Results for 'Angelique EagleWoman'

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  1.  46
    SMT or TOFT? How the Two Main Theories of Carcinogenesis are Made Incompatible.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):257-267.
    The building of a global model of carcinogenesis is one of modern biology’s greatest challenges. The traditional somatic mutation theory is now supplemented by a new approach, called the Tissue Organization Field Theory. According to TOFT, the original source of cancer is loss of tissue organization rather than genetic mutations. In this paper, we study the argumentative strategy used by the advocates of TOFT to impose their view. In particular, we criticize their claim of incompatibility used to justify the necessity (...)
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    Common Sense, Scepticism and Deep Epistemic Disagreements.Angélique Thébert - 2020 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 10 (2):129-155.
    Considering the persisting disagreement between the common sense philosophers and the sceptics, it seems that they are faced with a deep epistemic disagreement. Taking stock from Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, one generally thinks that deep epistemic disagreements cannot be rationally resolved. Hinge epistemology, inherited from Wittgenstein, is also considered as an illuminating detour to understand common sense epistemology. But is there really a deep epistemic disagreement between the common sense philosophers and the sceptics? Could it not be considered that they share (...)
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  3. Comorbidity: A network perspective.Angélique Oj Cramer, Lourens J. Waldorp, Han Lj van der Maas & Denny Borsboom - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):137-150.
    The pivotal problem of comorbidity research lies in the psychometric foundation it rests on, that is, latent variable theory, in which a mental disorder is viewed as a latent variable that causes a constellation of symptoms. From this perspective, comorbidity is a (bi)directional relationship between multiple latent variables. We argue that such a latent variable perspective encounters serious problems in the study of comorbidity, and offer a radically different conceptualization in terms of a network approach, where comorbidity is hypothesized to (...)
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    A Conceptual Model of Morphogenesis and Regeneration.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):283-294.
    This paper is devoted to computer modelling of the development and regeneration of multicellular biological structures. Some species are able to regenerate parts of their body after amputation damage, but the global rules governing cooperative cell behaviour during morphogenesis are not known. Here, we consider a simplified model organism, which consists of tissues formed around special cells that can be interpreted as stem cells. We assume that stem cells communicate with each other by a set of signals, and that the (...)
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    Systems Biology, Systems Medicine, Systems Pharmacology: The What and The Why.Angélique Stéphanou, Eric Fanchon, Pasquale F. Innominato & Annabelle Ballesta - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (4):345-365.
    Systems biology is today such a widespread discipline that it becomes difficult to propose a clear definition of what it really is. For some, it remains restricted to the genomic field. For many, it designates the integrated approach or the corpus of computational methods employed to handle the vast amount of biological or medical data and investigate the complexity of the living. Although defining systems biology might be difficult, on the other hand its purpose is clear: systems biology, with its (...)
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  6.  13
    La normativité du sens commun.Angélique Thébert - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (1):3-12.
    Présentation des articles qui suivent : invoquer le sens commun, ce n’est pas supposer un abandon de la philosophie et de la raison, mais faire droit à une conception ajustée de la rationalité humaine. Les articles ici réunis s’inscrivent dans l’approche du sens commun comme instance régulatrice.
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    L'exil de Thémistocle, ou L'expérience intime du sujet.Angélique Christaki & Pauline Iarossi - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (3):403-414.
    RÉSUMÉLe mot «migrants» n'existait pas dans la langue des Hellènes; ils étaient plus familiers avec le vocable de l'exil et de l'asile. D'ailleurs, l'exil ne saurait se penser sans son corollaire, l'asile, comme le citoyen antique sans le barbare et la démocratie sans la tyrannie. À travers une métaphore située au carrefour de la fiction historique, de la philosophie politique et de la psychanalyse, cet article propose une réflexion sur l'exil comme condition fondamentale du sujet. L'exil est d'origine, car la (...)
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  8.  15
    Pediatric Innovative Surgery.Angelique M. Reitsma - forthcoming - Pediatric Bioethics.
  9.  44
    Programming the Emergence in Morphogenetically Architected Complex Systems.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):295-308.
    Large sets of elements interacting locally and producing specific architectures reliably form a category that transcends the usual dividing line between biological and engineered systems. We propose to call them morphogenetically architected complex systems. While taking the emergence of properties seriously, the notion of MACS enables at the same time the design of operational means that allow controlling and even, paradoxically, programming this emergence. To demonstrate our claim, we first show that among all the self-organized systems studied in the field (...)
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    Les principes du sens commun face à la norme de l’évidence.Angélique Thébert - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (1):49-70.
    Quiconque veut croire de manière appropriée devrait obéir à la règle de l’évidence qui veut que l’on croie que p si et seulement si l’on a des raisons suffisantes de croire qu’il est vrai que p. En tout autre cas, le doute s’impose. Pourtant, il existe des croyances qui ne respectent pas cette règle : les principes du sens commun. Même si nous croyons en eux sans disposer de raisons suffisantes pour attester de leur vérité, cette attitude n’est pas intellectuellement (...)
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    A Permissivist Ethics of Belief.Angélique Thébert - 2017 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 9 (2).
    We generally consider that we should not believe on the basis of insufficient evidence. Yet there are many beliefs which are deprived of adequate epistemic evidence. In such cases, James recommends the “subjective method” which allows us to hold beliefs for practical reasons. This pragmatist move is rejected by evidentialists who think that beliefs must be grounded on adequate epistemic evidence. My contention is that Reid’s approach to irresistible beliefs we do not hold for epistemic reasons offers a persuasive means (...)
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  12. Satire and Dissent in the Age of Billionaires.Angelique Haugerud - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (1):145-168.
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    Surgical Research, an Elusive Entity.Angelique M. Reitsma & Jonathan D. Moreno - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):49-50.
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    Le phénomène « transgenre » à l’adolescence et l’emprise des réseaux sociaux.Angélique Gozlan & Céline Masson - 2022 - Cités 93 (1):141-145.
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    Faire scène en commun.Angélique Andréaz - 2011 - Multitudes 45 (2):203-209.
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    Engaging with Carol Bacchi: Strategic Interventions and Exchanges.Angelique Bletsas & Chris Beasley (eds.) - 2012 - University of Adelaide Press.
    This book arose out of a conference organised by the Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender at The University of Adelaide honouring Carol Bacchi's work and is intended to make that work accessible to a range of audiences. - from the ...
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    XXXIVth Seminar of the French-Speaking Society for Theoretical Biology: Saint-Flour , France, 26–28 May, 2014.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):237-238.
  18.  36
    Implementation of a Model of Bodily Fluids Regulation.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):269-282.
    The classic model of blood pressure regulation by Guyton et al. set a new standard for quantitative exploration of physiological function and led to important new insights, some of which still remain the focus of debate, such as whether the kidney plays the primary role in the genesis of hypertension. Key to the success of this model was the fact that the authors made the computer code freely available and eventually provided a convivial user interface for exploration of model behavior (...)
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    Modeling the Enzyme Kinetic Reaction.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):239-256.
    The Enzymatic control reactions model was presented within the scope of fractional calculus. In order to accommodate the usual initial conditions, the fractional derivative used is in Caputo sense. The methodologies of the three analytical methods were used to derive approximate solution of the fractional nonlinear system of differential equations. Two methods use integral operator and the other one uses just an integral. Numerical results obtained exhibit biological behavior of real world problem.
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  20. Spaces between: elaborating the theoretical underpinnings of the 'WPR' approach and its significance for contemporary scholarship.Angelique Bletsas - 2012 - In Angelique Bletsas & Chris Beasley, Engaging with Carol Bacchi: Strategic Interventions and Exchanges. University of Adelaide Press.
  21.  62
    A constructionist account of emotional disorders.Angélique Oj Cramer, Kenneth S. Kendler & Denny Borsboom - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):146-147.
    Lindquist et al. present a strong case for a constructionist account of emotion. First, we elaborate on the ramifications that a constructionist account of emotions might have for psychiatric disorders with emotional disturbances as core elements. Second, we reflect on similarities between Lindquist et al.'s model and recent attempts at formulating psychiatric disorders as networks of causally related symptoms.
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    Complex realities require complex theories: Refining and extending the network approach to mental disorders.Angélique Oj Cramer, Lourens J. Waldorp, Han Lj van der Maas & Denny Borsboom - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):178-193.
    The majority of commentators agree on one thing: Our network approach might be the prime candidate for offering a new perspective on the origins of mental disorders. In our response, we elaborate on refinements (e.g., cognitive and genetic levels) and extensions (e.g., to Axis II disorders) of the network model, as well as discuss ways to test its validity.
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    Peut-on comprendre le sceptique?Angélique Thébert - 2023 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 119 (3):311-333.
    Supposons un sceptique qui doute qu’il ait deux mains. Je montre tout d’abord que si on le compare au fou, cela coupe court à toute tentative de le comprendre. La raison en est non pas qu’il ne partage pas les mêmes croyances-charnières que nous, mais qu’il n’effectue aucun partage entre des croyances-charnières et des croyances susceptibles d’être révisées. Puis je propose un autre modèle à partir duquel le discours d’un sceptique peut apparaître comme intelligible : le modèle de la compréhension (...)
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    Computing with Synthetic Protocells.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):309-323.
    In this article we present a new kind of computing device that uses biochemical reactions networks as building blocks to implement logic gates. The architecture of a computing machine relies on these generic and composable building blocks, computation units, that can be used in multiple instances to perform complex boolean functions. Standard logical operations are implemented by biochemical networks, encapsulated and insulated within synthetic vesicles called protocells. These protocells are capable of exchanging energy and information with each other through transmembrane (...)
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    Women's Gendered Experiences as Long-Term Three Mile Island Activists.Holly L. Angelique & Marci R. Culley - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (3):445-461.
    This article examines women who have been antinuclear activists at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant for two decades. Qualitative interviews focus on their perceived transformations over time that are based on gender and everyday experiences. They perceive gender as both a barrier and a facilitator to activism, even after 20 years. Women describe their technological education as one strategy to overcome the barrier of gender. On the other hand, they consider the gendered role of motherhood as a primary (...)
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  26. Brain disorders? Not really: Why network structures block reductionism in psychopathology research.Denny Borsboom, Angélique O. J. Cramer & Annemarie Kalis - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e2.
    In the past decades, reductionism has dominated both research directions and funding policies in clinical psychology and psychiatry. The intense search for the biological basis of mental disorders, however, has not resulted in conclusive reductionist explanations of psychopathology. Recently, network models have been proposed as an alternative framework for the analysis of mental disorders, in which mental disorders arise from the causal interplay between symptoms. In this target article, we show that this conceptualization can help explain why reductionist approaches in (...)
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    Towards a Behavioral-Matching Based Compilation of Synthetic Biology Functions.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):325-339.
    The field of synthetic biology is looking forward engineering framework for safely designing reliable de-novo biological functions. In this undertaking, Computer-Aided-Design environments should play a central role for facilitating the design. Although, CAD environment is widely used to engineer artificial systems the application in synthetic biology is still in its infancy. In this article we address the problem of the design of a high level language which at the core of CAD environment. More specifically the Gubs language is a specification (...)
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    Accès à la grand-parentalité et remaniements psychiques au Rorschach : à propos d’un cas clinique.Margaux Bouteloup, Rose-Angélique Belot & André Mariage - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 230 (4):43-64.
    L’accès à la grand-parentalité engage des remaniements identitaires profonds du fait notamment de l’inscription dans une nouvelle forme de filiation et de la découverte d’un rôle social et familial inédit. L’ensemble de ces mouvements psychiques reconvoque des liens conscients et inconscients du sujet à lui-même, à ses enfants mais aussi à ses propres parents et grands-parents. Cet article propose d’exposer le cas de Catherine, rencontrée dans le cadre d’une recherche longitudinale auprès de patients migraineux, ceci à titre d’illustration du parcours (...)
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    Hétérogénéité des pratiques et du lexique métalinguistiques en classe de FLE/S.Angélique Masset-Martin - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Aileen Fyfe and Bernard Lightman , Science in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century Sites and Experiences. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2007. Pp. x+410. ISBN 978 0 226 27650 2. $45.00, £23.50. [REVIEW]Angelique Richardson - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Science 42 (4):621.
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    When knowing only one word for “car” leads to weak application of mutual exclusivity.Elena Nicoladis & Angélique Laurent - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104087.
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    Le système pare-excitation parental et ses liens avec l'expression somatique du bébé.Rose-Angélique Belot - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 197 (3):19-30.
    Résumé Les liens psyché-soma retiennent toute l’attention au cours des premiers mois de la vie. Le bébé, placé sous la dépendance étroite de ses parents, bénéficie de soins et d’une attention la plupart du temps adaptés, mais il faut pouvoir prendre en compte le travail psychique que réalisent les parents pour parer à ses états de tension et d’excitation. Ainsi, pour le bébé dont l’organisation psychique est en cours de développement, le système pare-excitation maternel et plus largement parental joue un (...)
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    Is placental growth factor involved in spinal cord repair?Rowart Pascal, Chaballe Linda, Boerboom Angélique, Dion Valérie, Scholtes Felix, Schoenen Jean & Franzen Rachelle - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  34.  10
    La gouge et le scalpel: oscillations pendulaires entre l'art et la science.Valérie-Angélique Deshoulières - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
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    Mathematical Modeling of Substrates Fluxes and Tumor Growth in the Brain.Angélique Perrillat-Mercerot, Nicolas Bourmeyster, Carole Guillevin, Alain Miranville & Rémy Guillevin - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 67 (2):149-175.
    The aim of this article is to show how a tumor can modify energy substrates fluxes in the brain to support its own growth. To address this question we use a modeling approach to explain brain nutrient kinetics. In particular we set up a system of 17 equations for oxygen, lactate, glucose concentrations and cells number in the brain. We prove the existence and uniqueness of nonnegative solutions and give bounds on the solutions. We also provide numerical simulations.
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    Accès à la parentalité et isolement familial La nouvelle solitude des parents.Rose-Angélique Belot, Delphine Vennat, Annick Moissenet, Annick Bluon-Vannier, Vanessa Herse, Francine de Montigny, Carl Lacharité & Denis Mellier - 2013 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 199 (1):7-18.
    Alors que l’anthropologie montre que la naissance est d’abord un événement communautaire, actuellement des parents se retrouvent de plus en plus profondément seuls et démunis devant leur bébé. Ce phénomène est l’objet d’une recherche en cours qui essaie d’évaluer après la naissance les effets de l’isolement familial des parents sur la vie psychique du bébé lors de sa première année. Dans le cas clinique qui illustre ici cette « nouvelle solitude » des parents, les forums d’internet tentent de relayer la (...)
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    Reductionism in retreat.Denny Borsboom, Angélique O. J. Cramer & Annemarie Kalis - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e32.
    We address the commentaries on our target article in terms of four major themes. First, we note that virtually all commentators agree that mental disorders are not brain disorders in the common interpretation of these terms, and establish the consensus that explanatory reductionism is not a viable thesis. Second, we address criticisms to the effect that our article was misdirected or aimed at a straw man; we argue that this is unlikely, given the widespread communication of reductionist slogans in psychopathology (...)
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  38.  63
    Le succès mondial des compétences dans l'éducation : histoire d'un détournement.Angélique Del Rey - 2012 - Rue Descartes 73 (1):7.
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    Flagging a ‘new’ New Zealand: the discursive construction of national identity in the Flag Consideration Project.Taylor Annabell & Angelique Nairn - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (1):96-111.
    ABSTRACTNew Zealanders were presented with the opportunity to change the national flag and opted to retain the current New Zealand flag, despite arguments that it was unable to reflect national identity adequately. This article unpacks the particular version of national identity constructed in discourse in the infographic, Our Nation. Your Choice. which was released prior to the final referendum that determined the outcome of the Flag Consideration Project. We used Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis to examine the discursive construction of national (...)
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    Introduction au Symposium sur Pierre Steiner, Désaturer l’esprit. Usages du pragmatisme, Paris, Questions Théoriques, 2019.Michela Bella & Angélique Thébert - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    Ce premier symposium en langue française inaugure une nouvelle série de symposiums qui viendront enrichir la section multilingue de l’European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy. Cette série vise à contribuer à la discussion des publications récentes qui traitent du pragmatisme ou proposent des confrontations avec ce courant de pensée. Elle s’insère dans la section multilingue, dont l’ambition est de permettre aux nombreuses voix internationales qui composent la scène pragmatiste c...
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    Introduction au Symposium sur Mathias Girel, L’esprit en acte. Psychologie, mythologies et pratique chez les pragmatistes, Paris, Vrin, 2021.Michela Bella & Angelique Thébert - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    Dans L’esprit en acte, Mathias Girel propose une radiographie non pas d’un courant (le pragmatisme), non pas d’un auteur (James, Peirce ou Dewey), mais d’un moment clé de l’histoire du pragmatisme (les années 1870 à 1900). L’ambition de l’ouvrage est de montrer que les débats actuels sur la nature du rapport entre nos croyances et notre conduite étaient vifs dès la genèse du pragmatisme. Loin d’être dus à une complexification croissante du mouvement pragmatiste, qui verrait l’unité initiale ê...
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    Moderation-Mediation Effects in Bilingualism and Cognitive Reserve.Roberto R. Heredia, Angélique M. Blackburn & Luis A. Vega - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Transformational development in a changing context: A Latin American perspective.Angelique J. W. M. van Zeeland - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-11.
    This article analyses the challenges for the strategies and practices of transformational development in a changing context. This reflection is based on contributions received during the process of dialogues and regional consultations, realised from August 2012 until March 2014, of the ACT Alliance, an international coalition of churches and faith-based organisations working in the areas of humanitarian response, development and advocacy. The main processes that affect the changing development context are addressed, such as the ongoing globalisation as well as the (...)
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    Critical appraisal of the literature on economic evaluations of substitution of skills between professionals: a systematic literature review.Angelique T. M. Dierick-van Daele, Cor Spreeuwenberg, Emmy W. C. C. Derckx, Job F. M. Metsemakers & Bert J. M. Vrijhoef - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):481-492.
  45. The Planteome database: an integrated resource for reference ontologies, plant genomics and phenomics.Laurel Cooper, Austin Meier, Marie-Angélique Laporte, Justin L. Elser, Chris Mungall, Brandon T. Sinn, Dario Cavaliere, Seth Carbon, Nathan A. Dunn, Barry Smith, Botong Qu, Justin Preece, Eugene Zhang, Sinisa Todorovic, Georgios Gkoutos, John H. Doonan, Dennis W. Stevenson, Elizabeth Arnaud & Pankaj Jaiswal - 2018 - Nucleic Acids Research 46 (D1):D1168–D1180.
    The Planteome project provides a suite of reference and species-specific ontologies for plants and annotations to genes and phenotypes. Ontologies serve as common standards for semantic integration of a large and growing corpus of plant genomics, phenomics and genetics data. The reference ontologies include the Plant Ontology, Plant Trait Ontology, and the Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology developed by the Planteome project, along with the Gene Ontology, Chemical Entities of Biological Interest, Phenotype and Attribute Ontology, and others. The project also provides (...)
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  46. Is the Association Between Early Childhood Screen Media Use and Effortful Control Bidirectional? A Prospective Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Caroline Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Harvey, Emma Cristini, Angélique Laurent, Jean-Pascal Lemelin & Gabrielle Garon-Carrier - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Individual differences in effortful control, a component of temperament, reflecting the ability to use attention and other cognitive processes to self-regulate emotion and behavior, contribute to child academic adjustment, social competence, and wellbeing. Research has linked excessive screen time in early childhood to reduced self-regulation ability. Furthermore, research suggests that parents are more likely to use screens with children who have more challenging temperaments, such as low levels of effortful control. Since screen time by children between the ages of 0 (...)
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    Proceedings of the XXXIInd Seminar of the French-Speaking Society for Theoretical Biology; Saint-Flour (Cantal), France, 10–13 June, 2012. [REVIEW]Nicolas Glade & Angélique Stéphanou - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (3):289-290.
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    Unpacking Constructs: A Network Approach for Studying War Exposure, Daily Stressors and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.Maarten De Schryver, Sofie Vindevogel, Andrew E. Rasmussen & Angélique O. J. Cramer - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    What behavioral benefit does stiffness control have? An elaboration of Smith's proposal.Gerard P. Van Galen, Angelique W. Hendriks & Willem P. DeJong - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):478-479.
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    La solitude du devenir mère, enjeux individuel, conjugal, familial et sociétal. Exploration d’un cas clinique.Delphine Vennat, Denis Mellier & Rose-Angélique Belot - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):117-136.
    Dans les pays occidentaux, de nombreux nouveaux parents se sentent seuls et parfois impuissants avec leur nouveau-né. Ce sentiment peut être lié à un défaut d’étayage familial dans l’immédiat post-partum. Cet article présente, à partir d’une recherche universitaire plus large, un cas clinique approfondi dans lequel la distance familiale et géographique a été un facteur de vulnérabilité majeur. Ce cas montre les incidences multiples et intriquées d’un défaut d’étayage familial sur les processus intrapsychiques et intersubjectifs : dépression du post-partum chez (...)
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