Results for 'Andrzej Radzio'

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  1. Typy tożsamości w nowoczesnym i 'ponowoczesnym' świecie demokratycznym.Andrzej Radzio - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 73 (2):68-80.
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    „Etyka przekazu wiedzy”.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1993 - Etyka 26:209-210.
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    Correspondence theory in proof theory.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2008 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 37 (3/4):171-183.
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    Zarys personalistycznej metafizyki Bordena Parkera Bowne’a.Andrzej Jastrzębski - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (1):397-414.
    Borden Parker Bowne was the founder of the School of Philosophy in Boston, taught there for more than a generation, and made a lasting impression on American philosophy. During Bowne’s career at Boston University (from 1876 until his death 1910), many of his students, who later also became professors in different areas, were inspired by his thinking and his person. His basic conviction is that it is the human person that is at the basis of Ontology and Ethics : the (...)
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    Recenzje.Andrzej Białynicki-Birula, Ludwik Borkowski, Jerzy Giedymin & Tadeusz Pawłowski - 1960 - Studia Logica 9 (1):257-265.
  6. Author’s Comments: Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2019 - Newsletter of the Research Network Ageing in Europe 24:3--4.
    A. Klimczuk, Author’s Comments: Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II, “Newsletter of the Research Network Ageing in Europe”, Winter 2019, Issue 24, pp. 3-4.
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    Foundational studies: selected works.Andrzej Mostowski - 1979 - New York: sole distributor for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland. Edited by Kazimierz Kuratowski.
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    Labelled tableau calculi for weak modal logics.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2007 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 36 (3-4):159-173.
  9. Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. A Sociological Perspective.Andrzej Klimczuk, Grzegorz Piotr Gawron, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska & Piotr Toczyski - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9.
    This Research Topic explores the ninth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation, particularly in the context of post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery. The pandemic significantly impacted the manufacturing sector, leading to a global production drop, job losses, and disrupted supply chains, with less technology-intensive industries taking longer to regain ground. Despite these challenges, the United Nations highlights opportunities to enhance industrialization and technology distribution, emphasizing, among other things, the need to (...)
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    Crossroads of forgiveness: a transcendent understanding of forgiveness in Kierkegaard’s religious writings and immanent account of forgiveness in contemporary secular and Christian ethics.Andrzej Słowikowski - 2019 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 87 (1):55-80.
    This paper is an attempt to clash the problem of forgiveness as formulated in contemporary secular and Christian ethics with Kierkegaard’s considerations concerning this issue. Kierkegaard’s thought is increasingly used in the modern debate on forgiveness. It is therefore worth investigating whether Kierkegaard’s considerations are really able to overcome in any way contemporary disputes concerning this problem or enrich our thinking in this area. The main thesis of this paper states that there is a fundamental, ontological difference between Kierkegaard’s understanding (...)
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    Filozofia muzyki Artura Schopenhauera.Andrzej Lorenz - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (1):22-40.
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    (1 other version)On Constructively Non‐Morphisms of Enumerated Sets and Constructive Non‐Reducibility of Enumerations.Andrzej Orlicki - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (6):485-496.
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    (1 other version)Dilthey y el giro antropológico de la filosofía.Andrzej Przylebski - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (2).
    RESUMENEl anuncio en julio de 2012 de los primeros indicios experimentales sobre la existencia del bosón de Higgs, reavivó el interés del secular debate sobre el significado de conceptos como el vacío y los campos físicos. La evolución de sus interpretaciones revela mutaciones profundas en el trasfondo filosófico de nuestra visión de la naturaleza. Especialmente por cuanto el controvertido papel de las rupturas de simetría se ha añadido a las discusiones sobre las teorías de unificación y la estructura fundamental de (...)
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    Problemy z moralnością zwierząt.Andrzej Waleszczyński - 2020 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 10 (1):151-172.
    Problems with animal morality: The paper aims at discussing the category of animal morality in the light of contemporary scientific findings and theories. First, the issue of moral development is reconsidered in the context of evolutionary anthropology and primatology, then the main positions in this debate are presented. The author proposes a typology which is based on a distinction between various senses of morality, namely a descriptive, neutral, and normative sense. These three aspects of morality are explained in detail and (...)
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    Paul Ricœur’s Hermeneutics of the Beauty of Unpredictability.Andrzej Wiercinski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 22 (2):119-126.
    Thinking with Paul Ricœur is a great pleasure and an even greater challenge. The more we seem to understand his life project, the more perplexed we are when facing the inescapability of the incompleteness, incomprehensibility, and impenetrability of what calls for thinking. Ricœur remains a faithful companion on the way to understanding oneself and reaching the inaccessible, despite the unprecedented progress of psychology, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and religion.
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    Urszula Zbrzeźniak. Genealogia i emancypacja.Andrzej Wierciński - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 23 (1):139-143.
    This article reviews the book Genealogia i emancypacja. Studia nad współczesną filozofią polityki [Genealogy and Emancipation: Studies on Contemporary Political Philosophy].
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  17. Craig's interpolation theorem in some extended systems of logic.Andrzej Mostowski - 1968 - In B. van Rootselaar & Frits Staal (eds.), Logic, methodology and philosophy of science III. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 87--103.
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    Barely visible: Heidegger’s Platonic Theology.Andrzej Serafin - 2021 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 26 (2):227-241.
    Heidegger’s thinking, according to his own testimony, is rooted in two traditions of philosophy: Platonic-Aristotelian ontology and Husserl’s phe­nomenology. Heidegger’s claim that the original understanding of Being is lost and has to be rediscovered conjoins the phenomenological claim that there is a certain mode of seeing that enables a revelatory philosophical insight. I would like to show how Heidegger combines both these claims in his supposition that the original philosophical conceptuality, as developed by Plato and Aristotle, was lost but can (...)
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  19. Przestrzeń naturalna i przestrzeń sztuczna w \"Labiryncie świata i raju serca\" Jana Amosa Komenskiego.Andrzej Spyra - 2006 - Estetyka I Krytyka 2 (11):187-196.
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  20. Erotetic Search Scenarios, Problem-Solving, and Deduction.Andrzej Wisniewski - 2004 - Logique Et Analyse 47.
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    Fenomen rozumienia.Andrzej Chmielecki - 2004 - Filo-Sofija 4 (1(4)):95-116.
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  22. Moralność w sztuce.Andrzej Czerkawski - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:121-132.
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  23. Wolność jednostki ludzkiej.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 250 (9).
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  24. Wykłady z filozofii dziejów Georga Wilhelma Friedricha Hegla.Andrzej Kołakowski - 1996 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 20 (4):111-127.
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    Mit a sztuka w Ernsta Cassirera filozofii form symbolicznych.Andrzej P. Kowalski - 2003 - Filo-Sofija 3 (1(3)):117-130.
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    Człowiek w tradycji filozofii życia.Andrzej Kucner - 2008 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 14:103-122.
    Artykuł stanowi syntetyczna próbę spojrzenia na historyczny rozwój filozofii życia z perspektywy pytań o człowieka. W jej dziejowej ewolucji wyodrębniono trzy okresy z uwzględnieniem specyfiki każdego z nich. Spoiwem wszystkich odmian filozofii życia jest otwarta, dynamistyczna koncepcja człowieka, będąca częścią wizji nieustannie stającego się świata. W takim ujęciu pytanie o człowieka odnosi sie do przesłanek rozumienia: naturalnych korzeni, dziejowej egzystencji czy ładu aksjologicznego.
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  27. Filozofia Kanta i Poppera a fizyka Newtona i Einsteina.Andrzej Lorenz - 2004 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 16 (16).
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  28. Dwa antypsychologizmy: Husserl i Frege.Andrzej Lubomirski - 1989 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 34.
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  29. Wpływ zaufania społecznego na kordynację rynkową.Andrzej Matysiak - 2003 - Prakseologia 143 (143):47-58.
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    A. I. Mal′cév. O malyh modélah . Doklady Akadémii Nauk SSSR, vol. 127 , pp. 258–261.Andrzej Mostowski - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):513-514.
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  31. O zdaniach nierozstrzygalnych w sformalizowanych systemach matematyki.Andrzej Mostowski - 1946 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 16 (2):223-273.
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  32. Nowe Wprowadzenie do fenomenologii.Andrzej Przyłębski - 2006 - Fenomenologia 4:138-142.
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    Jekyll i Hyde metapolityki.Andrzej Stoiński - 2016 - Olsztyn, Polska: Wydawnictwo UW-M.
    Głównym przedmiotem książki jest ewolucja sensów nadawanych pojęciom wolności, tolerancji i sprawiedliwości. Rozumienie tych terminów jest istotne dla refleksji o polityce, zwłaszcza takiej, która nie unika etycznego i ekonomicznego kontekstu. Praca opisuje proces przemiany znaczenia tych idei odwołując się do obszernego materiału teoretycznego. Zarówno wolność, jak sprawiedliwość oraz tolerancja były tradycyjnie pojmowane jako brak (negatywnie). Wolność ujmowano na ogół jako niepodleganie przymusowi, tolerancję jako brak nietolerancji, a sprawiedliwość jako stan niezachodzenia niesprawiedliwości. Współcześnie upowszechnia się odmienna ich charakterystyka. Wolność bywa utożsamiana (...)
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  34. Cyprian Norwid: trzy wątki myśli.Andrzej Walicki - 1978 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 24.
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  35. Jaka przyszłość pewnego złudzenia? Kłopotliwe dziedzictwo Freuda.Andrzej Warmiński - 2003 - Estetyka I Krytyka 2 (5):129-139.
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    Successful and Less Successful Psychotherapies Compared: Three Therapists and Their Six Contrasting Cases.Andrzej Werbart, Amanda Annevall & Johan Hillblom - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  37. Kilka uwag o fenomenologii.Andrzej Zalewski - 2007 - Principia.
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  38. Classical concepts of existence. From Aristotle to the Present.Andrzej Bilat - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
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    Polish Democratic Thought in the Occupied Country 1939–1945.Andrzej Friszke - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):79-87.
    Political thought of the war and occupation period continued the ideological and program searches started already before 1939. The concept of democracy was mostly associated with the values such as individual freedom, civil rights, safety of citizens, society of the state; cooperation among nations in the fields of politics, economy and protection of peace. The author deals with topics like: democratic international order; democratic political order and economic system. The author concludes the article with a few synthesizing remarks.
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  40. Problem intersubiektywności W świetle wspolczesnej neurokognitywistyki: Od neuronów lustrzanych po narrację.Andrzej Kapusta - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (2):127-164.
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    From a well-ordering of the reals it is easy (by a diagonal argument) to produce a non-determined set of reals. However, large cardinal axioms imply that all sets of reals in L (R), and more, are determined. See, for example, Neeman's papers Optimalproofs of determinacy.Andrzej S. Murawski - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1:327-339.
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    Universal forcing notions and ideals.Andrzej Rosłanowski & Saharon Shelah - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (3-4):179-196.
    Our main result states that a finite iteration of Universal Meager forcing notions adds generic filters for many forcing notions determined by universality parameters. We also give some results concerning cardinal characteristics of the σ-ideals determined by those universality parameters.
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    Papers on logic and rationality: festschrift in honour of Andrzej Grzegorczyk.Kazimierz Trzęsicki, Stanisław Krajewski, Jan Woleński & Andrzej Grzegorczyk (eds.) - 2012 - Białystok: University of Białystok.
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    Neoneo-Kantianism—Transcendental Philosophy as a Reflection on Validity.Andrzej Lisak - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (2):101-114.
    The article presents the philosophical thought of Rudolf Zocher, Wolfgang Cramer and Hans Wagner, whose theoretical stance can be dubbed Neoneo-Kantianism. The article investigates their philosophical output and argues that they developed a transcendental reflection of a different kind than that of Baden Neo-Kantianism. The transcendental reflection of Neoneo-Kantianism, especially in the work of Hans Wagner, takes on the topic of phenomenological inquiry and treats consciousness as a source of subject- object distinction, unlike Rickert and Windelband, who were developing transcendental (...)
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    A. A. Markov. Téoriá algorifmov . Trudy Matématičéskogo Institute iméni V. A. Stéklova, vol. 38 , pp. 176–189.Andrzej Mostowski - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (4):340-341.
  46. Ernest Gellner i racjonalność kultury europejskiej.Andrzej Flis & Sławomir Kapralski - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 290 (1).
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    Marksowska teoria historii, rekonstrukcja i krytyka.Andrzej Flis - 1990 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    From the History of Leśniewski’s Mereology.Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2024 - Studia Humana 13 (1):5-16.
    In this paper, we want to present the genesis of Stanisław Leśniewski’s mereology. Although ‘mereology’ comes from theword ‘part’, mereology arose as a theory of collective classes. That is why we present the differences between the concepts of being a distributive class and being a collective class. Next, we present Leśniewski’s original mereology from 1927, but with a modern approach. Leśniewski was inspired to create his concept of classes and their elements by Russell’s antinomy. To face it, Leśniewski had to (...)
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    Hybrydowe systemy dedukcyjne w logikach modalnych.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2006 - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
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    On decidable consequence operators.Jaros?aw Achinger & Andrzej W. Jankowski - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (4):415 - 424.
    The main theorem says that a consequence operator is an effective part of the consequence operator for the classical prepositional calculus iff it is a consequence operator for a logic satisfying the compactness theorem, and in which every finitely axiomatizable theory is decidable.
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