Results for 'Angelo Dante'

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  1.  18
    The IARA Model as an Integrative Approach to Promote Autonomy in COPD Patients through Improvement of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Illness Perception: A Mixed-Method Pilot Study.Andrea De Giorgio, Angelo Dante, Valeria Cavioni, Anna M. Padovan, Desiree Rigonat, Francesca Iseppi, Giuseppina Graceffa & Francesca Gulotta - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:279575.
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most deadly and costly chronic diseases in the world characterized by many breathing problems. The management of COPD and the prevention of exacerbations are a priority goals to improve the quality of life in patients affected by this illness. In addition, it is also crucial to improve the patients’ adherence to care which, in turn, depends on their knowledge and understanding of some factors such as the prescribed medical treatment, changes in (...)
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    Linguistic theories in Dante and the humanists: studies of language and intellectual history in late Medieval and early Renaissance Italy.Angelo Mazzocco - 1993 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    Dante Alighieri's argument on the question of the language stimulated the debate among fifteenth century humanists. This book provides a novel and open-ended reading of Dante's literature on language as well as a systematic reconstruction of the whole body of humanistic literature on linguistic phenomena.
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    «Nelle scuole delli religiosi e alle disputazioni delli filosofanti». Aproximación al problema de la formación cultural de Dante.Angelo Valastro Canale - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (305):1475-1497.
    El presente artículo se propone ofrecer al lector una visión panorámica de las principales adquisiciones críticas relativas a la formación juvenil de Dante Alighieri. A lo largo de siete siglos de estudios, las fuentes de las que bebió el futuro autor de la Comedia siguen siendo en buena medida conjeturales, lo cual no quita que los análisis de archivo más recientes y algunos proyectos de investigación en continuo desarrollo han permitido ampliar al respecto nuestros horizontes de conocimientos.
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    Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Dante’s Deadly Sins_ is a unique study of the moral philosophy behind Dante’s master work that considers the _Commedia_ as he intended, namely, as a practical guide to moral betterment. Focusing on _Inferno_ and _Purgatorio_, Belliotti examines the puzzles and paradoxes of Dante’s moral assumptions, his treatment of the 7 deadly sins, and how 10 of his most powerful moral lessons anticipate modern existentialism. Analyzes the moral philosophy underpinning one of the greatest works of world culture Summarizes the (...)
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    Dante's Existential Moral Lessons.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 149–184.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Dante and Existentialism Jean‐Paul Sartre and Hell Dante's Ten Existential Lessons Individualism and Community Personal Strategies.
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    Values, Virtues, and Vices, Italian Style: Caesar, Dante, Machiavelli, and Garibaldi.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2020 - Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    Values, Virtues, and Vices, Italian Style is an interdisciplinary study that examines the lives and work of four historical figures: Caesar, Dante, Machiavelli, or Garibaldi, as well as Italian culture and the moral psychology of pride, arrogance, justification, excuse, repentance, and the concept of honor.
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    Index.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 193–199.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Historical Background Superbia (Pride) Invidia (Envy) Ira (Wrath) Acedia (Sloth) Avaritia (Avarice) Gula (Gluttony) Luxuria (Lust) The Antidote: Righteous Love The Bridge to Salvation.
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    Introduction.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–18.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Historical Context The Life of Dante Later Writings The Commedia Dante's Death Aims of this Book Dante as Moral Philosopher.
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    Purgatorio.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 48–72.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Purgatory in a Nutshell The Journey Continues Ante‐Purgatory: Late Repentants Gate of Purgatory The First Three Terraces: Misdirected Love The Fourth Terrace: Deficient Love of the Good The Final Three Terraces: Excessive Love of Secondary Goods Dante's Existential Lessons in Purgatory.
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    Paradoxes and Puzzles Virgil and Cato.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 104–123.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Paradox of Virgil Summary of the Paradox of Virgil The Strange Case of Cato “The Perfect Stoic” Dante's Decision Dante and Conflict.
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    Inferno.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 19–47.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Dante's Mission The Journey Begins Vestibule (Ante‐Hell): The Indecisive Neutrals Upper Hell: Sins of Unrestrained Desire (the Wolf) River Styx, Walls of the City of Dis Lower Hell: Sins of Malice Leading to Violence (the Lion) Lower Hell: Sins of Malice Leading to Fraud (the Leopard) Dante's Existential Lessons in Hell.
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    The Notion of Desert and the Law of Contrapasso.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 73–103.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Notion of Desert The Contrapasso The Problem of Proportionality First Case Study: Francesca Second Case Study: Brutus and Cassius Third Case Study: Epicurus Dante's Moral Conception.
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    Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. By Raymond Angelo Belliotti. Pp. xvi, 199, Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2014, £64.99. [REVIEW]Domingos de Sousa - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (5):851-852.
  14.  8
    5. Napoleon: ‚Der posthume Bruder des Dante und des Michel Angelo‘.Giuliano Campioni - 2009 - In Der Französische Nietzsche. Walter de Gruyter.
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    The Italian Silence.Robert P. Harrison - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):81-99.
    During the latter half of the thirteenth century there arose around Tuscany a strange and unprecedented poetry, erudite, abstract, and arrogantly intellectual. It sang beyond courtly conventions about the wonders of the rational universe whose complex secrets the new speculative sciences were eagerly systematizing. Appropriating the language of natural philosophy, Aristotelian psychology, and even theology, love poetry developed a new theoretical understanding of its enterprise which allowed it to redefine love as spiritualized search for knowledge. This intellectualization of erotic desire (...)
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    Manipulating representations.Angelo Nm Recchia-Luciani - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (1):95-120.
    The present paper proposes a definition for the complex polysemic concepts of consciousness and awareness (in humans as well as in other species), and puts forward the idea of a progressive ontological development of consciousness from a state of ‘childhood’ awareness, in order to explain that humans are not only able to manipulate objects, but also their mental representations. The paper builds on the idea of qualia intended as entities posing regular invariant requests to neural processes, trough the permanence of (...)
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  17.  26
    A Critical Review on the Thesis of the Depe ndence of the Experiences of Derek Parfit.Angelo Antonio Briones Belmar - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 30:238-267.
    Resumen: Derek Parfit en Personas, racionalidad y tiempo sostiene que si bien es posible concebir experiencias sin referir a personas, las experiencias dependen para su existencia de las personas, y a su vez, las experiencias dependerían para su identidad de cierta otra entidad no idéntica con la entidad persona. Tal tesis, que deviene de determinado experimentos mentales de Parfit, específicamente del argumento Mi División y el Argumento del Hospital, se revisará desde ciertas nociones metafísicas de E. J. Lowe, en específico, (...)
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    Probabilities of conditionals and previsions of iterated conditionals.Giuseppe Sanfilippo, Angelo Gilio, David E. Over & Niki Pfeifer - 2020 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 121.
    We analyze selected iterated conditionals in the framework of conditional random quantities. We point out that it is instructive to examine Lewis's triviality result, which shows the conditions a conditional must satisfy for its probability to be the conditional probability. In our approach, however, we avoid triviality because the import-export principle is invalid. We then analyze an example of reasoning under partial knowledge where, given a conditional if A then Cas information, the probability of A should intuitively increase. We explain (...)
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  19. Analyzing social knowledge.J. Angelo Corlett - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (3):231 – 247.
    In the tradition of justified true belief theory, I provide an epistemic responsibility-based philosophical analysis of collective knowledge which is both coherentist and reliabilist.
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    Corporate responsibility and punishment.J. Angelo Corlett - 1988 - Public Affairs Quarterly 2 (1):1-16.
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    The concept of art in Adriano tilgher.Angelo A. de Gennaro - 1959 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (4):457-462.
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    Aspetti deli’etica matrimoniale di Fulgenzio di Ruspe.Angelo De Nicola - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (2):361-382.
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  23. Epistemic responsibility.J. Angelo Corlett - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (2):179 – 200.
    Given the hundreds of articles and books that have been written in epistemology over the span of just the past few decades, relatively little has been written specifically on epistemic responsibility. What has been written rarely considers the nature of epistemic responsibility and its possible role in epistemic justification or knowledge. Instead, such work concerns philosophical analyses and arguments about related concepts such as epistemic virtues or duties, rather than epistemic praiseworthiness and blameworthiness.2 It is epistemic responsibility in the blameworthiness (...)
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  24. A Road Map of Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi.Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari & Guido Sciavicco - 2004 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 14 (1-2):9-54.
    We survey main developments, results, and open problems on interval temporal logics and duration calculi. We present various formal systems studied in the literature and discuss their distinctive features, emphasizing on expressiveness, axiomatic systems, and (un)decidability results.
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    A unified simulation scenario for language development, evolution and historical change.Domenico Parisi & Angelo Cangelosi - 2002 - In Angelo Cangelosi & Domenico Parisi (eds.), Simulating the Evolution of Language. Springer Verlag. pp. 255--275.
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    Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb.Amy M. Boddy, Angelo Fortunato, Melissa Wilson Sayres & Athena Aktipis - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1106-1118.
    The presence of fetal cells has been associated with both positive and negative effects on maternal health. These paradoxical effects may be due to the fact that maternal and offspring fitness interests are aligned in certain domains and conflicting in others, which may have led to the evolution of fetal microchimeric phenotypes that can manipulate maternal tissues. We use cooperation and conflict theory to generate testable predictions about domains in which fetal microchimerism may enhance maternal health and those in which (...)
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  27.  38
    Access and Mediation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention.Maren Wehrle, Diego D'Angelo & Elizaveta Solomonova (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume proposes an interdisciplinary framework that views attention from a particular angle: as a means of accessing, that is, disclosing the world in a practical and meaningful way. Moreover, it investigates how this access is concretely mediated. The book is structured in the following two parts: 1) Attention and Access The first section is concerned with attention as such. What is attention and what does it do? A common thread between the expected contributions addresses attention as a directional disclosing (...)
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    Machiavelli's Secret: The Soul of the Statesman.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2015 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Uncovers clues regarding the inner life of Machiavelli's political leaders._.
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    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2017 Final Report.Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Patrice Cobb, Pablo Contreras Kallens & Angelo Kyrilov - 2017 - APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects.
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis (APDA) has released its complete 2017 Final Report, an 81-page document that collects data on PhD-granting philosophy programs (including ratings by former students, placement rates, and diversity) and the discipline as a whole (including hiring networks, placement maps, cluster analyses of programs, job descriptions, non-academic hiring). The report was created by Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Patrice Cobb, Pablo Contreras Kallens, and Angelo Kyrilov, all of University of California, Merced. (from Daily Nous).
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    On the Role and Value of Intercollegiate Athletics in Universities.J. Angelo Corlett - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (3):199-209.
    This paper challenges Professor Myles Brand’s position on the role and value of intercollegiate athletics in U.S. colleges and universities on the ground that it fails to account for considerations of deep fiscal responsibility. It presents both a philosophical and ethical criticism of his position that broadens the discussion beyond athletics to include a particular kind of higher educational institution more generally.
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    (1 other version)Why Are There Developmental Stages in Language Learning? A Developmental Robotics Model of Language Development.Anthony F. Morse & Angelo Cangelosi - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):32-51.
    Most theories of learning would predict a gradual acquisition and refinement of skills as learning progresses, and while some highlight exponential growth, this fails to explain why natural cognitive development typically progresses in stages. Models that do span multiple developmental stages typically have parameters to “switch” between stages. We argue that by taking an embodied view, the interaction between learning mechanisms, the resulting behavior of the agent, and the opportunities for learning that the environment provides can account for the stage-wise (...)
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  32. Dawkins’ godless delusion.J. Angelo Corlett - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 65 (3):125-138.
    A philosophical assessment of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, exposing some errors of reasoning that undermine part of the foundation of his atheism. Distinctions between theism, atheism and agnosticism are also provided and explored for their significance to Dawkins’ argument.
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    Collective punishment and public policy.J. Angelo Corlett - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (3):207 - 216.
    In this paper I shall discuss various philosophical theories of collective punishment: marxian annihilism, metaphysical collectivism and methodological individualism. After refuting metaphysical collectivism and its modified version, I defend a modification of methodological individualism.
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    Law Without Law or “Just” Limit Theorems?Sergio Caprara & Angelo Vulpiani - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (9):1112-1127.
    About 35 years ago Wheeler introduced the motto “law without law” to highlight the possibility that Physics may be understood only following regularity principles and few relevant facts, rather than relying on a treatment in terms of fundamental theories. Such a proposal can be seen as part of a more general attempt summarized by the slogan “it from bit”, which privileges the information as the basic ingredient. Apparently it seems that it is possible to obtain, without the use of physical (...)
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  35. Rare but routine: The physician's obligation to protect third parties.Elmer D. Abbo & Angelo E. Volandes - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):34 – 36.
    Kenneth Kipnis (2006) presents a normative defense of strict confidentiality, but it follows from an empirical claim that allowing breach would result in all parties being worse off, including, par...
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    Entre o governo das diferenças e o ingovernável dos corpos: possibilidades de resistências em educação.Pedro Angelo Pagni - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (68):563-590.
    Resumo: Este artigo analisa o governo das diferenças em instituições como a escola e discute as condições de possibilidade de os corpos ingovernáveis resistirem às formas de dominação representadas pela biopolítica neoliberal. Para isso, recorre ao projeto foucaultiano e aos seus interlocutores com a finalidade de provocar no campo filosófico-educacional uma maior abertura para com o outro e as diferenças que encarnam. Vislumbramos com essa atitude ética e política agenciada pela relação com o ingovernável a possibilidade de resistir aos desdobramentos (...)
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    Can terrorism be morally justified?J. Angelo Corlett - 1996 - Public Affairs Quarterly 10 (3):163-184.
  38. The bold thesis : acerca de la posibilidad del cine como filosofía.Nino Angelo Rosanía Maza & Karen Cárdenas Almanza - 2017 - In Porfirio Cardona Restrepo, Freddy Santamaría Velasco, Juan Osorio-Villegas & Alejandro Tomasini Bassols (eds.), Cine y pensamiento. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
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    Interpreting Plato's dialogues.J. Angelo Corlett - 2005 - Las Vegas: Parmenides.
    Introduction : approaching Plato's dialogues -- The mouthpiece interpretation -- The anti-mouthpiece interpretation -- A Socratic interpretation of the concept of art as mimesis -- Conclusion : appreciating Plato's dialogues.
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    Hans Urs von Balthasar's Interpretation of the Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.Angelo Campodonico’S. - 2001 - Nova et Vetera 8:33-53.
    The article concerns the interpretation of Aquinas' philosophy in the thougt of the swiss theologian Hans Urs Von Balthasar.
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    La tecnica e il senso: oltre l'uomo?Pier Angelo Sequeri (ed.) - 2015 - Milano: Glossa.
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    Josiah Royce on Nietzsche's Couch.Lucio Angelo Privitello - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (2):179.
    Our fellows furnish us the constantly needed supplement to our own fragmentary meanings. That is, they help is find out what our own true meaning is.Very little has been written on Royce’s reception and mentions of Nietzsche that engage the issues of the early dissemination of Nietzsche’s texts in the United States, Royce’s study and knowledge of the range of Nietzsche’s texts, or the mentions of Nietzsche in Royce’s texts from 1906, and up to the posthumously published article “Nietzsche”. This (...)
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    Editorial: Self-compassion: From Neuroscience to Clinical Setting.Andrea Poli, Angelo Gemignani & Christopher Chad Woodruff - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Interpreting Plato's dialogues.J. Angelo Corlett - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (2):423-437.
    The history of scholarship, philosophical or otherwise, about Plato and his writings reveals a quandary pertaining to the interpretation of the contents of Plato's dialogues. To understand Plato one must come to terms with this problem: how ought Plato's writings to be interpreted?
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    Searle on Human Rights.J. Angelo Corlett - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (4):440-463.
    This article is a critical philosophical assessment of John Searle’s theory of human rights as it is articulated both in his earlier book, The Construction of Social Reality and especially in his more recent book, Making the Social World.
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    Could fNIRS Promote Neuroscience Approach in Clinical Psychology?Roberta Adorni, Alessia Gatti, Agostino Brugnera, Kaoru Sakatani & Angelo Compare - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Heroism and Wisdom, Italian Style: From Roman Imperialists to Sicilian Magistrates.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2022 - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    Heroism and Wisdom is an interdisciplinary work dissecting the lives, philosophies, and works of fourteen historically significant Italian figures to examine the topics of Italian history, culture, and moral psychology of notions such as practical wisdom, heroism, authenticity, honor, will to power, and leading a meaningful human life.
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    Habituation and Upbringing in the Nicomachean Ethics.Angelo Antonio Pires de Oliveira - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):169-183.
    I critically examine developmental approaches to the notion of habituation in the Nicomachean Ethics. Such approaches conceive of habituation in terms of upbringing. I challenge this view. Developmental approaches provide a restrictive view of habituation. I argue that it is possible for the habituation of character to occur after upbringing. My interpretation avoids the charge that Aristotle only granted the possibility of virtue to those who have had a good upbringing.
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  49. Alienation in capitalist society.J. Angelo Corlett - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (9):699 - 701.
    In a recent paper in this journal Charles B. Saunders et al. argue that corporations have no social responsibility regarding alienation in the workplace in that there is no significant degree of alienation in the workplace, at least in white collar and management level positions in corporate America.Contrary to Saunders et al., this paper defines the concept of alienation. Having done that, it proceeds to show that the argument Saunders et al. make flounders on logical grounds. I conclude that Saunders (...)
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    The false aperture problem: Global motion perception without integration of local motion signals.Rémy Allard & Angelo Arleo - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (4):732-741.
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