Results for 'Aline Beilin'

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  1.  11
    Denis Diderot: la culture et l'éducation.Aline Beilin - 2011 - Futuroscope: Scérén CNDP-CRDP.
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    Utterance-genre-lifeworld and Sign-habit-Umwelt Compared as Phenomenologies. Integrating Socio- and Biosemiotic Concepts?Alin Olteanu & Sigmund Ongstad - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (2):523-546.
    This study develops a biosemiotic framework for a descriptive phenomenology. We incorporate the set _utterance-genre-lifeworld_ in biosemiotic theory by paralleling it with the Peircean-Uexküllean notions of _sign_, _habit_, and _Umwelt_ (respectively). This framework for empirical semiotic studies aims to complement the concepts of _affordance_ and _scaffold_, as applied in studies on learning. The paper also contributes to bridging Bakhtinian-Hallidayian-Habermasian views on utterance, genre, and lifeworld with biosemiotics. We exploit the possibility that biosemiotics offers to bring together hermeneutic and phenomenological analysis. (...)
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    Where Have All the Proportionalists Gone?Aline H. Kalbian - 2002 - Journal of Religious Ethics 30 (1):3 - 22.
    Interest in proportionalism as an important trend in Catholic moral theology seems to have faded in the recent decade. This has led some to view it as a movement that was somehow defeated. I suggest that proportionalism's influence can still be seen in contemporary Catholic ethics, most noticeably in the current interest in virtue ethics, casuistry, and feminist ethics. I argue that proportionalism encouraged a reappraisal of the methodology for evaluating moral action in a direction that was more hospitable to (...)
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    Discovering Specific Conditions for Compliance with Soft Regulation Related to Work with Nanomaterials.Aline Reichow & Bärbel Dorbeck-Jung - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (1):83-92.
    At workplaces where nanomaterials are produced or used, risk assessment and risk management are extremely difficult tasks since there is still limited evidence about the risks of nanomaterials. Measurement methods for nanoparticles are contested and safety standards have not yet been developed properly. To support compliance with the legal obligation of the employer to care for safe workplaces a large number of ‘soft’ regulatory tools have been proposed (e.g. codes of conduct, benchmarks, standards). However, it is not clear whether and (...)
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    Narrative Quests and Social Change.Aline H. Kalbian - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (1):146-155.
    In this response to Christian Smith's What Is a Person?, I raise questions about his conception of the human life as a narrative quest and his account of change in social structures and institutions. The metaphor of life as a quest suggests a solid, isolated, and integrated moral agent. I wonder whether the experiences of most moral agents render a different picture—one where life is fragmented and characterized by complex webs of relationships. Smith provides a detailed account of how social (...)
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    Contribuições críticas sobre a produção científica na atualidade.Aline Accorssi, Julia Clasen & Anelise Fernandes Silveira - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:207-221.
    O teórico Michael Löwy afirmou que o campo científico é social e politicamente condicionado, não sendo viável estabelecer um distanciamento entre ciência e ideologia. No atual momento, é possível visualizar a clareza dessa afirmação, na medida em que o campo científico se demonstra obstruído diante do cenário político vivenciado. O pensamento crítico e problematizador é tido como um perigo eminente perante a conjuntura conservadora e antidemocrática que se acentua. Com isso, a produção de pensamento crítico e o posicionamento de resistência, (...)
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    Cognitive control and automatic interference in mind and brain: A unified model of saccadic inhibition and countermanding.Aline Bompas, Anne Eileen Campbell & Petroc Sumner - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (4):524-561.
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    Cognitive and Neurocognitive Effects From the Unique Bilingual Experiences of Interpreters.Aline Ferreira, John W. Schwieter & Julia Festman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ler e sentir: a representação multimodal das emoções na literatura infantil digital.Aline Frederico - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64214p.
    ABSTRACT Digital literature presents new ways of constructing aesthetic and emotional experience for child readers. This article reflects on emotion and affect in digital literature through the analysis of three literary apps for children. To deal with the complex phenomenon of the affective and emotional experience in digital reading, an interdisciplinary theoretical framework is proposed, relating Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology to Kress and van Leeuwen’s multimodal social semiotics. The corpus includes the apps Little Red Riding Hood, by producer Nosy Crow, The Monster (...)
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    The language of certainty.Aline Kalbian - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):22 – 23.
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    Sensitivity of Physiological Emotional Measures to Odors Depends on the Product and the Pleasantness Ranges Used.Aline M. Pichon, Géraldine Coppin, Isabelle Cayeux, Christelle Porcherot, David Sander & Sylvain Delplanque - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Les nouveaux enjeux de la révolution numérique.Aline Rutily & Bernard Spitz - 2006 - Hermes 44:29.
    Les nouveaux facteurs-clefs du succès de l'ère post-révolution numérique incluent la maîtrise de nouveaux outils de marketing, le niveau d'investissements technologiques et la compréhension de tendances globales et mondiales. La régulation pourrait être proactive pour anticiper et préparer la transition numérique dans des champs aussi décisifs que la régulation de la concurrence et des critères de concentration.New key factors in the success of the post-digital revolution include the mastery of new marketing tools, the level of investment in technology and understanding (...)
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  13. O boieiro E a lebre: Um enfoque conversacional.Aline Chagas dos Santos - 2012 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (24):49-58.
    As narrativas fabulísticas foram transmitidas, no início, oralmente, pelos antigos. Assim que o homem começou a falar e a observar o que acontecia à sua volta, sentiu a necessidade em expor, através das fábulas, o comportamento humano. A presente pesquisa tem como objeto a exposição de alguns instrumentos, na fábula de Fedro “O boieiro e a Lebre”, que possibilitam em maior ou menor grau aproximar-se da oralidade. Julgamos que o texto, apesar de todas as limitações, não deixa de sugerir alguns (...)
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    Learning as Becoming Conscious: A note on Jablonka and Ginsburg’s Notion of Learning.Alin Olteanu - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):457-467.
    This commentary addresses the concept of learning stemming from Eva Jablonka and Simona Ginsburg’s theory of the emergence of consciousness. Jablonka and Ginsburg find strong support in biosemiotics for their argument that learning offers an evolutionary transition marker for the emergence of consciousness. Indeed, biosemiotics embraces a view on evolution that integrates both phylogeny and ontogeny. It does not polarize learning and evolving. At the same time, Jablonka and Ginsburg’s argument gives both biosemiotics and learning theory a shake, forcing scholarship (...)
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  15.  26
    La philosophie de l’instauration d’Étienne Souriau est-elle une esthétique?Aline Wiame - 2017 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 19 (1):77-84.
    Cet article interroge la place de l’esthétique dans la philosophie générale d’Étienne Souriau. Faut-il voir dans l’esthétique, comme le suggèrent certains passages et exemples chers à Souriau, le paradigme de l’activité créatrice et le ressort-même de l’instauration, concept central de la philosophie sourialienne? Ou, au contraire, l’esthétique et les créations artistiques ne fourniraient-elles que des exemples, certes particulièrement nets, de processus appelés « cosmiques » par Souriau que seule la philosophie serait à même d’explorer pleinement? L’article cherche à apporter une (...)
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  16.  14
    Schematic Enough to be Safe from Kidnappers: The Semiotics of Charles Peirce as Transitionalist Pragmatism.Alin Olteanu - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (4):788-806.
  17.  47
    Compromise: a political and philosophical history.Alin Fumurescu - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a conceptual history of compromise that demonstrates the connection between different understandings of compromise and corresponding differences in understandings of political representation.
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  18. How Dualists Should (Not) Respond to the Objection from Energy Conservation.Alin C. Cucu & J. Brian Pitts - 2019 - Mind and Matter 17 (1):95-121.
    The principle of energy conservation is widely taken to be a se- rious difficulty for interactionist dualism (whether property or sub- stance). Interactionists often have therefore tried to make it satisfy energy conservation. This paper examines several such attempts, especially including E. J. Lowe’s varying constants proposal, show- ing how they all miss their goal due to lack of engagement with the physico-mathematical roots of energy conservation physics: the first Noether theorem (that symmetries imply conservation laws), its converse (that conservation (...)
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    Public Conversation: Aline Kominsky-Crumb and Kristen Schilt.Aline Kominsky-Crumb & Kristen Schilt - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 40 (3):118-131.
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    B. Collette, The Stoic Doctrine of Providence. A Study of its Development and of Some of its Major Issues.Aline Delpierre - 2023 - Philosophie Antique 23 (23).
    L’ouvrage de B. Collette propose une reconstruction inédite de la doctrine stoïcienne de la providence. Il apporte en cela une contribution majeure et sans précédent, puisqu’aucune étude n’avait jusqu’alors été consacrée à la question. La notion de providence a généralement été délaissée par les exégètes. Ceux-ci s’intéressent plus volontiers au concept voisin et complémentaire de destin, dont on s’imagine, à tort, que lui seul constitue un véritable enjeu et problème philosophique. Or l’idée...
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  21. Augustin în canonul teologic.T. A. T. Alin - 2004 - In Cornel Haranguș, Gilda Vălcan & Ciprian Vălcan (eds.), Paradigma ereticului. Timișoara: "Augusta". pp. 196.
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  22. Two Histories of Compromise.Fumurescu Alin - 2008 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 1 (2):37-65.
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    Praxis, consciência de praxis E educação popular: Algumas reflexões sobre suas conexões.Aline Maria de Melo Batista - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 21 (42):169-192.
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    Le juge, le médecin et le détenu. Regard critique sur la suspension de peine pour raison médicale.Aline Chassagne & Aurélie Godard-Marceau - 2019 - Médecine et Droit 2019 (156):55-62.
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    A Short Modern History of Studying Sacrobosco’s ‟de Sphaera”.Alin Constantin Corfu - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:23-33.
    A Short Modern History of Studying Sacrobosco’s De sphaera. The treatise generally known as De sphaera offered at the beginning of the 13th century a general image of the structure of the Cosmos. In this paper I’m first trying to present a triple stake with which this treaty of Johannes de Sacrobosco (c. 1195 - c. 1256). This effort is intended to draw a context upon the treaty on which I will present in the second part of this paper namely, (...)
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    « On ne combat pas un modèle social, on le démode ». Le soft power religieux et marchand à l’assaut de la République.Aline Girard - 2023 - Cités 96 (4):173-182.
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    Considering the Risks to Economically Disadvantaged Egg Donors.Aline Kalbian - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (9):44-45.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 9, Page 44-45, September 2011.
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    Notes sur les facteurs métaphysiques et métahistoriques en jeu dans l'expérience.Aline Lion - 1954 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 52 (34):250-271.
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    Notes sur une nouvelle formule du mouvement dialectique.Aline Lion - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 14:209-215.
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  30. The Idealistic Conception of Religion.Aline Lion - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43:434.
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    „They do something“ – Ein praxeologischer Blick auf Hunde in der Vormoderne.Aline Steinbrecher - 2014 - In Ulrich Wilhelm Weiser, Henning Murmann, Albrecht Franz & Friederike Elias (eds.), Praxeologie: Beiträge Zur Interdisziplinären Reichweite Praxistheoretischer Ansätze in den Geistes- Und Sozialwissenschaften. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 29-52.
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    Femme, musique et Islam. De l’interdit à la scène.Aline Tauzin - 2007 - Clio 25:133-153.
    L’article montre tout d’abord, à travers l’étude de deux corpus de contes et de la gestion de faits récents de transsexualisme, en quoi la musique est constitutive de l’identité féminine dans l’ethnie maure de Mauritanie. La problématique est élargie au champ du religieux de l’aire arabo-musulmane, qui voit dans ce lien une menace pour l’ordre social et symbolique qu’il défend, avant d’être explicitée par le recours à des concepts issus de la psychanalyse. Puis il est question, à travers la description (...)
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    Moral distress and professors of nursing: A cluster analysis.Aline Marcelino Ramos Toescher, Edison Luiz Devos Barlem, Valéria Lerch Lunardi, Aline Neutzling Brum, Jamila Geri Tomaschewski Barlem & Graziele de Lima Dalmolin - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):1157-1167.
    Background Professors of nursing sometimes experience specific situations in their daily practice that conflict with their values and ethical principles and may culminate in moral distress. Moral distress occurs when one is prevented from acting according to his or her knowledge or values, or what one considers to be ethically sound. Objectives To identify the profile of professors of nursing through grouping sociodemographic characteristics and intensity of moral distress. Method Cross-sectional and exploratory study addressing 373 nurses teaching in Brazilian federal (...)
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    Bion e uma mudança de paradigma na psicanálise.Aline Groff Vivian & Vera Lucia Linhares Dias - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:206-210.
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    What ethics for case managers? Literature review and discussion.Aline Corvol, Grégoire Moutel & Dominique Somme - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (7):729-742.
    Background: Little is known about case managers’ ethical issues and professional values. Objectives: This article presents an overview of ethical issues in case managers’ current practice. Findings are examined in the light of nursing ethics, social work ethics and principle-based biomedical ethics. Research design: A systematic literature review was performed to identify and analyse empirical studies concerning ethical issues in case management programmes. It was completed by systematic content analysis of case managers’ national codes of ethics. Findings: Only nine empirical (...)
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    Warum sich doch sinnvoll über Geschmack streiten lässt.Aline Dammel - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (3):404-415.
    When we use so-called predicates of personal taste to talk about an object, we express our subjective experience of the object. There is no objective truth about whether a given thing is, say, funny. I shall argue that it can make sense to argue about matters of taste anyway because (a) there are good reasons to want to change our interlocutor’s relevant experience, and (b) disputes about taste can bring about such a change. These reasons can be moral or political. (...)
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    The (Un)Ethical Womb: The Promises and Perils of Artificial Gestation.Aline Ferreira - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (3):381-394.
    The purpose of this article is to reflect on the changes that the implementation of artificial wombs would bring to society, the family, and the concept of motherhood and fatherhood through the lens of two recent books: Helen Sedgwick’s The Growing Season and Rebecca Ann Smith’s Baby X. Each of the two novels, set in a near future, follows the work of a scientist who develops artificial womb technology. Significantly, both women experience concerns about the technology and its long-term effects (...)
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    An exploratory qualitative analysis of AI ethics guidelines.Aline Shakti Franzke - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (4):401-423.
    Purpose As Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) proliferate, calls have emerged for ethical reflection. Ethics guidelines have played a central role in this respect. While quantitative research on the ethics guidelines of AI/Big Data has been undertaken, there has been a dearth of systematic qualitative analyses of these documents. Design/methodology/approach Aiming to address this research gap, this paper analyses 70 international ethics guidelines documents from academia, NGOs and the corporate realm, published between 2017 and 2020. Findings The article presents (...)
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  39.  14
    Philosophy of education in the semiotics of Charles Peirce: a cosmology of learning and loving.Alin Olteanu - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Semiotics and education -- Charles S. Peirce's list of categories and taxonomy of signs -- Semiotics as pragmatic logic -- Education in Peirce's divisions of science -- Suprasubjective being and suprasubjective learning -- From icon to argument -- Diagrammatic reasoning and learning -- Agapic learning -- The Peircean theory of learning and phenomenology -- Possible objections.
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    Predicating from an Early Age: Edusemiotics and the Potential of Children’s Preconceptions.Alin Olteanu, Maria Kambouri & Andrew Stables - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (6):621-640.
    This paper aims to explain how semiotics and constructivism can collaborate in an educational epistemology by developing a joint approach to prescientific conceptions. Empirical data and findings of constructivist research are interpreted in the light of Peirce’s semiotics. Peirce’s semiotics is an anti-psychologistic logic and relational logic. Constructivism was traditionally developed within psychology and sociology and, therefore, some incompatibilities can be expected between these two schools. While acknowledging the differences, we explain that constructivism and semiotics share the assumption of realism (...)
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  41.  21
    Rousseau, the American Puritans, and the Founding of the People’s Two Bodies.Alin Fumurescu & Haimo Li - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (7):706-724.
    Although Rousseau did not care much about the Americans, the Americans did and still do care a lot about Rousseau. Surprisingly, for someone so eager to offer advice about how to form or reform a c...
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    A Thought without Puppeteer: Ethics of Dramatization and Selection of Becomings.Aline Wiame - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):33-49.
    In order to understand how Deleuze's method of dramatization is ‘not privileging mankind in any way’, this article turns to the figure of the marionette as it is discreetly, but consistently, developed thorough Deleuze's books. Inspired by Kleist's On the Marionette Theatre, this marionette figure claims for a rhizomatic approach to the subject, defined by the lines it draws into space and exercising its freedom in the present of Aion through spatio-temporal dynamisms similar to those of Leibniz's monads. The strange (...)
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    Both Familiar and New: Reimagining Catholic Sexual Ethics.Aline H. Kalbian - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):603-610.
    The authors of the three essays featured in this focus challenge assumptions that are central to the official Catholic teachings on sexual ethics. Elizabeth Antus and Megan McCabe do so by taking on topics that have not received much attention from the magisterium. Cristina Traina urges us to think differently about the way we usually frame the moral issue of abortion. Although they address different moral problems, I argue in this introduction that they highlight common themes—social sin, interruption, and solidarity—share (...)
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    Non-decision time: The Higgs Boson of decision.Aline Bompas, Petroc Sumner & Craig Hedge - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    What Happens to a Nursing Home Chain When Private Equity Takes Over? A Longitudinal Case Study.Aline Bos & Charlene Harrington - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801774276.
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    The Role of the Context in the Acquisition and in the Organisation of Knowledge: Studies from Adults and from Children.Aline Chevalier & Laure Martinez - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 425--428.
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    Lost in translation: Centripetal individualism and the classical concept of descending representation.Alin Fumurescu - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (2):156-176.
    The article argues that by the 17th century, despite the increased intellectual exchanges of the time, two different kind of individualism were developing across the Channel — one labeled here as ‘centripetal’, the other one as ‘centrifugal’. On the French side, one witnesses a focus on forum internum, as the only site of uniqueness and authenticity. On the British side, the emphasis switched to forum externum and the equality of wills. The article explores the consequences of these different self-apprehensions of (...)
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    Integrity in Catholic Sexual Ethics.Aline H. Kalbian - 2004 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 24 (2):55-69.
    TOTALITY AND COMPLEMENTARITY ARE PROMINENT TERMS IN CATHOLIC discussions of sexuality and gender. In this essay I explore these terms as they relate to the concept of integrity. I argue that although these terms were originally intended to describe the importance of physical integrity or wholeness, recent moves toward a more personalistic sexual ethic have rendered them problematic. More precisely, although these two terms appear to have integrity as their goal, uncertainty about the object of integrity results in fragmentation.
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    The Catholic Church's Public Confession.Aline H. Kalbian - 2001 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 21:175-189.
    The Catholic Church, as part of the year 2000 Jubilee celebrations, issued a prayer of confession for sins committed in the past. Most notable was the confession for "actions that may have caused suffering to the people of Israel." In this paper I identify two prominent metaphors in the magisterial literature associated with this act of contrition—the metaphor of Church as mother, and the metaphor of repentance as purification of memory. I analyze these metaphors and place them in the context (...)
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  50. Futebol, Identidade e Memória: o Lance! do Consumo do Botafogo de 1962.Aline Silva Correa Maia & Roberta Oliveira - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 17 (2):151-163.
    O Jornalismo Esportivo utiliza-se da memória como forma de fortalecer conceitos e ideias associadas ao futebol, aos clubes e seus torcedores. No Brasil, o diário esportivo Lance! recorreu ao passado na cobertura anterior da final do Campeonato Carioca de 2009, como parte da estratégia de lançamento de uma promoção. O trabalho avalia a produção, nesta circunstância, do discurso para atrair o torcedor do Botafogo.
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