Results for 'Ana Giraldo'

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  1.  86
    Autobiografía e histrionismo: una Imagen del autoconocimiento en la obra tardía de Wittgenstein.Ana María Giraldo Giraldo - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:147-159.
    El objetivo de este artículo es describir el fenómeno del autoconocimiento desde una perspectiva wittgensteiniana. En la obra tardía de Wittgenstein gran parte de sus reflexiones se centra en el análisis de expresiones de estados fenomenológicos y actitudes proposicionales. A partir del análisis de las autoadscrip-ciones de estados mentales, muchos filósofos han intentado construir una imagen de lo que sería el autoconocimiento para el filósofo austríaco en sus últimos escritos. En este artículo pretendemos mostrar que Wittgenstein tiene una posición dual (...)
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    Brandom y Travis: Sobre la Justicia. Las formas de vida como problema de reconocimiento.Ana María Giraldo Giraldo, Jesús Carrasquilla Ospina & Ever Velazco Romero - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 82:115-124.
    En la actualidad, los desarrollos teóricos acerca de la justicia desde una perspectiva lingüística giran alrededor de la teoría de la justicia de John Rawls y la teoría de la acción comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas. Empero, aunque un estudio detallado del funcionamiento del lenguaje hace parte de estas teorías no pueden concebirse propiamente como filosofías del lenguaje. La filosofía del lenguaje propende por la construcción de una teoría del significado que permita explicar diferentes fenómenos lingüísticos entre los que se encuentran (...)
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  3. Caracterización de la funcionalidad de válvulas cardiacas mecánicas Por medio de un túnel de viento.John Bustamante Osorno, Alejandro Posada Montoya, Nelson Escobar Mora, Ana Irene Crispin Corzo & Adelaida Giraldo Alvarez - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Mary Livermore and My Story of the War: A nurse’s narrative journey.Ana Choperena - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (2):e12423.
    Mary Livermore'sMy Story of the Waris a valuable piece of travel writing written from the point of view of a nurse who documented her unexpected personal and professional journey to administer the Sanitary Commission of the United States Union Army and provide nursing care during the American Civil War. Although Livermore's pre‐war background had not been solely limited to the domestic sphere, her wartime experience involved a public negotiation between the traditional domestic realm assigned to women and new nursing professional (...)
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    Business and Human Rights, from Theory to Practice and Law to Morality: Taking a Philosophical Look at the Proposed UN Treaty.Ana-Maria Pascal - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (2):167-200.
    This paper considers the UN efforts to introduce a legally binding Treaty on corporate accountability for human rights impacts in the context of other proposed legislation at country level, on the one hand, and existing voluntary initiatives like the UN Guiding Principles (2011), on the other. What we are interested in is whether the proposed Treaty signals a transition from voluntary initiatives (based on moral commitments) to law (that is, a focus on compliance), and the extent to which it might (...)
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    Do Maternal Self-Criticism and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Mediate the Effect of History of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms on Mother-Infant Bonding? Parallel–Serial Mediation Models.Ana Filipa Beato, Sara Albuquerque, Burcu Kömürcü Akik, Leonor Pereira da Costa & Ágata Salvador - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionHistory of depression symptoms, including before and during pregnancy, has been identified as an important risk factor for postpartum depression symptoms. This condition has also been associated with diverse implications, namely, on the quality of mother–infant bonding. Moreover, the role of self-criticism on PPD has been recently found in several studies. However, the link between these factors has not been explored yet. Furthermore, anxiety symptoms in postpartum has been less studied.MethodsThis study analyzed whether the history of depression symptoms predicted mother–infant (...)
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    Challenges of Different Approaches and Methodologies in Psycholinguistics: The Example of an RC Attachment Preference Study in Croatian.Ana Matić & Melita Kovačević - 2021 - In Judit Gervain, Gergely Csibra & Kristóf Kovács (eds.), A Life in Cognition: Studies in Cognitive Science in Honor of Csaba Pléh. Springer Verlag. pp. 125-136.
    Psycholinguistics as a discipline can be traced back further than one would think, but what we refer to as modern psycholinguistics emerged in the 1950s. The gradual accumulation of interdisciplinary knowledge, cross-linguistic research, and the development of ideas formed the foundation for new approaches. Indeed, interdisciplinarity, multi-methodology, and linguistic diversity are to this day inevitable and integral parts of psycholinguistics. The aim of this paper is to argue the interplay of different approaches and methodologies, namely in relation to syntactic processing. (...)
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    Conceiving Cosmopolitanism and Cosmopolitan Law: Theories, Contexts and Practice for a World Peace.Ana Luiza Silveira Nedochetko - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:321-326.
    _Review of: Consani, Cristina Foroni; Klein, Joel T.; Nour Sckell, Soraya, _Cosmopolitanism: From the Kantian Legacy to Contemporary Approaches_, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021, pp. 327. ISBN 978-3-428-58460-4._.
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    Care-ful Work: An Ethics of Care Approach to Contingent Labour in the Creative Industries.Ana Alacovska & Joëlle Bissonnette - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):135-151.
    Studies of creative industries typically contend that creative work is profoundly precarious, taking place on a freelance basis in highly competitive, individualized and contingent labour markets. Such studies depict creative workers as correspondingly self-enterprising, self-reliant, self-interested and calculative agents who valorise care-free independence. In contrast, we adopt the ‘ethics of care’ approach to explore, recognize and appreciate the communitarian, relational and moral considerations as well as interpersonal connectedness and interdependencies that underpin creative work. Drawing on in-depth interviews with creative workers (...)
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    A graded BDI agent model to represent and reason about preferences.Ana Casali, Lluís Godo & Carles Sierra - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1468-1478.
  11.  32
    Environmentalism and Democracy.Ana Honnacker - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (2).
    As the ecological crisis becomes increasingly pressing, the relation of environmentalism and democracy is spotlighted with new instancy. On one hand, the capability of present democratic governments to take adequate political action is seriously questioned. On the other hand, environmentalism is charged of being anti-democratic. This paper, in a first step, examines the “green” criticism of and sometimes actual departures from democracy. Drawing on that analysis as well as a pragmatist concept of democracy, the elements of an “ecological democracy” will (...)
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    The Analytic Truth and Falsity of Disjunctions.Ana Cristina Quelhas, Célia Rasga & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (9):e12739.
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    Indigenous Development and the Cultural Captivity of Entrepreneurship.Ana María Peredo & Murdith McLean - 2013 - Business and Society 52 (4):592-620.
    This article argues that thinking about entrepreneurship as a potential instrument for relief from endemic poverty and disadvantage, especially among the Indigenous, has all too often been captive to a concept of entrepreneurship that is built out of constrained economic and cultural assumptions. The authors develop this argument from a critical discussion of contributions by Karl Polanyi and Robert Heilbroner. The result is that approaches to venture have been encouraged that are sometimes a poor fit for the circumstances of those (...)
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    Mapping Concepts and Issues in the Ethics of the Commons: Introduction to the Special Issue.Ana María Peredo, Helen M. Haugh, Marek Hudon & Camille Meyer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4):659-672.
    We introduce the papers in this special issue by providing an overarching perspective on the variety in kinds of commons and the ethical issues stemming from their diversity. Despite a long history of local commons management, recent decades have witnessed a surge of scholarly interest in the concept of “the commons,” including a growing management literature. This swell was impelled especially by Garrett Hardin’s paper of 1968, and the body of work generated by Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues. However, the (...)
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    Circular subsidiarity: Humanizing work through relational goods.Ana Marta González & Germán Scalzo - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (S1):705-720.
    The Fourth Industrial Revolution based on digitalization, the development of AI, robotics, big data, and increasing automation is dredging up older debates on the end of human work. This article contributes to this debate arguing that these changing circumstances represent an opportunity to advance a renewed consideration of human work. By emphasizing its most distinctively human dimensions, including gratuitousness, relationality, and meaningfulness, we propose the articulation of a social model that recognizes relational goods as a specific contribution of human work (...)
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    The Efficiency of Intersectionality: Labelling the Benefits of a Rights-Based Approach to Interpret Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes.Ana Martin - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (1):1-24.
    International criminal law (ICL) has traditionally overlooked sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and struggles to understand it. Prosecutions have been largely inefficient and not reflective of gender harms. The Rome Statute requires interpreting SGBV as a social construction (article 7(3)), in consistency with international human rights law (IHRL) and without discrimination (article 21(3)). There is, however, little guidance to implement these approaches. This article argues that intersectionality, an IHRL-based approach that reveals compounded discrimination, is an efficient tool to interpret SGBV (...)
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    Pragmatic Humanism and the Posthumanist Challenge: Between Biocentrism and the New Human Being.Ana Honnacker - 2020 - Contemporary Pragmatism 17 (1):70-84.
    Humanism is charged with fostering a harmful anthropocentrism that has led to the exploitation of non-human beings and the environment. Posthumanist and transhumanist ideas prominently aim at rethinking our self-understanding and human-nature relations. Yet these approaches turn out to be flawed when it comes to addressing the challenges of the “age of the humanity”, the Anthropocene. Whereas posthumanism fails in acknowledging the exceptional role of human beings with regard to political agency and responsibility, transhumanism overemphasizes human capabilities of controlling nature (...)
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    O que as narrativas didáticas de história contam sobre a Guerra Guasu 150 anos depois? Mulheres, crianças, negros e indígenas em uma mirada comparada: Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai.Ana Paula Squinelo - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (3):242-264.
    Apresenta-se os resultados de projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido entre os anos de 2014-2020 relacionado as narrativas didáticas de história no Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai e, pertinentes ao conteúdo Guerra Guasu. Embora tenha ocorrido um significativo avanço historiográfico acerca do tema tais narrativas apresentam um perfil tradicional, descritivo e com enfoque nos feitos daqueles tidos como “grandes homens”. No caso, sobretudo, das narrativas brasileiras foram incorporadas distintas categorias de fontes históricas, entretanto os sujeitos subalternizados elencados para esta análise: mulheres, crianças, indígenas (...)
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    Pinturas parietais, narrativa e imaginação.Ana Elisa Antunes Viviani & Norval Baitello Junior - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:123-137.
    Neste trabalho investigamos a natureza da imagem tendo como objeto empírico os registros rupestres de tempos pré-coloniais localizados na região da Serra do Cipó, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Tradicionalmente estudadas pela ciencia arqueológica que interpreta tais imagens com o rigor metodológico e as teorías que lhe embasam, neste trabalho propomos analisá-las como resultante de uma triangulação entre corpo, meio e ambiente, tendo como horizonte teórico a Antropología da Imagem, de Hans Belting, e a Teoria da Cultura, de Ivan Bystrina. (...)
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    Os paradigmas como léxicos e exemplares na obra de Thomas Kuhn.Ana Clarice Rodrigues Costa - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (26):8-28.
    No capítulo X de A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas (1962) de Thomas Kuhn o conceito de paradigma figura como elemento filosófico central na tensão que se estabelece entre o âmbito perceptivo/cognitivo versus o âmbito ontológico do “problema da mudança de mundo”. No presente artigo, apresento alguns desdobramentos do conceito de paradigma com o objetivo de indicar dois sentidos principais para o termo subjacentes às formulações kuhnianas no capítulo X e que são desenvolvidos na obra tardia do autor, a saber: (1) (...)
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    Experiências Perturbadoras.Ana Paula Patrocínio Holzmeister - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação:55-65.
    Esse ensaio tem por finalidade discutir a abertura instaurada no debate educacional a partir da introdução do conceito de Duração produzido por Bergson, aproximando-o aos estudos deleuzianos sobre pensamento e aprendizagem. Partindo destes conceitos, procuro captar outros modos de atualização de processos educativos engendrados nos cotidianos escolares. Assim, tomando a prática docente como trabalho com matéria em movimento e não mais como ensino-transmissão de conhecimento, busco, de modo provisório, analisar as práticas de aprendizagem inventivas (Kastrup, 1999/2009) instauradas em meio aos (...)
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    Substancia y cuerpo: acerca de la unidad y la composición en la filosofía de Leibniz.Ana Leila Jabase - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0061.
    Nos ocupamos aquí de una cuestión de importancia para la filosofía moderna, y para la filosofía leibniziana en particular, como es el concepto de substancia. Veremos cómo, en Leibniz, la divisibilidad de la materia al infinito y la necesidad de un principio que dé razón de la unidad en la multiplicidad de los elementos que componen todo cuerpo, lo llevan a concebir unidades metafísicas que son su fundamento. Asimismo, la respuesta a esta cuestión alude al problema del cuerpo de una (...)
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    Expansión Urbana y Segregación Socio-Espacial En la Ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina) Durante Los Años ‘80.Ana Lucía Cervio - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:360-392.
    Este artículo reflexiona sobre la segregación socio-espacial en contextos urbanos, comprendiéndola como una dimensión particular de los procesos de estructuración social en las ciudades capitalistas. Concretamente, se aborda el caso de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). Se parte del supuesto de que el crecimiento urbano por expansión que se registra durante la década del `80, es el resultado de un doble proceso de larga duración. Por un lado, políticas de desarrollo urbano que buscan incrementar la productividad y atraer inversiones privadas (...)
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  24. Sobre la dicotomía civilización y barbarie en el diario El Orden de Tucumán.Ana María Risco - 2022 - In María Mercedes Risco & Teresa Barrionuevo (eds.), El lenguaje y sus dimensiones en distintos saberes. San Miguel de Tucumán, [Argentina]: Humanitas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
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    Kant and a culture of freedom.Ana Marta González - 2010 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 96 (3):291-308.
    The expression “a culture of freedom” is unmistakably modern. Yet its meaning is not immediately clear. My purpose in this paper is to clarify the possible meaning of this expression by taking Kant’s practical philosophy as a point of reference. In order to do so, I will depart from Kant’s explicit conception of culture, and try to relate it to his own distinction between external and internal freedom, especially as it appears in the Metaphysics of Morals.
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    Secular Morality and Religious Ethics: Convergence and Divergence in Modern Society.Ana Björnsson - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):140-155.
    Comparing and contrasting nonreligious and religious perspectives on ethics and morals has perhaps attracted the greatest attention of any secular study area. There are indeed negative preconceptions about seculars that express worries about how morality can be preserved without the influence of religion. The research begins with definitions and categories of morality, along with current views on how they came to be and how to evaluate them. Examined are secular attitudes and actions in areas including prosociality, violence, criminal activity, drug (...)
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    Do texto dissertativo-argumentativo à autoavaliação: o processo ensino e aprendizagem e a construção da argumentação e da cidadania.Ana Cecilia Teixeira Gonçalvez, Jeize de Fátima Batista & Laura Schmitt Pereira - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):120-131.
    Este artigo apresenta uma prática pedagógica realizada no Estágio Curricular Supervisionado II do Curso de Letras - Português e Espanhol na Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) campus Cerro Largo. O estágio foi desenvolvido em uma turma de segundo ano de uma escola pública de Ensino Médio, com duração de 16 horas. O plano de aula trabalhou o texto dissertativo-argumentativo através da temática “Regulamentação das Redes Sociais” baseado no método de Sequência Didática (Dolz, Noverraz, Schneuwly, 2004). Essa ferramenta didática consiste (...)
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    Identidad, memoria y la búsqueda del padre desaparecido desde la óptica de dos cineastas guatemaltecos.Ana Yolanda Contreras - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (33):143-169.
    Este artículo1 explora dos obras cinematográficas guatemaltecas, Polvo (2012) y Nuestras madres (2019), dirigidas por Julio Hernández Cordón y César Díaz correspondientemente. En ambos largometrajes la denuncia sobre la violación de derechos humanos durante el pasado conflicto armado guatemalteco, la búsqueda de padres o familiares desaparecidos y sus secuelas en las víctimas constituyen la temática central. Por tanto, el análisis se centra en la importancia que tiene la búsqueda del padre desaparecido en los hijos, quienes, a raíz de esta vivencia (...)
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  29. Travels of learning: Introductory remarks.Ana Simoes, Ana Carneiro & Maria Paula Diogo - 2003 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 233:1-18.
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  30. Tim Crane on the Internalism–Externalism Debate.Ana Gavran Miloš - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 11 (11):207-218.
    The subject of this paper is the debate between externalism and internalism about mental content presented by Tim Crane in Chapter 4 of his book Elements of Mind. Crane’s sympathies in this debate are with internalism. The paper attempts to show that Crane’s argumentation is not refuting the Twin Earth argument and externalism, and that in its basis it does not differ much from externalism itself Crane’s version of the argument for externalism features two key premises: (1) The content of (...)
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    Full classical S5 in natural deduction with weak normalization.Ana Teresa Martins & Lilia Ramalho Martins - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 152 (1):132-147.
    Natural deduction systems for classical, intuitionistic and modal logics were deeply investigated by Prawitz [D. Prawitz, Natural Deduction: A Proof-theoretical Study, in: Stockholm Studies in Philosophy, vol. 3, Almqvist and Wiksell, Stockholm, 1965. Reprinted at: Dover Publications, Dover Books on Mathematics, 2006] from a proof-theoretical perspective. Prawitz proved weak normalization for classical logic only for a language without logical or, there exists and with a restricted application of reduction ad absurdum. Reduction steps related to logical or, there exists and classical (...)
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    Asociaciones entre la depresión materna y el desarrollo neuroconductual de los niños.Ana Paula Parada, Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende, Juliana Arantes Figueiredo de Paula Eduardo, Felipe Pinheiro de Figueiredo, Heloisa Bettiol, Ricardo Cavalli, Viviane Cunha Cardoso & Cristina Marta Del Ben - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:236-251.
    We investigated the influence of maternal depression (MD) on the communication and motor dimensions of child neurodevelopment, by a longitudinal and descriptive study. We assessed 1,555 mother-baby dyads from two Brazilian cities with discrepant sociodemographic characteristics: Ribeirão Preto (RP) (N=663) and São Luís (SL) (N=892). MD during pregnancy and at the second year of child´s life was assessed, respectively, through the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-CES-D (≥24) and the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale-EPDS (≥12). Child development was assessed through the (...)
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    Quantum Chemistry in Great Britain: Developing a Mathematical Framework for Quantum Chemistry.Ana Simões & Kostas Gavroglu - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):511-548.
  34. Das palavras e das coisas curiosas: correspondência e escrita na coleção de notícias de Manuel Severim de Faria.Ana Paula Torres Megiani - 2007 - Topoi. Revista de História 8 (15):24-48.
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  35. Marcas socioculturais em corpos femininos negros.Ana Rita Santiago - 2012 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 2 (2):77-91.
    Bodies of afro descendant women carry not only the historical marks of suffering and dispossession. For they are also told stories of resistance, faith and ancestry, and as social constructions, such bodies are presented as drawings of the cultural diversity that permeates individual and collective identities. Thus, this paper has the approaches around the body beyond the biological and discusses further socio-cultural marks on afro descendant feminist bodies, making allusions and images appear in Brazilian literature and speeches on such bodies.
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    Identidad personal y donación: la configuración del yo en la acción dramática.Ana Álvarez Garrido - 2010 - Madrid: Eutelequia Editorial.
    "Identidad personal y donación. La configuración del yo en la acción dramática", de Ana Álvarez Garrido, relata como un deseo de verdad y una intuición genuina, unidos a la insatisfacción acerca de las corrientes dominantes en el estudio de la identidad personal, llevaron a su autora a iniciar este trabajo. Con una pregunta casi infantil, por su atrevimiento y por la esperanza que la anima de una respuesta justa, se abre esta aventura de la búsqueda del yo, a la que (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Public Relations–Social Responsibility binomial in post-pandemic sustainable and regenerative tourism.Ana María Huerta Molinero - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2).
    Retraction note: Huerta Molinero, A. M. (2022). Public Relations–Social Responsibility binomial in post-pandemic sustainable and regenerative tourism. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(6), 2–16. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that the editorial process was manipulated and, (...)
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    Ética y moral: origen de una diferencia conceptual y su trascendencia en el debate ético contemporáneo.Ana Marta González - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (68):797-832.
    This article is an attempt to understand the historical origins of the conceptual distinction between "ethics" and "morals" -as we can find it, for instance, in Habermas. I show also how such a distinction works on the contemporary ethical discussion, not only framing the controversy between liberals and communitarians, but also limiting our possibilities to overcome that controversy.
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    Pluralité religieuse en Amérique Latine.Ana Maria Bidegain - 1996 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 27 (4):462-474.
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  40. Descripción Y Categorización De Errores Fónicos En Estudiantes De Español/L2. Validación De La Taxonomía De Errores AACFELE.Ana Blanco Canales & Marta Nogueroles López - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (2):196-225.
    Within the field of didactics of second language teaching, it is believed that phonic errors cannot be completely corrected due to the significant influence of L1. However, improving the processes of acquisition of an L2 implies learning pronunciation properly. Given the importance of pronunciation for communication, it is necessary to deeply know the nature of phonic errors, which requires a specific classification aimed to describe, classify and categorize them. This article is intended to test the validity and efficiency of the (...)
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    Justice as an artificial virtue in Hume: Elements for a psycho-social theory of action.Ana Marta Gonzalez - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (239):97-127.
    In the following pages, our specific aim is to show how Hume’s analysis of justice provides the occasion for the gradual display of some key elements of a psychosocial action theory, which lay the foundations for later social thinking. -/- RESUMEN: En lo que sigue, nuestro objetivo específico es mostrar cómo el análisis que realiza Hume de la justicia proporciona la ocasión para introducir de manera gradual elementos clave para el desarrollo de una teoría psico-social de la acción, presupuesta en (...)
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    ""La transversalización de género en Chile: la" división digital" entre las burocracias expertas y los espacios deliberativos.Ana Laura Rodríguez Gustá - 2008 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 22:6.
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    Nietzsche: el sentido trágico de la vida.Ana Baneira Rodríguez - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    The Fiction of Solidarity: Transfronterista Feminisms and Anti-Imperialist Struggles in Central American Transnational Narratives.Ana Patricia Rodríguez - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):199-226.
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    Juicio teleológico y sistema de la razón en Kant.Ana María Andaluz Romanillos - 2007 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 34:163-220.
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    Conocer y Creer: A Propósito Del Debate Sobre la Nueva Regulación Del Aborto.Ana Llano Torres - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:297-320.
    Este trabajo quiere examinar el argumento según el cual apreciar que la vida nonata está dotada de dignidad desde la concepción es de carácter religioso y, por ello, no racional, ni públicamente relevante. Con el fin de aclarar qué significa razonar según las exigencias de una sociedad plural acerca de los temas éticamente controvertidos, se detiene en el pensamiento de Habermas y Spaemann relativo a la vida y a la noción de dignidad. Aquél propone en El futuro de la naturaleza (...)
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    SACCIA Communication, Attitudes Towards Cheating and Academic Misconduct.Ana Stojanov, Annegret Hannawa & Lee Adam - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-18.
    Academic misconduct by students is a serious issue that threatens the public trust in higher education institutions. In the current study, we examine whether SACCIA (Sufficient, Accurate, Clear, Contextualised and Interpersonally Adaptive) communication predicts lower academic misconduct via attitudes towards cheating and understanding what ‘counts’ as academic misconduct. Participants (N = 319) completed an online questionnaire in Qualtrics measuring SACCIA-adherent communication, academic misconduct, positive attitudes towards cheating and understanding what constitutes misconduct, along with control variables (Big 5 personality traits and (...)
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    Approximation to Habermas' deliberative democracy.Nelson Jair Cuchumbé Holguín & Jhon Alexander Giraldo Chavarriaga - 2013 - Discusiones Filosóficas 14 (22):141-159.
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    La responsabilidad para con (de) los combatientes.Jorge Giraldo Ramírez - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):507-514.
    Esta reflexión gira alrededor del problema del estatus de los combatientes no estatales en las guerras posmodernas y del comportamiento de los distintos bandos en este tipo de guerras. La atención sobre estos asuntos proviene de lo que me parece que son dos descuidos en la reflexión contemporánea sobre la guerra: el primero es la desatención, cuando no invisibilización, a los combatientes por cuenta de una colonización de la esfera de la guerra por parte del derecho penal, por la cual (...)
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    Acompañamiento psicosocial a jóvenes marginados para prevención de la farmacodependencia.Flor Ángela Tobón, Luis Alirio López Giraldo & Jhon Fernando Ramírez - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):348-371.
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