Results for 'Annemarie Schöne'

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  1. Epistemic effects of scientific interaction: approaching the question with an argumentative agent-based model.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2018 - Historical Social Research 43 (1):285-309.
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    Anerkennung: eine philosophische Propädeutik ; Festschrift für Annemarie Pieper.Annemarie Pieper, Monika Hofmann-Riedinger & Urs Thurnherr - 2001
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  3. Theory-choice, transient diversity and the efficiency of scientific inquiry.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):26.
    Recent studies of scientific interaction based on agent-based models suggest that a crucial factor conducive to efficient inquiry is what Zollman has dubbed ‘transient diversity’. It signifies a process in which a community engages in parallel exploration of rivaling theories lasting sufficiently long for the community to identify the best theory and to converge on it. But what exactly generates transient diversity? And is transient diversity a decisive factor when it comes to the efficiency of inquiry? In this paper we (...)
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    Beware of Nocebo-Paternalism: Pitfalls of Tailored Nondisclosure.Bettina Schoene-Seifert - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (6):56-58.
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  5. An Anscombean Perspective on Habitual Action.Annemarie Kalis & Dawa Ometto - 2019 - Topoi 40 (3):637-648.
    Much of the time, human beings seem to rely on habits. Habits are learned behaviours directly elicited by context cues, and insensitive to short-term changes in goals: therefore they are sometimes irrational. But even where habitual responses are rational, it can seem as if they are nevertheless not done for reasons. For, on a common understanding of habitual behaviour, agents’ intentions do not play any role in the coming about of such responses. This paper discusses under what conditions we can (...)
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    When Cars Hit Trucks and Girls Hug Boys: The Effect of Animacy on Word Order in Gestural Language Creation.Annemarie Kocab, Hannah Lam & Jesse Snedeker - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):918-938.
    A well‐known typological observation is the dominance of subject‐initial word orders, SOV and SVO, across the world's languages. Recent findings from gestural language creation paradigms offer possible explanations for the prevalence of SOV. When asked to gesture transitive events with an animate agent and inanimate patient, gesturers tend to produce SOV order, regardless of their native language biases. Interestingly, when the patient is animate, gesturers shift away from SOV to use of other orders, like SVO and OSV. Two competing hypotheses (...)
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  7. 'On the Concept of an Object of Pure Practical Reason'(Chapter of the Analytic of Practical Reason).Annemarie Pieper - 2009 - In Karl Ameriks, Kant's Moral and Legal Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  8. Examining Network Effects in an Argumentative Agent-Based Model of Scientific Inquiry.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2017 - In Alexandru Baltag, Jeremy Seligman & Tomoyuki Yamada, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI 2017, Sapporo, Japan). Springer. pp. 391--406.
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  9. Review of Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology. [REVIEW]Edward L. Schoen - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 65 (1):47-52.
  10. Relevance in Structured Argumentation.AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer - 2018 - In Jérôme Lang, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18).
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    Confounding Extremities: Surgery at the Medico-Ethical Limits of Self-Modification.Annemarie Bridy - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):148-158.
    Controversy swept the U.K. in January of 2000 over public disclosure of the fact that a Scottish surgeon named Robert Smith had amputated the limbs of two able-bodied individuals who reportedly suffered from a condition known as apotemnophilia. The patients, both of whom had sought and consented to the surgery, claimed they had desperately desired for years to live as amputees and had been unable, despite considerable efforts, to reconcile themselves psychologically to living with the bodies with which they were (...)
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    The Argument from Potentiality in the Embryo Protection Debate: Finally “Depotentialized”?Marco Stier & Bettina Schoene-Seifert - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (1):19-27.
    Debates on the moral status of human embryos have been highly and continuously controversial. For many, these controversies have turned into a fruitless scholastical endeavor. However, recent developments and insights in cellular biology have cast further doubt on one of the core points of dissent: the argument from potentiality. In this article we want to show in a nonscholastical way why this argument cannot possibly survive. Getting once more into the intricacies of status debates is a must in our eyes. (...)
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    The 2007–2009 Financial Crisis: An Erosion of Ethics: A Case Study.Edward J. Schoen - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):805-830.
    This case study examines five dimensions of the 2007–2009 financial crisis in the United States: the devastating effects of the financial crisis on the U.S. economy, including unparalleled unemployment, massive declines in gross domestic product, and the prolonged mortgage foreclosure crisis; the multiple causes of the financial crisis and panic, such as the housing and bond bubbles, excessive leverage, lax financial regulation, disgraceful banking practices, and abysmal rating agency performance; the extraordinary efforts of the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve Bank (...)
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  14. Philip Clayton, God and contemporary science [edinburgh studies in constructive theology].Edward L. Schoen - 1999 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 46 (3):189-191.
  15. No Intentions in the Brain: A Wittgensteinian Perspective on the Science of Intention.Annemarie Kalis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Anxiety in Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Annemarie Abbing, Erik W. Baars, Leo de Sonneville, Anne S. Ponstein & Hanna Swaab - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  17. Natural Instinct, Perceptual Relativity, and Belief in the External World in Hume’s Enquiry.Annemarie Butler - 2008 - Hume Studies 34 (1):115-158.
    In part 1 of Enquiry 12, Hume presents a skeptical argument against belief in external existence. The argument involves a perceptual relativity argument that seems to conclude straightaway the double existence of objects and perceptions, where objects cause and resemble perceptions. In Treatise 1.4.2, Hume claimed that the belief in double existence arises from imaginative invention, not reasoning about perceptual relativity. I dissolve this tension by distinguishing the effects of natural instinct and showing that some ofthese effects supplement the Enquiry’s (...)
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    Plato and Aristotle on the Ends of Music.Mary B. Schoen-Nazzaro - 1978 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 34 (3):261-273.
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    Referential shift in Nicaraguan Sign Language: a transition from lexical to spatial devices.Annemarie Kocab, Jennie Pyers & Ann Senghas - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:81651.
    Even the simplest narratives combine multiple strands of information, integrating different characters and their actions by expressing multiple perspectives of events. We examined the emergence of referential shift devices, which indicate changes among these perspectives, in Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL). Sign languages, like spoken languages, mark referential shift grammatically with a shift in deictic perspective. In addition, sign languages can mark the shift with a point or a movement of the body to a specified spatial location in the three-dimensional space (...)
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    Empirical Philosophy and Eating in Theory.Annemarie Mol & Ada Jaarsma - 2023 - Symposium 27 (1):189-211.
    This interview, conducted over email, is an exchange between Annemarie Mol, a philosopher and Professor of Anthropology of the Body at the University of Amsterdam, and Ada Jaarsma, associate editor of Symposium. While the questions reflect Jaarsma’s interests in Mol’s account of “empirical philosophy” and its import for contemporary Continental philosophy, Mol’s responses raise questions, in turn, about how phrases like “Continental philosophy” betray geographical and canonical presumptions. Reflecting on the import of wonder, of reading, of intervening in philosophy’s (...)
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    Theorien über die Verbindung von Poesie und Musik: Moses Mendelssohn.Annemarie Deditius - 1918 - Liegnitz: Druck von C. Seyffarth.
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  22. Indeterminacy Still Lurks: A Reply to Carney and Van Straaten.Schoen El - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (2):243-245.
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  23. Goede smaak.Annemarie Mol - forthcoming - Krisis.
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  24. Klant of zieke?: markttaal en de eigenheid van de gezondheidszorg.Annemarie Mol - 2004 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 5:3-24.
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    Stofwisselen.Annemarie Mol - 2005 - Krisis 6 (4):23-27.
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  26. Wijsgerig onderzoek en het leven met verschillen.Annemarie Mol - 2005 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 6 (2):7-12.
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    Die Bedeutung des Begriffs "Existenzkategorie" im Denken Kierkegaards.Annemarie Pieper - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 25 (2):187 - 201.
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  28. (1 other version)Rehabilitierung des Gefühls.Annemarie Pieper - 2000 - Studia Philosophica 59:33-51.
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  29. S. Kierkegaard - Inter-esse zwischen Theorie und Praxis.Annemarie Pieper - 1977 - Philosophische Rundschau 24:129.
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    America in the age of Trump: a bipartisan guide.Douglas E. Schoen - 2018 - New York: Encounter Books. Edited by Jessica Tarlov.
    A comprehensive look at the decline of the United States offers non-ideological remedies on how to overcome national self-doubt, reclaim optimism, and secure a prosperous future for American citizens.
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    The emergence of temporal language in Nicaraguan Sign Language.Annemarie Kocab, Ann Senghas & Jesse Snedeker - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):147-163.
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  32. Llull and inter-faith dialogue.Annemarie Mayer - 2018 - In Amy M. Austin & Mark David Johnston, A Companion to Ramon Llull and Llullism. Boston: BRILL.
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    Llull and the divine attributes in 13th century context.Annemarie C. Mayer - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (1):139-154.
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    Nietzsche und die Geschlechterfrage.Annemarie Pieper - 2012 - Nietzscheforschung 19 (1).
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    Introspection and the Inscrutability of Reference.Edward L. Schoen - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):523-529.
    It is commonly thought that w v quine's indeterminacy thesis can be devastatingly undercut by a straightforward survey of the details of one's own linguistic capabilities. However, Because any such survey must depend upon a repudiation of the quinean doctrines used to generate his thesis, Objections based upon introspective evidence remain question begging without a critique of those more central doctrines. Since such a critique would be sufficient in itself to undermine quine's thesis, Objections based upon introspective gleanings must be (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Religious Explanations.Edward L. Schoen - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (4):557-559.
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    Wittgenstein and Aristotle on Knowledge From Perception.Edward L. Schoen - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):435-451.
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    Een gemiste kans? De rol van YouTube in de verkiezingscampagne van 2010.Annemarie S. Walter & Philip van Praag - 2012 - Res Publica: Politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de Lage Landen 54 (4):443-464.
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    A Generalized Proof-Theoretic Approach to Logical Argumentation Based on Hypersequents.AnneMarie Borg, Christian Straßer & Ofer Arieli - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):167-238.
    In this paper we introduce hypersequent-based frameworks for the modelling of defeasible reasoning by means of logic-based argumentation and the induced entailment relations. These structures are an extension of sequent-based argumentation frameworks, in which arguments and the attack relations among them are expressed not only by Gentzen-style sequents, but by more general expressions, called hypersequents. This generalization allows us to overcome some of the known weaknesses of logical argumentation frameworks and to prove several desirable properties of the entailments that are (...)
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    Dit is geen programma: over empirische filosofie.Annemarie Mol - 2000 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 1 (1):6-26.
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    Uzasadnienia moralne.Annemarie Pieper - 1994 - Etyka 27:141-151.
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    On Hume's supposed rejection of resemblance between objects and impressions.Annemarie Butler - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):257 – 270.
    In A Treatise of Human Nature 1.4.2, entitled ‘Of Scepticism with Regard to the Senses’, Hume discussed the causes of belief in the existence of external objects. Philosophers, correcting the false...
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    Shifting Sexes, Moving Stories: Feminist/constructivist Dialogues.Annemarie Mol & Stefan Hirschauer - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (3):368-385.
    How can constructivism and feminism inform and strengthen one another? The author of this text is a constructivist-feminist hermaphrodite, and so s/he addresses this question in the form of an inner dialogue. Instead of taking sex as a characteristic of individuals, s/he analyzes it as something performed locally in ways that vary from one situation to another. Investigating these performances offers constructivism an interesting theoretical opportunity and a chance to turn away from a sterile anti-epistemological stance. For feminism, a radicalized (...)
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    Die Wunder der Freunde Gottes: Theologien und Erscheinungsformen des islamischen Heiligenwunders.Annemarie Schimmel & Richard Gramlich - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (3):523.
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    Sorting Test, Tower Test, and BRIEF-SR do not predict school performance of healthy adolescents in preuniversity education.Annemarie Boschloo, Lydia Krabbendam, Aukje Aben, Renate de Groot & Jelle Jolles - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Relationalist Turn in Understanding Mental Disorders: From Essentialism to Embracing Dynamic and Complex Relations.Annemarie C. J. Köhne - 2020 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 27 (2):119-140.
    We may be at the brink of a Kuhnian paradigm shift when it comes to the categorical classification system of mental disorders. Reviewing more than 30 years of critical literature on the categorical classification of personality disorders, Kueger, Hopwood, Wright, and Markon conclude that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is "fundamentally broken". Just before, the director of the National Institute of Mental Health declared that the institute will no longer support research that is based on DSM categories.The (...)
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  47. Rettung der Dialektik? Rationale Rekonstruktion oder Sacrificium rationis.Gethmann-Siefert Annemarie - 1981 - Hegel-Studien 18:245-294.
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    A Reply to the Message of Franz Werfel.Annemarie Hula - 1946 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 21 (2):349-352.
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  49. Since for a long time we have had dealings with unbelievers...": Ramon Llull and the dialogue with Judaism and Islam.Annemarie C. Mayer - 2017 - In Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Ripoll Perelló & Maria Isabel, Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull: "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció": Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015. Palma (Illes Balears): Universitat de les Illes Balears.
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    Zu pindar fr. 127d Snell.Annemarie J. Neubecker - 1954 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 98 (1-2):155-158.
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