Results for 'Animal Ontology'

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  1.  26
    The death of the animal: Ontological vulnerability.Kenneth Joel Shapiro - 1989 - Between the Species 5 (4):3.
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    (1 other version)Faces and the Invisible of the Visible: Toward an Animal Ontology.David Morris - 2007 - Phaenex: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 2 (2).
    This paper studies the role of faces in animal life to gain insight into Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, especially his later ontology. The relation between animal faces and moving, animal bodies involves a peculiar, expressive logic. This logic echoes the physiognomic structure of perception that Merleau-Ponty detects in his earlier philosophy, and exemplifies and clarifies a logic elemental to his later ontology, especially to his concept of an invisible that is of the visible. The question why the (...)
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    Animal faith and ontology.John Lachs - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (4):pp. 484-490.
    In Scepticism and Animal Faith, Santayana pursues two projects: the development of a philosophy of animal faith and the presentation of an ontology. The two projects are not easily reconciled and Santayana appears not to have distinguished them or recognized that they pull in different directions. The hypothesis that he has two projects explains a variety of the anomalous features of Santayana's philosophy, including the account of matter concerning which Kerr-Lawson and I have long disagreed.
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  4. Isidore of Seville and al- Fārābi on Animals: Ontology and Ethics.Georgios Steiris - 2012 - In Evangelos D. Protopapadakis (ed.), Animal Ethics: Past and Present Perspectives. Berlin: Logos Verlag.
    In this article the treatment of animals by the early Christian and Arabic philosophy has been developed, focusing mainly on the work of Isidore of Seville and Al-Farabi. The contribution of this study is to highlight the insufficiently considered aspects of the ontology of animals and of their endorsement as moral "subjects" in both Latin and Arabic literature up to our days.
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    Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life.H. Peter Steeves (ed.) - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    _Explores questions concerning animals from a continental perspective._.
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    Animal groups and social ontology: an argument from the phenomenology of behavior.Alejandro Arango - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (3):403-422.
    Through a critical engagement with Merleau-Ponty’s discussion of the concepts of nature, life, and behavior, and with contemporary accounts of animal groups, this article argues that animal groups exhibit sociality and that sociality is a fundamental ontological condition. I situate my account in relation to the superorganism and selfish individual accounts of animal groups in recent biology and zoology. I argue that both accounts are inadequate. I propose an alternative account of animal groups and animal (...)
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    Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life.Tom Regan - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores questions concerning animals from a continental perspective.
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    Ontology Matters: Humans and Other Animals in Classical Sociological Thought.Barry Smart - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1):89-95.
    An overview and analysis of Salla Tuomivaara's comparison of the respective views of Emile Durkheim and Edward Westermarck on sociology, humans, and other animals.
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  9. Animated Persona: The Ontological Status of a Deceased Person Who Continues to Appear in This World.Masahiro Morioka - 2021 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 6:115-131.
    In this paper, I propose the concept of the “animated persona,” a soundless voice that says, “I am here” and appears on the surface of someone or something. This concept can bring clarity to the experience of perceiving a kind of personhood on a corpse, a wooden mask, or even a tree. In the first half of this paper, I will examine some Japanese literature and a work of Viktor Frankl’s that discuss these phenomena. In the second half, I will (...)
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  10. Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life by H. Peter Steeves (ed.).D. A. Dobrowski - 2003 - Society and Animals 11 (1):113-115.
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  11. Animal others: On ethics, ontology and animal life.Elizabeth A. Behnke - 1999 - In H. Peter Steeves (ed.). State University of New York Press. pp. 93-116.
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  12.  34
    Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life (review).Elaine P. Miller - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (3):232-235.
  13.  72
    On the Ontological Primacy of Relationality in Aristotle’s Politics and the “Birth” of the Political Animal.Sean D. Kirkland - 2017 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2):401-420.
    In this paper, I begin with the most basic tenet in Aristotelian metaphysics, namely that ousia or ‘substance’ is ontologically prior to the nine other categories of being, including the pros ti, the condition of being literally ‘toward something’ or what is sometimes called 'relation' or ‘relationality.’ Aristotle repeats this frequently throughout his works and it is, I take it, manifest. However, in the Politics, so I argue here, Aristotle’s dialectical study of common appearances leads him to describe ‘human being’ (...)
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    Protecting Persons from Animal Bites: the Case for the Ontological Significance of Persons.David B. Hershenov - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1437-1446.
    Eric Olson criticizes Lynne Baker’s constitution account of persons on the grounds that personhood couldn’t be ontologically significant as nothing new comes into existence with the acquisition of thought. He claims that for something coming to function as a thinker is no more ontologically significant than something coming to function as a locomotor when a motor is added to it. He levels two related charges that there’s no principled answer about when and where constitution takes place rather than an already (...)
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    Ontological Constraints in Children's Inductive Inferences: Evidence From a Comparison of Inferences Within Animals and Vehicles.Andrzej Tarlowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology and the Problem of Animal Life.Josh Hayes - 2007 - PhaenEx 2 (2):42-60.
    While Heidegger privileges the role of language ( logos ) as the condition for being-in-the-world, the fundamental ontology ignores how logos is informed by our bodily comportment to the world as animals. This capacity for logos ultimately depends upon the capacities we share with members of other animal species. Although Aristotle privileges logos as distinctive to the human being, logos also maintains an aporetic relationship to the other capacities of the soul. If we are to reexamine Heidegger’s debt (...)
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    The Time of the Animal.Brett Buchanan - 2007 - PhaenEx 2 (2):61-80.
    Taking a cue from Derrida, this paper offers a reading of Heidegger on the issue of animal time. Recent scholarship on Heidegger and animal life has shown how he describes animals as always lacking something (language, world, hands, death…) in comparison to human Dasein. Yet little attention has been paid to time itself. By reading the few references to animals in Being and Time , as well as contemporaneous works, one discovers that Heidegger never fully addresses the question (...)
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  18.  24
    Non-human animal ethics and the problem of ontological kinds.Wandile Ganya - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):125-130.
    In this article, I consider the implications arising from the commonplace premise that the nature of being admits in ontological kinds. That is, there are actual, fundamentally different genera of being in the world, namely human and non-human beings. That for entities to be considered suitable for valuation under the same ethical rubric, it must be assumed that the general character of their mental states is commensurate. However, if we accent that it is indeterminable what kind of being an entity (...)
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  19. Ecological Political Theory and Ontological Connection: A Reply to Ploof’s ‘Realizing Humanity through Animality’.David Alexander Craig - 2014 - American Dialectic 4 (2):147–149.
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    The Animal Body Multiple: Science, Religion, and the Invention of Halal Stunning.En-Chieh Chao - 2020 - Zygon 55 (2):286-305.
    This article proposes a specific kind of ontological investigation in the field of science and religion. I argue that science and religion can create distinct practices that enact multiple realities, and thus they should be seen as more than different views of the same world. By analyzing the details of scientific experiments crucial for the invention of halal stunning, I demonstrate that religion and science are both permeable to the social, the biological, and to each other, and that seemingly incommensurable (...)
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  21. The Genesis of Existentials in Animal Life: Heidegger's Appropriation of Aristotle's Ontology of Life.Christiane Bailey - 2011 - Heidegger Circle Proceedings 1 (1):199-212.
    Paper presented at the Heidegger Circle 2011. Although Aristotle’s influence on young Heidegger’s thought has been studied at length, such studies have almost exclusively focused on his interpretation of Aristotle’s ethics, physics and metaphysics. I will rather address Heidegger’s appropriation of Aristotle’s ontology of life. Focusing on recently published or recently translated courses of the mid 20’s (mainly SS 1924, WS 1925-26 and SS 1926), I hope to uncover an important aspect of young Heidegger’s thought left unconsidered: namely, that (...)
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  22.  32
    The Phenomenon of Sentiments and Love in Non-human Animals from the Ontological Point of View of Mulla Sadra.Mirzaei Hamidreza - 2022 - Sophia 61 (2):331-344.
    In the whole universe, from the lowest beings to the highest ones, love permeates through the entire world of existence. Love is one of the hallmarks and perfections of existence in animals. This survey was done to illuminate and explain Mullah Sadra’s ontological viewpoint on the entity of sentiments and the inborn and innate love in the existence of non-human animals. The analytic and descriptive method was used to conduct this study and research. An animal is one of the (...)
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  23. Are animals moral? A theological appraisal of the evolution of vice and virtue.Celia Deane-Drummond - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):932-950.
    I discuss controversial claims about the status of non-human animals as moral beings in relation to philosophical claims to the contrary. I address questions about the ontology of animals rather than ethical approaches as to how humans need to treat other animals through notions of, for example, animal rights. I explore the evolutionary origins of behavior that can be considered vices or virtues and suggest that Thomas Aquinas is closer to Darwin's view on nonhuman animals than we might (...)
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    Reframing the Ethical Issues in Part-Human Animal Research: The Unbearable Ontology of Inexorable Moral Confusion.Matthew H. Haber & Bryan Benham - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (9):17-25.
    Research that involves the creation of animals with human-derived parts opens the door to potentially valuable scientific and therapeutic advances, yet invokes unsettling moral questions. Critics and champions alike stand to gain from clear identification and careful consideration of the strongest ethical objections to this research. A prevailing objection argues that crossing the human/nonhuman species boundary introduces inexorable moral confusion (IMC) that warrants a restriction to this research on precautionary grounds. Though this objection may capture the intuitions of many who (...)
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  25. Animal Rights or just Human Wrongs?Evangelos D. Protopapadakis - 2012 - In Animal Ethics: Past and Present Perspectives. Berlin: Logos Verlag. pp. 279-291.
    Reportedly ever since Pythagoras, but possibly much earlier, humans have been concerned about the way non human animals (henceforward “animals” for convenience) should be treated. By late antiquity all main traditions with regard to this issue had already been established and consolidated, and were only slightly modified during the centuries that followed. Until the nineteenth century philosophers tended to focus primarily on the ontological status of animals, to wit on whether – and to what degree – animals are actually rational (...)
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  26.  30
    On the Elusive Nature of the Human Self: Divining the Ontological Dynamics of Animate Being.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2011 - In J. Wentzel van Huyssteen & Erik P. Wiebe (eds.), In search of self: interdisciplinary perspectives on personhood. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans. pp. 198.
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    Tropological Animal.Vesna Liponik - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):239-63.
    Biopolitics and necropolitics have used animals as a concept to illustrate a particular human biopolitical situation, much in the “tradition” of Aristotle’s provisional biopolitics. In the Western context, not only our understanding of politics but also tropology and the conceptual apparatus itself are haunted by this ancient legacy, which underlies a vertical ontology tied to processes of spatialization and containment, a vertical ontology that enables an intelligibility of figurative translation. The article considers tropological systems as systems embedded in (...)
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  28. Corps animal et corps humain.Anne Gléonec - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12:109-132.
    The purpose of this article is to show that in Merleau-Ponty’s lesser known works, one can find a path leading toward a phenomenology of the body that would not risk the “ambiguity of the flesh,” as The Visible and the Invisible is often charged with, but instead would sustain the ontology of nature that one finds in the “Working Notes” added to Merleau-Ponty’s last writings. Analyzing first his concept of nature, as it was developed in his courses at the (...)
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  29. Animal Gods.Blake Hereth - 2019 - In Blake Hereth & Kevin Timpe (eds.), The Lost Sheep in Philosophy of Religion: New Perspectives on Disability, Gender, Race, and Animals. New York: Routledge. pp. 183-207.
    Most theists accept an anthropomorphic view of the divine: a God whose cognition and incarnate embodiment closely resembles human cognition and human embodiment. Most theists also accept an Anselmian view of God on which God has the maximal set of ontological (including moral) perfections. This chapter defends the view that Anselmianism entails that the anthropomorphic view of God is false and that some nonhuman animal is divine. Two arguments are given for this position, which we can call zootheism. The (...)
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    (1 other version)'Man is by Nature a Social and Political Animal': Essential and Anti-Essentialist Relational Ontologies Revisited.C. C. Pecknold - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (2):883-899.
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    Mereologies, Ontologies, and Facets: The Categorial Structure of Reality.M. W. Hackett Paul (ed.) - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Realities are structured categorially, and comprehension of our internal and external conditions do not appear to be global or unitary. Rather, both human and non human animals function within their worlds and understand these by categorizing their experiences. Drawing upon many areas of life, the authors consider the ontological, mereological and multi-faceted structure of experience to explore how an understanding of categories can further knowledge.
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  32. Do Animals See Objects?Paweł Grabarczyk - 2013 - In Marcin Miłkowski & Konrad Talmont-Kaminski (eds.), Regarding Mind, Naturally. Cambridge Scholars Press.
  33.  48
    Animals, Ethics, and Process Thought: Hierarchy without Anthroparchy.Brian G. Henning - 2013 - Process Studies 42 (2):221-239.
    Hierarchical views of nature have for centuries been used to justify the enslaving of peoples perceived as inferior, the often violent and coercive “reeducation” of indigenous peoples, the patriarchal subjugation of women, the cruel use of nonhuman animals for often trivial purposes, and the wanton destruction of the natural world. I join those who condemned the oppressive nature of these forms of hierarchical thinking. Yet, I fear that, in their effort to right past wrongs, too many thinkers are in danger (...)
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    Tracing Expression in Merleau-Ponty: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Biology, and Ontology.Véronique M. Fóti - 2013 - Northwestern University Press.
    The French philosopher Renaud Barbaras remarked that late in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s career, “The phenomenology of perception fulfills itself as a philosophy of expression.” In _Tracing Expression in Merleau-Ponty: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Biology, and Ontology, _Véronique M. Fóti_ _addresses the guiding yet neglected theme of expression in Merleau-Ponty’s thought. She traces Merleau-Ponty’s ideas about how individuals express creative or artistic impulses through his three essays on aesthetics, his engagement with animality and the “new biology” in the second of his lecture (...)
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  35.  14
    Animal Communication: From Human to Monkey, from Insect to Systematics.Mikael Belov - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (2):119-138.
    This article critically examines sociology’s anthropocentricity and its current limitations in research on nonhuman beings, using animal communication and interspecies interaction as examples. The paper demonstrates, drawing on several key theoretical strands, how the focus of traditional sociology on human sociality can be extended to include nonhuman beings. To understand the state of such sociology, the notion of anthropomorphocentrism is introduced as an explanation of the field’s current position, reflecting a desire to go beyond the study of humans, but (...)
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  36.  20
    Animals in the World: Five Essays on Aristotle’s Biology by Pierre Pellegrin (review).Christopher Lutz - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):357-359.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Animals in the World: Five Essays on Aristotle’s Biology by Pierre PellegrinChristopher LutzPELLEGRIN, Pierre. Animals in the World: Five Essays on Aristotle’s Biology. Translated by Anthony Preus. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2023. vi + 324 pp. Cloth, $95.00; paper, $35.95This book explores two broad questions that have for decades been driving Pierre Pellegrin’s contributions to the so-called biological turn in Aristotle studies: whether and in (...)
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  37. Thinking Animals and the Thinking Parts Problem.Joshua L. Watson - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (263):323-340.
    There is a thinking animal in your chair and you are the only thinking thing in your chair; therefore, you are an animal. So goes the main argument for animalism, the Thinking Animal Argument. But notice that there are many other things that might do our thinking: heads, brains, upper halves, left-hand complements, right-hand complements, and any other object that has our brain as a part. The abundance of candidates for the things that do our thinking is (...)
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  38.  33
    What “the Animal” Can Teach “the Anthropocene”.Cary Wolfe - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (3):131-145.
    This essay begins by noting that “the question of the animal” has been abandoned prematurely in the current theoretical landscape in favor of the Plant, the Stone, the Object, and a more general rush toward Materialism and Realism (in their various permutations). The latest iteration of this economy of knowledge production (and planned obsolescence) may be found in the ubiquitous discourse of “the Anthropocene.” While it is a large and diverse body of thought and writing, I will focus here (...)
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  39. The Place of Animal Being: Following Animal Embryogenesis and Navigation to the Hollow of Being in Merleau-Ponty.David Morris - 2010 - Research in Phenomenology 40 (2):188-218.
    This article pursues overlapping points about ontology, philosophical method, and our kinship with and difference from nonhuman animals. The ontological point is that being is determinately different in different places not because of differences, or even a space, already given in advance, but in virtue of a negative in being that is regional and rooted in place, which Mer-leau-Ponty calls the “hollow.” The methodological point is that we tend to miss this ontological point because we are inclined to what (...)
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    Demystifying Animal Rights.Mylan Engel - 2018 - Between the Species 21 (1).
    According to the mysteriousness objection, moral rights are wholly mysterious, metaphysically suspect entities. Given their unexplained character and dubious metaphysical status, the objection goes, we should be ontologically parsimonious and deny that such entities exist. I defend Tom Regan's rights view from the mysteriousness objection. In particular, I argue that what makes moral rights seem metaphysically mysterious is the mistaken tendency to reify such rights. Once we understand what moral rights are and what they are not, we will see that (...)
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    Ontology, Mind and Free Will. A Workshop in Memory of E.J. Lowe.Matteo Grasso & Mattia Sorgon - 2014 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 5 (2):128-136.
    The single day conference “Ontology, Mind and Free Will. A Workshop in Memory of E.J. Lowe (1950-2014)” took place at the Department of Humanities of the University of Macerata on March, 3 rd 2014. It included as speakers Sophie Gibb (Durham University), Mario De Caro (Roma Tre University) and Michele Paolini Paoletti (University of Macerata). This event was thought by the organizers in order to honor the British philosopher Ethan Jonathan Lowe, who suddenly passed away last January with infinite (...)
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    Trans animisms.Abram J. Lewis - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):203-215.
    This article examines a handful of recent creative works that reflect speculatively on transgender pasts. I argue that each of these creative texts uses ontological interventions to reimagine moments in trans activist history that scholars have narrated only in terms of the attenuation of sociality and of political participation. These works do this by ratifying trans activists’ relations of reciprocity with extraordinary entities that are not often supported by secular and anthropocentric historiographies. Instead of engaging accounts of coalition work with (...)
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  43. Animal Rights and the Problem of r-Strategists.Kyle Johannsen - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (2):333-45.
    Wild animal reproduction poses an important moral problem for animal rights theorists. Many wild animals give birth to large numbers of uncared-for offspring, and thus child mortality rates are far higher in nature than they are among human beings. In light of this reproductive strategy – traditionally referred to as the ‘r-strategy’ – does concern for the interests of wild animals require us to intervene in nature? In this paper, I argue that animal rights theorists should embrace (...)
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    Animality in Contemporary Italian Philosophy.Matteo Gilebbi - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (2):217-219.
    Cimatti and Salzani have put together a rich collection of essays on animal studies that provides an exhaustive overview of how Italian contemporary philosophers are engaging with animal ethics, antispeciesism, posthumanism, ecofeminism, and biopolitics. This edited volume represents an important development in the “animal turn” in the humanities, particularly because it is published in English, allowing for a more efficient dialogue between “Italian theory” and philosophers around the world. This is, in fact, the first collection that will (...)
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  45. From Ontology of Interaction to Semiotics of Education.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2013 - In Kirsi Tirri & Elina Kuusisto (eds.), Interaction in Educational Domains. Sense Publishers. pp. 51-62.
    In this article I try to show that the most deep level ontology can have rich meaning for our understanding of such practical and everyday phenomena as education and interaction. With this deep level ontology I mean the problem of universals. Starting from famous traditional stances of realism and nominalism, which both are for the modern theories of growth and Bildung, I continue to the third and more recently developed ontological theory, trope theory according to which the properties (...)
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    “The Animal is like a Quiet Force”: Emergence and Negativity in Agamben and Merleau-Ponty.Simone Gustafsson - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:251-267.
    The concept of natural, common life is distinguished from life as political existence in the opening lines of Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer – a schism within ‘life’ that has profound consequences for Agamben’s political theory and ontology. Agamben claims that bare life now “dwells in the biological body of every living being” . As such, it is necessary to ascertain what the ‘life’ of biopolitics is – the life capable of politicization. The notion of natural living being is central (...)
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    Animate being: an inquiry into Being in Heidegger’s Being and Time.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (2):121-140.
    This paper questions the ontological integrity of Dasein as Heidegger specifies Being in Being and Time. It does so with reference to the real-life, real-time realities of Being-in-the-world and Being-toward-Death, thus with entering into the world in the first place and with ensuing developmental realities anchored essentially in bodily change and movement and with ensuing knowledge of the world and of death. Basic Husserlian insights validate answers to Dasein’s ontological deficiencies, raising questions as to Heidegger’s reading of Husserl texts, for (...)
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  48. Ethics and Ontology in French Hermeneutics: The Case of Ricœur.Gaëlle Fiasse - 2024 - In Daniel Whistler & Mark Sinclair (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 284-299.
    The first part of this article presents Ricœur's hermeneutics as a method, a style of writing and a particular philosophy. As a method, Ricœur revisits the notion of traditions and interpretations, in order to keep them open to debts from the past, to unexplored sources, to creative imagination and to the critical search for meaning. It is a style of writing, constantly put in dialogue with the history of philosophy which aims at unpacking a diversity of meanings. It is also (...)
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  49. Ontological subjectivity.Thomas Natsoulas - 1991 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 175 (2):175-200.
    Addressed here are certain relations among intentionality, consciousness, and subjectivity which Searle has lately been calling our attention, while arguing that certain brain-occurrences possess irreducibly subjective features - in the sense that no amount of strictly objective, third-person information about the animal and his or her brain and behavior could result in a description of any such features, except by inference based on the first-person perspective. In his relevant discussions, Searle has focused on the aspectual shapes of conscious mental (...)
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    The Human Animal: Personal Identity Without Psychology.Eric T. Olson (ed.) - 1997 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    A very clear and powerfully argued defence of a most important and surprisingly neglected view."--Derek Parfit, All Souls College, Oxford. "If Dr. Olson is right, we are living animals and what goes on in our minds is wholly irrelevant to questions about our persistence through time....[Should] transform philosophical thinking about personal identity."--Peter van Inwagen, University of Notre Dame.
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