Results for 'Annina Seiler'

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  1. Choice Points for a Theory of Normality.Annina J. Loets - 2022 - Mind 131 (521):159-191.
    A variety of recent work in epistemology employs a notion of normality to provide novel theories of knowledge or justification. While such theories are commonly advertised as affording particularly strong epistemic logics, they often make substantive assumptions about the background notion of normality and its logic. This article takes recent normality-based defences of the KK principle as a case study to submit such assumptions to scrutiny. After clarifying issues regarding the natural language use of normality claims, the article isolates a (...)
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  2. Qua Qualification.Annina J. Loets - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (27).
    Qualifications with 'as' or 'qua' are widely used in philosophy, yet how precisely such qualifications work is poorly understood. While extant work on the topic is rife with revisionary assumptions about the nature of individuals, truth, and identity, this article shows that no baroque theory is required to account for such qualifications. I develop and defend a simple theory on which qua-qualifications ascribe relational properties to individuals, and show that the proposal affords a clear metaphysical analysis of the puzzle cases (...)
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    Agentive Duality reconsidered.Annina Loets & Julia Zakkou - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3771-3789.
    A growing consensus in the literature on agentive modals has it that ability modals like ‘can’ or ‘able to’ have a _dual_, i.e. interpretations of ‘must’ or ‘cannot but’ which stand to _necessity_ as ability stands to _possibility_. We argue that this thesis (which we call ‘Agentive Duality’) is much more controversial than meets the eye. While Agentive Duality follows from the orthodox possibility analysis of ability given natural assumptions, it sits uneasily with a wide range of alternative proposals which (...)
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    Developing Moral Decision-Making Competence: A Quasi-Experimental Intervention Study in the Swiss Armed Forces.Stefan Seiler, Andreas Fischer & Sibylle A. Voegtli - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (6):452 - 470.
    Moral development has become an integral part in military training and the importance of moral judgment and behavior in military operations can hardly be overestimated. Many armed forces have integrated military ethics and moral decision-making interventions in their training programs. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these interventions. This study examined the effectiveness of a 1-week training program in moral decision making in the Swiss Armed Forces. The program was based on a strategy-based interactional moral dilemma approach. Results (...)
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    Opening the black box of data-based school monitoring: Data infrastructures, flows and practices in state education agencies.Annina Förschler & Sigrid Hartong - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Contributing to a rising number of Critical Data Studies which seek to understand and critically reflect on the increasing datafication and digitalisation of governance, this paper focuses on the field of school monitoring, in particular on digital data infrastructures, flows and practices in state education agencies. Our goal is to examine selected features of the enactment of datafication and, hence, to open up what has widely remained a black box for most education researchers. Our findings are based on interviews conducted (...)
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  6. Qua Objects and Their Limits.Annina J. Loets - 2021 - Mind 130 (518):617-638.
    It is both a matter of everyday experience and a tenet of sociological theory that people often occupy a range of social roles and identities, some of which are associated with mutually incompatible properties. But since nothing could have incompatible properties, it is not clear how this is possible. It has been suggested, notably by Kit Fine (1982, 1999, 2006), that the puzzling relation between a person and their various social roles and identities can be explained by admitting an ontology (...)
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    Vaiśeṣikasūtra – A Translation by Ionut Moise and Ganesh U. Thite (review).Nils Seiler - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vaiśeṣikasūtra – A Translation by Ionut Moise and Ganesh U. ThiteNils Seiler (bio)Vaiśeṣikasūtra – A Translation. By Ionut Moise and Ganesh U. Thite. London: Routledge, 2021. Pp. viii + 294. Paper $48.95, isbn 978-1-032005-90-4.Vaiśeṣikasūtra – A Translation by Ionut Moise and Ganesh U. Thite serves as an introduction to Vaiśeṣika thought and an introduction to the seventh-century commentary (vṛtti) on the Vaiśeṣikasūtra by Candrānanda. Their book is (...)
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    Intersectional Disadvantage.Annina Loets - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (4):857-878.
    When people simultaneously occupy multiple social identities, ascriptions of disadvantage and advantage, as well as our reasoning with them, need to be handled with care. For instance, as various US-American courts have come to acknowledge, we cannot in general reason from the premise that someone has neither been discriminated against as a woman nor as a Black person to the conclusion that they have not been discriminated against as a Black woman. In this article, I show how, by systematising such (...)
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    Unravelling Reasons for the Non-Establishment of Protected Areas: Justification Regimes and Principles of Worth in a Swiss National Park Project.Annina Helena Michel & Norman Backhaus - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (2):171-190.
    This article engages with pragmatic sociology to understand an environmental dispute and its underlying moral issues in a direct-democratic and bottom-up setting. The non-establishment of a planned national park in the Swiss Alps serves as a case study to analyse principles of worth presented in national park negotiations. We point to the complex nature of conservation negotiations and argue that loosely defined ideas of the common good can lead to additional difficulties for a bottom-up project. Moreover, we open up new (...)
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    Predictors of Executive Functions in Preschoolers: Findings From the SPLASHY Study.Annina E. Zysset, Tanja H. Kakebeeke, Nadine Messerli-Bürgy, Andrea H. Meyer, Kerstin Stülb, Claudia S. Leeger-Aschmann, Einat A. Schmutz, Amar Arhab, Jardena J. Puder, Susi Kriemler, Simone Munsch & Oskar G. Jenni - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Die allgemeinste objektive Möglichkeit.Annina Loets - 2022 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 129 (2):339-351.
    Barbara Vetter proposes that certain epistemic and metasemantic challenges to our theorizing about metaphysical modality can be met by an approach which generalizes from every day paradigms of objective modality – notably the abilities and dispositions familiar to us “from the context of action” – to give content to the more abstract notion of a most general objective modality: metaphysical modality. I argue that the ability ascriptions which are central to our day to day practical reasoning are permeated with opacity (...)
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    Sand als metaphorisches Modell für Virtualität.Annina Klappert - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Dieses Buch konzipiert Virtualität in Anlehnung an Gilles Deleuze nicht im Gegensatz zu Realität, sondern zu Aktualität und verknüpft dieses Verhältnis mit den Begriffen von Medium und Form bei Niklas Luhmann. Sand fungiert dann als metaphorisches Modell für Virtualität, da er besonders 'medial', d. h. offen für die Bildung und Auflösung von Formen ist. Diese Prozesse werden inkl. ihrer Implikationen in Literatur, Theorie und Kunst untersucht.
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    The Accents of Her Ruby Lips.Annina Lehmann - 2008 - Philosophy Now 69:12-13.
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    16. Grafikdesign: Visuelle Überzeugungsarbeit zwischen digitaler Perfektion und dem Charme des Handgemachten.Annina Schneller - 2016 - In Francesca Vidal & Arne Scheuermann (eds.), Handbuch Medienrhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 331-358.
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    A Paradox in Ethical Review of Social Experiments.Lauren H. Seiler - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (6):11.
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  16. Der zweck in der philosophie des Franz Suarez.Julius Seiler - 1936 - Innsbruck,: F. Rauch.
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    Heinrich Gomperz, Karl Popper and “Austrian Philosophy”.Martin Seiler - 1993 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 1:293-295.
    One of the main goals of the Institute “Vienna Circle”, founded in October 1991, is to do justice to its second name and establish itself as a “Society for Advancement of the Scientific World View”. This includes the effort to document and further develop the work and influence of the Vienna Circle and its “periphery” in areas of science and adult education, as well as “the cultivation and application of logical empiricism, critical rationalism, and linguistic analysis in the sense of (...)
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    Kunst, Kunsttheorie und Kunstforschung im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs: in memoriam Kurt Blaukopf (1914 - 1999).Martin Seiler - 2000
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    La crise du clivage Eglise/Etat : le cas wallon.Daniel Seiler - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (2):313-327.
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    Le phénomène Carter et le clivage Centre contre Périphérie aux Etats-Unis : Note de recherche.Daniel L. Seiler - 1976 - Res Publica 18 (2):215-236.
    This paper tries to provide a reading of vie american political culture and party-system in the light of Rokkan's center vs periphery perspective. Governor Carter's election as the democratic party nominee is the starting point of an analysis based on a theory of political cleavages and integration of conflicts.
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    What are we? The social construction of the human biological self.Lauren H. Seiler - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (3):243–277.
    This essay explores how the human biological self is socially constructed, and rejects various truisms that define our character. Rather than being stand-alone entities, the human biological self forms what biologists call “superorganisms” and what I call “poly-super-organisms.” Thus, along with prokaryotes , viruses, and other entities, we are combined in an inseparable menagerie of species that is spread across multiple bodies. Biologists claim that only males and females are organisms. As described here, however, human sperm and eggs are equally (...)
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    Navigating the Intersection of PrEP and Medicaid.Naomi Seiler, Claire Heyison, Gregory Dwyer, Aaron Karacuschansky, Paige Organick-Lee, Alexis Osei, Helen Stoll & Katie Horton - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (S1):60-63.
    The proposed national PrEP program would serve people who are uninsured as well as those enrolled in Medicaid. In this article, the authors propose a set of recommendations for the proposed program’s implementers as well as state Medicaid agencies and Medicaid managed care organizations to ensure PrEP access for people enrolled in Medicaid, addressing gaps without undermining the important role of the Medicaid program in covering and promoting PrEP.
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  23. Identifying racial privilege: Lessons from critical race theory and the law.Naomi Seiler - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):24 – 25.
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    The Bioethical and Legal Implications of HHS’s New Focus on Conscience and Religious Freedom.Naomi Seiler & Katie Horton - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):71-72.
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  25. Assessment of the ethical review process for non-pharmacological multicentre studies in Germany on the basis of a randomised surgical trial.C. M. Seiler, P. Kellmeyer, P. Kienle, M. W. Buchler & H.-P. Knaebel - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (2):113-118.
    Objective: To examine the current ethical review process of ethics committees in a non-pharmacological trial from the perspective of a clinical investigator.Design: Prospective collection of data at the Study Centre of the German Surgical Society on the duration, costs and administrative effort of the ERP of a randomised controlled multicentre surgical INSECT Trial between November 2003 and May 2005.Setting: Germany.Participants: 18 ethics committees, including the ethics committee handling the primary approval, responsible overall for 32 clinical sites throughout Germany. 8 ethics (...)
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    Wise Use of Surveillance Data: Evolving HIV Policy and Emerging Considerations Regarding COVID-19.Naomi Seiler, Katie Horton, Anya Vanecek & Claire Heyison - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):36-39.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 36-39.
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    Kommentar I zum Fall: „Einsame Entscheidung – Extubation in tiefer Narkose“.Petra Seiler - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (3):429-431.
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    Centralisation et décentralisation en Europe de l'Ouest : esquisse d'une problématique.Daniel-Louis Seiler - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (1):23-34.
    The aim of this tentative article is to bring some further empirical evidence in order to validate Stein Rokkan's "Conceptual Map of Europe". Therefore a set of variables are suggested: territorial-cultural and territorial-economic.Some indicators are proposed to provide some measurement of the variables, such as Beaufays Federalism scale or a new Mediatie centralization scale.
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    De la classification des partis politiques.Daniel-Louis Seiler - 1985 - Res Publica (Misc) 27 (1):59-86.
    This article is concerned with the epistemological and methodological problems related to the taxonomy of political parties whett based on noorganizational criteria.The study of parties represents a starting point for modern Political Science : i.e. the seminal researches of Bryce, Ostrogorski and Michels. However this important field of knowledge hasn't known that much progress since the classical Duverger's Political Parties. Why?Two kind of approaches are used in order to classify parties: individualistic versus holistic. «Individualistic classifications» often suffer from a lack (...)
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    Kafkas Erzählung In der Strafkolonie und ihre »unverwischbaren Fehler«Kaka’s narrative The Penal Colony and its »indelible mistakes«.Bernd W. Seiler - 2020 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 94 (1):87-101.
    ZusammenfassungNoch nie ist genauer bedacht worden, auf welche »Fehler« Kafka in seiner Strafkolonie-Erzählung aufmerksam geworden ist. Geht man der Frage nach, erkennt man, dass ein »unverwischbarer« Widerspruch die gesamte Handlung durchzieht: Einerseits ist das Hinrichtungsverfahren in der Strafkolonie allgemein bekannt, andererseits dürfen die Verurteilten nichts darüber wissen, wenn es seinen Zweck erfüllen soll. Woher kommen dann die vielen ahnungslosen Delinquenten, die der Offizier mit seinem »Apparat« hinrichtet? Diese im Text nie berührte Unklarheit hat weitere Widersprüche zur Folge und lässt überdies (...)
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    Subjectivity and objectivity in the domain of POSSESSION.Hansjakob Seiler - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (173):417-429.
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  32. Štruktúra l̕udského činu.Vladimír Seiler - 1974 - Bratislava: Pravda.
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  33. Transgressive humanism in mid-socialist Poland.Nina Seiler - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book focuses on the often-overlooked mid period of Socialism in twentieth century Poland, tracing the transgressive variations of humanist thought that emerged as forms of resistance amid the intellectual crisis of the late 1960s and early 1970s. It analyses how an upsurge in anti-Semitism and discourses of exclusion in the period stimulated environmental explorations beyond the hegemonic notion of the human subject and humanity. Readers will find a synthetic analysis not only of the atmosphere of the mid-socialist period, but (...)
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    Long-Term Promotive and Protective Effects of Early Childcare Quality on the Social–Emotional Development in Children.Corina Wustmann Seiler, Fabio Sticca, Olivia Gasser-Haas & Heidi Simoni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:854756.
    The present study aimed to examine the longitudinal promotive and protective role of process quality in regular early childhood education and care (ECEC) centers in the context of early cumulative family risks on children’s social–emotional development from early to middle childhood. The sample consisted of 293 (T1;Mage = 2.81), 239 (T2;Mage = 3.76), and 189 (T3;Mage = 9.69) children from 25 childcare centers in Switzerland. Fourteen familial risk factors were subsumed to a family risk score at T1. Parents and teachers (...)
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  35. Das Dasein Gottes als Denkaufgabe.Julius Seiler - 1965 - Stuttgart,: Räber.
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    Die pythagoreisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Hochzeitszahl aus Platons "Staat".Hanspeter Seiler - 2016 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Die sogenannte ‚Hochzeitszahl’ aus Platons Staat gilt wohl zu Recht als eines der bedeutendsten, noch immer ungelösten Rätsel der Antike. In einem kunstvoll verschlüsselten Text deutet Platons Sokrates an, auf welche Weise der Idealstaat als gerechteste und glücklichste Form einer menschlichen Gemeinschaft seine politische Kontinuität erhalten kann: Es genügt nicht nur, dass die amtierende Führungsschicht von bestqualifizierten, für sich selbst aber besitzlosen Philosophinnen und Philosophen ihre potenziellen Nachfolger aufs Beste ausbildet, nein, gemäß pythagoreischer Lehre muss bereits bei deren Zeugung darauf (...)
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    Semantic Information in Grammar: The Problem of Syntactic Relations.Hansjakob Seiler - 1970 - Semiotica 2 (4).
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    Social Science Research Regulations.Lauren H. Seiler - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (2):45-46.
  39. Hegel: The Letters.Clark Butler and Christiane Seiler & Clark Butler G. W. F. Hegel - 1984 - Indiana University Press.
    740 page life in letters, including all Hegel's available letters at time of publication by Indiana University Press in 1984 tied together by a running commentary by Clark Butler. The volume is in a searchable PDF format. Publication was supported by a Major Grant by the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH).
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    Weisungen zur Freiheit: Normen und Werte aus alttestamentlicher Sicht.Stefan Seiler - 2013 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 57 (3):195-212.
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    Team Cognition in Sport: How Current Insights Into How Teamwork Is Achieved in Naturalistic Settings Can Lead to Simulation Studies.Jérôme Bourbousson, Mathieu Feigean & Roland Seiler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Access to Medication and Drug Company Sales Practices: Setting Priorities for Critique and Advocacy.Naomi Seiler - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):61-61.
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    The principle of concomitance: instrumental, comitative, and collective.Hansjakob Seiler - 1974 - Foundations of Language 12 (2):215-247.
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    Familial Risk Factors and Emotional Problems in Early Childhood: The Promotive and Protective Role of Children’s Self-Efficacy and Self-Concept.Fabio Sticca, Corina Wustmann Seiler & Olivia Gasser-Haas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study aimed to examine the promotive and protective role of general self-efficacy and positive self-concept in the context of the effects of early familial risk factors on children’s development of emotional problems from early to middle childhood. A total of 293, 239, and 189 children from 25 childcare centers took part in the present study. Fourteen familial risk factors were assessed at T1 using an interview and a questionnaire that were administered to children’s primary caregivers. These 14 familial (...)
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    Hegel, the letters.Clark Butler & Christiane Seiler - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 20 (1):60-62.
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    Ironischer Stil und realistischer Eindruck: zu einem scheinbaren Widerspruch in der Erzählkunst Thomas Manns.Bernd Seiler - 1986 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 60 (3).
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  47. Philosophical and methodological aspects of the concept of international socialist economic interest.V. Seiler - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (5):695-705.
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    Stochastic quantization and gauge fixing in gauge theories.E. Seiler - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner (eds.), Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 259--308.
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    Une généalogie des organisations de partis.Daniel-Louis Seiler - 1984 - Res Publica 26 (2):119-141.
    The first aim of the article is to present the lineage of party organizations integrating several "classical" approaches. Therefore a second aim is to set up a structural model able to catch the evolution of any typeof modern party organization.One assumes that Party Structure is an invariable element which subsumes several organizational translations. Same are protopartisan translations : leagues, armed and unarmed f actions, parliamentary groups. Some are partisan translations : modern party organizations. This assumptions means a corollary: organizations tend (...)
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    ''Zivelnost' a Uvedomelost'-Kategórie Filozofie Dejín. [K Problematike Dejinného Determinizmu.].Vladimír Seiler - 1969 - Bratislava,: SAV, t. Východoslov. tlač., Košice.
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