Results for 'Anthropology, Professionalization, Health care providers, Senegal, Ivory Coast'

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  1.  62
    Émergence d'une culture, déclin d'une profession.Abdou Salam Fall & Laurent Vidal - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 2 (2):239-264.
    À partir d’une approche anthropologique des prises en charge médicales de la tuberculose et du paludisme, ainsi que des conceptions et usages de la prévention dans des milieux urbains d’Afrique de l’Ouest , ce texte interroge la nature du métier de soignant. Après nous être penchés sur les spécificités de ce type d’étude anthropologique en milieu médical, nous nous attachons à décrypter les processus d’occultations des singularités du malade qui caractérisent les messages et discours de prévention. Dans les structures de (...)
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    Contextualising Professional Ethics: The Impact of the Prison Context on the Practices and Norms of Health Care Practitioners.Karolyn L. A. White, Christopher F. C. Jordens & Ian Kerridge - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (3):333-345.
    Health care is provided in many contexts—not just hospitals, clinics, and community health settings. Different institutional settings may significantly influence the design and delivery of health care and the ethical obligations and practices of health care practitioners working within them. This is particularly true in institutions that are established to constrain freedom, ensure security and authority, and restrict movement and choice. We describe the results of a qualitative study of the experiences of doctors (...)
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    The autonomy of the health care provider: Advertising by health professionals.Linda S. Scheirton - 2001 - In H. Ten Have & Bert Gordijn, Bioethics in a European perspective. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 93--109.
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    The Anthropology of Misfortune and Cognitive Science. Examples from the Ivory Coast Senufo.Nicole Alice Sindzingre - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (3):509-529.
    The ArgumentThis paper applies the approach developed by the congnitive sciences to a classical field of social anthropology—i.e., the analysis of represetations and behaviors relative to misfortune in “traditional” societies.The initial argument is that the conceptual division and the modes of description and explanation of anthropology suffer from serious weaknesses: these concepts cannot serve to understand empirical phenomena ; they rely on a confused and erroneous conception of the different domains involved and the causalities between them; and they use simplistic (...)
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    Health care providers’ ethical perspectives on waiver of final consent for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): a qualitative study.Dianne Godkin, Lisa Cranley, Elizabeth Peter & Caroline Variath - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundWith the enactment of Bill C-7 in Canada in March 2021, people who are eligible for medical assistance in dying (MAiD), whose death is reasonably foreseeable and are at risk of losing decision-making capacity, may enter into a written agreement with their healthcare provider to waive the final consent requirement at the time of provision. This study explored healthcare providers’ perspectives on honouring eligible patients’ request for MAiD in the absence of a contemporaneous consent following their loss of decision-making capacity. (...)
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    Punishing Health Care Providers for Treating Terrorists.Leonard S. Rubenstein - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (4):13-16.
    Imagine that an American physician volunteered to treat wounded children through the Ministry of Health in Gaza, controlled by Hamas. Or that a Palestinian nurse attending to injured fighters in Gaza spoke out against the firing of rockets into Israel, was threatened with arrest, and sought asylum in the United States. Under U.S. law, the doctor could be subject to prosecution, and the nurse could be denied asylum—in the first case, because she provided medical care under the direction (...)
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    Survey of Mental Health Care Providers’ Perspectives on the Everyday Ethics of Medical-Aid-in-Dying for People with a Mental Illness.Marjorie Montreuil, Monique Séguin, Catherine Gros & Eric Racine - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (1):152-163.
    Context: In most jurisdictions where medical-aid-in-dying is available, this option is reserved for individuals suffering from incurable physical conditions. Currently, in Canada, people who have a mental illness are legally excluded from accessing MAiD. Methods: We developed a questionnaire for mental health care providers to better understand their perspectives related to ethical issues in relation to MAiD in the context of severe and persistent suffering caused by mental illness. We used a mixed-methods survey approach, using a concurrent embedded (...)
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    Health-care professionals’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours relating to patient capacity to consent to treatment.Scott Lamont, Yun-Hee Jeon & Mary Chiarella - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (6):684-707.
    This integrative review aims to provide a synthesis of research findings of health-care professionals’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours relating to patient capacity to consent to or refuse treatment within the general hospital setting. Search strategies included relevant health databases, hand searching of key journals, ‘snowballing’ and expert recommendations. The review identified various knowledge gaps and attitudinal dispositions of health-care professionals, which influence their behaviours and decision-making in relation to capacity to consent processes. The findings suggest (...)
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  9. If you let it get to you…’: moral distress, ego-depletion, and mental health among military health care providers in deployed service.Jill Horning, Lisa Schwartz, Mathew Hunt & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2017 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler, Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel: Dealing with Epidemics. Routledge. pp. 71-91.
    Health care providers (HCPs) are routinely placed into morally challenging situations that have the potential to cause moral distress. This is especially true for HCPs working in the military, whether they are on deployment outside their typical contexts of practice such as in disaster relief (e.g., Haiti and the Ebola missions in West Africa), or in more typically military settings such as peace keeping or armed conflicts (e.g., Afghanistan, Syria). Moral distress refers to “painful feelings and/or psychological disequilibrium” (...)
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    Providing Health Care to Patients against Their Will.Matthew Heffron - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (3):483-498.
    Obtaining a patient’s informed consent to treatment is an ethical, legal, and professional requirement based on the defense of human dignity. In some cases, however, a government may mandate treatment for patients without their consent if their failure to obtain treatment could endanger the common good. Such a need may arise, for example, in public emergencies, with cases of tuberculosis, and with patients who have mental health issues. May a Catholic health care professional or institution ethically provide (...)
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  11.  94
    Conscientious Objection by Health Care Professionals.Gry Wester - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (7):427-437.
    Certain health care services and goods, although legal and often generally accepted in a society, are by some considered morally problematic. Debates on conscientious objection in health care try to resolve whether and when physicians, nurses and pharmacists should be allowed to refuse to provide medical services and goods because of their ethical or religious beliefs. These debates have most often focused on issues such as how to balance the interests of patients and health (...) professionals, and the compatibility of conscientious objection with professional obligations, but it is also possible to think about conscientious objection in terms of how to respond to moral disagreement and the requirements of liberal neutrality. (shrink)
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  12.  50
    Should health care professionals encourage living kidney donation?Medard T. Hilhorst, Leonieke W. Kranenburg & Jan J. V. Busschbach - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (1):81-90.
    Living kidney donation provides a promising opportunity in situations where the scarcity of cadaveric kidneys is widely acknowledged. While many patients and their relatives are willing to accept its benefits, others are concerned about living kidney programs; they appear to feel pressured into accepting living kidney transplantations as the only proper option for them. As we studied the attitudes and views of patients and their relatives, we considered just how actively health care professionals should encourage living donation. We (...)
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  13.  66
    From the local to the global: Bioethics and the concept of culture.Leigh Turner - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (3):305 – 320.
    Cultural models of health, illness, and moral reasoning are receiving increasing attention in bioethics scholarship. Drawing upon research tools from medical and cultural anthropology, numerous researchers explore cultural variations in attitudes toward truth telling, informed consent, pain relief, and planning for end-of-life care. However, culture should not simply be equated with ethnicity. Rather, the concept of culture can serve as an heuristic device at various levels of analysis. In addition to considering how participation in particular ethnic groups and (...)
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  14.  24
    (1 other version)The moral challenges of health care providers brain drain phenomenon.Faith Atte - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Clinical Ethics.
    Clinical Ethics, Ahead of Print. The migration of health-care professionals has often produced morally charged discussions among ethicists, politicians, and policy makers in the migrant-sending and migrant-receiving countries because of its devastating effects on the health of those left behind in the countries of origin.This movement of skilled professionals – their decision to leaving their countries of origin in search of better work environments – has created a phenomenon that has been described as brain drain. Although the (...)
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  15.  17
    Québec health care professionals’ perspectives on organ donation after medical assistance in dying.Marie-Chantal Fortin, Fabian Ballesteros & Julie Allard - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundMedical assistance in dying (MAID) has been legal in Québec since December 2015 and in the rest of Canada since July 2016. Since then, more than 60 people have donated their organs after MAID. Such donations raise ethical issues about respect of patients’ autonomy, potential pressure to choose MAID, the information given to potential donors, the acceptability of directed donations in such a context and the possibility of death by donation. The objective of this study was to explore Québec professionals’ (...)
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  16.  62
    Learning by Doing. Training Health Care Professionals to Become Facilitator of Moral Case Deliberation.Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Guy Widdershoven - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (1):47-59.
    Moral case deliberation is a dialogue among health care professionals about moral issues in practice. A trained facilitator moderates the dialogue, using a conversation method. Often, the facilitator is an ethicist. However, because of the growing interest in MCD and the need to connect MCD to practice, healthcare professionals should also become facilitators themselves. In order to transfer the facilitating expertise to health care professionals, a training program has been developed. This program enables professionals in (...) care institutions to acquire expertise in dealing with moral questions independent of the expertise of an ethicist. Over the past 10 years, we developed a training program with a specific mix of theory and practice, aiming to foster the right attitude, skills and knowledge of the trainee. The content and the didactics of the training developed in line with the philosophy of MCD: pragmatic hermeneutics, dialogical ethics and Socratic epistemology. Central principles are: ‘learning by doing’, ‘reflection instead of ready made knowledge’, and ‘dialogue on dialogue’. This paper describes the theoretical background and the didactic content of the current training. Furthermore, we present didactic tools which we developed for stimulating active learning. We also go into lessons we learned in developing the training. Next, we provide some preliminary data from evaluation research of the training program by participants. The discussion highlights crucial aspects of educating professionals to become facilitators of MCD. The paper ends with concluding remarks and a plea for more evaluative evidence of the effectiveness and meaning of this training program for doing MCD in institutions. (shrink)
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    Development and validation of the ethical challenges in clinical situations-questionnaire (ECCS-Q) by involving health-care providers from a tertiary care health setting.Snehil Gupta, Swarndeep Singh, Siddharth Sarkar & Atul Batra - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (2):172-183.
    Background and rationale Clinicians often encounter a variety of ethical challenges in their routine clinical practice, and it varies across healthcare and cultural settings of their practice. Despite of this, there are no clear-cut available guidelines concerning the right course of action in a given ethically challenging situation. A validated instrument that could capture the health care providers’ (HCP’s) viewpoints in this regard is lacking from Indian settings. Thus, the current study aimed at developing an instrument to assess (...)
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  18.  46
    Conscientious Objection in Health Care: Why the Professional Duty Argument is Unconvincing.Xavier Symons - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (4):549-557.
    The past decade has seen a burgeoning of scholarly interest in conscientious objection in health care. Specifically, several commentators have discussed the implications that conscientious objection has for the delivery of timely, efficient, and nondiscriminatory medical care. In this paper, I discuss the main argument put forward by the most prominent critics of conscientious objection—what I call the Professional Duty Argument or PDA. According to proponents of PDA, doctors should place patients’ well-being and rights at the center (...)
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  19.  49
    Comparison of viewpoints of health care professionals with or without involvement with formal ethics processes on the role of ethics committees and hospitals in the resolution of clinical ethical dilemmas.Brian S. Marcus, Jestin Carlson, Gajanan G. Hegde, Jennifer Shang & Arvind Venkat - 2015 - Clinical Ethics 10 (1-2):22-33.
    Objective Our objective was to evaluate whether those individuals with previous involvement with formal clinical ethics processes differ in their attitudes towards the resolution of prototypical clinical ethics cases than general health care professionals. We hypothesized that those individuals with previous participation in ethics consultation would have significantly different attitudes on the appropriate role of ethics committees in the assessment and resolution of clinical ethical dilemmas than those who have not. Methods We conducted a case-based survey of (...) care professionals at six US hospitals. We administered the survey to health care professionals in a variety of clinical roles at each center and further sub-categorized these by respondents reporting or not reporting their membership on an ethics committee or participation as an ethics consultant/requestor of ethics consult services. Using the analysis of variance test, we present the variation in attitudes using a 5-point Likert scale with 95% confidence intervals and significance set at p ≤ 0.05. Results A total of 240 respondents completed the survey (response rate: 63.6%) from all six surveyed centers (128 respondents with involvement with ethics consultation, 112 respondents without). Health care professionals not previously involved with formal clinical ethics processes were less likely to view the ethics committee as having a role in resolving the presented clinical ethical dilemmas ( p = 0.01 for analysis of variance comparison). Conclusion In this multi-center survey study, health care providers without previous involvement with formal clinical ethics processes were less likely than those with previous involvement to support a role for ethics committees aiding in ethical case resolution. (shrink)
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  20.  56
    Mental Competence or Capacity to Form a Will: An Anthropological Approach1.Neelke Doorn - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (2):135-145.
    The use of coercive measures in mental health care is an issue of ongoing concern (Cf. Fisher 1994; Janssen et al. 2008; Paterson and Duxbury 2007; Prinsen and Van Delden 2009; Widdershoven and Berghmans 2007; Wynn 2006). On the one hand, coercive interventions seem to infringe the patient’s right to self-determination (principle of autonomy). However, professionals are also committed to providing the care they deem necessary (principle of beneficence). In other words, professionals in mental health (...) are often caught between the two (opposing) ideals of beneficence and autonomy. In medical practice, the right of self-determination is operationalized in the principle of informed consent. A medical physician is .. (shrink)
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  21.  28
    Public Perceptions of Health Care Professionals' Participation in Pharmaceutical Marketing.Nancy J. Crigger, Laura Courter, Kristen Hayes & K. Shepherd - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (5):647-658.
    Trust in the nurse—patient relationship is maintained not by how professionals perceive their actions but rather by how the public perceives them. However, little is known about the public's view of nurses and other health care professionals who participate in pharmaceutical marketing. Our study describes public perceptions of health care providers' role in pharmaceutical marketing and compares their responses with those of a random sample of licensed family nurse practitioners. The family nurse practitioners perceived their participation (...)
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  22.  41
    Personal, Practical, and Professional Issues in Providing Managed Mental Health Care: A Discussion for New Psychotherapists.James R. Alleman - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (4):413-429.
    Written by a former corporate manager pursuing counseling as a 2nd career, this article offers pointed views on managed mental health care. Values of practitioners that are a mismatch for managed care are noted, and more specific disadvantages and advantages are examined. Loss of client confidentiality is addressed and procedures and technologies for its reclamation are noted. Negative effects on therapy are acknowledged and potential for better accountability and research are pointed out. Economic disadvantages of a small (...)
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  23. Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultants: In Search of Professional Status in a Post-Modern World.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (3):129-145.
    The American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH) issued its Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation just as it is becoming ever clearer that secular ethics is intractably plural and without foundations in any reality that is not a social–historical construction (ASBH Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation , 2nd edn. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Glenview, IL, 2011 ). Core Competencies fails to recognize that the ethics of health care (...)
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  24.  33
    Trust in American Medicine: A Call to Action for Health Care Professionals.Dinushika Mohottige & L. Ebony Boulware - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (1):27-29.
    Medical mistrust has a well‐documented harmful impact on a range of patients’ health behaviors and outcomes. It can have such egregious downstream effects on so many aspects of medicine—from clinical trial participation to health care use, timely screening, organ donation, and treatment adherence—that it is sometimes described as one of the social determinants of health. In the article “Trust, Risk, and Race in American Medicine,” Laura Specker Sullivan makes the compelling case that trust is essential to (...)
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  25. The culture of care within psychiatric services: tackling inequalities and improving clinical and organisational capabilities.Micol Ascoli, Andrea Palinski, John Owiti, Bertine De Jongh & Kamaldeep S. Bhui - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:12-.
    Cultural Consultation is a clinical process that emerged from anthropological critiques of mental healthcare. It includes attention to therapeutic communication, research observations and research methods that capture cultural practices and narratives in mental healthcare. This essay describes the work of a Cultural Consultation Service (ToCCS) that improves service user outcomes by offering cultural consultation to mental health practitioners. The setting is a psychiatric service with complex and challenging work located in an ethnically diverse inner city urban area. Following a (...)
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  26. Experience of Ethics Training and Support for Health Care Professionals in International Aid Work.M. R. Hunt, L. Schwartz & L. Elit - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (1):91-99.
    Health care professionals who travel from their home countries to participate in humanitarian assistance or development work experience distinctive ethical challenges in providing care and services to populations affected by war, disaster or deprivation. Limited information is available about organizational practices related to preparation and support for health professionals working with non-governmental organizations. In this article, we present one component of the results of a qualitative study conducted with 20 Canadian health care professionals who (...)
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    Ethical problems in clinical practice: the ethical reasoning of health care professionals.Søren Holm - 1997 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press.
    This new study provides a thorough analysis of the ethical reasoning of doctors and nurses. Based on extensive interviews, Soren Holm's work demonstrates how qualitative research methods can be used to study ethical reasoning, and that the results of such studies are important for normative ethics, that is, the analysis of how health care professionals ought to act.
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  28.  47
    Epistemic Injustice in Health Care Professionals and Male Breast Cancer Patients Encounters.Ahtisham Younas - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (6):451-461.
    Breast Cancer (BC) is a debilitating disease with the global mortality rate of 13.0 per 100,000 of population (Globocan, 2018). BC affects the physical, mental, and emotional well-being and quality...
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  29. Outlining the role of experiential expertise in professional work in health care service co-production.Hannele Palukka, Arja Haapakorpi, Petra Auvinen & Jaana Parviainen - 2021 - International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being 16 (1).
    Patient and public involvement is widely thought to be important in the improvement of health care delivery and in health equity. Purpose: The article examines the role of experiential knowledge in service co-production in order to develop opiate substitution treatment services (OST) for high-risk opioid users. Method: Drawing on social representations theory and the concept of social identity, we explore how experts’ by experience and registered nurses’ understandings of OST contain discourses about the social representations, identity, and (...)
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  30.  23
    Being prevented from providing good care: a conceptual analysis of moral stress among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Martina E. Gustavsson, Johan von Schreeb, Filip K. Arnberg & Niklas Juth - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    Background Health care workers (HCWs) are susceptible to moral stress and distress when they are faced with morally challenging situations where it is difficult to act in line with their moral standards. In times of crisis, such as disasters and pandemics, morally challenging situations are more frequent, due to the increased imbalance between patient needs and resources. However, the concepts of moral stress and distress vary and there is unclarity regarding the definitions used in the literature. This study (...)
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  31.  41
    Effect of Financial Relationships on the Behaviors of Health Care Professionals: A Review of the Evidence. [REVIEW]Christopher Robertson, Susannah Rose & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):452-466.
    Physicians, scholars, and policymakers continue to be concerned about conflicts of interests among health care providers. At least two main types of objections to conflicts of interest exist. Conflicts of interests may be intrinsically troublesome if they violate providers’ fiduciary duties to their patients or they contribute to loss of trust in health care professionals and the health care system. Conflicts of interest may also be problematic in practice if they bias the decisions made (...)
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  32.  5
    Therapy thieves: how to save mental health care from its providers.Francis A. Martin - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Acting on what started as a hunch, Dr. Francis Martin has cataloged well over 20,000 distinct approaches to counseling and psychotherapy that are advertised on the webpages of licensed, practicing mental health providers. No doubt some portion of them are harmful, but the sheer volume of advertised practices and techniques, often with names deceptively similar to actual evidence-based practices, should be cause for concern among all stakeholders in the helping professions - from educators and researchers to policy makers and (...)
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  33. The imperative of professional dementia care.Matilda Carter - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (3):292-302.
    Despite negative effects on their health and social lives, many informal carers of people living with dementia claim to be acting in accordance with a moral obligation. Indeed, feelings of failure and shame are commonly reported by those who later give up their caring responsibilities, suggesting a widespread belief that professional dementia care, whether delivered in the person's own home or in an institutional setting, ought always to be a last resort. In this paper, however, I suggest that (...)
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    A vignette study to examine health care professionals' attitudes towards patient involvement in error prevention.David L. B. Schwappach, Olga Frank & Rachel E. Davis - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):840-848.
    Background Various authorities recommend the participation of patients in promoting patient safety, but little is known about health care professionals' (HCPs') attitudes towards patients' involvement in safety-related behaviours. Objective To investigate how HCPs evaluate patients' behaviours and HCP responses to patient involvement in the behaviour, relative to different aspects of the patient, the involved HCP and the potential error. Design Cross-sectional fractional factorial survey with seven factors embedded in two error scenarios (missed hand hygiene, medication error). Each survey (...)
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    The dual role dilemma of liver transplantation health care professionals.Anil Batra, Immanuel Lang, Julia Fenchel & Annette Binder - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundSimilar to many other countries, in Germany patients with alcohol-related liver disease are obliged to prove their abstinence before being accepted on a waitlist for liver transplantation. Health care professionals (HCPs) must both treat patients and ensure that patients have proven their abstinence. The aim of this exploratory study was to develop a deeper understanding of how HCPs deal with this dual role.MethodsThe study used semi-structured interviews as the source of data. 11 healthcare professionals from ten of the (...)
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    Training for Professional Child Care.Beverly Gulley, Jacqueline Eddleman & Douglas Bedient - 1987 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    “Only about 25 percent of the employees in child-care operations around the country have had professional training in dealing with children.”—_Newsweek_ This book is a proven, practical approach to providing that training at a minimum of expense and disruption of services. Written for trainers, it may profitably be used by any individual who wants to know more about positive methods for working with children. The information provided here has been used extensively to train child-care providers throughout Illinois. Covered (...)
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    Ethics and research governance: the views of researchers, health-care professionals and other stakeholders.Nina Hallowell, Sarah Cooke, Gill Crawford, Michael Parker & Anneke Lucassen - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (2):85-90.
    The objective of this study is to describe researchers', health-care providers' and other stakeholders' views of ethical review and research governance procedures. The study design involved qualitative semi-structured interviews. Participants included 60 individuals who either undertook research in the subspecialty of cancer genetics (n = 40) or were involved in biomedical research in other capacities (n = 20), e.g. research governance and oversight, patient support groups or research funding. While all interviewees observed that oversight is necessary to protect (...)
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    Why the professional-Client Ethic is Inadequate in Mental Health Care.Wai-Ching Leung - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (1):51-60.
    Patients who are subject to compulsory care constitute a substantial proportion of the work-load of mental health professionals, particularly psychiatric nurses. This article examines the traditional ‘beneficence-autonomy’ approach to ethics in compulsory psychiatric care and evaluates it against the reality of daily practice. Risk to the public has always been an important but often unacknowledged consideration. Inequalities exist among ethnic and socio-economic groups and there is a lack of agreement on what constitutes mental disorder. Two major changes (...)
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    Ethical and Professional Considerations Providing Medical Evaluation and Care to Refugee Asylum Seekers.Ramin Asgary & Clyde L. Smith - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (7):3-12.
    A significant number of asylum seekers who largely survived torture live in the United States. Asylum seekers have complex social and medical problems with significant barriers to health care access. When evaluating and providing care for survivors, health providers face important challenges regarding medical ethics and professional codes. We review ethical concerns in regard to accountability, the patient–physician relationship, and moral responsibilities to offer health care irrespective of patient legal status; competing professional responsibility toward (...)
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    Arts-Based Interventions for Professionals in Caring Roles During and After Crisis: A Systematic Review of the Literature.Dominik Havsteen-Franklin, Megan Tjasink, Jacqueline Winter Kottler, Claire Grant & Veena Kumari - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:589744.
    Crisis events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can have a devastating effect on communities and the care professionals within them. Over recent years, arts-based interventions have helped in a wide range of crisis situations, being recommended to support the workforce during and after complex crisis but there has been no systematic review of the role of arts-based crisis interventions and whether there are cogent themes regarding practice elements and outcomes. We, therefore, conducted a systematic review to (i) define the (...)
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    A Professional Code of Ethics Provides Guidance for Genetic Nursing Practice.Colleen Scanlon - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (3):262-268.
    While ethical quandaries and dilemmas are commonplace for nurses, recent advances in human genetics have and will continue to create new challenges and controversies. Throughout time, nursing has been an ethical endeavour, with nurses viewing the ethical mandates of their responsibilities on a par with other core dimensions of their professional life. The (American) profession’s code of ethics, Code for nurses with interpretive statements, provides direction for practice and for the fulfilment of ethical obligations. The explication of these ethical norms (...)
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  42.  20
    Intensive care unit professionals’ responses to a new moral conflict assessment tool: A qualitative study.Soodabeh Joolaee, Deborah Cook, Jean Kozak & Peter Dodek - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1114-1124.
    Background Moral distress is a serious problem for health care personnel. Surveys, individual interviews, and focus groups may not capture all of the effects of, and responses to, moral distress. Therefore, we used a new participatory action research approach—moral conflict assessment (MCA)—to characterize moral distress and to facilitate the development of interventions for this problem. Aim To characterize moral distress by analyzing responses of intensive care unit (ICU) personnel who participated in the MCA process. Research Design In (...)
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  43.  38
    Islam and Women's Sexual Health and Rights in Senegal.Codou Bop - 2005 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 2 (1).
    The objective of this study is to analyse the tensions between conceptualizations about Islam, women's sexual health and rights in Senegal. Sexual rights are defined here as the right to choose a partner, the right to enjoy sex without fear of violence or disease, and the right to physical integrity. These rights are examined through legal, Islamic and International frameworks in the context of their relevance to Senegal. The general population's, and Ulamas', positions, attitudes and behaviours about these rights (...)
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  44. Ethical conflicts during the social study of clinical practice: the need to reassess the mutually challenging research ethics traditions of social scientists and medical researchers.Klaus Hoeyer, Lisa Dahlager & Niels Lynöe - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (1):41-45.
    When anthropologists and other social scientists study health services in medical institutions, tensions sometimes arise as a result of the social scientists and health care professionals having different ideas about the ethics of research. In order to resolve this type of conflict and to facilitate mutual learning, we describe two general categories of research ethics framing: those of anthropology and those of medicine. The latter focuses on protection of the individual through the preservation of autonomy expressed through (...)
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    Training Manual on Ethical and Human Rights Standards for Health Care Professionals: John Havard, London, BMJ Publishing Group, 1999, 71 pages, pound5.00. [REVIEW]Raymond Hoffenberg - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (1):67-67.
    This manual is designed to provide teaching modules on medical ethics for health care professionals in developing countries. The author acknowledges that, although there are common themes, their medical ethical dilemmas are often quite different from those which occur in developed countries and the approach needs to be somewhat less Western in orientation. Emphasis is properly given to topics such as AIDS/HIV and the status of women and children which create special local problems. Although universal principles of medical (...)
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    Integrating mental health professionals in residencies to reduce health disparities.Jocelyn Fowler, Max Zubatsky & Emilee Delbridge - 2017 - International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 52 (3):286-297.
    Health disparities in primary care remain a continual challenge for both practitioners and patients alike. Integrating mental health services into routine patient care has been one approach to address such issues, including access to care, stigma of health-care providers, and facilitating underserved patients’ needs. This article addresses examples of training programs that have included mental health learners and licensed providers into family medicine residency training clinics. Descriptions of these models at two Midwestern (...)
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    Navigating abortion law dilemmas: experiences and attitudes among Ethiopian health care professionals.Morten Magelssen, Jan Helge Solbakk, Viva Combs Thorsen & Demelash Bezabih Ewnetu - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundEthiopia’s 2005 abortion law improved access to legal abortion. In this study we examine the experiences of abortion providers with the revised abortion law, including how they view and resolve perceived moral challenges.MethodsThirty healthcare professionals involved in abortion provisions in Addis Ababa were interviewed. Transcripts were analyzed using systematic text condensation, a qualitative analysis framework.ResultsMost participants considered the 2005 abortion law a clear improvement—yet it does not solve all problems and has led to new dilemmas. As a main finding, the (...)
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  48.  25
    Health and social care workers’ professional values: A cross-sectional study.Piiku Pakkanen, Arja Häggman-Laitila, Miko Pasanen & Mari Kangasniemi - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):681-698.
    Background Professional values create a basis for successful collaboration and person-centred care in integrated care and services. Little is known about how different health and social care workers assess their professional values. Research aim To describe and compare professional value orientation among different health and social care workers in Finland. Research design A quantitative cross-sectional study. Participants and research context We carried out an online survey of health and social care workers from (...)
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    Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Prioritizing Patient Interests.Carolyn McLeod - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Conscience in Reproductive Health Care responds to the growing worldwide trend of health care professionals conscientiously refusing to provide abortions and similar reproductive health services in countries where these services are legal and professionally accepted. Carolyn McLeod argues that conscientious objectors in health care should prioritize the interests of patients in receiving care over their own interest in acting on their conscience. She defends this "prioritizing approach" to conscientious objection over the more (...)
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    Health Care in France: Recent Developments. [REVIEW]Herbert J. Geschwind - 1999 - Health Care Analysis 7 (4):355-362.
    Health care in France falls almost exclusively under theresponsibility of the Social Security department, which coversalmost all the expenditures related to health care,whether hospitalization or medication is concerned.For severe diseases or surgery the coverage is likelyto reach as much as 100%. The medical expendituresfor several severe diseases, such as cancer, myocardialinfarction, or neurodegenerative diseases are 100% coveredfor a period of time as long as three months. For some procedures, full coverage may be achieved by usinga subscription (...)
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