Results for 'Alexander Imich'

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  1. .Alexander Free - unknown
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  2. How not to become confused about linguistics.Alexander George - 1989 - In Noam Chomsky & Alexander George (eds.), Reflections on Chomsky. Blackwell. pp. 90--110.
  3. Do cortical and basal ganglionic motor areas use “motor programs” to control movement?Garrett E. Alexander, Mahlon R. DeLong & Michael D. Crutcher - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):656-665.
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  4. Effective Altruism and Collective Obligations.Alexander Dietz - 2019 - Utilitas 31 (1):106-115.
    Effective altruism (EA) is a movement devoted to the idea of doing good in the most effective way possible. EA has been the target of a number of critiques. In this article, I focus on one prominent critique: that EA fails to acknowledge the importance of institutional change. One version of this critique claims that EA relies on an overly individualistic approach to ethics. Defenders of EA have objected that this charge either fails to identify a problem with EA's core (...)
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  5. Psychosomatic Medicine.Franz Alexander - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (15):260-262.
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  6. African American Enslavement, Speech Act Theory, and the Law.Alexander Brown - 2019 - Journal of African American Studies 23:162-177.
    In the context of African American enslavement and the legacy of that enslavement, do some uses of the word “nigger” possess the power to enslave? It goes without saying that the words “negro,” “nigger,” “colored,” and “black” are an important part of the language and discourse of African American enslavement—as terms used by slave owners, slave traders, slave catchers, and slaves themselves; as terms still used today by people living with the legacy of slavery; and as terms highlighted by academics (...)
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    John Stuart Mill: A Criticism with Personal Recollections.Alexander Bain - 1882 - New York,: Longmans, Green / Thoemmes.
    In this volume his object is to fully examine his friend's writings and characters and draws upon his own personal recollections to do so.
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  8. The calculability test for conversational implicatures.Alexander Dinges - manuscript
    This paper presents a novel understanding of the notion of calculability. In Gricean frameworks, calculability is defined in terms of how speakers can infer an implicature. The relevant inferences must e.g. be based on maxims of conversation or cooperation principles. Meanwhile, I suggest to define calculability in terms of when, or under which conditions, speakers can infer an implicature. An implicature is calculable if hearers can infer its existence even supposing that the implicature is not semantically encoded. This approach avoids (...)
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  9. What is so Special About Online (as Compared to Offline) Hate Speech?Alexander Brown - 2018 - Ethnicities 18:297–326.
    There is a growing body of literature on whether or not online hate speech, or cyberhate, might be special compared to offline hate speech. This article aims to both critique and augment that literature by emphasising a distinctive feature of the Internet and of cyberhate that, unlike other features, such as ease of access, size of audience, and anonymity, is often overlooked: namely, instantaneousness. This article also asks whether there is anything special about online (as compared to offline) hate speech (...)
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  10. Brill Online Books and Journals.Alexander Kaufman, Christian Stadel, Siam Bhayro & Laura Quick - 1993 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4 (2).
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    Studying Sufism in Russia: From Ideology to Scholarship and Back.Alexander Knysh - 2022 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 99 (1):187-231.
    Interest in esoteric and mystical aspects of Islam in present-day Russia and its Soviet and tsarist predecessors is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The article starts with a critical discussion of Aleksandr Dugin’s interpretations of Sufism in his ambitious intellectual project Noomachia: Wars of the Intellect [and] Civilizations of Borderlands. The author then compares Dugin’s conceptualizations of Sufism with those of several Russian writers who lived in the second half of the nineteenth century and whose portrayal of Sufism and its (...)
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    “Susanna and the Elders”: On the visual semiotic of shame.Alexander Kozin - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (216):201-224.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 216 Seiten: 201-224.
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  13. Counterpossibles, Functional Decision Theory, and Artificial Agents.Alexander W. Kocurek - 2024 - In Fausto Carcassi, Tamar Johnson, Søren Brinck Knudstorp, Sabina Domínguez Parrado, Pablo Rivas Robledo & Giorgio Sbardolini (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 218-225.
    Recently, Yudkowsky and Soares (2018) and Levinstein and Soares (2020) have developed a novel decision theory, Functional Decision Theory (FDT). They claim FDT outperforms both Evidential Decision Theory (EDT) and Causal Decision Theory (CDT). Yet FDT faces several challenges. First, it yields some very counterintuitive results (Schwarz 2018; MacAskill 2019). Second, it requires a theory of counterpossibles, for which even Yudkowsky and Soares (2018) and Levinstein and Soares (2020) admit we lack a “full” or “satisfactory” account. Here, I focus on (...)
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    A Passion for Philosophy: Robert Solomon on Emotion, Reason and the Place of Philosophical Thought.Alexander Nehamas - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (7):741-743.
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    The Astrolabes of the World. Robert T. Gunther.Alexander Pogo - 1933 - Isis 20 (1):310-316.
  16. Freedom, determinism and Gale's principle.Alexander R. Pruss - manuscript
    In simplified form, the argument that I am defending holds that the incompatibility of our freedom with determinism follows from the conjunction of (1) a plausible supervenience claim which says that whether a human agent is free depends only on what happens during the agent’s life and (2) a freedom-cancellation principle of Richard Gale which says that an agent is not free if all of her actions are intentionally brought about by another agent. Improved versions of (1) and (2) are (...)
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  17. Epistemic Invariantism and Contextualist Intuitions.Alexander Dinges - 2015 - Dissertation, Humboldt-University, Berlin
  18. The culture of polemic-Misrecognizing recognition.Alexander Garcia Duttmann - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 81:27-34.
  19. The Basis of Realism.Samuel Alexander - 1914 - [Oxford University Press].
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    James Mill: a biography.Alexander Bain - 1882 - Farnborough,: Gregg.
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    Was Garwood Guilty?Alexander D. Brooks - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (2):45-45.
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    Die Bedeutung der Ausgangsfrage für die Bearbeitung des Theodizeeproblems.Alexander Dietz - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (3):285-302.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGIm Diskurs zum Theodizeeproblem beschäftigen sich die einzelnen Autoren mit sehr unterschiedlichen Ausgangsfragen, und zwar meist ohne diese Tatsache zu reflektieren. Wenn man jedoch ernst nimmt, dass »das Theodizeeproblem« einen Sammelbegriff für sehr unterschiedliche Fragen darstellt, setzt eine sinnvolle Bearbeitung des Theodizeeproblems eine bewusste Benennung der genauen Ausgangsfrage und idealerweise eine sachliche Begründung für die Wahl eben dieser Frage voraus. Davon, ob die Ausgangsfrage im Horizont des Glaubens formuliert wird oder nicht, in existenzieller oder in abstrahierender Perspektive, mit Gott als (...)
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    Concepts of philosophy..Alexander Thomas Ormond - 1906 - London,: The Macmillan company.
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  24. Reading and writing.Alexander Pollatsek & Brett Miller - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Реконструкція сакрального значення інтер'єру Небелівського храму та його головного символу.Alexander Zavalii - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):87-110.
    У статті розглянуто результати археологічного дослідження трипільського храмового комплексу – Небелівського храму. Автор виокремлює особливу знахідку, а саме – залишки керамічного диска з групою фішок до нього. Ця знахідка в науковому світі дістала назву Небелівський Диск. Відзначено, що засадничим явищем інтер’єрного простору Небелівського Храму стала умовна яма (заглиблення) у самому центрі ритуального залу. Вона є центральною храмовою точкою, яка надає ключ до інтерпретації головного храмового символу, котрий ймовірно був рослинного походження. У статті проводяться паралелі між головним ритуальним залом Трипільського Храму (...)
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  26. An Identity Theory of Truth.Alexander Miller - 2003 - Mind 112 (445):112-119.
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    Aristotle.Alexander Grant - 1877 - Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions.
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    (5 other versions)Administrative Documents.Alexander Pogo & Dana B. Durand - 1943 - Isis 34 (6):532-534.
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  29. Epistemological challenges to qualia-epiphenomenalism.Alexander Staudacher - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (1-2):153-175.
    One of the strongest objections to epiphenomenalism is that it precludes any kind of knowledge of qualia, since empirical knowledge has to include a causal relationship between the respective belief and the object of knowledge. It is argued that this objection works only if the causal relationship is understood in a very specific sense (as a 'direct' causal relationship). Epiphenomenalism can, however, live well with other kinds of causal relationships ('indirect' causal relationships) or even with a reliability account of knowledge (...)
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  30. Mit Herz und Geld : die Spannung zwischen kirchlichem Auftrag und ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen.Alexander Dietz - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.), Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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    Jus Gentium in Humanist Jurisprudence: On Justice and Right, written by Susan Longfield Karr.Alexander Batson - 2025 - Grotiana 45 (2):317-320.
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    Die iberische Hertschertiara.Alexander Pierre Bronisch - 1999 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 33 (1):83-107.
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    Adaptation and Promotion of in Vitro Growth by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa GU270941.1 A in the Presence of Cadmium.Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara & Yelitza Aguas Mendoza - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:550-560.
    Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most toxic heavy metals. Its high mobility and bioaccumulation power in plant, animal and human tissues differentiate it from the rest of its group and motivate the interest of scientists to know its effects and interaction with plants and the environment. The aim of the present study was to isolate and evaluate the in vitro tolerance of rhizospheric bacteria associated with rice plants in cadmium-contaminated environments and to evaluate them in vitro capacity to tolerate (...)
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    Growth Behaviours of Two Rhizospheric Bacterial Strains in the Presence of Different Cadmium Concentrations and Temperatures.Alexander Pérez Cordero, Donicer E. Montes Vergara & Yelitza Aguas Mendoza - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:577-587.
    Understanding the interaction of Cd with plants, as well as the search for alternatives to minimize its effects, has caught the interest of the scientific community, due to the accelerated growth of contamination with this metal and its high toxicity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of two rhizospheric bacterial strains LC7504001.1 Burkholderia cepacia (C65RLIM) and FJ972527.1 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (C85RLIM) to three concentrations of cadmium (100, 300 and 500 mg/L) and to compare the growth behaviour (...)
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  35. Segunda carta de Foción a los prudentes ciudadanos de NuevaYork, [Abrilde1784].Alexander Hamilton - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
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    Confirmation of the Factor Structure and Reliability of the ‘Adult Eating Behavior Questionnaire’ in an Adolescent Sample.Claudia Hunot-Alexander, Rebecca J. Beeken, William Goodman, Alison Fildes, Helen Croker, Clare Llewellyn & Silje Steinsbekk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)Introduction à Kierkegaard.Ian W. Alexander - 1949 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 5 (1):121-122.
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    Das Ringen um religiöse Diversität in Flüchtlingsunterkünften: Restriktion, Simplifizierung, Externalisierung.Alexander-Kenneth Nagel - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 64 (3):170-184.
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    Dudley Andrew, Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film.Alexander Sesonske - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (3):301-301.
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    What Rothbard could have done but did not do: The merits of Austrian economics without extreme apriorism.Alexander Linsbichler - 2024 - Philosophical Problems in Science 76:43-84.
    Austrian economics emphasizes a priori components of social scientific theory. Most emphatically, Ludwig Mises and Murray Rothbard champion praxeology, a methodology often criticized as extremely aprioristic. Among the numerous justifications and interpretations of praxeology to be found in the primary and secondary literature, conventionalism avoids the charge of extreme apriorism by construing the fundamental axiom of praxeology as analytic instead of synthetic. This paper (1) explicates the tentative structure of the fundamental axiom, (2) clarifies some aspects of a conventionalist defense (...)
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  41. Philosophy of Austrian Economics.Alexander Linsbichler - 2022 - In Conrad Heilmann & Julian Reiss (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics. Routledge. pp. 169-185.
    Carl Menger’s Principles of Economics published in 1871 is usually regarded as the founding document of the Austrian School of economics. Many of the School’s prominent representatives, including Friedrich Wieser, Eugen Böhm-Bawerk, Ludwig Mises, Hans Mayer, Friedrich August Hayek, Fritz Machlup, Oskar Morgenstern, and Gottfried Haberler, as well as Israel Kirzner, Ludwig Lachmann, Murray Rothbard, and Don Lavoie, advanced and modified Menger’s research program in sometimes conflicting ways. Yet, some characteristics of the Austrian School remain (nearly) consensual from its foundation (...)
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  42. A Policy of No Interest? The Permanent Zero Interest Rate, and the Evils of Capitalism.Alexander Douglas - manuscript
    In 1937 Joan Robinson proposed that “when capitalism is rightly understood, the rate of interest will be set at zero and the major evils of capitalism will disappear”. A permanent zero rate would abolish capitalist profit except in limited cases, leaving nearly all output to be claimed by labour as wages. It would allow capital to be allocated on the basis of prospective social benefit rather than short-term profitability and a collateral basis that favours the wealthy. It would remove some (...)
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    Inhumation as Theophanic Encounter: The Eastern Orthodox Rejection of Cremation.Alexander Earl - 2024 - Christian Bioethics 30 (3):200-212.
    This essay aims to articulate why the Orthodox have historically, and to the present, opposed cremation. Its primary line of argument is that inhumation is a site of “theophanic encounter”: a manifestation of the Glory of God. This theophanic quality is borne out in the scriptures and the Church’s liturgical experience. In particular, the connections between the funeral service and the entombed Christ on Holy Friday and Saturday properly situate the meaning of the post-mortem body. This intimate connection between the (...)
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  44. Epistemic contextualism can be stated properly.Alexander Dinges - 2014 - Synthese 191 (15):3541-3556.
    It has been argued that epistemic contextualism faces the so-called factivity problem and hence cannot be stated properly. The basic idea behind this charge is that contextualists supposedly have to say, on the one hand, that knowledge ascribing sentences like “S knows that S has hands” are true when used in ordinary contexts while, on the other hand, they are not true by the standard of their own context. In my paper, I want to show that the argument to the (...)
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  45. La compasión.Alexander F. Skutch - 1959 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 2 (6):43-54.
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    Editorial: Math. Log. Quart. 50, No. 6.Alexander Grossmann - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (6):527-527.
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  47. The Psychology of Philosophers.Alexander Herzberg - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (16):575-576.
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    Are there culturgens?Alexander Rosenberg - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):22-24.
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    Scholarship, morals and government: Jean-Henri-Samuel formey's and Johann Gottfried Herder's responses to Rousseau's first discourse.Alexander Schmidt - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (2):249-274.
    This article analyses how Rousseau's First Discourse and the questions it posed about human progress and the reform of society were debated in the institutional context of the Berlin Academy by Formey and Herder. Despite some important disagreements, Formey and Herder fundamentally shared Rousseau's assumption that erudition could be detrimental both to society and to the individual. In order to limit the socially corrosive effects of the arts and the sciences, and in an attempt to realize their full beneficent potential, (...)
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    Pragmatic Imagination.Thomas M. Alexander - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (3):325 - 348.
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