Results for 'Alexander Wong'

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  1.  32
    Perceived Group Identity Alters Task‐Unrelated Thought and Attentional Divergence During Conversations.Alexander Colby, Aaron Wong, Laura Allen, Andrew Kun & Caitlin Mills - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13236.
    Task-unrelated thought (TUT) occurs frequently in our daily lives and across a range of tasks, but we know little about how this phenomenon arises during and influences the way we communicate. Conversations also provide a novel opportunity to assess the alignment (or divergence) in TUT during dyadic interactions. We conducted a study to determine: (a) the frequency of TUT during conversation as well as how partners align/diverge in their rates of TUT, (b) the subjective and behavioral correlates of TUT and (...)
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    Effect of anodal tDCS on cortical activation during response preparation and activation.Conley Alexander, Marquez Jodie, Wong Aaron, Cooper Patrick, Parsons Mark & Karayanidis Frini - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Stressful Experiences of Masculinity Among U.S.-Born and Immigrant Asian American Men.Y. Joel Wong & Alexander Lu - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (3):345-371.
    Explaining how stereotypes and norms influence role-identities during reflected appraisal processes, we develop a theory about diverse groups of minority men—the “minority masculinity stress theory”—and apply it to Asian American men. We conceptually integrate hegemonic masculinity, stereotypes, and mental health to examine how Asian American men experience masculinity and how their experiences are uniquely stressful. We analyze elicited text from an open-ended questionnaire to explain two experiences of masculinity-related stress: trying to live up to the masculine ideal and enacting work-related (...)
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  4. Metaphysica.Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten - 1963 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms.
  5. (2 other versions)Antidotes all the way down?Alexander Bird - 2004 - Theoria 19 (3):259–69.
    Dispositions are related to conditionals. Typically a fragile glass will break if struck with force. But possession of the disposition does not entail the corresponding simple (subjunctive or counterfactual) conditional. The phenomena of finks and antidotes show that an object may possess the disposition without the conditional being true. Finks and antidotes may be thought of as exceptions to the straightforward relation between disposition and conditional. The existence of these phenomena are easy to demonstrate at the macro-level. But do they (...)
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    (1 other version)Too Many Parents.Alexander Morgan Capron - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (5):22-24.
  7. Underdetermination and evidence.Alexander Bird - 2007 - In Bradley John Monton (ed.), Images of empiricism: essays on science and stances, with a reply from Bas C. van Fraassen. New York: Oxford University Press.
    I present an argument that encapsulates the view that theory is underdetermined by evidence. I show that if we accept Williamson's equation of evidence and knowledge, then this argument is question-begging. I examine ways of defenders of underdetermination may avoid this criticism. I also relate this argument and my critique to van Fraassen's constructive empiricism.
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  8. Psychosomatic Medicine.Franz Alexander - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (15):260-262.
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    Reflections on crime and culpability: problems and puzzles.Larry Alexander - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Kimberly Kessler Ferzan.
    In 2009 Larry Alexander and Kimberly Ferzan published Crime and Culpability: A Theory of Criminal Law. The book set out a theory that those who deserve punishment should receive punishment commensurate with, but no greater than, that which they deserve. Reflections on Crime and Culpability: Problems and Puzzles expands on their innovative ideas on the application of punishment in criminal law. Theorists working in criminal law theory presuppose or ignore puzzles that lurk beneath the surface. Now those who wish (...)
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    The Phenomenon of Life.Christopher Alexander & Center for Environmental Structure - 2002
    Contemporary architecture is increasingly grounded in science and mathematics. Architectural discourse has shifted radically from the sometimes disorienting Derridean deconstruction, to engaging scientific terms such as fractals, chaos, complexity, nonlinearity, and evolving systems. That's where the architectural action is -- at least for cutting-edge architects and thinkers -- and every practicing architect and student needs to become conversant with these terms and know what they mean. Unfortunately, the vast majority of architecture faculty are unprepared to explain them to students, not (...)
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    Aesthesis and perceptronium: on the entanglement of sensation, cognition, and matter.Alexander Wilson - 2019 - London: University of Minnesota Press.
    A new speculative ontology of aesthetics. In Aesthesis and Perceptronium, Alexander Wilson presents a theory of materialist and posthumanist aesthetics founded on an original speculative ontology that addresses the interconnections of experience, cognition, organism, and matter. Entering the active fields of contemporary thought known as the new materialisms and realisms, Wilson argues for a rigorous redefining of the criteria that allow us to discriminate between those materials and objects where aesthesis (perception, cognition) takes place and those where it doesn't. (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Inductive knowledge.Alexander Bird - 2010 - In Sven Bernecker & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    The first obstacle that confronts the student of induction is that of defining the subject matter. One initial point is to note that much of the relevant subject matter goes under the description ‘the theory of confirmation’. The distinction is primarily that the study of induction concerns inference, i.e. cases where one takes the conclusion to be established by the evidence, whereas confirmation concerns the weight of evidence, which one may take to be something like the credibility of a hypothesis (...)
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  13. The Basis of Realism.Samuel Alexander - 1914 - [Oxford University Press].
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    Four and a Half Axioms for Finite-Dimensional Quantum Probability.Alexander Wilce - 2012 - In Yemima Ben-Menahem & Meir Hemmo (eds.), Probability in Physics. Springer. pp. 281--298.
    It is an old idea, lately out of fashion but now experiencing a revival, that quantum mechanics may best be understood, not as a physical theory with a problematic probabilistic interpretation, but as something closer to a probability calculus per se. However, from this angle, the rather special C *-algebraic apparatus of quantum probability theory stands in need of further motivation. One would like to find additional principles, having clear physical and/or probabilistic content, on the basis of which this apparatus (...)
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  15. Scottish philosophy in the eighteenth century.Alexander Broadie - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  16.  8
    Art and instinct.Samuel Alexander - 1927 - Philadelphia: R. West.
  17. "The Structure of Appearance." By Nelson Goodman.Peter Alexander - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 ([9/12]):284.
  18.  36
    What is Orthodox Christian Medicine?Alexander Nedostup - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (4):441-448.
    The term ‘Orthodox Christian medicine’ has become so customary among believers in Russia that the concept behind it is rarely questioned. However, it is worth articulating both for the sake of the profession and for the benefit of patients whether such a phrase is at all meaningful and if so what exactly it stands for. The following analysis, based on a public lecture, draws on the personal experience and reflections of a practicing GP and cardiologist who is also the Chairman (...)
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    From the P ´ olya-szeg ¨ O symmetrization.Alexander R. Pruss - unknown
    Let Mm k be the simply connected constant curvature space form of dimension m. • Mm 0 is Rm with euclidean metric • Mm k for k > 0 is an m-sphere of radius k−1/2 • Mm k for k < 0 is m dimensional hyperbolic space modelled on the m-ball of radius (−k)−1/2.
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    Poetry and Prose in the Arts (II).S. Alexander - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (26):153 - 167.
    So far I have taken prose and poetry where admittedly they exist, in literature, and attempted to discover the difference between them by taking pieces of prose or poetry which have the same or much the same subjects and comparing them with one another. In all these pairs of passages I thought I could detect this difference: that in the poem the subject as rendered in words acquires a life of its own, is a living thing, as it were, living (...)
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    “Limitless” and “Limit” in Xenophanes’ Cosmology and in His Doctrine of Epistemic “Construction”.Alexander P. D. Mourelatos - 2016 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 19 (1):16-37.
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    Mikhail Bakhtin’s “First” Philosophy and Aesthetics as an Attempt to Overcoming the Transcendental Approach in Philosophical Thought.Alexander Yudin - 2012 - Sententiae 27 (2):18-28.
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    The politics of representation: an essay in the phenomenology of expiration or theory in the era of sophisticated mindlessness.Alexander H. Zistakis - 2017 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Fractal versus fragment -- From proto-modernity to pseudo-modernity. Kant and his descendants -- The politics of re-presentation. a collection of fractals -- Epilogue or after the end -- From sophisticated meaninglessness to sophisticated primitivism -- The state of mindlessness. the rise of the pseudo-modern world -- Ideologies of the non-world. the post-colonial and the subaltern.
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    Reimagining a nursing ecosystem in an uncertain world.Pawel Krol, Rochelle Einboden, Horas Wong, Lynore Geia & Agness Tembo - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12501.
    The discussion paper synthesises the insights shared during a keynote panel at the 26th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, themed “Reimagining a nursing ecosystem in an uncertain world.” It delves into the substantial impact uncertainty has on nursing, offering innovative strategies for reconceptualization. Through a critical examination of evidence‐based practice, the tendency to homogenise nursing is discussed, prompting advocacy for a Nietzschean political framework as a form of resistance and emancipation. Drawing inspiration from Donna Haraway, a transition from individualistic to (...)
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    Rawls's Egalitarianism.Alexander Kaufman - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a new interpretation and analysis of John Rawls's leading theory of distributive justice, which also considers the responding egalitarian theories of scholars such as Richard Arneson, G. A. Cohen, Ronald Dworkin, Martha Nussbaum, John Roemer, and Amartya Sen. Rawls's theory, Kaufman argues, sets out a normative ideal of justice that incorporates an account of the structure and character of relations that are appropriate for members of society viewed as free and equal moral beings. Forging an approach distinct amongst (...)
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  26. State-of-the-Art Impersonations for Comedy and Everyday.Alexander Welsh - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (4):1059-1084.
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    Lex mundi.Alexander Vincent - 1892 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    The author opens with a general discussion of religion & the beginnings of Law. Each subsequent chapter discusses topics such as: Origin of Laws, Inherited Education, Rulers & Leaders, Evolution, Tyranny, Taxation, & many others. A very readable text, which invokes additional thought on a variety of topics.
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    Social philosophy of science as the guardian of the “incarnation of truth in the world”.Alexander Antonovski - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 51 (1):68-75.
    In his paper the author establishes some arguments against the thesis of professor Walter Schweidler. The later defends the anti-representationalist claim that not every kind of knowledge is to evaluate on its truth and falsehood. The author maintains the opposite thesis that the all knowledge including the one about social premises of any kind of science may be evaluated (although not eventually proved) on their truth or falseness.
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    Der brennende Londoner Dornbusch. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, seine Homiletik und Spuren seiner Wirkungsgeschichte in Deutschland.Alexander Bitzel - 2001 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 8 (2):234-273.
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    Chapter 10. Paul Tillich, Salvation, and Big, Unnecessary, Crazy, Travel Adventure.Alexander T. Blondeau - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning (eds.), Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 113-124.
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    Cosmopolitan Democratic and Communicative Rights: The Danish Cartoons Controversy and the Right to Be Heard, Even Across Borders.Alexander Brown & Sune Lægaard - 2020 - Human Rights Review 22 (1):23-43.
    During the Danish cartoons controversy in 2005–2006, a group of ambassadors to Denmark representing eleven predominantly Muslim countries requested a meeting with the Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, to protest against the cartoons. Rasmussen interpreted their viewpoint as one of demanding limits to freedom of speech and he ignored their request for a meeting. Drawing on this case study, the article argues that it is an appropriate, and potentially effective, moral criticism of anyone who is in a position of (...)
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    On Biblical Logicism.Alexander Brungs & Frederic Goubier - 2009 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 76 (1):199-244.
    For John Wyclif, the fundamental belief that Scripture is true de virtute sermonis is grounded in the fact that the meanings of the words therein are equivocal. A word can have several different meanings depending on whether it is outside or inside Scripture as well as on its location in Scripture. This principle allows each and every word in Scripture to be endowed with its own meaning — however figurative, i.e., metaphorical, allegorical etc. it may be —, tailored for the (...)
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  33. Simplificación de señales senoidales Y cosenoidales mediante triangulos de cano obtenidos usando propiedades de la convolucion.Alexander Molina Cabrera, Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo & Luisa Fernanda Escobar D. Vila - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 16.
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    The idea that space perception involves more than eye movement signals and the position of the retinal image has come up before.Alexander A. Skavenski - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):331-332.
  35. Felix Kaufmann – “A Reasonable Positivist”?Alexander Linsbichler - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag. pp. 709-719.
    1 A Versatile Mediator 2 Theory and Method in the Social Sciences 3 Kaufmann and Logical Empiricism 4 Kaufmann and the Liberal Wing of Viennese Late Enlightenment 5 Kaufmann and Popper 6 Kaufmann in the United States 7 Rediscovering Kaufmann's Methodology.
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  36. Sleep, not Rem sleep, is the Royal road to dreams.Alexander A. Borbély & Lutz Wittmann - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):911-912.
    The advent of functional imaging has reinforced the attempts to define dreaming as a sleep state-dependent phenomenon. PET scans revealed major differences between nonREM sleep and REM sleep. However, because dreaming occurs throughout sleep, the common features of the two sleep states, rather than the differences, could help define the prerequisite for the occurrence of dreams. [Hobson et al.; Nielsen; Solms; Revonsuo; Vertes & Eastman].
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  37. Heiliger Krieg zwischen Weltanschauung und Propaganda am Beispiel der christlichen iberischen Reiche (6.-11. Jh.).Alexander Pierre Bronisch - 2019 - In Klaus Herbers, Andreas Nehring & Karin Steiner (eds.), Sakralität und Macht. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    National responsibility and the just distribution of debt relief.Alexander W. Cappelen, Rune Jansen Hagen & and Bertil Tungodden - 2007 - Ethics and International Affairs 21 (1):69–83.
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    Re-actualizing a cultural exclusion zone.Alexander Chertenko - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 67:97-116.
    The rise of modernity in the 19th century can, among other things, be vividly illustrated by the phenomenal advance of medical profession and, in particular, surgery as its most radical form. In the 20th century, the doctor has already been steadily associated with the phenomenon of power. Medical experiments on human subjects are generally recognized as one of the most extreme manifestations of this discursive nexus. Despite considerable amount of historical research, predominantly dealing with the experiences of Nazi medicine and (...)
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    Linguistic Semiosis and Human Cognition.Alexander V. Kravchenko - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 15 (3):285-287.
    Counter to the traditional semiotic view of language as an object used in an instrumental function, linguistic semiosis is seen as constitutive of human cognition, accounting for sapience as the ….
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    The socio-historical implications and impersonal understanding of authorship in Heidegger’s philosophy of art.Alexander Yudin - 2012 - Sententiae 26 (1):95-109.
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    Ufuk Serin, Early Christian and Byzantine Churches at Iasos in Caria.Alexander Zäh - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (1):280-283.
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  43. Selected Papers of the Triennial Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science GWP.2016, Düsseldorf, March 8–11, 2016.Alexander Christian, Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla & Alexander Gebharter (eds.) - 2017
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  44. The culture of polemic-Misrecognizing recognition.Alexander Garcia Duttmann - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 81:27-34.
  45.  26
    Expert Assertion and Knowledge.Alexander Bird & Alison Hills - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    Jennifer Lackey argues that knowing that p is not sufficient for being epistemically properly positioned to assert that p. Where that knowledge is entirely second-hand and the subject is an expert, the subject is not properly positioned to make such an assertion—since experts are held to higher epistemic standards. We reject Lackey’s argument. In particular, we argue that the division of labour in science makes isolated, second-hand assertions by experts both inevitable and frequent.
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    Maimonides and Aquinas on the Names of God.Alexander Broadie - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (2):157 - 170.
    What is the correct way to interpret terms when they are used to signify divine attributes? In The Guide of the Perplexed Maimonides addresses this perennial problem. I shall discuss his solution, and on the basis of that discussion I shall attempt to shed light on the question of the relationship between Maimonides' solution and that of St Thomas Aquinas, Maimonides' most illustrious critic. I wish to argue that on this most important of issues the difference between these two universal (...)
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  47. (1 other version)The Over-Emphasis of Sin.Alexander Brown - 1908 - Hibbert Journal 7:614.
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    The effect of change in drive level on habit reversal.Alexander M. Buchwald & Harry G. Yamaguchi - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (4):265.
  49.  13
    Rethinking the Ethical Framework for Surrogate Decision Making: A Qualitative Study of Physicians.G. Caleb Alexander, Danit Kaya, Mark Siegler, Mary Simmerling & Alexia M. Torke - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (2):110-119.
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    The Child: A Study in the Evolution of Man.Alexander Francis Chamberlain - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10 (5):574-574.
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