Results for 'American constitution'

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  1.  11
    American Constitution and the Spanish Constitutions of 1812 and 1978.Rosa María Pacheco Baldó - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-8.
    This paper analyses the American Constitution of 1787 and the Spanish Constitutions of 1812 and 1978. The objective is to analyse their structures and the changes they have undergone throughout history, to find differences that can be explained by the different cultural values that these two groups normally display. As will be seen, the cultural dimension of uncertainty avoidance, amongst others, is the one that has a greater presence in this study. The conclusions drawn from this study show (...)
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    The American Constitution, the State, and Executive Prerogative.Th A. J. Toonen & Florian Grotz - 2007 - In Th A. J. Toonen & Florian Grotz (eds.), Crossing Borders: Constitutional Development and Internationalisation: Essays in Honour of Joachim Jens Hesse. De Gruyter Recht.
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    The American Constitution and the Debate Over Originalism.Dennis J. Goldford - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a work of constitutional theory that explores the nature of American constitutional interpretation through a reconsideration of the long-standing debate between the interpretive theories of originalism and nonoriginalism. The book presents the novel argument that a critique of the underlying premises of originalism dissolves not just originalism but nonoriginalism as well, which leads to the recognition that constitutional interpretation is already and always structured. By their fidelity to the Constitution, Americans are a textual people in that (...)
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    The American Constitutional Order: History, Cases, and Philosophy.Douglas W. Kmiec (ed.) - 2009 - Lexisnexis Matthew Bender.
    The philosophical and natural law basis of the American order: remote and immediate ancestors -- The declaration and its constitution: linking first principle to necessary means -- A structurally-divided, but workable, government -- A limited government of enumerated power -- A government mindful of dual sovereignty -- A fair government -- A government commitment to freedom -- A government commitment to equality -- A government of imperfect knowledge of inkblots, liberty and life itself.
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    American Constitutional Custom. [REVIEW]Arthur A. North - 1954 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 29 (2):303-306.
  6. Political Offices and American Constitutional Democracy: Senator, Activist, Organizer.Andrew Sabl - 1997 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    A constitutional democracy is characterized by "governing pluralism": there is no single source of sovereignty and no single consensus on what political life should look like. Starting from this premise, and using the United States as the example of such a democracy, the work treats the ethics of three kinds of political leaders in American politics. The work examines the offices of senator, moral activist, and community organizer, in each case trying to identify the distinctive purpose of the office (...)
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    The New Democracies and American Constitutional Design.Andrew Arato - 2000 - Constellations 7 (3):316-340.
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    Recent Changes in American Constitutional History.John W. Burgess - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34:522.
  9. Edmund Burke and the American Constitution.Morton Frisch - 1989 - Interpretation 17 (1):59-67.
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    Privacy and the American Constitution.David Garrow - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68:55-82.
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    The union as idea: Tocqueville on the American constitution.Donald J. Maletz - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (4):599-620.
    Tocqueville's chapter on the American Constitution reflects on the attempt to superimpose a large-scale union upon what was originally a loose collection of self-governing local democracies. The latter are communities which draw easily from the natural basis for public-spiritedness, which is local patriotism. The constitutional system, on the other hand, must nurture loyalty to a union whose core is a set of legal formalities specifying the allocation of powers. Tocqueville shows that the federal union avoids the combination of (...)
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  12. Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution.Ronald Dworkin (ed.) - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Written by the world's best-known political and legal theorist, Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution is a collection of essays that discuss almost all of the great constitutional issues of the last two decades, including abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, homosexuality, pornography, and free speech. Professor Dworkin offers a consistently liberal view of the Constitution and argues that fidelity to it and to law demands that judges make moral judgments. He proposes that we all interpret (...)
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    The Growth of American Constitutional Law. [REVIEW]Walter B. Kennedy - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (1):178-180.
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    Jangling the Keys to the Kingdom: Some Reflections on "The Crucible," on an American Constitutional Paradox, and on Australian Judicial Review.Penelope Pether - 1996 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 8 (2):317-337.
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    A Pragmatic Analysis of Silence in an American Constitutional Issue.Dennis Kurzon - 2010 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 6 (1):49-66.
    A Pragmatic Analysis of Silence in an American Constitutional Issue This paper provides further evidence for a typology of silence, viz conversational, textual and situational silence. Some of the problems in the typology are dealt with, for example, a clearer distinction is made between conversational silence, on the one hand, and textual and situational silence on the other. The distinction between textual and situational silence is further illustrated against the background of controversial court cases in the United States concerning (...)
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  16. The place of history and philosophy in the moral reading of the american constitution.James E. Fleming - 2006 - In Scott Hershovitz (ed.), Exploring law's empire: the jurisprudence of Ronald Dworkin. New York: Oxford University Press.
  17. “Justifying the Use of International Human Rights Principles in American Constitutional Law.”.Vincent Samar - 2005 - Columbia Humnan Rights Law Review 37:1-100.
    In this Article, I take up the thesis that international and comparative law sources are relevant to interpreting the U.S. Constitution because the Constitution itself warrants respect only insofar as it is a means for achieving minimal protections for human dignity. I argue a narrow version of this thesis: Our domestic constitutional interpretations should be checked by looking to the minimal set of rights recognized in other systems that share certain contents. And I take up the problem that (...)
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  18.  40
    “Administrative Constitutionalism”: Considering the Role of Agency Decision-Making in American Constitutional Development.David E. Bernstein - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):109-129.
    The last decade or so has seen an explosion of scholarship by American law professors on what has become known as administrative constitutionalism. Administrative constitutionalism is a catchphrase for the role of administrative agencies in influencing, creating, and establishing constitutional rules and norms, and governing based on those rules and norms. Though courts traditionally get far more attention in the scholarly literature and the popular imagination, administrative constitutionalism scholars show that administrative agencies have been extremely important participants in (...) constitutional development. Section I of this essay identifies three different versions of administrative constitutionalism—(1) Engagement with Existing Constitutional Doctrine; (2) Resolving Questions of Statutory Meaning that Implicate Constitutional Questions; and (3) Shadow Administrative Constitutionalism—and provides examples from the scholarly literature to illustrate these distinct manifestations of administrative constitutionalism. Section II of this essay discusses the normative turn in administrative constitutionalism scholarship. Much of this normative literature is implicitly or explicitly premised on the notion that agencies are more likely to pursue progressive goals than are other government actors. Section III of this essay disputes the notion that agency constitutional decision-making is “democratic” and that agencies are naturally inclined to serve progressive goals. Finally, Section IV of this essay notes that scholars who support broad agency autonomy to work out and enforce their own constitutional visions have failed to consider how their work fits in with the economic and political science literature on agency behavior. One can predict, based on that literature, that agencies given broad autonomy under the guise of administrative constitutionalism will primarily be inclined to expand their scope and authority at the expense of countervailing considerations. (shrink)
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    Polybius and the American Constitution.Gilbert Chinard - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1/4):38.
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  20. The paradox of self-amendment in American constitutional law.Peter Suber - 2011 - .
    Logical paradoxes in the strict sense produce statements like those of the Liar ("This very statement is false") that are false if true, and true if false. They resist rational solution or at least divide logicians for centuries of apparently irreconcilable wrangling. What happens when similar paradoxes arise in law?
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    The French Theory of the Institution, Suarez, and the American Constitution.Moorhouse I. X. Millar - 1931 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 7:165.
  22. (2 other versions)Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution by Ronald Dworkin.K. E. Himma - 2000 - Auslegung 23 (2):191-196.
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    "Deep Dialogue". James Joyce's Contribution to American Constitutional Theory.John Denvir - 1991 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 3 (1):1-19.
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    Death and Politics: Hannah Arendt's Reflections on the American Constitution.George Kateb - 1987 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 54.
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    Resurrection and Reform: Perspectives on Property in the American Constitutional Tradition.Michael W. McCann - 1984 - Politics and Society 13 (2):143-176.
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    The detached subject or the subject with identity: ethical-political discussions on national minorities and their incorporation into Latin American constitutions.Julián Sarmiento-López & Jaime Yáñez-Canal - 2025 - Ideas Y Valores 74 (187):51-72.
    This research analyzed the ethical-political discussions of distributive justice in national minorities and its incorporation into the Constitutions of Latin American countries. Ethics stands out in its search to dignify the human being, finding two immeasurable positions: (a) the deontological models of justice and equality and their detached subjects, and (b) the communitarian models that rescue the identity contingencies of the subjects. The latter have allowed reflections that recognize the defense of cultural, territorial and linguistic identity as fundamental issues. (...)
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    The Unholy Trinity: Freedom, Slavery, and the American Constitution.Orlando Patterson - 1987 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 54.
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    Book Note (reviewing Paul W. Kahn, History and Legitimacy: Self-Government in American Constitutional Theory (1993).Robert Justin Lipkin - 1993 - Ethics 104:922.
  29. In Incognito: The Principle of Double Effect in American Constitutional Law.Edward C. Lyons - 2005 - Florida Law Review 57 (3):469-563.
    Abstract: In Vacco v. Quill, 521 U.S. 793 (1997), the Supreme Court for the first time in American case law explicitly applied the principle of double effect to reject an equal protection claim to physician-assisted suicide. Double effect, traced historically to Thomas Aquinas, proposes that under certain circumstances it is permissible unintentionally to cause foreseen evil effects that would not be permissible to cause intentionally. The court rejected the constitutional claim on the basis of a distinction marked out by (...)
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  30. Rogers M. Smith, Liberalism and American Constitutional Law. [REVIEW]Richard Flathman - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7:85-88.
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    The Polish Socinians: Contribution to Freedom of Conscience and the American Constitution.Marian Hillar - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (3-5):45-75.
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    Review of Benjamin F. Wright: The Growth of American Constitutional Law[REVIEW]Benjamin F. Wright - 1943 - Ethics 53 (3):230-231.
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    What are the principles of american constitutional law?Robert Goedecke - 1967 - Ethics 78 (1):17-31.
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    Book Review: Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution[REVIEW]Kenneth Einar Himma - 2000 - Auslegung. A Journal of Philosophy Lawrence, Kans 23 (2).
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    Book ReviewsLawrence G Sager,. Justice in Plain Clothes: A Theory of American Constitutional Practice.New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2004. Pp. 248. $40.00. [REVIEW]Mark Tushnet - 2006 - Ethics 116 (3):607-611.
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    Review of Burleigh Cushing Rodick: American Constitutional Custom: A Forgotten Factor in the Founding[REVIEW]Stuart Gerry Brown - 1954 - Ethics 64 (3):230-231.
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    Book Review:The Growth of American Constitutional Law. Benjamin F. Wright. [REVIEW]George W. Goble - 1943 - Ethics 53 (3):230-.
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  38.  53
    Review of Ronald Dworkin: Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution[REVIEW]Maimon Schwarzschild - 1998 - Ethics 108 (3):597-600.
  39.  14
    What constitutes a good online news site? A comparative analysis of American and European awards.Hans Beyers - 2006 - Communications 31 (2):215-240.
    Nowadays, many Internet awards are given to Web sites for best design, most interactive Web site, etc. This is also the case for online journalism, which has developed its own awards over the past few years. Based on existing research and theory on multimedia, interactivity, and hypertext, this study compared American and European news sites nominated for selected awards by means of a predominantly exploratory and descriptive qualitative content analysis to see whether there are any striking differences in approach (...)
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  40.  19
    Constituting the american republic.Stephen Elkin - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (2):223-235.
  41.  82
    The Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By GER Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi+ 175. Price not given. The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi+ 154. [REVIEW]Thomas L. Kennedy Philadelphia, Cross-Cultural Perspectives By K. Ramakrishna, Constituting Communities, Theravada Buddhism, Jacob N. Kinnard Holt & Jonathan S. Walters Albany - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):110-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By G.E.R. Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 175. Price not given.The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi + 154. Paper $10.00.The Autobiography of Jamgön Kongtrul: A Gem of Many Colors. By Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrön (...)
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    The Enlightenment in American Law II: The Constitution.Andrew J. Reck - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (4):729 - 754.
    REASON AND REVOLUTION, to which Henry F. May has called attention in his noteworthy book, The Enlightenment in America, mentioned in the first article in the present series, marks the period of American colonial history from 1763 to 1776. The Declaration of Independence, I have maintained, is a consummate expression of these Enlightenment features, influenced by the thought of John Locke and others in philosophy. From cautious moderation the American movement of protest against British rule climaxed in a (...)
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  43. The Seventeenth Century English Constitutional Struggle and its Philosophical Impact on the American Colonies.Richard Glen Eaves - 1975 - Journal of Thought 10 (3):206-14.
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  44. Imposing Constitutional Limits on Strict Liability: Lessons from the American Experience.Alan C. Michaels - 2005 - In Andrew Simester (ed.), Appraising Strict Liability. Oxford University Press.
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    American Constitutionalism Confronts Denninger's New Constitutional Paradigm.Michel Rosenfeld - 2000 - Constellations 7 (4):529-548.
  46. Aristotle on the mixed constitution and its relevance for American political thought.Carrie Ann Biondi - 2007 - In David Keyt & Fred Dycus Miller (eds.), Freedom, reason, and the polis: essays in ancient Greek political philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  47. Aristotle on the mixed constitution and its relevance for american political thought.Carrie-Ann Biondi - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (2):176-198.
    Contemporary political discourse is marked with the language of democracy, and Western countries in particular seek to promote democracy at home and abroad. However, there is a sublimated conflict in general political discourse between a desire to rely on alleged political experts and a desire to assert the supposed common sense of all men. Can the struggle between the democratic and aristocratic values embodied in this conflict be reconciled? The question is perennial, and raises issues that are central to constitutional (...)
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  48.  21
    The Constitution and Presidential Leadership.Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr - 1987 - Maryland Law Review 54.
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    The constitution, academic self-government and academic trade unions in American State universities and colleges: A decision of the United States Supreme Court. [REVIEW]S. E. - 1983 - Minerva 21 (2-3):296-319.
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    Constitutional law and equality.Maimon Schwarzschild - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 160–176.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Enlightenment and Its Antecedents Equal Rights and American Constitutional Law Liberty and Equality under the Constitution The Radical Critique and the Radical Dilemma Rawls Dworkin Equality of Capabilities Equality Unmodified or Spheres of Justice Is Equality a Value? References.
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