of natural language while offering an objection against the syntactist view of it. As a reply, Moretti (2011) offers a “minimally” syntactist solution to Klimovsky’s objections. In this paper I have two goals. First, I want to rescue Klimovsky’s general dilemma and his objections against syntactism. Second, I argue that Moretti’s way out of the dilemma does not fully succeed. The paper concludes by arguing that the dilemma is still standing (...)
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    El desafío de la igualdad domestica a la apertura de las fronteras: el argumento de la singularidad de la coacción estatal | The challenge of domestic equality to the opening of borders: the argument of the singularity of state coercion.Federico Arcos Ramírez - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:1-18.
    Resumen: Este trabajo examina uno de los argumentos más relevantes empleado para justificar que los integrantes de una misma comunidad política se deban mutuamente deberes de justicia distributiva más exigentes y fuertes que lo que tienen respecto al resto de seres humanos, hasta el punto de justificar un sistema de fronteras cerradas similar al actual. Se trata del que cabría denominar como “argumento de la singularidad de la coacción estatal”. El mismo asume como premisa empírica que dicha coacción es estructural (...)
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    Great Replacement or Slow White Suicide?Sebastian Ramirez - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (1):171-188.
    The belief that White people are targeted victims of dispossession, displacement, and genocide has spread with shocking intensity since Donald Trump’s 2016 electoral college victory. Although this Great Replacement myth may seem absurd and irrational, its destructive real-world consequences force the question: what explains its efficacy and appeal? Drawing on White nationalists Greg Johnson and Tucker Carlson, I argue that the Great Replacement myth functions as an explanation for the real socioeconomic decline that has culminated in deaths of despair. I (...)
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    Cappelen, H. (2012). Philosophy without Intuitions. Oxford University Press.Joel Alejandro Franco Ramírez - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 54:203-212.
    Una de las controversias en los debates metafilosóficos contemporáneos gira en torno al presunto uso de intuiciones como evidencia en la filosofía analítica. El problema es que, si los filósofos realmente usan intuiciones, no queda claro qué se entiende por éstas, cómo pueden tener un papel evidencial, o si son siquiera fiables. En su libro Philosophy Without Intuitions, Herman Cappelen se propone abordar esta cuestión que concierne a los fundamentos mismos de la filosofía analítica, dando una respuesta negativa a la (...)
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    Reproductive Justice Beyond Borders: Global Feminist Solidarity in the Post- Roe Era.Gabriela Arguedas-Ramírez & Danielle M. Wenner - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):606-611.
    The global impact of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and the backlash towards reproductive justice that it represents warrant a global feminist response informed by broad theoretical and geopolitical lenses. We consider how a solidaristic, transnational feminist movement might learn from Latin American feminist movements that have been successful in uniting broad coalitions in the fight for reproductive justice as situated within far-reaching political goals. The success of such a global movement must be decolonial and must contend with the (...)
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    Del autómata al personaje de animación: evolución de los sistemas de representación y reconocimiento del movimiento.Jesús Alejandro Guzmán Ramírez, Diego Felipe Ríos Arce & Juan David Aristizábal Gómez - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):67-100.
    A lo largo de la historia el ser humano ha sentido interés por el fenómeno del movimiento y su vínculo con la ilusión de vida; diferentes mecanismos y sistemas articulados se han construido con el fin de insuflar vida en seres inertes. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre la cualidad móvil del acto creador presente en diferentes campos socioculturales, desde el misticismo hasta los avances tecnológicos. Se parte del enigma del anima, y su conexión con los creadores, denominados ejecutantes y sus (...)
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    Ontology and Language of Social Reality.Jorge Posada-Ramírez - 2014 - Cinta de Moebio 50:70-79.
    This paper shows, from the ontology and the philosophy of language, a series of characteristics of social sciences that proves the conceptual impossibility to join them with natural sciences as a unique science. Philosophical characteristics of social science's subjects , such as some features of the language that defines the social reality, illustrate that the structure of conceptual scheme of social sciences is, largely, incommensurable with the structure of natural sciences. So the text tries to explain, especially from the philosophical (...)
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    Dr. Manipulación de datos y conflicto de interés como conductas inapropiadas en la ética de la investigación: El caso del estudio Evaluation of XIENCE versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for Effectiveness of Left Main Revascularization (EXCEL).Carlos Felipe Barrera-Ramírez - 2023 - Dilemata 42:3-12.
    La ciencia se sustenta en la veracidad de los datos de investigación, y por ende, en la confianza sobre la integridad moral y profesional de los investigadores. Sin embargo, diversos factores ocasionan que la conducta inapropiada en la investigación sea un problema vigente. Revisamos los problemas éticos en el ensayo _Evaluation of XIENCE versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for Effectiveness of Left Main Revascularization_ (EXCEL), que comparó el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo frente a la cirugía de revascularización en la enfermedad del (...)
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    Hegel, la belleza artística o el ideal.Alejandra Ríos Ramírez - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 7:119-133.
  48.  9
    El mérito ejecutivo de la póliza de seguro y sus implicaciones frete al proceso ejecutivo.Martín Agudelo Ramírez - 2007 - Ratio Juris 1 (2):35-50.
    En el trabajo "El mérito ejecutivo de fa póliifi de seguro y sus implicaciones frente al proceso rjecutivo", se busca responder la siguiente preglli11ta problemática: ¿Cuáles son las condiciones y límites para que la póliza de seguro se constituya en fundamento para la satisfacción de un derecho cierto por vía del proceso ejecutivo? En el desarrollo del ensayo se considera que la póliza de seguro, en los términos dispuestos por el artículo 1053 del Código de Comercio, se constituye en un (...)
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    El recurso de amparo y el tribunal constitucional español. Estudio sobre la tutela procesal cualificada de protección de los derechos fundamentales en el país ibérico.Martín Agudelo Ramírez - 2007 - Ratio Juris 1 (3):35-53.
    El recurso de amparo en España es la principal garantía jurisdiccional para la protección dederechos definidos como fundamentales por la Constitución frente a actos concretos de las autoridades públicas y secundariamente de particulares. En este estudio se reflexiona sobre el referido mecanismo de tutela reforzada y privilegiada existente en el país europeo. El amparo constitucional es una garantía que sólo es posible considerar frente a aquellos derechos que en España se comprenden como fundamentales, no incluyendo numerosos derechos constitucionales o derechos (...)
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    Los retos del derecho en las sociedades abiertas e híbridas: el derecho en medio de la dinámica de la identidad y de las diferencias.Martín Agudelo Ramírez - 2007 - Ratio Juris 1 (1):9-28.
    "¿Qué es el hombre, si el principal bien y el interés de su vida consistieran tan sólo en dormir y comer? Una bestia, nada más. Seguramente. Aquel que nos ha creado como una inteligencia tan vasta que abarca lo pasado y el porvenir no nos dio tal facultad y la divina razón para que se enmoheciera en nosotros por falta de uso".
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